Ideas for GivingTuesday

Post on 10-May-2015

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Explore ways your nonprofit can get involved in #GivingTuesdayCA this year. This presentation shares many ideas - from the simple to more complex - for engaging your supporters, raising awareness, and supporting philanthropy this December 2nd, 2014. GivingTuesday is a global movement that creates a new day on the calendar focused on giving back.

Transcript of Ideas for GivingTuesday


Ideas for Your Charity

Today’s Presenter

Kirstin Beardsley Charity Engagement @ CanadaHelps

About CanadaHelps

CanadaHelps is a registered charity that provides secure, low-cost, and easy-to-use online fundraising solutions to Canadian charities. CanadaHelps is a founding partner in bringing GivingTuesday to Canada!




What is GivingTuesday?

“We have two days that are good for the economy. Now we have a day that is good for the community too.” #GivingTuesdayCa

December 2, 2014

• 1,300+ Canadian GivingTuesday partners, and over 10,000 partners worldwide

• More than a million Canadians were engaged with the GivingTuesday message through partners, traditional media, social media

• Significant increases in giving: Blackbaud, CanadaHelps, and Mobile Giving Foundation reported significant increases in charitable donations

Highlights from 2013

Highlights from 2013 • Corporate Canada supports

GivingTuesday: CIBC, Interac, Deloitte, Newfoundland Power, Tim Hortons, Canadian Tire, PayPal Canada and more!

• Celebrities endorsed GivingTuesday (let’s see more Canadian celebs this year!): Ellen Degeneres, Heidi Klum, Barbra Streisand, Kourtney Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Bill Gates… and many more.

• Cities of Norfolk County (ON), Guelph, and Calgary endorsed GivingTuesday

Media Support of GivingTuesday • GivingTuesday received media

pickup with the following outlets: • CTV News • The Globe and Mail • Canada AM • Global News • CBC Radio • Ottawa Citizen • Metro News • National Post • Yahoo News • Huffington Post Canada •

• 2013 GivingTuesday Media Partners: Twitter, The Walrus, Savvy Mom

Get Involved in GivingTuesday!

1. Become a GivingTuesday partner at

2. Launch a GivingTuesday campaign

3. Share your involvement and join the conversation #GivingTuesdayCA

What Does GivingTuesday Offer?

• The chance to tell giving stories and bring attention to philanthropic commitments.

• The strength of an international “umbrella” and unified message that upholds and supports many individual campaigns and messages. #GivingTuesdayCa harnesses the power of a collective voice to make a difference.

Why is GivingTuesday Powerful?

• A new narrative around giving and volunteerism.

• The synergies in leveraging collective relationships, media partners and communication assets.

• A powerful “hook” to rally major social media, outdoor media, traditional media partners to help us “tell the story” about the power of giving.

• A comprehensive messaging platform and coordinated communication strategy that will support all participants.

• For individuals, it is an opportunity to be part of a global celebration of generosity. #GivingTuesdayCa is something that everyone can share with friends, family and colleagues.

GivingTuesday Canada Founding Partners


Participation Ideas


Ask for Donations

Use the #GivingTuesdayCa movement as a way to kick-off your year-end fundraising appeals


• CanadaHelps Custom Donate Now pages can be created for specific funds or campaigns.

• Create a specific #GivingTuesdayCa page and solicit donations on December 2nd.

• Create a dialogue with your community about how they give gifts and give back at this time of the year

• Create a gift catalogue for your charity and promote the giving of meaningful gifts

• Encourage donations in honour of others

• Encourage people to “give the gift of giving” with CanadaHelps Charity Gift Cards

Promote Charitable Gifts for the Holidays


• Created an infographic that highlighted the power of shopping dollars when used for altruistic purposes • “Does it surprise you that 79% of

Americans polled would rather have a donation made in their name rather than a gift they know they'll never use? That's nearly 80 percent of your shopping list!”

• Created an online savings calculator that helped people figure out how much they saved on Black Friday & Cyber Monday…then encouraged people to put those savings towards Heifer International

• Engagement methods: PR, email, social media

Corporate Partnerships


• Find a local company that would like to get involved in #GivingTuesdayCa

• Ask them to match donations made to your organization on December 2nd

• Promote the match to your donors and let them know that their donations can have a greater impact if they give on #GivingTuesdayCa

• A matching appeal is a great way to leverage existing/planned donations

Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia & Deloitte

Deloitte matched up to $5,000 in donations from individuals, allowing the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia to raise over $10k!

Awareness Raising through Social Media


Use the #GivingTuesdayCa hashtag to join the larger GivingTuesday conversation


• Ask your supporters to send in a photo or short video about why they give

• Give them a simple statement to

complete such as “I give because…” or “I give back by…” to make it easy for them to get involved

• On December 2, post the contributions to your social media channels


Unselfies are personal images posted on social feeds that showcase generosity

American Red Cross #GiveWithMeaning


• Rolled out a social media and email campaign two weeks prior asking their Facebook and Twitter followers to make a donation

• Changed their cover photos on Facebook and Twitter with creative from their #GivingTuesday campaign

• Fortunate enough to have an anonymous donor match donations up to $10,000 • The matching donation really encouraged people to donate and created a sense of

urgency • Garnered 121 new donors, and the average donation was $124 • Lessons learned: start earlier, and engage fans more

Donor or Volunteer Recognition


• Use #GivingTuesdayCa as an opportunity to give back to your supporters and thank them!

• Show how much your organization appreciates its volunteers, donors, and sponsors by making a short video


• Take some photos of your team with signs saying “Thank you” and post them to Facebook or Pinterest

Support Your Mission & Take Direct Action

Art à la carte

Art à la carte launched a Letters of Hope campaign, asking community members to write letters of encouragement and support to long-term patients.

“You provide a great service. Small organizations like ours benefit tremendously, keeping our overhead low & spending more on good works!”

-Better Day Alliance

- UrbanPromise Vancouver

- ABC Life Literacy Canada


Promoted their annual spring Wheelchair Basketball Tournament by enrolling teams for 2014 and establishing new employee donation matching programs

Young Detroit Builders

Young Detroit Builders partnered with local business to create teams to winterize 20 homes in Detroit’s North End

Promote a Culture of Generosity

The City of Calgary made a proclamation to officially declare December 3rd, 2013 “GivingTuesday” Get your city involved for 2014!

The University of Guelph hosted a Giving Fair to introduce students to opportunities to give back in the community.

• Use #GivingTuesdayCa as an opportunity to shift the conversation away from giving funds and promote different ways to support your organization: • Skilled volunteering • Raising awareness for your

organization • Fundraising • Forwarding your newsletter • Sharing your Facebook page • Retweeting • Donating goods

Promote Other Ways of Giving

LET #GivingTuesdayCa HELP YOU!

• Resources on • Partner Toolkit • Case Studies • Intro to Social Media Guide • Facebook Best Practices • Corporate Engagement Guide • Blog posts

• Download logos and graphic


Join the GivingTuesday Canada mailing list!

Upcoming Webinars

Partnering with businesses for GivingTuesday • July 29th @ 2pm Eastern

Sign up for the GivingTuesday mailing list to learn more about upcoming webinars that will help your charity make the most of GivingTuesday!