ILSPET Written Test Review Packet - Mr....

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Evolution Review PacketLiving Environment



Words you should know: Mutation, radiation, mistakes in DNA replication, chemical exposure, variation, sexual reproduction, crossing over, survival of the fittest, natural selection, geographic isolation, reproductive isolation, speciation, diversity, phylogenetic tree, comparative biochemistry, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, evolutionary relationship, fossils, selective breeding, antibiotic resistance, chromatography, common ancestor.

Evolution = change over time!

Evolution Review SheetEvolution: the change in organisms over time due to natural selection acting on genetic variations that enable them to adapt to changing environments.

Survival of the fittest: If there is a struggle for existence not all organisms will survive long enough to reproduce; Only the organisms that are best suited to live in their environment will live long enough to reproduce and only their genetic material (traits) will be passed on. Ex: Giraffe necks- originally were long and short, mutations caused some necks to be longer than others, they had an advantage because they could reach the higher trees and therefore survived to reproduce- passing the gene for long necks on to their offspring.

Mutations: the original source of genetic variation, occur randomly and spontaneously. Causes include exposure to chemicals, radiation and mistakes in DNA replication. Variation: Causes of variation in a species include mutations, sexual reproduction and crossing over. Hereditary traits: traits that are passed on to offspring (ex: hair color; shape of nose, eye color, tail length)Acquired characteristics: not passed to offspring ex: a person who lifts weights and becomes very muscular will not have children with huge muscles.

Natural Selection: the process by which organisms having the most adaptive traits for an environment are more likely to survive and reproduce; environmental conditions determine which organisms survive to reproduce. (ex: if the only source of food in an area is nuts with hard shells, the birds that have the strong beaks that are able to crack the shells will be the ones that survive)Artificial Selection (Selective breeding): humans (not the environment select the organisms that have the desirable traits and decide which ones will breed and pass those traits on to the offspring in order to produce offspring with the desired characteristics (ex: the best race horses are selected and bred to produce faster and stronger horses)

Evidence for evolution1. Fossils: outlines of bones, shells, or teeth of organisms; by studying them scientists

have determined that species have changed over time and most ancient life-forms no longer exist.

2. Comparative anatomy: Scientists look for similar structures inherited from a common ancestor to show relationships between different organisms (ex: a human arm, bat wing, cat let, and whale fin all contain similar types of bones).

3. Comparative Embryology: during early stages of development embryos of many different organisms are very similar. (ex: fish, chicken, pig, and human embryos show similarities)

4. Comparative Biochemistry: scientist look for similarities in the proteins of different organisms to determine hwo closely they are related; this is a way of also checking how similar their DNA is- remember DNA RNA Protein (ex: chickens and ducks have very similar proteins and are therefore closely related)

Speciation: organisms evolve into new species; caused by populations being separated for a long period of time allowing each to change in their own way.Geographic isolation: populations are separated by a physical barrier; the most common separation that leads to the development of a new species.

Reproductive Isolation: while the populations of organisms are separated (could be by geographic isolation) they each change and eventually will not be able to reproduce or mate with each other.

Development of a new species: Requries a struggle for existence, which limits the number of offspring that will survive. There must be differences among the offspring due to individual inherited variations.

Extinction: the disappearance of species from the earth; occurs when a species no longer produces any more offspring; happens when the organism can not adapt to changes in the environment (ex: significant temp change or drop in average rainfall)

Specific Cases of Evolution (change over time)Antibiotic resistance in Bacteria: penicillin was the first widely used antibiotic; it killed many strains of bacteria but as its use increased scientists noticed that some strains were showing resistance to the penicillin. This was a result of natural selection; original bacteria that had a genetic variation which caused them to be resistant to penicillin were the ones to survive and reproduce passing the resistance gene on to their offspring (same situation with spraying DDT).

Peppered Moths: come in two colors; black and white. Originally when all of the trees in the area were white the white moths had an advantage because they blended in (camouflage). Birds tended to eat the black moths because they were seen easier on the white trees. The majority of moths living in the area were white. As industry grew and trees became black from the soot being released from the factories it was easier for the birds to see the white moths, the black moths now had an advantage. They began to eat the white moths, the black moths survived to reproduce, and eventually the majority of the moths living in the area were black.

Finches in the Galapagos Islands: each of the islands is geographically isolated from the others and the major source of food available to the birds on each of the islands is different.

White moth

Black moth

Finches on each of the islands developed different beak shapes, the shape of the beaks of the birds corresponded with the food source on the island.

Evolution Review Questions

1. Explain why, in a mammal, a mutation in a gamete may contribute to evolution while a mutation in a body cell will not. (1)_______________________________________________________________________


2. State what could happen to a species in a changing environment if the members of that species do not express any genetic variation. (1)_______________________________________________________________________


6. When a person’s teeth are being x-rayed, other body parts of this person are covered with a protective lead blanket to prevent

a. Loss of hairb. Increases in cell sizec. Changes in DNA moleculesd. Changes in glucose structure

3. A characteristic of mutations is that they usually

a. Are caused only by the events of mitosis

b. Do not occur at randomc. Result in different genetic

sequencesd. Occur to meet the needs of a

species4. Which statement best explains the

significance of meiosis in the process of evolution within a species?

a. The gametes produced by meiosis ensure the continuation of any particular species by asexual reproduction

b. Equal numbers of eggs and sperm are produced by meiosis

c. Meiosis produces eggs and sperm that are alike

d. Meiosis provides for variation in the gametes produced by an organism

7. Which species is most likely to survive changing environmental conditions?

a. A species that has few variations

b. A species that reproduces sexually

c. A species that competes with similar species

d. A species that has a limited life span

8. When humans first domesticated dogs, there was relatively little diversity in the species. Today, there are many variations such as the German Shepard and the dalmation. This increase in diversity is most closely associated with

a. Cloning of selected body cells

b. Selective breedingc. Mitotic cell divisiond. Environmental influences

on inherited traits

5. Exposure to comsic rays, x rays, ultraviolet rays, and radiation from radioactive substances may promote

b. The production of similar organisms

c. Diversity among organismsd. An increase in population sizee. A change from sexual to asexual

reproduction9. The Florida panther, a member of the cat family, has a population of fewer than 100 individuals and has limited genetic variation. Which inference based on this information is valid?

a. These animals will begin to evolve rapidly

b. Over time, these animals will become less likely to survive in a changing environment.

c. These animals are easily able to adapt to the environment

d. Over time, these animals will become more likely to be resistant to disease

10.Which situation would most likely result in the highest rate of natural selection?

a. Reproduction of organisms by an asexual method in an unchanging environment

b. Reproduction of a species having a very low mutation rate in a changing environment

c. Reproduction of organisms in an unchanging environment with little competition and few predators

d. Reproduction of organisms exhibiting genetic differences due to mutations and genetic recombinations in a changing environment

11.A certain chemical destroys bacteria that have thin cell walls. Bacteria with thick cell walls are not affected. Describe how the introduction of this chemical into a culture containing both types of bacteria could be used to illustrate the theory of natural selection. (1)_________________________________________________________________________


_________________________________________________________________________12.Which statement represents the major concept of the biological theory of evolution?

a. A new species moves into a habitat when another species becomes extinct

b. Every period of time in Earth’s history has its own group of organisms

c. Present-day organisms on Earth developed from earlier, distinctly different organisms

d. Every location on Earth’s surface has its own unique group of organisms

13.Which statement best describes a current understanding of natural selection?

a. Natural selection influences the frequency of an adaptation in a population

b. Natural selection has been discarded as an important concept in evolution

c. Changes in gene frequencies due to natural selection have little effect on the evolution of species

d. New mutations of genetic material are due to natural selection

14.According to the theory of natural selection, why are some individuals more likely than others to survive and reproduce?

a. Some individuals pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have acquired during their lifetimes

b. Some individuals are better adapted to exist in their environment than others arec. Some individuals do not pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have

acquired during their lifetimesd. Some individuals tend to produce fewer offspring than others in the same

environment15. In the past, a specific antibiotic was effective in killing a certain species of bacteria.

Now, most members of this bacterial species are resistant to this antibiotic. Explain how this species of bacteria has become resistant. Your answer must include at least the concepts of:

Overproduction (1) Variation (1) Natural selection (1) Adaptation to the environment (1)










16.Thousands of years ago, a large flock of hawks was driven from its normal migratory route by a severe storm. The birds scattered and found shelter on two distant islands, as shown on the map below. The environment of island A is very similar to the hawk’s original nesting region. The environment of island B is very different from that of island A. The hawks have survived on these islands to the present day with no migration between the populations.

Which statement most accurately predicts the present-day condition of these hawk populations?a. The hawks that landed on island B have evolved more than those on island Ab. The hawks that landed on island A have evolved more than those on island Bc. The populations on islands A and B have undergone identical mutationsd. The hawks on island A have given rise to may new species

17.Which statement best illustrates a rapid biological adaptation that has actually occurred?a. Pesticide-resistant insects have developed in certain environmentsb. Scientific evidence indicates that dinosaurs once lived on landc. Paving large areas of land has decreased habitats for certain organismsd. The characteristics of sharks have remained unchanged over a long period of time

Base your answers to questions 18 through 22 on the information belowColor in peppered moths is controlled by genes. A light colored variety and a dark

colored variety of a peppered moth species exist in nature. The moths often rest on tree trunks, and several different species of birds are predators of this moth.

Before industrialization in England, the light colored variety was much more abundant than the dark colored variety and evidence indicates that many tree trunks at the time were covered with light colored lichens. Later, industrialization developed and brought pollution which killed the lichens leaving the tree trunks covered with dark colored soot. The results of a study made in England are shown below.

18.State one possible reason that a larger number of dark colored variety were present in the polluted environment. (1)______________________________________________________________________



19.State one possible reason that the light colored variety was not completely eliminated from the polluted environment. (1)______________________________________________________________________



20.During the past few decades, air pollution control laws I many areas of England greatly limited the soot and other air pollutants coming from the burning of coal. State one way the decrease in soot and other air pollutants will most likely influence the survival of the light colored variety of peppered moth. (1)______________________________________________________________________



21.The percentage of light colored moths in the polluted environment was closest toa. 16 c. 42b. 24 d. 76

22.Which conclusion can best be drawn from the information given?a. The trait for dark coloration better suits the peppered moth for survival in non-

polluted environmentsb. The trait for light coloration better suits the peppered moth for survival in polluted

environmentsc. The variation of color in the peppered moth has no influence on survival of the

mothd. A given trait may be a favorable adaptation in one environment, but not in another


Base your answers to questions 23 and 24 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. Letters A through J represent different species of organisms. The vertical distances between the dotted lines represent long periods of time in which major environmental changes occurred.

23.Which species was the first to become extinct?a. E c. Cb. J d. D

24.Which species appears to have been most successful in surviving changes in the environment over time?

a. A c. Cb. B d. H

26.When a particular white moth lands on a white birch tree, its color has a high adaptive value. If the birch trees become covered with black soot, the white color of this particular moth in this environment would most likely

a. Retain its adaptive valueb. Increase in adaptive value c. Change to more adaptive black

colord. Decrease in adaptive value

25.Which concept is not a part of the theory of evolution?

a. Present-day species developed from earlier species

b. Some species die out when environmental changes occur

c. Complex organisms develop from simple organisms over time

d. Change occurs according to the needs of an individual organism to survive.

27.The diagram below illustrates a proposed evolutionary path of certain organisms, based on the theory of evolution.

Which statement could best be inferred from the information in this diagram?a. Evolution does not involve gradual changeb. Evolutionary changes can result in extinctiona. Evolution begins with plantsb. Evolution produces organisms that all fit the same niche

28.The diversity within the wild bird species in the diagram below can best be explained by which process?

c. Natural selection c. Ecological Successiond. Asexual reproduction d. Mitotic Cell Division

29.When Charles Darwin was developing his theory of evolution, he considered variations in a population important. However, he could not explain how the variations occurred. Name two processes that can result in variation in a population. Explain how these processes actually cause variation. (4)


Base your answers to questions 30 through 32 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram shows an interpretation of relationships based on evolutionary theory. The letters represent different species.

30.Explain why species B and C are more closely related than species A and C are. (1)_______________________________________________________________________



31.The diagram indicates that a common ancestor for species C and E is speciesa. F c. Hb. G d. K

32.Which species are least likely to be vital parts of a present-day ecosystem?a. A and E c. E and Jb. C and D d. B and F

Base your answers to questions 33 through 34 on the diagram below, which represents the relationships between animals in a possible canine family tree, and on your knowledge of biology.

33.According to the diagram, which group of organisms has the most closely related members?a. Cats, weasels, and wolves c. Jackals, foxes, and domestic dogsb. Bears, raccoons, and hyena dogs d. African hunting dogs, hyena dogs, and domestic dogs

34.According to the canine family tree, weasels, foxes, and domestic dogs all most likely originated from the

a. Wolf c. Marctusb. Bear dog d. Miacis

35.The first life-forms to appear on Earth were most likely

a. Complex single-celled organismsb. Complex multi-cellular organisms c. Simple single-celled organismsd. Simple multi-cellular organisms

37.The bones in the forelimbs of three mammals shown below.

For these mammals, the number, position, and shape of the bones most likely indicates that they have

a. developed in a common environment

b. developed from the same earlier species

c. identical genetic makeupd. identical methods of

obtaining food

36.One explanation for the variety of organisms present on Earth today is that over time

a. New species have adapted to fill available niches in the environment

b. Evolution has caused the appearance of organisms that are similar to each other

c. Each niche has changed to support certain variety of organisms

d. The environment has remained unchanged, causing rapid evolution

38.The diagrams below show the bones in the forelimbs of three different organisms

Differences in the bone arrangements support the hypothesis that these organisms

a. Are members of the same species

b. May have descended from the same ancestor

c. Have adaptations to survive in different environments

d. All contain the same genetic information

40.According to the modern evolutionary theory, genes responsible for new traits that help a species survive in a particular environment will usually

a. Not change in frequencyb. Decrease gradually in frequencyc. Decrease rapidly in frequencyd. Increase in frequency

39.Organism X appeared on Earth much earlier than organism Y. Many scientists believe organism X appeared between 3 and 4 billion years ago, and organism Y appeared approximately 1 billion years ago. Which row in the chart below most likely describes organisms X and Y?

41.Which process is correctly matched with its explanation?

42.Even though the environment changes, a population that occupies a given geographic area will most likely continue to be found in this area if the

a. Variations in the population decrease over time

b. Members of the population decrease over time

c. Members of the population exceed the carrying capacity

d. Population passes on those genes that result in favorable adaptations.

44.Which statement best explains the significance of meiosis in the evolution of a species?a. Meiosis produces eggs and sperm that are alikeb. Meiosis provides for chromosomal variation in the gametes produced by an organisma. Equal numbers of eggs and sperm are produced by meiosisb. The gametes produced by meiosis ensure the continuation of any particular species

by asexual reproduction

43.Which statement is best supported by the fossil records?

a. Many organisms that lived in the past are now extinct

b. Species occupying the same habitat have identical environmental needs

c. The struggle for existence between organisms results in changes in populations

d. Structures such as leg bones and wing bones can originate from the same type of tissue found in embryos

45.According to the interpretation of the fossil record by many scientists, during which time interval shown on the time line below did increasingly complex multi-cellular organisms appear on Earth?

c. A to B c. C to Dd. B to C d. D to E

46.The diagram below represents a wooly mammoth, a relative of the modern elephant. Wooly mammoths lived during the Ice Age and eventually became extinct.

State one possible reason this species died out. (1) _______________________________________________________________________



47.When the antibiotic penicillin was first introduced, it was immediately effective in combating staphylococcus bacterial infections. After a number of years, there were outbreaks of staphylococcal infections that did not respond to treatment with penicillin. The best explanation for this situation is that

a. Members of the original population of bacteria that were penicillin resistant survived and reproduced, creating a more resistant population

b. The bacteria that survived exposure to penicillin learned to avoid itc. The bacteria that caused the new outbreaks were from populations that had never

been exposed to penicillind. During each generation, the bacteria modified their own DNA to increase their