ICRS NEWS v14(1)20041).2004.pdf · 2013-01-27 · protagonist versus antagonist role. In addition,...

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Transcript of ICRS NEWS v14(1)20041).2004.pdf · 2013-01-27 · protagonist versus antagonist role. In addition,...

There were 92 oral and 150 poster presentations at the meeting. These covered a range of topics including cannabinoid chemical structure activity relationships; regulation of endocannabinoid biosynthesis and inactivation; cannabinoid receptor structure, regulation, and signal transduction; vallinoid receptors; evolution of the cannabinoid system; neuromodulatory effects of endocannabinoids; memory and cognition; reproduction and brain development; and immunomodulatory activities. Two areas of major emphasis centered around the functional relevance of the endocannabinoid system and of the role of cannabinoids as potential therapeutic or analgesic agents. In this context symposium sessions addressed effects of cannabinoids on gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and other peripheral functions; neuroprotection and neurodegenerative disorders; the sensory nervous system and pain; stress, anxiety, and psychiatric disorders; food-intake and energy control; cancer; and potential novel roles for cannabinoid CB2 receptors in human osteoporosis.

As diverse as these topics were, they collectively shared a commonality in the high quality and caliber of their scientific content and professionaldelivery. This attests to the fact that the Student Judging Commitee handed out a record number (16) Scientific Achievement awards this year. Thanks go to Judging Committee Chair Cece


Letter from the Past President 1 The Minutes 3 Awards: Braude 4 Article: Puffenbarger 5-6 2003 ICRS Treasurer’s Report 7 Membership Directory 8-

Hillard, Tiziana Bisogno, Chris Fowler, Michelle Glass, George Kunos, Mauro Maccarrone, Brian Thomas and Michael Walker.

This year’s Symposium on the Cannabinoids was complemented by a Monothematic One-Day Meeting of the Società Italiana di Farmacologia. Five thematic sessions were held that focused on cannabinoids and cancer, novel roles for cannabinoid CB2 receptors, cannabinoids in the eye (in memory of Anna Porcella), immune-modulatory actions, and reward and interactions with other drugs of abuse. An innovative set of poster sessions also was held that centered on discussion of controversial issues. These included a discussion on the putative anandamide membrane transporter and on cannabinoids and cancer. Both sessions were highly successful and generated a vigorous debate among participants in a protagonist versus antagonist role. In addition, the ICRS was pleased to coordinate its 2004 symposium with a satellite meeting on “Targeted Lipidomics” that was sponsored through the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dr. Rao Rapaka presented opening remarks at this satellite meeting and, along with Drs. Steve Gust and George Kunos, served as chair for symposium sessions.

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ICRS President: Vincenzo Di Marzo


Daniela Parolaro

Past President: Guy Cabral


Patricia Reggio

Treasurer: Jenny Wiley

International Secretary:

Roger Pertwee

Executive Director: Richard Musty

L e t t e r f r o m t h e P a s t P r e s i d e n t

Continued on p.2

Newsletter of the

International Cannabinoid

Research Society

S u m m e r 2 0 0 4

Dear Colleagues,

This past year has proved to be truly outstanding in terms of growth of our society in membership and quality of scientific presentations at the 14th Annual Symposium on the Cannabinoids held at the Ariston Hotel in Paestum, Italy. We owe special thanks to this year’s Program Committee (Guy Cabral, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Javier Fernandez-Ruiz, Richard Musty, Roger Pertwee, Patricia Reggio, and Hassimi Traore) for scheduling a cutting-edge yet diverse program that dealt with a plethora of topics related to cannabinoids.

G u y C a b r a l

V o l u m e 1 4 , N u m b e r 1

We are particularly grateful to all of the members of the Italian Organizing Committee including Maurizio Bifulco, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Walter Fratta, Angelo Izzo, Mauro Maccarrone, Sabatino Maione, Daniela Parolaro, Luca Steardo, and Sergio Tanganelli for their efforts in coordinating arrangements for the 2004 symposium. Special thanks are in order to the Local Organizing Committee (Tiziana Bisogno, Vito De Novellis, Luciano De Petrocellis, and Carmela Saturnino) and all of the volunteers who assisted. Our Italian colleagues coordinated a superb and memorable meeting. Not only were we treated to an outstanding scientific venue that proceeded with minimal “glitches” but also we had the opportunity to savor a warm and congenial ambiance and tremendous hospitality.

Particularly enjoyable was the after-dinner concert on Friday night for which we owe many thanks to Vincenzo Di Marzo. We also are most grateful for all of the hard work of Adriana Oliviero-Di Marzo, Alessia Ligresti and Magda Bifulco in coordinating guided tours of the mozzarella manufacturers and visits to the Paestum temples, the Pompeii excavations, the Naples Historical center, and the Amalfi coast. Also, it goes without saying, that we owe many thanks to Diane Mahadeen and Rik Musty who provide a continuity and organizational oversight without which our society would not flourish. Finally, we would like to thank Diana St. Louis for her role as Abstract and Program Coordinator and our Webmaster Jason Schechter, as well as conference volunteer assistants Nicole Schechter, Heather Allen, Diana Chase, Teresa Roth, Chris Varvel and Steve Varvel.

We are most appreciative of the companies pledging financial support to our meeting: Sanofi-Synthelabo Recherche; Allergen, Inc.; Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute; GW Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Novasite Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Astra Zeneca R & D,

Montreal; Glaxo Smith Kline; Alexis Corporation; Cayman Chemical Company; Eli Lilly & Company; Unilever R & D; Indena, S. P. A.; Pfizer, Inc.; Epitech, S. R. L.; Merck & Co., Inc.- USA; Microtech, S. R. L.; Shimadzu, S. R. L.; Elsohly Laboratories; and Tocris.

We are also thankful for financial sponsorship from university, government, and non-profit organizations. Generous support was provided by the Università degli Studi di Salerno; Università degli Studi dell’Insubria; Università degli Studi di Teramo; Società Italiana di Farmacologia; Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche; Instituto di Chimica Biomolecolare, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli; Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”; and Associazione ERMES. We are particularly grateful for financial sponsorship from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at the National Institutes of Health, USA. We also thank NIDA for its sponsorship of a luncheon at which Dr. Steven Gust discussed “Research Funding Initiatives for Non-US Citizens/Permanent Residents.”

The generous financial support afforded by corporate and non-corporate sponsors allowed for the conduct of a highly successful meeting in which scholars from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand met to discuss the latest developments in cannabinoid research, renew friendships, and exchange scientific ideas as well as establish collaborative initiatives. Of paramount importance, the generous financial support that was made available allowed for granting of more than 80 travel awards to graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and young investigators to attend and present at this year’s ICRS meeting. Furthermore, as a consequence of availability of such financial support, effective at our next annual meeting a financial award will be offered to an

Continued from p.1


outstanding young investigator.

The ICRS has emphasized its commitment to encourage inclusion of young investigators and scientists as members and participants in our meetings. We were especially pleased that numerous students and post-doctoral fellows participated this year either in the poster sessions or at oral presentations. The caliber of research conducted by these young investigators was truly outstanding. The Society was also pleased to present this year’s Mechoulam Award to Murielle Rinaldi-Carmona and Francis Barth in recognition of their seminal work on the development of cannabinoid receptor antagonists.

So, another exciting and yet challenging annual meeting year has come to a close. We look forward to our next annual ICRS Symposium on the Cannabinoids to be held in Clearwater, Florida 24-28 June, 2005.

With Best Wishes for a

Successful Year,

2005 ICRS Symposium June 24 – 28, 2005

Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort Clearwater, Florida USA

The meeting was called to order by the Presiding President, Guy Cabral at 6:45 p.m. on June 25. The meeting was chaired by Rik Musty, Executive Director.

1) The first topic was an announcement of a new Award for a Young Investigator. It will be a cash award for an individual whose work has had impact on the cannabinoid field. A sub-committee will be formed to discuss the criteria (age, years after degree, etc.) for this award.

2) An announcement was made that the Treasurer’s report will be published in the next newsletter. (See related report below).

3) The next ICRS meeting was announced. Clearwater, Florida, 24-28 June 2005. Rik Musty described the site. A Hilton hotel (on the beach) has been reserved for the conference. The cost of the meeting should be similar to this year. A link will be placed on the web site with registration information.

be considered on an ad-hoc basis. A motion was made to approve an ICRS symposium next year at CPDD. It was seconded and passed.

6) Old Business. None.

7) New Business. Several program issues were raised. Ethan Russo proposed that the clinical session should not always be at the end of the conference. The program committee will take this into consideration when planning next year’s program. A discussion ensued about attendance at othersessions during this year’s conference. Vincenzo Di Marzo noted that while attendance varied at different sessions, there were always at least 150 participants present.

8) The “controversial issues” sessions (held at the poster sessions this year) will be a formal session next year. Attendees found this a valuable addition to the program.

9) The point was raised that previously published work had been presented at the meeting. There is currently a statement about submitting previously unpublished work in the call for abstracts. It was suggested that this point be emphasized again during next year’s call for abstracts. It may also be possible to shift published studies to poster presentations.

10) It was noted that presentations and posters were being photographed and videotaped. Rik and Guy stated that as of next year, no videos will be allowed in the sessions (both oral and poster).

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Announcement of new officers was made at the Banquet Dinner as follows: President Vincenzo DiMarzo; President Elect Daniela Parolaro; Secretary Patricia Reggio; Treasurer Jenny Wiley, and Student Representative Liana Fattore.

Respectfully submitted,

M Mary Abood, I ICRS Secretary


4) ICRS 2006. Sites under consideration include University of Aberdeen in Scotland, Hungary (near Budapest) and Vienna, Austria. Presentations were given by Ruth Ross, Tibor Wenger and Hans Kress on the three venues. The Executive Committee (EC) will place details of the venues proposed on the Web page for ICRS members to vote on once the suitability of each venue is established.

The business meeting was adjourned to reconvene the following day. On June 26, the following topics were discussed:

5) ICRS Symposium at the College of Problems in Drug Dependence (CPDD) meeting. Guy Cabral described Marty Adler’s suggestion about hosting an ICRS Symposium at CPDD on the last day of their meeting next June 23. CPDD will be held in Orlando, Florida from June 18-23, 2005. ICRS members interested in attending this symposium would be eligible for day rates at CPDD on that day. As an aside, the ICRS also has day rates for the ICRS conference. The discussion that ensued centered around the idea that this

ICRS 2004

Business Meeting Minutes

Executive Newsletter Editor: Brian Thomas

Newsletter Editor: Diane Mahadeen

Design & Layout: Jason Schechter

Editorial Assistants:

John Huffman Thomas Klein Richard Musty Roger Pertwee

Photographers: Fred Gardner

Donald Wirtshafter

Home Web Site: http://cannabinoidsociety.org


Jason Schechter

Office eMail: ICRS@cannabinoidsociety.org

Office Telephone: 802.656.4189

Office FAX: 802.656.8783

Office Mailing Address: ICRS, Diane Mahadeen

55 Elsom Pky. So. Burlington, VT 05403


ICRS Formal Address: Department of Psychology

John Dewey Hall University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05405


Contact: Diana St. Louis Office Phone: 802.656.2670

Office Fax: 802.656.8783 eMail: Diana.St.Louis@uvm.edu

U.S. Federal ID Number 03-0345758

Braude Receives Lifetime Achievement Award


(photo: DUNNO)

In recognition of Emeritus members who have made great contributions to the cannabinoid field, the ICRS Executive Committee created a Lifetime Achievement. The 2003 recipient of the award was one of our Society's founding members Monique Braude.

A graduate of the Sorbonne in Paris (B.S. in 1948), O Ohio State University (M.S. in 1954) and the n University of Maryland School of Medicine (Ph.D. in in 1963) Monique has been involved with ar marijuana and cannabinoid research studies o supported by the U.S. Government since the rl early 1970s.

After working for the Food and Drug ni Administration in its Psychiatric Unit, she moved to to NIMH in 1970 to its Narcotic and Drug Abuse I Division which, in 1974, became the National st Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA). There, as Chief of th the Preclinical Section, she initiated and developed th the Biomedical Marihuana Program using grants n and contracts to pursue the necessary research on h the effects of cannabinoids.

results of these studies in the annual Reports to the U.S. Congress. During these years, the Marihuana Program expanded and Monique site visited most of the laboratories performing these studies. In 1974, with Dr. Stephen Szara, chief of the Biomedical branch, she organized one of the first large international conferences on the Pharmacology of Marihuana, which was published by Raven Press in 1976. She also represented the U.S. Government in international colloquia organized by the United Nations in Sweden, Israel and Holland.

Monique continued to be in charge of the preclinical studies of marijuana and cannabinoids until 1987 when she retired from the U.S. government. She continued to be active in the field and organized many symposia in ICRS, American Association for the Advancement of Science and Society of Toxicology meetings. She was elected in 1992 to be the second President of the newly formed ICRS. Her aim has been to support reliable, scientific studies of cannabinoids to protect the health and safety of the U.S. population.

Under contracts with Dr. Rosenkrantz of the Mason Research Institute, the acute and chronic toxicological studies of the major cannabinoids (delta-9-THC, CBD and CBN) were carried out. Results of these studies were immediately published in the Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Journal between 1972 and 1979. From 1971 to 1980, Monique also reported the

By Diane Mahadeen


2004 ICRS Symposia and the Immune System

By Robyn Puffenbarger

The setting for the 2004 ICRS symposia was absolutely beautiful, and this year the scientific advances were impressive. This summary will try to do justice to the amazing breadth and depth of research covering the cannabinoid influences on the immune system reported this year in Paestum. Exciting research reported this year included three reports on multiple sclerosis (MS) from Malfitano et al., Ortega-Gutierrez et al., and Mestre et al. that focus on immune cells. These groups showed that the progression and severity of disease in their model was attenuated by, respectively, VR1/CB1 agonist arvanil, the potent anandamide (AEA) uptake inhibitor UCM707, and the endocannabinoid transport inhibitors OMDM1/2. Each group suggest from their studies on either T or microglial cells that the immunosuppressive properties of exogenous cannabinoid administration or raising the levels of endogenous cannabinioids may provide new therapeutic strategies for treating autoimmune diseases.

While considerable research efforts focused on lymphocyte populations including T cells, peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL’s), peripheral polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN’s), peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC’s), leukemic cell lines and splenocytes, this year was notable for the lack of reports featuring pure B cell populations! T cell research featured two reports, first Gasperi et al. demonstrated that the fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) promoter is differentially regulated by leptin and progesterone in T cells versus neuro-

blastoma cells. Then Rockwell and Kaminski showed that splenocytes treated with anandamide (AEA) or arachidonic acid (AA) produce less IL-2 than control cells and using selective COX-1 or COX-2 inhibitors, this reduction is due to the actions of both COX-1 and COX-2. In a SCID mouse model of AIDS infection, Baldwin et al. treated the mice with THC then found that expression of CCR5 and CXCR4 HIV co-receptors was increased compared to controls and more PBL’s were AIDS infected in ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) treated cells versus controls. McHugh and Ross treated PMN’s with AEA and reported that AEA is not a chemoattractant but AEA does significantly inhibit PMN migration to N-formyl-methione-leucine-phenylalanine. Coopman et al. examined the changes in CB2 receptor levels by Western blotting in PBMC’s. After stimulation with staphylococcyl enterotoxin-B, CB2 levels were maintained for only 7-10 days and then the CB2 levels decreased, while stimulation with anti-CD3/CD28 induced strong expression of CB2 for up to14 days. Velasco et al. studied the apoptotic mechanism in leukemic cells lines and treatment with cannabinoid agonists involves ceramide synthesis, c-Jun N-terminal and P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP) activation, and downstream activation of caspase 3. Rao and Kaminksi showed with HPB-ALL cell line that THC treatment elevates intracellular calcium levels via CB2 through a putative receptor operated calcium channel. Finally, Duncan et al. examined the effects of Echinacea

purpurea extracts on CB2-/- and wt mice and noted that splenocytes from all mice had comparable levels of Con-A induced interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α suggesting Echinacea purpurea effects are independent of CB2 receptor.

As in previous years, macrophages, monocytes, and microglia received considerable attention by a number of groups beginning with Roth et al. This group has shown that the monocyte to dendritic cell (DC) transition is inhibited by cannabinoid agonists and that HLA-DR, CD40, CD80, and CD86 expression are all decreased by THC or JWH-105 treatment. In agreement with the previous results, Vitiello et al. also examined the effects of AEA on the human monocyte to DC transition. They showed that AEA decreases the number of DC maturing from monocytes, AEA hinders LPS signalling pathways in DC, and these effects are cannabinoid and vanilloid receptor independent. Carrier et al. showed that microglial cell line proliferation is inhibited by THC and

(continued on p. 6)


cannabidiol (CBD) with concomitant decreases in p38 MAP kinase activity but no decreases in p42/p44 MAP kinase activity. Puffenbarger et al. presented an initial characterization of the murine CB2 promoter region in a macrophage-like cell line. To conclude the macrophage section, Ferguson and Buckely working with CB2-/- (knockout) mice showed the thioglycolate elicited macrophages have variations in morphology compared to wild type (wt) mice.

The rest of the reports on cannabinoid immunomodulatory effects used a variety of cell types that fit with a theme of inflammation. First, Sugiura et al. examined eosinophils and found that 2-AG but not AEA induced migration in human eosinophils. They also showed that 2-AG levels are increased in mouse ear after TPA treatment. Then, Massa et al. used CB1-/- mice to show that the CB1 knockout mice have a greater inflammatory response in models of colonic inflammation versus wt mice. Next, mast cells were used by two groups to examine the effects of cannabinoids. Jonsson and Fowler used a mast cell dependent inflammatory response in the mouse ear to show that the CB2 agonist JWH133 significantly decreased plasma extravasation compared to control while palmitoylisopropylamide, a palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) analog, had no effect. Vannacci et al. isolated guinea pig mast cells and treated them in the presence of the FAAH inhibitor PMSF. They showed that 2-arachidonyl glycerol and CP55,940decreased antigen dependent histamine release that was partially reversed by nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME. Using neutrophils, Nilsson and Jacobsson examined the effects of cannabinoids on IL-8 induced migration. In these experiments, pre-treatment with CP55,940 or WIN55,212 increased neutrophil migration compared to controls but AEA, PEA and OEA had no effect. Prause et al.gave healthy female volunteers THC (20 mg) or placebo (5 mg diazepam) and demonstrated that platelets from both groups had similar reactivity and glycoprotein II-b and III-a expression. Finally, in synovial fibroblasts obtained from patients undergoing knee replacement with rheumatoid arthritis, Burstein et al. saw that ajulemic acid reduced cell counts, altered prostaglandin expression to an anti-inflammatory profile, and changed IL-8 expression.

Taken individually, each of these studies represent a new piece of the knowledge base being created to determine the effects of cannabinoids on immune cells. Taken together, it seems we can conclude that cannabinoid compounds, cannabinoid receptors, and FAAH present novel targets for further research to prevent autoimmune activation in conditions such as MS and to modulate other diseases where inflammation plays a role.

Now, the long wait begins to see what new advances on the immunomodulatory effects of cannabinoids will come at ICRS in Florida, 2005!

2004 ICRS Symposia and the Immune System continued

”…this year the scientific advances were impressive.”

Cash Balance 1/1/2003 61,890

Income Membership Fees 10,695

Hotel and Registration Fees 163,160NIDA Grant Received in 2003 24,142

Other Grants 23,474Interest 552

Bank Credits 500 Total Income + Account Receivable 222,523

Operating Expenses

Office Supplies 2,996 Bank and Credit Card Fees 5,306

Newsletter and Membership Book Printing 1,727 Postage 3,984

Web Site and Internet Fees 2,147 Telephone 582

Consulting (D, Mahadeen) 24,500Consulting (D. St Louis) 910

Consulting (Misc) 2,271 Miscellaneous (Accountant, Legal) 112

Memberships 200 Insurance 6,154

Deposits for 2003 Conference Refunds to Members 250

Total Operating Expenses 51,139

Conference Expense NAV Canada Expense 150,812

Travel 1,375 Pre and Post-Doc Awards 1,600

International Student Awards 23,474NIDA Student Awards 24,142

Total 201,403

Total Cash + Income + Acct Receivable 284,413Total Expenses 252,542

Liabilities ( 1/31/2003 ) 22,000Fund Balance 2003 9,871

ICRS 2003

Treasurer’s Report

( in USD )


Mary Abood Forbes Norris ALS Res Cal Pacific Med Ctr 2351 Clay St San Francisco, CA 94115 415-600-3607 FAX: 415-563-7325 mabood@cooper.cpmc.org Donald Abrams Hematology-Oncology San Francisco General Hospital Ward 84 995 Potrero Avenue San Francisco, CA 94110 415-206-4919 FAX: 415-502-2991 dabrams@php.ucsf.edu Martin Adler Center for Substance Abuse Research Temple University School of Medicine 3400 N. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 215-707-3242 FAX: 215-707-1904 baldeagl@temple.edu Tania Aguado Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Complutense University Avenida Complutense s/n Madrid 28040 34913944668 FAX: 34913944672 tania@bbm1.ucm.es Abdulmonem Alhayani Anatomy and Cell Biology King Abdulaziz Univerisity PO BOX 1931 Jeddah, Jeddah 21441 96655688864 FAX: 9662640344320120 hayani30@hotmail.com

Claire Allison Physiology and Pharmacology University of Strathclyde Strathclyde Institute for Biomedical Sciences Taylor Street Glasgow G4 ONR 01415484031 claireallison76@hotmail.com Sharon Anavi-Goffer Faculty of Dental Medicine The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ein-kerem, Jerusalem 91102 97226758403 FAX: 97226757624 segoffer@hotmail.com Giovanni Appendino DISCAFF Università Piemonte Orien Via Bovio 6, Novara 28100 390321375744 appendino@pharm.unipmn.it David Baker Neuroinflammation Institute of Neurology 1 Wakefield Streeet London WC1N 1PJ 442076794013 FAX: 442072786572 d.baker@ion.ucl.ac.uk Monica Bari Experimental Medicine Biochemical Science University of Rome Tor Vergata Via Montpellier, 1 Rome 00133 39672596385 FAX: 39672596385 bari@Med.uniroma2.it














Francis Barth Exploratory Research Sanofi-Synthelabo Recherche 371 rue du Pr Blayac Montpellier Cedex 04 34184 33467106244 FAX: 33499775346 francis.barth@sanofi-synthelabo.com Balapal Basavarajappa Analytical Psychopharmacology Nathan Kline Institute 140 Old Orangeburg Road Orangeburg, NY 10962 845-398-3234 Basavaraj@nki.rfmh.org Natalia Battista Experimental Medicine Biochemical Science University of Rome Tor Vergata Via Montpellier, 1 Rome 00133 39672596385 FAX: 39672596385 N.Battista@Med.uniroma2.it Guy Bewick Biomedical Sciences University of Aberdeen Institute of Medical Sciences Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD 441224555724 FAX: 441224555719 g.s.bewick@abdn.ac.uk Ranjit Kaur Bhogal Life Science Unilever R&D Colworth, Sharnbrook Bedford MK44 1LQ 441234248199 ranjit.bhogal@unilever.com

Maurizio Bifulco Scienze Farmaceutiche Università di Salerno via Ponte don Melillo Fisciano 84084 0817463110 FAX: 089962828 maubiful@unina.it Tiziana Bisogno ICB CNR Via C. Flegrei, 34 Pozzuoli 80078 390818675307 FAX: 390818041770 tbisogno@icmib.na.cnr.it Mark Black CNS Pharmacology Aventis Pharmaceuticals Route 202-206 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 908-231-5835 mark.black@aventis.com Robert Blair Neurology Virginia Commonwealth University Box 980599 Richmond, VA 23298 804-828-3391 FAX: 804-828-6432 rblair@hsc.vcu.edu Cristina Blázquez Biochemistry and Molecular Biology School of Biology Complutense University Ciudad Universitaria, s/n Madrid 28040 0034913944668 FAX: 0034913944672 cbo@bbm1.ucm.es

Heather Bradshaw Psychology Brown University 89 Waterman St Providence, RI 02912 401-863-2605 Heather_Bradshaw@brown.edu Chris Breivogel Pharmaceutical Sciences Campbell University PO Box 1090 Buies Creek, NC 27506 910-893-1702 FAX: 919-893-1697 breivogel@mailcenter.campbell.edu Rudolf Brenneisen Department of Clinical Research University of Bern Murtenstr. 35 Bern CH-3010 0041316328714 brenneisen@dkf5.unibe.ch Ros Brett Physiology and Pharmacology University of Strathclyde 27 Taylor Street Glasgow G4 0NR 441415484159 ros.brett@strath.ac.uk Jonathan Brotchie TWRI / AIR University Health Network 399 Bathurst Street, MC 11-419 Toronto M5T 2S8 4166035369 FAX: 4166035447 brotchie@uhnres.utoronto.ca

Andrew Brown ADCP GlaxoSmithKline Third Avenue New Frontiers Science Park Harlow AL CM19 5AW 01279622243 FAX: 01279627567 andrew.j.brown@gsk.com Nancy Buckley Biology CA State Polytech Univ 3801 W. Temple Ave. Pomona, CA 91768 909-869-4057 FAX: 909-869-4078 nebuckley@csupomona.edu Diep Burbridge Biological Sciences California State Polytechnic Univ. 3801 W. Temple Ave. Pomona, CA 91768 949-837-8307 dnburbridge@csupomona.edu Sumner Burstein Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology U Mass Med School 364 Plantation St. Worcester, MA 01605 508-856-2850 sumner.burstein@umassmed.edu Bernard Calandra Exploratory Research Sanofi-Synthelabo Recherche 371, rue Pr. J. Blayac MONTPELLIER Cedex 04 34184 33499775339 FAX: 33499775346 bernard.calandra@sanofi-synthelabo.com














Kenneth Carlson Metabolic Research Bristol-Myers Squibb 311 Pennington-Rocky Hill Road Pennington, NJ 08534 609-818-4606 kenneth.carlson@bms.com Guaza Carmen Neural Plasticity Cajal Institute Avda Dr Arce, 37 Madrid 28002 34915854742 FAX: 34915854754 cgjb@cajal.csic.es Erica Carrier Pharmacology and Toxicology Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 Watertown Plank Rd Milwaukee, WI 53226 414-456-8620 FAX: 414-456-6545 ecarrier@mcw.edu Maria Grazia Cascio ICB CNR via CAMPI FLEGREI 34 POZZUOLI 80078 0818675191 FAX: 0818041770 cascal@libero.it Anna Castañé CEXS Univesitat Pompeu Fabra Dr.Aiguader 80 Barcelona 08003 34935422831 anna.castane@upf.edu

Paolo Cavallo Dipartmento di Scienze Farmaceutiche Università degli Studi di Salerno via Ponte Don Melillo Fisciano (SA) 84135 39089962827 pacavallo@unisa.it Victoria Chapman School of Biomedical Sciences University of Nottingham E Floor, Medical School Queen's Medical Centre Nottingham Ng72UH 01158549092 victoria.chapman@nottingham.ac.uk June Chen Biological Sciences Allergan 2525 Dupont Drive Irvine, CA 92623-9534 714-246-5939 FAX: 714-246-5578 Chen_June@Allergan.com Constance Chu Psychology Brown University 89 Waterman Street Providence, RI 02906 401-258-3266 Constance_Chu@Brown.edu Arianna Colombo DBSF, Pharmacology Section University of Insubria Via A da Giussano 12 Busto Arsizio 21052 390331339425 FAX: 390331339459 arianna_colombo@yahoo.it

David Compton General Toxicology Schering-Plough Res. Inst. 144 Route 94, PO Box 32 Lafayette, NJ 07848-0032 973-940-4190 FAX: 973-940-4341 david.compton@spcorp.com Chris Connolly Pathology and Neuroscience University of Dundee Ninewells Medical School Dundee DD1 9SY 01382632527 FAX: 01382667120 c.n.connolly@dundee.ac.uk Karen Coopman Pharmacy and Pharmacology University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY 441225384435 K.Coopman@bath.ac.uk Barbara Costa Depatartment of Biotechnology and Bioscience University of Milano-Bicocca Piazza della Scienza 2 Milano 20126 00390264484422 FAX: 00390264483540 barbara.costa@unimib.it Angela Coutts Biomedical Sciences University of Aberdeen Institute of Medical Sciences Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD 441224555912 a.a.coutts@abdn.ac.uk

Melinda Cox Pharmacology and Toxicology Virginia Commonwealth University Box 980613, MCV Station Richmond, VA 23298 804-828-8446 mlcox@hsc.vcu.edu Tiziano Croci Drug Discovery Sanofi-Synthelabo SpA Via GB Piranesi 38 Milan 20137 00390273942414 FAX: 00390273942453 tiziano.croci@sanofi-synthelabo.com Nives Daddario DISCAFF università del piemonte orientale via bovio 6 novara 28100 3398054777 daddario@pharm.unipmn.it Tanya Daigle Physiology and Biophysics University of Washington 7026 23rd Ave. Seattle, WA 98115 206-985-8165 daigle@u.washington.edu Braida Daniela Farmacologia CTM Università di Milano Via vanvitelli 32 Milano 20129 00390250317041 FAX: 00390250317036 daniela.braida@unimi.it














Nissar Darmani Pharmacology KCOM/ATSU 800 West Jefferson St. Kirksville, MO 63501 660-626-2326 FAX: 660-626-2728 ndarmani@atsu.edu Andrew Davies Business Development Settle Associates Ltd 99 Lime Grove, Doddinghurst Brentwood CM15 0QX 00441277824981 FAX: 00448700940609 adavies_settle@hotmail.com Eva de Lago Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Complutense University Ciudad Universitaria s/n Madrid 28040 34913941450 FAX: 34913941691 evadlf@med.ucm.es Luciano De Petrocellis ERG Cibernetica "E. Caianiello" via Campi Flegrei 34 Pozzuoli 80078 390818675173 l.depetrocellis@cib.na.cnr.it Andria Degia HPRU Medical Research Centre University of Surrey Egerton Road Guildford GU2 7XP 01483689797 FAX: 01483689790 a.degia@surrey.ac.uk

Dirk Demuth Department of Biosciences University of Hertfordshire College Lane Hatfield AL10 9AB 4401707283328 dirkdemuth@hotmail.com Suzanne Desjardins Drug Strategy and Control Health Canada 123 Slater St., A.L. 3503B Ottawa K1A 1B9 6139464223 FAX: 6139522196 suzanne_desjardins@hc-sc.gc.ca Dale Deutsch Biochemistry and Cell Biology SUNY at Stony Brook Life Sciences Bldg Stony Brook, NY 11794-5215 631-632-8595 FAX: 631-632-8575 ddeutsch@notes.sunysb.edu William Dewey Phamacology and Toxicology Virginia Commonwealth University 1112 East Clay St., POBox 980613 Richmond, VA 23102-0613 804-827-0375 FAX: 804-827-1548 wdewey@hsc.vcu.edu Vincenzo Di Marzo Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry National Research Council Via Campi Flegrei 34 Pozzuoli (NA) 80078 390818675093 vdimarzo@icmib.na.cnr.it

Ines Díaz-Laviada Biochemistry University of Alcala School of Medicine Alcala de Henares 28871 34918855141 ines.diazlaviada@uah.es Ahmet Dogrul Pharmacology GATA Etlik, Ankara 06018 09031232830483 dogrula@gata.edu.tr Alison Drysdale Biomedical Sciences University of Aberdeen Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD 4401224555775 FAX: 4401224555719 a.j.drysdale@abdn.ac.uk Marnie Duncan School of Biomedical Sciences University of Nottingham Queens Medical Centre Nottingham ng7 2uh 01159249924 marnie_duncan@hotmail.com Trisha Duncan Biology CSU Pomona 26798 N. Claudette St., Apt. 337 Canyon Country, CA 91351 661-298-9427 taduncan@csupomona.edu Michaela Egertová Biological Sciences QMUL Mile End Rd London E1 4NS 442078825290 FAX: 442089830973 M.Egertova@qmul.ac.uk

Maurice Elphick Biological Sciences QMUL Mile End Rd London E1 4NS 442078825290 FAX: 442089830973 M.R.Elphick@qmul.ac.uk Mahmoud ElSohly President ElSohly Laboratories 5 Industrial Park Drive Oxford, MS 38655 662-236-2609 FAX: 662-234-0253 elimae@watervalley.net Rhian Evans Biomedical Sciences University of Aberdeen Institute of Medical Sciences Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD 01224555705 r.evans@abdn.ac.uk Paola Fadda Neuroscience University of Cagliari Cittadella Universitaria SS 554 km 4,500 Monserrato (Cagliari) 09042 3907067543264332 FAX: 390706754312 pfadda@unica.it Katherine Falenski Pharmacology and Toxicology Virginia Commonwealth University 1217 East Marshall Street, Room 609 Richmond, VA 23298 804-828-3391 FAX: 804-828-6432 falenskikw@vcu.edu














Liana Fattore Department of Neuroscience CNR Inst. of Neuroscience Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato Monserrato - Cagliari ID 09042 390706754327 FAX: 390706754312 lfattore@ca.cnr.it Tanya Ferguson Biology Cal Poly Pomona 3801 West Temple Avenue Pomona, CA 91768 909-869-4057 Ninnielo11@aol.com Javier Fernandez-Ruiz Biochemistry Complutense University Ciudad Universitaria s/n Madrid 28040 34913941450 FAX: 34913941691 jjfr@med.ucm.es Luca Ferraro Clinical and Experimental Medicine Section of Pharmacology University of Ferrara Via Fossato di Mortara 17-19 Ferrara 44100 00390532291212 FAX: 00390532291205 frl@unife.it Antonio Ferreira Department of Chemistry The University of Memphis 3744 Walker Avenue Memphis, TN 38152 901-678-1423 FAX: 901-678-3447 a-ferreira@memphis.edu

Filomena Fezza Experimental Medicine Biochemical Sciences University of Rome Tor Vergata Via Montpellier, 1 Rome 00133 39672596385 FAX: 39672596385 filomena.fezza@uniroma2.it David Finn Institute of Neuroscience University of Nottingham School of Biomedical Sciences Queen's Medical Centre Nottingham NG7 2UH 441159709462 FAX: 441159709259 David.Finn@Nottingham.ac.uk Tung Fong Metabolic Disorders Merck PO Box 2000 80M-213 Rahway, NJ 07065 732-594-6711 tung_fong@merck.com Dale Fortin Pharmacology University of Connecticut Health Center 263 Farmington Ave. MC6125 Farmington, CT 06030 860-679-4902 fortin@student.uchc.edu Christopher Fowler Pharmacology & Clinical Neuroscience Umea University Umeå SE90187 46907851510 cf@pharm.umu.se

Maria Elena Francisco JLC Biomed. Biotech Research Inst. North Carolina Central University 700 George St. Durham, NC 27707 919-530-7029 FAX: 919-530-7760 mfrancisco@wpo.nccu.edu Steven Franklin JLC Biomed. Biotech Research Inst. North Carolina Central University 700 George St. Durham, NC 27707 919-530-7832 FAX: 919-530-7760 sfranklin@wpo.nccu.edu Walter Fratta Neuroscience University of Cagliari Cittadella Universitaria SS 554 km 4,500 Monserrato (Cagliari) 09042 3907067543134312 FAX: 390706754312 wfratta@unica.it Ester Fride Behavioral Sciences and Molecular Biology College of Judea and Samaria PO Box 3, Ariel AL 44837 97239066295 FAX: 97239066690 fride@research.yosh.ac.il Peter Fried Psychology Carleton University 1125 Colonel By Drive Ottawa K1S 5B6 6135202676 FAX: 6135203667 peter_fried@carleton.ca

Mariella Fusco Pharmacology Research & Innovation Soc. Coop. a r.l. Via Svizzera, 16 Padova 35127 390498705062 FAX: 390498706696 info@researchinnovation.com Ruth Gallily Immunology Hebrew University Ein Kerem Campus Jerusalem 91120 97226758712 rgallily@md.huji.ac.il Eliot Gardner Neuropsychopharmacology Section National Institute on Drug Abuse 5500 Nathan Shock Drive Baltimore, MD 21224 410-550-1634 FAX: 410-550-5172 egardner@intra.nida.nih.gov Valeria Gasperi Experimental Medicine Biochemical Sciences University of Rome Tor Vergata Via Montpellier, 1 Rome 00133 39672596385 FAX: 39672596385 gasperi@Med.uniroma2.it Ellen B. Geller Center for Substance Abuse Research Temple University School of Medicine 3400 N. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19140 215-707-5307 ebgeller@temple.edu














Tonya Gerald JLC Biomed Biotech Research Inst. North Carolina Central University 700 George St. Durham, NC 27707 919-530-7883 FAX: 919-530-7760 tgerald@wpo.nccu.edu Gregory Gerdeman Pharmacology University of Arizona 1501 N. Campbell Ave. Tucson, AZ 85724 520-626-2188 gerdeman@email.arizona.edu Sherrye Glaser Medical Department Brookhaven National Lab Building 490, 30 Bell Rd Upton, NY 11973 631-344-2219 FAX: 631-344-5311 sglaser@bnl.gov Michelle Glass Pharmacology and Liggins Institute University of Auckland PO Box 90210 Auckland, NZ 649373759982348 FAX: 6493737497 m.glass@auckland.ac.nz Maria Gomez Biochemistry Complutense University Ciudad Universitaria s/n Madrid 28040 34913941450 FAX: 34913941691 msgr@med.ucm.es

Sara Gonzalez Biochemistry Complutense University Ciudad Universitaria s/n Madrid 28040 34913941450 FAX: 34913941691 sgrc@med.ucm.es Salvatore Grasso Associazoione per la Cannabis Terapeutica Associazione per la Cannabis Terapeutica viale Campania 14 Palermo 90144 3991527129 tatograsso@tin.it Pascale Grenard INSERM U581 Hôpital Henri Mondor 51 av. du Mal. de Lattre de Tassigny Créteil 94010 grenard@im3.inserm.fr Claudia Grimaldi Scienze Farmaceutiche Università Degli Studi Di Salerno Via Ponte Don Melillo Fisciano (Sa) 84084 089962516 grimaldiclaudia@hotmail.com Fabio Guagnini Pharmacology Sanofi-Synthelabo SpA Via GB Piranesi 38 Milan 20137 00390273942414 FAX: 00390273942453 fabio.guagnini@sanofi-synthelabo.com

Carmen Guaza Neural Plasticity Cajal Institute Avda Dr Arce 37 Madrid 28002 34915854742 FAX: 34915854754 cgjb@cajal.csic.es Geoffrey William Guy Executive Chairman GW Pharmaceuticals plc Porton Down Science Park Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 0JQ 4401980557000 FAX: 4401980557111 gwg@gwpharm.com Manuel Guzmán Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Complutense University Avenida Complutense, s/n Madrid 28040 34913944668 FAX: 34913944672 mgp@bbm1.ucm.es Robert Hampson Physiology and Pharmacology Wake Forest University School of Medicine Medical Center Blvd Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1083 336-716-8541 FAX: 336-716-8538 rhampson@wfubmc.edu Louis Harris Pharmacology and Toxicology Virginia Commonwealth University 1112 East Clay Street, PO Box 980027 Richmond, VA 23298-0027 804-828-2075 FAX: 804-828-1532 harris@hsc.vcu.edu

Carl Haslam ADCP Glaxosmithkline New Frontiers Science Park Third Avenue Harlow CM19 5AW 441438764896 FAX: 441438768017 carl.p.haslam@gsk.com Jeffrey Hergenrather Private Practice 7969 Kennedy Rd. Sebastopol, CA 95472 707-484-7720 FAX: 707-823-3070 jeff@trashtalk.net Heike Hermann Molecular Genetics of Behaviour MPI for Psychiatry Kraepelinstr. 2-10 Munich 80804 08930622646 hhermann@mpipsykl.mpg.de Anita Hermann Biochemistry and Cell Biology SUNYSB Life Sciences Building 335b Stony Brook, NY 11794 631-632-6772 ahermann@notes.cc.sunysb.edu Matthew Hill Psychology University of British Columbia 2136 West Mall Vancouver V5Z 6T1 6048222952 mhill_psych_ubc@hotmail.com














Cecilia Hillard Pharmacology Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 Watertown Plank Road Milwaukee, WI 53226 414-456-8493 FAX: 414-456-6545 chillard@mcw.edu Wing Sze (Vanessa) Ho Pharmacology and Toxicology Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 Watertown Plank Road Milwaukee, WI 53226 414-456-8620 vho@mcw.edu Alex Hoffman Cellular Neurobiology Branch National Institute on Drug Abuse 5500 Nathan Shock Drive Baltimore, MD 21228 410-550-6565 ext.143 FAX: 410-550-1621 ahoffman@intra.nida.nih.gov Andrea Hohmann Psychology University of Georgia Neuroscience and Behavior program Psychology Building Athens, GA 30602-3013 706-542-2252 FAX: 706-542-3275 ahohmann@uga.edu Sandra Holt Pharmacology Pharmacology and Clinical Neuroscience Umeå universitet Umeå 90187 46907851590 Sandra.Holt@pharm.umu.se

Allyn Howlett JLC Biomed. Biotech. Research Inst. North Carolina Central University 700 George St. Durham, NC 27707 919-530-7032 FAX: 919-530-7760 ahowlett@wpo.nccu.edu Shu-Jung Hu Psychology Brown University 89 Waterman Street Providence, RI 02912 401-863-2727 FAX: 401-863-1300 Shu-Jung_Hu@brown.edu Susan Huang Neuroscience Brown University 89 Waterman St., Box 1853 Brown University Providence, RI 02912 400-186-3272 ext.7 Susan_Huang@brown.edu Marilyn Huestis Chemistry and Drug Metabolism Intramural Research Program NIDA, NIH 5500 Nathan Shock Dr. Baltimore, MD 21224 410-550-2711 FAX: 410-550-2468 mhuestis@intra.nida.nih.gov John Huffman Department of Chemistry Clemson University Clemson, SC 29634-0973 864-656-3133 FAX: 864-656-6613 huffman@clemson.edu

Basalingappa Hungund Analytical Psychopharmacology Nathan Kline Institute 140 Old Orangeburg Rd Orangeburg, NY 10983 845-398-5452 FAX: 845-398-5451 hungund@nki.rfmh.org Irma Iacuzzo Scienze Farmaceutiche Università Degli Studi Di Salerno Via Ponte Don Melillo Fisciano (Sa) 84084 089962516 irmaiacuzzo25@hotmail.com Stefania Iosuè Pharmacology, Chemotherap University of Milan Via Vanvitelli 32 Milan 20129 390250317041 FAX: 390250317036 stefania.iosue@tiscali.it Stig Jacobsson Pharmacology and Clinical Neuroscience Umea University Umea SE-90187 46907852713 FAX: 46907852752 stig.jacobsson@pharm.umu.se Toby Jarbe Psychology Temple University 265-67 Weiss Hall, 1701 North 13th St Philadelphia, PA 19122 215-204-6977 FAX: 215-204-5539 tjarbe@temple.edu

Abbas Jarrahian Pharmaceutical Sciences Butler University 4600 Sunset Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46208 317-940-9007 FAX: 317-940-6171 ajarrahi@butler.edu Tomi Jarvinen Dept. Pharm. Chem. Univ. of Kuopio Harjulantie 1 Kuopio FIN 70211 35817162468 tomi.jarvinen@uku.fi Maulik Jhaveri Biomedical Sciences University of Nottingham E-Floor, Queens Medical Centre Clifton Boulevard Nottingham NG7 2UH 00441159709480 FAX: 00441159709259 maulik.jhaveri@nottingham.ac.uk Kent-Olov Jonsson Pharmacology and Clinical Neuroscience Umeå universitet Pharmacology, Building 6B Umeå SE-90187 46907851590 kentolov.jonsson@pharm.umu.se Boris Julien INSERM U581 Hôpital Henri Mondor 51 av. du Mal. De Lattre de Tassigny Créteil 94010 Créteil 0149813538 julien@im3.inserm.fr














Martin Kaczocha Biochemistry and Cell Biology Stony Brook University Life Sciences, Room 350 Stony Brook, NY 11794-5215 631-632-6772 martindeutschlab@yahoo.com Markus Kathmann Pharmacology University of Bonn Reuterstr. 2B Bonn D-53113 49228739558 FAX: 49228735404 m.kathmann@uni-bonn.de Christopher Kearn Anesthesiology University of Washington Box 356540 Seattle, WA 98195 206-616-2669 ckearn@u.washington.edu David Kendall School of Biomedical Science Univ of Nottingham D floor, Medical School Queen's Medical Centre Nottingham AL NG72UH 01159709482 dave.kendall@nottingham.ac.uk Iryna Khasabova Oral Sciences University of Minnesota 515 Delaware St. S.E. 17-252 Moos Tower Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-2470 FAX: 612-626-2651 khasa001@tc.umn.edu

Tim Kirkham Psychology University of Reading Earley Gate Whiteknights Reading RG6 6AL 01183787544 FAX: 01183786715 t.c.kirkham@reading.ac.uk Thomas Klein Med Micro and Immunol, MDC Box 10 University of South Florida 12901 Bruce Downs Blvd. Tampa, FL 33612 813-974-2502 FAX: 813-974-4151 tklein@hsc.usf.edu Lea Knight Chemistry Clemson University 110 Azalea Dr Clemson, SC 29631 864-656-6847 FAX: 864-656-6613 leak@clemson.edu James Koch Psychology Univ WI Oshkosh 800 Algoma Blvd CF 20 Oshkosh, WI 54901 920-424-2303 FAX: 920-424-1204 kochj@uwosh.edu

Natalya Kogan Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Hebrew University, Medical Faculty, Ein -Kerem Campus Jerusalem 92110 97226758635 FAX: 97227657076 natalya@md.huji.ac.il Geoffray Labar Med. Chem. Université de Louvain Mounier avenue 73 UCL-CMFA 73.40 Brussels 1200 3227647341 FAX: 3227647363 geoffray.labar@cmfa.ucl.ac.be Chiara Laezza Istituto di endocrin. e oncologia sperimentale CNR Via Pansini 5 Napoli 80131 0817463110 chilaez@hotmail.com Didier Lambert Medicinal Chemistry Université de Louvain Mounier avenue 73 UCL-CMFA 7340 Brussels 1200 3227647347 FAX: 3227647363 lambert@cmfa.ucl.ac.be

Marco Landi Pharmacology Sanofi-Synthelabo SpA Via GB Piranesi 38 Milan 20137 00390273942414 FAX: 00390273942453 marco.landi@sanofi-synthelabo.com Richard Langham School of Pharmacy Curtin University GPO Box U1987 Perth 6845 61892667418 FAX: 61893643986 R.Langham@info.curtin.edu.au Joohyung Lee Applied and Interventional Research Toronto Western Hospital 399 Bathurst, Room MP12-303 Toronto m5t2s8 141660358003472 FAX: 14166035447 jlee@uhnres.utoronto.ca Cécile Leleux Med.Chem. Université de Louvain Mounier 73 UCL-CMFA 73.40 Brussels 1200 3227647345 FAX: 3227647363 cecile.leleux@cmfa.ucl.ac.be Isobel Lever Neural Plasticity Unit University College London Institute of Child Health 30 Guilford Street London WC1N 1EH 442079052704 i.lever@ich.ucl.ac.uk














F. Markus Leweke Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy University of Cologne Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 9 Cologne 50931 492214787250 FAX: 492214784876 m.leweke@uni.de Deborah Lewis Pharmacology & Toxicology Medical College of Georgia 1120 15th Street Augusta, GA 30912 706-721-6345 FAX: 706-721-2347 dlewis@mail.mcg.edu Aron Lichtman Pharmacology and Toxicology Virginia Commonwealth University PO Box 980613 Richmond, VA 23298-0613 804-828-8480 FAX: 804-828-2117 alichtma@hsc.vcu.edu Alessia Ligresti Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Via Campi Flegrei, 34 Comprensorio Olivetti Pozzuoli, Napoli 80078 390818675191 FAX: 390818041770 aligresti@icmib.na.cnr.it Gregory I. Liou Ophthalmology Medical College of Georgia 1120 15th Street Augusta, GA 30912 706-721-4599 FAX: 706-721-7913 giliou@mcg.edu

Yunguang Liu Pharmacology Medical College of Georgia 1120 15th Street, CB3515 Augusta, GA 30912 706-721-6346 FAX: 706-721-2347 yliugs@students.mcg.edu Leonora Long Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmacology Victorian College of Pharmacy 381 Royal Pde Parkville 3052 61399039076 FAX: 61399039638 leonora.long@vcp.monash.edu.au Visitacion López-Miranda Health Sciences, Unit of Pharmacology Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Avda. Atenas s/n Alcorcón 28922 34914888854 FAX: 34914888831 v.lopez@cs.urjc.es María Luz López-Rodríguez Química Orgánica I Universidad Complutense Avda Complutense s/n Madrid 28040 34913944239 FAX: 34913944103 mluzlr@quim.ucm.es Sophie Lotersztajn INSERM U581 Hôpital Henri Mondor 51 av. du MaL. de LAttre de Tassigny Créteil 94010 Créteil 0149813534 loterszt@im3.inserm.fr

Dai Lu School of Pharmacy University of Connecticut 372 Fairfield Road Storrs, CT 06269 860-486-4854 FAX: 860-486-3089 dai.lu@uconn.edu Frank Lucido Family & General Practice (private practice) 2300 Durant Ave Berkeley, CA 94704 510-848-0958 FAX: 510-658-1265 drfrank@drlucido.com Thomas Lundqvist Lund University Hospital Drug Addiction Treatment Kyrkogatan 19 Lund 22222 46462117579 FAX: 4646152511 thomas.lundqvist@neurokemi.lu.se Carl Lupica Neurophysiology Section NIH/ NIDA 5500 Nathan Shock Drive Baltimore, MD 21224 410-550-6565 ext.132 FAX: 410-550-1621 clupica@intra.nida.nih.gov Beat Lutz Molecular Genetics of Behavior Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry Kraepelinstrasse 2-10 Munich 80804 498930622640 FAX: 498930622610 lutz@mpipsykl.mpg.de

Mary Lynch Faculty of Medicine Pain Management Unit Fourth Floor Dickson, QEIIHSC 5820 University Avenue Halifax B3H1V7 9024736428 FAX: 9024734126 mary.lynch@dal.ca Mauro Maccarrone Biomedical Sciences University of Teramo Piazza Aldo Moro 45 Teramo 64100 390861266875 FAX: 390861412583 Maccarrone@unite.it Marco Macchia Scuienze Farmaceutiche University of Pisa Via Bonanno 6 Pisa 56126 3950500209 FAX: 3905040517 mmacchia@farm.unipi.it Orsolya Magyar Psychology University of British Columbia 2136 West Mall Vancouver V6T 1Z4 6048227550 omagyar@hotmail.com Anuradha Mahadevan Group Leader Organix, Inc. 240 Salem Street Woburn, MA 01801 781-932-4142 FAX: 781-933-6695 mahadevan@organixinc.com














Anna Maria Malfitano Scienze Farmaceutiche Università Degli Studi Di Salerno Via Ponte Don Melillo Fisciano (Sa) 84084 089962516 gray1@freemail.it Dan Malone Pharmaceutical Biology & Pharmacology Monash University 381 Royal Parade Parkville 3052 61399039576 FAX: 61399039638 dan.malone@vcp.monash.edu.au Yehoshua Maor Medicinal Chemistry The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mekor Haim 15, Apt. 11 Jerusalem 93465 97226757549 ymaor@md.huji.ac.il Silvia Marinelli Neuroscience IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation Via Ardeatina, 306 Rome 00179 390651501382 FAX: 390651501384 s.marinelli@hsantalucia.it Giovanni Marsicano Genetics of Behaviour Max-Planck Institute Kraepelinstr 4 Munich 80804 498930622626 giovanni@mpipsykl.mpg.de

Billy Martin Pharmacology & Toxicology Virginia Commonwealth University 410 N 12th Street, Rm 746 P.O. Box 980613 Richmond, VA 23219-0613 804-828-8407 FAX: 804-828-0377 martinb@hsc.vcu.edu Jose Martinez-Orgado Pediatrics Fundacion Hospital Alcorcon Budapest, 1 Alcorcon 28029 34916219968 josemorg@telefonica.net Federico Massa Molecular Genetics of Behaviour Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry Kraepelinstrasse 2-10 Munich D-80804 00498936622626 massa@mpipsykl.mpg.de Isabelle Matias ICB CNR Ex-compressorio Olivetti Via Campi Flegrei 34 Pozzuoli (Napoli) 80078 390818675193 imatias@icmib.na.cnr.it Kirk Maxey Administration Cayman Chemical Company 1180 E. Ellsworth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48108 734-971-3335 FAX: 734-971-3641 kmaxey@caymanchem.com

Sean McAllister CPMCRI CPMC 2351 Clay St., Suite # 416 San Francisco, CA 94115 415-600-3606 FAX: 415-563-7325 sdmcalli@cooper.cpmc.org Kathleen McCoy Microbiology and Immunology Virginia Commonwealth University 1217 E Marshall St. Med Sci Bldg, Room 228 Richmond, VA 23298 804-828-2305 kmccoy@hsc.vcu.edu Douglas McHugh Biomedical Sciences University of Aberdeen Institute of Medical Sciences Foresterhill Aberdeen AB25 2ZD 0122455705 d.mchugh@abdn.ac.uk Peter McLaughlin Psychology University of Connecticut 406 Babbidge Road Storrs, CT 06269-1020 860-486-4768 FAX: 860-486-2760 pjm0101@hotmail.com John McPartland School of Health UNITEC Private Bag 92025 Mt. Albert Auckland AA 1004 64981543218271 FAX: 6498154373 jmcpartland@unitec.ac.nz

Aimee McRae Psychiatry Medical University of South Carolina 67 President St. Charleston, SC 29425 843-792-5216 FAX: 843-792-3982 mcraeal@musc.edu Alice Mead Medical Affairs GW Pharmaceuticals plc Porton Down Science Park Salisbury SP4 0JQ 4401980557000 FAX: 4401980557111 apm@gwpharm.com Raphael Mechoulam Medical Faculty Hebrew University Ein Kerem Campus Jerusalem 91120 97226758634 FAX: 97226757076 mechou@cc.huji.ac.il Miriam Melis Neuroscience "B.B. Brodie" University of Cagliari Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato SS 554 km 4,5 Monserrato 09042 390706754340 FAX: 390706754320 myriam@unica.it Alberto Minassi Discaff Università del Piemonte Orientale Via Bovio 6 Novara 28100 3282478257 minaxalba@hotmail.com














Francisco Molina-Holgado Neurology Unit, CVS University of Cambridge Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 OES 4401223765683 FAX: 4401223337610 fm235@cam.ac.uk Areles Molleman Biosciences University of Hertfordshire CP Snow Building, College Lane Hatfield AL10 9AB 441707285255 FAX: 441707285046 a.molleman@herts.ac.uk Krisztina Monory Genetics of Behaviour Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry Kraepalinstr. 2-16 Munich D-80804 498930622626 FAX: 498930622642 monory@mpipsykl.mpg.de Bob Moore Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Tennessee 847 Monroe Ave. Rm. 327D Memphis, TN 38103 901-448-6085 FAX: 901-448-6828 bmoore@utmem.edu Fabricio Moreira Pharmacology University of Sao Paulo Av Bandeirantes, 3900 Ribeirao Preto 14049-900 55166023209 moreiraf@usp.br

Enrico Morera Studi Farmaceutici Università di Roma I P.le A. Moro 5 Roma 00185 39649913612 FAX: 396491491 enrico.morera@uniroma1.it Jun Morishita Department of Biochemistry Kagawa University School of Medicine 1750-1 Ikenobe Miki 761-0793 81878912104 FAX: 81878912105 junm@kms.ac.jp Giulio Muccioli Med.Chem. Université de Louvain Avenue Mounier 73 UCL-CMFA 73.40 Brussels 1200 3227647341 FAX: 3227647363 giulio.muccioli@cmfa.ucl.ac.be Somnath Mukhopadhyay JLC Biomed. Biotech. Research Inst. North Carolina Central University 700 George St. Durham, NC 27707 919-530-7762 FAX: 919-530-7760 smukhopadhyay@wpo.nccu.edu Eduardo Munoz Biologia Celular, Fisiologia e Inmunologia Facultad de Medicina Avda Conde de Vallellano 13, 1 Cordoba 14004 34957218267 FAX: 34057218229 fi1muble@uco.es

Anna Lisa Muntoni B.B. Brodie Dept. of Neuroscience CNR Inst. of Neuroscience Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato Monserrato (CA) 09042 390706754327 FAX: 390706754320 amunto@unica.it Richard Musty Psychology University of Vermont John Dewey Hall Burlington, VT 05405 802-656-2670 FAX: 802-865-8783 Richard.Musty@uvm.edu Ntsang Nebane Pharmacology and Toxicology University of Louisville Baxter Building Room 224 570 South Preston Street Louisville, KY 40202 502-852-2404 FAX: 502-852-2492 ntsang56@yahoo.com Jason Niehaus Pharmacology and Toxicology Medical College of Georgia 1120 15th St, CB-3515 Augusta, GA 30912-2300 706-721-6346 mp8304gs@students.mcg.edu Olov Nilsson Pharmacology and Clinical Neuroscience Umeå universitet By 6B Umeå SE 90187 46907851097 olov.nilsson@pharm.umu.se

Luis Alfonso Núñez Domínguez Psiquiatría Clínica San Francisco Javier Avenida Baja Navarra, 52 Pamplona MD 31002 948231600 land@abc.ibernet.com Yasuo Okamoto Biochemistry Kagawa University School of Medicine 1750-1 Ikenobe Miki 761-0793 81878912104 kurata@kms.ac.jp Giorgio Ortar Studi Farmaceutici Università di Roma I P.le A. Moro 5 Roma 00185 39649913612 FAX: 396491491 giorgio.ortar@uniroma1.it Silvia Ortega-Gutiérrez Química Orgánica I Universidad Complutense Avenida Complutense s/n Madrid 28040 34913944894 FAX: 34913944103 siortega@quim.ucm.es Saoirse O'Sullivan School of Biomedical Sciences University of Nottingham E Floor Queens Medical Centre Nottingham NG72UH 00447729481802 saoirse.osullivan@nottingham.ac.uk














Paola Massi Pharmacology University of Milan Via Vanvitelli 32 Milan 20129 390250317044 FAX: 390250317036 paola.massi@unimi.it Nisha Parihar Biomedical Science Unversity of Aberdeen Foresterhill Aberdeen AB25 2ZD 01224555775 FAX: 01224555719 n.parihar@abdn.ac.uk Teija Parkkari Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of Kuopio P.O.Box 1627 Kuopio 70100 35817162431 FAX: 35817162456 Teija.Parkkari@uku.fi Daniela Parolaro DBSF, Center Neuroscience University of Insubria via A. da Giussano 10 Busto Arsizio 21052 390331339417 FAX: 390331339459 daniela.parolaro@uninsubria.it Maria Ruth Pazos Laboratorio de Apoyo a la Investigacion Fundacion Hospital Alcorcon c/ Budapest 1 Alcorcon 28922 34916219846 maruthp@fhalcorcon.es

Simona Pegorini Pharmacology, Chemotherapy University of Milan Via Vanvitelli 32 Milan 20129 390250317041 FAX: 390250317036 simona.pegorini@unimi.it Simona Perra B.B. Brodie Neuroscience University of Cagliari Cittadella Universitaria SS 554 km 5,4 Monserrato 09042 390706754340 FAX: 390706754320 persimo@tiscali.it Roger Pertwee Director of Pharmacology GW Pharmaceuticals plc Porton Down Science Park Salisbury SP4 0JQ 4401980557000 FAX: 4401980557111 rgp@gwpharm.com Lynda Peterson JLC Biomed. Biotech. Research Inst. North Carolina Central University 700 George St Durham, NC 27707 919-530-7029 FAX: 919-530-7760 lpeterson@wpo.nccu.edu Robert Picone Center for Drug Discovery University of Connecticut 372 Fairfield Way U2092 Storrs, CT 06269-2092 860-405-9286 rpicone@uconn.edu

Hal Pinnick Chemistry Department of Chemistry and Physics Purdue University -- Calumet 2200 169th Street Hammond, IN 46323 pinnickh@calumet.purdue.edu Rossana Pisani DBSF-Dept. of Struct. and Funct. Biol. University of Insubria Via J.H. Dunant, 3 Varese 21100 390332421318 FAX: 390332421300 rossana.pisani@uninsubria.it Simona Pisanti Scienze Farmaceutiche Università Degli Studi Di Salerno Via Ponte Don Melillo Fisciano (Sa) 84084 089962516 simona.pisanti@libero.it Marco Pistis B.B. Brodie Neuroscience University of Cagliari Monserrato Cagliari 09042 390706754324 mpistis@unica.it Bettina Platt School of Medical Sciences University of Aberdeen Foresterhill Aberdeen AB25 2ZD 441224555741 FAX: 441224555719 b.platt@abdn.ac.uk

Giuseppe Portella Biologia Patologia Cellulare e Molecolare Università di Napoli Federico II Via Pansini 5 Napoli 80131 390817463052 FAX: 390817463037 Portella@unina.it Judith Pratt Physiology and Pharmacology University of Strathclyde 27 Taylor St Glasgow G4 0NR 01415482123 j.a.pratt@strath.ac.uk Martin Price Biomedical Sciences University of Aberdeen Institute of Medical Sciences Foresterhill Aberdeen AB25 2ZD 01224555744 m.r.price@abdn.ac.uk Gareth Pryce Neuroinflammation Institute of Neurology 1 Wakefield Street London WC1N 1PJ 442076794085 FAX: 442072786572 gpryce@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk Robyn Puffenbarger Biology Bridgewater College 402 E. College Street Bridgewater, VA 22812 540-828-5713 FAX: 540-828-5661 rpuffenb@bridgewater.edu














David Rademacher Pharmacology and Toxicology Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 Watertown Plank Road Milwaukee, WI 53226 414-456-8620 FAX: 414-456-6545 drademac@mcw.edu Jose Antonio Ramos Biochemistry (Faculty of Medicine) Complutense University Ciudad Universitaria s/n Madrid 28040 34913941454 FAX: 34913941691 jara@med.ucm.es Raj Razdan CEO Organix, Inc. 240 Salem Street Woburn, MA 01801 781-932-4142 FAX: 781-333-6695 razdan@organixinc.com Patricia Reggio Chemistry and Biochemistry Kennesaw State University 1000 Chastain Rd. MB #1203 Kennesaw, GA 30144 770-423-6170 FAX: 770-423-6744 preggio@kennesaw.edu Andrew Rice Pain Research (Anaesthetics) Imperial College Chelsea and Westminster Hospital 369 Fulham Road London HP16 9JL 00442087468156 FAX: 00442082375109 a.rice@imperial.ac.uk

Art Riegel Cellular Neurobiology Branch NIH/National Institute on Drug Abuse 5500 Nathan Shock Drive Building C, Room 437 Balitmore, MD 21224 410-550-6565 ext.142 ariegel@intra.nida.nih.gov Neta Rimmerman Psychology Brown University 89 Waterman Street Providence, RI 02912 401-863-2605 Neta_Rimmerman@brown.edu Murielle Rinaldi-Carmona Exploratory Research Sanofi-Synthelabo Recherche 371 rue du Pr Blayac Montpellier Cedex 04 34184 33467106383 FAX: 33499775346 murielle.rinaldi-carmona@sanofi-synthelabo.com Lianne Robinson Biomedical Sciences University of Aberdeen Institute of Medical Science Foresterhill Aberdeen AB25 2ZD 01224555775 Lianne.robinson@btinternet.com Philip Robson Medical Director GW Pharmaceuticals plc Porton Down Science Park Salisbury SP4 0JQ 4401980557000 FAX: 4401980557111 pjr@gwpharm.com

Elizabeth Rogers Psychology University of Reading Earley Gate Whiteknights Reading RG6 6AH 01183785539 e.k.rogers@reading.ac.uk Julian Romero Laboratorio De Apoyo A La Investigacion Fundacion Hospital Alcorcon C/ Budapest 1 Alcorcon 28922 34916219846 jromerop@fhalcorcon.es Ruth Ross Biomedical Sciences University of Aberdeen Institute of Medical Sciences Foresterhill Aberdeen AB10 6NQ 01224555705 r.ross@abdn.ac.uk Michael Roth Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine/UCLA Center for Health Sciences, 37-131 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1690 310-206-7389 FAX: 310-267-2020 mroth@mednet.ucla.edu Tiziana Rubino DBSF, Pharmacology Section University of Insubria via A. da Giussano 10 Busto Arsizio (VA) 21052 390331339416 FAX: 300331339459 tiziana.rubino@uninsubria.it

Maione Sabatino Department of Experimental Medicine Second University of Naples via Costantinopoli, 16 Naples 80132 00390815667650 FAX: 00390815667503 sabatino.maione@unina2.it Devi Rani Sagar Institute of Neuroscience University of Nottingham E-Floor, Medical School Queen's Medical Centre Nottingham NG7 2UH 44115924992435779 FAX: 441159709259 mbxdrs@nottingham.ac.uk Onintza Sagredo Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine Complutense University Ciudad Universitaria s/n Madrid 28040 34913941450 FAX: 34913941691 onintza@med.ucm.es Mariaelvina Sala Pharmacology, Chemotherapy and Medical Toxicology University of Milan via Vanvitelli 32 Milan 20135 390250317042 FAX: 390250317036 mariaelvina.sala@unimi.it Julia Sampson Pharmacology GW Pharmaceuticals plc Porton Down Science Park Salisbury SP4 0JQ 4401980557000 FAX: 4401980557111 jsampson@gwpharm.com














Cristina Sanchez Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I Complutense University School of Biology Avenida Complutense s/n Madrid 28040 34913944668 FAX: 34913944672 csg@bbm1.ucm.es María Gracia Sánchez Alonso Biochemistry and Molecular Biology School of Medicine University of Alcala Crta. Madrid-Barcelona Km:33,6 Alcala de Henares 28871 918855141 mgracia.sanchez@uah.es Ana María Sánchez García Biochemistry and Molecular Biology School of Medicine University of Alcala Crta. Madrid-Barcelona Km:33,6 Alcala de Henares 28871 918855141 ana_sanchez_garcia@yahoo.es Carmela Saturnino Scienze Farmaceutiche - Facoltà di Farmacia Università degli Studi di Salerno via Ponte don Melillo Fisciano (Salerno) 84084 00390899628272819 FAX: 0039089962828 saturnino@unisa.it Juha Savinainen Department of Physiology University of Kuopio Savilahdentie 9 Kuopio 70211 35817163092 juha.savinainen@uku.fi

Jason B. Schechter Pharmacology University of Arizona 1501 N. Campbell Ave. Tucson, AZ 85724 520-626-2188 jbschech@u.arizona.edu Aniello Schiano Moriello ICB, CNR Via Campi Flegrei,34 Pozzuoli, Napoli 80078 0818675191 FAX: 0818041770 cascal@libero.it Eberhard Schlicker Department of Pharmacology University of Bonn Reuterstr. 2b 53113 Bonn 53113 49228735414 FAX: 49228735404 e.schlicker@uni-bonn.de Herbert Schuel Anatomy and Cell Biology University at Buffalo, SUNY 206 Farber Hall Buffalo, NY 14214 716-829-3578 FAX: 716-829-2911 schuel@acsu.buffalo.edu Paul Schweitzer Neuropharmacology The Scripps Research Institute 10550 North Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, CA 92037 858-784-7258 FAX: 858-784-7393 pschweitzer@scripps.edu

Sergio Seibel Pathology - LIM-01 School of Medicine University of Sao Paulo Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 352 cj 152 Sao Paulo 05406-000 00551130821319 FAX: 00551130821319 sdseibel@usp.br Herbert Seltzman Organic and Medicinal Chemistry RTI International 3040 Cornwallis Road Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-6690 FAX: 919-541-8868 hhs@rti.org Joong-Youn Shim JLC Biomed. Biotech. Research Inst. North Carolina Central University 700 George Street Durham, NC 27707 919-530-7015 FAX: 919-530-7998 jyshim@wpo.nccu.edu Amruthesh Shivachar Pharmaceutical Sciences Texas Southern University 3100 Cleburne Avenue Houston, TX 77062 713-313-1896 FAX: 713-313-4219 shivachar_ac@tsu.edu Laura Sim-Selley Pharmacology/Toxicology Virginia Commonwealth University 1112 East Clay Street, Box 980524 Richmond, VA 23227 804-827-0464 FAX: 804-828-1532 ljsimsel@hsc.vcu.edu

Ken Soderstrom Pharmacology and Toxicology ECU Brody School of Med 600 Moye Blvd Greenville, NC 27834 252-744-2742 FAX: 252-744-3203 soderstromk@mail.ecu.edu Nadia Solowij Department of Psychology University of Wollongong Northfields Avenue Wollongong NSW 2522 61242213732 nadia@uow.edu.au William Sones Biosciences University of Hertfordshire College Lane Hatfield AL10 9AB 01707283328 willsones@yahoo.com Zhao-Hui Song Pharmacology University of Louisville School of Medicine Louisville, KY 40292 502-852-5160 zhsong@louisville.edu Guadalupe Soria Neuropharmacology Universitat Pompeu Fabra Dr Aiguader 80 Barcelona 08003 34935422868 FAX: 34935422802 lupe.soria@upf.edu














Audra Stinchcomb College of Pharmacy University of Kentucky 900 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0082 859-323-6192 astin2@email.uky.edu Colin Stott Research and Development GW Pharmaceuticals plc Porton Down Science Park Salisbury SP4 0JQ 4401980557000 FAX: 4401980557111 cgs@gwpharm.com Takayuki Sugiura Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Teikyo University Mejiro 4-6-5 Tokyo 171-0031 sugiurat@pharm.teikyo-u.ac.jp Bela Szabo Pharmacology University of Freiburg Albertstrasse 25 Freiburg 79104 497612035312 FAX: 497612035318 szabo@pharmakol.uni-freiburg.de Anna-Maria Szczesniak Pharmacology/Neuroscience Dalhousie University Sir Charles Tupper Medical Bldg. 5850 College Street Halifax B3H 1X5 9024941287 aszczesn@dal.ca

Sergio Tanganelli Clinical and Experimental Medicine Section of Pharmacology University of Ferrara Via Fossato di Mortara 17-19 Ferrara 44100 00390532291212 FAX: 00390532291205 tgs@unife.it Donald Tashkin Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA 10833 Le Conte Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095-1690 310-825-3163 FAX: 312-206-5088 dtashkin@mednet.ucla.edu David Taylor Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmacology/Faculty of Pharmacy Monash University 381 Royal Parade Parkville 3052 61399039568 FAX: 61399039638 david.taylor@vcp.monash.edu.au Adele Thomas Biomedical Sciences University of Aberdeen Institute of Medical Sciences Foresterhill Aberdeen AB24 3PT 441224555746 adele.thomas@abdn.ac.uk Alicia Thompson Chemistry, Clemson University 341 Old Farrs Bridge Road Greenville, SC 29611-6623 864-656-6847 FAX: 864-656-6613 alicia@clemson.edu

Wenger Tibor Human Morphology Semmelweis University, Tuzolto 58 Budapest H-1094 3612156920 FAX: 3612153064 wenger@ana2.sote.hu Gunnar Tiger Pharmacology and Clinical Neuroscience/Pharmacology Umeå University Umeå SE-901 87 46907851518 gunnar.tiger@pharm.umu.se Amanda Townson Psychology University of Reading, Earley Gate Reading RG6 6AL 441183785557 FAX: 441189316715 A.L.Townson@rdg.ac.uk Joseph Trettel Pharmacology University of Connecticut Health Center 263 Farmington Ave. Farmington, CT 06030 860-679-4902 trettel@neuron.uchc.edu Anna Elisa Trovato Department of Biotechnology University of Milano-Bico Piazza della Scienza 2 Milano 20126 00390264483349 anne23@libero.it

Kazuhito Tsuboi Department of Biochemistry Kagawa University School of Medicine Ikenobe 1750-1 Miki 761-0793 81878912104 FAX: 81878912105 ktsuboi@kms.ac.jp Sonia Tucci Psychology University of Reading Whiteknights Earley Gate, Harry Pitt Building Reading RG6 6AL 441183785539 s.a.tucci@reading.ac.uk Natsuo Ueda Biochemistry Kagawa University School of Medicine 1750-1 Ikenobe Miki, Kagawa 761-0793 81878912102 FAX: 81878912105 nueda@kms.ac.jp Paolo Urbani Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche Università degli Studi di Salerno via Ponte Don Melillo Fisciano (SA) 84084 39089962827 urbapa@tiscali.it Angelo Vaccani DBSF, Pharmacology University of Insubria Via A da Giussano 10 Busto Arsizio, Varese 21052 390331339425 FAX: 390331339459 angelo.vaccani@uninsubria.it














Marta Valenti Endocannabinoid Research Group Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Via Campi Flegrei, 34 Pozzuoli, Napoli 80078 00393475891406 martavalenti@libero.it Mario Van der Stelt Instituto di Chimica Biomolecolare Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Via Campi Flegrei 34 Pozzuoli 80078 39081675193 mvanderstelt@icmib.na.cnr.it Marja Van Sickle Physiology and Biophysics University of Calgary 3330 Hospital Dr. N.W. Calgary T2N 4N1 4032203361 mdsepers@ucalgary.ca Séverine Vandevoorde MedicinalChemistry Université de Louvain Mounier Avenue 73 UCL-CMFA 73.40 Brussels 1200 3227647345 FAX: 3227647363 severine.vandevoorde@cmfa.ucl.ac.be Stephen Varvel Pharmacology and Toxicology Virginia Commonwealth University 410 North 12th Street Richmond, VA 23298-0613 804-828-7264 savarvel@hsc.vcu.edu

Katerina Venderova Department of Immunopharmacology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Videnska Praha 4 140 00 00420606560119 venderova@yahoo.com Daniela Giulia Viganò DBSF, Pharmacology Section University of Insubria Via A. da Giussano 10 Busto Arsizio (VA) 21052 390331339410 FAX: 390331339459 daniela.vigano@uninsubria.it Laura Vitiello Biologia e Patologia Cellulare e Molecolare Università degli Studi di Napoli -Federico II Via S. Pansini 5 Napoli 80131 390817463059 FAX: 390817463252 laura_vitiello@yahoo.it J Michael Walker Department of Psychology Brown University 89 Waterman Street Providence, RI 02912 401-863-2048 FAX: 401-863-1300 J_Walker@brown.edu Melisa Wallace Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center UC, San Francisco 5858 Horton Ave. Suite 200 Emeryville, CA 94608 510-985-3960 mjwallace@egcrc.net

Gregg Ward JLC Biomed. Biotech. Research Institute North Carolina Central University 700 George Street Durham, NC 27707 919-530-7029 FAX: 919-530-7760 gward@wpo.nccu.edu David Watson CEO, HortaPharm BV Schinkelhavenkade 6 Amsterdam 1075 VS 310206185591 FAX: 310206185726 watson@euronet.nl Kerry Wease Pharmacology GW Pharmaceuticals plc Porton Down Science Park Salisbury SP4 0JQ 4401980557000 FAX: 4401980557111 k.wease@abdn.ac.uk Sandra Welch Pharmacology and Toxicology Virginia Commonwealth University Box 980613 Richmond, VA 23298-0613 804-828-8424 FAX: 804-828-2117 swelch@hsc.vcu.edu Brian Anthony Whittle Scientific Director GW Pharmaceuticals plc Porton Down Science Park Salisbury SP4 0JQ 4401980557000 FAX: 4401980557111 baw@gwpharm.com

Jenny Wiley Pharmacology and Toxicology Virginia Commonwealth University 410 North 12th Street, Box 980613 Richmond, VA 23298-0613 804-828-2067 FAX: 804-828-2117 jwiley@hsc.vcu.edu Jonathan Wilkinson Pharmacognosy London School of Pharmacy 29-39 Brunswick Square London WC1N 1AX 4477709290846 jwilkinson@orange.net Elizabeth Williamson Centre for Pharmacognosy The School of Pharmacy University of London 29/39 Brunswick Square London WC1N 1AX 442077535841 FAX: 442077535909 liz@emwilliamson.freeserve.co.uk Susanne Wolf Neuronal Stem Cells Max-Dellbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine Robert-Rössle-Str. 10 Bldg. 31.1 Berlin 13125 493049063271 SWolf@mdc-berlin.de David Woodward Biological Sciences Allergan 2525 Dupont Drive Irvine, CA 92623-9534 714-246-5490 FAX: 714-246-5578 woodward_david@allergan.com














Stephen Wright Research and Development Director GW Pharmaceuticals plc Porton Down Science Park Salisbury SP4 0JQ 4401980557000 FAX: 4401980557111 swright@gwpharm.com Karen Wright Pharmacy and Pharmacology University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY 441225384435 prsklw@bath.ac.uk Ozgur Yesilyurt Medical Pharmacology Gulhane Military Medical Academy Etlik, Ankara 06018 903123044765 FAX: 903123042150 oyesilyurt@gata.edu.tr Elena Zarini Pharmacology Sanofi-Synthelabo SpA Via GB Piranesi 38 Milan 20137 00390273942414 FAX: 00390273942453 elena.zarini@sanofi-synthelabo.com Rundong Zhang Pharmacology and Toxicology University of Louisville 103 Nob Hill Lane #8 Louisville, KY 40206 502-852-2404 FAX: 502-852-7868 r0zhan01@gwise.louisville.edu