Imagine Capital Campaign Booklet

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Informational booklet about the Capital Campaign for Center for Children and Families, Inc. in Norman, OK. The campaign is to raise funds for a new operational and service facility for the nonprofit.

Transcript of Imagine Capital Campaign Booklet

...if we could heal more children, empower more youth, and strengthen more families


more childrenin need

if we don’t intervene, children who have suffered abuse and neglect:

59% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile 1

30% more likely to commit a violent crime 1

25% more likely to drop out of school 2

66% more likely to abuse drugs 3

33% more likely to become abusive parents themselves 4

1 US Department of Justice2 National Clinical Evaluation Study, National Child Traumatic Stress Network3 National Institute on Drug Abuse 2000 Report and Child Abuse and Neglect Study4 Prevent Child Abuse America

ThE time IS now

Cleveland County ranks 3rd in the number of confirmed cases of •child abuse and neglect with 293 confirmed cases, out of 1,485 investigations/assessments, in 2011.

22% increase in confirmed child abuse and neglect cases from •2010 to 2011.

9,412 children living in poverty (2010) and increasing every year •for the past six years. “Poverty” for a family of four is $23,050.

221 births to teens in 2010 – teen birth rate at 23.5%. Teen •pregnancy and poverty are strongly correlated with child abuse and neglect.

more children in need in cleveland county.1

Significant growth in ccFi clients. CCFI served close to 2,000 clients in 2011 and experienced a 58% increase in the number of children and youth served at Neighborhood Centers (total of 567 children) and a 37% increase in the number of clients served with healing and preventing child abuse and neglect services.


ccFi is out of space for current services and has no room to expand. Today, CCFI borrows or leases 25,000+ square feet of space – with most of that space borrowed. Borrowed space limits CCFI’s service delivery times and options whereas integrating services – under one roof – allows CCFI to expand and improve services in ways that are simply not possible in our current situation.


why now?


28% more likely to be arrested as an adult 1

Serve 500+ more children and parents annually by 2015. •

double the number of service hours• we can provide to individual clients.

integrate all ccFi services under one roof • to improve client engagement and retention.

Create space for • new partnerships and programs with other non-profits, the schools and community groups.

expand or create• services to include:

Art, music and movement therapies•Parent education, support groups and classes•Out-of-school time youth development and • mentoringComputer lab and enrichment space for children and youth•Indoor play therapy space for children working on gross • motor skillsPlay therapy wing with a sensory integration room, • additional play therapy rooms and counseling/assessment roomsExpanded Baby Pantry that can hold a greater • inventory of formula, diapers, and baby food to serve more clients

What WiLL this BUiLdinG dO fOR chiLdRen and famiLies?

The building offers approximately• 25,000 square feet to integrate CCFI services in one place. Currently CCFI uses varied locations of borrowed or leased space throughout the community.

The building is ideally constructed to accommodate a •cost-effective renovation.

There is ample outdoor space for an • expanded outdoor therapeutic playground.

It is • neighborhood-based. A neighborhood-based center is ideal for supporting and engaging families.

Located • near a public playground that can be used by children in non-therapeutic work supervised by CCFI staff.

Parking already exists• and is sufficient for CCFI’s needs.

Because we are already there! • CCFI already serves families in this neighborhood. This location makes it even easier for children, youth and families to access services.

Why this BUiLdinG and LOcatiOn?

“Investing in children today, is one of the most important things we can do to ensure a healthier

and thriving community for years to come – a community we are proud to call home.”

- Chuck and Lisa Long, Campaign Co-Chairs











APRIL 12, 2012















, OK




Norman, Oklahoma 73069128 East Main, Suite 100

www.lwpb.comFacsimile: 405-701-5979Telephone: 405-701-5972

NORTH 715 East Eufaula

Former Immanuel Baptist Church

“Our community has experienced a significant increase in the number of abused and neglected children and families living

in poverty. Because of limited facility space, CCFI cannot help everyone who seeks our support. I can no longer look the other way, but must face the hopeful eyes of the children and

parents on our waiting list. Please help us provide a brighter future for our children and our community.”

- Cindy Merrick, Campaign Co-Chair

Photo by Shevaun Williams and Associates, courtesy of Republic Bank & Trust

CCFI’s dream is to provide a much-needed “center” to heal more children, empower more youth and strengthen more families. However you choose to donate, please know that you will be helping to

make a difference for the children of our community.

For more information about making a gift, pledge or planned gift to (ccFi), please contact:

Phone: 405/364-1420 e-mail: online:

How to Give

RenOvatiOn Phase 1

The Center for Children and Families, Inc. (CCFI) serves children and youth ages 0 to 18 - and their families - who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing child abuse, neglect or other adverse experiences.

Healing ChildrenA range of therapeutic services are provided to children and youth who have suffered from abuse or neglect. CCFI’s therapeutic approaches with children involve the entire family - including a child’s biological, adoptive or foster parents and other caregivers. Services include:

Children’s play therapy•Family therapy •Child/parent relationship therapy•Parent support groups•

Empowering YouthHundreds of children and youth access weekly out-of-school time opportunities at CCFI’s Neighborhood Centers. Neighborhood Centers’ afterschool, evening, and summer enrichment opportunities include:

A low child to adult ratio •One-on-one mentoring•Gender-specific group mentoring •Family-oriented events •

Strengthening FamiliesCCFI’s goal is to help families establish positive, parent-child relationships through a variety of services, including:

Home visits for parents of newborns•Support groups for pregnant or parenting teens•Support for families struggling with abuse and/•or neglect issuesRespite child care•Classes and support for families dealing with a •divorce or high conflictSupervised visits and exchanges•

765individual, family or child

parent relationship therapeutic services provided } demonstrated

improved behavior

80%of children

1,951clients received services


reported seeing an increase in self-esteem, responsibility, peaceful con�ict resolution , and the

ability to resist peer pressure.

92% of the parents of children in Neighborhood Centers


390supervised visits and exchanges

supported healthy relationships between divorcing parents and their children.

of teen parents, eligible for graduation, graduated High School.


Compared to a national average of 40%.

1,500parent education groups

and home visits taught adult and teen parents about child

development and positive parenting practices

children and youth received 16,700 hours of supervision, play, and mentoring by caring adults during out-of-school time

the ccfi aPPROach 2011 OUtcOmes

Basic Needs: Baby PantryStocked by in-kind donations from the

community, CCFI’s Baby Pantry offers diapers, formula, and wipes for families in need. Last year,

the Baby Pantry distributed nearly 40,000 diapers, hundreds of wipes and cans of formula. Baby

Pantry visitors are invited to select a free book to encourage parents to read to their children.

a proven track record. More than 40 years old, CCFI has a strong

reputation for financial stability and excellent stewardship. Our annual operating budget of $1.5 million comes from a combination of federal, state and community resources,

as well as private contributions. Our programs and financials are evaluated

annually by outside auditors with consistent documentation of effectiveness.

a great return on investment. Reaching children as early as possible after a traumatic experience, or preventing one from happening at all, cost less than remediation

later in life. Investing in the “front end” of a child’s life saves public dollars that could

otherwise be spent on drug treatment, unemployment, or prison. Research has proven the return on investment can be as great as $7 saved for every $1 invested in early childhood.

taking on the tough challenges. We work with vulnerable children and families

in some of the most heavily impoverished neighborhoods in our community. We reach

children and families that have yet been identified by or, in some cases, who have been

turned away by other providers. At CCFI we believe that there is no such thing as “lost

causes” and that change and healing are possible - for individuals, families, and communities.

The information reported above has been obtained and summarized from the Center for Children and Families, Inc. (CCFI) ’s 2011 audited financial statements. For complete audited financial statements, please visit





$ 547,397$ 483,897$ 190,727$ 137,375$ 57,589


Government Grants and ContractsContributionsIn-Kind Gifts

United WayFees/Other

Total Revenues



$ 1,169,581$ 151,374$ 120,515$



Administrative Support

Total Expenses


In-kind donations consisted of $83,537 in space donations, $39,286 in professional services, and $67,904 in diapers, food, books,s, office supplies, etc.


Revenue Expenses

Gifts In-KindOvER 435 vOlUNTEERS




our Volunteers

2011 Financial highlighTs

Why ccfi?

1151 East Main Street, Norman, OK 73071 | 405-364-1420 | 405-364-1433 fax | www.ccfinorman.orgHealing Children Empowering Youth Strengthening Families

WhaT We mean By “aBuSe,” “neglecT,” and “adverSe childhood exPerienceS”

When we speak of physical abuse, we mean --

Bruises•Broken bones•Beatings with fists, clothes • hangers, beltsCigarette burns•

When we speak of emotional abuse, we mean --

Children being belittled and • humiliatedChildren being told they’re awful, ugly, stupid•

When we speak of neglect, we mean--

Children who are starved, left alone, not •bathed, improperly clothedChildren who receive little or no medical care•Children who miss school because their •parents don’t wake them up in the morningChildren who have no toys or stimuli•Children who are not talked to, or smiled at, •or even touched

When we speak of adverse childhood experiences, we mean --

Exposure to household substance abuse•Domestic violence in the home•loss of parent / abandonment•Parental mental illness•Incarcerated parent or caretaker•

For a child who experiences trauma, the impact can be profound, and it can last a lifetime unless we intervene. CCFI’s commitment to children

who need our help has never wavered. We will continue to build upon our enduring legacy, guided by our mission and inspired by your support.