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  • 7/28/2019 ie1023029


    Published: April 11, 2011

    r 2011 American Chemical Society 5959| Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 59595974


    Parametric Study of Gasification Processes in a BFB Coal GasifierL. M. Armstrong, S. Gu,*,, and K. H. Luo

    Energy Technology Research Group, School of Engineering Sciences,University of Southampton, SouthamptonSO171BJ,United KingdomXian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, No.111 Renai Road, Suzhou Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou 215123, China

    ABSTRACT: An Eulerian-Eulerian computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the gasification processes in a coal bubblingfluidized bed (BFB) is presented based on the experimental setup taken from the literature. The base model is modified to accountfor different parameter changes in the model setup. The exiting gas compositions for the base model have been averaged over timeand validated with experimental data and compared to the exiting results for the different parameter models. An extensive study isalso carried out which considers the variation of different parameters such as bed temperatures, bed height, bed material, heattransfer coefficients, and devolatilization models influenced the gasification processes in different ways. Such an extensive parametricstudy has yet to be carried out for an Eulerian-Eulerian coal gasification model.


    Recent environmental concerns with regards to increasedgreenhouse emissions has prompted the search for cleaner coalthermal conversion technologies. Ensuring a moreefficient burn outof the fuel is one step closer to achieving this. Bubblingfluidized bedgasifiers (BFBG) arewidely utilized in industry dueto their excellentmixing properties and high residence times leading to a moreefficient gasification process. The experimental determination ofoptimal gasification conditions including the addition of catalysts,e.g. limestone, to reduce harmful emissions is expensive. A compu-

    tational fluid dynamic (CFD) model capable of predicting suchemissions would be highly beneficial.

    CFDmodeling hasshown to be a viable tool for thesimulationof complex gassolid flows and heat transfer processes that takeplace in fluidized bed technologies (FBT). Yet the incorporation ofthe complex species transport equations and reactions within themodels have been very limited due to the high computational cost.However, the increase in computer performance and capabilities inrecent years allows for such complex models to be carried out. Theincorporation of gasification reactions into Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid modeling (TFM) has only recently been considered sinceresearch continues to focus on the improvement of the basicgassolid flow models and rheologies. Yet the authors feel thatcurrent models display reasonable enough results to consider the

    incorporation of species and reaction modeling especially since theslight improvements that could be obtained through the modifica-tion of such gassolid flow models; e.g. drag models; would notgreatly affect the reaction rates and species release of the gaseousproducts.

    TFM is the most frequently applied method for the gassolidflow16 and heat transfer modeling710within FBT as it assumesthe gas and solid phases as continuous and fully interpenetratingwithin each control volume. It is less computationally exhaustive incomparisonto the Eulerian-Lagrangianmethod which simulates theindividual particle dynamics.1113 A combination of the Eulerian-Eulerian model and the Eulerian-Lagrangian model was consideredlooking into the flow dynamics, heat transfer, and reaction kineticsof one or two Lagrangian biomass particles interacting with anEulerian-Eulerian bubbling bed of inert sand.1422 Although this

    approach is highly beneficial for the investigation at an individualparticle dynamic scale, the simulation was limited to up to 5.0 s inphysical time and its practicality on large-scale industrial reactors isnot feasible. Hence, this method does not prove to be computa-tionally viable for realistic models which contain far more fuelparticlesand require simulations over a longerperiod to allow fortheachievement of possible steady state conditions and the statisticalconvergence of averaged results.

    The combustion and gasification processes have been con-sidered for a number of decades. An early comprehensive mathe-

    matical model was produced starting with simplified chemicalreactions to determine emission predictions.23 The first model tobe regarded as a fully complete model considered fluidizationmodeling (FM) which models the emulsion phase and the bubblesthrough to the mass balance of the drying and devolatilizationprocesses.24 Unfortunately, FMs so far do not consider the fullycomplex gas-particle dynamics that CFD considers; however, theystill maintain the multiphase flow dynamics with the inclusion ofsemiempiricalfluid-dynamic correlations for theflowbehaviorinthebed. This model considered the drying and devolatilization pro-cesses to occur noninstantaneously, whereas Chejne et al.25 con-sidered these processes as instantaneous since drying and devola-tilization take place very quickly in fluidized beds.

    A number of devolatilization models have been implementedpreviously including the constant model,26,27 single rate model,28

    and the Kobayashi model.29,30 The most basic devolatilizationmodel assumes the release of volatiles to occur at a constantrate26where the rate was later suggested to be 12/s.27 The singlerate model28 assumes the rate of the volatile release is first-orderdependent based on the amount of volatiles remaining in the coal.Unfortunately these models rely on data which would be specific todifferent coals; therefore, the general utility of the models would belimited to the available data extracted from the coals.

    Received: November 18, 2010Accepted: March 30, 2011Revised: March 10, 2011

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    Recently Eulerian-Eulerian modeling has been consideredwhere Yu et al.31 carried out a two-dimensional Eulerian-Eulerianmodel of the gasification of Colombian coal based on experimentaldata from the literature.32 Their model included the pyrolysis,heterogeneous reactions, and homogeneous reactions and producedreasonable results for a sand bed. Their work was further extended tothree-dimensions, also obtaining reasonable results.33 However, theirmodel considered a single solid phase for the coal and sand which iscomputationally more efficient but unrealistic. Our previous workconsidered a separate phase for the solid phases.34 Our findingshighlighted that the use of multiple phases better represents the bedbehavior due to its ability to segregate phases of different materialproperties. Our previous work was also extended to incorporate

    limestone into the bed material which was the actual bed materialused in the experimental data allowing for improved bed dynamicsand the inclusion of limestone calcination. Unfortunately, theprevious models only consider theeffectsof basic parametervariation,i.e., gas inlet velocities and reactor temperatures. There are a numberof issues that can effect the gasification process including the amountof charavailable to instigate heterogeneous reactions, the inclusion ofheat transfer coefficients, and bed height. Furthermore, previousresults suggest that the steady gaseous compositions are achieved asearly as 10.020.0 s;34 therefore, extended simulationstimes need tobe performed to confirm this assumption.

    Limestone calcination was introduced to fluidization model-ing (FM) by deSouza-Santos24 and also adopted by Chejneet al.25 Our previous work introduced limestone calcination to

    Eulerian-Eulerian CFD modeling highlighting that with a smallresidence time of 100.0 s slight changes in the gaseous compositionwere observed for a bed of char and limestone with a 50:50 ratio.34

    However the residence time needed to be increased significantly inorder to observe an almost complete conversion as found by Wanget al.35 who investigated the effects of temperature and residencetime on thedecomposition of limestoneof similar sized particlesin aCO2 atmosphere andfound that with a BFBtemperature of 1193.15K, the residence time for over 73% conversion of CaCO3 to CaOwas approximately 70 min.

    The present work expands on our previous work34 using anEulerian two-fluid model for multiple phases to determine theeffects of different parameter variations in the setup and models.User-defined functions (UDFs) are developed for two devolati-

    lization models, while the initial conditions are varied in tem-perature, heat transfer coefficients, bed height, and bed material.

    The simulated results of the base model are compared to resultsgiven in the literature first and further to the different modelsetups. Finally, limestone calcination is further expanded fromour previous work to determine the effects of different bed ratiosand over a longer period of time. This study is the first extensiveparametric study to be carried out for an Eulerian-Eulerian coalgasification model.


    The Eulerian-granular model in ANSYS 12.0 was used tomodel the interactions between three phases: one gaseous phaseand two granular particle phases within a fluidized bed takenfrom the literature.32 This model was chosen over the Eulerian-Lagrangian models as it is computationally more efficient withregards to time and memory. The model allows for the presenceof the different phases in one control volume of the grid byintroducing the volume fraction variable. The solid phases, onefor limestone and the other for coal, both contain sphericalgranular particles of the same diameter. The phases are solvedindividually using the mass and momentum equations. Thekinetic fluctuations between particles are considered using thekinetic theory of granular flow. The virtual mass and lift effectsare negligible as the lift only affects particles of large diametersand this is not the present case. A complete description of themathematical models that are utilized in the present work aregiven previously.34

    The solution procedure is given in Figure 1. The properties ofthe fluid, i.e., densities etc., are initially patch to the system. Themomentum equation is solved using the properties available tocalculate the relevant closure equations, i.e., drag, granulartemperature, stresses. The values are then used to calculate thepressure correction equation36 such that the continuity equationis satisfied and updates the velocities and mass. The remainingscalar equations, i.e., energy, turbulence, and species equations,are then solved. If it has not converged an additional iteration isperformed, whereas if it has then the fluid properties are updatedwith those obtained and the cycle can begin again with the nexttime step. The commercial software ANSYS 12.0 was used tosolve the governing equations. The discretization of the con-vective terms was carried out with the second-order upwind

    scheme. A time step of 1 104

    was used to ensure quickconvergence with a maximum of 100 iterations per time step.

    Figure 1. Solution procedure carried out in the present work.

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    Although the model is the same as that carried out previously,34an additional devolatilization model is considered in the presentmodel. A single rate model28 assumes the rate of the volatile releaseis first-order dependent based on the amount of volatiles remainingin the coal. The kinetic rate of volatile release is given as

    Coal sfk

    CharVolatile 1

    k A expE



    where A = 4.92 105 s1 and E = 7.4 107J/kgmol.The Kobayashi two-equation method30 instantaneously han-

    dles the devolatilization of coal and volatiles release was carriedout in our previous work.

    Coal sfk1

    1 Z1S1 Z1V1 3

    Coal sfk2

    1 Z2S2 Z2V2 4

    ki Ai expEiRTp


    Si represents the charthat is unreacted, Vi is the volatile produced,and the yield factors are given byZi. Kobayashi et al.

    30 recommendsthat Z1be set to the fraction of volatilesdetermined by the proximate

    analysis as it represents devolatilization at lower temperatures. Z2should be set close to unity as it is the yield of volatiles at hightemperatures. The rate constants k1 and k2 are given in Arrheniusform whereA1 = 2 10

    5 s1,A2 = 1.3 107 s1,E1 = 1.046 10


    J/kgmol, E2 =1.67 108J/kgmol, Z1 = 0.418, and Z2 = 1.0.

    An overview of the heterogeneous and homogeneous reac-tions that take place in the present work are given in Table 1.

    Initial and Boundary Conditions. The present work was setup according to the experimental study of Colombian coal byOcampo et al.32 and is an extension of our previous work.34 Usingthe Eulerian-Eulerian model, the solid phases made up an initial bedof limestone and char that was set to the height of 1.0 m with avolume fraction of 0.48; an equal volume fraction was used for thetwo solid phases of 0.24 each. The solids properties, operating

    conditions, and experimental results are given in Table 2. For thetwo-dimensional results, a base case is carried out using model 1 in

    Table 2. The other models will be considered for the three-dimensional simulations. Figure 2 displays a sketch of the modelsetup used.

    A two-dimensional mesh was created using 2215 quadrilateralcells. The cell size in the horizontal direction was 0.01 m, while the

    vertical direction was set to 0.02m creating a domain of (22 100)cells as used previously.31,37 The region near the coal inlet wasfurther reduced to a minimumof 0.0004m horizontally and0.0008mvertically to correctly capture the devolatilization characteristicsnear the fuel inlet. The cells near thewall were not refined furtheras the purpose of the model was to capture the gasificationprocesses within the bed and not the near wall behavior.

    The three-dimensional simulations will is carried out using amesh of 66243 cells. The cell size in the horizontal direction wastaken to be 0.02 m, while the vertical direction was set to 0.02 m.Similarly, the three-dimensional mesh refines the region near thecoal inlet further to a minimum of 0.0004 m horizontally and0.0008 m vertically to correctly capture the devolatilizationcharacteristics near the fuel inlet as the fuel is introduced.

    Boundary conditions forthe gas phase were set to no-slip, and forthe particulate phase a tangential slip condition was imposed.38

    Table 1. Heterogeneous, Homogeneous, and Calcination Reactions with Their Kinetic Rate Constants

    heterogeneous reactions kinetic rate constants reaction

    C O2 f CO2 KArr1 = 1.04 105Tc exp((11200)/(Tc)) R1

    C H2Of

    CO H2 KArr2 = 342Tc exp((15600)/(Tc)) R2C CO2 f 2CO KArr3 = 342Tc exp((15600)/(Tc)) R3

    C 2H2 f CH4 KArr4 = 3.42 103 exp((15600)/(Tc)) R4

    homogeneous reactions kinetic rate constants reaction

    CO 0.5O2 f CO2 K1 = 1.0 1015 exp((16000)/(Tg))CCOCO2

    0.5Fg1.5 R5

    H2 0.5O2 f H2O K2 = 5.159 1015 exp((3430)/(Tg))T


    2.5 R6

    CH4 2O2 f 2H2O CO2 K3 = 3.552 1014 exp((15700)/(Tg))T

    1CCH4CO2Fg2 R7

    CO H2O S H2 CO2 K4 = 2780 exp((1510)/(Tg))[CCOCH2O (CCO2CH2)/(0.0265 exp(3968/Tg))] R8

    limestone calcination kinetic rate constants reaction

    CaCO3 f CaO CO2 Kcal = (3.07 1011)/(3.336 107p exp(20269/Tl)) exp((24670)/(Tl)) R9

    Table 2. Characteristics of Solids

    coal properties

    proximate analysis (wt%)

    moisture 2.6

    volatile matter 41.8

    fixed carbon 54.1

    ash 1.5

    ultimate analysis (wt%)

    carbon 75.3

    hydrogen 5.4

    oxygen 15.6

    nitrogen 1.8

    sulfur 0.4

    ash 1.5

    others limestone coal char

    mean particle size (mm) 0.60 0.62 0.60

    apparent density (kg/m3) 2700 1250 450

    high heating value (kJ/kg) 29695

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    Devolatilization Modeling. Two devolatilization modelswere tested, and the mole fractions of their gaseous productsare compared with experimental data in Figure 3. Both modelsagree fairly well with the experimental data although there is adistinct variation in the mole fraction of CO2. The low concen-tration of CO2 compared to that observed from the experimental

    data was determined previously


    as a result of bed materialcomposition where the experimental bed consisted primarily oflimestone, whereas this model is formed of both char andlimestone in a 50:50 ratio. As a result, the char consumed CO2faster via the Boudouard reaction (R3) subsequently leading to asignificant increase in CO. This also agrees with the findings ofGerber et al.39who carried out a simulation of a biomass BFBGwith a char bed. The concentrations of CH4 in Figure 3 areextremely low and not clear; therefore, Figure 4 focuses on theCH4 compositions. Both models underpredict the mole fractionof CH4 which could be down to the low mass fraction of CH 4given by the Loison and Chauvin correlation40 for the yield ofvolatiles released during devolatilization; therefore, a study of thevarious yield correlations would be advantageous. However, this

    would not produce an increase in CH4 using the Badzioch modelcompared to the Kobayashi model suggesting the different

    modeling assumptions of the devolatilization models would leadto this.

    Figure 5 displays the instantaneous mole fraction of thegaseous products over a 100.0 s period, through the outlet, forboth devolatilization models. It can be seen that the Kobayashi

    devolatilization model appears to have reached steady stateconditions for all gaseous species, whereas the Badzioch modeldoes not. The species CO and H2 increase in mole fraction withtime, whereas CO2 and H2O decrease slightly. This could be dueto the Kobayashi models incorporation of yield factors whichmodify the volatile release based on local temperature, whereasthe Badzioch model does not account for this. Since particles canmigrate due to the mixing behavior of the bed the local tem-perature would change. The Kobayashi model would recognizethis change in temperature and choose its volatile release accor-dingly, whereas the Badzioch model would assume the samevolatile release for lower temperatures as for higher tempera-tures. The increased concentration of these volatile species inregions of lower temperatures would promote more heteroge-

    neous reactions leading to a slight increase in their products,namely CO and H2 as observed in Figure 3.

    Figure 2. Experimental setup of the reactor.

    Figure 3. Mole fraction comparison of the gaseous products from theBadzioch andKobayashi modelswith experimentaldata from Ocampoet al.32

    Figure 4. The mole fraction comparison of methane, CH4, from the twodevolatilization models with the experimental data from Ocampo et al.32

    Figure 5. Theinstantaneous mole fraction of the gaseous products overa 100.0 s periodthrough the outlet for the a) Badzioch andb) Kobayashidevolatilization model.

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    The increase in H2 would explain why the concentration ofCH4 in Figure 4 is higher for the Badzioch model compared tothe Kobayashimodel.A higherconcentration of H2wouldinfluencethe methanation heterogeneous reaction resulting in an increase inCH4.Itwouldbebeneficial to allow theBadzioch model to continuerunning for a longer period to allow for steady state conditions to beachieved.Sincethe Badzioch devolatilization modeldoes notappearto have reached steady state conditions after 100.0 s with regards tomole fraction composition, the Kobayashi model was carried out forthe remaining parametric models.

    Bed Material. As discussed in the previous section, thecomposition of char and limestone can greatly influence theconcentration of the gaseous products. Additional models werecarried out modifying the base case which had a bed with a 50:50

    ratio (char:limestone) to a limestone dominating bed (25:75) andchar dominating bed (75:25). The mole fraction of the gaseousproducts are given in Figure 6. It is clear that increasing thepercentage of char in the bed results in an increase in CO anddecrease in CO2. This is due to a higher presence of char promotingthe combustion reaction leading to more CO2being produced. TheCO2 is consumed by theBoudouardreaction(R3) to produce moreCO. Increasing the amount of char would increase the instances ofall heterogeneous reactions taking place, including further up thebed where the steamgasification reaction(R2) producesfurther COandH2. This isalsoobservedin Figure6 where there isan increaseinthe concentration of H2 with increasing char content.

    Figure 7 shows the average mole fraction of O2 at differentheights near the air inlet for the three bed ratios of char:limestone,

    namely 25:75, 50:50, and 75:25. It can be seen that the bed with the25:75 ratio model has a higher mole fraction of O2 at all three

    heights 0.01 m, 0.015 m, and 0.02 m. The average mole fractiondecreases with increasing char quantity as more char is available to

    participate in heterogeneous combustion. Since a lower char tolimestone ratio has a higher O2 concentration further up the bed,oxidation reactions can take place more over a great area leading toan increase in CO2 and H2O as can be seen in Figure 6.

    It is worth highlighting that the limestone calcination modelwas carried out in all instances; therefore, an assumption could bemade that increasing the amount of limestone would result in anincrease in CO2 due to its release during the calcination process.However, we showed previously34 that after 100.0 s the calcinationprocess only released a small amount of CO2. This agreed with thefindings of Wang et al.35 who found that for similar conditions ittook approximately 70minfor roughly 73% conversion of limestoneinto CO2 and CaO. To further highlight the effects of limestonecalcination a bed consisting of 100% limestone was modeled with

    inert limestone and calcinating limestone. The results given inFigure 8 show a completely different composition compared to thatgiven with char present. This is due to the heterogeneous reactionsonly taking place with the limited char produced by the devolatiliza-tion process. A closeup of the products, CO, CO2, H2, and CH4, inFigure 9 shows a significant increase in the concentration of CO2due to limestone calcination; however, as expected this increase isonly slight in comparison to the influence heterogeneous reactionshave on the gaseous compositions.

    The low concentrations on CO, H2, and CH4 are due to thehomogeneous reactions taking place throughout the bed asopposed to beds containing char where the reactions are limitedto O2 enriched near-inlet region. Since there is very little char inthe bed O2 does not get consumed; therefore, the volatile pro-

    ducts released near the fuel inlet are consumed via the oxidationhomogeneous reactions producing CO2 and H2O (Figure 8).

    Figure 6. Average mole fraction of the gaseous products through theoutlet for varying bed compositions.

    Figure 7. Average mole fraction of O2 at different heights near the airinlet for the three bed compositions.

    Figure 8. Average mole fraction of the gaseous products with a bedcontaining only inert limestone or calcinating limestone.

    Figure 9. Close up of the gaseous composition of theproducts fora bedof inert and calcinating limestone.

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    Bed Height Variation. Our previous work34 showed that thewater-gas shift had not reached equilibrium for a bed height of100 cm, so in the present study simulations were carried outwith various bed heights. The results given in Figure 10 showthe instantaneous mole fraction of the gaseous species over a100.0 s period for bed heights of 50 cm, 75 cm, 100 cm, and

    125 cm. The increased magnitude of the fluctuations withincreasing bed height indicate that the water-gas shift has nothad sufficient time to reach equilibrium before exiting thereactor. It is commonly acknowledged that it is highly unlikelyfor water-gas shift reaction to reach equilibrium within lab scalereactors due to the reduced area of freeboard space. A bedheight of 50 cm in Figure 10a) shows a significant reduction inthe fluctuation of the gaseous species upon exit. This lower bedheight increases the area of the freeboard providing more spacefor the relevant species, namely CO, CO2, H2, and H2O, tocompete in the water-gas shift reaction thus indicating thatequilibrium can be obtained in a small scale reactor providingthe freeboard is sufficiently tall enough. The bed height of125 cm shows very strong fluctuations since the average mole

    fraction results are taken at 200 cm leaving limited space for thespecies to adapt through the water-gas shift reaction.

    From as early as 5.0 s the composition of the species throughthe outlet remains relatively steady with the fluctuations varyingdepending on bed height. The mole fractions of N2 and CH4

    appear more consistent with average mole fractions of approxi-mately 55% and 0.02%, respectively, although CH4 is so low thatit is not as apparent in the graph. This is due to their nonparti-cipation in any of the reactions except for the methanationreaction where the reaction rate is small and would not influencegreatly the variation in CH4 fluctuations.

    It can be seen however that lower bed heights, 50 and 75 cm,displaya gradual increase in CO and H2 species over time indicatingthat for such a small bed height the compositions do not reach asteady state conditions compared to higher bed heights. This maybe due to smaller bed heights containing less char; therefore, CO2and H2O would not be consumed as effectively through hetero-geneous reactions. Such high concentrations of CO2 and H2Owould affect the water-gas shift reaction leading to the gradual

    increase in their opposing species H2 and CO. The mole fractionsof CO2 and H2 in Figure 11 decrease with increasing bed height asmore increasing char levels lead to more exposure of gases toheterogeneous reactions, while products of such reactions, CO andH2, increase with increasing bed height.

    Bed Temperature Variation. Our previous work,34 high-lighted how the local temperatures within the bed depend onwhich dominating reactions that are taking place locally. This wasseen to be due to the different reactions producing or consumingheat depending on whether they are exothermic or endothermic,respectively. Reactions are also highly temperature dependent;therefore, the effect of bed temperature on the composition ofthe exhaust gases is studied with models using temperatureslower (1078.15 K) and higher (1178.15 K) than the base case

    (1128.15 K). The average mole fraction of the gaseous speciesare given in Figure 12. Results show that bed temperature is animportant influence on the gasification processes. Increasing thetemperature results in an increase in CO and H2 species and adecrease in CO2 and H2O. This is due to the highly temperaturedependent heterogeneous reactions. As the temperature in-creases the reactions take place faster leading to a faster con-sumption of the reactants H2O and CO2 through the steamgasification reaction and Boudouard reaction, respectively. Thissubsequently leads to an increase in their products CO and H2,which is apparent in Figure 12.

    Figure 13 displays the instantaneous mole fraction of gaseousspecies through the outlet over a 100.0 s period. The fluctuationsof the four water-gas shift species increased in magnitude as the

    bed temperature increased. For the 1178.15 K bed the fluctua-tions were highly erratic possibly due to the levels of CO and

    Figure 10. The instantaneous average mole fraction of the gaseousspecies over a 100.0 s period for bed heights: a) 50 cm, b) 75 cm, c)100 cm, and d) 125 cm.

    Figure 11. The average mole fraction of each gaseous product throughthe outlet over a period of 100.0 s for varying bed heights.

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    H2O being the dominating species. These species react togetheras the forward reactants of the water-gas shift reaction; therefore,

    their dominance within the freeboard compared to the lowerlevels of the competing backward reactants would not allow for

    equilibrium to be achieved easily, especially in such a smallfreeboard area. Therefore, it can be assumed from Figure 10 and

    Figure 13 that should the two dominating species in the free-board be the reactants on the same side of the water-gas shiftreaction, e.g., CO and H2O being the reactants for the forwardreaction, then the attainability of equilibrium would be verydifficult. Having dominating species on both sides of thereversible reaction displays smaller fluctuations in the instanta-neous mole fractions indicating an improved chance of reachingequilibrium state.

    The water-gas shift reaction is dependent on concentration aswell as temperature; therefore, as the concentration of theforward reactants peaks the reaction takes place faster. Thisincreases the concentration of their products, CO2 and H2, whilecausing a sharp decrease in CO and H2O due their conversion.The continual supply of increased forward shift reactants byheterogeneous reactions and as products of the backward shiftreaction then leads to a peak in their mole fractions again startingthe cycle once more. Occasionally, there appears to be a dramaticpeak in CO and H2O, for example at approx. 38.0 and 72.0 s inFigure 13 (c). This could also be due to slight numericalinstabilities that can occasionally occur, particularly near the exitof the reactor where backflow could take place.

    Heat Transfer Coefficients. The model was adjusted toincorporate heat transfer at the walls with four different heattransfer coefficients, 2, 4, 6, and 8 W/m2 K. Since there were noactual experimental data providing information on relevant heattransfer coefficients for this setup, the values were chosen tomake similar comparisons with the results observed by Gerber

    et al.39

    for a biomass gasifier. The inclusion of heat transfercoefficients have a strong impact on the average gaseous tem-perature leaving the reactor as seen in Figure 14. Highertemperatures are observed with decreasing heat transfer coeffi-cients as the heat loss through the walls is reduced. This waspreviously observed by Gerber et al.39who also found, as seen inFigure 14, that lower heat transfer coefficients did not reachsteady state conditions while higher ones did.

    We observed the influence that temperature had on thegasification and homogeneous reaction rates in sectionFigure 11.However it can be seen in Figure15 that although the variation ofheat transfer coefficient greatly affects the exiting gaseoustemperature it does not affect the composition of the exitinggases. The average mole fraction of the gaseous products for the

    four different heat transfer coefficientsdoes not show a great dealof variation. This is due to the heat transfer coefficients only

    Figure 12. The average mole fraction of each gaseous product throughthe outlet over a period of 100.0 s for varying temperatures.

    Figure 13. The instantaneous mole fraction of gaseous species throughthe outlet over a 100.0 s period for bed temperatures a) 1078.15 K, b)1128.15 K, and c) 1178.15 K.

    Figure 14. The instantaneous average temperature through the outletover a period of 100.0 s for varying heat transfer coefficients (W/m2 K).

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    effecting the local wall regions and in the dense particulate bed

    this is neglected as the high bed temperature dominates. How-ever, in the freeboard the temperatures from the wall aretransported via convection through the gases therefore increas-ing the temperature in this region. The slight fluctuationsobserved in Figure 15 could be due to the variation in freeboardtemperature which affects the reaction rate of the water-gas shiftreaction. This would explain the larger difference being observedbetween the heat transfer coefficient of 2.0 W/m2 K and theother three coefficients as the temperature profile is significantlyhigher than the remaining coefficients in Figure 14.

    Extended Simulation Times. The instantaneous gaseouscompositions appear to be steady from as early as 10.020.0 s,andprevious assumptionsin the literature39,34have suggested thatthegaseous compositions reach steady state by 100.0 s. However it is

    worth extending the simulation times furtherto confirm this assump-tion. Unfortunately, due to the extensive times required to carry outthese reaction models a grid dependency check is performed todetermine appropriate cell sizes and time steps which would carry outthe simulations in a faster time without too much loss of accuracy.

    Table 4 displays twelve separate cases consisting of three gridsizes; a refined grid -0.01 m 0.01m, the base case grid -0.01 m0.02 m, and a coarse grid -0.02 m 0.02 m; that were modeledusing four different time steps: 0.00005 s, 0.0001 s, 0.0005 s, and0.001 s. The casesran for 20.0 s using the modelsetup of model 1,given in Table 3. For reference, the initial base case carried outthroughout this work, which was also applied previously for adifferent model in the literature,31,37 is given as case 6 in Table 4.

    Figure 16 displays the performance of the different cases

    showing the time taken in hours to run to 20.0 s along with thenumber of cells involved in the calculations using 8 processors. As

    expected,as thegridbecomes coarser thenumberofcells reducesandthetime taken to run thesimulations to 20.0 s reduces. Thevariationin time step impacts the duration of the run times greatly as smallertime steps requiremore time steps within thesameperiod of 20.0s tocomplete. Increasing the time step reduces the number of time stepsto be carried outbutincreases thenumber of iterations per time stepsrequired to ensure convergence is achieved. This is observed bylooking at the time difference between the models run with 0.0005and 0.001 s time steps.The time duration display very little differenceeven though the number of time for the 0.001 s time steps required

    half the number of time steps within the 20.0 s period. Due to thelarge time steps the model requires more iterations before reachingconvergence; therefore, timeis notnecessarily gained to benefit theselarge time steps.

    Theeffectofdifferent grid sizes can be seen in Figure 17 whichcompares the volume fraction of the gases at 20.0 s for thesmallest time step models: case 1, case 5, and case 9. The smallesttime step allows for very fast convergence; therefore, discrepan-cies seen would be due to grid size instead of a coarse time step.The finest grid,case 1, shows clear defined bubbles for both smalland large bubbles with the interaction between the bubbles anddense particulate phase being refined and the bubbles containinghigher gas volume fractions. The coarsest grid, case 9, howeverdisplays similar bubble structures except the bubbles appear larger as

    the interaction of the bubble with the bed appears thicker and alsothe bubbles appear to have lower volume fractions. This is again due

    Figure 15. The average mole fraction of the exiting gaseous productsfor the four different heat transfer coefficients (W/m2 K).

    Table 4. Grid Dependency Carried out with Different CellSizes and Time Steps

    case cell s ize horizontal (m) vertical (m) time step (s)

    1 0.01 0.01 0.00005

    2 0.01 0.01 0.0001

    3 0.01 0.01 0.0005

    4 0.01 0.01 0.001

    5 0.01 0.02 0.00005

    6 0.01 0.02 0.0001

    7 0.01 0.02 0.0005

    8 0.01 0.02 0.001

    9 0.02 0.02 0.00005

    10 0.02 0.02 0.0001

    11 0.02 0.02 0.0005

    12 0.02 0.02 0.001

    Figure 16. Performance of the different grid dependency cases whichran for 20.0 s.

    Table 3. Operating Conditions and Experimental Results

    operating conditions model 1 mod el 2 model 3 model 4

    air supply (kg/h) 21.9 17.0 19.4 21.9

    steam supply (kg/h) 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7coal feed (kg/h) 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0limestone feed (kg/h) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8air and steamtemp at entrance (K) 693.15 686.15 695.15 708.15temperature of reactor (K) 1128.15 1085.15 1114.15 1139.15

    experimental results model 1 model 2 model 3 model 4

    H2 (%) 8.53 8.84 9.36 7.88CO2 (%) 19.31 18.38 14.40 15.60N2 (%) 60.37 61.10 64.62 64.52CH4 (%) 0.84 1.07 1.34 1.01CO (%) 10.94 10.59 9.97 10.94

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    to the rough estimations made in local area, a smaller grid cell woulddetect a gas volume fraction of say 0.99 whereas a grid cell with twicethe size would average this value with the surrounding values in thecell which could contain more particles thus reducing the value. The


    ects of coarser averaging is particularly seen at the base of the bedwhere there are small bubble formations due to the endogenousproducts of heterogeneous reactions. The refined bed captures thesesmall bubble formations,whereas increasing the grid size reduces theability to capture them as rougher estimations are made with regardsto the local behavior within the vicinity.

    The mesh used in case 5 contains a horizontalgridsizewhich isthe same as case 1 but the same vertical grid size as case 9. Theformation of some smaller bubbles are captured at the lower

    regions of the bed. The large bubble at the top of the bed showsrefinement for thebubble interaction with the bed on the left andright side of the bubble; however, the top of this bubble and thebase of the react show the effects of the coarser grid in the verticaldirection as the results appear less refined. Different flowdistributions are achieved at the same time by the three models.As coarser grids produce rougher estimations for the flowdynamics these less accurate values would then be used tocalculate the results at the next time step. Continuation like thiswould subsequently lead to a different flow distribution in analready heterogeneously bubbling bed.

    The corresponding gas velocity vectors are given in Figure 18showing how much more refined the mesh in case 1 is comparedto the mesh in case 9. Each node gives the velocity value andwhich is scaled according to the local velocity of the gases.Comparison with Figure 17 shows the gas traveling faster in thedilute regions, i.e., through the bubbles, as the gas travels theeasiest route possible with the least resistance. Since bubbles

    contain a low concentration of particles, which act as obstacles,the gas prefers to travel via this route. Although the flow displaysa different distribution for the three cases at 20.0 s, the gasvelocities are very similar regardless of the grid size. A peakvelocity is observed in case 1 within a bubble which is signifi-cantly faster compared to the velocities observed in the other twocases; however, this would be due to the volume fraction of thegases in this region being very dilute (in Figure 17). Furthermore,it could also just be specific to the flow distribution captured atthis specific point in time.

    While the flow dynamics display slight differences between thegrid sizes, it is worth comparing the average gaseous composi-tions for all cases to determine the effects grid size has on thereaction kinetics. Figure 19 shows the exiting gaseous composi-

    tions which were average over a period of 10.0 s for each of thetwelve cases. There appears to be very little variation in theaverage gaseous compositions across all the models probablybecause any differences in the gaseous composition produced area result of averaging over coarser grids. These variations would be

    Figure 17. Gas volume fractions taken at 20.0 s for three different meshsizes using the smallest time step: case 1, case 5, and case 9.

    Figure 18. Gas velocity vectors taken at 20.0 s for three different mesh sizes using the smallest time step: case 1, case 5, and case 9.

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    slight and would be negligible by the time the gases reach theoutlet because the water-gas shift reaction would adjust thecompositions accordingly leading to similar compositions.

    For the benefit of modeling the gaseous composition alone, acoarsegridwouldworkjustaseffectivelyasa refinedgrid. Thecoarsergrid of 0.02 m 0.02 m will be utilized in the extended simulationmodels as the gaseous compositions are the main focus of this study;however, the time step chosen will be 0.0005 s, i.e., case 11, allowingfor a faster simulation time than the previously used case 6 withoutcompromising too much accuracy by increasing the time step. Alimestone dominated bed (char:limestone = 25:75) was chosen as

    the results shown in the previous section, Figure 5 closely resembledtheexperimental resultsgiven in the literature.32Theextended modelran for 2000.0 s, and the instantaneous average mole fractions of thegases leaving the reactor are given in Figure 20.

    The results in Figure 20 were obtained at 5.0 s intervals whichexplains the dramatic peaks that can be seen, especially in the water-gas shift species where the compositions are expected to vary as thereactants try to reach an equilibrium. It can be seen that the resultsreach steady state; however, this seems to occur after about 400.0 ssuggesting that while the previous models which were carried out to100.0 s may appear to have reached steady state due to the smallertime intervals, 0.005 s, at which the data were extracted which wouldsuppress the increasing trend, they had not and in order to obtainsufficient time averaged composition results the simulation timeneeds to be extended further. The compositions were averaged forthe last 50% of the 2000.0 s simulation and the 100.0 s simulationtimes, i.e., averaged between 1000.0 and 2000.0 s and 50.0100.0 s,respectively.Theresults are comparedto the experimental datagiven

    from Ocampo et al.


    in Figure 21.The simulation that ran for 2000.0 s is averaged over a largertime period; therefore, the results would provide a better representa-tion of the compositions over this extended time period, whereas theresults from the 100.0 s are not only taken before steady state hasbeen achieved butaveraged over a shortertime periodhence reducingthe accuracy. The bar chart shows clear differences between thedifferent simulations. The longer simulation shows an increase in theCO, H2, and CH4 due to the continual build up after the 100.0 speriod of these products from the heterogeneous reactions.TheCO2andH2O, which gave an average mole fraction of 0.2113forthe 100.0s simulation and0.2049for the 2000.0s, reduces slightly which wouldbe due to the water-gas shift being strongly influenced by thesignificant increase in CO and H2. The results for N2 throughout

    this work are given as the remaining composition once the otherspecies had been accounted for.Mass variations. The mass of the char and coal in the reactor

    for the first 1000.0 s of the limestone dominating bed and gridcase 11 are given in Figure 22. As expected, the char shows agradual decrease as the char gets consumed by heterogeneousreactions.Since themass of thechar depends on the consumption ofthe char through heterogeneous reactions as well as its productionduring the devolatilization process, the continual decrease in the charmass indicates the consumption takes place faster than the produc-tion.Therefore the reactor wouldeventually runout of char.The coal

    Figure 19. Mole fraction of exiting gases for the different models.

    Figure 20. Instantaneous average gaseous composition over a period of2000.0 s using case 11 from Table 4.

    Figure 21. Average mole fraction of a) the dominant exiting gases and b) CH 4 after 100.0 and 2000.0 s of simulation time.

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    however increases quite fast at the beginning of the simulation andlevels off gradually. This is due to the coal being introduced into thereactor at the beginning and building up. As coal degradation takesplace the coal gradually breaks down into its constituents, namelyvolatiles and char, reducing the mass of coal leading to total massleveling out as the reactor becomes accustomed to the introductionand degradation rates of the total coal in the bed.

    The masses of the total limestone, CaCO3, and CaO areprovided in Figure 23 for the first 1000.0 s for the limestonedominating bed. The mass of the limestone phase shows a steadyincrease which is expected as the bed in continually beingsupplied limestone through the fuel inlet at a rate of 0.8 kg/h.The mass of CaCO3 is the only component of the limestone atthe beginning of the simulation before limestone calcination

    takes place. As the calcination reaction starts converting CaCO3into CaO and CO2 there is a gradual decrease in the mass ofCaCO3while the CaO gradually increases. The graph of the CaOmass shows a different behavior at the beginning of the simula-tion as the reactor attempts to reach steady state, but once steadystate appears to be achieved at around 350.0400.0 s the CaOincreases at what appears to be a steady rate. This time periodagrees well with the results shown previously in Figure 20 alsodisplaying steady state behavior for the mole fraction of theexiting gases.


    The three-dimensional model was set up as the two-dimen-

    sional model only without the inclusion of limestone calcinationas the previous results displayed a minimal influence on the gas

    composition results. The same properties for the coal, limestone,and char are used and are given in Table2. Additionalcase setupsare carried out for the three-dimensional models to comparedifferent gaseous inlet velocities and temperatures to further

    experimental results from the literatu.32

    The model conditionsand experimental results are given in Table 3.

    Figure 22. Mass of a) the char and b) the coal in the reactor during the first 1000.0 s of simulation time.

    Figure 23. Mass of a) the complete limestone phase and the mass contribution from CaCO3 and b) the contribution of CaO in the reactor during thefirst 1000.0 s of simulation time.

    Figure 24. Gaseous volume fraction with a gas volume fraction iso-value of 0.8 for the four different models.

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    Gas Inlet Velocity Variation. Three-dimensional modelswere carried out for models 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Table 3, for 10.0 swhich took almost two weeks on 8 processors using a time step of0.0005 s. The gas distribution within the four beds are given inFigure 24. Iso-values for a gaseous volume fraction of 0.8 arevisible displaying the presence of the bubble in their irregulardistorted shapes at different positions within the reactor.

    Typical characteristics can be seen in all three models includ-ing theformation of gases near thefuelinlet due to thebuild up ofvolatile gases, the elongation of bubbles near the walls, the forma-

    tion of endogenously formed bubbles resulting from the hetero-geneous reactions at the base of the reactor, and the eruption of

    bubbles at the top of the bed. The bubbles appear to be largerwith increasing height as coalescence takes place - particularlyseen in case 4 of Figure 24 where bubbles are in the process ofmerging. Although the velocity of the inlet gases vary the bubblesappear to displaysimilar bubble diameters. It is hard to determinewhether this is just what appears at this particular instant orwhether the bubbles are generally of a similar diameter. Howeverthe inlet velocities do not vary a great deal; therefore, it can beassumed that the bubble diameters would be relatively similar.

    The instantaneous composition of the individual gaseous

    species taken and averaged from the outlet for each model aregiven in Figure 25. The first observation is that the species CO,

    Figure 25. Instantaneous average composition of the individual gaseous species: a) CO, b) CO2, c) H2, d) CH4, e) H2O, and f) tar for each model.

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    CO2, H2, and H2O display steady compositions after about 5.0 s,whereas CH4 and tar do not. This is expected because theamount of CH4 and tar present is very small and continuallybuild up following the devolatilization process. The tar is buildingup due to the devolatilization alone as it does not participate inany further reactions. On the other hand, CH4 is a reaction of theoxidation reaction (R7) and is the product of the methanationreaction (R4). However it was shown previously34 that these tworeactions take place very slowly, and closer inspection of Fig-ure 25(d) and (f) shows that the CH4 and tar graphs look almostidentical withregards to the peaks and troughs.This suggests thatregardless of the reactions that CH4 participates in they arenegligible as the main contribution to the production of CH4 asits production is the same as that for the tar, namely from thedevolatilization process.

    Model 1 and model 4, in Figure 25, display similar magnitudeswhich is quite expected since their model setups are almostidentical except for an increase in bed and inlet temperatures.Therefore any variation between these two models would be aresult of temperature differences. Figure 26 displays the averagetemperature of the gases leaving the reactor over the 10.0 s period,and there is a clear difference due to the initial temperature setups.The temperature trends in Figure 26 appear to replicate the molefractions of the individual gaseous species in Figure 25. The molefractions of CO, H2, CH4, and tar appear to increase with increasingtemperatures, while the mole fraction of H2O shows a decrease withincreasing temperatures. The reason for the CH4 and tar increases

    with increasing temperature is due to the strong temperaturedependence of the devolatilization model; therefore, the higher thebed temperature, the faster the rate of volatile release leading to afaster accumulation of the respective species. The reason for theincrease in mole fraction of CO and H2 and decrease of H2O withtemperature is due to the effects that temperature has on theheterogeneous reactions. Similarly with the devolatilizationreactions,the heterogeneous reactions are strongly temperature dependent;therefore, the reactant of the steam gasification reaction (R2), H2O,would be consumed faster leading to the reduction in this specieswith increasing temperature. The products of this reaction, CO andH2, would be produced faster leading to an increase in their molefraction with increasing temperature.

    The average mole fraction of CO2 does not show a definitive

    increase or decrease in mole fraction with increasing tempera-ture. CO2 is the product of the dominant combustion reaction

    (R1); therefore, increasing the temperature would produce CO2much faster. It appears from Table 3 that the ratio of air to steamincreases with increasing bed temperatures; therefore, withhigher temperatures there is more O2 available for consumptionthrough the combustion reaction leading to an increase in CO2.Furthermore, CO2 is one of the dominant species of thedevolatilization process; therefore, CO2 would also be suppliedfaster from the fuel inlet. Therefore it would be assumed that themole fraction of CO2 would increase with increasing tempera-ture. This can be seen in the initial stages of Figure 25 b);

    however, afterabout 4.0 s the mole fractions for all models do notshow any distinctivevariation between the different models. CO2is also the reactant of the Boudouard reaction (R3), so anyadditional CO2with increasing temperatures would promote thisreaction leading to an increase in CO, as was observed. There-fore, while CO2 is being produced faster with increasing tem-peratures it is also being consumed faster leading to the similaraverage composition between the models.

    Figure 26 shows a gradualincrease in the average temperaturesof the gas leaving the reactor. Table 5 provides the temperatureincrease from thetemperatures taken at thebeginning and theend ofthe 10.0 s simulation. Although the highest temperature does nothave the largest temperature increase, the results seems to suggesthigher temperatures result in larger temperature increases. This isbecause an increase in the temperature would lead to an increase inthe water-gas shift reaction rate. Since this reaction is slightly exo-thermic, increased activity would gradually increase the temperaturein thefreeboard. Thewater-gas shift reaction is alsodependenton theconcentration of its reactants, so a possible reason for the slightlyhigher increase in temperature in model 1 compared to model 4could be due to a distinctive variation in the mole fraction of therelevant reactants, namely CO, CO2, H2, and H2O, between thetwomodels which is seen in Figure 25.

    At around 9.5 s there is a large difference between the molefractions of CO and H2 for the two models moreover, model 1there shows a stronger drop in these mole fractions compared toany other previous times. This change in mole fraction would


    ect the water-gas shift reaction signifi

    cantly as the speciescompete to reach equilibrium hence accelerating the equilibriumreaction leading to the generation of more exothermic heat. Thiswould explain the sudden jump in the instantaneous averagetemperature in Figure 26 around this time for model 1 and hencethe slight increase in temperature of this model compared tomodel 4 at 10.0 s which was seen in Table 5.

    Since the majority of the species in Figure 25 appear to displayrelatively steady compositions after 5.0 s, the mole fraction of theexiting gases were averaged over the final 5.0 s and compared to therelevant experimental data given in the literature32 in Figure 27. In allcases the species show similar trends to the experimental results.Model 3 and model 4 provide close representations of the experi-mental data for the majority of the species. As expected CH4 is signi-

    ficantly lower in all cases since it continues to increase in concentra-tion with time as seen previously. The mole fraction of CO2 shows a

    Figure26. Instantaneous average gas temperature for each model takenat the exit of the reactor.

    Table 5. Temperature Increases from Average TemperatureTaken at the Beginning and at the End of the Simulation

    temperature (K) model 1 model 2 model 3 model 4

    at 0.0 s 1128.15 1085.15 1114.15 1139.15

    at 10.0 s 1130.5116 1085.8207 1115.6143 1141.0187

    increase 2.3616 0.6707 1.4643 1.8687

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    significant underprediction for model 1 and model 2. Assumptionshave been made on the amount of limestone in the bed compared tochar, as specific information was not provided in the literature;therefore, this would lead to variations in thepredictedresults.All thespecies underpredict the experimental data which are expected asH2O was found in the simulated results to constitute the largestfraction of the exiting gases and the information for this species wasnot available in the literature for the experimental results, similarlywith the tar information. Therefore if this fraction were to beconsidered in the experimental data, then the experimental valueswould decrease which would potentially lead to an improvement inthe comparison withthe simulated results.Fora closer comparison ofthe average mole fractions of the species the simulated and experi-

    mental data are also provided in Table 6. While these results appearto give reasonable good representations, an increasing the time the

    results were averaged would give a much betterrepresentation of theresults.


    An Eulerian-Eulerian model was carried out on a coal bubblingfluidized bed gasifier for a char and limestone bed with the inclusionof limestone calcination. Thecompositionof thegaseousspeciesforabase case was validated with experimental data from the literature.Finally, different parameters were varied to determine their influenceon the gaseous composition of the exiting products.

    The results highlighted the simulations sensitivity to differentreaction kinetics, i.e., devolatilization models, as well as the variations

    in experimental setup. The compositions of the bed material,variation of the bed height, temperature of the bed, and the inclusion

    Figure 27. Average mole fraction of the exiting gases for the four different models.

    Table 6. Comparison of the Simulated and Experimental Mole Fraction of the Exiting Gases for the Four Different Models

    CO CO2 H2 CH4 N2 H2O tar

    model 1 0.08503 0.11023 0.04261 0.00006 0.56551 0.19647 0.00009

    experiment 1 0.10940 0.19310 0.08530 0.00840 0.60370 not given not given

    model 2 0.06748 0.10906 0.03898 0.00004 0.53538 0.24900 0.00007

    experiment 2 0.10590 0.18380 0.08840 0.01070 0.61100 not given not given

    model 3 0.07904 0.10987 0.04230 0.00005 0.55385 0.21480 0.00009

    experiment 3 0.09970 0.14400 0.09630 0.01340 0.64620 not given not given

    model 4 0.08919 0.10833 0.04350 0.00006 0.56919 0.18963 0.00010

    experiment 4 0.10940 0.15600 0.07880 0.01010 0.64520 not given not given

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    of heat transfer coefficients strongly influenced the compositions ofthe exiting gas emissions.

    Increased char levels in the bed and increasing bed tempera-tures promoted the highly temperature dependent heterogeneousreactions resulting in a faster consumption of their reactants andincreased production of their products. Increasing the bed heightalsoled to increased char levels in thebed causing increases and decreasesin the concentration of the heterogeneous reactions products andreactants, respectively. However, increasing the bed height also leadto a reduced freeboard area which prevented the reactants of thewater-gas shift reaction to reach equilibrium effectively.

    Heat transfer coefficients on the walls showed that convectivetransport of heat within the freeboard affected the average gaseoustemperature leaving thereactor butdidnotinfluence themole fractionof the gaseous species. This was because the temperature of the beddominates over the heat transfer coefficient that are local to the walls.

    Two models were carried out for a limestone only bed, onetreating the limestone as inert while the other calcinated. The results

    showed that the contribution of additional CO2 through calcinationwas only small. The results also showed very low composition of allthe species as the only char taking place in heterogeneous reactionswas that produced as a product of devolatilization. Lower charconcentrations led to more O2 which enabled the oxidation homo-geneous reactions to consuming the products of devolatilization andheterogeneous reactions immediately.

    Extended simulation times showed steady gaseous compositionswere achievedafterapproximately 400.0s suggesting that previous coalgasification results obtained both presently and in the literature31,33,34

    which ran up to 100.0 s, ran for an insufficient period of time.The mass of the solid phases were analyzed showing a

    reduction in char due to heterogeneous reaction and an increase incoal which leveled off as the bed became accustomed to the

    introduction of fresh coal and the consumption due to the devola-tilization processes. Thelimestone showed a gradualincrease dueto aconstantinflow of limestone in the fuel inlet. Itsconstituents,CaCO3and CaO, showed a decrease and increase, respectively, due to thecalcination reaction.

    Three-dimensional models were also carried out which testeddifferent gas inlet velocities and temperatures and agreed reason-ably well with experimental data from the literature.

    The current model only contains four heterogeneous reactions,four homogeneous reactions, and the influence of limestone calcina-tion alone. It would be interesting to extend the available reactionsthat are taking place, especially those involved with NOx and SOxmodeling. Furthermore, should SOx modeling be included thenlimestone desulfurization can also be considered.


    Corresponding Author*E-mail:


    The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial supportfrom UK EPSRC Grant EP/G034281/1, and Leverhulme-RoyalSociety Africa Award.


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