I.M. Bored: A Legacy in 10 Generations - Gen 5 Part 1

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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An Heir is chosen and college begins!

Transcript of I.M. Bored: A Legacy in 10 Generations - Gen 5 Part 1

And we’ve reached the halfway point, folks. Willow here was voted our Gen Five Heiress not that she terribly wants that.

“Congratulations on being selected as heiress, Miss Willow.”

“Heiress, me? Why’d they pick me? I played the bratty one remember? I was sure I wasn’t going to be picked because of great-grandma Fantasy.”

“Still, you have the honor of leading the family.”

“Eep! That means I’m going to be in the spotlight, right? I hate that.”

“Ha ha! Your stupid plan didn’t work! I told you so!”

“Get off of me Uncle Michael! People might get the wrong idea.”

“Did I say something wrong? I merely wished to offer my sincerest good wishes.”

“Wishes accepted. Go do something else Uncle Knut.”

Rusty stepped in at that point and led Anime’s husband, Knut, out to fish.

Where I got a good laugh from Celes. This boy followed Celes home from school and as been at Celes heels all day trying to talk, flirt, joke, whatever her. While she’s been avoiding him and heartfarting inappropriate people.

“Since all of the kids are now old enough, I think it is about time to introduce them to the joys of child labor.”

“To the business! Away!”

Everyone arrived at It’s Not Easy Making Green. Can you guess who is a popularity sim?

Nery was set to work making flowers and eventually got his gold badge.

“What are you doing?”

“Spraying cockroaches. Weren’t you supposed to be on evil witch shoo duty?”

“Oh yeah! I kinda forgot. Sorry, G’Kar.”

Unlike the previous generation, there were lots of hands available to help out so while Eva finished getting the gold badges she needed, everyone else pitched in to make the business run smoother.

Gold badges in hand, Eva and Babylon got to work on passing along the various business perks. A sunlamp, some snapdragons, and a Jumbok were all positioned nearby to assist. Seriously the family was here for a week and we didn’t get all of the perks passed along.

“What are you painting?”

“I call it the Thief and the General.”

“Oh. I call mine pretty colors in plaid.”

“Whatever floats your boat.”

We had a line of easels set up. Because the kids all rolled the want to sell a masterpiece. It was the only want I could fulfill.

“So that’s how you know everyone?”

“Yes. Now to move on to buying things for cheap.”


“Maria! Darling. Could I interest you in a date?”

“Me? I’d love to!”

“And how about a water wiggler?”

“At these prices?”


“Convince me.”

Several days later…

“Wow. That is so interesting. So what is next?”

“More getting stuff cheap. We’ve got five levels of this to go through.”


Sigh… I don’t know why bald witch is bald while other witch is fine. But two good witches is good.

Since the whole business thing was mostly so that Eva could pass along perks and get her remaining gold badges I didn’t think you needed to see the excitement.

But here’s a break down of the badges the kids got in the time we were there.

Celes – Gold Robotics, Gold Restocking, Gold Sales, Silver Gardening, Silver Fishing, Bronze SewingG’kar – Gold Flower Arranging, Gold Robotics, Gold Sales, Gold Pottery, Gold Sewing, Silver Cashier, Bronze GardeningMichael – Gold Flower Arranging, Gold Toymaking, Gold Sales, Gold Pottery, Gold Gardening, Gold Sewing, Silver FishingRusty - Gold Flower Arranging, Gold Toymaking, Gold Sales, Gold Fishing, Gold Pottery, Gold Sewing, Bronze GardeningTamahome - Gold Flower Arranging, Gold Toymaking, Gold Sales, Silver Gardening, Bronze FishingWillow – Gold Flower Arranging, Gold Robotics, Gold Sales, Gold Sewing, Bronze Restocking, Bronze Cashier, Bronze Fishing

And those are just the kids. Nery and Jason went nuts too. When family got home, the hobby people were kept busy inviting people to secret lots and shoving plaques in inventories for 4 days. My recommendation for getting the Hobby Horse Master point, owned business lot. No decay for some reason and lots of time to invest in hobby gaining skills.

“Hi heiress!”

“Stop it, Uncle Mikey.”

“Hi heiress.”

“Now you’re making the customers call me that.”

“Your plan. It failed. It failed so hard.”

“Your plan failed!”

“Dang it. Not from you too, Ghost Nanny.”

“You know I’m a little sad R2. I was hoping that I would be heiress so I could make you a C-3PO.”


“It’s okay. One of these days you’ll get your counterpart. It’s just not going to be today.”


“Yay redhands!”

“Yay! I have a date!”

“Stop Rusty, Did I just hear that Tamahome here has a date?”

“I think you did, G’kar.”

“This I have to see.”

“Okay, I didn’t need to see that!”

“Tamahome and Eric sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”

“Stop it!”

“Yeah, take your hands off of my date. I wanna kiss him again.”

This pointless picture is brought to you by the random crap that is in Eva’s inventory. I’ve never actually flown a kite before and now that I’ve done it. Meh.

“Can you hurry up, Dad? I’d like to get another scholarship please.”

“Yeah. Well I want to hustle pool and woohoo three sims. We can’t always get what we want.”

To get the kids more acquainted with their grandparents, I shoved them all in a hot spring for a soak.

A soak brought quickly to an end by the arrival of three ghosts.

And yes, I meant three.

It was also the start of a most momentous night. First the lobster left in the oven by the now absent butler caught on fire.

Causing G’kar and Rusty to drop what they were doing and moth the flames.

The fire got put out and I sent permaplat Nery to retrieve the contents. While Rusty got 1000 aspiration for gaining a skill.

“Oh dear. That was something I never wanted to see.”

“What’s that?”

“My Grandmother’s ghost.”

“And how is the old bitch doing?”

“Same as ever.”

“Why am I not surprised.”


“Great-grandma! I don’t like you anymore!”

The ghost situation got so bad that I had Eva break out her crotch powers to make sure that noone died. It didn’t do much, but it bought time so that everyone could eat and get to the bathroom.

The next day it was another eventful night, for a different reason.

Nery and Eva were set to elderfy.

Nery went first where I got a bit of a surprise.

“Where’s my sweetheart?”

“I shouldn’t do this now. I need to wait for my husband.”

“Mom, Dad’s on the other side of the table.”

“No, he’s not. It’s just some crazy elder customer in the same hairstyle. Oh well if I have to, I will.”

“Woo! Looking sexy, Eva! Rawr!”

“Ugh. I wish the old guy would stop hitting on me.”

“But, Eva. I am your husband.”

“No, my husband has an adorable bumpy nose. You don’t.”

“Do I really look that different?”

Yes, folks, that is Nery. Elderfied. He’s got a broken face template. I’ve got fixes in but it only applies to newly spawned sims. Not pre-existing. Which Nery was.

“Oh dear, I can see my reflection. I look all wrong!”

“I need a face lift.”

“It’s not perfect, but I think I look more like myself.”

“I hope Nery likes the new clothes and the old me.”

“Oh where oh where has my husband gone!”

“Don’t look now, Grandpa, but I think Gramma’s lost it like her mother.”

“Don’t say such a thing!”

“Your Gramma’s fine.”

“Oh where oh where can he be?”

“Or maybe not. But at least she’s having fun, right?”

“Just keep thinking that, Grandpa.”

Jason and Babylon 5 are still cute.

That is all.

“Gramma, you know that Grandpa got a face lift, right?”

“He did?”

“He wanted to look all sexy for you.”

“Awww he shouldn’t have. So what does he look like?”

“You know that strange guy hitting on you at your party?”


“That’s Grandpa.”


“I talked to her.”


“She gets it now.”

“Thank goodness I was getting worried.”

“No problem. Super Tamahome to the rescue! And now I feel permanently happy. Like I’ve achieved my life’s goal and now I can move on to other things. Like Dating. I think I would like 50 Dream Dates now.”

“Good luck with that.”

“Yes! Now I can wear a bikini and look good in it!”

“I remember when I greeted wolves.”

Just like her grandmother, we are attempting to get to a good relationship with the leader of the pack. I am still not totally sure what supernatural thing I am going for. Nothing witchy – that is too obvious. But I am hedging my bets to be sure.

So it’s social goggles and belly rubs. I will say that by the time Willow left for school she and Moonshine were at 95 daily.

Celes also looks good in a bikini now.

Because she wanted it, Willow got a job in music. She drags home David Ottomas with her. I am trying not to hold it against her.

“Ah! It’s an Ottomas! And the ghost of my father but that isn’t as scary.”

I agree. I’ve seen Ottomas genetics in action, it isn’t pretty.

“Hey Cuz. Have fun at college. Don’t get me as a well drop, kay?”

“Our baby’s leaving the nest.”

“This is so exciting!”

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Woohoo on the couch!”


“Dads, can you let me leave before scarring my brain?”

“Bye sis see you in two slides!”

“I hate my life.”

I hate your outfit so we’re even.

Not that Celes fared much better.

The boys overall were okay. Not necessarily appropriate but if this were an apoc I wouldn’t be banging my head over this.

The kids had enough money to outfit the dorm pretty nicely – or at least the rooms they cared about.

Once again the colors were not picked by me. I’d never pick ‘rainbow’ as a color.

I’ve also noticed that every time I ask for a color the following come up – Lime Green, Purple, and Black. I think you all have a joker fetish.

I’m just saying.

While we were out at the store picking up Cell phones for all and new clothes. This girl wandered in. Those of you with good memories may remember her as the Greek House place holder, Alyson. The rest of you are probably going what is up with toga-chick and Willow. I have no clue. I became fixated on Alyson and went on a mass greeting spree.

Willow got in the greek house first – since she was the closest. Seriously. One hello. Can I get in. And seconds later she was rushed in. I wish pledging were as easy in real life.

Celes was next.

Followed by Rusty.

Please note that G’kar, Michael and Tamahome are all waiting the background.

Sadly we couldn’t get them in since Alyson ran off. But we’ll fix that later.

A quick clothing change later and before I could even turn off plumbbobs the cafeteria worker set the stove on fire.

“Is this what college is? Bad clothes, weird people, fires, and bad food?”

Unfortunately I don’t have the heart to tell her that yes College is nothing like you dreamed. It’s worse.

“You know I can hear you, right?”

Oops, forgot.

“So how does being heir feel? Is it as sunshine-y as you wanted it?”

“G’kar. You know full well that I didn’t want to be heir. Hell, none of us did.”

“I know. But I have to say it, better you than me.”


“Because the creator would have killed me. Have you seen my personality? I was going to be a zombie for sure. Just to get some variety.”

“Good point.”

“You can stop being creepy any time now.”

“Vo gerbits?”

And now the time we’ve all been waiting for – spouse pulls!

Celes is first!

“Aren’t you a little short for a spouse?”


“Did your voice just crack?”

“Umm… This is all sorts of awkward. Let’s just call it friends.”

“But I like you Celes.”

“Mildly uncomfortable here.”

“Whoa! Bad touch incoming!”

“So Mr. Cow… We meet… For the first time, for the last time…”


Crazy Alyson means that Michael’s got in the Greek house.

Tamahome got in with much fewer theatrics.

Synchronized facepalm!

“Hey neph, great job getting us all in the greek house now if you’ll excuse me.”

“I’m not sure I like you kissing Alyson. I find myself oddly attracted to her.”

“Look it’s never going to work out, Jacob. Just go home.”

“Must… Persevere…zzzz…”

Tamahome was the next kid to get a go at the well.

He got the mailman, something Enriquez. I can’t remember the name. To be honest, I was more amused at his monochromatic thing going on.

Still if Tamahome likes him, who am I to judge?

So we had a quick proposal.

Which was accepted.

And celebrated in typical sim fashion with Woohoo on the couch.

Tamahome would like to let you know that love really is blind and he loves Mailman’s face.

Oh Alyson, I love you. She and Rusty had a good date and she leaves a big TV. I just hope that isn’t the one I bought for the Greek house.

“Psst! Did you know that Rusty’s got a crush on that soroity girl?”

“No really? Doesn’t he know that she’s a playable now?”

“He says he doesn’t care.”

“Sis, I’m worried about you. You need to have your eyes checked if you think Jacob Martin is an okay lover. He’s a playable teen for goodness sake!”

“I know, G’kar. I know. It’s a good thing I’m not heir. I can get a second chance.”

And with the line of taxis, it was time to move the greek house.

This is a good point to leave you all too.

Next time more well drops, pleading cows, and college boredom.

See you then!