~i,,!Cf)I! ~ Vacancy Circular R.'IiCf) cnT ~...

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Transcript of ~i,,!Cf)I! ~ Vacancy Circular R.'IiCf) cnT ~...


~:- 'B"ffif ~i,,!Cf)I"! ~ Vacancy Circular R.'""IiCf) 17.1.19, 15.1.19, 15.1.19(l~ 2.1.19 cnT ~ ~~~I~C: LR 3"l4C11'5 Cf),,!cll-i ~ I

\34xlCfd ~tI[jI':(PfC1 ~ t fcp '+fRC1 ~NCf)I'< ~ Vacancy Circular R.'""IiCf) 17.

1.19, 15.1.19, 15.1.19 (l~ 2.1.19 ~ "S3ITt ~ ~ ~~~il~C: LR 3"14(11'5

Cf),,!ClI~ Cf5T ~ ~ I

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.,. .•••.;:r i~ NO.12023/05/2018-E.11

.n.r" J -b-IJ ....._ 3IT«f .tHCfiF{ I GOVERNMENT OF INDIA

JM~ c1Y.11.L~ ? lrcf fch'8l~ Cfi(>,;qIOjA'Illij;q

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE?, '86CfiIi{dllrcf Pch'8lit Q;(>'4101fcmm


KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI.Dated~<TiiCfl: /<;f-/' )2019

Vacancy Circular

. ec ~ (Cooperation/Credit) (Generalazett on- in is erial) in the

Fa er's Wel are ine revise PB-3

~ ~e: : f - '-e 'I)..., (Ge e al Ce a Se ice Gr Gaze-:e , .ste a I re epa e f

Agriculture, Co-operation and Farmer's Welfare in Level-10 (Rs. 56100-177500/-) ofthe Pay Matrix (pre revised PB-3 Rs.15600-39100/- with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-;) ondeputation (including short term contract). '

2. Deputation (including short term contract):Eligibility Conditions:

( ) (I) holding analogous pos 0 a regular basis in the parent cadre orDepartement; or

(II) with 3 years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regularbasis in Level 7 of the pay matrix (Pre-revised; Pay Band-2 : Rs 9300-34800 withGrade Pay Rs 4600/-) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; or


(III) with 8 years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on aregular basis in Level 6 of the pay matrix (Pre-revised; Pay Band-2 : Rs 9300-34800with Grade Pay Rs 4200/-) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and

(B) possessing the following educational qualifications and experiences:"-

Essential'- ~


(I) Master's Degree in Agriculture or Agricultural Economics or Economics orCommerce or Statistics from a recognized university;

(II) One years' experience in the field of cooperation or credit in a Government or arecognized cooperative or credit organization.

Desirable: Diploma in Cooperation from a recognized institution.

Note:- The Departmental officers in the feeder category, who are in the direct lineof promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation.Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment bypromotion. .

3. Ust of duties / responsibilffies attached to the post of Assistant Director(Cooperation/Credit) is as under.-

'" e'" SCS

III a ers rela 'ng 0 implementation of Price Support Scheme (PSS)and market intervention scheme.

IV Matters relating to implementation of Cooperative Education ofTraining Programmes.

of cooperative development

ational Level cooperative

V~ Any other programmes which are designed for the development ofcooperatives in future.

VII Planning & Monitoring for improving the qualitative and quantitativeflow of credit to agriculture.

VIII Innovation, development & implementation/ operationalisation offarmer-friendly crop insurance programme to address diverse needs of'farmers for all agricultural and allied risks to farmers.

4. Regulation of pay and other terms of deputation: _

The pay of the selected candidate will be' regulated under the provisionscontained in the DoP&T O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay-lI) dated 17/06/2010 asamended time to time.

The maximum age-limit for appointment by deputation (including short termcontract) shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt ofapplications. /"


!/. 5. Age-limit :-

6. Period of deputation: -

Period of deputation (including short-term contract) including period of deputation(including short-term contract) in another ex-cadre post held .lmrnediately precedingthis appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the centralgovernment shall ordinarily not exceed four years.

7. Application (in triplicate) only in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-I) of theeligible candidates whose services can be spared immediately on selection, together

. e ce . ca e from e Forwarding A ority (in proforma Annexure-II) along withUUI..uJ\ e s:

-Complete advertisement, Bio-data format (Annexure-I) and certificate format

for CC, IC, VC & MMP (Annexure-IJ) ,etc. can be downloaded from the Departmentof Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare's website:- W\A..'W.agricoop.nic.in(Link-Recruitment -Vacancies).

e a lica ion alongwith required documents, may beforwarded to Sh. Sunila- a 0 a U de Seere ary (Pers.-II), Room No. 37, Ground Floor, F-Wing,

's . 3~a a e' el i - 1 01 i in 60 days of the publication of the circulareel ozgar Samachar. Applications not forwarded through

p oper channel or those received without the requisite certificates andnecessary documents will not be entertained.


(Sunil Kumar Swarnkar)Under Secretary(Pers.-II)

Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare.Tel. No. 011-23383053

8. The candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdraw theircandidature subsequently. .

••••. ( Tf! .• 1 I ~"':~ •.,.~;1 "~ :· .'tl'f'WT1f)' d.-b'l-~ ~",\,\. \~,.-~

.-12-10/2018-M& T(Admn.)

Government of IndiaMinistry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers WelfareKrishi Bhawan, New Delhi-ll0001

~ ~Dated the ,r _\_\~-- 1L <- ~V

L- ~ ISubject :- Filling up of one post of Senior Agricultural Engineer [General Central Service, Group 'A' Gazetted] in

Level 11 (Rs. 67700-208700) in pay matrix, at Northern Region Farm Machinery Training andTes ing Insti u e, Hisar (Haryana)on deputa ion (including short term contract) basis. - regarding

To, /'V The Secretary (Agriculture)

All State Governments/Union Territory Administrations

_ r,

erg' Ie a s i a Ie officers for filiing up onea~e: e ] i Le el 11 (Rs. 67700-

-'C'~'-5 c~:: -2S:'-5 ...•st : te, isar a a-ia), a

2. Applicati s 0& 0 I S C leers/candida es ';11 e co sidered hich are routed through properchannel and are accompanied with (i) Curriculum vitae (in triplicate) as in the Proforma given (Annexure-II);(ii) Attested photocopies of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports for the last five years (APARs to be attested ,by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary); (iii) Vigilance Clearance/Integrity Certificate/CadreClearance Certifica e; and Statement giving details of major or minor penalties imposed on the officer, if any,~(~5 '~e as' Q ears Annexure-III .

iss e iJ

s i aole a elig' Ie officers and who can be sparedo e De u Secre ary ( &TJ, Room '0. 39,

e of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers elfare,aje a Prasa oad, e Del i -110001 i hin a period of 60 days from the date ofis ad ertise ent in the Employment e s.

4. Ad ance copies of applications or applications received after the prescribed closing date or notaccompanied with the required certificates/documents are liable to be rejected,

Yours faithfully,

6<. ,,'\..t--\(V. Talwar)

Under Secretary to the Government of IndiaTel. No. 011-23387533

Email: vinita.talwar@nic.in

'\ 0,"+ J ftC~ ~1 / ,-,~1---~A I r- I <=J

. \ No. 12026/2/2018-E-1I.-fW l srrt -, f~\TI1tf' WI ....• '\ ~" --; . Government of India

1lT~<t ~f' ./.. Jf!11' Ministry of Agriculture arid Farmers WelfareC\. _A d-~ Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare~::-~~.'l~.~= KrishiBhawan.NewDelhi·X

Dated: \ 5\ \ l,vl q t~1)Vacancy circular

Subject: Filling up of one post of Additional Commissioner (IntegratedNutrients Management) in the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation ~and Farmers Welfare in the scale of pay of Level 13 of the Pay LevelMatrix (corresponding to PB-4: Rs. 37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 221 \ \8700 as per 6th Central Pay Commission) by composite method[Deputation (including short term contract) plus Promotion] basis.


2 Eligibility conditions: Officers of the Central Government or StateGovernments or Union Territories or agricultural universities or recognizedresearch institutions or public sector undertakings or semi-Government orautonomous or statutory organizations: .

(A){I) Holding analogous posts on a regular basis in the parent cadre orDepartment; or (II) with five years service in the grade rendered afterappointment thereto on a regular basis in the pay' band 3: Rs. 15600-39100with Grade Pay of Rs. 7600 or equivalent in the parent cadre or Department;and,(8) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:

Essential:1(1) Masters Degree in Agriculture with specialization in AgriculturalChemistry or Soil Science or Plant Pathology or Chemistry or 8io-C~e~istryor Micro Biology or Bacteriology from a recognised university or Institute;and (II) Ten years experience in the field of promotion of organic manures orbio-fertilizers or fertilizers or quality control of fertilizers,or

2(1) Masters Degree .ln Agriculture with specialization in AgriculturalChemistry or Soil Science or Plant Pathology or Chemistry or Bio-Chemistryor Micro Biology or Bacteriology from a recognised university or institute;(II) .. PI:l. C.· iR aRY of the specializatjon indicated at. 2m above from arecognised university or institute; and(III) Ten years experience in the field of promotion of organic manures orbio-fertilizers or quality control of fertilizers, or

Note 1: The Departmental Deputy Commissioner (Integrated NutrientsManagement) in Pay Band 3: Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs.7600 with five years' regular service in the grade, shall also beconsidered alongwith deputationists and in case he or she is selectedfor appointment to the post, the same shall be deemed to have beenfilled by promotion.

Note 2: The Departmental officers in feeder category who are in direct line ofpromotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment ondeputation. Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for considerationfor appointment by promotion.

(Period of deputation (including short-term contract) including period ofdeputation (including short-term contract) in another ex-cadre post heldimmediately preceding this appointment in the same or some otherorganization or Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not toexceed five years. The maximum age-limit for appointment by deputation(including short-term contract) shall be not exceeding fifty-six years as onthe closing date of receipt of applications).

appoi tment on deputation basis, the servicean ce prior 0 1.1.2006 0 the date from

e base 0 e S' Ce Pa Commissione s I be deemed 0 be service

a or a s e exte ded based onissio excep ere ere has been

o e e-re ise scale of pay into one grade with agra e pa 0 pay scale, and where this benefit will extend only for

e posts for hich that grade payor pay scale is the normal replacementgrade without any upgradation.

3 List of duties and responsibilities attached to the post of AdditionalCommissioner (Integrated Nutrients Management) is given below:

(1) To assess the requirement of fertilizers.(2) To advise on all matters relating to Integrated Nutrients Management

and effective implementation of related programmes in all States.(3) Implementation of Soil Health Card Scheme and Soil Health

Management (SHM) and development of a portal for Soil Health Cardand regular monitoring of programme implementation with StateGovernment through video conference.

(4) Implementation of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) forpromotion of Organic Farming in a focussed manner through clusterapproach through States aims at a sustainable and eco-friendlymodel of chemical residue free agricultural production.

(5) Examination of RKVY proposals with respect to sub-schemes of SHC,SHM, PKVY and MOVCDNER for consideration of State SLSCs..

(6) Examination of the proposals received from States for Soil HealthCard, Soil Health Management and Organic Farming, preparation ofagenda notes, organizing meetings ofPSC and for financialconcurrence of IFD for release of sanctioned budget to the States.

(7) Participation in the zonal conferences on Agricultural Inputs forKharif and Rabi, with reference to SHC & Soil Health Management aswell as Organic Farming Components.

I'\ppllcation along with requisite documents may be forwarded to the UnderSecretary (Personnel-II), Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and FarmersWelfare, Room No. 37, Ground Floor, F Wing, Krishi Bhawan, Dr Rajendra PrasadRoad, New Delhi - 110 001 within sixty days of publication of the vacancy circularin the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar. Applications not forwarded throughproper channel or those received wlthout requisite certificates and documents willnot be entertained. ' -

10 Applicants will not be allowed to withdraw their applications subsequently.

(Sunil Kumar Swarnkar)Under Secretary to the Government of India

Ph: 23383053

Copy forwarded to:

1 All Ministries and Departments of the Government of India. It is requestedthat the vacancy circular may be given wide publicity in the attached offices,subordinate offices, public sector undertakings, research institutions, semi-Government bodies, autonomous organizations and statutory organizationsunder their administrative control. .

2 e Secretary, I dia Cou cil 0 g icu ral Researce i.

i B a an, e

p • e 0 all Sta e Governments andSecretarvie 0 ies.


4 Chief anaging Directors of all Public Sector Undertakings.

5 Vice-Chancellors of all Agricultural Universities.

6 Heads of recognized research institutions.

7 All attached/subordinate offices, autonomous bodies, public sectorundertakings and national-level cooperative organizations of the Departmentof Agriculture, Cooperation and Fanners Welfare .

. 8 JS (A)JJS (INM)/Additional Commissioner (INM)/DS (lNM)/US (INM)/INMSection

9 Facilitation Centre,' Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and FarmersWelfare.

10 National Informatics Centre, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation andFarmers Welfare, Krishi Bhawan, with the request to upload the circular inthe web-site of the Department.

11 Notice Board/Guard File/Spare copies.

fo~~~~(Sunil Kumar Swarnkar)

Under Secretary to the Government of India


(8) Provldinq information, being the Appellate Authority of CPIOs undy/ ,the INM Division, to the applicants under the RTI Act, 2005 on matters z"related to soil health management, balanced and integrated us~fertilizers, organic farming, use of manures and biofertilizers etc.

(9) Issuance of administrative approval, monitoring of physical andfinancial progress of NPOF, monitoring of unspent balances,requestlnq the States for refund of unspent amount. Interaction withNABARD for implementation of Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme(GISS) for fruits and vegetables waste compost units and biofertilizerproduction units. Also, examination of the proposals related toexport of organic inputs, new organic inputs and participatoryguarantee scheme (PGS) etc.

(10) Preparation of draft replies of Starred and Un-Starred questionsrelated to soil health, fertilizer use, organic farming, biofertilizers etc.under INM Division. Preparation of supplementary of StarredQuestions and replies for Standing Committee on Agriculture forDemands for Grants.

4 Regulation of pay and other terms of deputation: The pay of the selectedcandidate will be regulated under the provisions contained in Department ofPersonnel and Training's Office Memorandum No. 6/8/2009-Estt (Pay-II) dated 17th

June 2010, as amended from time to time.

5 Age limit: The maximum ag'e-Iimit for appointment by deputation (includingshort term contract) shall be not exceeding fifty-six years on the closing date forreceipt of applications.

6, Period of deputation: Period of deputation (including short-term contract)including period of deputation (including short-term contract) in another ex-cadrepost held immediately preceding this appointment in the same 0 0 eorganization or Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily no toexceed five years.

7 Application (in duplicate) of the eligible candidates whose services can bespared immediately on selection may be forwarded as per the prescribed proformaat Annexure-I together with certificate from the forwarding authority as per theprescribed proforma at Annexure-II along with the following documents:


, (iii)

Cadre clearance.Integrity certificate.List of major/minor penalties imposed on gthe Officer during the lastten years (if no penaJty had been imposed, a "NIL" Certificate shouldbe enclosed.Vigilance clearance certificate. ,Photocopy of APARs of the preceding five years each page attestedby an Officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to theGovernment of India.


8 Complete advertisement, bio-data specimen {Annexure-I) and certificateformat for eaEiro eioaranG8, integrity certificate, vigilance clearance and Major/MinorPenalty Statement etc. can be downloaded from the Department of Agriculture,Cooperation and Farmers Welfare's web-site www.agricoop.in (link recruitment-vacancies). .

~ 3'l'1\1\?'"~"L-'\'\No.1 60I Sl04/20I8"SD.II ., Government of India

'~rl ~L • ~ Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare ""0 1\

-,:. ,,' ,'f. Department of Agriculture, Cooperati-on/& Farmers Welfare \'; " . :i!1bP-fl.-~(~~G)tqW~li~ . . \) .

('t' ',".1'1\' r~' I'.~\ .> ~~ ~.0;:7r.. ~. ~.s Knshi BhaV~New DelhI,:~ 8 ji-\\~ ,\.;'\9, ,(:a{""-i''}\~'-4J ~~ Dated")" anuary 2019'!I[V .' ~,,<\.~ dS t-'

~.l Q,~"""",_..r. ~~I'If<:1 - 0", .' :u 1 ~

To .. ".' . . '. ,'- ~~\~=-= ~ // ry~ \'- ...•.•J.. - \

.. ', 1,.\' .!~~~Fh.~e(,$~2"etar~, All State GovernmentslUTs c-"C;- ?" ".~;;',!;"2:,t'J'IreSe~refary (Agriculture), all State GovernmentslUTs ~o\~~.~:-~:"~3~"-' All State Seed Corporation/State Seeds Certification Agenciesl Central & State

Agricultural Universities, etc. ~Heads of all Semi-Go emmentslResearch Institutes. ~


ubject: Filling up of One po t of Chief eed Analyst, One po t of Seed Technologist, Cj"v..cy.vone po t of dministration ccount Officer' and 'one post of PrivateSe reran' in the Xarional e d R -ear h and Training Centre, Varanasi

.ttar Prad a ubordinate offic under the Department of Agricultureoop ration - rme . lfar -Adve . ement-regarding.


o 0 Chi f Analy one~ 0 on po of Administration oun Offi er and one post of

Pri ate ecretary in the .ational eed Research and Training Centre, Varanasi (UttarPradesh). The mode of recruitment eligibility, educational qualifications, experience andother eligibility conditions for the posts are as under:

1. Chief Seed Analyst (One post):

General Central ervice Group 'A' Gazetted on-Ministerial) in Pay Matrix Rs.78 800-_.09._00 - in Level-IZ. The post "ill be filled up on deputation (including short termontra t plu Promotion:

Eligibility:Deputation: Officers under the Central Government or State Governments or UnionTerritories or Agricultural Universities or Recognized Research Institutions orAutonomous Organizations or Semi Government Organizations or Public SectorUndertaking:(a) (i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or

Department: or(ii) Having five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment theretoon a regular basis in Level-l l , Rs.67,700-2087001- in the pay matrix orequivalent in the parent cadre or Department: and

(b) (i) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience.(i) Master of Science (Agriculture) from a recognized University or equivalent.(ii) Ten years experience in the field or Seed Production or SeedMarketing or Seed certification or Seed Testing or Seed Quality Control orSeed Development Programmes.

Promotion: Promotion from Departmental Seed Technologist in Level-II, Rs.67700-2087001- in the pay matrix having five years regular services shall also be consideredalong with outsider and in case he is selected the post shall be deemed to have beenfilled by promotion.

P. T. o.

;:, _ L \..C.UJ.110 UU;:' <lppVllllHl'-lH ill ll1'- ;:'ClJ.ll\:,Vl ;:'Vll1'- VlU\.-l

organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed 'fouryear. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation (including short termcontract) shall not be exceeding 56 years, as on the closing date of receipt ofapplications] .

2. Seed Technologist ( One post)General Central Service, Group' A', Gazetted, (non-ministerial) in the Pay Matrix Rs.67700-208700/-, Lvevl- 11. The post will be filled up on deputation (including short termcontract).

Eligibility:Officers under the Central Government or State Governments or Union Territories orAgricultural Universities or Recognized Research Institutions or Autonomous Organizationsor Semi-Government Organizations or Public Sector Undertakings:

(a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department; or

(ii) having five years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on aregular basis in Level-10, Rs.56100-177500/- in the pay matrix or equivalent in theparent cadre or department ; or

(iii) having eight years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on ::J.

regular basis in the posts in Level-7, Rs.44900-142400/- in the pay matrix orequivalent in the parent cadre or Department.


(b) Possessing the following educational qual'

(i) M.Sc. (Agriculture) from a recognized University or equivalent.(ii) Five years experience in the field of Seed Production or Seed Marketing or Seed

Certification or Seed Testing or Seed Quality Control or Seed DevelopmentProgrammes.

Period of deputation (including short term contract) in another ex-cadre post heldimmediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization orDepartment of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed four years. The maximumage limit for appointment by deputation (including short term contract) shall be not excee-?ing56 years, as on the closing date of receipt of application.

3. Administration/Account Officer (one post)

General Central Service, Group 'B', Gazetted, (non-ministerial) in Pay Matrix Rs.44900-142400/-, Level-7. The post will be filled up by deputatiorf as per as per following eligibility.


Officers under the Central Government or State Government or Union Territories:

P. T. O.

----- -- - -;:


: 3 :

(a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department; or

(II) having five years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regularbmils in Pay Matrix Rs.35400-1124001-, Level-6 or equivalent in the Parent Cadre orl) partment; or

Quuli fications:, )\

(0) possessing anyone of the following qualifications:

(i) A pass in the Sub-ordinate Accounts Services or equivalent examination conductedby anyone of the organized Accounts Department of the Central Government.

(ii) Successful completion of training on Cash and Accounts conducted by Institute ofecretarial Training and Management or equivalent and a minimum of four years

ri nee in Cash Account and Budget work.

4. Private Secretary (one post)

General Central Service, Group 'B' Gazetted, (non-ministerial) in Pay Matrix Rs.44900-1424001-, Level-7 on Deputation (including Short Term Contract) or absorption.


Officers under the Central Government or State Government or Union Territories or PublicSector Undertakings or Agricultural Universities or Recognised Research Institutions orSemi-Government Statutory Autonomous Organisations :

(b) (i) holding analogous post in the Stenographer's cadre in the Parent Cadre orDepartment; or(ii) having five years service in the Stenographer's cadre rendered after appointmentthereto on a regular basis in Pay Matrix Rs.35400-112400, Level-6 or equivalent inthe parent cadre or Department:.

Note: 1. Officers of only Central Government or State Governments or Union Territoriesshall be eligible for consideration for appointment on absorption basis;

Period of deputation (including short term contract) in another ex-cadre post heldimmediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or

• Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not to exceed three years. Themaximum age limit for appointment by deputation (including short-term contract) shall notbe exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of the receipt of application.

P. T. O.

: 4 :

Note: 2. For the purpose of appointment on deputation or absorp ·on basis, the servicerendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to 1st January, 2016 the date from which therevised pay structure based on ih Central Pay Commission- recommendations has beenextended, shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade pa or pay scaleextended based on the recommendations of the said Pay Commission except where there hasbeen merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into one grade with a cornmon gradepayor pay scale, and where this benefit will extend only for the post for which that grade payor pay scale is the normal replacement grade without any up gradation.

Applications (in duplicate) in the enclosed proforma, along with the complete and upto date Confidential Reports (photo copies of the AP ARs are to be got attested by an officernot below the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India) and Integrity Certificateof eligible officers who could be spared in the event of their selection may kindly beforwarded to the Under Secretary (Seed), Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & FarmersWelfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Room No.440, Krishi Bhawan, NewDelhi-II 0001 within 60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement inEmployment News.

While forwarding the applications, it may also be verified and certified that theparticulars furnished by the officers are correct and that no vigilance case is either pending orbeing contemplated against them and no major/minor penalty has been imposed on themduring the last 10 years.

It may also be noted that the applications received without the Confidential ReportsVigilance Clearance, Integrity Certificate and a statement of major/minor penal y, if any.imposed on the officers during the last 10 years or otherwise foun incomple e . he will nobe considered.

·\.\1( A. . Jha )

Under Secretary to the Govt. of IndiaDistribution:

1. All Ministries/Department of Govt. of India with the request that these posts mayplease be given wide publicity in their respective attached and subordinate offices,PSUs, Semi Govt.lAutonomous under their administrative control.All Divisional Heads/Director (Personnel)/All Sections/DesklUnits under DAC.Deptt. of AH&D/ICARIDARE/CACP/Dte. of Economics and Statistics.All attached! subordinate offices under DAC.NIC, DAC for hoisting on the website.NSCIPPV &FRAlDC(S)/DC(QC)/ AC(S) for wider circulation.Director (NSRTC) for wider circulation and also to hoist on the website ofNSRTC.Guard File/Spare copies.


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