IMETI2008 Enhancing Engineering Education using New ...

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Transcript of IMETI2008 Enhancing Engineering Education using New ...


Sushil ACHARYA Department of Engineering, Robert Morris University

Moon Township, PA, 15108, USA


Zbigniew J. CZAJKIEWICZ Department of Engineering, Robert Morris University

Moon Township, PA, 15108, USA


Engineering education is both difficult and challenging. Two major problems in engineering programs are the delivery and learning of engineering education and the retention of engineering students. These problems require that engineering programs enhance their approach to engineering education. Student’s best retain knowledge when they learn by participation. At Robert Morris University we feel that enhancing engineering education through the use of new technologies will assist in retaining students and improving education delivery and learning. Engineering education is enhanced through the use of two new technologies. Wireless Tablet PC’s are being used in a freshman engineering course to improve education through collaborative learning and Direct Digital Manufacturing is being incorporated to provide adequate hands-on experience. The paper discusses the inclusion of laboratory components, the change in course syllabi, the lecture/lab delivery mechanisms, course assessments, support from management/ administrative staff and the adjustments made by both the students and the instructors to adapt to these new technologies. The role of inductive learning is also discussed. Keywords: Tablet PCs, Direct Digital Manufacturing, technology in education

1. INTRODUCTION Engineering education is both difficult and challenging. Enhancing delivery and learning of engineering education and retaining student interest in engineering are issues that are important to every engineering program. In view of these issues, as of spring of 2006, Robert Morris University’s (RMU) engineering department incorporated lab

components into all of its engineering courses. This strategic decision was made to ensure that students had adequate hands-on experience. We tend to retain 70% of what we have learnt when our involvement is receiving and participating, and 90% when our involvement is being there [1]. With hands-on experience students are actively involved in mapping theory to practice. A very important clause of this strategic decision was that new technologies should be used where possible to deliver both lecture and laboratory sessions. The engineering department is equipped with state of the art technology. To name a few the Engineering Department’s learning factory is equipped with Haas CNC mill and Lathe, Fanuc Robots, Viper Stereolithography, Dimension FDM, Ex One 3D Printing rapid prototyping machines, Tablet PCs and Pentium 2 Duo processor workstations. In this paper we discuss two new technologies which assist in delivery and understanding of engineering education and also help in retaining engineering students. The examples discussed are: using wireless tablet PCs into a freshman engineering course and incorporating industrial grade Direct Digital Manufacturing (DDM) technology in engineering curriculum.


As of fall 2007 RMU uses wireless tablet PC technology to deliver an introductory engineering course “ENGR1010: Introduction to Engineering” to its freshman class. Two factors played important roles in the successful incorporation of this technology. Firstly, the engineering department was allocated a onetime budget to provide wireless tablet PCs to 28 incoming engineering freshmen. Secondly, RMU was granted the 2007 HP Grant for Higher Education. This grant provided RMU with 21 tablet PCs as well as other accessories.

Why Tablet PC? Engineering education involves the understanding of processes, methods and tools. Engineering education also uses visual and written information that can only be understood if communicated in some graphic or written form. Wireless tablet PC technology and associated software technology simplifies course design/delivery and enhances student learning through active participation of the underlying theory. Tablet PC also facilitates in inductive learning which is a natural human learning style and is better suited for long-term knowledge retention. The redesigned engineering introductory course uses tablet PC technology to enable students to access course materials, participate in class activities by interaction, prepare for assignments/exams (through interactive study tools), visualize concepts taught in classes (through pictures & video streams, emulations, simulations) and participate in knowledge building exercises (through programming/simulation/design). For the instructor this technology provides a media to share course materials, share assignments, and emphasize/elaborate key lecture points by annotating instructional slides. The technology also enables instructors to evaluate the classes as it is being delivered and propose/make changes as it becomes relevant so as to make classes more effective and efficient. Implementing the Technology

The Hardware: The tablet PCs used had the Intel Core Duo 1.80 GHz processors, a 70 GB hard Disk and 1 GB RAM. All tablet PCs used were the HP tt4400 machines. The machines were equipped with an additional battery pack and an external CD drive.

The Software: These machines when delivered

were preinstalled with Windows XP and MS OneNote. Additional commercial and freeware tablet PC software were installed at RMU. These software are MS Office Suite, Classroom Presenter (developed at the University of Washington), Write On (developed at Virginia Tech), Sophos Antivirus, and assorted tablet PC Power Toys (developed at Microsoft).

Course Redesign/Delivery: The existing ENGR1010 course was redesigned to integrate tablet PC technology as well as the student-centered learning approach. The emphasis was on generating student interest and making them

understand engineering processes, methods and tools. The course was delivered through two lecture classes per week each 50 minutes long and a 2½ hours laboratory session per week. More hands-on and interactive learning modules were incorporated into the course. Engineering concepts in Industrial, Manufacturing, Mechanical and Software disciplines were discussed in lectures and the tools associated with these disciplines were demonstrated and used in laboratory sessions. To enhance understanding by linking theory to practice applicable lectures were delivered in the laboratory. Engineering Design focused on real-world engineering products and was taught using Visio and AutoCAD. Analytical problems were explained and collaboratively solved using MS Excel/Access, simulation (Arena) and finite element tools. The Instructor encouraged active participation and facilitated understanding. Weekly reviews were incorporated to further strengthen student understanding. Team building sessions on Brainstorming, Conflict Management, and Project Planning were delivered through participatory exercises. Teams worked on projects and assignments and shared schedules, results, with their teammates and/or the instructor. Projects encouraged innovations and required three progresses and one final presentation to be made using PowerPoint and Classroom Presenter. Students were trained in technical report writing and went through iterations to produce quality project proposals and project reports.

Instructor’s Role: The instructor redesigned

the course materials centering his planning, teaching, and assessment around the needs and abilities of the students. Tablet PCs provided the technology for this student-centered learning approach. Lecture/lab discussion/explanation slides were prepared in MS Power Point and converted to Classroom Presenter format (CSD format). Tablet PC and Classroom Presenter were used to share course contents. The instructor encouraged collaborative problem solving approach through both team work submissions and individual submissions. The instructor used the Classroom Presenter to perform efficient and unbiased assessment of student work. This assisted the instructor in understanding individual student needs.

Inductive Learning: There are two methods to

education: deductive and inductive. Figure 1 depicts the difference between the two methods. In deductive method, education principles are taught first and then applications are deduced. This is a natural human teaching style and is better suited for short-term knowledge retention. In inductive method, education facts and observations are taught first and then principles are inferred. However in contrast to

the deductive, method this is a natural human learning style and is better suited for long-term knowledge retention. Inductive teaching method focuses on students desire to learn. A well-established precept of educational psychology is that people are most strongly motivated to learn things they clearly perceive as a need to know [2]. Some examples of inductive teaching/learning methods are inquiry learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, case-based teaching, discovery learning and just-in-time teaching [2]. In the inductive approach instruction in a particular topic starts from illustrations (observations, data), and leads to a general principle or theorem. In ENGR1010 the instructor implemented the inductive method to learning. The annotating feature and facing the student when delivering lectures helped in enforcing inductive learning.

Fig. 1. Deductive and Inductive Learning Methods [3]

Students Role: Redesigned activities let students take the initiative to discover meaningful information. Students used wireless Tablet PCs to download course materials before/during classes, full-expression note-taking (annotation, scribbles, diagrams, text) during class and assignment submissions for evaluation, peer-review and collaboration during/after class. OneNote and Classroom Presenter were used to facilitate these activities. Students integrated their own notes, team notes and annotated faculty lectures to create complete reference materials. For team activities OneNote was used to gather/share information in meetings and presentations. The Challenges Incorporating a new technology to an existing course has its challenges. Major challenges are discussed below:

Software Image : Deciding on the right software to use for the course was a challenge. Installing the software in a master image was not an issue.

However when Ghost was used for imaging the image did not function. The software was then individually installed in each machine. A work student was made available by the administrators for the repetitive installations. A 24x7 help desk support was also available from the University’s IT department.

Wireless Connection : The mock classroom

delivery during the summer was highly successful. However the first week of the term was difficult as wireless connectivity and slide transmission rates were major issues. A more reliable router and a private network environment helped in resolving the connectivity issue. Configuring power management feature in individual machines and reducing the complexity of the power point slides increased the slide transmission speed. A Network Engineer was made available by the university’s IT department during lecture/lab sessions.

Course Redesign : The course had to be student focused. To be able to use annotations the discussion slides had to be appropriately designed. Student understanding was to be evaluated as course was delivered and relevant changes incorporated. School administrators provided unquestioned support for course redesign.

Interactive Instruction : The nature of the technology required the instructor to be interactive. This was achieved by incorporating multiple question slides, requesting student response and writing responses as they were received. Course Assessments Pre-test, Post-Test, Mid Term and Final examinations were use to assess student understanding. Significant increase in grades was observed. This increase could be attributable to the usage of Tablet-PC.

Pre-Test and Post-Test: The Pre-test was proctored on the first day of class and the Post-test was proctored on the final day of the class. Grade improvement was observed on 93% of the students who participated in these assessments.

Mid Term Examination: In 2006 44% students received A, 28% received A-, 11% received B+ and 0% received B. However in 2007 50% received A, 13% received A-, 13% received B+ and 19% received B. The increase in A and B is encouraging.

Final Examination: In 2006 22% students

received A, 44% received A- and 17% received B+. However in 2007 50% received A, 25% received A-

Observations, Data

General Principle or Theorem









and 19% received B+. The increase in A and B+ is encouraging.

Student Feedback Feedback received from students on a survey questionnaire expressed the following:

Annotating feature : All students liked this feature. They said their notes were very powerful as it had the base instructors slide, the instructor’s annotations and their own annotations. 100% of the students liked the annotating feature, 93% felt the instructor’s annotations were helpful and 86% said they added their own annotations on top of the instructor’s slides. Figure 2 depicts students annotating instructor slides.

Fig. 2. Students Annotating Shared Instruction Slides

Collaborative Learning : Students liked the idea of being able to answer questions and share with their team and with the class. They liked the feature of being anonymous in submissions. 100% of the students liked sharing their answers with the class, 100% felt comments made by the instructor and classmates were useful for their learning and 93% liked the idea of remaining anonymous during answer submissions. Figure 3 depicts students participating in collaborative learning.

Instructor’s Attention : In the tablet PC

classroom environment the instructors face the students at all times. The students felt that the instructor really paid attention to them. 100% felt that instructors facing them while teaching was an excellent feature, 93% felt instructor did a good job of delivering lecture as well as lab classes and 93% felt the weekly reviews were helpful for their understanding.

Machine Power: For the activities carried out in

ENGR1010 the machines were adequate. In fact

some students started using their machines in other classes as well and keeping all their notes properly documented using MS OneNote. 86% felt that the tablet PC used was powerful enough. Majority of the students felt that it would have been easier if the tablet PCs had built in CD drive.

Fig. 3. Understanding Reverse-Engineering through Collaborative Learning

Hardware/Software Issues : Issues with

wireless connectivity and the speed at which the slides were being shared were of concern to the students during the first week of the term. However once these issues were resolved the smooth flow of the classes assured the students that the technology would help them in meeting the course objectives.

Interest in Engineering: In a question asked in the final exam 98% of the students expressed the feeling that their understanding of engineering has been further broadened and they are committed to engineering education. This response was encouraging to the engineering program.


CURRICULUM RMU’s Engineering Department delivers hands-on experience using industrial grade machines. These machines not only assist in students understanding but also assist in ensuring students are better equipped for the job market. Direct Digital Manufacturing (DDM) is one major area engineering students are exposed to. DDM is a fabrication technology that produces parts directly from 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models. DDM systems create parts from bottom-up, typically by building layers upon layer of material. This layer-based manufacturing technique allows realization of complex geometries with high accuracy. RMU

laboratory is equipped with machines representing three different technologies: selective solidification of resin (Stereolithography), Fused Deposition Modeling, and selective powder binding (Three Dimensional Printing).

Stereolithography (SL, SLA TM): Stereolithography produces three dimensional parts a layer at a time using a laser to harden UV-curable resin. The laser beam traces cross sectional slice information of the 3D CAD data onto the surface of a container of liquid photopolymer. Stereolithography uses materials that solidify very quickly; therefore, a second layer can be built onto the first layer. Materials used in this technology are liquid photo reactive UV-curable resin – epoxies and acrylates.

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM TM): This process uses molten plastics to build a three dimensional part. A nozzle traces the parts cross sectional geometry layer-by-layer. The material is heated up to only one degree below the melting point. Once the material is extruded, it solidifies quickly at contact with previous layer. Materials used in this technology are Plastics – ABS and polycarbonate.

Three Dimensional Printing: 3D printing is

similar to the SLS method except instead of using a laser to sinter material together, a print head dispenses a solution to bind the powder together. Materials used in this technology are plaster or starch. Infiltrants such as wax, cyanacrylate and epoxy are used after the part is printed. Why DDM? DDM is a technology that enables design engineers to fabricate parts directly from computer-aided design (CAD) or computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software without utilizing any intermediary process. Building a functional part or assembly directly from a drawing (without machining) give manufacturers the opportunity of rapid and custom production capability of parts such as: molds, inserts, tools, sub-assemblies, replacement parts and even end-use products. Other advantages of DDM include: reduced product development time, reduced cost, no tooling, limited labor input, unlimited geometric complexity, high accuracy, one-off production, mass customization, and embedded part ID. DDM Use in Engineering Courses Several courses offered by Engineering program use DDM technologies as part of their curriculum: ENGR4801/5810-Rapid Prototyping and Reverse Engineering, ENGR3600-Production Engineering,

ENGR3610-Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering, ENGR3650-Product and Tool Design, ENGR4950-Integrated Engineering Design. In these courses these technologies are used either as lab exercises and/or as a student project tool. As of fall 2007 RMU has started offering an introductory engineering course ENGR1010-Introduction to Engineering as a college in High School program. In this program high school students are exposed to DDM technologies. Students are expected to learn the basic concepts and science behind the additive rapid prototyping and manufacturing technologies including Stereolithography (SLA), Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and 3D printing. They also are expected to understand the technology components such as software and hardware structure, post processing requirements and equipment. As previously mentioned the main objective is to give students an opportunity to have as much hands-on education as possible. After going through lectures and tutorials, each student is expected to complete a set of experiments to acquire an understanding of the DDM technologies and processes. They follow a complete product development process from conceptual design through building functional prototype utilizing these equipment. Some examples of student projects include but not limited to: dice, chess set, paint brush holder, motorbike parts, stirling engine parts, vice assembly, game board, computer peripheral device, redesigned handicap screwdriver, pre-assembled mechanisms (figure 4) and molecular structures (figure 5). Student Feedback Exit feedback received from students expressed the following:

Putting Theory to Practice: 100% of the students expressed the feeling that after learning the manufacturing concepts the DDM technologies helped them in realizing their project design. Every engineer needs to have enough imagination to create the design on paper or in the CAD system. However having an opportunity to quickly build a physical model of the design significantly improves product development process and product understanding.

Preparedness for post graduate work: Some

students/graduates have expressed that knowledge of the DDM technologies was a factor in securing an internship position or full time employment. One graduate who was recently employed by Microsonic Inc. said knowledge of these technologies enabled

him to problem solve. Microsonic Inc. manufactures ear molds for hearing aids. Microsonic gets its customers from a network of hearing doctors around the country. When a patient needs a custom earpiece, a doctor makes an impression of the patient’s ear with a plastic resin, and mails the impression to Microsonic. Once Microsonic received the impression, it is cleaned, trimmed and used to make a mold, which in turn is used to create the finished earpiece. The earpiece is then trimmed and polished. This process is completely manual, and inefficient. Our graduate quickly realized that DDM technology could be a solution for automation of this production process and recommended this technology to his management. The company then contracted with Robert Morris University’s Center for Applied Research in Engineering and Science (RMU-CARES) to redesign this process using modern rapid manufacturing technology. Now Microsonic creates a 3-D scan of the patient’s ear imprint, and a Stereolithography machine molds the resin into a finished earpiece directly from the 3-D computer file. Using a computer to design the earpieces reduces the cost of production and improves the quality and consistency of Microsonic’s earpieces. It also ensures that a replacement earpiece could quickly be fashioned if the patient breaks or loses a hearing aid.

Fig. 4. Gear Assembly (Clockwise from top: Converted AutoCAD drawing,

Assembly during Curing and Finished Product) Engineering Education: Senior students from

a regional high school who were exposed to this technology were amazed at the advancement and use of such technology. They were required to create a dice in AutoCAD and were taken through the entire process of creating a physical object. The students were happy they took this course and were eager to share their experience with friends and

families. They had positive thoughts about the engineering discipline.

Fig. 5. Material Molecules Models (Clockwise from top: Converted AutoCAD drawing, Model

during Curing and Finished Product)


Both technologies – Tablet PCs and DDM are used at Robert Morris University to meet two primary objectives: enhance student understanding of engineering and retain student interest in engineering education. Learning engineering using a tablet PC has assisted students in understanding and retaining engineering processes, methods and tools. Tablet PC has also made classes more enjoyable to the students. Application of Direct Digital Manufacturing has given students hands-on experience with advanced manufacturing technology. Success of such approach is evident in higher retention rate of freshmen in engineering program and in 100% placement of our students after graduation.


[1] Babcock, D.L. and Morse, L.C., (2002) Managing Engineering and Technology, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall International Series in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Editors - Fabrycky, W.J. and Mize, J.H.

[2] Prince, M.J. and Felder, R.M., Inductive Teaching and Learning Methods: Definitions, Comparisons and Research Bases, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 95, No. 2, 2006, pp. 123-128.

[3] Farrell, S., Inductive Teaching in Engineering Courses, Department of Chemical Engineering, Rowan University.