IDNT, 3rd ed.

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Transcript of IDNT, 3rd ed.

  • 8/7/2019 IDNT, 3rd ed.


    Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation TerminologyThis is a combined list of Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation terms. Indicators that are shaded are used ONLYfor nutrition

    assessment. The rest of the indicators are used for assessment and monitoring and evaluation.FOODINUTRITION-RELATEDmSTORY (FH)Food and nutrient and nutrient adminis-tration. medication/herbal supplement use. know/edge/beliefs/attitudes. and supply availability.physicaL act ivi ty and function, nutrition-related patient/client-centered measures.Food and Nutrient Intake (1)Composition and adequacy offood and nutrient i ntake.and meal and snack patterns.Energy Intake (1.1)Total energy intake from alL sources. including food.beverages. supplements, and via enteral and parenteralroutes.Energy intake (1.1.1)o Total energy intake FH-I.I.1.1Food and Beverage Intake (1.2)Type. amount. and pattern of intake of foods and foodgroups. indices of diet quality. intake of fluids. breastmilk and infant formulaF1uidlbeverage intake (1.2.1)o Oral fluidso Food-derived fluidso Liquidmeal replacementor supplement


    Food intake (1.2.2)o Amount offood FH- Types offoodlmeals FH- Meal/snack pattern FH-12.2.3o Diet quality index FH-l.2.2.4o Food variety FH- milk/infant formula intake (1.2.3)o Breast milk intake FH-1.2.3.lo Infant formula intake FH-l.2.32Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Intake (1.3)Specialized nutri tion support intake from alLsources.e.g., enteral and parenteral routes.Enteral nutrition intake (1.3.1)o Formula/solutiono Feedingtube flushParenteral nutrition intake (1.3.2)o Formula/solutiono IV fluids


    Bioactive Substance Intake (1.4)Alcohol, plant stanol and steroL esters. soy protein.psyllium and fl-g/ucan. and caf feine intake from allsources. e.g.i food, beverages. supplements. and viaenteral and parenteral rouces.Alcohol intake (1.4.1)o Drink size/volumeo Frequencyo Pattern of alcohol consumptionBioactive substance intake (IA.2)o Plant steroland stanol esterso Soy proteino Psyllium and fl-glucano Food additives (specify)o Other (specify)Caffeine intake (1.4.3)o Totalcaffeine


    Macronntrient Intake (1.5)Fat and cholesterol. protein. carbohydrate. andfiberintake from all sources including food. beverages.supplements, and v ia enteral and parenteral routes.

    Fat and cholesterol intake (1.5.1)o Totalfato Saturated fato Trans fatty acidso Polyunsaturated fato Monounsaturatedfato Omega-3 fatty acidso Dietary cholesterolo Essentialfatty acidsProtein intake (1.5.2)o Totalproteina High biological value proteino Caseino Wheyo Amino acidso Essential amino acidsCarbohydrate intake (1.5.3)o Total carbohydrateo Sugaro Starcho Glycemic indexa Glycemic loado Source of carbohydrateo Insulin-to-carbohydrate ratioFiber intake (1.5.4)o Total fibero Solublefibero Insoluble fiber

    FH-J.5.1.lFH-1.5.12FH- .5.2.1FH-l.S.2.2FH-l.5.2.3FH-


    Micronutrient Intake (1.6)Vitamin and mineral intake from all sources. e.g . food,beverages. supplements, and via enteral and parenteralroutes -.Vitamin intake (1.6.1)o A (I) 0Riboflavin (7)o C (2) 0Niacin (8)o D (3) 0Folate (9)DE(4) DB6(IO)o K(S) 0 Bl2 (Il)o Thiamin (6) 0Multivitamin (12)o Other (specij)) (13)Mineral/element intake (1.6.2)o Calcium (I) 0 Potassium (S)o Chloride (2) 0 Phosphorus (6)o Iron (3) 0 Sodium (7)o Magnesium (4) 0Zinc (8)o Multi-mineral (9)o Multi-trace element (10)o Other. (specify) (11)Food and Nutrient Administratiou (2)Current and previous diets and/or food modifications.eating environment, and enteral and parenteral nutri-tion administration.Diet History (2.1)Description of f ood and drink regularly provided orconsumed. past diets followed or prescribed and COlll'-seling rece ived. and the eating environment.


    FH-2.!.1.1FH-2.1.l.2FH-2.1.I.3FH-2. I. 1.4

    Diet experience (2.12)o Previously prescribeddietso Previous diet/nutritioneducation/counselinga Self-selecteddiet/s followedo Dieting attempts

    Eating environment (2.1.3)o Locationo Atmosphereo Caregiver/companiono Appropriate breastfeedingaccommodations/facilityo Eats alone

    Enteral and parenteral nutritionadministration (2.1.4)o Enteral accesso Parenteral access



    Medication and Herbal Supplement Use (3)Prescription and over-the counter medications. includ-ing herbal preparations and complementary medicineproduc ts used.Medication and herbal supplements (3.1)o Medications. specify prescription FH-3'!.1

    orOTCo Herbal/complementary products FH-3.J.2(specify)o Misuse of medication (specify) FH-3.!.3

    Knowledge!BeliefsJ Attitudes (4)Unders tanding of nutrition-related concepts and con-vict ion of t ile truth. and feelingslemotions toward somenutrition-related stat ement or phenomenon. along withreadiness to change nutrition-related behaviors.Food and nntrition knowledge (4.1)o Area(s) and level of knowledgeo Diagnosis specific or global

    nutrition-related knowledge scoreBeliefs and attitudes (4.2)o Conflictwith personal/family

    value systemo Distorted body imageo End-of-life decisionso Motivationo Preoccupationwith foodlnutrientso Preoccupationwith weighto Readiness to change nutrition-related behaviorso Self-efficacyo Self-talk/cognitionso Unrealistic nutrition-related goalso Unscientific beliefs/attitudeso Food preferences (specij))o Emotions (specify)



    Behavior (5)Patient/client activities and actions, which influenceachievement of nutrition-related goals.Adherence (5.1)o Self-reported adherence scoreo Nutrition visit attendanceo Ability t o recall nutrition goalsa Self-monitoring at agreed uponratea Self-management as agreed uponAvoidance behavior (5.2)o Avoidanceo Restrictive eatingo Cause of avoidance behavior



    Diet order (2.1.1)o General. healthful dieto Modified diet(specify) _o Enteral nutritionorder(specify) _o Parenteral nutrition order

    (specify) _

  • 8/7/2019 IDNT, 3rd ed.


    Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology, cont'dBingeing and purging behavior (5.3)o Binge eating behavioro Purging behaviorMealtime behavior (5.4)o Meal durationo Percent of meal time spent eatingo Preference to drink rather than eato Refusal to eat/chewo Spitting food outo Ruminationo Patient/client/caregiver fatigueduring feeding process resultingin inadequate intakeo Willingness to t ry new foodso Limited number of accepted foodso Rigid sensory preferences

    Social network (S.5)o Abili ty to bui ld and uti lizesocial network





    Factors Affecting Access to Food and FoodJNutrition-Related Supplies (6)Factors that affect intake and availability of a suf-ficient quantity of safe, healthful food as well as foodtnutrition-related supplies.




    o Mini Mental State ExaminationScoreo Nutrition-related activities of dailyliving (ADL) scoreo Nutrition-related instrumentalactivities of daily living (lADL)score

    Physical activity (7.3)o Physical activity historyo Consistencyo Frequencyo Durationo Intensityo Type of physical activityo Strengtho TV/screen timeo Other sedentary activity timeo Involuntary physical movemento NEAT




    Nutrition-Related Patient/Client-CenteredMeasures (8)Patient/client's perception of his or her nutrition inter-vention and its impact on life.Nutrit ion qualit y ofl ife (8.1)o Nutriti~n quality of life responses FH-S.1.lANTHROPOMETRICiVIEASUREMENTS (AD)Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), growth patternindices/percentile ranks, and weigh! history.Body compositionlgrowthlweight history (1.1)o Heigbt/length AD-l.l.lo Weight AD-1.1.2o Frame size AD-1.13o Weight change AD-I. 1.4o Body mass index AD-l.l.5o Growth pattern indices! AD- I. 1.6

    percentile rankso Body compartment estimates AD- 1.1.7BIOCHEMICAL DATA,MEDICAL TESTSANDPROCEDURES (BD)Laboratory data, (e.g., electrolytes, glucose, and lipidpanel) and tests (e.g., gastric emptying time, restingmetabolic rate).Acid-base balance (1.1)o Arterial pHo Arterial bicarbonateo Partial pressure of carbon dioxide

    in arterial blood, PaCO?O' Partial pressure of oxyg~n inarterial blood, Pa02o Venous pHo Venous bicarbonate

    Food and nutrttion-related supplies availability (6.4)o Access to food and nutrition- FH-6.4.lrelated supplieso Access to assistive eating devices FH-6.4.2o Access to assistive food preparation FH 6.4.3devices

    Food/nutrit ion program participation (6.1)o Eligibility for government programs FH-6.1.lo Participation in government FH-6.1.2prog ram so Eligibility for community programs FH-6.!.3o Participation in community FH-6.!.4programs

    Safe food/meal availability (6.2)o Availability of shopping facilitieso Procurement, identification ofsafe foodo Appropriate meal preparationfacilitieso Availability of safe food storageo Appropriate storage technique

    Safe water availahility (6.3)o Availability of potable watero Appropri at e water decontamination

    Physical Activity and Function (7)Physical activity, cognitive and physical abili ty to ell-gage ill specific. tasks, e.g., breastfeeding; self-feeding.Breastfeeding (7.1)o Initiation ofbreastfeeding FH-7.1.Io Duration of breastfeeding FH- 7.1.2o Exclusive breastfeeding FH-7.13o Breastfeeding problems FH-7.1.4Nutrition-related ADLs and IADLs (7.2)o Physical ability to complete tasks FH- 7 2.1

    for meal preparationo Physical ability to self-feedo Ability to position self in relationto plateo Receives assistance with intake FH 7.2.4o Ability to use adaptive eating devices FH 7.25o Cognitive ability to complete tasks FH-7.2.6for meal preparationo Remembers to eat , recalls eating




    Electrolyte and renal profile (1.2)o BUNo Creatinineo BlJ"N:creatinine ratioo Glomerular filtration rateo Sodiumo Chlorideo Potassiumo Magnesiumo Calcium, serumo Calcium, ionizedo Phosphoruso Serum osmolalityo Parathyroid hormone

    . Essential fatty acid profi le (1.3)o Triene:Tetraene ratio388





    Gastrointestinal profile (1.4)o Alkal ine phophatase BD-1.4.lo Alanine aminotransferase, ALT BD-1.4.2o Aspartate aminotransferase, AST BD-1.4.3o Gamma glutamyl transferase, GGT BD-1.4.4o Gastric residual volume BD-1.4.5o Bilirubin, total BD-1.4.6o Ammonia, serum BD-1.4.7o Toxicology report, including alcohol BD-1.4.8o Prothrombin time, PT BD-1.4.9o Partial thromboplastin time, PTT BD-1.4.!Oo IN R (ratio) BD-1.4.1!o Fecal fat . BD-1.4.l2o Amylase BD-1.4.13o Lipase BD-1.4.14o Other digestive enzymes (specify) BD-1.4.15

    D-xylose BD-1.4.16o Hydrogen breath test BD-1.4.17o Intestinal biopsy BD-I.4.!So Stool cul tu re BD-1.4.19o Gast ric emptying time BD-1.4.20o Small bowel transit time BD-1.4.2!o Abdominal films BD-1.4.22o Swallow study BD-1.4.23Glucose/endocrine profile (1.5)o Glucose, fasting BD-1.5.lo Glucose, casual BD-1.5.2o HgbA!c BD-1.5.3o Preprandial capillary BD-1.5.4

    plasma glucoseo Peak postprandial capillary BD-!.5.5plasma glucoseo Glucose tolerance test BD-l.5.6o Cortisol level BD-I.5.7o IGF-binding protein BD-1.5.So Thyroid function tests BD-1.5.9(TSH, T4, 1'3)

    InfIammatory profile (1.6)o C-reactive protein BD-I.6.1Lipid profile (1.7)o Cholesterol, serum BD-1.7.1o Cholesterol, HDL BD-1.7.2o Cholesterol, LDL BD-I.7.3o Cholesterol, non-HDL BD-1.7.4o Total cholesterol:HDL chole sterol BD-I.7.5o LDL:HDL BD-1.7.6o Triglycerides, serum BD-l.7.7Metabolic rate profile (1.8)o Resting metabolic rate, measured BD-I.S.Jo RQ BD-l.S.2Mineral profile (1.9)o Copper, serum or plasma BD-1.9.1o Iodine, urinary excretion BD-1.9.2o Zinc, serum or plasma BD-1.9.3o Other BD-1.9.4Nutritional anemia profile (1.10)o Hemoglobin BD-l.lO.lo Hematocrit BD-l.lO.2o Mean corpuscular volume BD-l.lO.3o Red blood cell folate BD-l.lO.4o Red cell distribution width BD-l.lO.5o Bl2,serum BD-l.l0.6o Methylmalonic acid, serum BD-l.lO.7o Folate, serum BD-l.lO.8o Homocysteine, serum BD-l.lO.9o Ferritin, serum BD-l.lO.JOo Iron, serum BD-l.lO.1Io Total iron-binding capacity BD-l.l 0.1 2o Transferrin saturation BD-l.lO.l3

  • 8/7/2019 IDNT, 3rd ed.


    Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology, cont'dProtein profile (1.11)o Albumino Prealbumino Transferrino Phenylalanine, plasmao Tyrosine, plasmao Amino acid, other, specifyo.Antibody level, specify .Urine profile (1.12)o Urine coloro Urine osmolalityo Urine specific gravityo Urine test, specifyo Urine volumeVitamin profile (1.13)o Vitamin A, serum or plasma retinolo Vitamin C, plasma or serumo Vitamin D, 25-hydroxyo Vitamin E, plasma alpha-tocopherolo Thiamin, activity coefficient for

    erythrocyte transketolase activityo Riboflavin, activity coefficientfor erythrocyte glutathionereductase activity

    o Niacin, urinary N'methyl-nicotinamide concentrationo Vitamin B6, pl asma or serumpyridoxal S'phosphate concentrationo Other








    (PD)Findings from an evaluation of body systems, muscleand subcutaneous fat wasting, oral health, sucklswal-low/breathe ability, appetite, and affect.Nutrition-focused physical findings (1.1)o Overall appearance PD-!' LI~pec~) __ ~ ~-0 Body language PD-1.l2

    (specify) _o Cardiovascular-pulmonary PO-!.!.3(spec~) _o Extremities, muscles and bones PD-I .1.4(~~~)----------------------o Digestive system (mouth to rectum) PD-I.I.5(spec~) _

    o Head and eyes PO-I.I.6(spec~) _o Nerves and cognition PD-I.!.7~pecih) _o Skin PO-I.!.8(spec~) _o Vital signs PD-I .1.9(spec~) _CLIENT HISTORY (CH)Current and past information. related to personal, medi-cal,family, and social history.Personal History (1)General patient/client information such as age, gender,racelethniciry, language, education, and role infamily.Personal data (1.1)o Ageo Gendero RacelEthnicityo Languageo Literacy factorso Educationo Role in familyo Tobacco use


    Personal data (1.1), cont'do Physica l d isabilityo Mobility CH-1.1.9CH-l.J.lOSocial history (3.1), cont'do History of recent crisis

    (specify) _o Daily stress levelCOMPARATIVE STANDARDSEnergy Needs (1)Estimated energy needs (1.1)o Total energy estimated needso Method for estimating needsMacronutrient Needs (2)Estimated fat needs (2.1)o Total fat estimated needso Type of fat neededo Method for estimating needsEstimated protein needs (2.2)o Total protein estimated needso Type of protein neededo Method for estimating needsEstimated carbohydrate needs (2.3)o Total carbohydrate estimated needso Type of carbohydrate neededo Method for estimating needsEstimated fiber needs (2.4)o Total fiber estimated needso Type of fiber neededo Method for estimating needsFluid Needs (3)Estimated fluid needs (3.1)o Total fluid estimated needso Method for estimating needsMicronutrient Needs (4)Estimated vitamin needs (4.1)o A (I) 0 Riboflavin (7)o C (Z) 0 Niacin (8)o 0(3) 0 Folate (9)o E(4) 0B6(1O)o K (S) 0 BIZ (11)o Thiamin (6)o Other (specify) (IZ)o Method for estimating needs (13)Estimated mineral needs (4.2)o Calcium (1) 0 Potassium (S)o Chloride (Z) 0 Phosphorus (6)o Iron (3) 0 Sodium (7)o Magnesium (4) 0Zinc (8)o Other (spec~) (9)o Method for estimating needs (10)








    Weight and Growth Recommendation (5)Recommended body weightlhody mass Index!growth (5.1)o Ideal/reference body weight (lEW) CS-S.!.!o Recommended body mass CS-5.!.2index (BMI)o Desired growth pattern CS-5.1.3

    3rd Edition

    PatientlClienUFamily Medical/Health.History (2)Patienttclient or family disease states, conditions, andillnesses that may have nutritional impact.Patient/client OR family nutrition-orientedmedicallhealth history (2.1)Specify issueisr and whether it is patienttclient history(P) or family history (F)o Patient/client chief nutrition CH-Z.!.I

    complaint (~ec~) P or Fo Cardiovascular CH-Z.I.Z(specify) P or Fo Endocrine/metabolism CH-2.1.3~K~ PorFo Excretory CH-2.1.4(specify) P or Fo Gastrointestinal CH-Z.I.5(spec~) P or Fo Gynecological CH-Z.1.6(spec~) PorFo Hematologyfoncology CH-Z.1.7(specify) P or Fo Immune (e.g., food al lergies) CH-2.l.8(specify) Por Fo Integumentary CH-2.1.9(spec~) P or Fo Musculoskeletal CH-Z.1.I0(specify) P or Fo Neurological CH-Z.l.l1(specify) P or Fo Psychological CH-2.!.!2(specify) P or Fo Respiratory CH-2.1.J3(spec~) P or Fo Other CH-2.1.14(specify) P or F

    Treatmentsltherapy/complementarY/alternativemedicine (2.2)Documented medical or surgical treatments, compte-mentary and alternative medicine that may impact 1111 -tritional status of tire patiento Medical treatmentltherapy CH-2.2.l

    (specify) _o Surgical treatment CH-Z.Z.2

    (specify) _o Complementary/alternative medicine CH-2.Z.3(specify) _o Palliative/end-of-life care CH-Z.Z.4(specify) _

    Social History (3)Patient/client socioeconomic status. housing situation.medical care support and involvement in social groups.Social hi story (3.1)o Socioeconomic factors

    (specify) _o Livinglhousing situation(spec~) _o Domestic issues(spec~) _o Social and medical support(specify) _o Geographic location of home(spec~) _

    o Occupation(spec~) _o Religion(specify) _






  • 8/7/2019 IDNT, 3rd ed.


    Nutrition DiagnosticTerminologyINTAKE NIDefined as "actual problems related to intake ofenergy, nutrients.fluids, bioactive substances throughoral diet or nutrition support"Energy Balance (1)Defined as "actual or estimated changes in energy(kcal) balance"IJ UnusedIJ Increased energy expenditureIJ UnusedIJ Inadequate energy intakeIJ Excessive energy intakeIJ Predicted suboptimal energy intakeIJ Predicted excessive energy intake

    NI-I.lNI-12NI-1.3NI-1.4NI-15NI-1.6. NI-1.7

    Oral or Nutrition Support Intake (2)Defined as "actual or estimated food and beverageintake from oral diet or nutrition support compared withpatient goal"IJ Inadequate intake NI-2.!IJ Excessive intake NI-2.2IJ Inadequate enteral nutrition infusion NI-2.3IJ Excessive enteral nutrition infusion NI-2.4IJ Less than optimal enteral nutrition NI-25IJ Inadequate parenteral nutrition infusionNI-2.6IJ Excessive parenteral nutrition infusion NI-2.7IJ Less than optimal parenteral nutrition NI-2.8IJ Limited food acceptance NI-2.9Fluid Intake (3)Defined as "actual or estimated fiuid intake comparedwith patient goal"IJ Inadequate fluid intakeIJ Excessive fluid intake


    Bioactive Substances (4)Defined as "aclllal or observed intake of bioactivesubstances, including s ingle or multiple functional foodcomponents, ingredients, dietary supplements, alcohol"IJ Inadequate bioactivesubstance intake NI-4.!IJ Excessive bioactive substance intake NI-4.2IJ Excessive alcohol intake NI-4.3Nutrient (5)Defined as "actual or est imated intake of specijicnutrient groups or single nutrients as compared witltdesired levels"IJ Increased nutrient needs

    (specify) _IJ MalnutritionIJ Inadequate protein-energy intakeIJ Decreased nutrient needs

    (specify) _IJ Imbalance of nutrients


    Fat and Cholesterol (5.6)IJ Inadequate fat intakeIJ Excessive fat intakeIJ Inappropriate intakeof fats

    (specify) _Protein (5.7)IJ Inadequate protein intakeIJ Excessive protein intakeIJ Inappropriate intake of proteinor amino acids (specify) _



    Carbohydrate and Fiber (5.8)IJ Inadequate carbohydrate intakeIJ Excessive carbohydrate intakeIJ Inappropriate intakeoftypes of carbohydrate (specify) _

    IJ Inconsistent carbohydrate intakeIJ Inadequate fiber intakeIJ Excessive fiber intake


    Vitamin (5.9)o Inadequate vitamin intake(specify) _o A(I)IJ C(2)IJ D (3)IJ E (4)IJ K(S)IJ Thiamin (6)IJ Other (specify) (12)

    IJ Excessive vitamin intake NI-S.9.2(specify) _IJ A (I)IJ C(2)IJ D (3)IJ E(4)IJ K(S)IJ Thiamin (6)IJ Other (specify) (12)

    NI-5.9.1IJ Riboflavin (7)IJ Niacin (8)IJ Folate (9)IJ B6 (10)IJ BI2 (II)

    IJ Riboflavin (7)IJ Niacin (8)o Folate(9)IJ B6 (10)IJ BI2 (II)

    MineraI (5. 10)IJ Inadequate mineral intake

    (specify) _IJ Calcium (I)IJ Chloride (2)o Iron (3)IJ Magnesium (4)o Other (specify) (9)o Excessive mineraI intake NI-5.10.2(specify) _IJ Calcium (I)IJ Chloride (2)IJ Iron (3)IJ Magnesium (4)IJ Other (specify) (9)

    Multi-uutrient (5.11)IJ Predicted suboptimal nutrient intakeIJ 'Predicted excessive nutrient intake

    NI-5.1O.lIJ Potassium (S)IJ Phosphorus (6)IJ Sodium (7)IJ Zinc (8)

    IJ Potassium (S)IJ Phosphorus (6)IJ Sodium (7)IJ Zinc (8)


    CLINICAL NCDefined as "nutritional findingstproblems identified thatrelate to medical or physical conditions"Functional (1)Defined as "change in physical or mechanicalfunctioning that interferes with or prevents desirednutritional consequences"o Swallowing difficultyo Biting/Chewing

    (masticatory) difficultyIJ Breastfeeding difficultyo Altered GI function



    Biochemical (2)Defined as "change in capacity 10 metabolize nutrientsas a result of medications, surgery, or as indicated byaltered lab values"IJ Impaired nutrient utilizationIJ Altered nutrition-relatedlaboratory values (specify) _o Food-medication interaction NC-2.3IJ Predicted food-medication interaction NC-2.4


    Weight (3)Defined as "chronic weight or changed weight statuswhen compared with usual or desired body weight"IJ Underweight NC-3.1IJ Unintentional weight loss NC-3.2IJ Overweight/obesity 1'.'C-3.3IJ Unintentional weight gain NC-3.4BEHAVIORALENVIRONMENTAL NBDefined as "nutritional findings/problems identifiedthat relate to knowledge, attitudeslbeliefs, physicalenvironment, access to food, or food safety"Knowledge and Beliefs (1)Defined as "ac tual knowledge and beliefs as related,observed, or documented"IJ Food- and nutrition-related 1'.'B-l.Iknowledge deficit

    IJ Harmful beliefs/attitudes about food- NB-l.2or nutrition-related topics (use with caution)

    IJ Not ready for dietllifestyle change NB-1.3IJ Self-monitoring deficit NB-l.4IJ Disordered eating pattern NB-15IJ Limited adherence to nutrition- NB- I .6related recommendationso Undesirable food choices NB-l.7

    Physical Activity and Function (2)Defined as "actual physical activity, self-care, andquality-of-life problems as reponed, observed, ordocumented"IJ Physical inactivityIJ Excessive physical activityIJ Inability or lack of desiretomanage self-care

    IJ Impaired ability toprepare foods/meals

    IJ Poor nutrition quality of lifeIJ Self-feeding difficulty


    Food Safety and Access (3)Defined as "actual problems with food safety or accessto food, water; or nutrition-related supplies"IJ Intake of unsafe food NB-3.1o Limited access 10 foodor water NB-3.2IJ Limited access to nutrition-related NB-3.3supplies

    3rd Edition

  • 8/7/2019 IDNT, 3rd ed.


    Nutrition Intervention TerminologyNutrition PrescriptionThe patient/client's individualized recommended dietary intake ofenergy and/orselected foods or nutrients based on current reference standards and dietaryguidelines andthe patient/client's health condition and nutrition diagnosis (specify).



    Meal and Snacks (1)Regular eating event (meal); food served betweenregular meals (snack).o General!healthful dieto Modify distribution, type,

    or amount of food andnutrientswithin meals or at specifiedtimeo Specific foodslbeverages or groupso Other(~ecify) _



    Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (2)Nutrition provided through the GI tract via tube,catheter, or stoma (enteral) or intravenously (centrallyor peripherally) (parenteral).Enteral Nutrition (2.1)Nutrition provided through the GI tract.o Formulalsolutiono Insert enteral feeding tubeo Site careo Feedingtube flushParenteral NutritionJIV Fluids (2.2)Nutrition and fluids provided intravenously.o FormulalsoI~tion ND-2.2.1o Site care ND-2.22o IV fluids ND-22.3


    Supplements (3)Medical Food Supplements (3.1)Commercial or prepared foods or beverages thatsupplement energy, protein, carbohydrate.fiber.fatintake,Typeo Commercial beverageo Commercial foodo Modified beverageo Modified foodo Purpose(specify) _Vitamin and Mineral Supplements (3.2)Supplemen ta l v itamins or minerals.o Multivitamin/mineralo Multi-trace elementso Vitamino A(l)o C(2)00(3)o E(4)o K(S)o Thiamin (6)o Other (specify) (12)o Mineral ND-32.4o Calcium (I)o Chloride (2)o Iron (3)o Magnesium (4)o Other (specify) (9)



    o Riboflavin (7)o Niacin (8)o Folate (9)o B6 (10)OBI2(11)

    o Potassium (5)o Phosphorus (6)o Sodium (7)o Zinc (8)

    Bioactive Substance Management (3.3)Addition or change in provision of bioactivesubstances.o Plant sterol and stanol esterso Soy proteino Psyllium and ~-glucano Food additiveso Other(specify) _


    Feeding Assistance (4)Accommodation or assistance in eating.o Adaptive equipmento Feeding positiono Meal set-upo Mouth careo Other(specify) _


    Feeding Environment (5)Adjustment of the factors where food is served thatimpact food consumption.o Lightingo Odorso Distractionso Tableheighto Table service/setupo Room temperatureo Other(specify) _


    Nutrition-Related MedicationManagement (6)Modification of a medication or herbal to optimizepatient/client nutritional or health status.o Medications ND-6.l

    (specify prescription or OTC) _o Herbal!complementaryproducts ND-6.2(specify) _NUTRITION EDUCATIONNutrition Education-Content (1)Instruction or training intended to lead to nutrition-related knowledge,o Purposeof the nutritioneducation E-1.1o Priority modifications E-I.2o Survival information E-1.3o Nutrition relationship to health/disease E-l.4o Recommendedmodifications E-l.So Advanced or related topics E-I.6o Other E-1.7

    (~ecify) _Nutrition Education-Application (2)Instruct ion or training leading to nutrition-relatedresult interpretation or skills.o Result interpretationo Skill developmento Other(specify) _



    Theoretical Basis/Approach (1)The theories or models used to de sign and implementan intervention.o Cognitive-Behavioral Theory C-l.1o Health Belief Model C-1.2o Social Learning Theory C-1.3o TranstheoreticalModel! C-l.4

    Stages of Changeo Other C-J5(specify) _Strategies (2)Selectively applied evidence-based methods or plans ofaction des igned to achieve a particular goal.o Motivational interviewing C-2.1o Goal setting C-2.2o Self-monitoring C-2.3o Problem solving C-2.4o Social support C-25o Stress management C-2.6o Stimulus control C-2.7o Cognitiverestructuring C-2.8o Relapse prevention C-2.9o Rewards!contingencymanagement C-2.1Oo Other C-2.1l(specify) _COORDINATION OFNUTRITION CARE RC


    Coordination of Other Care DuringNutrition Care (1)Facilitating services with other professionals.institutions, or agencies during nutrition care.o Teammeeting RC-l.lo Referral to RD with different RC-I.2

    expertiseo Collaboration/referral to otherproviderso Referral to community agencies!programs (~ecify) _


    Discharge and Transfer ofNutrition Care toNew Setting or Provider (2)Discharge planning and transfer of nutrition care fromone level or location of care to another.o Collaboration/referral to other RC-2.1

    providerso Referral t o community agencies! RC-2.2programs (specify) _

    3rd Edition
