If I bet more, will the slots like me better

Post on 15-Mar-2016

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If I bet more, will the slot like me better?

Transcript of If I bet more, will the slots like me better

If I bet more, will the slot like me better?

If I bet more, will the slot like me better?

Is there a direct relationship between the amount of money deposited in the slot machine and the frequency of its payout? In other words, is a kind of reward system, in which the greater you put in the greater you potentially can get out? Let us examine the evidence. First off, let's admit that a slot machine is nothing like a savings account. There is no kind of complementarity that says the more that's deposited the more preferential interest rate for example.

If I bet more, will the slot like me better?

That's what the banks are there for, and the casino is not a bank, because at a bank you can't win outrageous sums of money for a relative pittance of the deposit. Imagine going to your banker and asking for a $1 million progressive jackpot in exchange for $100 worth of monetary investment. You’d get laughed at for the comedy, but when all the fun and games are over, you know that it's just not a feasible possibility.

If I bet more, will the slot like me better?

What the bank provides is relative certainty: stock markets may crash, life as we know it may end as abruptly as it began, but your humble, low-interest accrual savings account is reasonably safe. The casino is quite different. At the casino, nothing is expected. Well, that's not entirely true either is it? The only thing that really expected is that the house will derive an income from the games you play. It is part of the mathematical structure of the games themselves.

If I bet more, will the slot like me better?

And although certain games, such as blackjack, allow for positive steps in terms of player advantage, these are the exceptions and in almost all cases the house will walk away with more of a profit. How do you think they find such grand buildings? How do you think they pay their staff? It's just how the casino works. But… maybe, just maybe, you will be part of the percentage minority on whom fate has chosen to smile.

If I bet more, will the slot like me better?

Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos, the three Fates could spin their yarn and weave you a thousand fortunes. What a great idea! If we talk in terms of legislation, remember that most gambling commissions dictate that the slot machines random number generator not be influenced by the amount that is bet. All slots have a predefined payout ratio, which is conceived as a percentage of the total deposits made over the slot’s lifetime.

If I bet more, will the slot like me better?

So, a slot with a 96% payout ratio will return 96% of all deposits, which may not seem like much, but when you're talking millions of deposits over a number of years it can really add up.

So what the take-home message at the end of this? It's this: at all major casinos, particularly those with the gambling commission with oversight authority, it won't make a shred of difference how much you bet.

If I bet more, will the slot like me better?

Whether you bet the $5 button or the $10 button, the reel selection will remain the same. That's good news – a bigger bettor doesn't equate with a larger winner. Long live the small bettors and underdogs!

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