Identification and Progress Monitoring at Tier 3: Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Presented at 2008 National...

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Transcript of Identification and Progress Monitoring at Tier 3: Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Presented at 2008 National...

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Identification and Progress Monitoring at Tier 3: Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Presented at 2008 National Forum for Implementation of School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports Rose Iovannone, Ph.D. Kathy Christiansen, MS University of South Florida Slide 2 Objectives Participants will: Describe a model of individualized behavior support Identify factors that may contribute to effectiveness of PTR Slide 3 The ProblemEvidence-Based Tertiary supports (i.e., individualized PBS, Tier 3 behavior supports) Evidence-base exists Research method used primarily single subject Limited rigorous, randomized control trials to evaluate effectiveness Slide 4 The Problem - In Authentic Schools Ingredients Child is the problem - fix him/her Absence of uniform policies & practices Form-driven versus process-driven Expert versus collaborative approach Contextual fit not always considered Limited support/follow-up/training for teacher provided Result Many BIPs do not get implemented Behavior problems persist Slide 5 Individualized PBS (Tertiary) For high-risk students: History of severe problem behaviors Demonstrated resistance to intervention An intensive system of support is needed ~ 80% of Students ~15% ~5% Slide 6 What is PTR? Research project funded by U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Science (2004-2008) University of South Florida3 school districts University of Colorado, Denver2 school districts Purpose: Investigate effectiveness of PTR process vs. business as usual Randomized control trial 200 students (100 treatment/100 comparison) Slide 7 Theoretical Framework Principles of applied behavior analysis Operant learning theory Positive Behavior Supportfoundation Intervention consists of three core components: Prevent Teach Reinforce Team/teacher driven process Slide 8 Participants Students in K-8th grade General or Special Education All cognitive levels All disabilities Behavioral difficulties Intensity disruption to the learning environment Frequency minimum of 1 time per week Duration minimum 6 months Teachers volunteered & nominated 1-3 students Top externalizers Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD) Slide 9 Process Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) Five steps: Team development30 minutes if applicable Goal setting30-45 minutes PTR assessment30-60 minutes PTR intervention45-90 minutes Coaching support (up to 12 hours) Evaluation30-40 minutes Each team assigned PTR consultant (from project) Teams receive manual and assigned activities to be completed in each step. Slide 10 Preliminary Data Results Slide 11 Student Demographics by Disability DisabilityN% Autism208.2 Deaf1.4 Developmental Delay62.4 Emotional Disturbance3112.7 Mental Retardation197.8 Multiple Disabilities41.6 OHI (not ADD/ADHD)2.8 OHI (ADD/ADHD)83.3 Specific Learning Disability218.6 Speech/Language Disability83.3 Visual Impairment1.4 General Education11647.3 TOTAL 237 Slide 12 Student Description Grade Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N 34 53 41 30 16 7 8 3 % 13.9 21.6 16.7 12.2 6.5 2.9 3.3 1.2 Lunch Status Regular Free/Reduced 77 150 31.4 61.2 Gender Female Male 45 200 18.4 81.6 Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 The PTR Process Slide 18 Step 1: Form a Team Identify members and their roles Teacher, special area teachers Behavior specialist/school psychologist Family members, paraprofessionals, Slide 19 Step 1: Team Building Ensuring a Successful Team Review the status of the team Work styles inventory Teaming survey Use a collaborative process Teacher and facilitator relationship Consensus making method Slide 20 Slide 21 Slide 22 Case Study 1: Mike 9-year-old male Autism diagnosis Self-contained autism classroom Nonverbaluses AAT (signs, voice output devices such as Dynamite, and pictures to communicate) 1 teacher, 2 aides, and 6 students Results of teaming information indicate a great team that meets regularly to brainstorm Slide 23 Case Study 2: Jeff Male Second grade general ed. student Retained once Premature birth SSBD Scores: Stage 2: 8 Critical Events Adaptive Behavior Score = 33 Maladaptive Behavior Score = 32 Slide 24 Teacher/Classroom Team: Two teachers Current second grade teacher Second grade teacher from previous year Seventeen students Teacher experience4 years at same school Slide 25 Teaming Results Team respected each other, worked together Met consistently for planning purposes Strong communicators and problem solvers Sharing of roles and responsibilities Active parental participation encouraged Slide 26 Step 2: Goal Setting Identify team consensus on: Academic behavior Social behavior Problem behavior Develop and begin baseline data collection Slide 27 Setting Goals: Mike Pre-Test Slide 28 Slide 29 Slide 30 Behavior Rating Scale Reliability Perceptual rating Behavior recorded at least once daily May be specific to a setting, activity, time of day May be whole day May be combination of both Use anchors on a scale of 1-5 Slide 31 Slide 32 Slide 33 Slide 34 Slide 35 Determining the Anchors on the BRS Behavior can be measured using Frequency (times per day) Duration (hours, minutes, seconds) Intensity (how hard, how loud, bruise, etc.) Percent of day Percent of occurrence Percent of opportunity Slide 36 BRS Preliminary Reliability (Psychometric) Results VariableMeanSDPearsons T PB13.981.35.83* S PB13.991.33 T PB23.971.35.77* S PB23.841.33 T AB13.011.39.66* S AB13.081.37 T AB23.221.35.77* S AB23.701.57 T = Teacher rating; S = PTR data collector rating; PB = Problem behavior; AB = Appropriate behavior * P