Ifremer€¦ · Ifremer 2008 Ifremer in 2020 Better knowledge of oceanic circulation to reinforce...

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Transcript of Ifremer€¦ · Ifremer 2008 Ifremer in 2020 Better knowledge of oceanic circulation to reinforce...

IfremerFrench Research Institute

for the Exploitation of the Sea

Ifremer2008 Ifremer’s history

Ifremer was created in 1984, from the merger of ISTPM (Scientific and Technical Institute for Sea Fisheries) created in 1918, and CNEXO (National Centre for the Exploitation of the Oceans), created in 1967

The origin of this merger : to have only one public institute in the field of marine sciences

One main objective : to conduct large scale research for a better understanding of marine environment and resources



Ifremer was created by decree on the 5th June 1984, modified in 1998 and 2002

Ifremer is a public institute of industrial and commercial nature

Ifremer is placed under the joint supervision of three Ministries : Research; Agriculture and Fisheries; Ministry of ecology, energy and sustainable development


Ifremer’s key figures


An annual budget of around 160 millions euros

Key Figures

1,385 salaried employees at Ifremer - 320 salaried staff at Genavir (shipowner)

88 research units, located in 26 coastal laboratories in France and in the French overseas administrative departments and territories

7 vessels, 1 manned submersible, 1 ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle), 1 AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)

An entire range of facilities for aquaculture production and experimentation

A full set of test facilities


Ifremer’s locations5 centres : Manche Mer du

Nord (Boulogne-sur-Mer), Brest, Nantes, Méditerranée (Toulon) and Tahiti

21 coastal laboratories in France and in the French overseas administrative departments and territories

88 research units

The head office is located in Issy-les-Moulineaux, near



French maritime area

With an area of more than 11,000 km2, France has the second most large maritime area, just behind the USA.

The area is structured by the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ). For instance, with 5 millions km2, Polynesia represents 47,14% of the French EZZ entire area.


Ifremer’s missions

Identify, evaluate and enhance marine resources and enable their sustainable exploitation

Improve methods of monitoring, forecasting trends, protecting and enhancing marine and coastal environments

Encourage the economic development of maritime activities

(Décret constitutif)

Ifremer’s missions are to conduct and promote basic and applied research, make expert assessment reports and take action for technological and industrial development intended to :


Ifremer’s activities

(Contrat quadriennal)

Applied research, initiated by the societal demand or by scientific needs

Monitoring and expertise for general interest

Managing oceanographic facilities and developing technology

Commercial transfer

Ifremer2008 Ifremer in 2020

Better knowledge of oceanic circulation to reinforce the diagnosis on global change knowledge & characterisation of marine

biodiversity for a better preservationTo enhance the valorisation of marine biological resources by biotechnologies and bioprospectionContribution to sustainable fisheries and aquaculturePromotion of sustainable exploitation of mineral

and energetic resourcesImproving the monitoring networks for better addressing the international and European issuesDesigning and implementing an environmental forecast system for coastal marine areasOptimisation of the French oceanographic fleetImplementing a national and European marine data base strategyPromoting a shared technological innovation capacity

(strategic plan)



Monitoring, use and

enhancement of coastal


Monitoring and

optimisingaquaculture resources

Building and developing vessels, vehicles and facilities for ocean research

Oceanographic data centre

Health and dynamics of coastal and estuarine ecosystems

Coastal environment, consumer health and safety

Monitoring and assessing coastal water status

Sustainable development and integrated coastal zone management

Sustainability of production systems

Process and product quality

Large facilitiesfor ocean research


Exploration, knowledge and

exploitation of ocean floors and their


Ocean circulation and marine ecosystems, mechanisms, trends

and forecasts

• Interactions between fluids, minerals and ecosystems in extreme environments

Mineral and energy resources, sedimentary processes and impact on ecosystems

Utilisation of biological resources

Ocean circulation

Deep-sea operational systems

Operational-type coastal oceanography includingtechnological developments

Information systems, techniques for observation, economics and diagnosis for fishing and changes in resources and their use

Ecosystem-based approach to integrated management of fisheries resources

Fishery resources, sustainable

exploitation and utilisation


Ifremer2008 Platform for the development of

Renewable Marine Energies

Prime Minister announcement 03/12/2009Ifremer in charge of creating and organizing a R&D platform for the development of Renewable Marine Energies.

Main ObjectivesReach a production level of 6 GW in 2020Support the french RME industry and help developping profitable products

Main tasksDevelop collaboration networks for R&D (Academic/Industries)Support implementation of testing sites and facilities for demonstration, promotion and certification of devices…