Ignacio Fernández Hernández European Commission, DG ... · Ignacio Fernández Hernández European...

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Transcript of Ignacio Fernández Hernández European Commission, DG ... · Ignacio Fernández Hernández European...

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Ignacio Fernández HernándezEuropean Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry

Xavier BertinchamsEuropean GNSS Supervisory Authority


Session overview

• 14h00 - Introduction

• 14h10 - Receivers – General technologies• Innovative receivers

• Integrity receivers

• SBAS receivers

• Multi frequency antennas

2 2

• Multi frequency antennas

• 14h45 - Receivers – PRS• Technologies for PRS receivers

• PMR and Galileo PRS receiver architecture

• 15h30 – Break

• 15h50 – Q&A

• 16h15 – Presentation of project ideas

Session overview

• 14h00 - Introduction

• 14h10 - Receivers – General technologies• Innovative receivers

• Integrity receivers

• SBAS receivers

• Multi frequency antennas

3 3

• Multi frequency antennas

• 14h45 - Receivers – PRS• Technologies for PRS receivers

• PMR and Galileo PRS receiver architecture

• 15h30 – Break

• 15h50 – Q&A

• 16h15 – Presentation of Project Ideas

• GNSS receivers are a key part of the navigation chain, as

they are the link between satellite signals and PNT services

• Overall objectives of EC/GSA funding in receivers:

• Develop knowledge within the EU


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• Develop knowledge within the EU

• Increase EU competitiveness in worldwide markets

• Develop the necessary receiver technologies to provide the

planned Galileo/EGNOS services

• Support the introduction of Galileo/EGNOS

FP activities in receivers


2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

galileo 1st prototype receiver

5 5

mass market receivers

professional receivers 3C

safety of life receivers 3C

PRS receivers 3C

Also other receiver-related activities in international, SME and application topics

• First GPS/Galileo and Galileo mass market chipsets

• Galileo FE-SP-PVT chains developed for all Galileo signals defined

• Professional receiver prototypes sold later as commercial products

• Study and prototyping of receivers for Galileo SoL services

• Specifications for 3 main PRS receiver types (including Security Module

Outcomes of FP receiver actitivites

6 6

• Specifications for 3 main PRS receiver types (including Security Module


• Simulation and testing tools available for the GNSS community

Overall EU knowledge increased in the field, industrial position

strengthened, Galileo receivers prototyped

What is different today?

• Multi-technology navigation: inertial, GIS, ‘opportunity signals’, etc.

• Other satnav systems (global and regional) in development

• GNSS vulnerabilities critical to society

• Galileo IOV/FOC signals available soon, including PRS and OS


7 7


• GNSS + communications offers new receiver concepts (e.g. remote

signal/PVT processing, high precision for mobile users, R-GNSS, etc)

FP7 3rd call overview (30.5m€)

Activity 1


Activity 2


• Professional applications

• Safety Of Life applications

• Scientific applications

• Innovative applications / SMEs

• Continuation of the EDAS service for research*Preparing the Tools and Creating the

Appropriate Environment “tools”

Exploiting the Full Potential


8 8

Adapting Receivers to Requirements and

Updating Core Technologies

“receivers”Activity 3


Activity 4


• Innovative receivers technology

• PRS receiver technologies

• Integrity receivers*

• SBAS multi-constellation receivers*

• Multi frequency antennas*

• Integrated PMR and PRS*

• Networks of universities and research institutes and user


• International activities

• Mission evolution studies*

Supporting Infrastructure Evolution, GSA

and international


* tender







pub. date


Innovative receivers €3.0 M CP Done



Technologies for PRS receivers TBD CP Done


Delegated to GSA

Integrity Receivers €1.5 M Tender Q1-2011 EC

Integrated PMR (Professional Mobile €0.9 M Tender Q2-2011 Delegated to GSA

Receivers in FP7-3C

9 9

Integrated PMR (Professional Mobile

Radio) and Galileo PRS receiver


€0.9 M Tender Q2-2011 Delegated to GSA

SBAS L1/L5 multi-constellation receiver €1.0 M Tender Q4-2010 EC

Multi-frequency antennas €0.5 M Tender Q1-2011 EC

TOTAL €6.9 M


Session overview

• 14h00 - Introduction

• 14h10 - Receivers – General technologies• Innovative receivers

• Integrity receivers

• SBAS receivers

• Multi frequency antennas

10 10

• Multi frequency antennas

• 14h45 - Receivers – PRS• Technologies for PRS receivers

• PMR and Galileo PRS receiver architecture

• 15h30 – Break

• 15h50 – Q&A

• 16h15 – Presentation of Project Ideas

11 11

• Objective: give research funding opportunities in the area of PNT devices.• Open to all user communities

• Total budget: €3M

• Similar to FP7-2C topic, but more flexible

• Separate call: FP7-GALILEO-2011-ENTR-1

• Deadline: 16 December 2010 at 17:00:00 (Brussels Local Time)


Two possible approaches

• Receiver Prototype Development• Prototyping towards a final product

• Recommended: €1M (EC funding), 24 months

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• Advanced Receiver Technologies• Focus on research. No HW development necessary

• Recommended: €0.5M (EC funding), 18 months

Number of funded projects from each approach TBD depending on proposal quality

RTD proposed areas

• Hybridisation of GNSS with inertial sensors/other information sources

• Hybridisation of navigation and communication signals

• High precision: RTK/PPP multi-frequency for all environments;

relative/cooperative positioning, advanced CP positioning

• Multi-GNSS, Multi-frequency receivers (QZSS, GLONASS…)

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• Multi-GNSS, Multi-frequency receivers (QZSS, GLONASS…)

• Relevant ICDs must be available

• Can involve cooperation with 3rd countries

• Multipath mitigation, complex/innovative SP techniques

• Signal processing techniques for low power devices

• Multi-antenna and other anti-jamming techniques.

Recommendations for the proposal

• Focus on technological innovation (s1)

• But do not neglect implementation (s2)

• And describe what you will do with the knowledge you generate (protect, disseminate), and allocate appropriate budget (s3).

• Write in a concise and factual style. Do not be ambiguous or contradictory. Be consistent and clear throughout the proposal. Otherwise the proposal will be penalised.

• Take advantage of flexible reporting, deliverables and milestones.

• Focus on 1 or 2 (3 at most) fields and develop them as necessary.

• Relate somehow the project to Galileo (EGNOS if meaningful): e.g. process IOV/FOC

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• Relate somehow the project to Galileo (EGNOS if meaningful): e.g. process IOV/FOC signals.

• Integrate activities in own R&D lines, if that maximises impact.

• Create balanced consortia avoiding irrelevant partners or direct competition

• Create synergies through participants with different background/position in value chain. Some examples:

• GNSS expertise + other expertise (INS, comm, etc)

• University/research centre + industry with access to market

• Chipset manufacturer + service provider (RTK, DGNSS, etc)

• EU + Non-EU participants for multiGNSS activities

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Session overview

• 14h00 - Introduction

• 14h10 - Receivers – General technologies• Innovative receivers

• Integrity receivers

• SBAS receivers

• Multi frequency antennas

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• Multi frequency antennas

• 14h45 - Receivers – PRS• Technologies for PRS receivers

• PMR and Galileo PRS receiver architecture

• 15h30 – Break

• 15h50 – Q&A

• 16h15 – Presentation of Project Ideas

Integrity receivers


• General objective: provide an integrity PNT service including Galileo to all user communities.

• ‘Receiver integrity’ understood not only as using a receiver to detect system (GPS, Galileo) failures (classic RAIM), but also to detect environment perturbations.

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(classic RAIM), but also to detect environment perturbations.

• A lot of work done and ongoing: mission evolution studies, ESA test beds and multipath characterisation, FP6-7 integrity receivers and applications, advanced RAIM for aviation, etc

• Algorithms need not be only based on GNSS ranges and may require other sources.

Integrity receivers

Tender objectives

• Clear-cut understanding of integrity requirements from

aviation/maritime/terrestrial user communities.

• Understanding and modelling of local/receiver effects.

• Develop and test novel/advanced barriers and integrity

18 18

• Develop and test novel/advanced barriers and integrity


Main activities will include state-of-art review, requirement

definition, research, prototype development, simulation and

real-data testing

Integrity receivers

Tender information (expected)

• Budget: 1.5m€, 100% EC funding

• Duration: 24 months

• ITT publication: Q1-2011

19 19

• ITT publication: Q1-2011

• KOM: Q2-2011

Session overview

• 14h00 - Introduction

• 14h10 - Receivers – General technologies• Innovative receivers

• Integrity receivers

• SBAS receiver

• Multi frequency antennas

20 20

• Multi frequency antennas

• 14h45 - Receivers – PRS• Technologies for PRS receivers

• PMR and Galileo PRS receiver architecture

• 15h30 – Break

• 15h50 – Q&A

• 16h15 – Presentation of Project Ideas

SBAS receiver


• SBAS systems currently designed to augment GPS L1 only service

• New constellations and new signals becoming available (Galileo E1-E5, GPS L5, GLONASS L3…)

• WAAS, MSAS and EGNOS operational. Other ongoing

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• WAAS, MSAS and EGNOS operational. Other ongoing (GAGAN, SDCM)

• SBAS providers intend to fully exploit potential benefits for such new signals

• Need to conduct ambitious end-to-end studies for evolution of SBAS to multi-constellation/multi-frequency configurations

SBAS receiver

Context (2)

• Overall studies encompass:

• Standardisation

• System design activities

• User receiver design activities

• Initial standardisation actions are already covered by existing studies launched

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• Initial standardisation actions are already covered by existing studies launched

by EC. Future actions will be launched in 2011.

• Long term EGNOS system evolutions are being investigated through ESA GNSS

Evolution Programme

• User receiver design activities shall be initiated to accompany the process

• Close interactions needed between the three sets of activities

Objective: Definition and prototyping of user algorithms for future SBAS systems.

Main activities:• Contribute to message definitions (feedback on proposals from design activities)

• Definition of data processing algorithms for multi-constellation / multi-frequency SBAS (nominal mode)

• This shall include ephemeris corrections, clock corrections, interfrequency bias corrections, ionospheric modelling, integrity equations, management of time degradations and message timeout,…

SBAS receiver

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• Definition of degraded modes algorithms (loss of one constellation, loss of one frequency, mix of corrections…)

• Definition of switching logic between SBAS modes and between SBAS and RAIM modes in the receiver

• Assessment of receiver complexity

• Prototyping of receiver data processing logic

• Testing

• Conclusions and recommendations

Main activities (2)

• Interactions expected with:• SUGAST consortium on standardisation issues

• EGEP EGNOS V3 Phase A studies

• Support to EC for cooperation with international partners in the context:• SBAS Interoperability Working Group (IWG)

• EU/US WG-C on system evolutions


SBAS receiver

24 24


Tender information (expected)

• Budget: 1 M€, 100 % EC funding

• Duration: 15 Months

• ITT publication: Q4-2010 / Q1-2011

• KOM : Q2-2011

Session overview

• 14h00 - Introduction

• 14h10 - Receivers – General technologies• Innovative receivers

• Integrity receivers

• SBAS receivers

• Multi frequency antennas

25 25

• Multi frequency antennas

• 14h45 - Receivers – PRS• Technologies for PRS receivers

• PMR and Galileo PRS receiver architecture

• 15h30 – Break

• 15h50 – Q&A

• 16h15 – Presentation of Project Ideas


• Currently deployed aviation antennas are optimised for L1

• New signals available in ARNS bands: GPS L1, L5, Galileo E1, E5a,


• Antenna standards for aviation available: RTCA D0-228, RTCA DO-

301, ARINC 743

Multi-frequency antennas

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301, ARINC 743

• Antenna MOPS under development in EUROCAE WG62 (including

Galileo bands)


• Develop a multiband E1-E5 GNSS antenna compatible with civil

aviation requirements.

Main activities:

• Antenna specification and design, including electromagnetic and mechanical features of all active and passive elements.

• Development of the antenna

• Testing according to existing MOPS (DO-301), but extended to multiband feature

• Environmental testing (temp, altitute, vibration, etc)

Multi-frequency antennas

27 27

• Environmental testing (temp, altitute, vibration, etc)

• EUROCAE Antenna MOPS consolidation

• Report on future optimisations/impact on changes

Tender information (expected)

• Budget: 0.5m€, 100% EC funding

• Duration: 24 months

• ITT publication: Q1-2011

• KOM: Q2-2011

Multi-frequency antennas

28 28







pub. date


Innovative receivers €3.0 M CP Done



Technologies for PRS receivers TBD CP Done


Delegated to GSA

Integrity Receivers €1.5 M Tender Q1-2011 EC

Integrated PMR (Professional Mobile €0.9 M Tender Q2-2011 Delegated to GSA

Receivers in FP7-3C



29 29

Integrated PMR (Professional Mobile

Radio) and Galileo PRS receiver


€0.9 M Tender Q2-2011 Delegated to GSA

SBAS L1/L5 multi-constellation receiver €1.0 M Tender Q4-2010 EC

Multi-frequency antennas €0.5 M Tender Q1-2011 EC

TOTAL €6.9 M




Session overview

• 14h00 - Introduction

• 14h10 - Receivers – General technologies• Innovative receivers

• Integrity receivers

• SBAS receivers

• Multi frequency antennas

30 30

• Multi frequency antennas

• 14h45 - Receivers – PRS• Technologies for PRS receivers

• PMR and Galileo PRS receiver architecture

• 15h30 – Break

• 15h50 – Q&A

• 16h15 – Presentation of Project Ideas

Receivers - PRS

31 31







pub. date


Innovative receivers €3.0 M CP Done



Technologies for PRS receivers TBD CP Done


Delegated to GSA

Integrity Receivers €1.5 M Tender Q1-2011 EC

Integrated PMR (Professional Mobile €0.9 M Tender Q2-2011 Delegated to GSA

Receivers in FP7-3C





32 32

Integrated PMR (Professional Mobile

Radio) and Galileo PRS receiver


€0.9 M Tender Q2-2011 Delegated to GSA

SBAS L1/L5 multi-constellation receiver €1.0 M Tender Q4-2010 EC

Multi-frequency antennas €0.5 M Tender Q1-2011 EC

TOTAL €6.9 M





Questions &

33 33

Questions & Answers

Session overview

• 14h00 - Introduction

• 14h10 - Receivers – General technologies• Innovative receivers

• Integrity receivers

• SBAS receivers

• Multi frequency antennas

34 34

• Multi frequency antennas

• 14h45 - Receivers – PRS• Technologies for PRS receivers

• PMR and Galileo PRS receiver architecture

• 15h30 – Break

• 15h50 – Q&A

• 16h15 – Presentation of Project Ideas

FP7 1st and 2nd call receiver projects ongoing

35 35

GAMMAGAMMA--AAGalileo Receiver for Mass Market Applications in the Automotive AreaGalileo Receiver for Mass Market Applications in the Automotive Area

• The project will provide precise and reliable localisation performance

within the environmental conditions of automotive applications e.g. ADAS

(advanced driver assistance systems).

• To contribute to the preparation of the future market introduction of Galileo services and products in the primary domain of

automotive applications.

• To design, develop and test a new 3-frequency Galileo/EGNOS/GPS satellite navigation receiver prototype.

• To address new challenging applications in secondary domains e.g. rail, maritime, emergency services, and demanding LBS.




Call FP7 1st

Topic Receivers

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(advanced driver assistance systems).

• GAMMA-A will push the state-of–the-art of GNSS receivers by

combining Galileo, EGNOS, and GPS signals in an advanced 3-frequency

receiver architecture combining the L1 GPS/EGNOS/Galileo signals with

E5a/L5 GPS/Galileo and E5b Galileo.

• Focused on a miniaturised, medium-price Galileo/EGNOS/GPS module

the GAMMA-A project is setup to study, develop, test and demonstrate all

necessary core technologies for this target.




Grant 1.99 €m

Budget 2.86 €m

Start 01/01/2009

Duration 24 months

Leader Fraunhofer IIS



• Design, development, test, and validation of the GAMMA-A prototype receiver.

• Integration of this receiver into a GNSS/Communication Terminal and verification in an automotive test environment.

• The system test and validation campaign will be performed on car platform provided by Volkswagen AG.


Galileo Ready Advanced Mass MArket ReceiverGalileo Ready Advanced Mass MArket Receiver

• Multiple-frequency low power single chip GNSS radio front-end designed

to address the challenge for a plurality of advanced mass market applications.

• An FPGA baseband prototype implementing advanced features not

• Developing a hardware prototype for a mass market receiver using a single chip dual frequency front-end and

an FPGA based baseband allowing for rapid prototyping of advanced algorithms and techniques

• Identifying, evaluating and simulating enhanced algorithm concepts for next generation mass market receivers




Call FP7 1st

Topic Mass Market

37 37

• An FPGA baseband prototype implementing advanced features not

currently seen in mass market receivers.

• Simulations addressing receiver algorithms beyond the state-of-the-art

such as complexity reduced multipath mitigation and non-line-of-sight


• Studying the suitability of inexpensive sensors and/or assistance from

existing wireless networks for improved indoor and urban position solution

robustness and availability.

GRAMMAR website: http://www.gsa-grammar.eu





Grant 1.99 €m

Budget 2.62 €m

Start 01/02/2009

Duration 30 months

Leader DLR

Partners ACORDE, TUT



• GRAMMAR Mass Market Navigation Receiver Survey: The cellular handset market is key for the GNSS Mass Market and the

adoption of advanced receiver technologies is only appropriate if no negative impact on costs exists.

• Integrated Dual-Frequency Two-Antenna Module: A joint cooperation between ACORDE and an antenna manufacturer

demonstrates the possibility of miniaturized multiband GNSS functionality for next generation GNSS front-ends for handsets.


Galileo And GLONASS Advanced Receiver INtegrationGalileo And GLONASS Advanced Receiver INtegration

In order to achieve these objectives, GAGARIN will:

• Study the future GLONASS-K standard

•To assess operational potential benefits of a GALILEO/GLONASS-K receiver, compared to existing GPS receiver and to baseline GALILEO/GPS receiver.

•To have a common EU-Russia development of GALILEO/GLONASS-K key technologies, including integrated GALILEO/GLONASS baseband signal processing solution for Civil Aviation applications

•To encourage EU-Russia cooperation in the standardisation of a combined GALILEO/GLONASS receiver for Civil Aviation




Call FP7 1st

Topic Aviation

38 38

• Study the future GLONASS-K standard

• Develop a GALILEO / GLONASS-K receiver mock-up

• Study a Galileo / GLONASS-K combined antenna

• Study Galileo / GLONASS-K combined operations and

integrity techniques

• Develop a GALILEO / GLONASS-K constellation





Grant 0.69 €m

Budget 1.25 €m

Start 01/02/2009

Duration 24 months




• Newly-issued GLONASS-K ICD has been provided by Russian partners

• Russian authorities are invited to EUROCAE WG-62 standardisation meeting.

• A receiver hardware mock-up has been developed and signal processing is currently being integrated.

ATENEAATENEAAdvanced Techniques for Navigation Receivers and ApplicationsAdvanced Techniques for Navigation Receivers and Applications

• Use of Galileo signals, integrated positioning, and observable processing to

solve technical issues, increase accuracy, and reduce system cost.

• Approach suitable for a wide range of surveying applications in difficult

environments; Urban Mapping selected as reference case

• Develop an advanced technology concept for seamless navigation at the cm-level regardless of the environment

• Integrate the complementary capabilities of GNSS, inertial navigation and object feature-based navigation from LiDAR sensors

• Demonstrate the concept by implementing the developed algorithms in a dedicated SW simulation platform

• Perform a validation campaign focused on urban environment, including both synthetic and real measurements.




Call FP7 2nd

Topic Receivers

39 39

environments; Urban Mapping selected as reference case

• ATENEA includes:

• Multi-constellation GPS/Galileo/EGNOS

• Innovative signal processing and interference mitigation techniques

• Deeply coupled GNSS/INS receiver design

• Exploitation Galileo signals capabilities

• Integrated GNSS/INS/LIDAR navigation filter




Grant 500 K€

Budget 812 K€

Start 02/02/2010

Duration 18 months

Leader DEIMOS Space



• ATENEA SW platform

• Advanced receiver algorithms (GNSS/INS/LIDAR hybridisation) validated in urban environment

• Preliminary implementation and business plan

HIMALAYAHIMALAYAHIghHIgh performance performance MAssMAss market GNSS receiver market GNSS receiver muLTimuLTi standard ready for marketstandard ready for market

• The project will contribute to develop a GPS/Galileo ASIC . The ASIC will be

integrated in a 3G Handset.

• To develop a high end GNSS ASIC for mass market

• To integrate the GNSS ASIC in a 3G mobile phone

• To develop innovative assistance concept over 3G networks

• To develop hybridisation solution based on the GNSS ASIC and external sensors




Call FP7 1st

Topic Galileo

40 40

• The project will develop innovative assistance data concept over 3G

networks, as well as innovative hybridisation concepts with external sensors.

• The project will operationally demonstrate the added value of Galileo and

EGNOS through the use of the ASIC within the Handset, highlighted by an

dedicated application.




Grant ≈ 2.0 €m

Budget ≈4.0 €m

Start 03/11/2009

Duration 36 months

Leader ST-Ericsson



• Galileo ASIC, integrated in a 3G handset

• New location solution based on hybridisation, assisted GNSS, and new algorithms


41 41

Thanks and good luck