Id Creation® Profile 2011

Post on 20-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Id Creation® Profile 2011

| I d e n t i f y y o u . . |

what makes id creation different ?

Together we rise towards success and authenticity

id creation`s headquarter is based in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It is founded in January 2007, manned by young and talented professionals gathered together by common dreams and ambitions.

id creation® team works hand-in-hand to augment the clientele base targeting the unique business opportunities, locally and regionally. id creation® strongly believes that in order to achieve the patronage and loyalty among our clients, a high spectrum of service satisfaction is the general norm in our business. Hence, compelling our targets allow our clients to choose us among other growing number of competitors to see us as one of the best solution to their branding problems. id creation® gained the trust and confidence of its loyal clients with the vision of perfection, creativity and commitment.

We aim not to be your business partner but your companion in creating a healthy and lasting relationship, that understands and cares about your company`s welfare in constructing a platform of success by giving you the best possible solutions and potent strategic tools in achieving your business goals.

id creation looks after your future by establishing a strong foundation of branding that will empower your business` position in local and international market.

شركة »آي دي كرييشن«

تأسس��ت في يناير2007 ، كشركة ناش��طة في مجال الدعاية واإلعالن والعالقات العامة والتس��ويق. تتبنى رؤية واضحة تجاه الشركات والمؤسس��ات التي ترعى تسويق أعمالها وابت��كار صورتها المرئية وإيجاد الحلول اإلعالنية المناس��بة للبيئ��ة الثقافية واالجتماعية التي تتحرك فيها هذه المؤسسات، لتعطي العمل اإلبداعي روحًا حية قادرة على التعبير

بأبلغ ما يمكن للصورة أن تنطق.

وتأخذ الشركة بعين االعتبار مدى الجرأة المبنية على الثقة المتبادلة بينها وبين أصدقائها لتكون الحافز األكبر لخلق الموهبة على يد فريق من الخبراء والمبدعين.

م��ن هنا أصبح��ت id creation الخيار األول لع��دد من الوزارات الحكومية والمؤسس��ات األهلي��ة والش��ركات المحلي��ة واألقليمية. س��جلت خاللها إنج��ازات تس��ويقية أّثرت في مبيعاته��ا وحج��م اس��تثماراتها واس��تطاعت أن تجد جمه��ورًا يعرف رس��التها ويؤمن


ما جعل الش��ركة أكثر خب��رة ومرونة في ابتكار الهويات الرس��مية والعالم��ات التجارية وصنع الحمالت اإلعالنية ما جعلها محطًا لالستشارات اإلعالنية والتسويقية.

Our Servicesn Brand (Consultancy, Master Planning, Design, Naming, Create Identity,

Culturing and Architecture Development)n Annual Marketing Planning and Budgetingn Corporate and Product Literature Development and Implementationn Printing and Packaging Developmentn Publishingn Advertising Conceptualizationn Media Planning and Placementn Merchandisingn Environment Design and Fabricationn Exhibitions Organisingn Event Managementn Website Programming and Data-base Solutionsn Create Character

خـدمـاتـنـا : n الهوية )االستشارات، التخطيط الموحد، ابتكار الهويات، إطالق التسميات(.

n ابتكار العالمات التجارية.

n التسويق )التخطيط ورصد الميزانيات السنوية(.

n المنتجات )ترسيخ ثقافة المنتجات وتطبيقاتها(.

n تطوير تغليف المنتجات.

n تصميم اإلصدارات والمطبوعات بأنواعها.

n وضع تصورات ابتكارية لإلعالنات التجارية.

n التخطيط اإلعالمي للحمالت اإلعالنية وتطبيقها.

n العرض المرئي للمبيعات في األسواق.

n تكييف اإلعالن التسويقي وفق البيئة االجتماعية.

n تنظيم المعارض، والفعاليات، والمؤتمرات.

n تطوير المواقع اإللكترونية وصناعة الحلول البرمجية لقواعد المعلومات.

n ابتكار الشخصيات.

Ali SangoorAccount Director+973 39 71 88

Mohd Al JaziriAccount Director+973 33 1888

Saleh AlsebeaCreative Director+973 36663

id creation CompanyOffice : +973 17879044P.O. Box : 54424, Kingdom of BahrainEmail : info@id-creation.netWebsite :

S. Mohd DarwishMultimedia

Mohd A. Bin MohsenArt

Zaki QassimAccounting

Our Dynamos and Contacts

Our WOrK

Corporate n Logon Slogann Identityn Stationaryn Vehicles idn Signage

Marketingn Brandingn Product Packagingn Placementn Marketing Letters

Event Managementn Exhibition Organisingn Exhibition Itemsn Product Launchingn Press Conference, Seminars

Campaignn Planningn Advertisingn Copywritern Campaign Toolsn Promotional Itemsn PR Tools

Publicationsn Corporate Profilen Magazinen Brochure, Leaflet, Newslettern Annual Reportn Investment Handbook

Website Developmentn Web Designing and Programmingn Database Solutions

Drawingsn Character, Educational Books


Corporate Identity | Branding | Campaign | Publication | Website | Drawing




Magazine id Packaging


Vehical id


Project : Car Rental OfficeClient : «We» rent A Car , Oct 2009

Project : Al-Kawther Society for Social CareClient : Al-Kawther Society for Social Care, April 2009

Project : Signal PCClient : Signal Group , August 2007

Project : Shekha Sabeeka Al Khalifa`s AwardClient : Ministry of Social Development, March 2008

Project : Tharawat Real Estate Investment Co. - QatarClient : Shekh Mohd Al-Thani , March 2007

Project : Magic Fingers Beauty SalonClient : Ms. Fatima Al-Oraibi , March 2010

Project : Al-Mohandis MagazineClient : Bahrain Society of Engineers, June 2007

Project : Al-Aqariya MagazineClient : Aqariya real Estate Maqazine - Qatar May 2007

Project : Al-Kamel BrandClient : Al-Kamel Herbal Factory , On going

Project : Hotline CampaignClient : Ministry of Social Development - Bahrain , Oct 2007

Project : Attaeb Trade MarkClient : Al-Helli Merza & Son Group, Jan 2010

Project : Atayeb RestaurantClient : Al-Helli Merza & Son Croup, Dec 2009

Project : Al- Akffa BrandClient : Al- Akffa`a Food Packing Centre , Jan 2011

Project : Albustani Bakeries BrandClient : Albustani Group , Oct 2010

Project : Jaleel Sandwich & ShawarmaClient : Jaleel TM, Jul 2007

Project : Omran DecorClient : Omran Group, Nov 2007


Corporate Identity | Branding | Campaign | Publication | Website | Drawing

Trade MarkLogo

Packaging id


rebranding Project : Al-Kamel Client : Al-Kamel Herbal Factory On going

rebranding Project : Al-Kamel Client : Al-Kamel Herbal Factory On going

Branding | Project : Attayeb TM Client : Al-Helli Merza & Son Group Jan 2010


Corporate Identity | Branding | Campaign | Publication | Website | Drawing



Campaign Tools

Vehical Ads


Don`t give me a fish..but teach me, how to fish.

“The future of the orphan is our aim” CampaignAlkawther Society for Social Care

«Do not give me a fish, but teach me how to fish» clarifies the Alkawther’s vision of creating opportunities that facilitate ways of living for orphans to develop their own skills and abilities and build up their own future without having to rely on anyone.

Campaign Project: “The future of the orphan is our aim” Client: Al-Kawther Society for Social Care Nov. 2008

Campaign Project: “The future of the orphan is our aim” Client: Al-Kawther Society for Social Care Nov 2008

Campaign Project: Al Salam Private School Client: Khair Al Bahrain for Educational Services July 2010


Corporate Identity | Branding | Campaign | Publication | Website | Drawing



MagazineAnnual Report

Corporate Profile Project : Haji Hassan Al-Aali Group Client: Haji Hassan Al-Aali Group Nov 2009

Invetation Card

Magazine Conference Items

BrochureProject : Opening The Capital MallClient : Ministry of Social Development - Bahrain, March ,2008

Project : The 1st Congress of the GNSClient : The Bahrain Neurosciences Association (BNA)Dec ,2007

Project : Commitment CampaignClient : Ministry of Municipalities, Dec 2010

Project : “The future of the orphan is our aim” Client : Al-Kawther Society for Social Care, 2009

Brochure Project : Express Mail Client: Ministry of Transportation Feb 2007

Corporate Identity | Branding | Campaign | Publication | Website | Drawing


Website Project : Premator Gulf Client: Premator Gulf Jan 2011

Website Project : Attayeb restaurant Client : Al-Helli Merza & Son Group Dec 2009

Website Project: Al-Kawther Society for Social Care Client: Al-Kawther Society for Social Care Nov 2008

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