IBM Software Group ® Process Sequence to call ProcessAdminService from browser Thomas.

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Transcript of IBM Software Group ® Process Sequence to call ProcessAdminService from browser Thomas.

IBM Software Group


Process Sequence to call ProcessAdminService from browser


IBM Software Group | Rational software


Service types provided by Jazz

ITeamRestService(AbstractTeamServerServlet#doRestService) RAW_HTTP

AbstractService RPC

ITeamModelledRestService(AbstractTeamServerServlet#doModelledRestService) Modelled_REST

Plain Servlet to process requests

IBM Software Group | Rational software


Call sequence to request process/project-areas

IBM Software Group | Rational software


TeamServerServlet Process all the requests filed from browser


e.g, https://localhost:9443/jazz/...

extend <org.eclipse.equinox.http.registry.servlets> plugin-point in the plugin

Dispatch the request to the corresponding REST service based on the URI extend <> extension point in plugin(process component)

IBM Software Group | Rational software


Mapping between URI and REST Service

ProcessAdminService uriAlias

• defind in plugin

• used in <>extention point to map to the real REST service(extend in <>plugin)

IBM Software Group | Rational software


Resource Object

REST Service forward request to the correponding Resource Object based on the URI

Resource Object construct the Representation Object,and then serialize this object into XML format,write xml data into HTTP Response object(through OutputStream),and the user get the requested data

IBM Software Group | Rational software


Resource Object VS ResourceRepresentation Object

Resource object doesn’t hold the resource data itself.Instead,it contains the methods to CRUD the resource with http request,e.g,get,post,delete,head,put.So,Resource object is more like a Resource handler.

ResourceRepresentation Object represents an resource object,it contains the resource data, with the Annotation grammar(Represenation,Namespace,ElementList,Element,Attribute,Text)

IBM Software Group | Rational software


Serialize ResourceRepresentation to XML

Resource writeXmlResponse

ResourceRepresentation serializeDocument




IBM Software Group | Rational software


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