Immaculate Conception

Post on 27-Jan-2021

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Transcript of Immaculate Conception

  • Immaculate Conception Church

    2310 Robertson Avenue, Norwood, OH 45212 Telephone: [513] 731-8771

    Emergency only: [513] 382 -1200

    Easter Sunday “He is risen!”

    Please keep in your prayers: Deceased: Dorothy Alban, Fr. Roland Hautz, Catherine Fiore, JoAnn and Michelangelo Pedi-cini, J. Nies, G. Percy, R. Ackerman, M. Foley, M. Penner, A. Hayden, G. Kennedy, T. Airgood, G. Lochor, G.Bolte,J . Kelbley, W.Martin,D. Wolf, Fr. Collins, F. Eichler, A. DeTar, B. Leininger, S. Lavery, J. Donohoe, A. Marshall, M.L. Duerr, R. Hutchinson, I. Sarlo, A. Reed, M. McCune, D. Meyers, M. Bochkor, S. Reen, P. Patton, C. Storch, M. Morow, B. Lutkehaus, D. Votruba, A. Dewel, C. Nies, R. Tihista, T. Gripshover, M. Miller, Fr. D. Cooper, R. Regner, H. Gentry, J. Snyder, P.&C. Dye, C. Feibusch, M/M. Schappacher, J. Ackerman, M.Klinec, K.Ackerman, S.Uribe, F.Gaskins, M.Derksen, R.Greenwell, C.Zint, E.Bowman, R.Hebert, K&J.DiMartino, W.King, C.Newman, J.Kemmerer, E.Howard, R.Murphy, Sr. Marilyn, R.Faith, W.Lee, R.Petrilli, N.Nies, M.Peter, J.Schmitz, T&N.Schoech, T.Skierka, Sr.M.Dolorosa, W&L.Kotylo, T.Lichter, M.Lemmick, R.Desborough, J.Calwell, W.Cicatelli, C.Kraft, A.Heller, D.May, W.Reist, M.Bumb, P.Hunt, C.Dale, O.Hawes, I.McCoy, A.Wietholter, M.Marshall, T.Maguire, B.Baumberger, E.Frizzell, J.Santay, A.Priest, Wm.Jenkins, D.Hayden, J.Carso, E.Gorey, S.McQuillen, Z.Hauser, A.Kurtz, M/M Casanova, E.Davis, A.Macek, R.Sitar, D.Kemmerer, M.Abraham, T.Vuksta, A.Huizar, R.Condit, Sr.M.Cecilia, C.Smith, A.Birch, J.Hannikman, M.Kunkel, R.Shawhan, L.Brugger, M.Shiver, J. Whatmough. R.DeLawder. R.Cole, Ill and injured: Bishop Kelly, Mother Mary Bosco, J .Baumberger, D.Veitkus, B.Shawhan, R.F iore, E.Hamlin, J .Ring, M/M Kramer, G.Hubley, D.Johnson, J.Capetillo, M.Connelly, T.Jordan, J.Evans,Sr. Fr.Berry & parents, K.Cline, M.Shawhan, M/M Wildt, Tina J., N. Boylson, S. Smith, Fr. Jenkins, Fr. Greenwell, Fr. Buckley, J. Marsh,A. Bermudez,M. Mathiasen, R. Gorey, B. Lyons, L.Haughey, J. Nosko, T. Herrington, D.Windisch, babies J. Wittman, B. Mueller, James & Rosa Maria, child C. Sauer, P. Bendel, S. Lech, A. Strouse, L. & D. Lamping, Theresa, B.Piersall, S.Stephenson,Y.Kramer,L.Veitkus, R.&C. Lurker, J. McMahon, M.Evans, S. Field, J. Sapp, J . Reyes, M. & S. Egbers, S&S Keenan, G. H. Burger , C.Herman, G. Yeager , Lise Mullen.

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    “Let us be glad and bear with patience everything the world throws at us, secure in the knowledge that it is then that we are most in the mind of God.” St. Basil the Great

    Sunday (Apr il 12): Easter Sunday 5:30 a.m. Low Mass — Intention: Benefactors 7:15 a.m. Low Mass — Intention: Family 9:00 a.m. Low Mass — Intention: Priests

    Monday (Apr il 13): Easter Monday Call for Mass time. — Intention: Novena (3) Tuesday (Apr il 14): Easter Tuesday Call for Mass time. — Intention: Novena (4) Wednesday (Apr il 15): Easter Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Requiem Mass — Intention: +Dorothy Alban Thursday (Apr il 16): Easter Thursday 8:00 a.m. Low Mass — Intention: (Novena 6)

    Friday (April 17): Easter Friday — St. Anicetus, Pope & Martyr 5:15 p.m. Confessions (also after Mass 6:00 p.m. Low Mass — Intention: Novena (7) Saturday (Apr il 18): Easter Saturday 8:00 a.m. Low Mass — Intention: Novena (8)

    Sunday (Apr il 19): Low Sunday 7:00 a.m. Low Mass — Intention: Novena (9) 9:00 a.m. High Mass — Intention: +Jean Wallace by Anthony Termotto 11:30 a.m. Low Mass — Intention: Special Intention** 5:00 p.m. Low Mass — Intention: Special Intention**

    NB: All sacred functions and times are subject to change due to prevailing conditions and mandates. Announcements concerning changes will be posted at the website. Call Mrs. Lawson or Mr. Harrison for information. There will also be general notification by email.

    Monday Call for Mass time.

    Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Low Mass: A. Shawhan / G. Shawhan

    Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Requiem Mass: M. Brueggemann / N. Brueggemann

    Thursday 8:00 a.m. Low Mass: To. Shawhan / St. Shawhan 8:00 p.m. Holy Hour: W. Shawhan / A. McClorey

    Friday 6:00 p.m. Low Mass: I. Schoech / R. Bales

    Saturday 8:00 a.m. Low Mass: F. Shawhan / Do. Shawhan

    Sunday 7:00 a.m. / 9:00 a.m. / 11:30 a.m. / 5:00 p.m. — Servers will be notified.

  • ●To take part in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sodality’s Living Rosary, please go to the Sodality’s website.

    Collections & Contributions

    Sunday, April 5th: $9,500.25

    Please remember the Church and the Academy in your Last

    Will and Testament.

    The 24-hour Rosary Crusade begins tonight at midnight.

    Announcements: + Holy Communion: One hour before weddings and funerals (please be kneeling at the Communion rail at that time) + “What Catholics Believe” has a new website of its own: WWW.WCBOHIO.COM – Please use this to access all programs, which now number more than700, with almost 1,990,000 views and more than 8,500 subscr ibers. Thanks for your support! + Catholics believe that the church is the House of Prayer and that the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle is the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, His body and blood, soul and divinity. Therefore, we rightly require that all who enter this church show great respect by the way they behave and the way they dress. + Traditional standards of dress require that ladies wear dresses, or full skirts and blouses. Hemlines must be long enough to touch the floor when kneeling, and to reach at least below the kneecap when standing or sitting. Necklines must be no more than two finger-widths below the collarbone. Slit skirts are not acceptable (a skirt is too tight if it needs to be slit to allow walk ing). Ladies are also required to wear a suitable head-covering while in church. Women wearing slacks, sleeveless dresses (including “capped” sleeves, which are not sleeves at all) or low necklines are not suitably dressed to receive Holy Com- munion. They should not even enter the church if their dress is immodest. + Gentlemen also must wear modest and decent clothing in church. Men must wear dress slacks and dress shirt, preferably with suit coat and tie. If their attire is immodest or indecent, they should not enter the church. + Flip-flops, shorts, sweats, and T-shirts are not acceptable attire in the church. The wearing of revealing, tight-fitting and trans parent garments of sheer material is forbidden. + Please do not come to receive Holy Communion at this church today if you do not meet these standards. Rather, please return more appropriately attired. Furthermore: Anyone who adheres to the erroneous teachings of Father Leonard Feeney and Saint Benedict Center (denying the Church’s teaching concerning “baptism of desire” and “baptism of blood”), or who worships at religious services conducted by any of the Thuc bishops and their clergy, must not receive Holy Communion at Immaculate Conception Church. Please discuss this with our priests. + No one may carry a firearm (CCW) at the church or school without written authorization signed by Fr. Jenkins. +Pray for Matthew Shawhan, Dave Windisch, Robert Gorey, James Ring, Rossana Fiore, Daniel Veitkus, Laura Veitkus, Stuart Field, Jonathan Sapp, Blaise Mueller, Jonah Wittman and Cash Herman. +Confirmation testing has been postponed to a later date. + Save the date for the young adult get-together in Cincinnati Wed., June 10, 2020 through Sun., June 14. For more information, contact Julianna Butler at nanaknew13@hot or 859-743-2057. + The men of The Holy Name Society invite men of Immaculate Conception to join them. Please contact Mr. Montesano. +Retreats at St. Thomas Aquinas Retreat Center: Ladies’ Retreat -5:00 PM June 17 through noon June 20; Men’s Retreat -5:00 PM June 24 through noon June 27. + The boys’ camp will take place Thursday, July 16 until July 26, and the girls camp will run from July 27 until August 2. Round Top retreats: Ladies’ retreat May 15-18 given by the Daughters of Mary. Call 518-622-9833. + Anyone hoping to enroll a child in the ICA Kindergarten for the 2020-2021 school year must contact the school office by April 17. + By mandate of Governor DeWine, all schools in the State of Ohio are closed until further notice. Academy stu- dents are following their classes online and, if they keep up with their assigned work, they should graduate from their current grade levels by the end of May. Pray this affliction passes quickly! + Please consult and observe the Ohio State Health Director’s order concerning “social distancing” re- quirements “at all times and as much as reasonably possible (Section 1).”

    Mass Intentions for the Week:

    Fr. Jenkins:

    Sunday (April 12): As listed on front page. / Monday (4/13) M/M Dan Roosa / Tuesday(4/14) Bishop Kelly / Wednesday (4/5) / Thursday (4/16) M/M Kevin Law-son / Friday(4/17) +Fritz Eichler by D. Cole / Saturday (4/18) +Fritz Eichler by D. Cole / Sunday (4/19) Emily Urling by Tina Nies; Special Intention*

    Fr. Greenwell: Sunday (4/12): Novena (2); Special Intention** Monday (4/13) through Sunday (April 19): As listed on front page.

    ● To access Sunday Mass at Immaculate Conception Church on-line by livestream, go to, go to videos, and click on Holy Mass livestream.. ●For those who prefer the convenience: to make contributions on-line, please go to, set up an account, and search for Immaculate Conception Norwood @icaohio. +Easter Duty: By Church precept, to be considered a practicing Catholic, one must receive Holy Communion worthily at least once during the Easter Season, which extends from Ash Wednesday to Trinity Sunday.

    Regina Coeli

    (To be prayed in place of “The Angelus” at 6:00 a.m., 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m. each day) V. Queen of Heaven, rejoice! Alleluia! R. For He Whom thou didst deserve to bear. Alleluia! V. Hath risen as He said! Alleluia! R. Pray for us to God! Alleluia! V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary! Alleluia! R. For the Lord is truly risen! Alleluia! Let us pray: O God, Who, through the resurrection of Thy Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, hath vouchsafed to give joy to the whole word, grant we beseech Thee, that through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, His mother, may attain to the joys of eternal life. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen!

    Easter Flower Memorials Bernard & Rita Brueggemann, Larry Brueggemann by Mary Brueggemann Kyle Ormomd by Anne Burger M/M Frank Donohoe, M/M Chester Long, Edward Donohoe by M./M Mark Donohoe Deceased of the Federspiel and Fleming Families, Catherine Fiore, Gerard Kennedy by M/M Nick Federspiel M/M James Gibbs & Deceased Parishioners by Diane Gibbs M/M William Jaeger, Sr. by M/M George Burger Stanley & Wilma Schappacher by M/M Damon Harrison Members of the Stickel & Johnson Families by M/M Adam Johnson Deceased Family Members & I. C. C. Parishioners by the Lawson Family Susan McQuillen, Fr. Andrew Bonet by Glenn McQuillen SSgt. Steven Nelson, Sue Lavery, Catherine Fiore by the Primett Family Mel & Jenny Clark by Jackie Regner Deceased Relatives by Richard Rentschler Deceased Parishioners by the Rybarczyk Family Special Intentions by Chris Ritze Thomas & Nathan Schoech, Clyde Cline & Dennis Tighe by Cecilia Schoech Godparents, Confirmation Sponsor, M/M Pedicini, Family by Pat Stickel M/M Vernon Winner, Deceased Family & I. C. C. Parishioners by M/M Michael Winner

    Father Jenkins and Father Greenwell wish a Blessed Easter Season to all members and benefactors

    of Immaculate Conception Church and Immaculate Conception Academy.

    May God bless you all!