IgniteNYC: How to Replace Yourself With a Very Small Shell Script

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of IgniteNYC: How to Replace Yourself With a Very Small Shell Script

How to replace�yourself with �a very small�shell script.

Hilary Mason http://www.hilarymason.com

146 minutes per day?1

1 Statistics Canada, http://www.statcan.gc.ca

Getting Nothing Done

I can fix this ...with code!

Early attempt: e-mail summarization

Hey Hilary,

Iʼm recovering nicely. Can you believe I had swine flu?

Sorry we had to cancel the visit. Is there another Saturday this month that will work for you? Maybe the 28th?

Hugs, Jenny

jenny@jennyrules.com:I’m recovering nicely.Sorry we had to cancel the visit.Maybe the 28th?




FAIL: easily abused!

Hi Hilary,


Kevin kevin@univ.edu: bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch love, Kevin




solutions must� be invisible

Dealing with�Other People

Script: Nag Bot Hi [you],

I hope all is well. Did you happen to get a chance to look at [thing]?



Nag Bot First nag, 5-7 days, weekdays only Second a week later Third two weeks after that If no response after two months, e-mail to me

Boosted eventual response rate to 98%

Script: FAQ

incoming: will it be on the exam? <compose: yes, it will be on the exam>

incoming: will it be on the exam? <compose: yes, it will be on the exam>

incoming: will it be on the exam? <compose: yes, it will be on the exam>

Response Suggestor

Tracks N-grams in messages and suggest responses that were sent to others.

Workflow: compose once, then copy+edit

Reduce time by ~60%

YOUR SITE IS DOWN * are you free right now? * I’m trying to send you money… * your favorite celebrity just died! * DID YOU SEE YOUR SITE IS DOWN * did you forget you were supposed to …? * I need that doc ASAP * your test results are in * you got the job! * YOUR SITE IS STILL DOWN * this is a problem * THIS IS YOUR MOTHER * you got paid! * up for lunch? * we’re out of coffee * grades are due * a package just arrived for you * your book is on amazon! * THIS IS YOUR MOTHER AGAIN

some e-mail is �very important

Script: Importance Classifier

1. Checks inbox every 3 minutes 2. Evaluates each new message 3.  If important, sends an alert

No worrying!

Problem: Remember Me?

Script: Finding Patterns

(in progress)

Problem: Following Everyone

Script: Subgroup Trends and Suggested Tweets

Global trends, local trends

Short and sweet.

Thank you!

Hilary Mason hmason@gmail.com

@hmason http://www.hilarymason.com

Class on document classification in Python – Dec 6 - http://spamfilter.eventbrite.com