If I Was the Prime Minister of India

Post on 22-May-2015

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This is written by me and took more than a week to write, as I had to study the Indian government's structure. You can't just write blindly any crap!

Transcript of If I Was the Prime Minister of India

If I Was the Prime Minister of India

When I small about six years old, I heard a lot about prime ministers.

Then one day I suddenly thought about becoming the prime minister of India. Although I didn’t even know who a prime minister is and what he does!

While I was growing I learnt a lot about a prime minister, what’s his role is and what he has to do. When I grew up God fulfilled my thought and I became the prime minister of India. I elected some of my party members to be the ministers. When it was my first day everything seemed new for me but later it became normal. I wrote down a list on the things I had to do for my country. Here’s the list:

1. Anti corruption 2. Food for people

3. Shelter for people 4.Proper education children

5. Work for people 6. Strict rules

7. Anti terrorism 8. Protection for citizens

9. Finance 10. Bonds with other countries

11. Development 12. More community

13. More cities 14. Water for everyone

15. Electrification 16. Religious services

17. Environment concentration 18. Welfare

19. Resource plants 20. Peace

21. Technology 22. Good economy

After writing this list I started to work on it. I made copies of it and distributed them among my ministers and made them understand what I wanted to do. I asked them to help me. They all agreed.

First, I contacted the anti corruption bureau. We together searched the cities and villages for corrupt people and gave them punishments.

Food, shelter, work and education are major problems of India. Now the world’s largest slum, Dharavi was no longer a slum. I made a colony over there. People lived there and I gave them jobs, good education and a proper shelter. Now India was no longer called a poor country.

I made some good efficient laws which the President liked and were approved by both the houses of parliament. I instructed the police that all the laws should be strictly followed.

Protection was the motto of the government so that I told the defense ministry to strengthen the border and add more soldiers to the armed forces. I told the home ministry to fill up all the empty posts in the police department and make it more efficient. After my decision the India’s rank improved in one of the safest country of the world.

I strengthened our bonds and relations with other countries by signing bilateral business agreement and other MoU (Memorandum of Understanding).

I took initial steps for the infrastructure improvement, education to children, electricity in all the villages and interior parts of India. Also other similar development projects were undertaken. So the India’s growth was noticed in the world economy.

I encouraged the Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF) to grow more forests and be stricter for the violations of pollution and forest rules.

I thought that India should use more natural resources for generation of power. This was achieved by way of creating solar energy plants, hydro power plant etc. Also I instructed mining ministry to work out a plan to utilize metals & minerals available in abundance in our country. This helped in generating lot of jobs in rural areas.

To promote the use of technology, I asked the Ministry of Science & Technology to upgrade all the technologies in the current system and add new machines and technologies to it. With this India came on a better track.

I wanted peace in India so I made a new Ministry of Peace which is working to maintain peace in India.

Everyone knew that I loved and cared children a lot. So people made my birthday as Children’s Day 2.

I was elected the President of India in the next elections.

When someone asks me how I granted success, I tell them “Try Try Until You Succeed”.


Aayush Gala

Roll no. 2

Grade V

S V K M International School