ICE Pre-Operation Plan for New Haven Immigration Raid (June 2007)

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Transcript of ICE Pre-Operation Plan for New Haven Immigration Raid (June 2007)

  • 8/14/2019 ICE Pre-Operation Plan for New Haven Immigration Raid (June 2007)


    0 5 ' ~ 2 9 - 2 0 0 T I 56 FrOfll-J)apiutml.:lIl (lfHollleland $cci.uityrmmiCJ'HriM ;\tlcICus!u\Tl!; Elifilr(:(:lJIc:11I] ) c l ~ l I t . h ) l l anti Ttelllo\'u) Opc["lillll.':i

    OJ'.lenAT.l.ONAL ORlJf:R I PLANl . > I ~ T E N T I O N Al"(D REMOVAL O I ) E I ~ A T l O N S

    I l A n T l ~ O n : o li'.u:r I) ) Opm.CE

    T-Bd7 P 002/011 F-050

    DRO OPERATION ORDER: O p l ~ n l ( i o l l n . ( ~ t o r r l to SNIder

    OptWlltion Return to SClldCf is l\ Hartt'brd . D R O / 1 3 o ~ t n n Field Ofl1cc initinlivL.: 10t a r g ~ r . l l r r e ~ t J pro:;ecute, andh"lr r c m O V t ~ 1 ( ~ E i'bgitivc IltiCl,)!\ wj1.h OlllSlltndingW U 1 ' ! ' l I n t ~ ofremoval/dcpOllaliun in t ' h t ~ S t ~ t ( ! of Connecticut. A total of30 tnrgetsh a . Y ( ~ been 1hlly idt:mlilicu as fughive alior.w rcsiding within the HllItfbrd's AOR.In nddition TO filgitivc! arc 50 non-fugiiiv(: arrests ex:pected.The FOD, Acting DF'OD, AFOD, SDDO'!-: fLnd STEA's h a v ~ , : hc(m :tl.llly hricf.ed ontho detail!! Ilnd planning fo r the opcrn1.inl1As is customnry1 J)RO will cllIltact the local police lIepmtment having . i u r i ~ d i c l i o n al: C'".ach location U ~ : I t courtesy, liaison, and for adrlitio1'llll support w1d ~ c : c l l r i l y . Allfugitivcli aJ1d locations will be d ~ ~ - c o l l f l j c t c d wilh .ICE/O.l thro\Jgh llil.:'TECS(SQll, and SQAD) sys\.em.

    II. M ' i ~ s i o l l Locale, u r n ~ S L and remove n l i ~ n s who have been ordered removed from the UnitedStates and Ilava ,iled to comply with thai: order.

    lIT. Execlltiqn

    A) Ilirectors IntentThis openltion is in keeping with the Dopart.ment ofHomelalld Securityo ~ j c c t i v c for seeming OUf border;. and prol.ecting the nr.ttion.The operntion supports !'peciIic DRO o b j e c t i v c . ~ aimed at a . r r ~ , s t i n g a n d .cmoving rCE filgitives from the United Stutes p u r ~ m a n t to the NationalFugitivo O p < : : r a t i o r l ~ Plan.

    B) Concept of OperationsTh;:; operation will he conducted over':1 l w o ~ w e e k period consisting offou['philscs.


  • 8/14/2019 ICE Pre-Operation Plan for New Haven Immigration Raid (June 2007)


    Frum-DcpanmClll of Hurnl:land. Se.curity(mJni ~ l ~ l t i ( l ( l 1m.! CUSloms Unlc,fcefllcnl'

    DelGfltion ilild Rr=ll1c1\'al Clp{:.ll.Ition: