Iditarod pioneer. [Iditarod, Alaska]. 1914-01-03 [p ]. › lccn › sn95060032 › ...Iditarod...

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Transcript of Iditarod pioneer. [Iditarod, Alaska]. 1914-01-03 [p ]. › lccn › sn95060032 › ...Iditarod...

  • Iditarod Pioneer -«*


    ONE D^A^PKH^MoNTHr ~~



    thy Wireless lo The Pioneer)

    Vera Cruz, Mexico, Jan. 2.—The fast cruiser Chester, carrying oecial Envoy Lind to Pass Christian, where he goes to confer with

    President Wilson on Mexican affairs, will arrive there tomorrow.

    Pass Christian, Miss., Jan. 1 —Wind and fog have delayed the ar- rival of John Lind, and he had not arrived at a late hour tonight.

    The President and his family took part in the New Year festivities and watched the old year out and the new year in.

    President Wilson, it is understood, has ordered Mr. Lind to meet him here as he is desirous of questioning Lind as to the truth 01 the

    published statements that British financial interests are arranging to loan the Huerta government a large sum of money.

    Fierce Battle in Progress Ry Wireless '.0 Tile neuter)

    Presidio, Tex., Dec. 31.—Advices received here report that the rebel and federal forces are engaged in fierce fighting near Ojanga, and that the former are victorious.

    Federals Slaughtered by Hundreds iBy Wireless «n Tile Pioneer)

    Presidio, Tex., Jan. 1.—The surrender of the entire federal army at Ojanga to the United States is momentarily expected. A fierce battle has been in progress between the rebel and federal forces, and the federals have perished by hundreds.


    With weather of the finest, with a good list of entries, and the attention of the

    people of the entrie district concentrated pen it, the fourth annual New Year's day

    handicap of the Iditarod Kennel Club was staged on the afternoon of the first day of the year. There may have been races in former years in which more money was at

    stake, and larger crowds may have watched the canine contestants struggling for the coveted prize, but it is safe to say that never in the history of the sport in this district was a race pulled: off in which the interest was so well sustained from start to

    finish. From the time that the Shubert

    entry left the starting point at Iditarod until the last team cantered home, excitement was at a high pitch, and the thrilling fight for second place betw-een DeHouse, Shubert and Boardman was the signal for enthusias- tic cheering from the crowd that awaited the finale. The best time, that made by the Glantz team, establishes a record, and the fact that all six teams that finished came in within 12 minutes speaks much for ihe fairness of the handicap made by the officials of the club.

    Before the race nets were freely offered o! 10 to 8 on the Maynard and Glantz entries against the field, with no takers. There was very little betting done, but this in no wise detracted from the interest.

    The teams got away to a good start, and maintained their respective positions until Flat City was reached, when slight changes were noticeable in the running. On the re- turn to Flat from Discovery the Kay team took the lead and maintained it throughout, end crossed the finish line in the very good time of 1:57 :30.

    For second money DeHouse nosed out l Shubert. and Boardman came in but a few

    “econds behind him This was probably as pretty a contest as was ever witnessed in an event of this nature.

    The record made by the Glantz team, 1 50, is a remarkably good one, especially in view of the fact that the leader had to be unharnessed and led home. It was a disappointment to many that this team did not carry off the prize, and doubtless hail it not met with misfortune it would have won. The following table shows the relative positions of the different teams from start to finish:

    THE CONTRIBUTORS Following is a list of contributors to the

    race fund: Iditarod Contributor!

    New Budweiser .$ 50.00 N. C. Co. 25.00 Y. G. Co. 25.00 M & M. Bank. 10.00 Ramps Peterson 10.00 Gularte Bros. 10.00

    Crowley & Porter. 10.00 Iditarod Telephone Co. 10.00 Hurst Bros. 5.00 Miners’ Home Saloon. 5.00 John L. Sale. 5.00 W. W. Acheson. 5.06 H. SchUpik 5.00 Merchants? Cafe 5.00 Ansley’sjJJook Store. 5.00

    Hdk. | Entries. Driver. | start. 1 Summit. Flat. I Dlscov’y Flat. | Summit.) Iditarod.j Total. 35 m. I Sbubert (3d) teir .*! 1:00:00 1 1:36:00 1:51:00 12:08:00 2:26:35 12:10:00 3:19:1012:19:10 25 m. I Boardman Self.-J 1:1 0:00 1:41:30 1:55:30 2:10:20 2:26:40 I 2 :47 :30 3:19:55 2:09:55 20m. IKay (1st) ~elr 1:15:00 1:42:00 1:55:00 2:10:50 2:24:45 2:45:00 3:12:05 1 1:57:30 19 m. I DeHouse (2d)...._