Ihop–kc overview book

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Ihop–kc overview book



On May 7, 1999, the International House of Prayer Missions Base (IHOP–KC) was founded by Mike Bickle and 20 full-time “intercessory missionaries,” who cried out to God in prayer with worship for 13 hours each day. Four months later, on September 19, 1999, our prayer and worship expanded to the full 24/7 schedule. IHOP–KC is an evangelical missions organization that is committed to praying for the release of the fullness of God’s power and purpose as we actively win the lost, heal the sick, feed the poor, make disciples, and impact the seven spheres of society (family, education, government, economy, arts, media, and religion). Our vision is to work in relationship with the larger Body of Christ to serve the Great Commission, as we seek to walk out the two great commandments to love God and people.

We refer to our full-time IHOP–KC staff as “intercessory missionaries.” They raise their own support to work as full-time missionaries who reach out to others from a lifestyle of prayer and worship. Today, about 1,500 believers (staff, students, and interns) serve full-time, investing fifty hours per week as they go from the prayer room to the classroom and then to ministry outreaches and works of service. Also, as those who are committed to the forerunner message, we are preparing ourselves to prepare others for the unique dynamics of the generation in which the Lord returns.

On September 19, 2009, while celebrating our ten-year anniversary together, we made a sober commitment

before God to combine 24/7 prayers for justice with 24/7 works of justice until the Lord returns. Outreach has always been a vital part of our mission. However, at that time, we set our heart to significantly increase our outreach and ministry to others outside our missions base. Thus, we are launching many new outreach ministries that will continue 24/7 alongside our 24/7 prayer with worship.

Our new IHOP–KC ministries and outreaches include increasing our current inner city outreach with a mobile food truck and on-site food distribution, discipleship programs, a health clinic, provision of food and clothing for our children’s outreaches, big brother and big sister programs, and an adopt-a-block program. Our other new outreaches include Crisis Response International that provides disaster relief, Orphan Justice Center to serve orphans and children at risk, Hannah’s Dream adoption agency, Exodus Cry helping victims of human trafficking, and our Women’s Life Center that will provide homes and restoration programs for victims of human trafficking and domestic violence, and prostitutes who respond to the gospel, as well as a crisis pregnancy center and birth mother homes to help women who refuse abortion and choose life.

We are best equipped to reach out to others when our lives are rooted in prayer that focuses on intimacy with God and intercession for a breakthrough of the fullness of God’s power and purpose for this generation.

Our greatest effectiveness in reaching millions will be seen only as our work is bathed in prayer. Prayer ministries like Mike Bickle’s in Kansas City are important for the completion of the great harvest.

—Bill Bright, Campus Crusade for Christ

We are grateful for our partnership with IHOP–KC, knowing that 24/7 prayer is essential to see the full release of God’s purpose. I salute and honor the IHOP–KC leadership team.

—Coach Bill McCartney, Promise Keepers

As I travel, I see the enormous influence of my IHOP–KC family. What you are doing is tremendously important. Your obedience to Jesus is contributing to the transformation of the international Body of Christ. I am deeply grateful to you all.

—John Dawson, Youth With A Mission

The intercessory worship at the prayer room in Kansas City is making a difference. I am convinced that 24/7 prayer and worship is critical to the success of the missions movement. We are grateful for our partnership with IHOP–KC.

—Dick Eastman, Every Home for Christ

I have been impressed by the enormous generosity of Mike Bickle’s ministry in giving to those who take the gospel to the unreached. I highly commend their sacrificial outpourings of love for untold millions. I wholeheartedly endorse the work of IHOP–KC to advance the kingdom.

—Ralph Mahoney, World MAP Missions Network

God has allowed YWAM to enjoy the benefits of the prayers of IHOP–KC. As a result, we have seen more accomplished for the kingdom of God than we could ever do without their prayer backing. Thank you for your faithfulness.

—Loren Cunningham, Youth With A Mission

The Church today needs to be mobilized with continual prayer to release the harvest in the nations. Mike Bickle’s reliable ministry in Kansas City is helping to answer a great need in this hour. We need the glow and the glory that comes from the ministry that goes on there.

—Jack W. Hayford, The Church on the Way

As a lifelong missiologist, I cannot help but think that the landscape of humanity will drastically change when the Body of Christ actually becomes a house of prayer. Mike Bickle has risked it all to convince us of this fact. I heartily recommend this amazing work!

—C. Peter Wagner, Wagner Leadership Institute

Many pastors in the Kansas City area are grateful to God for raising up IHOP–KC in our city. The knowledge that hundreds of intercessors are crying out night and day with fasting for revival in our city strengthens our hearts in the battle. We thank Mike Bickle and the IHOP–KC leaders and stand with them, knowing that their labors are resulting in spiritual blessing and unity in the Church in our city.

—Howard Cordell, Midwest Ministers Fellowship (Network of over 200 ministries in the Kansas City area)

Who We AreEndorsementsCombining 24/7 Prayers for Justice with 24/7 Works of Justice

These are excerpts from longer endorsements, which are available at IHOP.org/endorsements


In Constantinople, Alexander established laus perennis, or perpetual praise, with about 350 monks. His aim was to fulfill Paul’s exhortation in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing as the foundation of bringing the gospel to the lost and feeding the poor. This became the founding monastery of the order of the Acoemetae (literally, “the sleepless ones”). The houses were divided into six choirs rotating throughout the day, each new choir relieving the one before, continuing uninterrupted 24 hours a day.


Many trace the modern Protestant movement back to Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians. This community was committed to see that “the fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out” (Lev. 6:13). This prayer meeting was to continue uninterrupted for the next 100 years, and is seen by many as the foundation of their worldwide missions movement.


In 1973, David Yonggi Cho established Prayer Mountain with day and night prayer, in Seoul, South Korea, attracting over a million visitors a year. This prayer ministry resulted in hundreds of thousands coming to Jesus, a multitude of physical healings, and dramatic spiritual breakthroughs. Cho’s church became the largest congregation in the world with well over half a million people.


At Bangor, Ireland, Comgall instituted a monastic rule of incessant prayer and fasting. By the time Comgall died in 602, the annals report that 3,000 monks joined him in crying out to God in this way. Bangor Mor, “the great Bangor,” became the greatest monastic school of their day and proclaimed the gospel throughout Europe. It was also one of the three leading lights of Celtic Christianity, the others being Iona and Bangor-on-Dee in Britain.


King David erected a tent on Mount Zion when He returned the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem (1 Chr. 15:1). Within this tabernacle he instituted a new order of worship. David appointed over 4,000 full-time singers and musicians to minister to the Lord day and night (1 Chr. 9:33; 16:37; 23:5; 25:6–7). This continued for 33 years, throughout the reign of King David, and under other leaders such as Solomon, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Josiah, Ezra, and Nehemiah (2 Chr. 8:14; 20:19–28; 23:16–18; 29:25–27; 35:3–15; Ezra 3:10–11; Neh. 12:24, 45–47).


On September 19, 1999, we began our own prayer and worship meeting that has continued twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We function as a missions base with around 1,500 people involved full-time (staff, students, and interns), who are committed, by the grace of God, to combining 24/7 prayers for justice with 24/7 works of justice until the Lord returns. Encountering Jesus equips us to minister to others in the power of the Holy Spirit and to serve the Great Commission.

1000 BC

AD 400

AD 558 AD 1727

AD 1973

AD 1999

THE PRAYER MOVEMENT THROUGH HISTORYthe fire must be kept burning on the altar

Visitors The IHOP–KC Missions Base provides a focused environment for all who wish to set aside time to encounter God. Over 40,000 people visit the IHOP–KC Missions Base each year, some to receive refreshing and renewal, spiritual breakthrough, and prayer for physical healing in the 24/7 prayer room, and others to attend a conference or specific training event.

Partners have a spiritual inheritance with us in every life that is impacted by the ministry and outreach of IHOP–KC. Our missions base is sustained by the giving of those whose hearts have been stirred by the Lord and the desire to sow into the prayer movement, works of justice, and outreach. Partners may not live in the Kansas City area, but they are an integral part of the missions base through their ongoing financial commitment. partners@ihop.org | IHOP.org/give


International House of Prayer University is a full-time Bible school which exists to equip this generation in the knowledge of God and the power of the Spirit for the bold proclamation of the Lord Jesus and His saving power. Our students engage in rigorous Bible training and ministry outreaches in the power of the Holy Spirit, in the context of a thriving missions base fueled by 24/7 prayer with worship. As a result, theological education obtained in the classroom is connected to intimacy with Jesus and practical service and outreach.ihopu@ihop.org | IHOP.org/ihopu


Our internships aim to see this generation filled with the Word of God, fervent in worship, fiery in intercession, and committed to outreach and service in the power of the Holy Spirit. Interns come to spend a focused season of their lives worshiping Jesus, studying the Word, engaging in works of justice, and interceding for the release of the Lord’s kingdom purposes. Interns have the opportunity to form lifelong friendships. They come to see Jesus as Bridegroom, King, and Judge. Afterwards, if they so desire, they may join staff upon successful completion of an internship.internships@ihop.org |IHOP.org/internships


You were made to know God

The prayer room is the heartbeat and foundation of all ministry, evangelism, works of justice, and training at the missions base. It is staffed by full- and part-time singers, musicians, intercessors, and worship leaders. Our staff members come

from all walks of life to give their lives to God day and night in prayer, ministry to others in the power

of the Holy Spirit, and outreach to the lost.

Intercessory missionaries keep the fire on the altar burning

(Lev. 6:13)

Staff“God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it.” —John Wesley



with 24/7 works of ju




g 24/7 prayers for justice

At the center of our missions base is the 24/7 prayer room, staffed by full-time intercessory missionaries who are motivated

by passion for Jesus and compassion for people.




RESOURCESTeaching and


OUTREACH25 departments







Daniel LimCEO, IHOP–KC

Allen HoodPresident, IHOPU

Mike BickleFounder, IHOP–KC

Night & Day Prayer24/7 prayer with worship—seeking intimacy

with God and crying out for justice

Central to the work of the missions base is our 24/7 prayer room, inspired by David’s tabernacle, where 4,000 singers and 288 musicians were employed as their full-time occupation to minister to the Lord and serve the community (1 Chr. 23:5; 25:7). The 24/7 schedule is divided into 12, two-hour prayer with worship meetings a day.

Scripture teaches that night and day prayer is crucial to release the fullness of God’s power and purpose (Lk. 18:7–8; Isa. 62:6–7). We are offering Jesus unceasing adoration, while contending for justice and the power of the Holy Spirit to be manifest, bringing forth transformation in the seven spheres of society.

MinistriesWe are committed to imparting the values of

intimacy with Jesus, 24/7 prayer with worship, operating in the power of the Holy Spirit, and

reaching this generation with the love of Jesus. We serve the kingdom of God through biblical

teaching and training thousands, in order to see powerful transformation in the marketplace,

neighborhoods, schools, churches, and communities in society.

Children’s Equipping CenterTraining children, parents, and leaders through camps, clinics, conferences, and family prayer meetings, and equipping them to walk in wholehearted devotion to Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.cec@ihop.org | IHOP.org/cec

IHOP—KC CommissionShort-term training to equip people to be involved in their prayer ministry back home, or for anyone who simply desires a focused season of spiritual impartation and encountering God. Training centers on a lifestyle of prayer, ministering to others in the power of the Holy Spirit, the forerunner calling, intimacy with Jesus, and compassion for people. Internationals welcome.commission@ihop.org | IHOP.org/commission

Luke18 ProjectEquipping college students to establish prayer furnaces on all 2,600 college campuses in America.info@luke18.com | IHOP.org/luke18

onethingA conference ministry with powerful times of worship and bold teaching from the Word, both in the U.S. and other nations. Equipping young adults as forerunners and encouraging them to live wholeheartedly for God, encounter the power of the Holy Spirit, reach the lost, serve the poor, and heal the sick.onething@ihop.org | IHOP.org/onething

Student MinistriesServing the Body of Christ by calling teenagers to a lifestyle of obedience to Jesus as they grow in love and holiness. Providing opportunities to function in the power of the Holy Spirit, get involved in outreach, and do works of justice. studentministries@ihop.org IHOP.org/studentministries

The Israel MandateTeaching and mobilizing intercessors in the Body of Christ worldwide to pray for God’s purposes in Israel, and partnering with Messianic Jews for the salvation of the Jewish people.israelmandate@ihop.org | IHOP.org/israelmandate

The Sacred ChargeRallying young adults to the seven commitments of a forerunner to pray daily, fast weekly, speak boldly, do justly, give extravagantly, live holy, and lead others diligently in prayer and study of the Word.sacredcharge@ihop.org | sacredcharge.com

Joseph CompanyTraining believers in the marketplace to win people to Jesus, change lives, and transform the marketplace by releasing God’s power, presence, and wisdom to many. josephcompany@ihop.org | IHOP.org/joco

African American Forerunner AllianceRecognizing God’s call on the black community to provide a significant leadership role in the prayer and worship movement; hosting prayer meetings, relationship-building forums, and training events.aafa@ihop.org | IHOP.org/aafa



ng 2


Prayers for Justice with 24/7 Works of Justice

Works of Justice, Missions, and

Outreach As a missions base founded on 24/7 prayer

with worship, we desire to engage in outreach as an outflow of prayer and intimacy with the

Lord, and to minister to others in the power of the Holy Spirit. By the grace of God, we are

committed to combining 24/7 prayers for justice with 24/7 works of justice, and are involved in

many evangelistic and inner-city outreaches, multiple justice initiatives, training missionaries,

and encouraging others as they plant churches and houses of prayer.

Jesus promised to release compassionate works of justice in the midst of those who cry out for

them day and night. He said, “Shall not God bring about justice for His elect, who cry to Him day and night?” (Lk. 18:7). Our missions work is far more effective in reaching people when it is

connected to fervent, continual prayer.

Hope CityInner city prayer meetings, evangelism in the power of the Holy Spirit, restoring lives and making disciples, compassion ministry, and a community kitchen.hopecity@ihop.org | IHOP.org/hopecity

Forerunner EvangelismReaching the lost through daily, evangelistic outreaches and various large-scale, annual outreaches.evangelism@ihop.org IHOP.org/forerunnerevangelism

Healing RoomsProviding focused, personal prayer for those who need physical healing; praying for 15,000 people each year in our healing rooms.healing@ihop.org | IHOP.org/healingministry

Prophetic MinistryTraining members of the IHOP–KC prophecy teams to speak prophetic words of encouragement and edification to 20,000 people each year.prophecyrooms@ihop.org IHOP.org/propheticministry

Orphan Justice CenterCaring for orphaned children and undocumented refugee minors in a community based on 24/7 prayer with worship.

Exodus CryStanding in prayer and fasting against injustice to see the demise of human trafficking and modern-day slavery, bringing widespread awareness, and restoring the lives of victims caught in the web of the sex industry.info@exoduscry.com | exoduscry.com

Crisis Response InternationalTraining and mobilizing volunteer mercy missionariesto respond to disasters in the United States and othernations; providing resources, comfort, and relief in the name of Jesus, as we minister in the power of the Holy Spirit.office@criout.com | criout.com

Bound4Life KCMobilizing prayer to effect the ending of abortion, an increase in adoptions, and the reformation of government and society through spiritual awakening.info@bound4lifekc.com | bound4lifekc.com

Hannah’s Dream & Zoe FoundationPromoting adoption as a positive alternative to abortion in America, and providing positive, adoption services at a fraction of the usual cost. hannahsdream.com | thezoefoundation.com

Women’s Life CenterSeeking to provide homes and restoration programs for victims of human trafficking and domestic violence, and prostitutes who respond to the gospel, as well as a crisis pregnancy center and birth mother homes to help women who refuse abortion and choose life.

Events Each year we host a number of conferences, summits, and camps with varied focuses and for different groups within the Church—ministry leaders, children, business leaders, intercessors, teens, and young adults. The purpose of these gatherings is to encounter Jesus, and to receive training in the Word and impartation from the Spirit. Regardless of the topic, at every event we host, you will be sure to find a strong emphasis on experiencing the presence of God through worship, teaching the Word of God with boldness, praying for the sick, and fellowshipping with friends and fellow believers.

You can stay connected to the vision, values, and message of the IHOP–KC Missions Base through a variety of means. Through our website, IHOP.org, you can watch a live webstream of the 24/7 prayer room, join our weekend services, download classes from the university, and buy books, teachings, music, and other resources to help you grow as a servant and lover of God.


The Mike Bickle Library at MikeBickle.org provides hundreds of free resources from Mike’s teaching over 25 years. Download digital teachings from an online library, available in video and audio formats, complete with study notes and transcriptions of the messages. From teachings like The Bride of Christ, The Life of David, and The Song of Songs, to series like The Book of Revelation, and The First Commandment, and much more, everything is free.


Across the globe, men and women of God

are longing for a new expression of Christianity—

one that will only arise through



Kansas City, MO 64137816.763.0200 | IHOP.org