ILLNESS & INJURIES PREVENTION PROGRAM Presenter: Bulelwa Huna · B. Huna (2015) 18 Element 3:...

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Transcript of ILLNESS & INJURIES PREVENTION PROGRAM Presenter: Bulelwa Huna · B. Huna (2015) 18 Element 3:...




Presenter: Bulelwa Huna10 NOV 2015

Outline of the Presentation

� Introduction

� What is a work place injury and occupational illness

prevention program?

� Why have a work place injury and occupational illness

prevention program?


� Elements of a work place injury and occupational illness

prevention program?

� Developing the work place injury and occupational illness

prevention program?

� ConclusionB. Huna (2015) 2

� Across the globe:

� ~ 270M occupational accidents and

� ~ 160M occupational diseases each year.

� ILO estimates that 4% of the world’s Gross Domestic

Product (GDP) is lost due to accidents and work-related


� The economic costs of poor OHS practices affects both the

employer and the employee:

�Employer – medical and rehabilitation costs

�Employee – loss of income

B. Huna (2015) 3

Introduction (1)

� Various prevention techniques have proven themselves

as effective in both avoiding workplace accidents and

improving business performance.

� South African Legislation is a direct result of long term

policies encouraging:

�Tripartite social dialogue,

�Collective bargaining between trade unions &


B. Huna (2015) 4

Introduction (2)

Introduction (3)

� The Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 places

the common law duty of reasonable care on the employer

�Section 8

�General duties of employers to their employees;

�Where is the starting point?

�Section 8(2)(d) – starting point of a H & S

Management System:

(Establish hazards & control measures (riskassessment) to any performed work.

B. Huna (2015) 5

Introduction (4)

Similarly, Section 14 requires employees to:

�Take reasonable care of their own H&S and of others who

may be affected by their acts or omissions;

�Co-operate with the employer to enable him/her tocomply with the Act;

�Carry out any lawful order, and obey the H&S rules;

�Report any unsafe situation to the employer or to theH&S rep;

Employees need to be trained and informed about their legal obligations in terms of the Act.

B. Huna (2015) 6

What is a work place injury & occupational

illness prevention program (IIPP)?

� Program to that assists the business in providing a safe

and healthy working environment for its employees.

�Program succeeds by being integrated into the overall

health and safety program, and

� A health and safety program succeeds by being

integrated into the overall business management


� Written program specific to particular hazards for a

particular workplace

B. Huna (2015) 7

Why have a work place injury and

occupational illness prevention program? (1)

� Incidents & occupational illnesses cost money

�For every Rand spent on the direct costs of

an employee’s injury or occupational illness,

more will be spent on the direct and indirect


B. Huna (2015) 8

Why have a work place injury and

occupational illness prevention program? (2)

�Direct & indirect costs

�Direct costs of an incident

� Medical

� Insurance

� Loss of production

� Fines/ imprisonment

B. Huna (2015) 9

Why have a work place injury and occupational

illness prevention program? (3)

� Direct & indirect costs

�Indirect costs of an incident

� Injured, Lost Time Wages

� Non-Injured, Lost Time Wages

� Overtime

� Lost Bonuses

� Employee Morale

� Need For Counselling

� Turn-over

� Cancelled Contracts

� Lost OrdersB. Huna (2015) 10

Why have a work place injury and occupational

illness prevention program? (4)

�Indirect costs of an incident

�Equipment/Material Damage

�Investigation time

�Decreased Production

�Employee not fit for duty

�New employee learning time

�Loss of community confidence

�Public/Customer Perception

�3rd Party LawsuitsB. Huna (2015) 11

Why have a work place injury and

occupational illness prevention program? (6)

�Controlling Losses

�To assist in reducing the costs and risks

associated with workplace injuries and

illnesses, health and safety must be addressed

right along with productivity.

� Promotion of good business practices with regard

to occupational health and safety (OHS) values.

B. Huna (2015) 12


�Provide a safe and healthy workplace for


�Comply with regulatory mandates

�Reduce risk of occupational disease, illness,

injury and harmful exposures

�Reduce employee's compensation claims and


� Improve employee morale and efficiency B. Huna (2015) 13

Elements of a work place IIPP

1. Responsibility/ commitment

2. Compliance

3. Health and Safety Communication

4. Hazard Assessment and Control

5. Incident /Exposure Investigation

6. Health & Safety Planning, Rules & Operating


7. Health and Safety Training

8. Recordkeeping

B. Huna (2015) 14

B. Huna (2015) 15

Element 1: Responsibility/ Commitment

� Who is the program administrator?

�Usually the individual at the highest level.

� Who is charged with the responsibility for


� Commitment backed by strong organizational

policies, procedures, incentives, and disciplinary

actions to ensure employee compliance with health

and safety work practices

B. Huna (2015) 16

Element 2: Compliance

� How will compliance be assured?

�Providing information and training to employees

�Evaluating health and safety performance

B. Huna (2015) 17

Element 3:

Health and Safety Communication (1)

� System for communicating with employees :

�Matters relating to occupational health and safety

� Communication to be readily understandable by all

affected employees

– Posters and bulletins

�Provisions designed to encourage employees to inform

the employer of hazards at the worksite without fear of


�Health and Safety suggestion boxes to communicate

their concerns to management.

B. Huna (2015) 18

Element 3: Health and Safety Communication (2)� Establish health and safety committees

�Regular meetings (minimum as per legislation)

�Employee feedback on the health and safety issues

discussed at the committee meetings,

� Communication to be readily understandable by all

affected employees

�Review results of the periodic scheduled inspections.

Review investigations of:

� Incidents and causes of occupational illness or

exposure to hazardous substances

B. Huna (2015) 19

Element 3:

Health and Safety Communication (3)

� Schedule general employee meetings at which health and

safety is freely discussed

�Encourage maximum attendance

�Align with shifts in case of shift work

� Focus on:

�Incident recall

�Feedback from employees

�Brief audio-visual materials that relate to H &S in the


B. Huna (2015) 20

Element 4: Hazard Assessment & Control (1)

Methods for discovering and correcting hazards in the workplace…

For task/job hazards:

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

Usually completed by the Supervisor, unless assigned to subordinate.

For work environment hazards:

Job site inspections:

Find hazards and eliminate or minimize them before the job is performed!

B. Huna (2015) 21

Element 4:

Hazard Assessment & Control (2)

� Job Safety Analysis

Which jobs/tasks to pick first?

� Set priorities based on:

� Review job description/duties

� Jobs or tasks that have caused accidents.

� Jobs or tasks involving near-misses.

� New jobs.

� Jobs that have undergone changes in procedures, processes, or equipment.

B. Huna (2015) 22

Element 4:

Hazard Assessment & Control (3)

How do you complete a JSA?

� Involve the employees who do the work and their


�Break tasks into sequence of steps

� Identify the potential hazards associated with

each step

�Recommend action or procedure to eliminate or

minimize each identified hazard

B. Huna (2015) 23

Element 4:

Hazard Assessment & Control (4)

Next step?

� Share completed JSAs with supervisor and employee

� Implement recommendations to minimize/eliminate identified hazards

� Hierarchy of controls

B. Huna (2015) 24

Element 4:

Hazard Assessment & Control (5)

B. Huna (2015) 25

Element 4:

Hazard Assessment & Control (6)

� Job Site Inspections

�Complete regular job site inspections.

�Frequency will depend on level of health

and safety hazards.

B. Huna (2015) 26

Element 5:


� Procedures for investigating incidents include:

� Investigations to be conducted by trained individuals,

and with the primary focus of understanding why the

incident, near miss or exposure occurred

� H& S committee to scrutinise the findings

� Interview injured employees and witnesses

� Examine the workplace for causal factors.

� Take corrective action to prevent recurrence.

� Record the findings and actions taken.

B. Huna (2015) 27

Element 5:


� Questions to ask in an incident/ exposure investigation include:

1. What happened?

�The investigation should describe what took place that prompted

the investigation

2. Why did the incident happen?

�The investigation must obtain all the facts surrounding the


� What caused the situation to occur?

� Who was involved?

� Was/were the employee(s) qualified to perform the functions

involved in the incident, near miss or exposure?

B. Huna (2015) 28

Element 5:


� Questions to ask in an incident/ exposure investigation


2. Why did the incident happen?

�The investigation must obtain all the facts surrounding

the occurrence:

� Were they properly trained?

� Were proper operating procedures established for

the task involved?

� Were procedures followed, and if not, why not?

� Where else this or a similar situation might exist,

and how it can be corrected?

B. Huna (2015) 29



� Questions to ask in an incident/ exposure investigation


3. What should be done?

�The person conducting the investigation must

determine aspects of the operation or processes

requiring additional attention.

� It is important to note that the purpose here is not to

establish blame, but to determine what type of

constructive action can eliminate the cause(s) of the

accident or near miss.

B. Huna (2015) 30

Element 5:


� Questions to ask in an incident/ exposure investigation


4. What action has been taken?

�Action already taken to prevent the recurrence of the

incident or reduce or eliminate the exposures being

investigated should be noted, along with those

remaining to be addressed.

�Any interim or temporary precautions should also be


�Any pending corrective action and reason for

delaying its implementation should be identified.

B. Huna (2015) 31

Element 6: Health & Safety Planning, Rules &

Operating Procedures (1)

� Planning for health and safety is an important part of every

business decision, including decisions on purchasing,

engineering, changes in work processes, and planning for


� Health and safety planning is effective when the workplace has:

�Rules written to apply to everyone and addressing areas

such as PPE & C, expected behaviour at work emergency


�Periodic review and update of all rules and procedures to

make sure they reflect current conditions.

�Health and safety work practices should be developed for

each specific job.

B. Huna (2015) 32

Element 6: Health & Safety Planning, Rules &

Operating Procedures (2)

� Health and safety planning is effective when the workplace has:

� Discipline or reward procedures to help assure that health

and safety rules and work procedures are put into practice

and enforced.

� Reward or positive reinforcement procedures such as:

– bonus, incentive or employee recognition programs

should provide positive motivation for compliance

with health and safety rules and procedures.

� A written plan for emergency situations which includes a

list of emergencies that could arise and a set of procedures

in response to each situation.

B. Huna (2015) 33

Element 6: Health & Safety Planning,

Rules & Operating Procedures (3)

� Health and safety planning is effective when the workplace has:

� A written plan for emergency situations which includes a

list of emergencies that could arise and a set of procedures

in response to each situation.

� Designated emergency response teams specifically trained

and equipped to handle possible imminent hazards for

operations involving hazardous substances, procedures or


B. Huna (2015) 34

Element 7:

Health and Safety Training (1)

� Training is one of the most important elements of any

Injury and Illness Prevention Program.

� It allows employees to learn their job properly, brings

new ideas into the workplace, reinforces existing ideas

and practices, and puts the program into action.

� An effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program

includes training for both supervisors and employees.

� Training is a regulatory requirement

� Training – in-house or outsourced

B. Huna (2015) 35

Element 7:

Health and Safety Training (2)

� Training program must, at a minimum, provide training

and instruction:

� For all supervisors to ensure they are familiar with

the health and safety hazards to which employees

under their immediate direction and control may be


� To all employees and contractors on site when the

program is first established.

� To all new employees.

B. Huna (2015) 36

Element 7:

Health and Safety Training (3)

� Training program must, at a minimum, provide training

and instruction:

� To all employees assigned to new jobs for which no

training has been previously received.

� Whenever new substances, processes, procedures

or equipment are introduced to the workplace and

present a new hazard.

� Whenever there is a new or previously

unrecognized hazard.

Element 8:

Health & Safety Recordkeeping (1)

� No operation can be successful without adequate

recordkeeping, which enables you to learn from past

experience and make corrections for future operations.

� Maintain records and statistics for the following:

�You must keep records of consultation on health and

safety matters with employees

�Health and safety program reviews can help you track

the progress of the IIPP.

�Employee orientation and training records can help

ensure that employees are getting the education and

training they need.B. Huna (2015) 37

Element 8:

Health & Safety Recordkeeping (2)

� Maintain records and statistics for the following:

�Inspection reports can provide historical information

about hazards and how they have been dealt with.

�Monthly meeting records can help monitor how promptly

and how well “action items” have been carried out.

�Incident investigation reports can clarify which hazards

have caused incidents and how they were controlled.

�First aid assessments can help determine the first aid

requirements for the workplace.

�First aid records can provide injury statistics that will

help prioritise health and safety efforts.B. Huna (2015) 38

Element 8:

Health & Safety Recordkeeping (3)

Injury & illness records

� Injury and illness records are measure for evaluating the

success of the health and safety activities:

�success would generally mean a reduction or elimination

of employee injuries or illnesses during a calendar year.

�During the year, regularly review these records to see where

injuries and illnesses are occurring.

�Look for any patterns or repeat situations.

B. Huna (2015) 39

Element 8:

Health & Safety Recordkeeping (4)

� These records can help you identify hazardous areas in

your workplace and pinpoint where immediate corrective

action is needed.

� Records kept should include:

� all incidents relating to workplace health and safety,

even those where no injury or illness resulted. Such

information can assist in pinpointing unsafe acts,

conditions or procedures.

B. Huna (2015) 40

Element 8:

Health & Safety Recordkeeping (5)

Exposure Records

�Injury and illness records may not be the only records

that need to be maintained.

�Legislation concerning toxic substances and hazardous

exposures require records of:

� Employee exposure to these substances and


�Health risk assessments,

�Occupational hygiene monitoring

B. Huna (2015) 41

Element 8:

Health & Safety Recordkeeping (6)

Exposure Records

�Legislation concerning toxic substances and hazardous

exposures require records of:

�Medical surveillance and biological monitoring


�Employment records,

�Training and

�Any other relevant information that may be prescribed

B. Huna (2015) 42

Element 8:

Health & Safety Recordkeeping (7)Documentation of Activities

�Essential records, including those:

� Legally required for workers' compensation,

�Insurance audits, and

�Government inspections, must be maintained for as

long as required by legislation.

B. Huna (2015) 43

Element 8:

Health & Safety Recordkeeping (8)Documentation of Activities

�It is essential to keep records of steps taken to establish

and maintain IIPP and these include:

�Records of scheduled and periodic inspections as

required by the legislation to identify unsafe

conditions and work practices.

�The documentation must include the name of the

person(s) conducting the inspection, the unsafe

conditions and work practices identified, and the

action taken to correct the unsafe conditions and work


B. Huna (2015) 44

Element 8:

Health & Safety Recordkeeping (8)Documentation of Activities

�It is essential to keep records of steps taken to establish

and maintain IIPP and these include:

�Documentation of health and safety training required

by legislation for each employee.

�The documentation must specifically include

employee name or other identifier, training dates,

type(s) of training and the name of the training


�These records must also be kept as per the duration

prescribed by legislation.

B. Huna (2015) 45

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (1)

� Develop a workplace specific program using the

elements of the Injury and Illness Prevention program


� Determine steps to be taken to achieve the set goals

� Plan how and when each step will be carried out and

who will do it and put this plan in writing.

� In developing the plan, consider the company's

immediate needs and provide for continuous employee


B. Huna (2015) 46

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (2)

� In establishing IIPP consider the following:

�Assign Responsibilities

�Situational analysis

� Health & Safety Survey

�Workplace Assessment

�Review & Compare

�Develop an Action Plan

�Take Action

�Maintain the Program

B. Huna (2015) 47

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (3)

Assign Responsibilities

�Decide who in the company will be given responsibility

and authority to manage the program

� The person assigned must be identified by name in the


�Full cooperation and support to be provided.

�Ultimate responsibility and accountability for health

and safety still lies with CEO.

B. Huna (2015) 48

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (4)

Assign Responsibilities

�Give each employee training and responsibility to follow

health and safety procedures, and to recognize and report

hazards in immediate area of work.

�All employees must be informed of their responsibility in

terms of the Act, which requires every employee to comply

with occupational health and safety requirements

applicable to their own actions and conduct.

B. Huna (2015) 49

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (5)

Look at What You Have (situational analysis)

�Before making any changes in your current health and

safety operations, gather as much information as possible

about :

�Current conditions at your workplace, and

�Work practices that are already part of your Injury and

Illness Prevention Program.

�Assessment of your workplace should be conducted by

the person responsible for the IIPP, and/or can be


B. Huna (2015) 50

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (6)

Look at What You Have (situational analysis)

�Situational analysis consists of the following activities:

� Health & Safety Survey considers:

� The first is a comprehensive health and safety survey of your facility to identify existing or potential health and safety hazards.

� The survey should evaluate workplace conditions with respect to:

– Applicable legislation & generally recognized safe work practices and physical hazards;

– use of any hazardous materials;

– Use of equipment & its location

– employee work habits; and

– a discussion of health and safety problems with employees. B. Huna (2015) 51

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (7)

Workplace Assessment

�The next activity is an evaluation of the existing health and safety

program to identify areas that may be working well and those that

may need improvement.


� Accident, injury or illness data.

� Worker's compensation costs.

� Rates of employee turnover or absenteeism.

� Information on health and safety activities on-going or previously tried.

� Company policy statements.

� Work practices and procedures.

� Records of training programs.B. Huna (2015) 52

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (8)

Workplace Assessment

�The next activity is an evaluation of the existing health and

safety program to identify areas that may be working well and

those that may need improvement.

�Examine your company's:

� Compliance with requirements legislation

� Employee capabilities:

– make a list of all employees,

– Indicate the dates they were hired

B. Huna (2015) 53

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (9)

Workplace Assessment

�The next activity is an evaluation of the existing health and

safety program to identify areas that may be working well and

those that may need improvement.

�Examine your company's:

� Compliance with requirements legislation

� Employee capabilities:

– Their jobs are, and their experience and training.

– Special attention should be given to new

employees and employees with handicaps.

B. Huna (2015) 54

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (10)

Review & Compare

�After all the facts are gathered, look at how the information on your workplace corresponds with legislative requirements, and with the elements of an IIPP:

� Responsibility/ commitment

� Compliance

� Health and Safety Communication

� Hazard Assessment and Control

� Incident /Exposure Investigation

� Health & Safety Planning, Rules & Operating Procedures

� Health and Safety Training

� Recordkeeping

You may find that you are already well on your way toward having an IIPP

B. Huna (2015) 55

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (11)

Develop an Action Plan

�An action plan is:

� a specific, written description of problems and solutions and

�Should be changed to correspond with changes in the


�A good action plan has two parts:

�1st part:

� Overall list of major changes or improvements needed to

make an IIPP effective.

� Assigning each item a priority and a target date for

completion, and identifying the person who will monitor or

direct each action.B. Huna (2015) 56

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (12)

Develop an Action Plan

�A good action plan has two parts:

�2nd Part

� Taking each major change or improvement listed and

working out a specific plan for making that change.

� Write what you want to accomplish, the steps required,

who would be assigned to do what, and when you plan to

be finished.

This part of the action plan helps you keep track of

program improvement so that details do not slip

through the cracks.

B. Huna (2015) 57

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (13)

Take Action

�Put the plan into action:

�Address items as prioritized beginning with the highest


�Address the steps that have been written out for each


�Communicate with employees about the IIPP and their


B. Huna (2015) 58

Getting Started on Your Injury & Illness

Prevention Program (14)

Maintain Your Program

�Schedule a review quarterly, semi-annually or annually to

look at each critical component in the IIPP to determine what

is working well and what changes, if any, are needed.

�When needs that should be addressed are identified, there

is a basis for new health and safety objectives for program


B. Huna (2015) 59

Conclusion (1)

� IIPP is not a linear process that is conducted once in the


� The cyclical nature of an IIPP is particularly important in

the face of globalization that results in new or emergent

risks that need to be progressively assessed and


� Effective IIPS emphasize:

�Top-level ownership of the program,

�Participation by employees, and

�A "find and fix" approach to workplace hazards.

B. Huna (2015) 60

Conclusion (2)

B. Huna (2015) 61

Conclusion (3)

� With an IIP:

B. Huna (2015) 62

B. Huna (2015) 63