Ies mechanical-engineering-paper-2-2007

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IES Objective 2007

Transcript of Ies mechanical-engineering-paper-2-2007

l t.E.S. (OBJ) - 2(11)7 I or 1·1


Match L1s1 - I 11ith List - II and select, the <:urrect ans11er using the code gl\·en belo11 the hsts List I (Application) A, Boiler Shell B. Manne Shal\ CouplirT![ C Crosshead and Piston Rod D. Automobile gew box (gears to shall) List - 11 (Joint) I Cotter Joint 2. Knuckle Jomt 3 R11•eted JOint .j, Splines 5. Bolted Jomt Codes:

A B c D 1L l ~ 2 5 b. 3 s 4

c. I 5 2 4 d. 3 ~ 5

2, A single parallel fillet weld of total leng01 1. nnd ll·eld size b subjected 10 a !CJlSile fond :P, will ba,•e 11hal design stress'?



a. Tensile and equal tq p H. 7()7Lil

b Tensile and eq\.aJ to L l h

c. Shear and equal to p tl.1MLh

d Shear and equal to L Lh

H011 can shock absQrbing of n belt be increased? a. B) tighterung it properly It B) increasing the shank c. Bs gnnding the shank d. By making the shan~ equal to the core

diameter How 1s the type of a nul way wheel fi lled'/ a. By seam welding b. By fillet welding



c. By interference fit d None of lhe abo1·e Consider Lhe. follo11~ng stateme~ In case or bell dri vas: J Centrifugal Tension m belt mcre.ase~

the IIansmittcd 2 Cenrrifi.1gal tension does a(feot (he

dm 1ng tension 3. Ma~mum tensJOn tn ~1e bel us always

three llmes the dnvmg tens100 Wh1ch of I he statements gil-en above •slare correct'1 a. L 2and 3 b 2 and .3 only c.. I and 3 only d I only The maximum efficicnoy of a scre11 jack hal'iug square threads with frictiun •lng1e •P is

a l - lan(1p / 2)

J t-tan(tp / 2)

b l - latl 1/1 I I t!Ul '11

I SID tp c.


d. l - srn(q>/ 2)

l+sm(q~/ 1) In des1gmng a shaJ\ for vanable loads. the S.N. d•agram can bedra11n b)•: a Joining the So~ :u 0 eycJes Md S.J~t 10~

Gycles by a $1Iaight line on an S.N graph

b Joining lhe IJ}J S., at LU()() cycl()S and S, al to<- cycles b)' a stra1gh~l.iue on a logS - log N graph

c. Joining ~1e 0.9 s., at I f)()O cycles and s. rollf' cycles by n strhi,ghtliue on rut S.N graph

d Joining the s., at I !i()H cycles and (l ') S. at 11)6 cycles by a st~a1ght line on a Jog S - Jog N graph



(S,. •tandll for llhimote tensile •tren!llh und :;, for the endurance limit) i\ lntch l,lst -I 1\' ith l.i•t - 11 •nd select th~ .:orrcct • nswer ll~ing th< "O<I~ !liven bolo" tbo:r lis t~ List-1 A. \Von11geor B. Spur gear C. Berriugboo~ g""r D. S piraJ l~wL g.:ar Li.o.tll 1. lmp0•<:5 no UltWit load on the ~hnJl 2 To lt'llnsmit pow01· between tiHJ nun·

intcl11ecling •ha~ whkh :trc pi::l]Wtlt1icollor 111 cnch other

.•. To ~ransm1t power when the sho fl.s me 1lamllcl

+. 1'o lratl~t11iL pnwer 11 hen the ~h311S are at ngbt an@C5 I C) nne onoth<n'


A B C D a. b.


1 2. 1


2 3 2 3

3 1 4 4


Tite wlo~:ity ratio betwolen piniun and ge:tr in • goor drive ;,_ 2.3, tl1e module uf Lcctlt i• 20 mm and rum of number of teeth on pinion and ge<~r is 99. \\!hal i• the centre tlisl>nce belwcctt pinion uud the gem-')

:t, 49.5 Dllil

b. ')9 Ill

c. J48.5nllll tl !98 rom 0Jlllpared lo ge;tr& "ilh 200 prc:ssurc:. angle involutes fuU dq>lh le<~th. 010se with 200 pressure angle anclsrub teetl1 h:Jvc I. , mnller Bi1dendum 2. smltfler dedendum 3. smaller litotb lhtckness ~ 8feater bend mg. ~trength Which o-f tho •L1tements gmm above are correct'.> a. 1 2~nd 3

b, 1. 2nnd ~ c.. 1, 3,.nd 4 d. 2. ~ and"4

II 1\ hvllow ~haft nr outer dill ~0 mm 1md tnoer dia of 20 mm is lll l)c I'"J'l>et:d by ~

2 nf 14 solid slmtl LO tronsmll the oame torque at the s3tilc maximum <tress. What <;hould be the diamct6r nf the solid ~Mn? u, 30 m.m I>. 35 mm

c. I 0 (60)1'1 nuu.

d. 10 · (2()J"l mm 12. Con.•ider tlte following statements:

for a journal rotating in • beoring under liiJu. lubricruion condition>, Uta frietionaL ro~i.'it:tnce is 1. proportiGIJ>I to tbo·-arca of' contact 2. proportional to ihe VlSCosity of

tubri.,nt .1. prvportinn~ l to th~ ~pee<! C)fmt:~tinn

4- independent ol'thepreuun: Whic~ l')f the M;tlt:f11ent~ gi1•en •\love .,.,. C1lrreat'1 a. I, 2. ~ .md 4-

b. I .nd 4 nnly

e. 2 .. ~ ""J 4 on I y­d. l and .~ unly

13. Increase ln values of which of the folt6Wiug results in an. [ uf tll () cooHicionl of friction in a h_ydrodynw:nia bearing? I Viltcosfty ofthi< oil 2. Clearance between slurfl and beating. 3. Shaft <peed Sei<"CI the correct n11.wer- ~sing th<: code gi11:n below a, l and 2 only b. I ami 3 llnl> c. 2 an !I 3 Qn !y d. 1,2 aml 3

1·1. t\I"C!".tge vuluo~ vr <:fl'oetivc: cnefticienu; nf !ricti(I,O fot'i:H;Orintl" arcdosctibW hcltiW'

L Sphoricwl bnll bearing- r, 2. Cylindrical roll<;!' bearing - 1': 3. Tap<ll' roller ~rm_g- rJ 4. Slllble (Lhiek ftlm) slidin!l conlnct

b"oriug - £, Which on~> of Ute following A.:quanol!S is com:o>t'/

•• [, k£ </. h. J, </, < !', 1; c. r. < ,; J; f, d. lt <h )~~ h






Wltich one of lite followin_g o=xprcste• lh~ lOin I elongnliort of n bat llf lenglh I With a ~()Minnl crnss-~e<:lion of A and lltlldulu> of J:ll•~ticity E hnnging l t 11icoU) nnd •ul,ject 10 i .. <lW" weigh I W'l

II, WL .Jli WL

"· 2&



. .JK tl"L 4rl£

In a sb'a ined maleri'al one of lhe princip:~i 5ltl:il.lles is 1wico: U1e olh,;r. Tblf .n>:~!Cimum .shear .s~! in the same C3Se is 'truu· Then. whot i• the ""lue 4)f fhl: mnxiinom principlo $1rc:s•'l

n_, fm~tll

h. 2t, .. ~ C, 4-fttiM

d. Stma<

For • gon~;~·~ 1110 Ji.n~ensionul str<:<s~ sy•tem. wlwl :~te d1e coordinntcs of' l.he C<'ll!l'c of Mohr's ciNie'l

(a, a, ) A.

2 ,0

b. o.l"'· ' "~ ) 2

~ (~·~", }o d. O. (a ;a, )

If Ule rollo G/E (0 Rigidity modulus. E = Young · s. modulus of olnstioity) is OA. then wh•t is lhe value pf'lhe Pois.•on rnlin?

•• 0.20 b. 0.25 c. I)JO

' '· ().33 What •re I he matc:na t, which .sho11 direetiOI\ dopendi:!lt llrO(Jt:rlit!!i, ca lled1

•· 'Homul;t:n.:Uus mat.llrials h. Viscoela$llc. fllaler\ols "· .Isotropic materials tl. Anisotrojlic n101erials


2 1.





~ uf I~ Whnt is lite phenomenon of progressive extension of the material i.e., nmln nler<:a•ilig wlth the lime 'lit .l CllnStant I(U!tl, caUod?

•. l'l•~ti~il)

b. CR>Cillnl! 1:. Yielding d. B=king Which on" of the follow ins •lato.rnt:nts is correct?

u· a mntcrbl c,.pands freely doc to hcntlng • it will deo;•elnr a, thermal stre;s b. tensile stress c. compressive ~II'CM

d, no slre~s A c.1nrilevc:r l\e11m of l m ltnglh ~upporl~ 3 lrian~ttlnrl) di~iril>uted Jt•nd 11ver iL• cntir<: lc:ogtll. tile m~Xilllttnl of whid1 ;, at fbc tree end. The totallond is :.7 5 1~. W11at k lh~ bending moment :lllhe fixed t:nd'l

"· 50 106 N mm b. 125 • f06Nmm c. tOO i0°N mm d. :25 Jo•N mm Which one of the following statements is ~oiTecl'l

A beam iHa id LD beoftmifonn strengt!L if a. 1he bending moment is the same

~\fouflhuullllc b~um

b. the ~benf lllf•~ i> Lb<> same llu'ougbout tho bcrun

c. the cl~fkoctlon il; the same ~lf9ushuul the be~m

d. the ben<ling •tl""" 1s I he ume •t """'Y ~~ec:Liou almtg It, lnngin1dino1 .,. ••

Which one of the following stAtemr:nt« is ~rrect~

WlMJ • rec:lnogular sc;elion boom ill loadod trnns\'c'TScly ulong the lcnsU•. sh.,ar ~b·css develops on a. lop fibre of rect:mgular beam b muldle fibre ot' rect:on.gulor h<:llon c. hottom ·fibre of rectaogubr beam d. c:very bnrizonwl plane:

The di~meter or a solid &!loft is D. 111c inside and outSide diomekrs of a holli1w sbu.O of same. mater••' .mJ k'1l8~' n.:c Dl ,[3 >nd 2D 1../3 rcspllcllWb . Whal is

the rntio of tlte wefght of the hollnw ~!tail tO Lhol ul' the ~olid shall'r ~l , I ; I b. 1 : 4 c. I : 2

"· I :3 26. Which one of the following stal.en>ent!l ;,

correct? u· a hetic;~ l spring, is halved in length, ils spring sliiincs~ iL. tcrnains same

b. balv"' c. !loublos d. trip los

27. A solid cir.:ular ~hall ;, ~ultieclcd to a bendin~ moment t-,[ Qhd twi.ting moment I', Wh~i i~ tbe e<tuiv~l<mt twi<ting moment Te wltic:h will produce lite $.1me ""'-'dntum ~he!tt ot.rcss a.• (he nbovc combino(ion?

•• MJ-l' b M +1

"- .JMt +T1

d. M r 28. Coll8idor thu follo,~ing stMcro"TJII!.

[n • lhitk ,,.u,'ll cylindlil!.'ll prc.,~urc n~el onbjc::ctcd rq inl•m•l rros~ure, the tangential and r.nli:.l ~IIWS<lS or« I mimmum at uu!cr slde. 2. minimu~r~ ol inner side. ~ maximum ot inner side & both reduca

to zoro •I outer '1'1111. ·L maJuruum at iunut• wall bullhc f3dial

l!itrc:S! rc:duces to zero :aioutcr-watJ..

Which uf the •t.1tcnll:nlll giVtln above isl31'e COJTet:l'/

<L Jond2 b I and 3 e. 1 and ! d. "ODI)"

29. Mntch ti~t - I witlt Li~t en and select th~ correct uMwl:r u.~iJlg the code .given bel~'' IJ\e l i!IL~ 1.1.11 • J (J .ong Column) t\ . Both entl$ hinged B. One end l"l:'.ed. lmd oLhllf end frt:(: (', Botlt end$ 1111ed D. c )no: end fL"ed. and other end hinged LiM • ll (triti<:al Load)


3 1.

,, "' !J I. n' EI/4f 2 4~EI/P

3. lrh'.llf 4. n: w p C<ldes:

.-\ 11 (' D ~. l. .t 3 b. 4 2 ~

"' 2 ~ .t I d. .t ;I 2 Which one oJ U1e following, is Ute correct asc<ll!.ding order of packing density for Ute given Cl)'31a(muctu~ of mel:t.b? ;a . Simpla cuhio fnce centred cubic -

13ody centred cubic h. Body cen.!red cubic - Simp I" cubic. ­

Face .:omu'ed cubic .:. Simple cubic - Body ca•tred cubic ­

Face coutrcd culiie d. Body oeull~ cubic - Faco ceulri:d

cubic - Simple cubtc Vibrutiou damping, i'u .m.:~chjncry is besl achieved b\· mean.• of ba~e <tructurcs made of which o~e of Ute following m~teri.>ls'l a. Low carbon M~eel

b. Nodular iron e. Gn:y cast iron d. \\'lute c'lllt :ron

32. For a Rhombohe!<lral space lattice, which "''"of Ute li•ll<iWiug is CQrrcut? u. tt= fl=r= 91J• I> a - fl -:cy% fl.l•

c. " =r= 'Xl"~ P d. a ~ P~r,. 91J•

;;.;, Mat.!h Lis!- I wilh ·II :Ina •~teet tit~

Ctm-,ct ""•''"' u~ing the cvdc ¥iVc11 l•elo\\ the liJ;ts!

l.i$l- [ (Component\ t\. Bladc'll of bulldozer B. Gas lut'bino bllldc~

C. Drill bit D. Spring• of nulo·mDbilcs List .fl f R"''"irod Prop..-rty)

I . lligh """' resistnncu aad high. tougbnes..lrl

2. Lnw Yo11ng·s mod11fus and high tiltil!ue strength

3 High weorand :tbraston rest'tonce

~- High creep $lrength Md good Cfln·osion res-isbm..:e

I 'lid~:!);

A 13 c I) a. ~ 2 I 4 h I ~ 3 2 c. 3 4 I 2 d. 2 ' " 4

3.j., Whot .. the np(lro:<imote ~tmln energy O:.'C(If<SSIOO for 3 dis(ucation Of unit (eng tJL

ID:.,.pccth·c nf its edge or sCt'eW character?

a' a .t. -


b. Gb:


e. G'b ,, d.



~5 What is Ute movement o1' block of atom• olong cennin Cl)'•tallogrnphte planes and directions. lenned :IS1

"· Glide h. 1'wmnins. e. Slip J, Jog

::l(i, W!tieb ope Of the foll<JWlnS IS lite correct $llltcmcnl1 Poorlitc in iron·c"'!rbon $y.skm i1 G

•· ph•~e tl)lliiKting of 1et:rile und cemo;tilile ;tt r110m tempernture

h me<:honi~l mi.'\llll'¢ or li:mtc and ~nu:nlite nt room temperature

C. eute~.: l ic ml'<IUN of fetTile tend ccuu.::nt.itc :1 1 room LC1npcruturt:

o. All Otc ;tOOVe lhtce :u-.: ccrn:ul 37. 1-.lnloh List- I witlt List -TI iUld sclt:<.l Ute

correct .1.nswer uslug; th~ code- given below the Usts:

List · l (Name of the Invariant Reaction)

A. Monoleclk B. l:.utcctic C. RutectQid D. Peritectic Ltst· ll (ln\'>n:mt Reaction During Con ling) I. l.l Ql ' (l) SOU l:> a + SOl.ll~

2. LIOlltn, ~ L.IOUn:>a.- S\li,ID

3. SOL!D t ··~ SOLID, > SOLID, 4. I~IQUID + SOLID, .... SOLIDI Codes:

•• b.

.\ n c n 3 1 3 1

2 4 4







2 2 4

5 <If I.\

38. Which of the follo" ing li><tor. influence hardnes• in. a pia in eorhon s teel?




I Perccnlnge carhQn 2 Quenching me.lla 3. Work size Select the cvm:ct """wer 1.t.<ing the co<lc given h~low·

a. I and 2onl) b. 2 Mid 3 only c, I and 3 only d. I. 2 and 3

Match Li!:t • I wilh Li~t ·II and ~elect the .:on'tlct nnS\1 er using Ute code given b~Low lh<> lis Ill~ List -1 ( Mat.orutl)

A. Fibre reinforced plastiCs B. AcJyli<>~

C. Phenolics D. Bullldicnc rubber Li:d.·TI (Applicution) l. Aul<lmobilo ayrc• 2. Airc.rnll 3. Lenses 4. Electric •wit~ It cowr Code>

\ B c •• I 4 3 b. 2 ~

:0 ~

c. I 3 ~

d. 2 4 3

D 2


1 Wbiclt one nmQitg fo1J~wi11g is lllc most effe.::tivc $U'CngUtcni11!i meehunillm of non-ferrous tnelnl'/ :1. Solid solution ha<dentng b. Strain lt.,.dcning c. Grnin sin rcfinamonl· d. Precipitation .hardenjng

Wood is • nalurnl composite consiiHng of which ol' the l~llowine'/

~. Lignin fihres m collagen matnx

b, Lignin tibres ln opatfte matti.'C 1:. CelluloAe libr"'-' in ~f'~lite m~tri.~ d. Cellu los.e lit'l'es in lignin matrix

<11. Which one of tho JoUowing is not a ~ernmic'l

<~ + Aluminl1 b. Porcelain c Whi•ker d, l}yTQ!Iil

.13, C'urt111g tool matt:rlal 18-4-1 HSS ha• which <mt nr lh~ r.111nwing C{Jm(X>S.itions?

;o, l~o W. +••Cr. 1 ~. V h, I sv .. Cr. 4•o W. 1% V

c.. 189,• W. ~0o Ni. l~o Y d. I 8"• ('..r , +~o Nl, 1°1> V

#. Whoch one ot' the lbllowmg elem.'D!s!alloy; ~><hi bits scnsoo c-racking? :L. Iron b. BtaS!; Cj .4JumiUIUOl

•L Sleet -IS. \Vhicb '""tal ftrrming l)rocess is usi!<l for

manufndut'e of long s teal wL\>2 n. D""J' dr:m•ing h. F•>r{ting c. Drawing 1L EShusion

46. Wlu<b on<> uf th< folio" ing is th" COJ-wct ~tlltoment?

n. Jl..xtrusion "' used for iloe mnnulncJure of •earnld<s tubes

h E:xtmslQI\ i~ use<l for redu~ing the diamrt"r ()f round ball> and tubt:l, b\ mtntintt eli"" which upou and clns~ l'llpidly on the \1 orl..

c. Extrus:on i& u~cd to improve totil!"c N$tslance of the met31 by ~euJng up compressiVe stre~~es on. its ~lufacc

tl, 'El<u,sion comprises pressing the metul ln$ide a cluuubur to force it out by high prts.iorc th o-ough on orifice which i1 shaped to prO\'ide the de.,i.-.:<1 lbnn nf . lho:rrnlshed port

-H. \Vbi~h one of Ute tbUow ing mct:J]ij !boning processes is not a ·wgh energy rate forming proces~? a. Elcclrn-magnetic ilmnlng_ b . .Ro.U-fnnnlng c. f.:splmnve forming




b " ' 14 d. Electto-hydr:mlic fonning Wh~l •re tltl: advAnlngtl< nr pii\Vtlc:r 1!1Cinlhtrgy'l 1. J!xtreme punt\• prQducl 2 Low L1bour oo<l 3 Low equipment cost Select the correct answer ommg the cod" given below

a. l. 2 and 3 b. I and 2 unly ~ 2 and 3 only d. I and 3 vnl) )\latch Li,t - r "hh l .. ist - TJ nnd <elect tho: coo.,ct answer using the code gtvcn l•elow the list~ Li&t- I (Casting Pl'l1~e!lll) A. D i¢ c:> ~Ling

13. Lm•<-:stm.t:nl casting. C. Snell moulding D. Contrifugol casting List-ll (Prmciple)

I. 1'he mulal •olidifio• in o rololing monld

2. l'he paUem cluster ts repeatedly dipped into • ~e1';~mJc slurry and du•li:d wiU1 n:ft-.dnry

3. l\{oJien meld is forc:-00 by pressure inlo • mctollic mould

4. Allt.T t.:iooling. lhc invest is ra.m()vt:d t'rom lhe cnsbn3 by P'""~'m: jelling Pr

Yibr.nory deaning t'odcij;

.-\ H C' D a, 2 I 3 4 b. 3 4 2 1 ~ 4 4 ~ I d. 3 J 2 4 C'on.~ider Jlte following sl"3lemettts in o'<lspect nf iuvc.tmetll. "ustiogs: I. Th<: pntt.:rn or pouem$l~are not joined

to a stalk or sprue also of wax to form o tree of p.1itcrns .

2.. The prepared moulds ore placed in an oven and healed gently to dry off iu\'est 1\ud melt oul ~~" bulk of wJLx.

3. Tite mould! nrc tu~ually poured by pbciug lbe mould~ in 3 vacuum chamber

\V11ich of the mtemen~ gi' eo ~bow ~rc correca·? :1, I nnd '2 on I)• b. t nml 3 on ty c '2 •nd 3 only ,j, 1. 2 ond 3

51. Which of the lbllcnvins are employed in shell mouldin~? 1. Resin bindet" 2. Mebl pallern 3. Heating coils Select the c<lrrc:Ct anS\\1c:t u'ina lh~ code giv<u helu\1 n. J aud2only b. I and 3 un lj• .:, 2 •ntl J only tL .l.l nnd3

52. Which one:. of lb~ fuUuwing is the correct ~tutcmcnl?

ln a centrlfugol cas!lng method tt no core i~ used b. ooro onay be madu of any mt:tal c.. core is made of !WJ.nd

J . ooru is noode of ferrous metal 53. Whicib tlne u'l' lbe f0Uu1~in!! is the com:ct

t!latemenl? Gatcfs providcd rn mouldEW a. feed ll1e casting :11 a con•tnnt r>te

b, give p~~sage to J!l11'"' c. compc:nsate f<1r slu"ink~gc d., avoid cavities

Conside:r the following •tntemcnLS In respect of ol\y·acetylene welding:

l 't'be Joint is not heated lo a -~l•te of fusio.n.

2. N u po'essure "' used. J Ol\ysen t~ stored ill sto:c:l cylinder ~~ ~

pressure ofl4 lvl.P;~ I . Wbuo ULcn> ;. an oxccss nr ~~ettylena

us~ there is ~ decided dtango in the appe:orance of fl•me.

Which of tho sL1teotents ghen nhOI'd aro correct'/

"' Lland 3 h. 2. 3 nntl4 1:. 1. 3 a.nd 4 0. I. 2 •n!l-l





7 ul 14 Tite coating moterl•l of an ~rc welding electrode coni:~ in• Whl\!h oft he following'/ I. Deoxidi~ins agent 2. Arc stobil!zmi agent 3. Slag lom•lng agent

:>elect the con-e~ answer u.<ing the code given b~low a. l. 2 and 3 b. 1 and 2onl) c. 2 and 3 only d_ I ll11 d 3 fin\)

In 1\UG welding. the metal is trnnsJ'c:m:d i11h> the fcmh CJf l•·hiclt une uf the following? a. A tln~~p1'11yofmet:ll h. Mohc:o drops ~. Wcldpool

d. Molecules Consider lbo following s\l)lJlmcllls in respect Q!' the laser beom welding: I . It can be nsed lbr weldi11g ·'"Y or

their contbinntlons because Qr Ve11' IUgb lompcralureuf tho focoJ points, ·

2. IJoat affc~t.;d zo11e ls ' 'a)' IOC!;\O bccaus~ of quick heating.

~- Hi!!b 1·acuum is r"'luin:d to c:ury tlte process

Which uf the statements!!""'" above islore CQITCC.t1

a, I and 2onl) b. 2 and 3 only

c:. l only d. 1. 2 and" Which oftJ,e rolluwins crtl:<:l$ ~re I'O';~iblc due lo residual stresses in welding? I. Rcdlu)c Uimc~i<"'nl RU1bility '2. \Veld crac.king 3. urrcel ''" fniiguc ~trcnglh 4. Reduction in lh~ Cret:Jl Slrtmllth V l:i~lo=cl tlte ~rre~t illlS\1 Itt" u;; ing tlte ~ode giv~n bc.:low a. b_ 2 md 3 on.t.}

c. .l 3nd 3 only d. .L 2.. 3 anti 4

59. During maebinill!\. met.>l i•· rumoved in the form of chip WI in the CASt' of 11lming Vnn ~ )ath<:. Which CJI' the ro lliJwinl!, •re eone.:l'l

Continuou~ ribbon like chip is fonned 11 hen turning I :tla high e.- culling •pe.:d 2. at o tower cubii1J! ~peed 3 a brittle


3 . u ductile mnteriol S~lect Ut~ ~orrect nnswo:r using ~~~ cr,d< giv.m bulow

"" J ond 3 b. J Olld 4

c. 2 and 3 <L 2 ontf ~-

liO. S.:n!W thrc•d.~ ore produced on $Oiid tocb hy using wbich ort'hc lb llowing1

''"" Dies b. Pllllt h

.:. Mondr<'l cl Borin~ bat•

6L Wlmt .is the proecs• of n:movin!l, met.u by • milling culler whi~h iR rotntcd llgain•rthe: direction c1f ll'llvcl of the wurk pi~cc. called? a, Do,,_o .ruil.l.iug IJ, Upmilling c:.. End milling d. Face tniU1111t

62. Wlticb o£ jbUowing mclhod$ ure go:ar gwcnuing prucesscs~ L Gcau baping 2. Genr bobbing

3. Gt.1r ntillins Select Ute correct onswct u>ing tho cvdc given beluw o. I. 2 and 3 b I ~n.t 21111 ly c, 2 oml J only cl, I and 3 on!Jc

03. Amopg tlte following nudunln!! processes, which con be used for ttln~hin!ng fl~l sutfo='l J , Shop in@ 2. .Milling. J . Broacb:in.g Stkct the con-eel au•·Wcr

using tl1~ code gin:n below n. !nnd 2 ort!J h. J ~nt13 ooJy c, 2 und 3 ou ly

d. I. 2 ""11 3

8 "' 14 M, Honing P~c:ss giv"" ~IIJ'ra~e tinil<h of

IVbat order'/ a. HI 1~m !CI-A) b. I01•mtCLA) c, 0 I ,._m (C'J.A)

<l 001 j.UII (CLA) 1\5. \Vhnt ~rc tlte onnin "Otlll"'""''t• uJ' on NC

macbjno? I. l'ttrt program 2. Machine Ccmtml Unit

3. S"'"'tl m.:ter Sek:ct (he· ctll'l"CCI nn•Wct' using the et1do

given bdnw

:., I. 2 and 3 h. l11nd 2 only

" · :l and 3 nruy d, I and 3 only

~(). l'lonl.: w03r nccu111 moon ly on whic.h of the fa'! a. Nose pnrt amllop f.1ce

b. Culling edge only e. Nose pari. fnmt r<:li<ol' C1cr, and stde

rdicf face of the cutlins tool d. Paoo of lltc c.uttins too·l ll • shQI1

di>t~nec from lhu ~utting edgd 67, Wbiclt of' the foUawing nre the m•cl•

im•\>ilhy criteno7 I fool rife 2. C'ulling forces ~- Surfoce fini~h Select the com:et nn.,ver il•ing tho code give.11 below a. 1.2and 3 b. I •nd 2 only c. I and 3 only d. 2 and 3 only

68. In Klrain s~uge dyn~momel<:rK. lhe UKC of how many actJve ~ugcs makes Jhe dymunomct(!t man: cfft:o:tivc? il, Fouc b. nuee

"· Twu d. On~

69. For incr<:osin.[t the tnntcrial t"Cmuvnf rate in. without ~ny wnR~'llint~. wh•l ill tho right se<tnenee to ndjll•l the cu~jng l lDfll!n<."ler!l?

I. Spa:tl





2. Feed 3. l)epth of cut Sqlcct the correct uns11er uslng ~1e code given below • . 1-2-3 h 2-.>--1 c:. 3- 2-1 d 1-3----2 C'on~ider the tbll(lwing slatemenlli in relatlnol to the unconventional macl1inin~ Jll'OCCMOS:

I Dill<orcnt i'ornll! of energ~· directly applied to work picco lo hove shape transfonnation or m'1terial remnval from work suoi"nce.

1. Relative motion between u,., 11 ork nnd lhc tool is .:ss.:nLW.

3. Cullu:tg tool is nm In plJysicnl contmll with woo:k p ieee.

Wllicl! of th~ <llltemefl~ given •l,ove nro: eorrecl'/ a. lnnd 2nn!y b. J,2 3nd :< c l nnd :l nnly d. I nnd 3 only i\ccMding to the principle of locofion 111

jigs n11d fixtures. how mauy dego'tles of Jh:ed 0111 uno ill be "lintinu led ill luo vc " ltody fixed in ~poet? ... J.

b. 4 t:.. 5 d. 6 \Vllich one of U1e following is .a cl..:amncc tit'/

' I ¢> H 51)

+II() IS +lll;)o)~

h St• +0 010 -1102S Kl !)(>0 Ill! )1 <

h Sl)

tlt)U llltr-s I 0000 •110115

II 511 •tll1311 +ili~IS

What i~ Ute dominant direction of the tool lllnrks or sl.\ratcbe> ill a ;,urfnce L(l!(IUtt; luovlng ~ dircctiotUJ qtmlity c.-.1Jtld'1




') (If 14 a. Priinor_y texture 1.. Sooond:uyto:uure c. Lay d. f.l•w Whiclt ooe af Lb~ following L< nol • purpose ofl<mg·lenn tilreo::asting'l a. l'o plnn lor the new unit or produclion b. To plan llte long·term financial

r.equ irement <:. l'o owke Ute proper arrangement !'or

troinlng tlte porsQunel d. To decidu Ute putcltJts~ prOgraJIIJ.l!o Cmt•idt'l' tbe follow in& ~tntcmctJL• rcl>ting ll• forec:tslin~r.

.1 . TI1c time horizon to forec:tSt depo:nds np<Jn where the product currently lies tn its tiJ'e: cycle.

2. Opinioo and judgm~ntlll forecasting molbe$ sornotirntlll incorpcmto (tAli.Ui<UII on;~ly!i~ ,

3. In e."ponentiol smoothing, low \a lues of ~muotl1ening cQn.~taJ\t. lllpha result In more sJnnuth.ipg tlm.n higher 'nluos ornlph".

Wltich of tho Slntcutenl~ given allfive . , c co~ct?

a. 42~nd 3

b. 1 and 2 only .:. 1 and 3 Only d, 2 and 3 only CoiUidcr the following siJit.,mcnts;

E.'<pommtinl • L j5' ~• modificalton of moving a_'''-Ta.gc

method 2. i~ a w<rlet>tcd averag" of past

nh!!t:rv•tions 3. :sssigns the higltest weightaga t() the

most r~nlob5ervation 4. W1ticlt of ibc sllllcmenls given <>bovc

are eorTect1

u. l, 2 unJ 3 b. I lllHi 2 only (:, 2 and 3 only d. lund 3 ~~~~)

Consider lhe follo" ing $Ut·emento; Sclledullng'

1. i~ a guternl timclJibJ~ nr.mufmuring,

2. i• !he time f>hase of lo•ding.


3. i• lo"ling all lhe work in pro~e.$ on ma<h flie~ nccordm& 10 their e<~pa¢ity

Which or I he st~fernenl>! given ,1~0\'C •re cor:roel? n . .!, land 3 b. 1 and 2 only c. 2 ~nd 3 only d. 1 ond 3 only

78. [n an nssembly line. what f~ Ute balanec dOia)'! lL Lim: d'Jkicocy l 00 b. 100 · Line ol)jcicnc) (inperccntJtge)

Line ~fficicocy c. JOO

d. Non.: of Ute aboVe ~. u· the li.xed cost of the assets fo• " given

P"riod doubles. thou bu" much will lh<> break-even quapLiLy become'/

"· original ' 'alm: b. Sarno :t.._ thu origin-' I value ~. Twlcc llteot'igln.,l value d. Four timolltho urig,in•l volue

80. Mot~ List • f II ith l~iJt ll and ~de.:tlhe ~orrett mlSWet tL10-ing


U<t - I crerm) A. Dummy activity B. l'' riLicaJ p~tb C I'Eln activity 0 . C'rit ical path method l.J.<L -11 (Choractenstb) 1.. Follow• p distribution 2. h is buih on notivity•oricnted dlagrant 3. Construi!ted only to cstibllsh seqoonce 4 . ll:t.S 'lU1'0 'lotol s lnck Co<le:o;

1\ B c :1! 3 4

b. -! 2 ~


c. :> ~ 2 d. + 2 l

D 2 I I 3

Coll5idtr rollowmg slnt~ments;-

PERT OOWiidiX'S e.<tim;11es

I. t)ptimi~tic time 2. Peuimistic: time 3, Mo~l like ly lime

tl1C following timu

Whk h nf 1ho ·~lntemenls g•w 11 abo1•e 11rc correo::t'l

trJ of 14 •. 1., 2 :md 3 h. I and 2 unly c. 3 only d. I ;md 3 only

82. Which one of tho folJ(lwing >l>llltn<'lll$ is not totreOV/ a. J>Ein is probabilislrc and CPM L•

dete•·nunJstic:. b. In PERT. dVer1ts nrc us.:d nnd In CPI\•1

activities rue usc:d c. to CPJI.t the probobility to complete

the pcoj~t in Jl given time..durntion l" c.alculated

d. In Cl'i\ I crashing is en mod out ll~. \Vltich t>f tile foll•1wing ttre I he benefit~ of

lnvenlDI')' ·.:oou•ol'l l. hoprovemunl in customer's

relaliooship. 2 Ecouonty in pllf<:lli!Sing. 3. Elimin>tion of lhc poasibility of

duplicotc ordering. ScleQt the conect ~n<l"¢1' !.<!lin& lite ~ode given below a. 1., 2 :ond ' b l and 2 onl} c. 2 •nd 3 only d. I ond ~ (lll)y

84. Match l..ill • I with Lt•t • II and select the co n-eal answer usmg the code g.weu helow th<> lists :


list-r A. PmcUI'I)O:teo l cost.

B. CruTylng eost C. EconOmic order ~uaultt)' D. Roordl:f' point I. Cost nrhCildin.g malcri3l$ 2 Cost ol' rccei' ing ordd' 1. J'rocllf<:ment leo~ time ~. B~tak-ewn •Miysis Codes:

A B c .1)

l'u tbt: HUQ mod"l. lf tli<: unit urtlot·ing ~usl Is doubled. theEOQ a. 1s hAlved b. 1$ doubled c. Increase,; l.~l4

d. Decrease.~ 1.414 timo'



Consider the followin!l ~l•tem<'tlUJ' I. lu (" l.onguagcr. hlllh dloto and do~

function Lhnt np..-alo nn lhot dolo arc combined into • 5inglc unit c:olled objuc1.

2. Alnoosl '" Cl') com:ct slolcmcnt on C' i! :~00 a tOf"'''XI .hUiemenl m C' ~ •, although lhc met'!lc o< n<~ true

\\'ho~h uflhc gllltcmC<liJ 81\ en ~00\ c '' Arc COn'o.:t?

"- lonh b 20nl) c. Bolh I and 2 d l'>e~ther I nor 2 (he anlhmeb< o:.•pn:UKln 2.4 .. ~ 0 "illl>e

o:ompUicd b) lhc FORTR..-'-''l compila .s; ... 2.4•2.4·2.~

b. 10' 01 .. I O~j

.:. c'" log c21

J. 2 -1•2..t•J.O 88. Wbicll one of ~~e foUtmin& .ubroulinco

doc& • computer inorlcmmiAIIOn vf llo~ 5implex o'<lullne re<1uirc'l n, Pinding a mro1 or• pollynnmia[ 1!. Solvong a sysrcm of linear <:qu>toon• c. finding tho determinant or a R131l1X

d. Finding tho cis•~• vnlue of • molrht 89. Which om: of tho followons is not the

chnroctcm tic ul' oc.:cpi311Ce "mphns'l a. 'llll' '' widely ~uotoble on mlL<~

ptoductiOII b. ll C3U51:3 less foliguc to u~Speclors .:.. Thl! i.; much economical 1L 11 11i\ Cj !lelinil<: a«ul'lln¢e fvo the

confimn•liun uf ~'" spc~ilio41iun• foo •lithe pict'e'

•)(I If m Ill the numl•er of contlnlml~ in a linear pn>gr3mmong \\otll t\\ 0 '~n>blcs ;1. and) aotd non-uegJtl\ ot) c~IUU'Iinu " 0.) ~ 0. lhc feasible o.:giun in the gr.Jphicol 50iuooon '"" 1M: •urroundcd b) how m•nJ lmes?

• m b. m - I c. m - 2 <I m - 4

•it. \\ hic:.h on<: nf ~1c: fnlh"''"-ll 11 1h1: .:nrrccl •llltcmcol7 In the ~13nd>rd f'nm1 ut a lint:ior P"'W'•tnrnitt!! [!rohlcon. all C0<1!tmint.o. arc

a. of lc•s ~tan or e<1ulll 1o. t) pc h. of greater dtun t1t <XIIII Ito, I) pc ~ on the l"onn of equatioo11

II ut 1·1

d.. some- constrttints .:arc of less than c'lual 10. type and some of M••ater lh•n <:<1uol Ul.lype

92. Which one of lhe folio\\ ing .:.>me:! lh~ whirling of !lufu'! a. Non-hollltlgcncity of .b.illllllllcnal

b. 1\lliiliJ:ument ufbc.uing• c. FluctuJtioo of spctd d. lntemllltbmpmi!

93. In order for • lrln:<piratiun motri.' "bi.!h hao six ro"' •nd four <alutnnJ, not to be deg.,cr:ue, ho\\ much mUSI b<: the numh...­of aUOQted oelb In lhc maui"t7 • . 6 b. 9 c. 15 d. 2~

<1-1. C'unJfitler lhc tolh"(ing bl~kmcnt., '11oe assognrnent probletn os seen to he the spocoal case of lhc lrilllSpoot.tion 111'0bkm in wluch (Tho •_vmbols h•yu Ute u~ual mCllning)

1. " ' n 2. • " ~i 1 3. xy 1 Which of tbo> •l.'lt=cnlll l!,iwn allo\,~ :u~ corro:t1 1 1 t 2~nd3

b. I ond 2 onl}

c 2 ond 3 o>nl) d. 1 ond 3 unl)

?S If ~Vt:r.JSC •rrh•l rnte on • •rueue '-' 6 hr, •nrl the 0\er.tgc ~Cf\ h:c: rntc i< tO hr. "hiob IItle of lh.: follo\\ ing ~ the "' mgc number of emtomcn in lhc line. indudinJ the CU$Iomcr bemJ! """'C<f/ • 03 b. 06

"· 11 d. 15

96. If the number of arrh11l• in • queue follows lhe Poisson distn1mtion. lhct1 the inter .. rival tim.: ob.:) > whicb on" of the foUowing Ji~tributions? 3 . Poisson ·s dJStribui.JOo b. Negative W<p<!ocntiJlll.-\

c Nonmll di$\ribution d. 13inominl

97, Cl:mstdcr Ute lbllowittg. loll ower mQiicms ln respect of 11 given hfl. speed of rotnllon and Ofl2k or 51rokc ot' n com. I CycloidaJ mOiiC)n 2. Simple harmomc motion J . Umfunn vcloctly motmn Which one tlf the following Is the correct :;cqucnc<' of Lhc above in the llllSoondiog ordl.'r of maximum veloc-Ity'/ a, ~2-1 b. 1-2-3 a. 1- 3 l d 3-1-:!

'18, I I' a % h~lix. wtj;le, und 1', = circular pitch: lhl.'n whiah one of lhe l'olloWin!! correcth• e.xpresses 1h~ a.~ml pitch ofn hcliculgenr'f a. p cosa

b .JL ~OS(,(

c. ~ can tt

d . p, sinq

1)9 111 u slider-bar mcchallisttt, 11hen does Lhe conncctlll£ nxl have zero ungulur wlcx:ity? a. When ernnk nngle = 0° b. When crank angle= 90° c. When crnnl nnglc - 45" c.l. Nc~cr

I()() Titc turning moment cllngrom for 11 $ingle cylinder double acting ~te1u11 tnginc consist> nr ~ vc and ·Yr:- loctr~ utt.we nnd bclo\\ ihc avoraga torgue line F11r tht +vc lnQp. the mtin of the SJ!CCd~ of the ny,~hc!~l nt the b~b'Tmting iUl~ lha und is whicb one of tile lbllowin~~ n Less than unit)• b e ,lUill tO 111111~ c. C Miter thun unity d. Zero

I ()I Which one M the fitiiOiviflg i~ tht cw't'<'l!t Mat~nwnt?

l<> Jllcsltlng, gears with involutes _ge.r teeth. ll1e contnCI bc_gms at the intersection l•l· thu 11, I in~ or net ion und th< nddendum c:in:lo

lll'th~ drhun ge>~r

l ~ofll

b lin~ ol ncuon und the pitcb cirtlc or the driven gl)ar

c. dedendum circle o[ dte driver gem: und the addendum circle t•f llte driveu Jl.ear

d. addendum ccrcle of the drtvcr gear and the pitch crrclc ol'thedtivcn gear

I 02. lmorfcn.:ncc l>ctwccn Ute teeth of 1\\0 meshing involutes gcur.s can be reduced or cwnimlled by: I increasing ll\C addendum of the gear

teeth and correspondingly reducing· the addendum ot't11c pinion.

2. rcducmg the prcssur~ ungjc llf the tMh ofth~ meshingJ!eOrs.

l inc:r~:tsiug, tho ccmre ~lstnuce.

Whc~h t>t' the stnlcments jpvcn above rslnre \!orrect'.' a. I and 2 b. 2 1111113 c, I only d_ 3 only

I 03 What is lire tlireCir1nr t>l' I he C11rk•lis compoJ>Cnl of accclernlloJ1 ro a slulleu levt:r·c:runk mechumsm'!

liJ I.

a. Al!lng the sliding vtlucity vector b. Along the t.lim:tiort ofth~ cmuk c_ Along s hnc rotated WO .from the

slidang velocily vector rn n drn.'CIIOn opposit" to the nngular 'elocny of !he sloll.:d lever

d. Along n Jlne roWed oo• from the sliJing vcloc1ty 1 ecior en u din.--ction same as I hot or the angatlur vclllcit) of the >lotted le1<r

Raclus of rcbllon ~

The conlrolling force curves lor n spring­controlled !WYcrnor ore ~hown in the above ligure. Whrch curve reprcsems a stable gov~mor'! a. I h 2

c. ~

d 4

105. For a govcruor running at consumt spc~d. what is the value of the tbrcc acting on the ~lceve?

IL Zero b. Variable depending upon the Joad c. Maximum d. MTnimum

106. What is tbc condition li>r dynamic balancing of a shaft-rotor system?


1L 1:M = OnmJ!F = Il b. t M 2 1)

~. 1: F = O d. EM•I:F=O

3 2

PrimarY Primary


dorect C1lWlkS "''"""' qan1<s

I W = Weigh! or reoiprocating parts per cylinder) For u. three-c) Iinder nulinl engine. !he prirnul) and I,!Jn:cl reverse crunk.~ ore as ~huwn in th" ubovc ligur~-s. Which one of lhe lbllowing pair> is nol corrcelly m(ltehcd in th is rcgnrd'!

JW u. l'rimury IJirecl ft)fc" -· -m~ ,,.


h. Primal) ~"'""rse force ..• Zel'll ~ Primary direct crank speed ... w

d. J'rimal) te\'erse crank speetl ·-·2•.u l 08. A untfonn bar. fsxed at on~ end carries n

hen1•y ~onceutntted maJ,, nl the oth<.".r <nd. l h~ >)'stem is executing longitudinnl vibml illnS. I he inert in of I he bar may be iJilo a~connl h)' \Yhich one nf 1he following portions of tho mass of the har u1 the free end? a. 513R.J. b, 1/.J1! r:. 331140 d. Ill

l ()'), 1\ m<ltion i~ ap<riodic <ll 11-hu1 wlw \If th~ dM1ping, f•ctor'l IL 1.11 ur ubcwc


b. 0,5

"· U.J d. 0.860

.. k

A roll ing disc ol' radius ·r' and muss ·m· Is connected 10 one.: end of a linear spring of stiffness '"''·as shown in the above ligure. The nmural frequent)' of oscilla1 ion is li\ivco by wlllch one of the follo\\ing'?

a. 1'1=~2 " 3m

b. ltJ~ {1: vm c. m-lf ll. 11J = {1i: v-;-

11 1 111116 20 wir~ ro[lll. No. 6 intlicnnes the a. dinmeter of the wire rope i11 mm b. number of strand.< in 1h~ wir.: mre c. nunlben1f wire:. d. !:l'l"8" number 11f tbr:. wn·e

112. Which one uf lhe liliii)Wing statement~ rdming 10 hell drives is corr.,.,l'! a. Thi: rolationnl ;-pc~ds of th~ pullc) >nrc

ufreclly pruponionuJ 10 I heir diluncterJ; b. 'rhe leneth of the crossed belt increases

US the ~Uill. o( the diUniL'It!I'S or the pult~'S im:reases

.:. The cr(\llning of Lh~ pulleys is dMc 10 mukc the <lril'c Slunly

d. •n,~ ~lip ineroas~ the velocity ml io 113. II Ioree •f ' is to be trnnsmiucd through a

Slllla~·lhrendcd puwcr screw Into a nut. If •r is tbe bcigbl. of tbc nut and 'd' is the miuor diumet~r. thdl which one of tile following Is 1 he ul'emgc ~h.,.•r ~tress Ovl!r thncrcw thn<llJ ·~

:21· a. mil F b.




4F ci


In the MmpouJul g_ertr ttnin ~hown iu 1he uhm•e ligure. ~cars A and C huve equal uumbel'll or te<>th und &~nrs B :md D hHI'~ c:quul nouubers uf 1ectlo . Wheu A ru1au:s olt 800 rpm, 0 f(IUtl£\! Ul 200 l]lnt Th~ 1'(1t:lliona1 sp<:ed uf compound 1!,<'11J'S IK would then be 8, 300 rpm \1 , 400rpm .:. 500 mm d, 600 Jl)Ul

115. Under !l<!rvlco condiuuns ln1·oh inl!,jttmn~t. 'ibmlion nnd polsution nf' ~tc 1\orl,ng load, lhe bolt of choice IHiuld be'' u. short bolt wilb h1l!,h ri~Jdity b long bolt with incmJSCd} c. hniJ with n d1shdd wash~r d boll with ca.~ tie nul

I., 1!. Gc-Ming conwot i> which vue ur the followin!J.'I a. Sliding conlsct b. !)lidm!l lllmlnVt. only rt)lhng ot. pi1eh


c. Rolling «HliU<1

d. Rolling nud ~llrung i1l cuch poipt of contact

1 17 Assertion Ci\). For rlrillina C'dSt iron. tho lnul ~~provided willo n point angk ~mnllcr thun 1hat rcquirtd for a duc1ile illllterinl. l~cnson (R): Smalkr poinl nnglc r~~Uh• 111 lower rake nngk

14 u( II o. Born A and R are individur~ly true 1llld

R is Uot correct explanation of A. b. Both A und R ur~ indil·iduall) true but

R ;,; ltOithe corn:d "'Phut8JIOU or A.

c. A •s true but R L~ false cl A is false bm R is true

118, Assertflln (A): Orcotcr fon:e on Lbc plunger 1$ rc<JulrcJ In unse uf dlrc<t cxtmsion lhnn mdfrcct one lka<ou (R): 1n cao;;o ordin!!ll extrusiotL the dirccuoo of ~Jc force applied on the plunger and the difecuon of tlie movement of the ~~tmded m~tal un: lhc same. a. Both A nnd R arc iudividuulf) true artd

R is lltc cnrn:cl "-'plunation or'\. b. lloth A nod R nrc mdJviduall) 1ruc but

R ts nol 1h0- correct cxplm10Uon of A c. A IR true hut R is fnl~t: J. A 1s iillsc bm R i~ true

119. AssenJon (/\): In 11 muhJspindlc automatic )nthc. lite lurrc! tool holder 1~ utdc•cd to,> en!!ngc lbc cutting roots one by one lbr successive machlnin@. oper~uous.

Rcast)n (It). Turret [q u mulllple 10nl bolder so Uml for suc~os~tv~ mnchlnJng opernuon, the 1ools needs no I b• th~og_~d a. 13Mb i\ ""d R arc indMdunlll 1me nnd

R 1s the com:cl cxplnnoLion oi' A. b Ooth A nnd R ar~ individo1niLv true but

R i~ nm Lbe correct cxpiiiDJltioo Qf A. c. A is tmc bm R is fulsc d A JS tillsc but R is true

120 AMCrlion I AI: VJ,(uc cnginccl'ing il. u lcchlllq\'~ appli~d 10 compete on tbc marKet only ot lbe Lime of ullroducaiou of a 11rt\duc1 or Scf\•ice Reason fRl: lncreasurg the lim~uonal wonh of a producl appn:cmbly. kc'Cpmg the C-DSL OllllOSI COilSIOOL IS the real ubjeeuvco of value en~ineerint:r

a. Both A a11d R ore iudMdunll> true 1llld R 1!! llte ~orree~ o.\'jllanation or A.

b. Both ;\ aod R an: lndivJdually true. but R k~ not the correcl c~planahtlfl of 1\.

C'. A is true but R Is false tL A is false bUJ H is 1ruc