IMHO Canada ENewsletter July 2011

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July 2011 IMHO Canada enewsletter

Transcript of IMHO Canada ENewsletter July 2011

Update on IMHO Canada Efforts

E-Newsletter Issue #15 July 2011

In This Issue

*Education is Top Concern for Resettled Families*

*Update on IMHO USA Efforts in Sri Lanka*

*Medicines Shipment Sent to Gondar Hospital in Ethiopia*

*Diabetes Book to Benefit Jaffna Hospital Now for Sale*

*Upcoming Events*

Education is a Top Concern for Many Families across the Resettled Areas in Sri Lanka

As families displaced by the war continue to return to their native areas throughout Northeast Sri Lanka, most are finding that they essentially have to start over. With the destruction of homes, schools, roads, and much more throughout the protracted conflict, the rebuilding process is going to be long and full of incredible challenges. One of the most acute needs repeatedly emphasized by local partners at the ground is that of rehabilitating the local educational infrastructure amongst the resettled areas. IMHO has supported a number of smaller efforts in this regard, helping to supply students with notebooks, book bags, school supplies, and bicycles, as well as helping to fund after-school tuition centers. Such efforts are vital for the overall development, both current and future, of these most highly affected areas as people strive to rebuild.

IMHO USA Update on Sri Lanka Efforts

Since our last e-newsletter, IMHO USA has supported the following vital efforts in Sri Lanka, ensuring projects already initiated are able to continue running without interruption: 1. $600 to support the Kilinochchi Pediatric Unit for a period of 6 months, benefiting 23 in-patients at any given time. 2. $5,000 to support the Jaffna Addiction Unit, which serves 10-12 in-patients at any given time, for a period of 1 year.

2. $5,000 to support the Jaffna Addiction Unit, which serves 10-12 in-patients at any given time, for a period of 1 year. 3. $5,000 total (or $2,500 each) for two units at Manthikai and Tellipalai for ongoing community mental health service delivery and care.

An example of one of the countless homes damaged or destroyed during the war to which resettled families are now returning. This home is in Kilinochchi.

4. A quick update on the cardiac catheterization lab at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital: all equipment was delivered, installed, and is now operational. Combined with the completion of staff training, the cath lab is now functional, benefiting those in need of advanced cardiac care in the Northern Province for the first time ever. The first angioplasty was completed on July 6th. Permanent pacemakers operations are now being performed as well. 5. The Mental Health Unit at the Kalmunai Base Hospital has been named as a recipient of the Asian Federation Psychiatric Association (AFPA) Award for Excellence by the 3rd Asian Congress of Asian Psychiatry. Representatives from the Kalmunai Mental Health Unit and IMHO will be present in Melbourne, Australia on July 31, 2011 to receive the award. We extend our congratulations and appreciation to the entire mental health team in Kalmunai for their immense contribution to the advancement of mental health in Sri Lanka. 6. Nutrition Exhibition: An exhibition for creating awareness about nutrition amongst the general public was conducted at Tharmapuram Maha Vidyalayam in Kandavalai Division on June 16, 2011. June was declared "Nutrition Month" by the Ministry of Health. 7. Elders Care: IMHO has provided support for elders in Kilinochchi for 6 months to provide nutrition (400 beneficiaries), material assistance (50 beneficiaries), and transportation (20 beneficiaries). Most of these elders have lost all family support due to the war. The cost of all the above is $1,320/month, for which IMHO committed $7,920 for the full 6-month period. 8. Incentive Allowances: Ensuring that those residing in rural, remote, and under-served areas have access to adequate primary health care services is key to maintaining a healthy society and building a better tomorrow. For this reason IMHO continues to support incentive allowances for health professionals to work in difficult areas. A 6-month commitment of $6,900 (or $1,150/month) enables a team of 8 doctors, 4 nurses, 7 midwives, and 3 administrative assistants to better serve these vulnerable communities. In addition, IMHO provided $2,000 to hire 2 additional staff to manage many of these new and ongoing efforts that IMHO and other organizations are supporting. 9. Livelihoods Support: As part of ongoing efforts to rebuild livelihoods and empower resettled persons, five sewing machines were given to women in Kilinochchi as part of a

microcredit effort, in which the women will be expected to pay back the loan with interest so that the program may continue and several more women may benefit. This was done at a total cost of just $1,000. 10. Eye Camps: An incredible 250 patients with severe eye problems are benefiting from eye surgery at the Kilinochchhi District Hospital. IMHO contributed $2,400 to help provide bus transportation, meals, and general support for these patients, as well as accommodation for two eye specialists and two doctors for 3 nights. *11. Finally, IMHO Canada handed over a check to the Canadian Red Cross for funds collected for Japan relief efforts to support tsunami and earthquake survivors.

IMHO Canada Supports Poor Patients in Ethiopia

with Shipment of Medicines

IMHO Canada coordinated a shipment of medicines worth several thousand dollars to benefit poor patients at the Gondar University Hospital in Gondar, Amhara, Ethiopia. This shipment of medicines to this highly under-stocked hospital, which serves a catchment area of several million people, contains important antibiotics, antimalarials, anti-hypertensives, and diabetic medications.

Last year when a volunteer team of medical professionals from IMHO visited the Gondar University Hospital and consulted with members of the administration with regard to the various needs of the hospital, they made a request for 5 voltage converters needed to make functional a number of medical equipments that use a different voltage frequency These items had been donated from another US-based organization and included an ultrasound, doppler, xray viewing boxes, and dental xray machines. Without the voltage converters, these machines are not functional. In response to this request, IMHO USA sent the Gondar University Hospital five voltage converters at a cost of $1,605. IMHO USA and IMHO Canada targeted the Amhara Region on account of its long legacy of under-development, evidenced by the fact that 90.4% of the rural community has no access to potable water, 56% lack health services, and 53.7% of school age children do not have access to any education whatsoever. Each year Gondar University Hospital sees an incredible 200,000+ outpatients and 20,000+ inpatients. The spread of disease, including maternal sepsis, is high on account of the sheer number of people who are in and out of the hospital. These efforts should help hundreds of poor patients in need.

Diabetes Book to Benefit Jaffna Diabetic Centre

Now for Sale

Offering an overview of diabetes and how to manage living with the disease, IMHO Canada is proud to offer a Tamil-language publication by the Jaffna Teaching Hospital Diabetic Centre, an important resource for the growing number of people in Sri Lanka and across the world who are having to deal with this disease. 100% of proceeds from this book will be used to support the extraordinary work being done at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital Diabetic Centre, which continues to play an instrumental role in supporting diabetes screenings and diabetes awareness-raising efforts in the Jaffna District. Over 14,500 people visited the new Diabetic Centre in 2010 alone. IMHO Canada is supporting the ongoing operations of the center, including the efforts of 2 full-time staff persons, community awareness program for diabetes, special events, and more. Our hope is to raise awareness about the disease, what signs to look for, how to get treatment and care for those with the disease, and how to live a healthy life after diagnosis. Such community education programs are all too important. Price: $20 (all proceeds benefit Jaffna Teaching Hospital Diabetic Centre) Language: Tamil # of Pages: 119

Ordering Instructions: Simply email with your name, shipping

# of Pages: 119

Ordering Instructions: Simply email with your name, shipping details, and desired number of copies. Payment can be made either via check and mailed to our office address OR online.

Upcoming Events

***Honor Sahana on her 1st Birthday!*** WHEN: Ongoing

WHERE: Online campaign at

The family of Sahana Sunder is honoring her 1st birthday by collecting contributions for IMHO to benefit families in need in Sri Lanka. With many families still struggling to put the pieces of their lives back together, IMHO is planning to better serve children in the North through development and rennovation of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Jaffna

Teaching Hospital.

***2011 Semi-Annual IMHO Meeting*** WHEN: Sunday, October 2nd; 8:00am-2:00pm

WHERE: Hilton Garden Inn White Marsh, 5015 Campbell Blvd., Baltimore, Maryland 21236

Join us for our 2011 IMHO semi-annual meeting in Baltimore where we will be joined by visiting physicians and others in the development sector who will speak about the major needs affecting people in the countries in which IMHO works, as well provide a forum for

discussion and discuss opportunities for supporting this important work. *Free breakfast and lunch will be provided

*Rooms can be booked under a special group rate; more details TBA *Please RSVP to

***Online Shopping Campaign*** WHEN: Now! This is an ongoing campaign taking place online.

WHERE: Go to WHAT: Now you can make purchases from your favorite online stores and earn money for IMHO! Simply login to and shop your favorite stores...Target, Barnes & Noble, Expedia, Macy's, Home Depot, iTunes, and hundreds more. A percentage of all your purchases will go back to IMHO. Just use the following link and start shopping today!:

***IMHO Canada Masquerade Charity Ball for Hope*** WHEN: Saturday, September 24th; doors open at 6:30pm

WHERE: Claireport Place Banquet Hall, 65 Claireport Crescent, Etobicoke, ON M9W 6P4, Canada

HOW MUCH: $50/ticket TICKETS: For tickets,inquiries, or more info about event sponsorship, please contact

Prakash at or 416.725.2602.

This formal affair will be a fun, interactive dinner and dance, with 400 masked guests! This event will benefit those deeply affected by poverty and war in Sri Lanka through the following projects: after-school educational programs in Jeyapuram and Kudaththanai (administered by

CACM); ambulance for the Cardiology Unit at the Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa; and other IMHO efforts. You can also learn much more at the event website:

projects: after-school educational programs in Jeyapuram and Kudaththanai (administered by CACM); ambulance for the Cardiology Unit at the Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa; and other

IMHO efforts. You can also learn much more at the event website:

***IMHO Canada Greeting Card Sales*** IMHO Canada is pleased to offer greeting cards designed by Sri Lankan youth whereby all profits will benefit youth in Sri Lanka. Each pack of colorfully designed cards comes with 10

cards and envelopes for just $5! Or you can order 5 packs for just $20. To order, simply email the IMHO Programs Coordinator at and give the details of

your order.

The cards can either be picked up at the IMHO Canada office or can be mailed to you. If you are picking the cards up at the IMHO Canada office, simply bring a cheque or cash as

payment. If you prefer to have the cards mailed to you, please make a donation online HERE and make sure to include $5 extra for shipping. In either case, please coordinate in advance

with the IMHO Canada Programs Coordinator by email or phone.

Be the Difference. Save a Life with just $10/month. DONATE TODAY!

During this crucial time in Sri Lanka and around the world, as we face monumental challenges in providing better access to quality medical and health care for those most at-risk populations, we need YOUR HELP now more than ever. With just $10/month you can make a huge difference in the quality of life for those in need. Please consider making a donation to IMHO Canada today. You can donate online via PayPal as a one-time or recurring donation (the amount & frequency of which are up to you). You can also donate via mail by sending a check made out to "IMHO Canada" to the following address: IMHO Canada Treasurer

Unit #7-5637 Finch Ave. East

Toronto, ON M1B 2T9


IMHO Canada is a registered not-for-profit organization in Canada.

IMHO Canada | Unit #7-5637 FInch Ave. East | Toronto | Ontario | M1B 2T9 | Canada