If I leave my door open……. By: Hannah Sponseller Period 1.

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of If I leave my door open……. By: Hannah Sponseller Period 1.

If I leave my door open…….

By: Hannah Sponseller

Period 1

If I leave my door open,

then little kids will enter.

If little kids enter, then they will mess up my clean room.

If my room is messy, then my mom will get mad.

If my mom gets mad, then I will be grounded.

If I get grounded, then I can’t go to the movies with friends.


If I can’t go to the movies, then I will have no friends.

If I have no friends, then I won’t need time to hang out.

Empty calendar?

If I don’t need time to hang out, then I can read the encyclopedia.

If I read the encyclopedia,then I will become very smart.

If I become smart, then I can go to college.

If I go to college, then I will be successful in life.

So…..If I leave my bedroom door open, then I will be successful in life.


Original: If I read the encyclopedia, then I will be very smart.

Converse: If I become very smart, then I read the encyclopedia.

Inverse: If I don’t read the encyclopedia, then I won’t be smart.

Contrapositve: If I’m not smart, then I didn’t read the encyclopedia.

_____30________(30 points) Three points for each conditional statement. Did youunderline the hypothesis and double underline the conclusion?_____12________(12 points) Four points each for one converse, inverse, contrapositivestatement with the hypothesis and conclusion identified. Did you reference the originalconditional you used?______6________(6 points) Six points for identifying the theorem your story proves.______5________(5 points) Creativity and originality______5________(5 points) Effort______2_________(2 points) Title and Author______8________(8 points) Extra Credit for two additional statements of your choice.Did you identify the hypothesis and conclusion of these statements and reference theoriginal conditional statement in a footnote?_68_ Total Show your stuff! Have fun with this! Ms Hall60
