iFederalRepublicofNigeria. Official, Gazette4...To ¢ OFFICIALGAZETTE 4 38 No.2, Vol. 52 _ *...

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Transcript of iFederalRepublicofNigeria. Official, Gazette4...To ¢ OFFICIALGAZETTE 4 38 No.2, Vol. 52 _ *...


iFederal Republic of Nigeria.

Official, Gazette 4


No. 2 LAGOS:. 14th January, 1965 Val. 52= : : t

NN . CONTENTS |> Page *. | Page|

‘Movements of Officers . 36-43 Results of Joint Examination for ChemistsNigerian Navy—Commission. . . 44.47 and Druggist Examinations Lae os 50

AppointmentofAtting Chief Justice oftbligh Suspension of Mr J. A. Ekweme’s Chemists .'Court,. Lagos . . . os 47 and Druggists Licence... |. -- 50Probate Notice . be ne ee 4748 Central’ Bank of Nigeria—Return of Assets

. , : dL ti it fCancellation of Pioneer Certificate moos ‘8 tetDecember 196.4 Close© Bilsnese om , 51

; Grantingof Pioneer Certificates cen 48 Competition for Entry into the AdministrativeHollman and Wilson (Insurance) Limited— and Special Departmental. Classes of theRemoval from Register ofCompanies .. 48. astern Nigeria Public Sérvice, 1965 51-2

West African Institute for Oi Palm Research: National Premitim Bonds Result of 8th Public. ——Change of Name .. fee Be, +: 48 -Draw . .. m tog. . 53.

Rate of Royalty on Tin he re Bet 49° 1965 Palm Kernels and Palm Oil MarketingPrice of Tantalite—Provisional Royalty .. 49 3 Schemes—Licensed Buying Agents .. 55-7Price of Columbite—Provisional Royalty o 49 ' Tenders _ oe .e te tee ae 55-9

. Price ‘of Zircon Concentrates—Provisional’ - . Vacancies _ ee te ae : .. 59-65Royalty. aa ne " . 7 49 Board of Customs and Excise—SaleofGoods 65-66

Price of ThoriumConcentrates—Provisional oy - oiRoyalty ae . - thes 49 . INDEx'To LecaL Noricrs In SUPPLEMENT * -

~ Dawson Road - (Benin) ‘Postal’ Agency— L.N. No. _ s Short Title PageOpening of .. ie . ++ © 49. + .9 Merchant Shipping (Board of Survey) '

Loss of Payable and Local Purchase Orders 49-50 Regulations, 1964 a, - B7

Closing ofRoad ww ws os , 50 10 ‘Merchant Shipping (Timber Cargo)Cancellation of. Certificate of Registration of Rules, 1964. . —_ -. Biz

Trade Union - i “+ - 50 11. Merchant Shipping (Examination forFederal Government ' Scholarships 11964— a Certificates of Competency) (Fish-Niger Delta Special Area Awards . vee 50 Bt7

36°No. 2, Vol. 52


Government Notice No. 48


_ Thefollowingare noti






Agricultural Research: in.

Customs-and Excise’ .

Forest Researgh


Ministry of Commerce_and Industry .

Ministry of Cdmmuni-cations |

‘Ministry of*Establish-ments

" Ministry of Health

Ministry of Labour

Ministry of Lagosairs

Ministry of Transport

Ministry of Works andSurveys

Nigerian’ Institute forOil Palm Reséarch


- 1 Notification in Gazette

‘N :

fied for general information :—



Abubakar, A.Arokoyo, Miss E.Ebu, Miss J. C.James,J.Josiah, J.Mek, H. ..Mofolorunso, S.J.Nwokeohu, C. U.Oyo, B. N.Poloma, E. N.Saleh, M.I.


Adigun, A.O.

' Kisowe, Cc, ,

Ogiindipe, Z. 0.

Umoh, C. M.‘

Aldbele, M. ,1Awomuti, A. A.

- Da-Silva, Miss A.Ibe, C. P.Ogbewere, J.

. Ogunshuyi, 5. O.-Onashoga, A. O.

' Thomas, Miss-A. M.Obiano, B.O. *

bOdutayo,-Mrs B..°

.. Eketeuke, J. M..Olojo, Mrs B.

Osinuga, A. O.Osuji, E. E. moUwajeh, M.

' Eta, Miss V, J.

Abba, A.*Edovbiye, J. B.

Agboh, D. E. O.Charles, F, :Diokpara, M.Irabor, M.S.Nwosu,S. ” ¢Onuba, R. C.Osugke, I. C.

Onimole, Miss B. R.

Appointment . 2

Stenographer, Grade I.Stenographer, Grade I“Secretary-Typist ... %Stenographer, Grade IStenographer, Grade IStenographer, Grade I /Secretary-Typist . .Secretary-Typist. .Secretary-Typist ..Stenographer, Grade IStenographer, Grade |


. Prevéntive Officer


Typist, Grade IT

3rd Class Clerk

Postal Officer .Climatological Assistant,Grade IT . :

‘Telephone OperatorPostal Officer LeTelephone OperatorPostal Officer .Postal OfficerTelephone Operator

3rd Class ClerkClerical Assistant

3rd Class ClerkStaff Nurse

3rd Class Clerk3rd Class Clerk3rd Class Clerk

Typist, Grade III

Artisan, Class II .,

Assistant Technical Officer-_in-Training

‘Field Overseer, Grade ILField Overseer, Grade IIField Overseer, Grade IIField Overseer, Grade IIField Overseer, Grade IIField Overseer, Grade IIField Overseer, Grade IT.

3rd Class Clerk ..

Li ‘No. 90 of 5-11-64 amended.2 Notification in Gazette No.5 of 9-1-64 amended. ~. . 3 i y. . Looe

» 19-10-64

". 31-10-64


_ 19-11-64


Date of : Date ofAppointment Arrival1-12-641-12-647-9-641-12-6411-9-641-12-64




, 10-2-64








8-1-63 .1~12-643~12-644-8-64;

3-12-6413-12-631-12-64 .





4-12-6431-10-64 °





1-564 -1-5~641-5641+5-641-5-64 7“.-1-5-641-5-64

16-1-64 Pllitdat



14th January, 1965 > OFFICIAL GAZETTE .


PROMOTIONS :Department Name Appointment ' Date of.

oo, - PromotionAdministration . . Adegbenro, Mrs F. O. ’ Stenographer, Grade I 1-9-64> Adim, F. N. -. Stenographer, Grade*l 1-964> Akindolani, C. Stenographer, Grade I 1-964? Anyatonwu,J. Stenographer, Grade I - 1-9-64 .Aso, Miss C. Stenographer, Grade I 1-9~64Atirike, A. A. Stenographer, GradeI . .. 1-9-4964> Dede; D.O. -- Administrative Officer, Class IV 7-12-64Emayomi; J. -. Stenographer, Grade I Lee. ' 1-9-64Evbuoma, Miss H. O. Stenographer, Grade I 1-9-64Folayan, Mrs Cc. .. Stenographer, Grade J 1-9-64Ibe, G.- .. Stenographer, Grade I 1-9-64Inegbenijie, D. Stenographer, Grade I . 1-~9-64_ Inyang, Mrs J. Stenographer, Grade I 1~9-64_- Ladepo, A. S. Stenographer, Grade I 1-9-64Lawrence Mrs E. - ., Stenographer, Grade I 1-9-64_ Mosuro, Mrs A. N. .. Stenographer, Grade I 1-4-64Ogboro, Mrs C. .. * Stenographer, Grade I 1—9-64Olayinka, Miss E. I... Stenographer, Grade I \ 1-9-64 .hiri, AN. ... Stenographer, Grade I te 1-9-64Onibuje, MrsE.O. .. Personal Secretary, Grade II: ' 1-9-64Opara, C, . Stenographer, Grade I 1~9-64AgriculturalResearch .: Appah, A, Technical Officer . a, 15-6-64Se Bekomson, B. T. Technical Officer 15-664Customs andExcise Afiboye, I. Assistant Preventive Superintendent 17-12-64. _ *Bankale, V. A. - 1st Class Clerk .. tee 14-64Eyo, E. E. . Assistant Preventive Superintendent 17-12-64Monite, T.- Assistant Preventive Superintendent °°. . ‘17-12-64Ofonagoro, R.C, Assistant Preventive Superintendent 17-12-64Okoli, S. C. Assistant Preventive Superintendent 17-12-64Ministry of Establish- Edun, B. A. Instructor (Stenography), F.T.C., Lagos. . 19-11-64ments | . ‘ ‘ . + : .Ministry of Finance Effiong, E. O. *.. Principal Accountant 1-7~64Ministry of Health Egboh, A. A. Pharmaceutical Registrar 1-12~64Ministry of Labour Bassey, S. E. - Assistant Labour Inspector ., 17-12-63Ministry of Transport *Okoduwa,J. O. . Air Traffic Control Officer, Grade II 1-9-64.Ministry ‘of Works and Abba, N. K, Senior Executive Engineer 1-12-64 .Surveys Abraham, P. Architect, Grade I (Temporary) 1-12-64. Aluko, D. W. 1. :-. Senior Executive Engineer 1-12-64Alusi, M. K. * .. Architect, Grade I 1-12-64Amaso, S.A. - - Senior Executive Engineer 1-12-64Amechi, A. O. C. ‘Senior Executive Engineer te 1412-64Chiedu, S. O. Mechanical Engineer, Grade I 4~12-64‘Dada, G. A. . Architect, Grade I Lag 1-12-64Ejekuko, R. O. -» Technical Officer(Cartography) 17-12-64 ©.Kathiramalainathan,, Senior Executive Engineer (Temporary).. 11-9-64UK. V.S. ol!

.,Nnaemeka, G. O. Assistant-Works Superintendent 17+4-63 _Odiakosa, C. A, Architéct; Grade I.< . 1-12-64Okoye, E. C. Assistant Works Superintendent 17-4-63 |Shokunbi, J. A. Assistant Works Superintendent 1-3-64 3Williams, A. S. Technical Officer (Lithography) +. 22-12-64"!Wise, E. G. Senior Executive Engineer (Temporary).. - 7-9-64 {Nigerian Institute for D’au, Alhaji A. ' Chief Field Officer , 1-464)‘Trypanosomiasis .“Research - .

Police © e SAborowa, A. . Assistant Superintendent . - 16-11-64*Kaita, A, Assistant Superintendent 16-11-64Overington, D. Deputy Supetintendent4-12-64

1 Notification in Gazette No. 82 of 1-10-64:amended.- Notification in Gazette No.84 of 8-10-64 amended.

~3"Notification in Gazette No. 104 of 24-12-64 amended.,

To ¢



38No. 2, Vol. 52

_ * CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTSDepartment Name - Appointment Date of. . ConfirmationCabinet Office . 4Ehujuo, A. Driver-Mechanic 8-11-64

Customs and Exéise * Ademakinwa, Mrs 3rd Class Clerk 9-10-64: i FLA LMinistry of Communi- Nwagwu,E. Pdstman ws 1-463cations- | : J >Ministry of Works and Okafor, G. O. Executive Engineer . 1 28-964 -Surveys i a 4,Nigerian Instituth for Njoku,S. A. 2nd Class Technical Assistant 1-460‘T'rypanosomiasis i ,Research : ‘ ‘ , . foStatistics Ojogwti, M. N. Statistical Assistant, Grade If. é. 1-44-64

’ 1 Notification in Gazette No. 100 of 10-12-64 amended. os { -

ACTING APPOINTMENTS ketODate of _—_Date ofDepartment Nanie Acting Appointment - Acting Reversion *: . . - ‘\ Appointment

Customs and Excise Ette, N. O. Assistant Chief Clerk 24-12-6450 —Forest Research - *Oseni, iA. M. Director of Forést Research .. ~ 12-12-64 —-General Executive Class ?Akponor, Miss P.C.° Executive Officer (Accounts) - 1-11-64 —"Bassey; B.E.° +... Executive Officer (Accounts) " 16-11-64 —*Cardosb, W. G. Executive Officer (Accounts) 24- 8-64 —afred-Horsfall, Cc. Executive Officer » 29-7-64 _"Habeehu, M. M. Executive Officer ; - 15+-9-64-. —Isiguzo, K. C. S. Executive Office - .. 16-10-63 16-11-64. Mbzah,5.I. ’ Executive Officer (Commerce) 11-7-64 —2Ogbe, K.E. . Executive Officer (Accounts)- 30-10-64 —*Pepple, E. S. xecutive Officer (Accounts) | 30-10-64 —. *Ukpong, U.O. . Executive Officer (Accounts) 30-10-64 _— ,Inland Revenue . *Ogutuga, D,B.O. .. Investigating Officer 1-9-64 1-11-64— ‘SOgutuga, DB. O. Investigating Officer . 1~11-64 —Judicial ..’ .. Ahaiwe, J. UL. . Assistant Registrar, Grade II 24-12-64Ministry of Commerce Coursey, D. G. .. Deputy Director ofResearch 26-3-64 8-6-64-and Industry *Peters, F. G. .. Registrar of Commercial -“ - Legislation . .. 7-11-64 —4 *Willjanis, W.N. Deputy Director of Research. . 18+11-64 —*Ministry of Communi- Abioye,J. ’ Senior Technician, Grade II - 26-12-64 =cations _ Achor,J. O. +. Senior Technician, Grade II. 5412-63 10-12-64_ Adekoys, C. O.. Postmaster, Grade I 1. 29-5-64


3-12-64. Adeleya, Z. Senior Technician, Grade I’... 23-12-64 —Adeniyi, A. Senior Supervisor 29-6-64 9-11-64- Adeyenti, S.C. O, Senior Supervisor (Post) “ 4-8-64 16-11-64Adigwe; P. O. Senior Technician, Grade I] 14-12-64 —_—Afinsuly, J. O- Senior Supervisor (Accounts) . 5-10-64 20-11-64Agili, St O. Head Postmaster, Grade II _26-9-64 27-10-64* Ajasa,T. A, Senior Technician,.Grade II 15-10-64 23-11-64Ajuzieogu, F. E, Technical Officer os 18-9-64 16-11-64~ Akpalu, F. A. Senior Technician, Grade II


° 21-12-64. —Anakwe, M. O. Senior Technician, Grade II 15-10-64 25-11-64Anene, C.C. Senior Technician, Grade I .. 3~1-65 —, Anigbogu, S. U. Senior Technician, Grade I .. 18-564


4-8-64Anyansij A. 0, Senior Technician, Grade II 23-11-64. —- Anvim, I. K. Senior Technician, Grade II 15-10-64 14-11-64Atakenu, M. M. Senior Technician, Grade I .. 30-12-64 —Ayodele, S. . Senior Technician, GradeII.. 1-12-64 _a Ayuk, J. N. E. Technical Officer -- 45-12-64 _Bada, Oo . / Senior Technician, Grade II . 1-12-64 - —- Brown, ALN, -. Senior Stores Officer 10-9-64 1+1-65Chukwu, S.O7U. Postrnaster, Grade IT “4. °19210-64 25-11-64Ejiofor, P.O. Senior Technician, Grade Il’... 11-1-65, ‘Ejumota, C.M, Technical Officer - 30-12-64. —~ Ekanem, E. Tv. -. Senior Supervisor (Post) 4-35-64 8-11-64v Ekwunife, A.N.O. |) Senior Technician, Grade II... 2-11-64 8-12-64

“ge |

44th January, 1965 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ° - 392

ACTING APPOINTMENTS—continued | |. Date of Date ofDepartment Name . Acting Appointment » |. Acting Reversion

“ Appointment ed‘ Ministry of Communi- —_Elaiho,J, E, .. Senior Technician, GradeII.. 6-10-64 14-11-64 .cations—continued Elumogo, M.N. ...° Senior Technician, Grade II... 19-10-64. 27-11-64-Essien, I. J. I. .. Senior Technician, Grade II .. 18-11-64 _.Ezekwesili, H. N. C. Senior Technical Officer we 10-1-65 —'Giwa, M. ~ ' 4. Senior Technician, Grade II . - 248-64 4-11-64Hunsu,J. U. .+#.Senior Technician, Grade II ..~ 14-12-64 — :Ikenga, B. B. C, .. Chief Clerk’. .; -» 16-9-64 1-12-64 ‘ae Iloka, D. N. ".." Senior Technician, Grade II 19-12-64 —_—Tlori, A. O. +. Senior Technician, Grade II .. 17-11-64 _—‘ . ‘Imoukhuede, D. A. .. Postmaster, Grade II ‘.. 25-9-64 27-10-64®Inoma, R..N. _ ++ Territorial Controller — -+ 9-12-64 5 —‘Isang, M. I. - .. Senior Technician,GradeI .. 1 17-11-64 _—*Isiakpere, E. A. -» Technical Officer: -.


16-11-64 — +*Kpoudosu, Z.A. .. ‘'Fechnical Officer a+ 28-11-64 —,Maduike, J. A. .. “Assistant Chief Clerk ‘2. 28-12-64 —-Mbat, B. U. '.. Assistant Chief Clerk -- 16-9-64. 1-12-64Menkiti, A.I. © .. Technical Officer a. 41-65 —!Mgbeze,N. BE. ., Senior Technician, Grade III’ 26-463 16-12-64Nduaguba, E, -. Senior Technician, Grade II 30-12-64‘—Njoku, E.A: . “.. Technical Officer «. 1-12-64 —_Nsionu, G.-N. -. Senior Supervisor . -. - 4-11-64 —;Nwachia, P. C: .. Senior Technician, Grade II .. 18-12-64 _—Nwafia, P. N. -- Sénior Supervisor (Telephone) 29-9-64 1f-1 1-64Obi, C. A. ' «+. Senior Technician, Grade II .. 17-12-64 aObiechina, C. C. -» Senior Technician, Grade II .. 1-1-65 —Obodoagwu, B.C. ... Assistant Chief Clerk -. > 8-1-65: —_- Ofoma, F. M. , -. Technical Officer ==).


J-12-63: 31-10-64Ofoma, F. M. ++ Technical Officer ~ 4.


9-12-644 —Offor, J. O. -. Senior Technician,GradeII.. . 14-1-65 —@gbolu, C.S.B. ... Senict Technician, Grade I]... 1412-64 .—Ogu, F. O. - ..» Senior Technician, Grade II... 13-1-65-=Ogualili, F.I, =... - Technical Officer 2e* J4-65 _Ogunlowo, M.A. +. Senior Technician, Grade.I .. 1-12-64 _, te Ogunyemi, A, A...’ Chief Clerk re 21-964 5-12-64ui : Oji-Alala, C: A. -» Technical Officer | ./ 4-41-65 _—4 7Okewunmi, J. A. -. Senior Technician, GradeI .. 17-12-64: >. Okolie, P. C. . ++ Senior Technician, Grade II 30-12-64 —Okorie, C. --. Senior Technician, GradeII _ 3-12-64 —Okusaga, §S. O. , ++ Senior Technician, Grade II ‘17-11-64 —_—Olisa, B. E. “".. Assistant Chief Clerk _ 4. 14-10-62 7-12-64Onyegbula, A.D.


.. Senior Technician, GradeI .. 31-12-64 —fs . Onyema, T’ O., -s Senior Technician, GradeI .. 1-1-65 —Onyeobo,B. N.' -. Senior Technician, Grade I .. 16-12-64 —*Onwudinja, M.O. .. Head Postmaster, Grade III .. 11-1-65. *®Orelaja, R. A. A. a Senior Mechanical/Electricaly Engineer- oe » 4. 21-12-64 —Oseni, S. A. "+. Senior Technician, Grade II 30-11-64 _*Osisioma, I. N. -- Postmhster, Grade I .. 11-12-64 —'an - . Oshai, F. A. * .4 Technical Officer os 4-1-65 —_Otu, U. E. -| Senior Technician, Grade II” 15-10-64 23-11-64: Pedro, J. B. ‘4 Chief Clerk 2, wee. 1-7-63 19~10-64Ramos, R.E.. . j Senior Technician, Grade It 16-11-64 _Spaine, J. H. O. -¢ Chief Clerk- ., ++ 18-9-63 10-10-64Ubani, J. U. <2) Senior Technician, Grade II 23-264 —Udoh,E. O. - + Senior Technician, Grade II 5-10-64 13-11-64Uka,S. A. 2 Assistant Chief Clerk ee 4~1-65 _Ukabuégwu, A. . { Senior Technician, Grade II... 15-10-64. 23-1 1-64Uko,O.N. ° .


. 3. Technical Officer -. 18-12-64 —Uwadia, B. U. ». Senior Technician, Grade II 17-11-64. =: Uzor,; J... . ++ Senior Technician; Grade II 21-12-64 —Viegbisie, R. D.. -. Senior Technician, GradeI .. 1-12-62 24-10-64Williams, A.O. A. .. Mechanical/Electrical Superin- ; '. Le tendent . .- 12-10-64 . 21-12-64- Yerite, P. . -. Senior Technician, GradeI .. 2-9-63 26-10-64Ministry of Defence .. Uneze, B. E. - Assistant Chiéf Clerk +» 14-1-65 1*_ Ministry of Economic ‘ Monyei, P. E. -. Head Storekeepér, Grade II .. (1912-64 —_‘Development ” 2°Okafor, V. N. -. . Assistant Stores Officer .-° 19-12-64 _.

”~ FEi

.- 28-10-64

40 : OFFICIAL GAZETTE ; _No. 2, Vol. $2

‘ACTING APPOINTMENTS—continued foo,eo, ; . \ Date of Date ofDepartment Name Acting Appointment Acting


Reversion. —er ' . ; Appointment - %Ministry of Health Adesuyi, Drs. lL. .. Deputy Chief Medical Adviser 8-12-64 _—

Brodie-Mends, Dr Z... Medical Superintendent 16-12-64 — ¢Vinictry ion Johnson, L. O. * . Assistant Office EquipmentMinistry of Information ?Johnson, . Engineer 21-12-64 _

Medehue, J..A. ' Assistant Foreman’. =. «,,_-—- 21-12-64 _Oki, J. O. . Office Equipment Engineer 21-12-64 _*Yesufu,I. Senior Foreman .. 21-12-64 —inistry 6 ic ?Adediran, A. A. DeputySolicitor-Gengral 1-11-64 —.Ministry ofJustice = ‘Okan ido, S. O. Legal Adviser ‘ 10-11-64 —

Ministry of Lagos 11Parker, D.C. ’ Principal Valuation Officer 29-10-64 —irs '.‘Ministry 7 Aiwerioba, G.O. Senior Executive Engineer° 1~11-64 28-12-64Maistry©* Works and 12Banerjea, M Senior Executive Engineer 9~-8-63 15-12-64.Beckley; M. F. A. Senior Mechanical Superinten- ,¥, . ; dent ‘. . ‘0-9-64 9-12-64> Beckley; M.F.A. .. Assistant Works Manager 9-12-64 =~ .12Desai, V. H. ‘_-,, Senior Executive Engineer 17-12-64 _—

'Gasiorowski, W.T. .. Senior Executive Engineer 15-12-64 —Ioabachie, A. PLC. Senior Instructor +» 12-12-64 —‘Kell, N. J. Senior Works Superintendent 1-11-64 —_. Lloyd, M. E. Senior Works Superintendent ,16—4-64 15-9-64Robson, N. S. .. Senior Works Superintendent 10-6-63 1-9-64Thorpe, A.W. . .” Senior Works Superintendent 9-7-64 1-11-64“Thorpe, A. W. Senior Works Superintendent 1-11-64 —)Police +. *Abina, A. Chief Inspector . 1~1-65 —oo Ahmed, |B. Assistant Superintendent .. 25-12-64 —4Akande,|J. Assistant Superintendent ~ 23-11-64 —Akisanya, P. A. - Chief Superintendent : 16-10-64 1-12-64Allam, § Assistant Superintendent =... 25-12-64 —.Anokuru, 5. W. Chief Superintendent , +.. 15-9-64 15-10-64Bardi, M. O, Assistant Superintenderit . 25-12-64 —Dike, A.' .. Assistant Superintendent . 25-12-64 —Enyi, S. .. . Assistant Superintendent ~. 16-11-64 —‘Eze, P.-.. ..- Chief Superintendent 21-12-64 —Fente, BG . ..* Chief Superintendent 23-11-64 —. Ikpoh, C.N. Chief Superinténdent -., 1-12-64. —‘Tlorin, A. Assistant Superintendent — .. 25-12-64 —Jinadu, Y. A. K. Assistant Superintendent 16-12-64 —Kwajafa,F. Assistant Superintendent 25>12-64 —Milton,P.. Chief Superintendent 1-4-64 10-11-64Mustafa® G. Assistant Superintendent 25-12-64 — '\Numan, D. Assistant Superintendent. 25~12-64 —Ogundare, S. Assistant Superintendent 1-12-64 —Okafor, D. O. Chief Superintendent . 6-7-64 23-11-64Okon,F: 0. * Assistant Superintendent 6-12-64 —Okon, S.A. Chief Superintendent ‘ ‘31-3-64 5-11-64*Okon, S.' A. Chief Superintendent 27-12-64 _—” 4Okori, A. Chief Superintendent 20-12-64 =Qluh, M, Assistant Superintendent 20-11-64 _Omitola, E. E. Chief Superintendent 19-12-64 —_+ Onubogu,J. E. Chief Superintendent - ‘5-10-64 27-11-64‘Onwy, C.I. Chief Superintendent - 20-12-64 —_?Simpson,B.Ef. Chief Superintendent 1-1-656Sokoto, MI. Assistant Superintendent: 25-12-64 —Tapgun, M. +; Assistant Superintendent 25-12-64 —Umaru, A. -{ Assistant Superintendent .. 25-12-64 —_

Prisons .. ‘Akpuluma.F. Chief Warder, Special Grade.. 1-11-64 _' -- *Bonie, E, C. Assistant Superintendent 28-10-64 —_Chikezie, F. O. Superintendent 28-12-64 —-. Nzeh, F. I. ‘ Assistant. Superintendent 28-10-64 —/ *Obeyah,I. 0, . Assistant Superintendent 28-10-64 —,Okolo, M. N. Superintendent 44-64 15-12-64?Urrah,F, -


Assistant Superintendent_—

*- .

-14tb January, 1965 *+ OFFICIAL GAZETTE 41

. ACTING APPOINTMENTS—continued ,. Date of - Date ofDepartment . Name Acting Appointment * Acting Reversion _; . . - . ~ Appointment

Veterinary Research .. ‘Ezébuiro,E.O. * , Deputy Director. . . +. 11-12-64 —_—_‘ Oreffo, V. O. C. .. Supeiintendent Laboratory , ‘‘ . '.Teéhnologist .. -» 1-12-64 —. Notification in Gazette No. 94 of 26-1 1-64, in respect of Mr S. O. Ozua, Technical Officer, Ministry ofCommunications,-is hereby cancelled.. ‘ ;

,Notification in Gazette No. 90 of 5-11-64; in respect ofMessrs G! E. Edekere and A. B. Ekott,Ministry- of Communications, is hereby cancelled.’


. Notification in Gazette No. 91 of 12-1 1-64, in respect ofMr D. O. Egbue, Registrar ofCommercial Legisla-tion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry,is héreby cancelled, ~~ ,- Notification in Gazette No. 104 of 24-12-64, in respect of Mr J. W. Okocha, Deputy Commissioner, ¢Nigeria Police Force, is hereby cancelled. : ft

1 SO per cent Acting Allowance paybale in salary Group 7. .2 No Acting Allowance payable. .3 Notification in Gazette No. 93 of 19-11-64 amended.4 50 per cent Acting Allowance payable. _ : eo ot5 50 per cent Acting Allowance‘payable on the basis of pensionable salary._ 6 Notification in Gazette No. 104 of 24-12-64amended. . . :7 50 per cent Acting Allowance payable w.e.f. 17-12-64 to 2-1-65, but full thereafter. - - :8.50 per cent Acting Allowance payable in salary Scale P.1 w.e.f. 21-12-64 to 2-1-65 ; but full thereafter9 Acting Allowance payable in salary Scale P..8. yoo ar10 Acting Allowance payable in salary Scale D. 4. ms . . -11 Notification in Gazette No. 97 of 3-12-64 amended. 50 per éent ‘Acting Allowance payable. _12 Acting Allowance payable on the basis of pensionable salary. “



13 Acting Allowance payable in salary Scale C(T) 5. ‘14 50 per cent Acting Allowance payable; but full w.e.f. 12-11-64,

LEAVE OF ABSENCE 5 ’ _ ;Department . Name ' Appointment .* . Date of Leave° . . So, . Departure GrantedAdministration - ... Osunsade,B. A... Administrative Officer, Class II 28-12-64 1 days, Ukaham, M.N. A. .. Administrative Officer, Class IV 1-12-64 47 daysAudit... .. Agboola, B.L. Ar “.. Higher Executive Officer .. 15-12-64 42 daysForest’ Research .. Egbuta, L. U. -. Technical Officer (Fogestry) .. 28-12-64 35 daysa : Ihidero, J. I. M, _ ++ Instructor; School ofForestry _ 16-12-64


18 days.General Executive Class Francisco, P. O. -* Executive Officer. «+ 19-12-64 14 days rJumbo, H. H. .. Senior Executive Officer -. 19-12-64 90 days. .Okadigbo, C. A. D. .. Executive Officer (Accounts) 28-12-64 35 days .Judicial. .. Ojomo, M.E. -. Magistrate, Grade I~ = .. 23-11-64 35 daysOkunuga, Mrs. C. O... * Magistrate; Grade I ; .° 21~12-64 28 daysMinistry of Commuhi- —_Afamefune, A. O. _-+ Chief Technician .. @5-12-64. 42 days_, cations "+ Bassey, L. O- .« Controller of Posts * .. 28-12-64 42 days, Briggs, V.C. -. Head Postmaster ~*~ -» 5-10-64- 35. days: “4 Creppy,S.A.E. .. Executive Officer “ .. 28-12-64 57 daysa Fajergirokun, Mrs Mechanical Accounting_M. D.- : . Superintendent >. 28-12-64 35 daysTjomah, D.C.C. .. Senior Technical Officer -., 28-12-64 56 daysNkemdirim, E.O. .. Executive Officer -: -. 14-12-64 27 daysOkwuonu, N.'A. .. Higher Technical Officer . .mA . _ . (T.R.O.C.) . -. 19-10-64 43 daysa Osakwe, A. U. .. Executive Officer ae, 2-11-64 27 ‘days‘ — Uwechia, R. O. .» Technical Officer , -. 28-12-64 35.days ~Ministry of Defence .. Shogbamimu, O.A,.. Accountant . +. 22-12-64 *+27.daysMinistry of External Bolaji, S. B. |.. Executive Officer - -- 28-12-64 - 60=days: Affairs 2 ; = .¢ . ;Ministry of Health .. ‘Olumuyiwa, Mrs G: O. Nursing Sister... .+ 2-11-64 .35"daysMinistry of Internal Abiaziem, A.N.- .. Higher Immigration’Officer .. 29-12-64 - 79 daysAffairs , Harrison, E.H... .. Chief Federal Immigration . -. . _ Officer - ee “4. 28-12-64. 50 days* - Ministry of Justice .: 4Omotosho, Mrs R. A. State Counsel .. -. 2-11-64. 42 daysMinistry of Mines and _Ifaturoti, E.A. ... Chief Inspector of’Mines .. 28-12-64. 30 daysPower: Nehikhare, J. I. -. Geologist we, 14-12-64 53 daysUzoma, J. U. .- Geologist . . 18-12-64 4] days

. Dy ’ ;42 OFFICIAL GAZETTE TG No. 2, Vol. 52 -

# i

" . LEAVE OF ABSENCE—continued 1

Department . ~ Name . 7 \ Appointment Date of - Leave; 5 S, ‘ Departure ° GrantedNigerian Institute for Dau, Alhaji A., 0.B.e. Chief Field Officer =~ %. 12-10-64 44 days.

Trypanosomiasis: . . .Research : . :

Police eee} a. Izevbizu-IvarD.O. Deptity“Superintendent -» 26-10-64 | 34 days‘ , " Odukwu, P.M. A. .. Superintendent .. .. 28-10-64 42days °

be bot, Okoli, P.N. .. Assistant Superintendent .- 6-11-64 35 days. ; ' Pogoson, J. O. .. «Assistant Superintendent -. 9-11-64 35 days ©

. Prisons... .. *Ogunleye, J. O. .» Senior Technical Instructor... 7-9-64 64 days.-Statistics .. ’ .. Adewople,.E. A, .. Deputy Chief Statistician ., 28-12-64 ‘6 days

1. Notification in' Gazette No. 93 of 19-11-64 amended.2 Notificationiiin Gazette No. 82 of 1-10-64 amended.

| RESUMPTION OF DUTY Date ofDepartment Do, Name ; Appointment it '

Do a a . Resumption‘Forest Research Lo Bakare, L. A. .. Technical Officer , -+ 3412-64

General Executive Class Akinlétan, S.Q. . .. Executive Officer (Accounts) » - .. 30-11-64Ibuzo, J. C. .. Executive Officer + ..° 18+12-64

Ministry of Communi- _ Adewale, B.S.O. .. Senior Mechanical Superintendent / .. 3-12-64cations Anazia, W. N. .. Executive Officer .e +» 14-12-64

. Briggs, V.C. .. Head Postmaster . .. .. 15-11-64. Haynes, J. N. .. Higher Technical Officer .e .. 17-12-64

, ae Okwuonu, N.A. =: Higher Technical Officer (T.R.O.c:) .. 24-12-64. ao Olugboji, 5. A.B. .. Senior Assistant Telecommunications __

. . Controller 4 eee. a, »©623-11-64Osakwe, A.U.- °° .. Executive Officer .. 29-11-64

Ministtytof External| Clark, B. A. .. External Affairs Officer, Grade VI. .. 16711-64Affairs Rufai, Alhaji A. .; External Affairs Officer, Grade VI: .. 31410-64 -

Ministry of Health -.. Olumuyiwa, Mrs G.O. Nursing Sister .. . ++ 7412-64 _,,Ministry of Justice -..° Omotosho, Mrs R.A. State Counsel .- :oo -.. 17-12-64

. Nigerian Institute for. D’au, Alhaji A., 0.8.£. Chief Field Officer" = .. | .. 16-11-64Trypanosomiasis so, oResearch Po, ' oa .

Police - > o4.i.. Bala, M.S. .. Assistant Superintendent .. . .. 23-11-64' : - Hallam, W. K.R. .. Chief Superintendent o. “la. 4-11-64, Izevbizua-Iyamu,D.O. Deputy Superintendent . ‘.. 1-12-64

Odukwu, P.M. A: ;. Superintendent .. - .- -« 11412-64- Okoli, P. N. .. «Assistant Superintendent... .. 13412-64

: Pogoson,J. O. .. Assistant Superintendent .. .. + 16-12-64Veterinary Research .. Moren,P.G.T. :. Veterinary Researeh Officer .. “1. 8-42-64

. TRANSFERS : . . 7 Oy

Department Name .- * ., | Appointment |; Post to which Date of- , 2 oh transferred Transfer

Administration Gani, S. D. .. ‘Senior Executive Administrative Officer,, Officer (General Class IV .. .. | 7-12-64

a . ~ Exectitive Class) RoFisheries = ., Oniko, G. €. ... Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Officer ’oe - Officer . (Ministry of Education) 31-12-64Ministry of Oduyale,A.T. .. Physical Education Physical Education Loa Education : ‘Instructor (Contract); Instructor (Permanent

‘ ' and Pensionablea : a : _.Establishment) . 30-12-64Ministry of Adelakun, G.O. .. 4. Staff Nurse .- Staff Nurse (WesternHealth . a vo . Nigeria Public Service) 1-1-65 3.

-Ministry of. * Ogbs, HH. UU... .. Higher Technical - ‘ Higher Technical Officer . *Information z — * Officer (Mid-Western Nigeriaa re Public Service) , 21-11-63

- Ojofeitimi, J.A. = .. Assistant Technical Assistant Labour Inspector .a . fficer (Ministry of Labour)... 19-12-64

Ministry of = tAaron,S. O- -.% Assistant Executive Labour Inspector .. 21-10-64Labour ; oR - Officer (Northern . :

. os Nigeria Public ;- . Service) , ; , : .

“ *Bakir, A.K. =... Executive Officer.‘ > Labour Officer .. 14-10-64(N.N.P.S.)


14th January, 1965

Department Name

Ministry of. Works andSurveys

Nigeriazi ‘Institutefor T'rypanoso- .miasis Research y ,


Khan, M. A.A.

Lawal, M.B. “a

1 Transferred-on-Promotion.

Department / ‘Name.% ‘ .

Administration i Chukwu, TLA. .

Customs and Excise - Palmer, O.

Sotayo, J. B.

. General Executive Class

Ministry of Commerceand Industry

Ministry of Communi-

Aneni, A. O.




Senior WorksSuperintendent(Contract) _

Ist Class TechnicalAssistant


Field Officer


Onwuegbuzia, S. A. .

-Adekunle, D. V.


Stenographer, Grade II

Preventive Officer

. Clerical Assistant

... Executive Qfficer _ ..

and Class Clerk ong

- Asettant TTechnical Officer-cations in-Training ..

Adeniji, O. .. Telephone-Operator :Adetilo, M. B. «a. - Telephone Operator | nAfanu, E. K. .» Higher Technical Officer ..-Danfillo, H. Telegraphist ~ ..

oO ' Ebri, O. I. Postal Officer ..- Molokwu, Miss P. 0. 3rd Glass Clerk

Okpo, QO. E. .. Telephone Operatora Oriade, J. Telephone Operator

Ministry of Establish- Mustapha, Y. A. 3rd_Class Clerk .* ment . ek —_Ministry of External Lawal, S. O. 3rd Class Clerk 7°" «

Affairs . Okwesa, C. O.° Clerical Assistant. so Rowland, O. K. ° . 3rd Class Clerk

' Ministry of Health . .. Raimi, Mrs C. V. + .. PhysiotherapistMinistry of Lagos Nwadiegwu, M. ~ Valuation Assistant

Affairs . ; : '

Ministry of Mines and’ Osakwe, E. E. Typist,Grade III.Power / . . 8

Ministry of Transport Amboro, P, ChiefMaster :..Egbugbu, J. A. - Quartermaster .Lawal, Y. A. Senior Marine Engineeringve \ Assistant wedTilley, A Marine Engineering ‘Assistant

' .. Ministry of Works and


Orok, I. S. Clerical AssistantSurveys oo. : .

Prisons - .. Obaselu, G. O. Assistant Chief Warder: Yerwa, B. Senipr Warder, Grade IIIZuru, N. Assistant Chief Warder

Statistics Olaosebikan, A.0. 3rd Class Clerk

Post towhichtransferred

Higher Technical Officer

Date of ~leavingService



~ {5-9-6430-11-64

' 1-12-641-1-65


14-12-64" 1-9-643-12-6019-10-64


. 141-65"15-12-64



1-1-651-1-65-3 .

1-1-65. 1-1-65



2. 28-12-64

al” DateofTransfer .



Reasonsfor leaving




Resigned —


. Resigned ~


DismissedResignedResignedRetiredResigned - -

- DismissedResigned -«Resigned:‘Dismissed


ResignedResignedResigned |


Resigned _



Retired. Retired


Retired -RetiredRetired



His Excellency the President announces with‘regret the death of the following :—Mr G. 0O.:A. Benjamin, late Federal Government Scholar,iin the United. Kingdom on 16th September,



Mr C. Ugwuegbu, late Motor-Driver, Ministry of Works and Surveys, on 17th August, 1964.Mr A Bewaran,late Sub-Inspector, Nigeria Police, at Pankshin Hospital, on 8th NovembeMr L. Pedro, late Artisan, GradeI, ‘Ministry of Works and Surveys, on 29th May, 1964.

% 1964.

Mr S. O. Onwurah,late Secretary-Typist, Administration, at the UniversityTeaching Hospital, Surulere,--Lagos, on 30thOctober, 1964.



4 OFFICIAL GAZETTE | "No.2, Vol. 52Government Notice. No. 49


Thefollowing details are notified for general information :—~. °~ Lagos, Novernber 1964, = a | | aZ .

a S. D. Koto,a ; sOPermanent Secretary,.Ministry of Defence


LEFTNIGERIA To R&TURN To THE UNtTED KINGDoM, EsTABLISHMENT_ No. .. . Rank . 3 7.Name: , Date ofa a _? : Lo j $ wo, . \ Departure ‘

421297 .. ‘Major . a .- P.J. Wakeman ., + 13-11-64" - 464176 ~. Captain 2 wen -» J. H. Cooper +e . ++ 27-10-64441710 .. Captain to we . SJL Cashmore.. ay 13-10-64 %, i 7 . Enp oFSECONDMENT TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERATION “. - |. No. Rank : ‘ ote Name - - Date ;. . Moe . .

Secondmeht. 4 ; | ; é ended |421297 - +. Major wwe PJ. Wakeman. -» 12+2-65 °464176 -. Captain we .. -. J. H. Cooper +. 26-1-65 -441710. -. Captain a a or8 "# ... J.J. L: Cashmore :. +» 13-1-65 7s


J: A. OlubokunGranted Direct Short Service Commission in the rankof Lieutenant with effect from 24th October, 1964with seniority in that rank from 24th October, 1963subject to permanent pfomotion .rules“and allottedpersonal number N/545,Granted Regular uartermaster Commission in the rankof Lieutenant with effect rom 2nd December, 1964

. ’ with seniority in that ranksfrom 4th February, 1963°

. and allotted personal nuniBer N/553. ° ;_ OlCadet D. OwAjayi. " Granted Combatant Regular Commission in the rank of, oo

Second Lieutenant with effect from: 17th December,19

NA/177195 WOIG.E. Nwokedi

oo ee 1964 with seniority inthat rankfr. 1‘subject to permanent promotion %personal number N/546. re .

Granted Combatant Regular Commissioninthe rankof Second Lieutenant with effect from 17th December,1964 with seniority in that rank from:19th Apri), 1962 -y subject to permanent Promotiontules and-allottedPersonal number 4/547; ° Cory geGranted Combatant Regular CommissioofSecond Lieutenantwith effect from

; OiCadet S. Musa


&O/Cadet TI. A. Bako


’ 4 subject to permanent Promotion rulé. 3 “personal number N/548. eoO/Cadet A. L. Esuk Granted Combatant Regular Commission: in he. rink, .» of Second Lieutenant with effect from:17th December,

.1964 with seniority in that rank from 19th April, 1962: subject to permanent promotion rules and“allotted’.oo Personal number N/549 co

Granted Combatant Regular Commission, in the rankof Second Lieutenantwith effect from 17th-December,1964 with seniority in that rank from 19th December,- 1960, subject to permanent Promotion ‘rules. andallotted personal number N/550. ,Granted Combatant Regular Commission in the rankof Second Lieutenant with effect from 11th December,1964 with seniority in that rank from 24th April, 1963; subject to permanent promotion rules and allotted: ‘ personal number N/551,



O/Cadet ¥. O. Alimi

O/Cadet A. I. Akpuaka | .

« 14th January, 1965 OFFICIAL.GAZETTE _ 45 s

O/Cadet Y. Kure.



CommMissions—continued es 2

« 4

N/289 L/Major P. Martins NA CH (RC),

N/123 A/Captain D:9. Odiwo (NAF)

-N/222 Q]Captain M. Usman

N/276 A/Cagtain G. G. A, Ally

; \ 1187 A/Captain -E. E, Ikwue’ (NAF) (Belatedx Fublication)N/191 A/Capt. B. M. Haruna (BelatedPublication)

N/46.‘A iCapt. O. Obasanjo (Belated

N/277 A; Capt. o. U. Isong (Belated Publication) ~

| N/372 A/Capt. S. U. Wigwe|

N/513 Lt. W. O. Onwuchékwa

N/217 Lt. R.. Ejiofor

_N/320 Lt. J. Ogbole

~ N/322 Lt. P.J. Oduacha-4

_ N/2642/Lt. J. M.. GinN/266 2/Lt. A. A. Adeniran

N/263 2/Lt. G. Ude

N/262 2/Lt. M. Jemibewon

N}281 2/Lt. K. Megwa’

* N/268 2/Lt. B. O. A. Oyewole

2 N/273 2/Lt. D. O. Agbogu“N/271 2/Lt. A. R. A. Mamudy’*


N/265 2/Lt. E. N. Opara iN/269 2/Lt. A. Mohammed

N{511 2/Lt. P. Obi

“(509 2/Lt. H. A. AunaN/282 2/Lt. _ N. Garba

3 N/299 2/Lit. ( Y. ‘Hananiya

N/451 2/Lt.,SCc,. Onyekwe .

N/270 2/Lty A. R. Aliyu. .} '

N/550 2/Lt. Y. O. Alimi


Granted Combatant Regular Commission in the rankof Second Lieutenant with effect from 11th December,‘1964 with seniority in that rank from 24th April, 1963 ;subject ‘to permanent promotion rules and allotted

’ personal number N/552.,‘


-Protnoted tothe substantive rank of Major with effectfrom 23rd November, 1964.

Promoted to the substantive rank bf Captain with effectfrom 23rd May; 1964. :

Promotedto the substantive rank of Captain with effectfrom 18th March, 1964.

Promoted.to the substantive rank of Captain with effectfrom 18th March, 1964.

Promoted to the substantive rank of Cpptain with effectfrom 18th September, 1963. -

Promoted to the substantive rank of Captain with effect‘from18th Septémber, 1963.

‘Publicatidh) * ‘Promoted. to the stibstantive rank of Captain with effect-



from 20th March,.1963.Promoted tothe gubstantive rank of Captain with effectfrom 23rd May, 1963. © } '

. Promotedtothe substantive rank of Captain with effectfrom 1st March, 1964.

Promoted to fhe substantive rank of Captain with effectfrom 6th October, 1964.

Promoted to the substantive rank of Captain with effectfrom 29th October, 1964. 4 ,

Promoted to the substantive rank of Captain with effectfrom 28th October, 1964.

Promoted to the;substantive rank of Captain with effect«from 9th November, 1964.Promoted to the substantive rank of Lieutenant with

efféct from 16th November, 1964.Promoted to the substantive rank of Lieutenant with

effect from 16th.November, 1964.‘Promoted to the substantive rank, of Lieutenant with

effect from 16th November, 1964.Promoted «to the substantive ‘rank of Lieutenant with

effect from 16th November, 1964. :Promoted to the substahtive rank of Lieutenant with

_ effect from 16th November, 1964.Promoted -to the substantive’ rank of Lieutenant -with

effect from 16th November, 1964. :Promoted to the substantive rank of Lieutenant with

effect from 16th November, 1964.Promoted to the substantive rank of Lieutenant with

effect from 16th November, 1964.. Promoted: to the substantive rank.of ‘Lieutenant with

effect from 16th November, 1964.Promoted to the substantive rank of Lieutenant ‘‘with

effect from 16th November, 1964.Promoted to the substantive rank of ‘Lieutenant with ;

effect from 16th November, 1964.. Promoted to the substantive rank of Lieutenant with

effect from ‘16th November, 1964. ‘Promoted, to the suhstantive rank of Lieutenant with

effect from 16th November, 1964. ~Promoted to. the substantive rank of Lieutenant with |

effect from 16th November, 1964.Promoted to the Substantive! rank pf Lieutenant with

effect from 20th ‘April, 1964. ‘’ Promoted to the substantive rank of”Lieutenant with

effect from 16th November, 1964.’Promoted to. the substantive rank of Lieutenant witheffect from 19th December, 1963.


f 4° 5 _ ‘OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 2, Vol.’$2

‘TRANSFERS—NIGERIAN ARMY OFFICERS TO NIGERIAN AIR FoRCcE - \ :a . . . . \N/275 Capt. S. A. Alao oes os we ou. _/ N/187 Capt.-E. E. Ikwue mo ..


. Transferred’ to Nigerian Air Force with effect from' N/128 Capt. U. J. Esuene - - _ «+f > 18th December, 1963.N/123 Capt. D. O, Odiwo .. fe ; oo

_ N/390 A/MajorJ. A. Ogunro . .. Transferred to. Nigerian Air Force with effect fromco ‘ 5th October, 1964. . .


. N/205 Capt. B. E. Nnamani (NA) ., .. Granted 2 years extension of his Combatant ShortLy co 7 2 Service Commission w.e.f. 23rd September, 1964.

N/213'Lt. M. M. Otusanya (NANS) » .. Granted 6 months extension. of: her Nursing Short. . “ Sérvice Commission with effect from 29th October,, ., 1964. . : ooN/251 Capt. R. T Aina(NANS) .. .. Granted 3 years extension of her Nursing Short Service. . : . : . Commission with effect from 23rd November, 1964,

A ' CorkiGENDUMoy |

i. In the Government Notice No. 187 published in the Official Federal Gazette No. 8 dated 31st January,“1963 :— — ; . , .ve | : COMMISSIONS

N/282 2/Lt. J. N. Garba . .. -. Amend seniority date of officer in the rank of second- Lieutenant to read 16th November, 1961.' 2. In the Government Noticé No. 2192 published in the Official Federal Gazette No. 91 dated 14thNovember, 1963 :— . : > ff 4

Ni392 she r&On + ° o cats \ “Amend seniority date ofofficers in the rank of Second“N/391 2/Lt. M. Bandiya mhJ Lieutenants to read 19th April, 1962 respectively.7 3. In the Government Notice No. 1951 publishedin. the Official Federal’Gazette No. 81 dated 19th- October, 1963 :— | i

. N/376 2/Lt. S. G. Ikya | .: . Amendseniority date of officers in the rank of SecondN/378 2/Lt. M. S. Dabai os we Lieutenants to read 10th ecember, 1962 rés-oo a, ° . pectively, i . i‘4, In the Government Notice No. 670 published:inthe Official Federal GazetteNo. 41 dated 16th April,1964. " ‘ tte No. | :

oN/471.2/Lt. M.J. Vatsa..: mo, .. } Amend seniority date ofofficers in the rank of SecondN/479:2/Lt. S. A. Olajide . > Lieutenants to read, 10th December, 1962 res- -’ 2 J pectively, . 2 ‘'N/468:2/Lt. W. Archibong mo, . \ Amendseniority date ofofficers in the rank:of SecondN/497':2/Lt. C. M. A#Adeleye ws Lieutenants to read. 24th April, 1963 respectively,

Tt, - €Hance or NAME ~>. N/469 2/Lt M.B. Pategi a -.‘} Changed his nameto read M.B: Jibril. ¢ " é

9 ‘5. In the Government Notice No. 61 published in the Offictal Federal Gazette No. 9 dated 16th January,64.


- ‘ : . . , 'N/407 2/Lt. Obogo .e .. . Amend sefiiority of officers in the rank of Second .N/408 2/Lt. P. N. Nwadkon ve . Lieutenants to read 13th January, 1963 respectively.N/414 2/Lt. E. Fakunle: N/406 2/Lt N. Nathan


” oR,' N/411 2/Lt. P. Onyeneho . , . <f . a. . :"> N/418 2/Lt. S. Abacha .. Le -. Amendseniority of oFicer in the rank of Second: : £ ; Lieutenant to read 10th December, 1962.“196 6. Inthe Government Notice No. 1374 published in the Official Federal Gazette No. 63 dated 30th July,4, . .

ooN/317 2/Lt. E. N. Iheanacho . + Amend seniority of officers in the rank of SecondN/520 2/Lt. P. B. Adedayo . Lieutenants to read 24th April, 1963 respectively.7. litthe Government Notice No. 310 published in the Official Federal Gazette No. 21:dated 20thFebruary, 1964. : iN/430 2/Lt.S.Karau. .. . ° PoN/437 2/Lt. H,Abdulkadir . oa, Amendseniority of officers in the rank of SecondN/428 2/Lt. T.,Omuoha .. “. me, Lieutenants to, read 10th December, 1962Se respectively. - -—-


+ {

14th January, 1965 OFFICIAL GAZETTE © oo 47 4

8. In the Government Notice No. 2240 published. in the Official Federal Gazette No. 95 dated’ 29thNovember; 1962. . 4 . - | . ‘ :‘N/262 Lt. M. Jemibewon mo, . . LoN/263 Lt. G, Ude oe oe . | . : °N/264 Lt. J.M. Gin an - .. Amend seniority of officers in the rank of SecondN/265 Lt. E N. Opara ... ~ we ons Lieutenants to read 16th November, 1961 -* N/266 Lt. A. A. Adeniran -: oy oy “respectively. oo . ‘’ N/268 Lt. B. O. A. Oyewole / we doc: ;. N/269 Lt. A. Muhammed - wei . /N/273 Lt. D. O. Agbogu * -

i . ; ° UNDER PROMOTIONS Me~ N/198 A/Capt. G. A. Yakubu . .. Amend date of substantive rark of Lieutenant to read

. _* 5th October, 1963. *. .

- UNDER COMMISSION . Se ;9. In the Government Notice No. 838 published in the Official Federal Gazette Wo. 30 dated 2nd May,

1963. . : : “ . ..N/305 2/Lt. R. A.Elegbede +. .. Amend seniority date of officer in the rankof Second. . 3 - Lieutenant to read 18thApril, 1962. .

Government Notice No50 , ‘ mo, - mL

Constitution of the Federation . -

By His Excellency Doctor NNAMDI AZIKIWE, President andCommander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

. _ \-_

NNAMDI AZIKIWE: | . . 4- President . a : - . to .WHEREASit is provided by subsection (3) ofsection 123 of the Constitution of the Federation, thatif -the Office of the Chief Justice of Lagos is vacant, or if the person holding the Office is for any reason unable -to perform the functions of his Office, that those functions shall be performed by suchone of the other —Judges of the High Court of Lagos as may be designated in that behalf by the President: *‘Now ruererore, I, NNAMDI Aziktwe, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic ofNigeria, do hereby, appoint Gzorce SoDEINDE SOWEMIMO,to be Acting Chief Justice ofthe High Court of

Lagos with effect from the first day of January,'1965.

_. Given under my hand. and the Public Seal of the Federal Republic ofNigeria at State House, Lagos,this Eighth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and Sixty-five. . :

Government Notice No. 51:


- Wuereas the persons whose namies are set out in the first column hereunder-died intestate on the datesand at the places stated in the said column.-

_. AND WHEREaS.the person or persons.whose address and relationship (if any)to the deceased are set. out.in the second columnhereof ‘have applied'to the High Coyrt for grant of Letter of Administration of thepersonal property ofthe said deceased._ : , m.

NOTICEIs HEREBY GIVENthat Letters of Administration will be grarrted, to’such persons unless a notice_to prohibit the grantis filed in this Registry*within 14 days from the date hereof :—

: _ .' Name of Deceased o "+ Applicantsfor Grant __4. Ciauprana Exsun ‘*Faneye, late of 14 Ovye- 1. Theophilus Alabi Faneye. of 14 Oyewunmi Close, —wunmiClose, Surulere, died on the 10th day +

Surulere, the husband ofthe deceased. |of October, 1964, at 14 Oyewunmi: Glose, . ‘ ’ .

.. Surulere, bo { oe(2. JuLIANA ApEwuNMI ADEROGUN, late of 5 2. Gabriel Adegboyega Adebogun and Matthew Ade-

' MoshalewaStreet, Surulere, died on the 29th kunle Adebogun both of 5 Mashalewa Street,- day. of April, 1964, at the Lagos University Surulere, two of the children of the deceased.Teaching Hospital, Suruleré. .

@ cae . , > , ‘ " . rs " &







~ . '

No. 2, Vol. 52

. JosepH Nacue, late of P.Z. Compound,Kakawa Street, Lagos, died at the GeneralHospital, Lagos, on the 12th dav of December,1963.


. Ropert Tasria Wari,alias TpLer Ropert,late of 5 Ajayi Street, Apapa Elemu, died at

- the General Hospital, Lagos, on the 16th dayof January, 1964. ~


JINO, late of 16 Campos Square, Lagoa, diedat the General Hospital, Lagos, an the 21st dayof January, 1963.

- Cyprian Ayo Iprtayo,late of 58 Adekunle—* Street, Ebute Metta, died at the Universityof

. Lagos Teathing Hospital, Surulere, on the* . 47th day of November; 1963.

, JANET IBIDUNNI LASEYI, date of 26 RaymondStreet, Yaba, died at 66 Yaba Road; Waba, on

* the 12th day of August, 1963.


Datep at Lagos this 7th day of January, 1965.

. Probate ‘Registry, High Court, Lagos.


. John Alaba Ibitayoof 117 Freeman Street, Ebute

Charles Tyref’O’Connor King, the Liberian Ambas-sador in, Nigeria.

. Charles Tyrel O’ConnorKing, the Liberian Ambas-sadorin Nigeria. .a sy


. Charles Tyrel O'Connor King, the Liberian, Ambas-sador in Nigeria.


Metta, one of the brothers of the deceased.

. Georgiana Ebun Aganga-Williams of 26 RaymondStreet, Yaba, the onlysurviving child of thedeceased.




-Government Notice‘No. 52 :

Industrial Development (Income Tax Relief) Act, 19587 (No. 8 of 1958)


‘It is hefeby notified for general information thatthe Pioneer Certificate granted to Messrs NIGERIANGaLvaniziInsc Worxs LrwiTeD under the terms of

. subsection 7 of section 4 of the Industrial Develop-ment? (Income. Tax Relief) Act, 1958, has been

, tow

; 1.2360 5. 2a

Government Notice No. 53

‘Industrial Development

(Income Tax Relief) Act, 1958


It is hereby notified for general information that ,Messrs Nicerpak Limirep have been granted aPioneer Certificate under the terms of subsecticn

+ (7) of section 4 of the Industrial Development(Income Tax Relief) Act, 1958. .

‘ 1.2367;8. 8

Government NoticeNo..54 : ;

- Industrial Development (Income Tax Relief)


ut ‘is hereby notified for general information that-Messrs Vidor Nigeria Limited have been granteda Pioneer Certificate under the termsof subsectiagn °(7) of section 4 of the Industrial Development(Income T’ax Relief) Act, 1958. | .


Government Notice No. 55

The Companies Act (Cap. 37)


I, Joun Maxwett TeKe Moraisof Central BankChambers, Lagos, one of the persons authorised toaccept service of process and any notices required tobe served:on the above-named company which wasincorporated outside Nigeria and registered pursuant,to section 239 of the. Companies Act hereby, give.‘ ;‘notice to the Registrar of Companies that theCompany having on the 31st day of March, 1963ceased to have a place of businéss in Nigeria nolonger requires registration under: the Conipanies:Act and its name should therefore be removed: fromthe register of Companies. :

Daten at’12 noonthis 1st day of December, 1964

_ J. M. T. Morrrts,Person!Authorised

Government Notice No. 56


(formerly West African Institutefor Oil Palm Research)

This is to notify the general public that by virtueof the Nigerian Institutes Act 1964, the “WestAfrican Institute for Oil Palm. Research” will -beknown as the “NIGERIAN INSTITUTE FoR OIL PALMRESEARCH” with effect from the ist of December,

64. ; - 4 ‘ ,x

All previous documents of the Institute remainvalid. . , . .

S. C. Nwanze,Acting Director.

‘Acting Probate Registrar °:





14th January, 1965

" t d -

+Government Notice No. 57° . ’

' ° MineralsRegulations

RateOF Royatty on Tin

For the purpote.of computing the amount of. royalty, upon tin d ae the period 14th Januaryto 13th February, 1965,.the average meari price oftin during the month’ ended 31st December, 1964was , £1,344-6s-0.2727d ‘per ton. Theroyaltypayable will therefore be £297-14s-4.9091d per tonof metallic tin contained in-the Cancentrate.


. Government Notice No. 58 \ysi

Minerals Regulations


"In exercise of the powers ‘conferred by regulation‘76a (2) of the Minerals Regulations, the Chief

. Inspector of Mines has fixed the price per ton of:. Tantalite for the purpose of computifig provisionalroyalty at the amount shown in the column (1)below: . a 1

nee (1) (2)per ton per ton

' so, £ sd £ sidLow GradeTantalite - 500 0 0 50-0 °-0High Grade Tantalite 1,800 0 0 -180 0 02. The rate of prdVisional royalty payable on

exportations of ‘Tantalite, made. during the. period1st February to 28th Feb , 1965 will, thereforebe as shown in column (2) above. * 2

-Government Notice No:59. ‘>2


In exercise of the power conferred by regulation |71 (3) of the Minerals Regulations,the Chief Inspec-

‘ tor of Mineshasfixed the price per unit of Columbitefor the purpose, of computing provisiohal royalty at120s.per unit. os ' ~

2: The rate of provisional royalty payable onexportations of columbite-.made during the period1st February to 28th Febstiary, 1965 will thereforebe 6s-4.8d per unit (7.¢., a minimum rate of royalty-of £20-16s-Od per-ton). . ,

Government Notice No. 60

Minerals Regulations


cIn exercise of the powers conferred by ‘regulation

74 (3) of the Minerals Regulations, the Chief Inspec-tor of Mines has fixed the price per ton of ZirconConcentrate for the purpose ofcomputingprovisionalroyalty at £60 per ton.

2.:The rate of provisional royalty payable onexportations of Zircon Concentrate made during theperiod 1st February to 28th February, 1965 willtherefore be £2-8s-Od perton.-



Government Notice No. 61

Minerals Regulations .é


In exercise of the ‘powers conferred by regulation74 (3) of the Minerals Regulations, the Chief Inspec-tor of Mines‘has fixed theprice per'ton of ThoriumConcentrates for thepurpose ofcomputing provisiotial °royalty at £70 per ton.

2. The rate of provisional royalty payable onexportations ofThorium Concentrate (7.e., Thorianite,Thorite and Monazite) made during the period 1stFebruary to 28th February, 1965 will therefore be *£2-16s-Od per ton.

2 =

Government Notice No..62. +5

a oe é



a . a fie . .It is notified for general information that a Postal

Agency was opened at“Dawson Road -in BeninDivision. of Benin Province in the Mid-Weste

’ Nigeria on the 15th December, 1964 for thesale lofstamps, issue and payment of Postal Orders, accept-ance.and delivery of Registered articles, receipt and adespatch of mails anddelivery of Parcels only.

-Thecirculation of mails is to BeninPost Office.

So | A.A. Ara,"-Permanent Secretary

Government Notice No. 63


It is: hereby notified that the undermentionedPayable Orderis lost. ‘

P.O. No. 001420 issued by Permanent Secretary, ;Ministry of Information, Ibadan to Commentator,Tjebu-Ode ‘for £15. Nominated Treasury, Ijebu-Ode. ‘@ &

. 2. The above Payable Order No. 001420 is hereby -declared cancelled. Anybody who comes into posses-sion of it or is able to give any information-relatingtd it should please report thePolice Station and/or this office.

Er A..O. FAsHORO,_ Aceountant-General, .

Western Nigeria‘ .

1 _— \Government Notice No. 64

Loss or Loca PurcHASE ORDERS

‘, It is hereby notified that the undermentionedLocal Purchase Orders are lost. °

L.P.O. No. ‘'A071689 of 25-4-63, issued bySuperintentling Engineer, Ministry of Works andTransport, Ibadan to I.C.I. Paints (Nigeria) Ltd.,«papa for 20 gallons Pal jade Emulsion, 25 gallons

> Mixt Grey Emulsion, 25 gallons Pale Green

fe> é

facts to the nearest



' Government Notice No. 65 .

¢ . ~

50 ; \ OFFICIALGAZETTE No. 2, Vol. 52

Emulsion, 20 gallons Smoke Emulsion, 20 gallons‘ . - .Pale Cream Emulsion, 20 gallons Red Floor Paint, Datep this 14th day of January, 1965.10 gallons Oxford Blue Paint, 10 gallons White,

. Coating Paint, 25. gallons Broken White Paint,and 20 gallons Black Paint.

' . A. SOLANKE,Registrar of Trade Unions —

L.P.O. No. A071690 of 25-4-63 issued by . J“Superintending Engineer, Ministry of Works and Government Notice No. 67Trafisport, Ibadan to 1.C.I. Paints (Nigeria) Lrtd., - i_ Apapafor 20 gallons Quaker Grey Paint, 10 gallons FEDERAL GovERNMENT ScHOLARSHIP 1964White Paint and:10 gallons Melon Paint. NIGER DELTA SPECIAL ARE& AWARDSL.P.O. No. 033694 of 16-3-62. issued by 8 sericuiture-—Pooet, A. A. ASuperintending Engineer, Ministry of Works and. : : .

Transport, Ibadan, to ESSO West Africa, Ibadan Economics.—PEKENE, C. J. ; Nwipant, D: L. S.for 100 tins of Kerosene. Geography.—Brisise, A,

History.—Inko-Tanria, I. B. ; Komso, F. F (MissL.P.O. No. 036542 of 27-6:62 issued by naa )Supérintending Engineer, Ministry of Works and ‘Medical Laboratory Technology~Mirpaka,B,,D.Transport, Ibadan to ESSO West Africa, Ibadan Medicine.—Brices, N. D.; Jasper, D. M. A,

_ for 100 tins of Kerosené. Surveying.—FRank-Oputu, L. A. ' °

L.P.O. No. 044060 of 22-9-62 issued bySuperintending Engineer, Ministry. of Works andTransport, Ibadan to ESSO West Africa, Ibadan

.. for 100 tins of Kerosene. - :

+‘Government Notice No. 68

L.P.O. No. 061140 .of 23-1-63 issued bySuperintending Engineer, Ministry of-Works and RESULTS OF JoINT EXAMINATION FOR ~Transport, Ibadan toESSO West Africa, Ibadan . ‘ CHEMISTS AND Druccisrs

- for 100 tins of Kerosene. . ot of otean It is hereby riotified for the information of theL.P.O. No. 077046 of 22-6-63 issued by Seneral public that the following Chemists and. Superintending Engineer, Ministry of Works and Druggists are successful in the Joint Examination .: Transport, Ibadan to ESSO West Afgica, Ibadan - for the Chemists and Druggists Diploma of the -for 70 tins of Kerosene. . harmacy Board of Nigeria-and the Diploma inveer Pharmacy of the University of Ife in pursuance of

2. The above Loca} Purchase Orders are hereby Pharmacy Act. (Cap. 152)declared cancelled.*"“Anybody’ who comes into , .possession ofthemor is ableJgive any information 1. Mr A. A. Exgrrelating to,any of them shou. ease report the facts - 1 "to the nearest Pélice Station and/or this office. 2. Mr A. N. Omame

: ro ee . 3. Mr P. C. Onwuka.~

.E, A. QO. Fasnoro,Accountant-General, . to.. . Western Nigeria _ A. A. Ecpon,SL ' ' Pharmaceutical Registrar .

- ; . : ay

Ciosine oF RoAp ; .

The public is hereby. informed that the Lagos- Guvernment Notice{No. 69 - Abeokuta Road will be closed to traffic from 8 a.m. 5to 12 mid-night on Sunday the 10th of January, SUSPENSION. OF Mr J. O. Ekweme’s1965, and Sunday 24th January, 1965, that is for ' CuemisT AND DrRuccist Licenceonly two days and not fourteen days as wasoriginally

- published. . It is hereby notified for the Information of -the' General Public that the Pharmacy Board of Nigeriahad in pursuanceof section 12 of the Pharmacy Act

7 . _ . (Cap. 152) page 2876 orderedthat Mr J. O. Ekweme’sGovernment Notice No. 66. . mo Chemists and Druggists Licence be suspendedWESTERN REGIONAL CO-OPERATIVE *. forthwith for a period of six months with effect from

Societies WorkKERS’ UNION 1st day of December, 1964. - oo

REGISTERED No. 412 Mr J. O. Ekweme’s Chemists and Druggists= ‘ Licence is therefore suspended. and he is: not toCANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE OF practice Pharmacywithin these six months.REGISTRATION OF AaRADE UNION /

The Certificate of Registration of the above-named‘Trade Union wascancelled on 30th ‘day of October, my | “AL A. Ecxou,1964. : Pharmaceuticql Registrar.

I.reo J

Mth January, 1965. OFRICIAL GAZETTE ct ‘51¢ . . . " . * \ Ys , : ° 1Government Notice No. 70 ‘ N mo,: CENTRAL BANK\OF NIGEREA eo :


, LIABILITIES 4 £0 a. LoL.Capital subscribed and paid up 1,250,000 Gold o .. . 7,074,890. . 990,851 Convertible Currencies "General Reserve

;Foreign Government Securities ‘and Balanceswith Foreign Banks 56,866,060 -

Nigerian Currency in Circula- 107,356,948 "Total External Reserve. . -- 63,940,950 <tion : : . mo 7Deposits : * . . aFederal and Regional ‘ Téderal Government Securities. 18,543,147Governments .» 1,955,615 Other Securities. ¢ +». ++ 14,083,749‘Bankerg .. . -. 1,154,531 Rediscounts and Advances. 18,361,311Other 6.7). 1 10737588" Be? 4,123,734 a me — .Other Liahilities . . 3,229,512 * Other Assets ~. ¢ . “¢ 2,021,888

£116,951,045 tos £116,951,045:

sO O. O . Vincent,General Manager: . ; : F, A. IjEwere,Lagos, 2nd January, 1965,Deputy Secretary= ——


Applications are hereby invited for the 1965 Competition for entry into the Administrative and Shecial /Departmental Classes of the Eastern Nigeria Public Service. . *: .2. The Special Departmental Classes comprise those Scale A posts for which a specific qualification is not‘@ prerequisite and ‘which call for qualities of intellect and character broadly similar to those needed for the"Administrative Class. For the presentthe posts of Auditor, Accountant, Assistant Registrar of‘Co-operativeSocieties, lanagement Officer, Produce Officer and Revenue Inspector have been includedin this class.. - i,3. The Competition will comprise: 2 , 4.

’ (a)°a qualifying written examination, conductedby the West African.Examinations Council ;.*é ~ * .(b) an interview before the Public Service Commission. %

Only candidates who reach/a qualifying standard in the written examination Lil be invited to the interviewbythe Public Service Commisgion. : .\

4. To qualify for adniission to the competition:in 1965, a candidate musteither be in possession of aqualification prescribedfor the post for, which he wishes’to compete or intend to sit in 1965 “for the finalexamination leading to the qualification. . The qualifications préscribed for the Administrative and SpecialDepartmental Classes aré as follows :— - _- .(?) Administrative Class: _ ‘s ~ a ; a

t (a) First, or Second-class Honours Degree, preferably ‘in Arts or Economics, from a recognized .iniversity.‘,

(>) Third-class Hosours or First orSecond-class General Degree plus a higher Degree.or a Diplomain Public Administration‘from a recognized University. esGi) Auditor and Acéountant : ; ;

(a) Final Certificate of oneofthe following professional bodies :-—i) Chartered Accountants. ~ , md _ ° -- (if) Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors. . , ‘ to(iii) Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants, - r , ay(tv) Institute of Cost and Works Accountants.

/(v) Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants.

.(6) Honours Degree in Economics_or telated subjects with Accountancy as-a Special Subject, from a }recognized University. tet , ‘ . iFor 1965, candidates in Possession ofanyof the professional qualificationslisted in (a)above will Be exemptfrom the written examination. a DRO, : °. 7 . -f Bey ‘



5 . OFFICIAL GAZETTE "No. 2, Vol. 52

(tit) Management OfficerandAssistant Registrar of Co-operative Socteties : .

First or Second-class Honours Degreein Economics from a recognized University.

7 (iv) Revenue Inspector: : , ,

(a) Any of the accounting qualifications listed in sub-paragraph(iz) (a) and (b) above. _

° () A degree in Law froma recognized University. |

'(c) Acalltothe Bar... . a _ on a

, @) Produce Officer.:- : ot oo!

A degree in Agriculture, Commerce or Economies from a recognized University.= . . . ‘ : . ‘. e‘Recognized”in the above contexts means “recognized by theGovernmentof Eastern Nigeria.”’

' + §, The yritten examinationwill not be designed to test candidates on the subjects in which they’hold adegree. It will be designed to test ability to think clearly and to understand and write English, and dlso ofknowledge of affairs, particularly West African atfuirs. Notes for the guidance of candidates drawn up bythe West African Examinations Council will be issued to all candidates in due course. ‘The examinationwill-comprise the following papets :— . ! . 7

.() English (Precis and Critical Appreciation) :— .>

“4 This paper will consist of a precis of a passage supplementedbya question asking candidates to'conkmentcritically on the central idea of the passage. : ° . i

.(@@) CurrentAffairs:—~ mS .|

|Candidates will be required to answer four questions out of ten and the range of subjects will cater forall types of candidatés offering, and are designedtotest the intelligent awareness of current affairs which _

any educated person’may be presumedfo possess. . r |

(ii) General:— . 4

This will consist of two questions. One will test.ability to detect dubious thinking, and will containshort passages whose Logical Forceis*to be discussed critically. The other ‘will test ability to draw ,Statistical Inferences from a table of numerical data. ; ‘ , ‘

6. ‘This written examination will be held on the 29th of March, 1965, in Lagos, Ibadan, Enugu, Lond on. Washington andat such othercentres as maybe decidedlater. 4° 2 t . .: . - :

7.. Minimum transport expenses to and from London and Washingtonwill be refunded to candidates in: the British Isles or the United States respectively who ate not resident in thosecities, for the purposeof taking; the written examination. Candidateswill be responsible for arranging and meetingthecostof their accommo-. dation andtrayisport. |

8. A fee of £2 is payable by those wishing to attempt the competition.. 9. Candidates who have already applied on Eastern Nigeria Form PSC 1 for appointmentto one.or moreof the classes mentioned in paragraph 1. above should, if in Nigeria send: to the Secretary, Public Service.Commission, Enugu, a Treasury. Receipt for the £2 competition fee or, if outside Nigeria, send £2 byMoney Orderor crossed Postal Order to the authority to whom they addressed their applications on Eastern. Nigeria Form PSC 1 under


coveringletter referring to their applications. These must be receivéd not |“later than 30thJanuary, 1965. Those who havenot yet applied but wishto do sogshould send thefee in themanner.prescribed above, with their applications on Eastern Nigeria Form PSC*P, tobe received not laterthan 30th January, 1965 to:—TheSecretary, Public Service Commission, Enugu, if they are in Nigeria, 6r to* the Secretary; Office of the Agent-Generalfor Eastern Nigeria, 9 Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C.2.,2*if they are in Europe, or to the Chancery, Embassy of Nigeria, 500 Dupont Circle Building, Washington6; D.C., if they are in the United States or Canada. , :‘:10. Fees are. not refundable, and ‘no responsibility can be accepted for money-sent in other than the

prescribed manner.

. 11. Instructionsas to the date,time and place of attendance‘will be sent direct to individual candidates.12. Candidates may still be offered tempdrary appointments by the Public Service'Commission to anyof the posts listedin paragraph 1 above on the strict understanding thatif they are unsuccessful at any stage.of the next competition, their temporary appointients‘will be terminated unless they are offered otherposts.

’ . ‘ . . mo7 .a >

éf. e - A. E. Oxaror,‘4 . Secretary,FC1053[S.2/T _ Public Service Commission


14th January,1965 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. (53N

Government Notice No. 71\

__ Nartonat Premium Bonps ro oeThe eighth public Prize Draw tookplace at La 08, on Saturday 2nd January, 1965, all Bonds purchasedup to andincluding 30th September, 1964, taking part. . . oa ,

| 2. A list of wirining numbers is given below and Bond holders wishing to claim a prize should obtain‘claim form PB.1 and envelopePB.2 from any Departmental Post Office, Sub Post Office or Commercial Bank.The completed claim form and Bond (less the holder’s counterfoil) should be sent in the envelope PB.2 to-the Premium Bond Section, Posts and Telegraphs, Private Mail: Bag 12008, Lagos. The letter willbeaccepted for registration free of charge.: * ‘ :

:Prize + Value ~. BondNo. + Town of . Prize Value Bond No. Town of‘ {


Purchase , ° . ‘ Purchase‘£ so, ” £ : .ist 750% | M003978 Lagos "30th 25 P066589 .


Ibadan2nd 250 M050667 , Port Harcourt | 31st 25 ' P089937 Lagos/3rd 100 5


019032. Bori Ogoni * 32nd 25 - - P061273 Orlu 74th 100 .. M043359 Apapa . " 33rd 25 M015237 Hesha’ |5th 100 ' = M010564 _ Apapa, 34th . 10° P061937 Owerri6th, 100 P0001 23 Lagos ssp 10, P046263 Ibadan7th 50 M003381, Kaduna 34th - 10 M043649 ‘Enugu8th 50 ,. 5014600 -Lagos wth -- 10 - M032881 - Lagos.9th 50 . M019256 Calabar 38th 10 . M013084 Abraka10th - 50 P019298 Lagos : 39th 10 M007200 Lagosllth .50 ~~ PO17762 ¢ Akure 40th 10 PO72181 == Yola12th 50 MQ36705 Ibadan Ast - 10 M037464 Oturkpo13th 50. M021821 Oron - 42nd 10 M000722 . Enugu14th. 25 M008735 —-.Lagos 43rd. 10 - M037904° - Lagos15th 25 M012940 Abeokuta 44th 10 P070207 Jos16th 25 M025138 Onitsha— - 45th 10 M037249 Yaba17th 25 P091674 Lagos 46th10 M017311 Warri18th 25 ‘P098752 Lagos - 47th - 10 M019614. Thiala19th 25 M013665 Asaba . 48th 10 ' P081306 _ Offa.. 20th | “25 y P000047 Lagos 49th 10 | M047482 ~ Ibadan21st _ 25° P101328 Lagos’... 50th 10. M051415 Lagos.22nd 25 M039183 - Onitsha 51st 10 -P093071 Lagos ,.23rd 25 MO017245 = Uromi 52nd «10 PO70086 -+

Jos .24th 25 M018114 ~~ Ahoada . 53rd. 10 M018329 |, Arochuku25th *° 25 P041825 Tlesha ; 54th © 10 _ M043796 Enugu —26th 25 M041021 Yaba ~ 55th - 10 M042411 | Lagos27th | 25 M043298 Jos 56th 10 M035384 Lagos.28th =—=s 25: M012082 Otta -. 57th 10 M033622 Tjebu-Ode29th 25 5003969 Lagos 58th 10 M913574- - AkureNoclaims have yet been received for the following numbers which won"prizes.in. theJuly 1964 andOctober 1964; draws:— -


} Jury, 1964. , ¢ .15th "25.


PO51952 Ibadan | 32nd 250 « M036027+ -Lagos22nd 25 M042090 Lagos 48th 10 | P070209 Jos .26th _ 25 M024746 ~~ Enugu 50th 10 P019904 Port Harcourt27th 25 - 045230 ° Oshogbo 53rd 10 P062810: Umuahia- 28th 25 . §063451 _’ Ebute Metta _ : . :

'Octoser, 1964 -

2ad 250 M042720- Lagos 35th - 10 M043807. . Enugu11t 30 “ P068815 Onitsha 36th. 10 M017206 * Uromi .17th 2 M007698 Onitsha 38th 10 * M034224 Lagos- 419th 25 M023459 | _ Benin-City 41st 10 . ™M023300 Yaba | :2ist * 25 M050393 *? Lagos “(43rd ~ 10 -. M032831 Lagos22nd. 25 P093273 Lagos 44th 10 P018925 Kaduna26th 25 P068589 - Onitsha 46th. 10 - M025235 ~ Port Harcourt- 27th 25 P071508 = Kano ff 47th | 10 - |. ™024901 Qnitsha30th 25 P098629 Lagos *. 48th 10... P089860 Lagos31st 25 + 096250 _ Onitsha . 57th 10°. . = P096302_—- Onitsha. . oo so A.A. Arta,4 vit . Permanent Secretary,2nd January, 1965,

Ministry ofCommunications


? : &



54 oo | OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 2, Vol! 52. v . ia i

Government Notice No. 72 Flionis BrothersIbadan Produce Stores — 7 oeWESTERN WNIGERIA MARKETING Boarp * Ibadan Traders Association .

Se Lees - . Ibrahim, Jimoh Oyedele-. 1965 PALM KERNELS AND PALMOIL Ibukun -Oluwa Produce Trading StoresMARKETINGSCHEMES: LICENSED Idanre Produce Trading Companya BUYING AGENTS . Idiaro Trading Company |

Ifedunni Brothers 7 ou |Ifelodun Trading Company ° 4‘It ig notified for general information that the /

Western Nigeria Marketing Board. by virtue of ifs Tisioduns raeorin Co-operative- Produce Marketingpowers under section 16 (c) of the Marketing Board .Laws (Cap. 73 of the Laws of the Western Region Gebuiseoperative, Produce Marketing Union

of Nigeria, 1959), has appointed the following as . iLicensed Buying’ Agents for the purchase of Uil Ijebu Traders Association Limited ‘ ; |Ijesha Produce Trading StoresPalm Produce in:ithe Western Region in the 1965 Ijestia United T .‘MarketingSe J shiaUnite rading and Transport Corhpany |

+ Palm Kernels * ‘ Tjirigho, D. U. and Company © sy: Ikole Produce Marketing Union .Iragbiji Trading Company ‘ ~ --Awalewa Trading Company '

e- _Iwajowa Produce Trading Company“John Holt LimitedKolawole Produce Merchant CompanyKayode Produce Dealers and CompanyLadipo, E. A.

Abeokuta Co-operative Produce Marketing UnionLimited

Abeokjtta Trading CompanyAbizakhem, N:

i Adagunodo and Sons“Adeleye Brothers .Adesina Brothers.Adeyemo, M.\and Sons Lagelu Trading Company :‘Ademiluyi Trading Company . : . Lamiyan, Salami _, .Adejumo, Hamed ‘Adewole Lareshin Brothers Limited : OO‘Adenekan Brothers Legunsen Brothers Association ’ .‘Afenmai Developrhent CompanyLimited \Mandilas and Karaberis LimitedAgboluaje, Salamijand Sons Matemi Brothers -

Agbomiyan, Y. S.!A. : “4 ; Mid-Western Nigeria Development CorporationAgunbe Trading Company % SIgdakeke Produce Trading.Stores

- Ajab Produce Trading Company vos NewStar Produce Trading StoresAjayi, David Laifa . / Nigeria Trading and Transport and EngineeringAkadiri and Bajimi Brothers Company. .Akinbolagbe, S. O. and Sons . Ogundiran Samuel and Sons .

- Akinfenwa, Salam} and Company Oguntula, M. and Sons~/ -Akingbade, C. L. and Sons Oke-Oshun Trading CompanyAkinola Trading Stores o. Okebadan Brothers and Company

Oladele and CompanyAlabi, John Olarinre and Brothers ~ i: 2 QOlaitan and Sons-Alanu Produce Stores. i

All Nigeria Farmers’ Congress » Ola-Olu Trading StoresAralamo Trading Btores ~ : Olatayo Brothers

. Oginni, Gabriel AdeAmode, Abudu WahabiArinola, Alhaji Raji and Sons Ogunti, Clifford Olabisi and Company

Olori, 5. Shanusi and Sonsseye Trading Company—PON.G.E. Ltd. =. : ' Olufowobi, A. O. Brothers |Atinuke Brothers . Omabegho, Chief A. A.

Ayanbadejo, J. A: and Sons Omole, Lawrence and Sons LimitedBadaru, Buraimoh: : Omotayo*Brothers Limited , .Bajimi, S. A. and Sons J * OmowunmiStores 4 *Bakare, A. O. and Sons- . Otu-Ire-Olu Syndicate -Batikolu Brothers| . Oshogbo Trading Company -

_; Berrue Produce and Commercial Combany Owoade, Chief Saka and Sons_Owolewa Trading Stores“Owolowo Trading Stores . .Ovelade Produce Trading StoresPalm Tree Syndicate ‘

oo. . Pamol (Nigeria) Limited *: Pemu andAssuen Commercial Syndicate

Devenu Trading Company Rowntree:-Fr)-Cadbury(Nigeria) LimitedEde Trading Company { oyal BrothersEdukugho, R..D. Limited Salako, A. L. and Sens . ,

EjigboProduce ridingStores 28 Sonde, Wahabioo and Sons

Bella, Gbadamosi Laniyan- Boladale Trading and Transport ServiceBolade Commercigl Association ~ .Buraimoh, Alhaji Suara ,Dayo BrothersDelta Produce Cotnpany Limited:

Ekiti Produce Trading Company Shewu, G. T:Emiloju Trading Stores Tella, J. A: andE bedo, Chief $..O. Tokode, Paul and ‘SonsPathugbe,Gabriel . The Blessed Produce Stores and Company

, 14th January, 1965 ~ 55

The Union General "Trading Company~ Urhobo Co-operative Limited

Universal Produce Dealers and Companyweer Eagle BrothersWestérnNigeria Development CorporationWestern Rubber Producer’s CompanyZard, C. and Company LimitedZard, L. and. CompanyZard, N. K. and Company


. Association of Nigeria Co-operative ExportersLimited

Dickson and, BrothersEdukugho, Chief R. D.Esangbedo, Chief S. O..John Holt Limited _ . .

- Mid-Western Nigeria Development Corporation ~Omabegho, Chief A. A. , , :Pamol(Nigeria) LimitedThe Union General Trading Company 'Western Nigeria Development Corporation.

- Government Notice No. 29 (2nd publitation). Ministry or DEFENcE’



‘Tenders are invited by the ‘Nigerian Armyforthe.supply of the undermentioned item :

Cloth Green Drill—Width 28 inches and in 100 .yards length. OO

2. Total quantity required to be completed withinnine monthsis 97,875yards. ‘This quantity is to bedelivered at a monthly rate of 10,875 yards.

3. The material supplied must be of the samequality and colour with the material now in‘ use inthe Nigerian Army. Sample material and Tenderforms may be obtained :on application from theOfficer Commanding,

~~ Street, Yaba.

4. Prices quoted must: be strictly in term? ofdelivery to the Ordnance Depot, Yabd or OrdnanceSub Depot, Kaduna as may. be directed by’ the

, Officer Commanding, Ordnance Depot,Yaba.+:

“5. Tenderers must state the width. of materialoffered and be accompaniéd,by a sample of not lessthan one foot in length cut:from the full width of thecloth offered.

- -6. Tenderers should indicate clearly on the Ten-der Forms whether material proposed to offer is (a)Locally manufactured or (6) Iniported. If importedthe country of origin should be stated. Deliverytime from date of order should be specified on theTender Form. ‘ -. :

7. Tender will not be accepted!unless submittedon the Official Tender Form in? sealed envelopemarked ‘‘Confidential—Tender for the supply of

- Cloth Green Drill’? and addressed. to the Secretary;’ Armed Forces Tenders Board, Ministry of Defence,Iagos. Tenders must reach his office not laterthan 0900 hours on Yuesday, 25th January, 1965.

8. The Ministry of Defenceis under no obligationto accept the lowest or-any tender.

y . A. 5. N. Ecxgo,. « Secretary,Lots Armed Forces Tenders Board


Ordnance Depot, Clifford

Government Notice No. Bl (2nd publication) ;





Tenders are invited by the Nigerian Armyfor thesupply of the following items : .

PARTI. , Quantity(1) Shirts White Collar attached .. 600

(2) ‘Shirts White without collar + .. 500

(3) Shirts Green without collar .: 150

(4). Shirts White Dress withoutcollar 600PART IL. ; oo

- (1) Gloves Cotton White Officers .... _ 300

(2) Gloves White Nigerian Army Police 100

(3) Gloves White NANS wee .- 50

(4) Socks Nylon Biege Walking out Dress ’ 500

(5) Socks Nylon in Black (Mess Kit) ' 500(6), Vest Athletic Interlocking with Green

: Sleeve and Neckband ... . 500(7) Shorts Athletic Interlocking _ .. 500 -18) Green Knitted Tie (Nigerian Army) 300

(9) Bags Hand Black(NANS) , ... 30.

2. The items tendered for must conform to theNigerian Army pattern and quality: which can beviewed in theoffice of the Senior Purfhase andIssuesController ; Nigerian Army, Ordnartce Depot,Clifford Street, Yaba. Copies of -Officiil TenderForm, mayalso be obtained from this source.

- 3. Prices quoted must be sttictly iné terms ofdelivery to the Ordnance Depot, Yaba orsOrdnanceSub Depot, Kaduna, as may be directed by the.Officer Commanding, Ordnance Depot, Yaba.

4. Tenders must be made.in the Official TenderFormsand must beaccompanied by samples‘of itemsproposed: to offer, labelled with contractors’ natnesand addresses.

5, Tenderers, should indicate clearly on.,:the -Tender Forms whether items proposed to offer. are(a) Locally manufactured or (6). Imported. Ifimported, the country of origin, should be stated.Delivery time from date of order should be specifiedonthe Tender Form. _—- :

6. Tenders which will be consideredfor the wholeor any part of the tenders should be addressed to theSecretary, Armed Forces Tenders Board, Ministryof Defence, Lagos, so as to teach his office not laterthan 0900 hours, on Tuesday, 25th January, 1965.

® {

7: The Ministry of Defence is under no obligationto accept the lowest or.any tender. “|

oO A. S. N. Ecso,°. | Secretary,

re * |. Armed Forces Tenders Board2

a, t




No.2, Vol. 52

" Government Notice No..30 (2nd publication)Ministry oF DEFENCE’



: (SERIAL 2)" “Tenders are invited by the Nigerian Army: for-thesupply of the followingitems : .

‘PART I. (1) Boots George Black (Officers Patt), 400 prs. .

(2) Shoes Black for Nigerian Army

(3)Nursing Sisters ,110 prs.

—— Gold Shoes for (NANS) 50 prs.

PARTII. (1): Light Green Superfine Cloth for. ’ Nursing Walking Out Hats 100 yds.

(2) ‘ Scarlet Gaberdine* 500 yds.(3) Cloths Terrylene,°Worsted Black

Panama for Ceremonial DressNeck-Band 200 yds.

2. The items tendered for must conform to theNigerian Army pattern and quality which’ can be‘viewed.in‘ the office of the Senior Purchase and,


- Street, Yaba. !

Issues Controller, Nigerian*Army, Ordnance Depot,Clifford: Street, “Yaha.Form mayalso be dbtained from this source.

3. Pricés quoted: must be strictly in terms ofdelivery to the Ordnance Depot, Yaba or OrdnanceSub Depot, Kadura, as may be directed by theOfficer ‘Commanding, Ordnance Depot, Yaba.. .

4. Tendersmust 'be made in the Official Tender «|Forms and must be accompanied by. samples of

*~ itemsproposed to offer, labelled with contractors’_ names and addresses. o |

5. Tenderers should indicate clearly. on theTender Forms whether items proposed to offer are(a) Locally manufactured or (6) Imported. Ifimported, the couritry of origin, should:bestated. °Delivery time from date of order should be specifiedon the Tender Form.

‘6, Tenders which will bd “considered for thewholeor any part of the tenders should be addressedto ‘the Secretary, Armed Forces Tenders Board,

' Ministry of Deferice, Lagos, so as to reach his .office not later than 0900 hours, of Tuesday, -25thJanuary, 1965. | . ,

7. The Ministry of Defenceis urider nodbligaionto accept the lowést or any tender.

» A.S.N. Ecpo,: Secretary, =

‘ Armed Forces Tenders Board ,

Government Notice No. 32 (2nd publication)



. Tenders are invited by: the Nigerian Army forthe’ supply of 1,000 ‘‘Sheaths” for Matchets 15”Blades to, conform ‘with the’Nigerian Army Patternwhich can be viewed at the Ordnance Depot, Clifford

2. Tenderers shauld indicate clearly onthe Tender .Forms whether the ‘‘Sheaths” for Matchets 15”

_ Blade proposed tooffer are (a) locally. manufacturedw




Cédpies of Official Tender



or (6) Imported,if imported; Tenderers should statethe country of origin onthe Tender Form,deliverytime from date oforderto be specified. ,

3. Copies of approved official ‘Tender Form,conditions .£f contract and agreements may beobtained from Ordnance Depot, Clifford Street,

: Yaba, on application or personalcall.4. Tender. will not be accepted unless submitted

on the:approved Official Tender Form in sealedenvelope ‘marked ‘“Confidential—Tender for theSupply of ‘‘Sheaths” for Matchets 15” Blade” andaddressed to the Secretary, Armed Forces TendersBoard, Ministry of Defence, Lagos. Tender mustreach him not: later than 0900 hours on Tuesday,’25th January, 1965, .! ’

5. Price quoted‘ must be -strictly in terms ofdelivety to Ordnance Depot, Clifford Street, Yaba,or Ordnance Sub Depot, Kaduna.

6. The Ministry of Defence is under no obligationto accept the lowest or any Tender. ° °

7. Sample of ‘‘Sheaths” for Matchets 15” Blademust accompany Tender Forms, labelled with con-tractors’ names and addtesses,

A.S. N. Ecpo,. . a, Secretary,Armed Forces Tenders Board .

Government Notice No. 33 (2nd publication), +HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: *


Tenders are invited for the purchase of a wellmaintained Oldsmobile Car No. LE 4500 used bythe Office of the Speaker of the House of Represent-

2. Permission to view the vehicle may be obtainedfrom the Clerk of the Parliaments, House of Repre- |sentatives, Lagos between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. on any’day of the week. , :

3. Tenders must be submitted in sealed envelope -marked ‘Confidential, Tender for the Purchase of‘Oldsmobile Car’ andaddressed to the Clerk of theParliaments, House- of Representatives, Lagos toreach him. not later than Saturday, 30th January,1965 before 1 p.m. ,

4, Thesuccessful tenderer will be sequired to _make full settlement in cash before tie vehicle is’removed; and settlement and removal must becompleted within seyen days of notification ofacceptance, # -

5. This Office is not bound toaccept the highest /or any offer.

J. O. ApercRo,Clerk of the Parliaments

Government Notice No. 34 (2nd publication)rt

FEDERAL MINistTRY OF Epucation, LAcos

"TENDER © i! - Suppiy or Lockers aND, CHAIRS

1. Tenders are invited for the supply of Lockers .and Chairs to Quéen’s College, Yaba.

2. Tender form may be obtained from the- ChiefEducation Officer (Development), Federal Ministryof .Education, House of Representatives, Lagosduring office hours. ot

I } m4



14th January, 19652

?3. "Tenders mustbe submitted in a sealed erivelope

and marked “Confidential Tender for the Supply ofLockers and Chairs” and addressed to theChairman, .Tenders Board, c/o The Permanent ‘ Secretary,Federal Ministry of Education, House of’Represen-tatives, Lagos. N

4. The successful ‘tenderer will be required tocomplete supply before 30th January, 1965 to the.Principal, Queen’s College, Yaba.

5. Closing date for receipt of Tenders will be12 noon on ‘8th January, £965.

6. The Chairman of the Tenders Board is notbound to accept the lowest or ariy tender.

. \ og

. t RR.E. Eruwnss,-Sécretary,

Federal Tenders Board.€

Po. 4j

Government Notice No. 35 (2nd publication)


1. Tenders .are invited for the sale of boardedMinistry of Aviation Fordson. Thames Fire TenderRegistration No. IK. 194 (fitted with conventryclimax 4 Cyl. Petrol Engine). ‘

Government Notice Ng. 28 (2nd publication)

g f°


2 The vehiclé will be available for inspection ‘atthe. Mechanical Workshop, Ministry of Works,Enugu, during working hours.

3. Tenders“should be enclosed in sealed envelopesand marked / ‘Confidential Tender for Fire TenderRegistration No. IK. 194, and forwarded by -registered post to the Mechanical Workshops,Enugu, to reach hima not later than 30th December,1964.

4. The Mechanical Engineer}‘Ministry of Works,Enugu, does not undertake to atcept the highest,orany tenders

5. The Ministry does not guarantee the conditionox mechanical] state of the vehicle offered with regardto its serviceability or completeness in any respectwhatever. :Tendérers will be deemed to- haveinspected the vehicle and |to be fully aware ofits-condition. *

6. Successful Tenderer will be required to makefull settlement for accepted Tender before the

. vehicle is removed and such settlement and removal ‘must be completed within seven days of the receiptby him, of official notification of acceptance. ofTender. : -

A. C, Ejraku,- for the Permanent ‘Secretary,

Ministry. ofWorks °




.FOR THE PERIOD 1964-65Tenders are invited for supplying the following Coters Outer (Tyres) to, the Nigerian Army, fort

period of12 months. +

Depot,during the period of the contract will be as follows :—

Part!1.~Theestimated annual ‘requirements of Covers Oiuters (Tyres) to be delivered tto: OrdnanceYaba, or Otdnance Sub Depot, Kaduna, as directed by the Officer Commanding Ordnance epot

No... Designation” Specification Ply eQuantitys . : : rating required

1... Covers, Outer 600 x 16 Low Pressure Standard Tread .. °..° 6 20

2. Covers Outer 600 x 16 Lew Pressure “Cross Country” .. .. 6 600

3. Covers Outer 750 x 16 . Low Pressure Standard Tread. .. 6 306

4. Covers Outer 750 x 16 - Low Pressure Standard Tread .. ve 8 - 109

5. Covérs Outer 700 x 20 Low Pressure Standard Tread 10. 40

6. Covers Outer 1,100 x 20 - Low Pressure ‘‘Cross Country” _ 14° 223

7 , ©9vers Outer 670/700/725 »x 13 Low Pressure Standard .. ae .. 6 = 50


" Part 2.—Successful Tenderer mayalso be required to supply.any of the following special tyres. Quantityto be supplied will be determined by request from Army ‘Units :—

. . - ¢

No. | : Designation i Specification Ply. rat

1. Covers Outer 700 x 16 ‘Low Pressure Standard Tread _ .. .. . 6"

2. -Covers Outer 900x16.. ..7.. Low Pressure Standard Tread .. oe oe 10 -3. Covers Outer 325 x 19 Low Pressure Standard Tread - .. bes 44. Covers Outer 1,100x 20 .. Low.Pressure Standard Tread . .. ? oo 12

~ 5. Covers Outer 1,200 x 20 .” Low Pressure (R/FL) .. 0 .. wwe —6. Covers Outer 640 x 13 oe (Cary A oe — .

7. Covers Outer 1,400 x 20 - Low Pressure Bees * 18°

8. Covers Outer 1,400 x 24 Low Pressure ,. .. e . Le . 16.

9.” Covérs Outer 900x 1 Low Pressure(R/FL) .. §.. 0k De 8




a 7.OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 2, Vol: 52


General conditions—(a) Specimen of proposed tyres must be submittedby the proposed Tenderers<i

ae . ~with Tender Forms. ° éé

(b) The type oftread required in each particular size of Tyre maybe viewed in Ordnance Depot between« 0900 hours and 1200 hours éach dayuntil the closing date.

4, Copies ofapproved Official Tender Forms, conditions of Contract and Agreements maybe obtained. from Ordnance Depot, Yaba, Lagos, on application or personalcall.

. : : .5. Tender, which will be considered for the whole or any part of the tender, must"be addressed to the

_ Secretary, Armed Forces Tenders Board, Ministry of Defence, Tafawa Balewa Square, Lagos, so as to reachhis office‘notlater than 0900 hours on Tuesday, 19th January, 1965. >

6. Price quoted muststrictly be in terms of delivery to Ordnance Depot, Yaba or Ordnance Sub Depot,Kaduna, as may ‘be directed by Officer Commanding,should be quoted, on ‘““Custom Duty FREE”’ basis.

7. The Ministry of Defence is under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender.


EA/17/550 A ..

Government Notice No. 73




Tenders are; invited for the purchase from theFederal Ministry of Works and Surveys of thefollowing items of[Boarded Plant and Vehicles, etc.:— *od Lot 4 Description

No. 4 De1. Holman Breaker FMW.90442. Holman Drill FMIW.9100

. 3. | Winch FMW.5509

. * + Tar Boiler-FMW.4808: 5. Trailer FMW.5102—A8140

6. Tractor FMW.9383-—-LD47197. ° Bedford Tipper FMW.11436—LC028.8. Holm? Breaker FMW.8954;

. 9, Redundant Steel Bridgework |10, Thames Ford Lorry—LB9193‘11.0 Opel [Kit’Car—1.D4823

2, Tenders will only be considered for separateitems as seen. ‘Tenders for more than ‘one of theitems must be teridered for aS separate’ items on theOfficial, Tender Horm provided. | . d

3. The Ministry'does not guarantee the conditionor state of thé itetns offered with regard to theirserviceability or gompleteness in any respect what-ever. Tenderers jwill be deemed to have inspectedthesitems and tolbe fully aware of their state andcondition as seen.| \

. 4. Suceessful Tenderers will be required to make* full settlerfient for jaccepted tenders before anyof theitems-are removed and such settlement and removalmust be completed within 7 days ofthe receipt bythem ofofficial notification of acceptance of ténders.“5d Official: Tender Forms ‘may be obtainéd fromthe-Chief Stores ,Officer, Administrative Division, *

. Federal Ministry’ of Works and Surveys, MainStores, Tjora, on written application to him. TheVehicles and Plant, .etc., may be seen on application ;to the Ministry’s officials as indicated below:

*, I,

Nigerian Army Ordnance Dépot, Yaba. Theprice

A. gx. Ecso, .Secretary,

_Armed Forces Tenders Board

_ Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7—Works. Mechanical Workshops, Hora.

_. Lot 4—Officer-in-Charge,Clifford Street, Yaba.

Lot 9—Officer-in-Charge, Bridging Yard, CreekRoad, Apapa. . ,Lots 10 and ,11—Stores * Officer, Surveys

Division, Oke Suna Street, Lagos.

Transport Yard,

. : roy ae6. Lenders must be submitted on thee OfficialTender Form in a sealed envelope marked ‘‘Con-fidential—Tenders for Boarded Plant and Vehiclesete.—-BV.VI”’, addressed to the Secretary, FederalTenders Board, Federal Ministry of Works andSurveys Tafawa Balewa Square, Lagos, to reachhim before 9 a.m: on 26thJanuary, 1965.

“R, EL Ercnse,:

Secretary’,. Federal Tenders Board18903 7 |

. 1 : " ‘

» Government Notiée No. 74 ‘ od¢ wtt .




Tenders are invited by the Nigerian Arnfiy for thesupply of the following items :— ‘

Part I ‘ Quantity(1) Shirts White Collar attached . 600(2): Shirts White withoutcollar 500(3) Shirts Green withoutcollar .., 150(4) Shirts White Dress without collar 600

Parr II Se So(1) Gloves Cotton White Officers 300(25-Gloves White Nigerian Army

. Police... “ . .. 100- (3) Golves- White NANS te ee 5

(4) Socks Nylon Biege Walking out: Dress- “ st ..§ 500°


14th January, 1965

4 x

(5) Socks Nylon in Black (Mess Kit).. 500(6) Vest Athletic Interlocking with

Green Sleeve and Neckband .. 500(7) ‘Shorts Athletic Interlocking .. 500(8) Green Knitted. Tie (Nigerian Lo

Army). ... teas 300 ©(9) Bags Hand Black (NANS) 30

2. The items, tendered for must conform to theNigeriart Army pattern and -quality which can beviewed in theoffice of the Senior Purchase andIssues Controller, Nigerian Army, Ordnance Depot,Clifford Street, Yaba. Copies of Official TenderForm mayalso be obtained from this’ source.

3. Prices. quoted must: be strictly in terms ofdelivery to theOrdnance Depot, Yaba or OrdnanceSub Depot, Kaduna, as may be directed by theOfficer Commanding, Ordnance Depot, Yaba.

.4. Tenders must be made in the Official TenderForms and must be accompanied by samples ofitems ptoposed to offer, labelled with contractors’namesahd addresses.

5. Tenderers should indicate * clearly on the ~Tender ‘Forms whether items proposed’to offer. are(a) Lodally manufactured or (6) Imported. Ifiniported, the. country of origin, should be stated.Delivery time from date of order should be specifiedon the Tender Form. :

6. ‘Tenders which willbe considered for the wholeor any part of the tenders should be addressed to theSecretary, Armed Forces Tenders Board; Ministryof Defence, Lagos,soas to reach his office notlaterthan 0900 hours, on Tuesday, 25th January, 1965. /

7. THe Ministry of Defence is under no obligationto accept the lowest or any tender :

+ ~

, . Secretary, .Armed Forces Tenders Board

Gurernment Notice No. 36 (Jhd\publication)



Applidations are invited from suitably qualifiedcandidates for training as ASSISTANT LABORATORYOrFicers at the OrdnanceFactory, Kaduna.

2. Quelification.—Candidates must have a HigherSchoolCertificate or General Certificate ofEducation *(Adyanced Level) in Ruysics and Chemistry. |

. . ys ” .. ;3: €onditions of service—(a) Successful candidates

will be’ expected to undergo specified training inEuropefor a period of about six months;

(6) While in training, the candidates will onlyreceive appropriate pocket moneyin ‘addition to freeboard.and lodging; ‘

(c) Appointment with the Comporftion after thetraining will be subject to successful! completion ofthis ttaining;) | i

(d) Successful “applicants will be appointed, onsuccessful completion of training, at/ the OrdnanceFactory,” Kaduna, as ASSISTANT! LABORATORYOFFICERS: . 7 \ .

_ 4. Salary.—On successfyl completion oftraining,candidatés will be put on a salary im the range of£560-30-710, entry point depending on qualifica-tion, experience and’performance.- ‘ *

A.S.N. Ecso,: | 7*


_ Manager’.


5. Method of application—Applications should beaddressed and forwarded direct ‘to the Chairman,Defence industries Corporation, and be accompaniedby copies and Not originals of certificates andtestimonials, and the top ofall the applications.should be marked “For attention of the Engineer’

Only applications of those selected forinterview will be acknowledged.

Applications should reach’ the office of theChairman, Defence Industries Corporation, c/o‘Ministry of Defence*Private Majt Bag 12590, Lagos;not later than11th January, 1964! - 7?

- 2564/S. 15~

' Government Notice No. 37 (2nd publication) -

Unrversity CoLiece Hospirat, Ipapan -,


Applications are invited from Registered MedicalPractitioners for the above post.recognised for the F.R.C.S.and for the degree of Master of Medicine inOphthalmology. ~ ; .

Salary.— £1,452-1,512 per annum. .Inducement addition for expatriates: £270-300

p.a. according to saldry. Special allowance of£180 p.a..for Nigerians. .

' Gtatuity.— £379 0s per quarter. ;Appointment initially ene tour of 12 months re-

newable for a second tour by mutual agreement. x

Application ‘forms and ‘further particulars ”obtainable from the House Governor on receipt ofa stampedself-addressed foolscap envelope. Closing-date,: 16th January, 1965.

MH1188/S. 82 j

. Government Notice No. 38 (2ndpublication) ©



i , t_ VACANCY'' Applications are invited for the post of Lecturer.or Assistant Lecturer to teach History and Doctrine -iof the Church in the Department of Religious-‘Studies. -Appointment to commence as soon aspossible, is for ‘three years initially, subject to reviewthereafter. ST ,

"Salary. scales'—Lecturer ‘£1,200-75-1,650 (bar):£1,725-75-2,175 ; Assistant Lecturer: £950-50-1,100

_(or if.over 28 or holding a higher degree: £1,050-50-1,150) a year,

Passages paid for appointtee, wife and five childrenunder 11_vears, on appeintmient, approved overseasleave, and termination, where applicable. F.S.S.U,Children’s and car allowances. Part-furnishedacccommodation..

Detailed applications (6 copies), naming 3referees,by 2ist January, 1965 to Registrar, University ofIbadan, from whom further’ particulars may beobtained. ; a,

Ed/H. 4/S. 2

The post is .in Ophthalmology’ ,


© y? S.G.$-~£2,275-75-2,575 p.a.


Government Notice No. 39 (2nd publication)



Applications are invited for the post of SUPERIN-TENDING ‘TECHNICIAN in the DEPARTMENT OFPREVENTIVE AND Sacra, Mepicine. “Appointment,for three years initially and subject to review there-

\after, to commence as soon as ‘possible after IstMarch, 1965. Prefdrence will be given to candidates.holding .the F.IE.M.L.T. The qualifications forthe post of Superintenderit Laboratory Technolo-gist are the following :—(a) A.I.M.L.T. plus severalyears experience in laboratory work, (6) F.L.MLL.T.plus several years experience in laboratory work.

'.. Ability to control junior staff,.to organise the work' of the Department, 4nd to take care ofbasic labora-

tory equipmentis esséntial.

Passages paid for appointee, wife and five childrenunder 11 years, on appointment, approved overseas

sleave, and: termination, where applicable. PensionScheme. Children’ and car allowantes.furnished accommodation.

‘Detailed applications (6 copies), naming 3 referees,by 31st January, 1965, to Registrar, University ofIbadan, Ibadan, from whom further particulars maybe obtained. .

Ao , Ed H.4+$.2

Government Notice No. 40 (2nd publication)




Candidates. must’ possess a good honours degreein Zoology.and should"have several years of teachingand research experience at university level. Aninterest in ECOLOGY will be an asset. :

Salary scales.—I,ecturer: S,G. 7—£1,200-75-1,650, (Bar) £1,725-75-2,175 p.a. Senior Lecturer:

Point of entry‘depends on qualifications and experience. /

Conditions of service—Passages paid for appointee,wife and five children under 11 years, on appoint-ment,"leave after 21, months’ tour and fermimation.Children’s and car allowances, superannuation“scheme. -Accommodation “with hard

standard*, furniture at rent’ratés not exceeding 7.7 per cent of

salary or standard rerjt whicheveris the less.Method of application—Detailed typewritten

application (six copies) giving educational back-ground with dates,| age, nationality and: maritalstatus, qualifications and experience with institutionsand dates, publications with titles and. briefs andthree referees competent to attest to academic and/or. proféssional excellence and ability, latent ordemonstrated to work/teach at university level,Applications by 31st| January, 1965 to either Secre-tary to Council, University. of Nigeria, Nsukka or

2 Léndon Reptesentatixe, University of Nigeria, --* 4.33 Craven Terrace,| London, W.2 or Dr George

,, H.Axinn,Assistant Dean, International Programmes,“Centre for International Programmes, MichiganState University, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.Civil Servants should forward their applicationsthrough the Headsoftheir departments. .

*& MOI.2564:S. 13,



“any other


No. 2, Vol. 52

Government Notice No. 41 (2nd publicatian) .



Applications are invited from suitably qualifiedNigerians for Professorships, Senior Lectureships,Lectureships and “Assistant Lectureships from1stSeptember, 1965 in Accounting, Business Admini-stration, Economics, and‘ Political Science(Government). ° ; Coons

‘Appointments will be within the following salaryscales according to qualificatigns and experience :—

Professors;— £3,000 (consolidated).Senior Lecfurers—£2,275-75-2,575.Lecturers— £1,200-75-2,175.Assistant Lecturers—£950-50-1,150.

Conditions.—Appointment is either permanent oron a contract basis or on secondmentfor at least3 years.- Economyclassairor first class sea passagespaid for appointee, wife and five children, onappdintment, home leave, and on_ termination.Children’s allowance and car allowance. Outfitallowance for appointee from oversea. Super-annuation Scheme in which University contributes

* asum equal to 10 per cent of salary.. Part-furnishedaccommodation at rentals not exceeding 7 per centof salary. y 3

Method of applying—Each application shouldinclude the candidate’s curriculum vitae, giving(i) his or her, full names, (ii) place and date of birth,-(gz) nationality and marital status, (fv) numberlandages of ‘children, (v) permanent home address,(et) degrees (including dates and institutions) land

qualifications and distinctions, lindstatement of experience including ‘full details offormer and present posts,(viii) list of publications,(ix) other activities outside normal university work,(x) the names and addres&€s ofthree referees, and .(x1) how-soon he or she would be free’ to take upduties, if appoirited. . - |

_€losing date—Applications (ten copiesy and anysupporting .material (apart, from referees’: letterswhich will be sought where appropriate by ‘theUniversity), should be enclosed in an! envelopemarked ‘Lecturer’? at the right hand. corner and_be sent not later than 15th January, 1965 to ChiefA. Y. Eke, Registtar, University of Lagos, Lagos,Nigeria from whom further details: may be obtained. ,


Government Notice No. 42 (2nd publication)

| Unrversiry or LAGos

Facu.ty oF SCIENCE ‘3


Following the establishment of ‘a School j ofMathematical and Physical Sciences and a schoolof Biological Scienges at the University in October1964, there are a number of vacanéies in Physics,Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. Appoint--ment tenable with effect from 1st September, 1965will be made ‘according to qualifications and ex-

So |'perience on the following scales :—

Professors— £3,000 (consolidated). | ‘

_| Senior Lecturers— £2,275~75-2,575..: Lecturers— £1 ,200-75-2,175.ho °


14th January, 1965

Professors—£3,000\(consolidated).Senior. Lecturers—£2,275-75-2,575,Lecturers—£1,200-7ey .Assistarit Lecturers—£950- 0-1,150.: ‘

Applicants should statetfor whichment theyare, applying.

Applicdtions are invited from candidates with”interest and experience in the following fields :—(1) Physics |

_ (2) Chemistry.—Inorganic Chemistry ; PhysicalChemistry ; and Biochemistry. *+ (3) Mathematics—Higher Algebra; Probability ,. Theory) and Mathematical Statistics ; and,Machete .

:| (4) Biology.—Cell Physiology; Whole-plant -| Physiology; Animal Physiology ; Plant Ecology ;Marine’ Biology ; ‘Microbiology or Mycology ;Entomology ; and Genetics.

_ Conditions.—Appointmentis either permanent orOM a contract basis or on secondment for at leastthree years. Economy class air or-first class seapassages paid for appointee, wife and five children,on appointment, home leave, and on termination.Children’s allowances and car allowance. Outfitallowance. for appointee -from oversea. ; Super-annuation Scheme. in which University contributesa sum equal to 10 percent of salary. Part-furnishedaccommodation at rentals not exceeding 7 per centof salary. + . { a

Method. of applying—Each application Shouldinclude. the candidate’s: curriculum vitae, giving(i) his or her full names, (ii) place and date of birth,(i) nationality and marital status, (tv) number andages of children, (v) permanent home address(vi) degrees (including dates and institutions) and

_ any ather; qualifications and distinctions, (viz) staté-‘“"ment of dxperience including full details of former-'- and presentposts,(vii?) list of publications, (ix) otheractivitiés joutside normal university work (x) thenames and addresses of three referees, and (xi) howsoon he dr she would be free to take up: duties, ifappointed, ~- . .

Closing ' date-—Applications (ten ‘copie$) and anysupporting material (apart from’ referees’ letterswhich a be sought where appropriate by the

level of appoint- ¢


University), should be, enclosed in an envelopemarked’ “Lecturer” at the right hand cofher andbe sent not later than 15th January, 1965 to ChiefA. Y. Eke) Registrar, University of Lagos, Surulere,‘Lagos, Nigeria from whom further details may beobtained. ; - :

| ; MOI.2564/S, 13

Government Notice No. 43 (2nd publication) ‘

i ‘Untversiry oF Lacos -Facutty or Law *

_ VACANCIESApplications are invited for Professorships,

Senior Lectureships, Lectureships’ and AssistantLectureships in Law tenable from 1st September, -1965. Appointments will: be made within thefollowing salary scales according to qualificationsand experiénce — . &

Professors— £3,000 (consolidated).Seniot Lecturers—£2,275-75-2,575.Lectuters— £1,200-75-2,175. ;Assistant Lecturers—£950-50-1,150,



OFFICIAL GAZETTE 61Conditions.—Appointmentis either permanent or

on a contract basis or on secondment for at least 3years. Economy class sea passages paid forappointee, wifeand_ five ihome leave, and on terminatidn.ances and car allowance.appointee from oversea.in which University contributes a sum equal to 10per cent of salary. Part-furnished accommodationat rentalsnot exceeding 7 per cent of salary.

Method of applying—Each application shouldinclude the, candidate’s curriculum vitae, giving(t) his or her full names,(iz) place-and date of birth,(it) nationality. and marital status, (iv) number andages of children, (v) permanent home address,(vi) degrees (including dates and institutions) andany other qualifications distinctions, (vii). state-ment of experience including full details of former‘and present posts, (viii) list of pub ications, (ix) |other activities outside normal univ rsity .work,.(x) the names and addresses of three’ referees, and(x?) how soon he or she would befree to take upduties, if appointed. -

Closing date.—Applications (ten copies) and anysupporting material (apart from referees’ letterswhich will be sought where appropriate by theUniversity), should be enclosed in an envelopemarked “Lecturer” at the/right hand éorner<and

: be sent not later than 15th January, 1965 to ChiefA. Y. Eke, ‘Registrar, University of Lagos, Lagos,Nigeria from whom further details may. be ob-tained.‘

10th November, 1964.. ~ MOI.2564/S. 13°

Government Notice No. 44 (2ndpublication)Untversity or Lacos :Facutty Or Epucation

oo VACANCIESApplications are invited for Professorships,

Senior Lectureships, Lectureships, and AssistantLecfureships in the Faculty of Education tenablefrom ist September, 1965. ‘These positions. areopen in the following areas : educational psychology ; -special methods in the teachiing of English, history,geography, chemistry, biolovisual instruction. Appgwith the following salary$cations and experience :—

ents will be made

Professors—£3,000 (consolidate , ‘" Senior Lecturers— £2,275-75-2,575,

_ Lecturers—£950-50-1,150..Assistant Lecturers—£950-50-1,150.

Conditions.—Appointmentis either permanent of. ._on a‘contract basis or on secondment for at least

- 3 years. Economyclass air.orfirst class sea passagespaid for appointee; wife and five children, onappointment, home leave, and “on termination.Children’s allowance -and éar allowance. Outfitallowance for appointee from oversea. . Super-annuation Scheme in which University contributesa sum eal to 10 per cent of salary. Part-furnishedaccommodation at rentals not exceeding 7- per centof salary.

Method of applying—Each application’. shquldintlude the candidates curriculumvitae, giving (¢)his .or her full names, -(i) place and date of birth,

K &! -~¢



children on appointment, :Children’s allow- | .

Outfit allowance for :Superannuation Scheme | °

mathematics; audio- .

x “Aaceording to qualifi-- .



62 | OFFICIAL GAZETTE. No,2, Vol.'52. 4 —— : _

i) nationality and marital status, (iv) number and “ Government Notice No. 46 (2nd publication) |ages of children, (v) permanent homeaddress, (71)

degrees (including! dates and institutions) and any GOVERNMENT OF Mrp-Wesrern NicErtid** other” qualifications and distinctions, (vii) statement ' MINISTRY OF WORKS AND TRANSPORT |

of experience including full details of former and : - or :present posts, (viii) list of publications, (ix) other ° VACANCIESactivities outside fiormal university work, (x) .thenarhes and. addresses of three referees, and (xi) how ° * ne . * rn . . J ‘ . d

soon-he.or she would be free to take up duties, if Xpplications are invited fram suitably qualifiecandidates for appointment to the post of Stores

. oe* ne . “ Officer or Assistant Stores Officer in the Public.} Closing date.—Applications * (ten fopies) and Service of Mid-Western Nigeria.

“supporting material (apart’ from


referees’ letters 7) Ses .* which will be sought ‘where appropriate by the , (/) Stores Officer : ., University}, should be enclosed in an envelope Candidates should possess one of the!folléwing‘anarked -ecturer’” atge mene hand corner and be qualifications :— ——- 7, .‘sent not Jater than 15th January, 1965 to Chief : Ini thy =

. A, Y. Eke, Registrar, Universityof Lagos, Lagos, (a) A degree from a recognised University ; -_

‘appointed. «i


‘igeria from whom furtherdetails maybe obtained. (6) Diploma ; inBusiness Management or10th ‘November, 1964, > equivalent qualification po

, | MOI.2364'S.13. (c) Associateship of the Institute of Public- 2 | - Supplies Officers. .

- | 7 7 . _ ce

Government Notice|No. 45 (2nd publication - Scale ofsalary—Scale C(E)2,3 (i.¢., £621-27-675;GOVERNMENT OF Mip-WeEsTERN NIGERIA * £756-33-822 ; £855-33-888 ; £924-36-960).

, ves.FORPUIGHER * Duties—A Stores Officer is expected ,to supervise+e oe the keeping of stores accounts and ensure the security

Applications are invited from suitably qualified of all stores under his control. He will bé respon-. Nigerians for the posts of Higher Welfare Officer in siblp for preparing indents for all stores, replenishing ~

the Public Service of Mid-Western Nigeria. / stocks, processing progress of insurance claims and

2. Qualificgtions—Candidates should possess sutveying quarterly and annual reports. In addition,sither a Diplon§a or Degree in Social Science or ». will be ‘responsible for ‘supervising shipping,Social Administration from a recognised University Customs and transport formalities, setting up. andor College plus “4 years’ suitable post-qualificatinn supervising loéal purchases ' and’ supply contract

. experience, - . “ arrangementsat area level. ‘He will have to take all |, _— ss unallocated stores, investigate discrepancies3. Scale of salary.—Scale C(E) 4, 5 (£996-1,314). soeoe them and prepare reports to be submitted

_4. Other ‘conditions. of service—The post is Pen- to the Senior Executive Officer (Accounts) on allsipnable and a new entrant to the public service will. aspects of stores accounting. :be requested to serve a probationary period of three . “,

years. | : : . . . (ii) Assistant Stores Officer : .

5. Duties—Higher Welfare-Officers.maybe posted ~ Candidates should possess the General Certifi-cate of Education (Advanced Level) or Higherto take charge of a Province or group of Provinces L vant rHSchool : Certificate’ (Principal Level) in drewowhere their duties: will include the organisation and te” - :

* supervision of Juvenile and Adult Probation Services, » subjects at one sitting or in four-.subjectsFamily Case-work, Discharge Prisoners’ Aid Socie- sittings. |

(E) 1 (ie.


t two

ties, RemandHones, Welfare of Ex-Servicemen andMarriage Guidance Councils. ,


: 6. Method of application.—{i) For candidates notin Government Service, applications should -be

, submitted in.duplitate on the official form obtainable’ fromthe Secretary, Public Service Commission,Benin City. .

* Scale of salary.—Scale C 58-21+521 ;-£548-27-575), 0) e

Duties.—Theoffice of an Assistant Stores Officer _is. primarily a training ground for potential StoresOfficers and the holderof the office will be required

* : to take charge of gub-store ‘under the direction of a(it) Candidates in Government Service need not superior officer. In addition, he will be required

apply ori the official form and their applications _ to handle transactions connected with the issues and

should be submittdd through their Head of Depart- feceipts of stores, indent claims and surveys,indentments and, in ‘the case of candidates not in the. preparations and ‘local purchases within fhe area

» public service of Mid-Western Nigeria, through the under his control. - Dos | .Public Service Commissions concerned. All such, : 2

applications should ‘be accompanied hy copies of the 2. Other conditions of service.—The- post of Storeslast three.confidential reports on the applicants. Officer or Assistant Stores Officeris pensionab le and

7. Closing date.—Applicatioris should reach the 4 Reentrant to the public service will Be required‘Secretary, Publie Service Commission, Mid-Western Serve a probationary period of three years. |

: joes Benin City not later than the 22nd January,. 3. Method of application—(*For candidates not

in Government Service, applications should be

P. O.-Ofini ‘ submitted.in duplicate on the official form obtainable

Acting Secretary, 2 from the Secretary, Public - Service Commission, (

Public Service Commission? Benin City. ; :

} - ie

14th January, 1965

(ai) Candidates, in Government Service need rotapply on the official form and their applicatiénsshould be submitted in duplicate through theirHead of Departments, and in the case of candidatesnot in the public service of Mid-Western Nigeria,through the PublicService Commissions concerned. .All such; applications should be accompanied: bycopies of the last three confidgntial reports on the

. applicants. e

~4, Closing date.—Applications should reach the~ Secretary, Public Service Commission, Mid-Western

Nigeria, Benin Citynotlater than the 29th December,1964. So ,

1. P. O. OFtit,_ Acting Secretary,

_ Public Service -Commiss. i .

Government Notice No. 75 1



Applications areand another of Senior Lecturer in the DEPARTMENTOF Puysics. Appointment to commence as soon aspossible, is for three years initially, subject to reviewthereafter. . :

Salary.scales.—Senior Lecturer : £2,275-75-2,575 ;Lecturer: £1,200-75-1,650 (bar); £1,725-75-2,175a year. Passages paid for appointee, wife and fivechildren under 11 years, on appointment, approvedoverseas leave, -and termination, where applicable...F.S.8S.U. Children’s and car allowances. Part-furnished accommodation.(6 copies), naming 3 referees by 26th January, 1965to Registrar, University of Ibadan, from wHomfurther particulars may be obtained. oF


$ =

Government Notice No. 76 _. UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA

8 Faculty oF EpucatIon :


‘ (a) ‘Lecturer; SeniorLecturer in Educational Psychology(Guidance and Testing). :

Applicants must have an advanced dégree. inEducational Psychology with particular reference toGuidance and “Testing, and in addition several yearsof relevant teaching and. research experience: : atuniversity level. A doctorate degree will be an agset.-

Duties.—The siiccessful candidate will be assigned

the development of Counselling, Guidance and.Psychometrics programmes; he will also be expected.to teach at both undergraduate and graduate levelsand assist in developing in-service. programmes forsecondary school teachers and civil servants.(b) Secretary to the Institute of Education :

Candidates must be graduates in Education orrelated field and must have had at least three years.of teaching ‘and research ‘experience, Previbuséxperience in an Institute of Education and know-,ledge of Nigerian School system will be taken intoconsideration. :

"Duties.—Thesuccessful candidate ‘will assist the.Director in the day-to-day administration and co- _-ordination of the activities of the Institute.

(¢) Lecturer in Industrial Teacher Educationx


invited for one ‘post of Lecturer ~

Detailed applications-

o 63 :

Applicants must have Bachelor’s and Master’sDegrees or appropriate equivalent in industrial artsor education. Experience in teachingindustrial arts(pre-vocational-pre-technical) at secondary schoollevel and/or experience in industrial arts teachertraining and also in industrial occupations will Be; |it advantage. + oe : . oO

Salary,seales.—Lecturer and for Secretaty to the.-" *-Irstitute of Educatior—S.G. 7—£1,200-75-1,650 ~. ’

(Bar) £1,725-75-2,175 per annum. ;

Senior Lecturer—S.G. 5—£2,275-75-2,575 perahnum. Point of entry depends on qualificationsandexperience. . |. , +

Conditionsof service.—Passages paid for appointee ‘.-wife and five children under 11 years, on appoint-_

ion ment, leave after 21 months’ tour and termination.~Children’s *and car allowances, ‘ superannuationscheme- Accommodation with hard standardfurniture at rent rates not exceeding 7.7 per cent ofsalary or standard rent whichever is the less. .

Method of application—Detailed typewrittenapplication (six copies) giving educational backgroundswith dates, age, nationality and marital status,qualifications and experience with ipstitutions an@dates, publications with titles and briefs and threerefereés competent to attest to academic and/orprofessional-excellence and ability, latent or demon-

. strated to work/teach at university level. “Applicationsxby 15th January, 1965 to either Secretary: to Council,“University of Nigeria; Nsukka or-London Represen- -tative, University of Nigeria, 33 Crayeri Terrace,.London W.2.or Dr George’ H. Axinn, AssistantDean, International Programmes, Centre for Inter-national Programmes, Michigan State University,East Lansing; Michigan, U.S.A. Civil Servantsshouldforward their applications through the Heads of theirDepartments. * Le

Government Notice No. 77

"| University or Nicerta, NsckKaVACANGIES : FACULTY OF ENGINEERING

; Applications are invited from suitably qualifiedcandidates for the following posts: ~

Department of Civil Engineering :—

-LecTurer/SENIoR LecTURER IN HypratLics —Applicants must be experienced in research and‘teaching. to university degree level. and. shouldpossess a goodpost-graduate degree or appropriateprotessional qualifications and industrial experience.The successful candidate will be expecied to haveparticular interest in river and coastal engineering.He will be required to initiate research programmes. |

Department ofMechanical Engineering :-—— —

(a) Lecturer/Senior LeEcrurer. — Candidates:should be experienced in research andor feachingto university degree level and must possess a goodpost-graduate degree or appropriate - professionalqualifications and industrial experience in the fieldof. Applied Fluid Mechanics and/or MachineDesign. oy * .

(6) Lecturer/Senior Lecturer. — Applicantsmust’ be experienced in industrial management and

» research and/or teaching to university degree leveland should possess a good post-graduate degree orappropriate professional qualifications in IndustrialEngirfeering and/or MetaNurgy. The successfulcandidate will be expected to establish and maintaincontact with Nigerian Industries vis-a-vis thepractical training of students. ~8 ’ s-


Department of Electrical. Engineering.—'! TECHNICAL ‘INSTRUCTOR.—Candidates must havean. adequate general education up to G.C.E. A/Land in addition one or moreofthe following qualifica-tioris ,— . .

(?) Higher National Certificate in Electronics’ anid’ Communications. “

(i) I.E.E. pt. Il.


(12) Associate Membership of a recognized and .relevant professional body.

” (tv) Any other equivalent’ qualifications.The successful applicant must have had a considef-able experience in a ‘teaching, research or an

industrial, electronic laboratory. : Ne

Duties.—These includeassistingin the supervisionof students’ laboratery work in Electronics andCommunications; instructing undergraduates. in

’ Electrical Engineering Drawings; conducting In-. Service “training courses for’ junior laboratory staff

. and. assisting in the general development of theelectronic laboratories.

Salary scales :

Technical Instructor.—S.G.8—-£1,350-75-1,800~ per annum, — ;

Lecturers.—S. G. 7—£1,200-75-1,650_ ,£1,725-75-2,175 per annum. . .

Senior Lecturers:—S.G.5— £2,275-75-2,575 perannum.



No. 2, Vol. 52

-3. Qualifications : m(a) Final City and Guilds Certificate plus

2 years’ post-qualification experience ; on m() Ordinary National Certificate of the City

and Guilds plus 2 years’ post-qualificationexperience ; or . . oo a

(c) Full Technological Certificate ; or(d) Higher National Certificate,:

4. Duties—To supervise Ministry of Educationbuilding programmes, prepare in consultation withMinistry‘ of Works standard plans for educationalbuildings and perform other duties in the Ministryas may beassigned from timeto'time. 7'S. Other conditions of service :

(?) The post is pensionable, except where.contract terms are offered. In the case of a newentrant to GovernmentService, ‘appointmentwill

* be on probation for three years. - Expatriates: areappointed only on contract. oe

\ CD) Rent_ is payable at 84 per cent of basic‘salary if dn officer. is. occupying Government| quartejs,

| (a) Outfit allowance of £60



. asis payable to an:

_ |€Xpatriate officer on first appointment.\6. Method of application.—Applications should bes

: addressed to the Secretary, Public Service Commis-._°| sipn, P.M.B, 1063, Enugu, Eastern Nigeria, so as to .

Entry point depends-on qualifications and experience. iConditions of service—Passages paid for appointee,’

wife and five children under 11 years, on appointment,leave | after 21 month tour and


termination.Children’s and car all>wances, © superannuationscheme. Accommodation with hard standardfuthitureat refit rates not exceeding 7.7 per cent bfsalary or standard rent whicheveris the less.“Method of application.—Detailed typewrittenapplication (six copies)’ giving educational back-‘ground with dates, age, nationality arid maritalstatus, qualifications and experience -with institutionsand dates, publications with titles and briefs and‘three referees competent to attest to academic and/or professional excellence and ability, latent ordemonstrated to work/teach at university level.Applications by 20th January, 1965 to eitherSecretary to Council, University of Nigeria, Nsukkaor London, Representative, University of Nigeria,33 Craven Terrace, London, W.2 or Dr George H.

- Axinn, Assistant Dean, International Programmes,Centre for International Programmes, Michigan._State- University, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.


Civil Sérvants’ should forward their applicationsthrough the Headsof their. Departments.

Government Notice No. 78



Applications are-invited from suitably qualifiedcandidates for appomtmentto the post of Inspectorof Works (Building) in the Ministry of Education,

"Eastern. Nigeria.

2. Scale of salary.—C(T) 2, 3—£660-996. Tenper cent contract addition to basic salary if appoint-ment ,is on_contract. Entry point is dependent on

- Corifidential Reports.

reach him notlater than 29th January, 1964.7. Applications' from candidates not in Govern :

ment Service should be completed in triplicate onthe prescribed. forms which may be obtained from.all. District Officers and from the Nigerian |Information Service, Lagos, Ibadan, Kaduna andEnugu,

.8. Applications from ‘candidates in GovernmentService should be submitted through the Headof theapplicant’s Department and be actompanied by


Goveynment NoticeNo. 79


SUPERINTENDENTS OF POLICEApplications* are invited from suitably qualified .

candidates of exemplary character, for direct entryinto the . Nigeria’ Police Force as. Cadet Assistant‘Superintendents of Police.- Applicants must have a :-genuine desire for a career in the Nigeria PoliceForce, and shouldsatisfy the followingconditions :— _

: (a) Age.—Not below »23 years nor above: 28years. - . ;

(6) Height.—Notlessthan 5 feet 6 inches. |

(c) Che. Measurement.—Expanded. ChestMeasurermént mustnot be less than 34 incheg.

(d) Physical’ Fitness-—Candidates must notsuffer any physical deformities, and they will be

. required to pass the Government Medical exami--nation for physical fitness.

2. Candidates must be graduates who haveobtained, at the date of application,“as a minimumqualification, a pass degree or Bar Final. Servingofficers who are in posts that attract a minimumsalary scale C(E) 2, 3, 4 with good secondary‘education may be considered.




14th January, 1965.65

. { .

3. Persons wishing to be: considered for selection’ should|submit their application forms as early ‘as

Government Notice No. 80

possible. Application forms are obtainable at allRegional and Provincial Police offices throughoutthecountry. : oe ‘ Oo

4. In order to avoid delay, all congpleted applita-tion forms should be directed by candidates to theSecretary, Police Service Commission, Lagos whowill check qualifications, referees, etc., and returndetails of such’ qualifications to the InspectorGeneral: of ‘Police. Serving Government officialsshould submit their applications through the usualofficial channels. } “f

5. The Inspector-General of Police may callsuitably qualified candidates for interview.The final selection will be made by the Police

Service Commission. Closing date for receivingapplications ‘at the Police Service Commission ig12th February, 1965. ; a

6. Candidates will be notified of the datés for the -interview boardat theoffice of the Inspector-General


Training ’ :

7. Graduates will be required to undertake thefollowing training after enlistment in the Force :—

12 months training at the Southern. Police' College commencing on 3rd May, 1965. Trainingwill include :— . 0

(a) 6 months’ basic training including law anddrill. :., (0) 2 weeks’ attachment (Station Officer).

(c) 1 month’s Leadership, and CitizenshipTraining Course (Kurra Falls).

(d) 2 weeks’ break (approximately). ;(2) 1 month’s First Aid Lay Lecturer’s

~ #Course. :(f) 3 thonth&, advanced.training including

law, responsibili for S.P.O. and drill.

A further period of attachmentwill follow thecourse. ’ a

of Police and the final board by the Police Service.-


: q. 2

’ Boarp or Customs anD Excise ‘

On the successfulconclusion of the’ training period:described above, graduates will be posted to Police:Provinces as Assistant Superintendents of Police -on probation to work in an jexecutive capacity for24 months. Those who are not successful during .or ‘after training will have their appointmentsterminated. Candidates’ selected from . otherGovernment Departments will be accepted on .secondmentfor training. If unsuccessful they. maybe transferred back to their original departments.

Salary. scale :— — .

‘scale will be B 1,.2—£690 to’ £1,584-

8. The salary )(£690,- £726, £864; £900, £936, £978, £1,020,

. £1,116). .

Promotion prospects :— . . °

9. There are excellent prospetts of promotion toSuperscale posts within the Force. .

Conditions of seruice —

10. Appointments are pensionable. Three years”after the date of their enlistment inthe Force,:graduates will be eligible for confirmation in therank of A.S.P. (Scale B1, 2) subject to their passingprescribed examinations and provided their conduct,efficiency and ability merit such confirmation. Theinitial three years of service will be regartled as aperiod of probation. ho . ‘

11, Rent is payable at the rate of 84 per cent of


_ salary when: occupying Government Quarters.-

‘Whilst under training at the Southern Police.College, Ikeja,.quarters will be, provided free of:charge and ‘Cadet ASPs will be required to taketheir meals in the Cadet Officers’ ‘Mess for, whichthey will -be charged reasonable: subsistence rates.

12. Intending ‘applicants are advised that thetraining courses are strenuous and exacting and veryhigh standards of physical.and mental ability «will beexpected of them. Thetraining and subsequent

‘practical work will be interesting and exeellent .facilities for games, athletics and other forms of‘recreation will ke available. .


oe SALE OF GOODS AT APAPA ° é .Unless previously cleared, the following unclaimed goods Goveinment Warehoused at APAPA will be

sold by public auction:at Goyeinment Warehouse,’ Apapa,calendar month from the date


first publication of this notice, commencingat 9.30 a.m.on the Thursday succeeding the elapse of one

Dateof ‘Nameof air- Marks and Nos. Number of Description ofpackagesreport craft or ship °. , s packages . fof15-9-64 Hoegh Ailette


Commander Nigerian Navy,. - Harbour Rd., Apapa Le 1 Case Personal Effects8-8-64 Laguna R/R Poplin R45/63 : 2 _ Cases Cotton Laces8-8-64° Laguna R/R Record R1/64 2 Cases Cotton Laces *

22-9-64 Panama Maru M.E.1.C. A.G.C.C.O. Lagos “240 Bags ‘Rice .8-4-64 Accra 4C. DAP. 472, Lagos 5877 1 Case Photo Products8-4-64 Accra 4C. DAP. 472 Lagos 5941 1: Case Photo Products

21-4-63 Foucauld T.N.S. Kano/Ap.1 we 1 Carton Reptile-Skins16-1-64 Accra Kingsway'Stores Kaduna, Apapa, 1 Carton Contents UnknownUnknown Aureol NIMNIN’: |. e » 5+ Pairs SlippersUnknown Tarkwa Mr Babatunde, 2 Olodeokuta, . ‘. Alakara, Idioro .. .. 1 Quart Bottle Bell’s WhiskyUnknown Apapa JT. Okpo, 69 Agege Motor Road 1: Coffee Table and 1 MirrérUnknown ‘Various Various .- e. 3 Heads Leaf Tobacco’. .*Unknown Aureol N/M N[N .e 1 Quart Bottle Haig’s Whisky

. . ‘ 8 Pairs Plastic Slippers IUnknown Various . Various . oe 2 — Bottles Scotch ‘Whisky .

Bottles Scotch Haig’s Whiskyand Terry Brandy



t 66‘.

“ i -SALEOF GOODS AT APAPA—continued —*

Date of

Name.of air- Marks and Nos. Number of ‘ Description of packagesreport craft‘or ship packages ;

:4 Den, -26-7-64. ‘Tay Bank Bata Freetown 4o4 . {i CaponChildren'sShoce

21-11-63 Michigan FLA.O.M. Lugos G.3, 7259 134 2 Cartons Ladies’ Shoes9-11-63 Badagry Palm Phillips Apapa .- 1 Carton Electric Iron Parts22-9-64 Panama Maru MLESLC. A.G.C.C.0. Lagos 160 Bags of Rice22-9-64 PanamaMaru M.E.LC. A.G.C.C.0, Lagos 160 Bags Rice ae22-9-64 Panama Maru ALELLC. A.G.C.C.O. Lagos .. : 160 Bags Rice :22-9-64 Panama Maru ALE.IL.C. A.G.C.C.O. Lagos. , 340 Bags Rice6-8-64 | Fogokust MAA SD) 7033 REICO Ibadan ;

. , N; MM .. . i Carton Sundries18-7-64° Togokust “WML DE LAVAL Apapa1 1 Case Contents gUnknown8-8-6+ Lugano MIRBP 71 8481 Apapa p Demi-Johns Wine19-5-64 "Julia C-Ertal G. Fort Lamy BNCI. M.

Georges ABTOUR BP. 103 ° 1 Case Contents Unknown *3-8-64 §..C. Ertel (3.M.D. Fortlamy Apapa 12 1 Carton Preserves, 1 Bundle. a. : . containing Two Cartons Pre-oo serves ,’ 28-6-64 Africana

' Rainbow . Truck 421499 NV 90 x 46 Kano :-: ~ , 31445051 Lo. oe. 1 Case:!Contents Unknown .28-6-64 African ‘ . , . a «Rainbow Walter Erbelle Sum. Kassa via 4 ‘ i= Yola & Jos P. A. Zinna. 1° Case:Contents Unknown .28-6-64. African ‘ ' : ,~ . Rainbow Pan-Electric Ltd. P.O. Box 7,

° - Imp. 041 Pan 6338 BA. No. + ° : 'EB. . Le, .. 1. Carton .Parts for Electric H.H. .. nd - +f ; ° Refrigerator .4-7-64 Titania | UBI L & P, 13333 Kano “4 Bale Twills

5-9-64 Rejowice | On Fortlamay Apapg . ’ 3 Cases ‘Contents: Unknown8-11-63 IkejasPalm B.O.P. NUN. . a. 1 Tea Chest ’30-7-64 African Planet Broad Cast Contract Federal: ue. : Goverment < of Nigeria, . : . ~

-, : Minister of Information . 2 DrumsElectric Cables3-9-64 Tarkwa Bashier Bros, Ibadan via Lagos 99 Bales Plastic Balls .9-9-64° Flower 1014/1. 1-7 Lagos ma, 7 Cases P.V.C. Bags i19-7-64 Straat Chalham Madojutimi Oluwa Services “. Ibadan, Nigeria .: 38 Cartons Fluoréscent Lamps.Unknown Unknown: Ona-Ara Lagos 3821237215 5 Cartons of Plastic Pails~ 6-7-64 Tjiwong — N.E.T.C.O. 382, .. . 23 Bags of Flour11-9-64 Meihosan Maru Ori-Owo Bros Lagos 7 7 5 Crates Contents Unknown3-12-64 King Jaja S.0.88/948 985 No. 11 GRW

: .168 Ibs. Rambler M468 “ x29 x 27” a : & 1 .Case Contents Unknown.30-11-62 Straat Bhatham’ Narsons Exp. 518 Lagos 3499 1 Case Shirts - ~*~ «@15-6-64 Tarkwa — Mrs Akponwei P.O. Box 380, . : /

- . ’ Beninvia Port of Lagos 1} Case Stemmed Glassware25-7-64 Dahomeykust R.A. & Co. Ltd., Lagos .. 2; Crates Contents Unknown- 23-5-64 Fulani * B.S.M.C. 12.4077 Lagos oan . 14 Case Contents Unknown6-7-64 Patani _ A.T. Lagos E:08022 1-39 . 39: Packages of Rubber MatsUnknown. Unknown: JM MAB. 7800 Ibadan. Aparia 1° Case Contents Unknown |XX \ .

. - ? . . ve

And a miscellaneous: quantity of unidentifiable car:Government Warehouse, or anyother place, as the ¢



. t>




go, lying on the dump orstacking area, or in thease may he. . : :



’ Printed and

Lagos, Nigeria.Published by The Federal Ministry of Information, Printing Division, °: 63/165/ 8,400 oa; tSAnnual Subscription from jst January each year is : Overseas and Local £6-15s-0d post free.£6-10s-Od. Present issue (including Supplement) 2s-6d per copy.

"Overseas -Second Class Air MailSubscribers who wish to obtain Gazette after Ist January shouldapply to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information, Printing Division, Lagos for amended Subscription.