Idss product showcase

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Idss product showcase

A r c h it e c t u r a l S ig n

S y s t e m s





Our exclusive flexible modular paper insert sign system...

arte m is

Height to finish Floor or Ground

Horizontal Viewing distance

Minimum Character height

40” to less than 70”

Less than 72”72”+

5/8”+1/8” per foot of viewing distance

Greater tha 70” to less than 120”

Less than 180”180” or greater

22” +1/8” per foot”

Greater than 120” Less than 21’21’ and greater

3”3” + 1/8” per foot

Visual Character heights

•Height of Raised letters•5/8” – 2”•Character will be uppercase•Raised characters will be 1/32”•Characters will be selected from fonts

…used in corporate, retail, institutional, government, medical and educational environments

A unique range of superbly engineered stainless steel fittings for glass, acrylic and solid panel sign faces...

Projecting brackets

arclineCurved modular sign system

An elegant, easy to use freestanding system for the display of temporary or permanent information in public spaces...

A sign system combining elegance with high quality engineering...

An elegant and functional display system...

fristem ind oor

A large scale advertising system which does away with the need for traditional custom made items...

fristem outd oor

Provides an elegant modular sign solution to a wide variety of wayfinding options...

The corporate external sign system...

A double sided curved sign system for internal and external use...

Showcase wsmE le gantly d e taile d and h igh quality

inte rior and e xte rior d is play case s

Ne w line s and prod uct

d e ve lopm e nts

•Ne w Age

•O ce an

•C le ar


•id s olars igns

Ne w Age

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id solars igns .com

S olar powe re d

d e ve lopm e nts for

e nvironm e ntal

graph ic solutions