Immanuel · conditions--3? The Human...

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Transcript of Immanuel · conditions--3? The Human...

Immanuel College

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 2 of 34



Policy Statement 3

Related Documents, Appendices, Monitoring & Review 4 Introduction 5 First Aid Officer & First Aid Station / Boxes / Locations 5-6 Illness 6-7 Accident & Reporting to HSE (RIDDOR) 7-8 Arrangements for Pupils with Particular Medical Conditions 9 Reporting 9 School Accident & Illness Book 9 Accident report form 9 Reporting to Parents 10 Accidents involving Staff (including Fluid Risks, Legal & Personal Protective Equipment & Procedure) 10-12 Infection Control and Immunisations 12-13 Appendices: Appendix A – Pastoral Support/ Medical Form for Parents 13-16

Appendix B – How to administer an EpiPen 17-18

Appendix C – Head Injury Form 19

Appendix D – Informing Parents of Injury in Preparatory &

where appropriate in Senior School Form 20

Appendix E – Register of Qualified First Aiders and Paediatric First Aiders 21-26

Appendix F – First Aid Box Contents 27

Appendix G – When to call an ambulance 28-29

Appendix H – Accident & Illness Sheet 30-31

Appendix I – Human Flu Pandemic Policy Guidelines 32-33

Legal Requirements & Education Standards 34

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 3 of 34


Legal Status:

Complies at all times with Independent School Standards (England) 2014

Guidance on First Aid for Schools Best Practice Document published by the DfE

Complies with Reporting of Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)

Complies with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (amended 1997)

The school is mindful of its duty to report to the Health and Safety Executive (0845 3009923)

any instances that fall within the Reporting Injuries, Diseases or Dangerous Occurrences

Regulations Act 1995 (RIDDOR).

Health and Safety Executive, (

Health and Safety at Work Section I of the ISBA Model Staff Handbook,

Health and Safety and Welfare at Work Chapter N of the ISBA Bursar's Guide

Insurance- Chapter K of the Chief Operating Officer's Guide by HSBC Insurance Brokers Ltd

Vaccines, diseases and immunisations

Guidance issued from the Department for Health

The Human Medicines (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014

Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2019

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2017

Immanuel College, inclusive of the EYFS and the Preparatory School, has an Appointed Person for the

Health and Safety of the School’s employees and anyone else on the premises – this is the Bursar. This

includes all teaching and non-teaching staff, volunteers, children and visitors (including contractors).

They must ensure that a risk assessment of the School is undertaken and that the appointments,

training and resources for first aid arrangements are appropriate and in place

Applies to:

The whole School including the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) along with the out of school care including extra-curricular activities.

all staff (teaching and support staff), the Governors and volunteers working in the School.

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 4 of 34

Related Documents:

Medicines Policy

Medical conditions in School Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Bereavement Policy

Self-Harm Policy

Human Flu Pandemic Policy (Appendix I)


Appendix A – Medical Form for Parents

Appendix B – How to administer an EpiPen

Appendix C – Head Injury Form

Appendix D – Informing Parents of Injury in Preparatory and where appropriate in Senior

School Form

Appendix E - Register of Qualified First Aiders and Paediatric First Aiders

Appendix F – Contents of First Aid Boxes

Appendix G – When to call an ambulance

Appendix H – Accident & Illness Sheet

Appendix I – Human Flu Pandemic Policy Guidelines


This policy is on the school website and is also available to parents on request from the school

office. It is on the school intranet for staff.

Monitoring and Review:

To be continuously monitored and reviewed by the Head Master and the Chair of Governors.

The Chair of Governors and Head Master will formally review this policy by no later than one

year from the date shown below or earlier if changes in legislation, regulatory requirements

or best practice guidelines so require.

Amended: September 2019

Signed: Review due: October 2019

Gary Griffin Prof Anthony Warrens and Edward Misrahi

Head Master Joint Chairmen of the Board of Governors


Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 5 of 34

All companies are required by The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (amended 1997) to

provide trained first aid staff and treatment for staff in the event of injury or ill health at work.

Although the regulations only require the employer to provide cover for staff, it is the School’s policy

to extend this cover to children and visitors.


• To ensure that first aid provision is available at all times while people are on school premises, and

also off the premises whilst on school visits.

To provide First Aid treatment where appropriate for all users of the School (with particular

reference to pupils and staff)

To provide or seek secondary First Aid where necessary and appropriate.

To treat a casualty, relatives and others involved with care, compassion and courtesy.


• To appoint the appropriate number of suitably trained people as Appointed Persons and First

Aiders to meet the needs of the School

• To provide relevant training and ensure monitoring of training needs

• To provide sufficient and appropriate resources and facilities

• To inform staff and parents of the School’s First Aid arrangements

The First Aid Officer – Mrs Pam Young Ext: 616 (first aid mobile no: 07809 526 405)

has a full and current First Aid at Work Certificate. The EYFS Department is covered by key staff with

Paediatric First Aid Training Certificates. They are not, however, medically qualified and hence cannot

give medical advice. Both a full first aider and at least one paediatric first aider will always be on the

premises and a paediatric first aider will always accompany the EYFS children when using any specialist

College facilities and during any offsite activity/education visit.

The First Aid Officer (and their Administrative Support Team) is responsible for ensuring that:

The appropriate number of first-aid containers are available according to the risk

assessment of the site are available. See HSE guidelines on recommended and

mandatory contents.

All first-aid containers must be marked with a white cross on a green background

Each school bus must carry a first-aid container

First aid containers must accompany PE teachers off-site

First aid containers should be kept near to hand washing facilities

Spare stock should be kept in school.

Checking and restocking the first-aid containers is done

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 6 of 34

A pupil who feels unwell or is injured at school will be seen by the First Aid Officer or

an appropriate deputy who will respond in accordance with the standard procedure.

They notify relevant Heads of Section and the Designated Person i/c Child Protection

if they have any concerns about a child who is coming to see them or if they suspect

that a child is abusing the system

Records of attendances of visitors to the First Aid Room with dates, times and

treatment given are kept

Copies of forms sent home for head injuries and any other injuries that parents are

notified of are kept

There is a monthly review of the First Aid Logbook to check for any established

patterns that may be developing

All medical records are kept up-to date on SIMS and in hard copy

Those attending trips take the up-to-date records with them

First Aid Stations / Boxes are found in the :

A Block B Block C Block D Block G Block N Block Security hut

First Aid Room

B30 Staff Room Science Labs

G05 Science Labs

Front Reception

Kitchen Caretakers’ Office

Beit Midrash

PE Department

Bursar’s office

Sixth Form/LRC

Preparatory School Rec, 1,2,3,4,5,6 classrooms

Pastoral office

2 Prep Playgrounds

Art Room

1 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is available and located in the School Office in Aleph



When a pupil feels ill at School, they should be escorted to the First Aid Officer who will decide on

what action should be taken. It is the responsibility of the First Aid Officer (or their nominated

Deputies in the Front Office) who is responsible for deciding whether the pupil should be sent home

or sent to Hospital. They may also consult with the SLT and Pastoral team about this. In the very

unlikely event of the First Aid Officer, Senior Leadership Team and Pastoral Team all being absent, it

is incumbent on staff to act as a reasonable parent would act in the circumstances, i.e. they must fulfil

their duties “in loco parentis”.

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 7 of 34

1. If the illness is not severe and does not require treatment, the pupil may be invited to rest in

the Medical Room near the First Aid Officer’s Office until they feel better

2. If the First Aid Officer or a member of the Pastoral Team decides that a pupil should go home,

then a parent or guardian must be contacted to fetch the child. (Telephone contact lists are

held by the First Aid Officer, the Front Office and are on SIMS.)

3. If a pupil requires medication, the First Aid Officer may administer it according to the

guidelines within the School’s Medicine Policy.

4. If a severe illness or injury is suspected then the First Aid Officer or Deputy will take the child

to hospital or the emergency services will be called and administrative staff will contact the

parents to inform them. No child under 16 years old will travel in an ambulance

unaccompanied and they will stay with them until the parent arrives

5. If any issue arises during treatment or discussion with the child that the First Aid Officer feels

should be taken further, she will telephone or speak to the parents and/or the Child Protection

Officer or most appropriate member of staff.

6. Parental Responsibilities for Child Absences - Parents must be aware of the importance that

the School knows if any children are off school with illnesses such as diarrhoea and vomiting

and the recommendation is that pupils see their General Practitioner during the period of

absence. It is important that they should not return to school until free of symptoms for 48

hours. If a child is absent, then on the first day a telephone call must be made to the school

explaining the reason for absence. This must be followed up by a written note so that

‘authorised absence’ can be entered in the register.


1. Victims of accidents should be taken to the First Aid Officer where the same procedures

as given above will apply. However, if the accident is of such a nature that the victim

should not or cannot be moved the First Aid Officer and/or a qualified First Aider should

be contacted immediately.

2. Any accidents involving pupils which may have been preventable, or which arose out of,

or in connection with work, are to be recorded in the Accident Book or on an accident

form held by the First Aid Officer. Details of the accident should be recorded as promptly

as possible, together with names of any witnesses, while details are still fresh in the mind.

The Head Master and Deputy Head Pastoral (or, in their absence, a member of the SLT)

must be contacted immediately if the injury is of a serious nature.

3. Any injury that the First Aid Officer suspects might be a sign of self-harm must be reported

straight away to the Designated Person i/c Child Protection.

4. Members of staff who have an accident must always have the incident recorded in the

Staff Accident Book which is in the First Aid Office.

5. Any member of the school community who perceives that he or she is dealing with an

emergency requiring the immediate calling of an ambulance, for example, the onset of a

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 8 of 34

heart attack or stroke, should phone for an ambulance immediately rather than wait until

the First Aid Officer or a deputy first aider appears

6. Head Injuries - If a child sustains a head injury at school, the parents will always be

contacted by phone and via the ‘Head Injury Form’ which might be emailed or put in the

child’s bag/given to child, depending on their age (Appendix C). If it is a head injury that

gives cause for concern (ie the child feels dizzy/sick or has disturbed vision), both the

parents and the Deputy Head: Pastoral/Head of the Preparatory School and relevant HOS

will be informed by the First Aid Officer and if deemed necessary an Ambulance will be

called. The incident will be logged in the ‘medical record’ book.

7. The First Aid Officer is responsible for reporting accidents under RIDDOR guidelines.

Reporting to HSE (RIDDOR)

Statutory requirements: The School is legally required under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and

Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (SI 1995/3163) (RIDDOR) to report the following to the HSE

(most easily done by calling the Incident Contact Centre (ICC) on 0845 300 99 23):


Major injuries;

Over 7 day injuries;

An accident causing injury to students, members of the public or other people not at work;

A specified dangerous occurrence, where something happened which did not result in an injury,

but could have done - a ‘near miss’.

The Head Master of Immanuel College and the Head of the Preparatory School including EYFS must

keep a record of any reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence. This must include: the date

and method of reporting; the date, time and place of the event; personal details of those involved and

a brief description of the nature of the event or disease. This record can be combined with other

accident records.

The following accidents must be reported to the HSE involving employees or self-employed people

working on the premises:

• accidents resulting in death or major injury (including as a result of physical violence)

• accidents which prevent the injured person from doing their normal work for more than three days

• accidents resulting in the person being killed or being taken from the site of the accident to hospital

and the accident arises out of or in connection with work i.e. if it relates to;

• any school activity, both on or off the premises

• the way the school activity has been organised and managed

• equipment, machinery or substances

• the design or condition of the premises

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 9 of 34

HSE must be notified of fatal and major injuries and dangerous occurrences without delay. The Head

Master of Immanuel College and the Head of the Preparatory School including EYFS are responsible

for ensuring this happens, but may delegate the duty to the Chief Operating Officer who will report

the incident to HSE and also to our insurers

If a child is ill or injured on an offsite activity

A first aider with a first aid kit must be on all off-site activities in the Preparatory School including EYFS.

If a child is ill or injured during an offsite activity, arrangements may need to be changed. Therefore,

we always ensure there is enough supervision for the other children on the trip, so that the sick or

injured member of the group can be properly looked after.

Arrangements for Pupils with Particular Medical Conditions; see separate Medical Conditions



The First Aid Officer should complete a record of first aid provision. All injuries, accidents and illnesses,

however minor, must be reported to the First Aid Officer and they are responsible for ensuring that

the accident report forms and books are filled in correctly and that parents and HSE are kept informed

as necessary.

School Accident and Illness book:

All injuries, accidents, illnesses and dangerous occurrences (unless very minor in the view of the First

Aid Officer) must be recorded in the School Accident Book. Date, time and place of the event or illness

must be noted with the personal details of those involved with a brief description of the nature of the

event or illness. What happened to the injured or ill person immediately afterwards should also be

recorded. Records should be stored for at least 3 years or if the person injured is a minor (under 18),

until they are 21.

Accident report form:

The First Aid will fill in an accident report form for every serious or significant accident that occurs on

or off the School site if in connection with the School. This will be kept by the First Aid Officer. Records

should be stored for at least three years or if the person injured is a minor (under 18), until they are


Reporting to Parents:

In the event of accident or injury parents must be informed as soon as practicable. The member of

staff in charge at the time will decide how and when this information should be communicated, in

consultation with the Deputy Head Pastoral, Head of the Preparatory School or Head Master if

necessary. No pupil (including any Sixth Formers) will be permitted to leave school following any

injury or on grounds of sickness unless the First Aider has managed to make contact with the parent

or guardian. An email will be sent requesting permission for the child to be able to leave school in

the event that an adult cannot be contacted.

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 10 of 34

Accidents involving Staff:

Work related accidents resulting in death or major injury (including as a result of physical violence)

must be reported immediately (major injury examples: dislocation of hip, knee or shoulder;

amputation; loss of sight; fracture other than to fingers, toes or thumbs)

If a member of staff or visitor sustains a head injury, it is recommended that they see the doctor or

visit A and E. If circumstances dictated we would call an ambulance. All incidents are recorded in the

staff accident book. Work related accidents which prevent the injured person from continuing with

his/her normal work for more than 7 days must be reported within 10 days to RIDDOR.

Cases of work related diseases that a doctor notifies the School of (for example: certain poisonings;

lung diseases; infections such as tuberculosis or hepatitis; occupational cancer) must also be reported

as above

The death of a pupil, staff or visitor will be reported to Hertfordshire Local Authority and if in EYFS to

OFSTED (P13 of the Safeguarding Policy). Please also see Bereavement Policy.

Statutory accident records: The Head Master of Immanuel College must ensure that readily accessible

accident records, written or electronic, are kept for a minimum of seven years. He must ensure that a

record is kept of any first aid treatment given by first aiders or appointed persons. This should include:

• the date, time and place of incident

• the name (and class) of the injured or ill person

• details of their injury/illness and what first aid was given

• name and signature of the first aider or person dealing with the incident.

The Head Master of Immanuel College and the Head of the Preparatory School including EYFS must

have in place procedures for ensuring that parents are informed of significant incidents.

Fluid Risks The aim of this policy is to decrease the exposure risk to blood-borne and body fluid pathogens. Adherence to this policy is the responsibility of all staff who may come into contact with spillages of blood or other body fluids. All staff need to be aware of their personal responsibilities in preventing the spread of infection.

Disinfection aims to reduce the number of micro-organisms to a safe level. Whilst a variety of chemical

disinfectants is available, high concentration chlorine-releasing compounds provide an effective

method of treating body fluid spills with activity against a range of bacteria and viruses.

Legal position The School has a duty to protect its staff from hazards encountered during their work: this includes microbiological hazards (COSHH 2002). For the purposes of this policy, biohazards are defined as:


Respiratory and Oral Secretions

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 11 of 34




Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) All staff dealing with a biohazard spill are to ensure that they:

Wear a plastic disposable apron.

Wear disposable gloves.

If splash or spray is anticipated, protect eyes and mouth with goggles and mask (or full face


Wear protective footwear when dealing with extensive floor spillages.

Use the Body Fluid Disposal Kits provided by the school (not “just a cloth or mop”).

Always dispose of PPE and contaminated waste into a yellow clinical waste bag.

PPE is available from the Deputy Facilities Manager or First Aid Officer.


All staff dealing with a biohazard spill are to:

Take precautions so as not to come into contact with blood or body fluids, wet or dry, either

on themselves, their clothing or protective equipment. In particular avoid blood or body fluids

reaching the eyes or the areas inside the mouth and nose.

Wear appropriate PPE.

Use the Body Fluid Disposal Kits provided by the Deputy Facilities Manager, First Aid Officer

or cleaning staff or located at the First Aid Stations.

Place all soiled paper towel and gloves into a yellow clinical waste bag to be disposed of in an

approved manner.

Immediately after every clean-up of blood or body fluid, hands including arms to the elbow

must be washed with warm water and soap. This should be performed even if gloves have

been worn.

Wash all areas that have come into contact with blood.

All biohazard spills are to be reported to the Deputy Facilities Manager and School Health &

Safety Co-ordinator.

Basic hygiene procedures are followed by staff to upkeep hygiene standards and minimise the risk of

infections spreading:

hands must be washed before and after giving First Aid;

single-use disposable gloves must be worn when treatment involves blood or other body fluids;

any soiled dressings etc must be put in a clinical waste bag and disposed of appropriately;

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 12 of 34

any body fluids on the floor should have absorbent granules sprinkled on them and be swept up

with the designated dustpan and brush. If possible the area should be bleached;

soiled children’s clothes are placed in a plastic bag and fastened securely ready to take home;

body fluid spillages on hard surfaces should be cleaned up and then bleached and

exposed cuts and abrasions should always be covered.

Infection Control

Good hygiene practice will be followed by all those involved with:

General cleaning Cleaning of blood and body fluid spillages Clinical waste Laundry Use of personal protective equipment

Bites, injuries and sharps:

Where skin is broken, make the wound bleed and wash thoroughly with soap and water. Then report to the First Aid Officer


Animals can carry infections, so always wash hands after any contact When visiting farms check hand washing facilities and ensure that children do not eat or drink

whilst touring the farm, or put fingers into mouths etc. Use waterproof plasters to protect any cuts or grazes not covered by clothes. Extra supplies of Antiseptic hand gel and Antiseptic wipes are always included in the School’s First Aid Kit when visiting Farms, Zoos, Parks and on Field Trips.

Vulnerable Children

Some medical conditions make children vulnerable to infections that would not normally be serious by reducing immunity. These may include cancers and those on steroids. Such individuals are particularly vulnerable to chickenpox and measles. If they are exposed contact the First Aid Officer immediately.

Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox and therefore anyone who has not had chickenpox is potentially vulnerable if they have had contact with a case of shingles.

If in any doubt seek advice from the First Aid Officer.


If a pregnant woman develops a rash or is in direct contact with someone with a potentially infectious rash then the First Aid Officer should be contacted immediately. Points to consider include:

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 13 of 34

German measles (rubella). If a pregnant woman comes into contact with German Measles she should inform her GP and ante-natal carer immediately.

Slapped cheek disease (Parvovirus B19) can occasionally affect an unborn child. Any potential exposure should be reported to the ante-natal carer.

Chickenpox can affect the pregnancy if a woman has not already had the infection. Any potential exposure should be reported to the GP and ante-natal carer.


Girls in Year 8 are offered the HPV vaccine in school and this is run and administered by the NHS for those pupils who have written consent from their parents.

Year 9 and10 pupils are offered the Men ACWY and Td/IPV vaccine in school and this is run and administered by the NHS for those pupils who have written consent from their parents.




(Please be assured that all information will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be discussed

with your child or anyone other than the Head of Section, Deputy Head Pastoral or Head of Preparatory

School without your permission. It is very helpful to know this information to ensure that we can support

your child in the most appropriate and thorough way during their time at Immanuel College).



Name of Child_______________________________________ Male/ Female_________

YEAR GROUP ___________

Date of Birth____________________

Home Telephone No: (including full code) _____________________________________

Parent(s) Mobile Number(s) in order of priority; (please state relationship to child).


Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 14 of 34


It is a legal requirement that the school holds all medical information on a pupil. It is the

responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school in writing of all changes to medical


1. Has your child had any recent illness? If so, what? _____________________________________________________________________

2. Does your child have a medical condition? Is your child on regular medication and if so what?



Has your child any medical condition/allergies, food(s) or otherwise, e.g. asthma, hay fever etc.,

adverse drug reaction, e.g. penicillin? If so does he/she require any medication for this, e.g.

EpiPen. Do you consent for this to be given if necessary? PLEASE ENSURE THAT TWO NAMED




3a If your child takes regular medication for hay fever or allergies and should it be necessary do you

consent for this to be given during school time?

YES / NO* *Please delete as appropriate

3. If necessary (e.g. headache, menstrual pain etc.) do you consent to your child being given Paracetamol*. Preparatory School only Calpol* please delete as appropriate.


4. Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD? YES / NO _________________ and if your child takes regular medication please give details


Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 15 of 34

Parental consent and administration of medication by Immanuel College staff

Should it be necessary for any other medication to be administered in school i.e. antibiotics please

note that:

Medication is in the original container in which it was dispensed. The original dispensing label must be intact and all necessary instructions clearly visible.

The name of the person for whom the medication was prescribed is clearly displayed on the label.

The dosage and frequency of the medication is clearly displayed on the label.

The route of administration is clearly displayed on the label.

The expiry date is clearly displayed on the label.

Permission to administer medication form has been signed and given to the First Aid Officer


If you are not available in an emergency, please give an alternative contact from those indicated overleaf, i.e. grandparent, aunt, uncle, family friend.

Name____________________ Tel No: ________________________________

Please state relationship to child_____________________________________


Name of Family Doctor______________________________________________________

Practice Name and address___________________________________________________

____________________________ Tel No:______________________________


Please inform us if your child has any social, emotional, mental health or other special

educational needs, to ensure that we can work together to best support your child.

This may include if your child is/or has received any support from outside agencies e.g.

Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist etc. Please give details

including names of any external specialists that may be currently helping your child.


Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 16 of 34


Name of child: ______________________________________________________

I declare that the information provided in this Form is correct.

I authorise the College to permit the above named child to engage in all activities, except as notified

in writing by me.

In the event of an emergency, if I or the person named as the emergency contact, cannot be

contacted, I hereby give authority to the member of staff in charge to secure medical treatment

for my child, which may include hospitalisation, injection, anaesthesia or surgery.

I / We have read this Pastoral Support Form.

I / We acknowledge that the personal and sensitive personal data contained in this form is

necessary to the safeguarding and welfare of the child.

I / We consent to the collection, processing and storage of my / our personal and sensitive

personal data pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulations and the Data

Protection Act 2018.

Name of Parent/Guardian (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE) ___________________________

Signature of mother_________________________ Date_____________

Signature of father_________________________ Date______________

Signature of pupil (if 13 years or over)_____________________________


Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 17 of 34

Appendix B : Administration of Epipens

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 18 of 34

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 19 of 34

Appendix C


On ____________ your child __________________________ sustained a head injury. Initial

assessment by the First Aid Officer has shown that the pupil has shown no signs of concussion. Please

keep a watchful eye for 48 hrs.

Pam Young (First Aid Officer) Please email a copy of this sheet home.


In keeping with current A&E guidance, however, you are advised to monitor your child’s condition

over the next 48 hrs and to seek medical help should any of the following be noted:

Unusual drowsiness or inability to rouse your child


Seizure activity

Severe headache which is not relieved by Paracetamol


Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 20 of 34

Appendix D – Informing Parents of Injury Form

Date: _______________________

Dear Parent,

This is to inform you that today ____________________________ was taken to see

our First Aid Officer, as s/he________________________________________


The course of treatment was____________________________________________


We have recorded the incident in our Accident & Illness Book.

________________________ has been fine for the rest of the day.

Yours sincerely,

Name in block capitals please:___________________________

First Aid Officer/Designated Deputy First Aider

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 21 of 34

APPENDIX E: First Aiders List and First Aid Box Locations – updated 10/09/19 NAME APPOINTMENT COURSE DATE Ext No:


Pam Young First Aid Officer St John

Ambulance 1st Aid

at Work

3 & 4/07/17 3/07/20

Aleph Block

x616 (first aid

mobile - 07809

526 405)

Pam Young

First Aid officer St John


Paediatric 1st Aid

02/02/17 01/02/20 Aleph Block

x616 (first aid

mobile - 07809

526 405)

Pam Young First Aid Officer St John




01/02/18 31/01/21 Aleph Block

x616 (first aid

mobile -07809

526 405)

Lesley Gold Administrative


St John

Ambulance 1st Aid

at work

30/05/18 29/05/21 427/429

Lesley Gold Administrative


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

09/05/18 08/05/21 427/429

Lisa Fisher Administrative


St John

Ambulance 1st Aid

at Work

30/05/18 29/05/21 427/429

Debbie Myers Administrative


St John


Paediatric 1st Aid

02/02/17 01/02/20 427/429

Rochelle Freedman

Head of Pupil

Pastoral Office

Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

18/10/17 17/10/20 467

Pupil Pastoral


Sheena Murphy Science Technician Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

09/05/18 08/05/21 436

Muhammad Rahman Science Technician Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First Aid

at Work

09/05/18 08/05/21 436

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 22 of 34

Lesley Peacock Art Teacher Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

17/04/18 16/04/21

Stephen Levey Head of Music Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

17/04/18 16/04/21 600

Lee Raby Geography


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

29/06/17 28/06/20 606

Caroline Ezekiel Geography


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

17/04/18 16/04/21 614

Danny Baigel Director of Jewish


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

18/10/17 17/10/20 437

Rosalind Reindorp Learning Support

SEN Department

Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

29/06/17 28/06/20 494

Bradley Conway

Beit HaMidrash Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

29/06/17 28/06/20 462/625

Hannah Goldstein Beit HaMidrash Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years)

04/01/17 03/01/20 471

Tamar Hershko Jewish Studies


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

17/04/18 16/04/21 445

Na’ama Filakov Jewish Studies


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

17/04/18 16/04/21 608

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 23 of 34

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

Phil Monaghan Head of Physical


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

29/06/17 28/06/20 491/492

Emily Balsam Sports Assistant Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

17/04/18 16/04/21 491/492

Emma Whyte Physical Education


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

18/10/17 17/10/20 491/492

Lauren Burns Physical Education


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

29/06/17 28/06/20 491/492

Adam Gooch Physical Education


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

17/04/18 16/04/21 491/492

Robert Hammond

Physical Education

Teacher /

Assistant Head of

Sixth Form

Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

29/06/17 28/06/20 580

Lorraine Conetta Physical Education


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

18/10/17 17/10/20 491/492

Sharron Shackell Director of Sixth


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

29/06/17 28/06/20 623

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 24 of 34

Claire Shooter Head of Spanish/

Head of Year 7

Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

18/10/17 17/10/20 603

Sarah Perlberg Head of French /

Assistant Head of

Upper School

Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years)

04/01/17 03/01/20 431

Nicola Fahidi Head of MFL St John


Emergency First

Aid at Work

17/06/19 16/06/22 601

Helen Stephenson-


Head of


St John


Emergency First

Aid at Work

12/07/19 11/07/22 627



Jacyn Fudge Deputy Head of

Prep School

Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

18/10/17 17/10/20 526

Nechama Lieberman Prep School J.S.


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

18/10/17 17/10/20 457

Vanessa Lawee Prep School


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

17/04/18 16/04/21

Jane Marks Prep School


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years)

04/01/17 03/01/20 Aleph Block

Samantha Rosenthal Prep School


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years)

04/01/17 03/01/20 Aleph Block

Gemma Buckland Prep School


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years)

04/01/17 03/01/20 Aleph Block

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 25 of 34

Please note that the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is located by the

School Office in Aleph Block.

First Aid Stations / Boxes are found in the:

A Block B Block C Block D Block G Block N Block Security Hut

First Aid Room

B30 Staff Room Science Labs

G05 Science Labs

Security Hut

Front Reception

Kitchen Caretakers’ Office

Beit HaMidrash

Rec, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 classrooms

PE Department

Bursar’s Office

Sixth Form/LRC

Jonathan Sumroy Prep School


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years)

09/05/18 08/05/21 Aleph Block

Rabbi Moshe


Deputy Head of

Prep School:

Director of Jewish

Life & Learning

Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years)

04/01/17 03/01/20 449

Claire Franks Prep School


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years)

04/01/17 03/01/20 Aleph Block

Naomi Goldberg Prep School


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years)

04/01/17 03/01/20 Aleph Block

Hayley Goldman

Prep School

Lunch Assistant

Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

29/06/17 28/06/20 Dining Hall

Stephanie Posner Prep After School


Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years)

09/05/18 08/05/21 Reception Class



Caretaker Safe & Sound

Paediatric 1st Aid

(up to 18 years) &

Emergency First

Aid at Work

18/10/17 17/10/20 591

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 26 of 34

2 Prep Playgrounds

Pastoral Office

Art Room


41 First Aid Trained Staff 38 are Paediatric Trained staff

8 Anaphylaxis Trained Staff



Claire Shooter Deputy Head


Anaphylaxis 12/06/19

Dawn Goulde Photography


Anaphylaxis 12/06/19

Dalia Freedman MFL Teacher Anaphylaxis 12/06/19

Sarah Perlberg Assistant Head

of Upper


Anaphylaxis 12/06/19

Vicky Arnold Joint Head of

Year 7

Anaphylaxis 12/06/19

Nicola Fahidi Head of MFL Anaphylaxis 12/06/19




Head of


Anaphylaxis 12/06/19

Naomi Amdurer Head of Middle


Anaphylaxis 12/06/19

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 27 of 34

Appendix F: First Aid Kit

The First Aid box is identifiable with a white cross on a green background and contains a supply of in-

date equipment.

First Aid Box Contents

As there are no mandatory list of items that should be included in a first aid container, the HSE

guidelines have been followed to ensure the kit includes:

A leaflet giving general guidance on first aid (for example HSE leaflet ‘Basic Advice on First Aid at


Two sterile eye pads

Four individually wrapped triangular bandages (preferably sterile);

Six safety pins

Six medium sized individually wrapped sterile un-medicated wound dressings - approximately 12

cm x 12 cm

Two large sterile individually wrapped un-medicated wound dressings - approximately 18 cm x 18


One pair of disposable gloves

One pair blunt ended scissors

Where mains tap water is not readily available for eye irrigation, at least a litre of sterile water or

sterile normal saline (0.9%) in sealed, disposable containers should be provided. Once the seal has

been broken, the containers should not be kept for reuse.

Plasters, single and strip

Antiseptic wipes

Antiseptic hand gel

Sterile gauze

Eye washes

Face masks

Also stored in the Medical Room are:

A blanket

Adhesive tape


Individually wrapped moist wipes

Plasters (various sizes) as well as additional supplies of disposable gloves, dressings, plasters,

safety pins and eye washes

Emergency Inhalers and Spacers

Spare Epipens

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 28 of 34

Appendix G: Guidance on when to call an Ambulance An emergency 999 ambulance should be called when a qualified First Aider has assessed a casualty

and deemed it necessary to do so based upon the knowledge acquired through their training. Usually

this will be for casualties with the following problems:

any instance in which it would be dangerous to approach and treat a casualty


not breathing

not breathing normally and this is not relieved by the casualty’s own medication

severe bleeding

head, neck or spinal injury

injury sustained after a fall from a height (> 2 metres)

injury sustained from a sudden impact delivered with force (e.g. car knocking a person over)

suspected fracture to a limb

anaphylaxis (make sure to use this word when requesting an ambulance in this case)

seizure activity that is not normal for the casualty, especially after emergency medication has

been administered

symptoms of a heart attack or stroke

rapid deterioration in condition despite the casualty not initially being assessed as requiring

an ambulance


If, for whatever reason, a qualified First Aider is not available, the above guidelines should be used.

How to call for an emergency ambulance

Should the need arise for an emergency ambulance to be summoned, the First Aider should:

remain calm

ask a bystander to call 999 or 112 and, when prompted for which service is required, ask for

an ambulance. * Should a bystander not be available it may be necessary for First Aiders to

leave the casualty and make the call themselves, relaying this information to the operator

the caller should be ready to provide details of their name, telephone number, address and

exact location within the site

ambulances should be asked to come to ‘Immanuel College, Elstree Road, Hertfordshire,

WD23 4EB and, if possible, it should be arranged for a member of staff or bystander who

knows the location of the casualty to meet the ambulance on arrival

the caller should relay the condition of the casualty, as assessed by the First Aider, and how

the casualty came to be in this condition

the caller should provide details of the number of casualties along with names, age and gender

if these details are known

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 29 of 34

the caller should communicate any dangers or hazards into which the ambulance may be


the caller should stay on the line with the emergency operator until they have cleared the line

the caller should return to the casualty immediately after the call to inform the First Aider that

an ambulance is on the way and to bring a First Aid Kit, blanket and AED if necessary.

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is

our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 30 of 34

Appendix H

PREPARATORY/SENIOR SCHOOL - MEDICAL SHEET – please complete all columns

Date Name of Pupil (Block Capitals)

Tutor Group/ Class

Time Nature of illness/ accident (location if appropriate)

First Aid Administered (Details)

Parents contact-ed/Injury Note Sent Home

Pupil sent Home/ Hospital/Back to Lesson(s) /Time sent

Deputy Head Pastoral/ Head of Prep School/ teacher to be notified via email

Additional Information/ Notes (Also see sheet overleaf)

Name of attending First Aider (Block Capitals)

Name of Pupil & Form (in block capitals please)

Additional Notes/Follow up

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is

our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 31 of 34

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 32 of 34

Appendix I: Human Flu Pandemic: Policy Guidance 1 Scope

This guidance is applicable to all those involved in responding to a classified flu pandemic. Pandemic flu is different from ordinary flu as it occurs when a new flu virus emerges into the population and spreads rapidly from person to person worldwide. As a new virus it is unlikely that there would be immunity to it or that there would be a vaccine available. Health Protection Agency ("HPA") advice forms the basis of this guidance.

2 Objectives

2.1 To ensure that the health of pupils and staff is appropriately considered and action is implemented during a pandemic

2.2 To have appropriate procedures in place for managing such an incident

2.3 That suitable communication is maintained during an incident

3 Guidance

3.1 The Bursar will be responsible for the implementation of this policy.

3.2 The symptoms of pandemic flu are similar to those of seasonal flu, but are likely to be more severe, these being:

fever, cough / shortness of breath aching muscles, sore throat, headache, loss of appetite, malaise, chills sneezing

3.3 The incubation period is 1-4 days, the infectious period up to 7 days

3.4 The school recognises that children are efficient "spreaders" of respiratory infections and that plans are required for both school closure and the school remaining open.

3.5 The Head Teacher will decide on whether to close a school after taking advice from the HPA. The Government may decide to close schools through the Civil Contingencies Committee and would communicate with the school where necessary

3.6 Children with symptoms of severe flu will be isolated from other children (making use of the Medical Centre) until a parent arrives to take them home (unless otherwise advised). Where children or members of staff exhibit symptoms of severe flu at home they should not come into school. Staff and children should not return to school until they are clear of all symptoms.

3.7 If a pandemic is declared by the HPA, where applicable, the school will normally expect parents to collect their children as normal at the end of the school day. Where possible parents would be

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 33 of 34

contacted during the course of the day, otherwise they will be given information when they collect their children at the end of the day or children will be given letters to take home.

3.8 Where a school stays open during a pandemic, the school will:

follow good hygiene practice and isolate staff / children experiencing flu like symptoms have an emergency supplies box and parental contact list solely for use during the pandemic

3.9 To reduce the risk of spread, hygiene measures will include:

staff training in this guidance and in infection control regular hand washing; during a pandemic special hand cleanser will be available in every

classroom and at the main school entrance, with staff ensuring regular use. additional tissues will be provided within all school areas and children encouraged to use and

dispose of them carefully. the cleaning contractor will be asked to provide additional cleaning of hard surfaces the sharing of pencils, crayons and pens will be discouraged. Communal soft toys will be

removed. musical instruments will be carefully cleaned, with no sharing of wind / brass instruments avoiding bringing children together in large crowds in enclosed spaces pupils will eat lunches in classrooms curriculum and assembly time will include education to children regarding personal hygiene posters on hand washing, etc will be displayed prominently within the school after school clubs, lettings to external organisations, school trips and pre-school facility usage

will be cancelled. the Medical Centre will be used as an isolation room

3.10 Reopening the school:

following a closure of the school, update information will be shared with parents, eg school website, noticeboard, local radio etc

prior to reopening the school will take advice from the HPA regarding the level of cleaning required throughout the school

once reopen, staff will keep a close check on pupils and report any concerns to the Head Teacher who will liaise with the HPA.

3.11 Information to be communicated will include:

Staff / Governors o infection control guidance o use of personal protective equipment when supervising an ill child o familiarisation with any school Flu Planning document and recommendations o display of Department of Health posters on hand washing and coughs & sneezes

Pupils o guidance on personal hygiene o guidance on display of Department of Health posters

Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and

expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all pupils fulfil their potential. Page 34 of 34

Parents o global email message o telephone call co-ordinated by Year Group o school website o local radio stations o template letters regarding closure and reopening

Legal Requirements & Education Standards


A: Handbook for the Inspection of Schools - The Regulatory Requirements, Part 3 (

B: Reference Guide to The Key Standards in Each Type of Social Care Service inspected by Ofsted (

C: Health and Safety at Work, Section I of the ISBA Model Staff Handbook,

D: Health and Safety and Welfare at Work, Chapter N of the ISBA Bursar's Guide

E: Insurance, Chapter K of the Chief Operating Officer's Guide by HSBC Insurance Brokers Ltd

F: Schools and Children's services guidance documents

G: Government wide Department of Health planning documents (

H: Health Protection Agency documents