Imagine! Foundation Donors Do So Much

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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On May 7, 2014, the Imagine! Foundation hosted a donor recognition event. During the event, the Foundation shared a PowerPoint presentation highlighting all the services Imagine! has been able to provide, in part thanks to its generous donors.

Transcript of Imagine! Foundation Donors Do So Much

Thanks to you . . . $6,112,258has been raised since the Foundation began in 2000.

You have helped . . .

purchase five 24-hour staffed homes for clients.

fund the retrofitting and furnishing of many of Imagine!’s homes.

You have helped . . .

provide accessible vans for client transportation.

You have helped . . .

augment Family Support Grants for those caring for an individual with developmental disabilities at home.

You have helped . . .

support young teens in a supervised first work experience.

You have helped . . .

bolster the Case Management Emergency Fund for individuals and families in crisis.

You have helped . . .

enhance summer camp and after school activities.

You have helped . . .

augment early intervention activities for children aged 0-3.

You have helped . . .

You have helped . . .

establish a lab where clients may test and use assistive technology devices.

build the first-in-the-nation Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder.

You have helped . . .

build the Charles Family Smarthome in Longmont.

You have helped . . .