IBM Logo Redesign Project

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Transcript of IBM Logo Redesign Project

IBM Logo RedesignBy Melissa Simmons

Color was important in

reflecting business values

Image was of equal importance

Blue=Company’s old nickname

was “Big Blue”

Green=Being a “green”


Image: Global leader working

with technology to promote

global issues




The Logo Evolution The New IBM Logo

Time For A Change




MachinesThe company has evolved into a global leader, working with other to make innovative technology changes and promote positive change when it comes to social issues. The company needs a logo that reflects not only their leadership in the IT field and their “green” qualities, but the fact the IBM

is also the world’s largest consulting agency.

It is quite understandable that you want to feel that your work with IBM is valuable. If you

don’t have this feeling, then you may become bored with your work or feel as if you don’t

have a purpose or make a positive change in someone’s life by the work you perform. This new logo considers you, the employee, in the

overall design. It helps recognize that you provide the world with a valuable service and your work is not in vain. You, as employees,

have helped IBM become the global leader it is. You work for a company that promotes social

responsibility and is leading the way for positive social change. Take a good look at the

logo, all you hard dedicated workers. Those hands are yours. Those hands are working

hard towards positive global change. This logo represents not only the company but as you

can see, yourselves as well.

Employees Can Have Pride

You, as shareholders, want to know that your company is excelling and moving in a positive direction, correct? You also want to see the company continue to grow, right? This logo represents the changes your company has

already transitioned through and what is left to explore and build upon. You have invested

your money in the right company and this logo reflects this. IBM has become a global leader not only in the Information Technology field,

but also in becoming the world’s largest consulting organization. IBM is taking the initiative to advance and promote social

responsibility, not only in the United States, but on a much larger global scale. This logo

represents all of these qualities, as well as the company’s values.

Shareholders Can See Company Value

You, as a customer, want to purchase goods or services from a company you can trust and

respect, correct? Let’s face it, no one wants to do business with a company that doesn’t care,

has faulty products, or doesn’t have the customer’s interests at heart. IBM is a

company you can proudly purchase from, trust, and respect. This new logo represents all of

these qualities about IBM. They are a “green” company with a strong sense of social

responsibility. They do more than just sell Information Technology products and services. They also work with other businesses globally

to help them excel as well. In the end, this affects you the customer in a positive way. In accepting this logo design, we all can help IBM

continue to be a respected, trusted, responsible global leader by reflecting these

qualities and traits in their new logo.

Customers Develop Respect