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`Ashura, 10 Muharram .Maulud-un Nabi 12 Rabi`ul Awwal .Regaib Kandili, Eve of 1st Friday in RajabRajab, beginning, middle and endLaylat-ul-Mi’raj, 27 RajabLaylat-Nesfu Shaban, Eve of 15 ShabanLaylat-ul-Qadr, Eve of 27 Ramadan.Ramadan Arife, eve of `Id ul-FitrDhul-Hijjah, Eve of 1 Dhul-HijjahWaqfatu-`Arafat, 9 Dhul-Hijja


Addenda to the Ritual PrayerTeravi .Tesbih Namaz .Funeral PrayersThe Friday Jumma’ Namaz`Id Prayers


Usul .Night PrayerZikrullah

This has been prepared to help us remember and continue what Tosun Efendi has taught us. Any mistakes, are purely the fault of Nureddin. May Allah forgive us all.

Ashura, The 10th of MuharramThe prayer in honor of the 10th of Muharram is done anytime between the 10th of Muharram and the 4th of Safar. It is performed at midnight. This prayer consists of 4 rakats and has 2 forms.

A- Each rakat has a Fatihah and 51 suratul-Ikhlas [112]B- Each rakat has a Fatihah and 1 Suratul Zilzal [99]

1 Suratul Kafirun [109] 1 Suratul Ikhlas [112]

It is very good to fast on this day.

Regaib KandiliThis prayer for the month of Rajab is done on the eve of the 1st Friday, between the evening and night prayers. It is a prayer of 12 rakats done in sets of 2. In each rakat after the Fatihah are:

3 Suratul Qadr [97]12 Suratul Ikhlas [112]

After the prayer recite 70 times:Allâhumma salli `alâ Muhammadinin Nabbiyyil Ummiyyi wa `alâ âlihi wa sallim.O Allah, bestow blessings and peace upon Muhammad, the gentile Prophet, and upon his family.

Then in prostration repeat 70 times:Subbûhun Quddûsun Rabbul Malâ’ikati war Rûh.All Glorious, All Holy, Lord of the Angels and of the Spirit!

Then sitting recite 70 times:Rabbighfir warham wa tajâwaz mâ ta`lam fa innaka Antal `Azîzul A`zam.My Lord, forgive and have mercy, pardon that which You well know, for you You are the Mighty, the Supreme.

RajabIt is good, but not obligatory, to fast 3 days in this month, 1 in the beginning, 1 in the middle and 1 at the end. If possible, it it is good to include the 1st Friday, the 15th and the last day of the month.

The Rajab prayer is a prayer of 30 Rakats that can also be separated to be done in conjunction with the fasts; 10 rakats in the beginning with the first fast day, 10 with the 2nd and the last 10 with the third. In each Rakat after the Fatihah say:

3 Suratul Ikhlas [112]3 Suratul Kafirun [109]

After the prayer recite:la ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharikallahla huwal-hamdu wa la huwal mulkuyuhyi wa yumit, biyadihil khayrwa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadir

There is no god except Allah, Alone. No partner has He. To Him belongs the kingdom and to Him baelongs the praise. He brings to life and causes death, whole He is ever-living and never dies. All goodness is in His Hand, and He is Powerful over all things.

and then wipe your hands over your face.Laylatul-Miraj

This prayer is done between the noon and afternoon prayers on the day of Miraj, the 27th of Rajab. It is 4 rakats. After the fatihah in each rakat the following is recited:

1 Suratul Falaq [113]1 Suratun Nas [114]3 Suratul Qadr [97]51 Suratul Ikhlas [112]

Laylat-Nafsu Shaban, Berat Kandili, Salatul Khayr

This namaz, salatal khayr, done on the eve of the 15th of Shaban is 100 rekats. They may be done together, spread out over the day, or done spread throughout the beginning of the month, ending on the berat. In each rakat, after the Fatihah, 10 Ikhlas are repeated. (Or 10 rekats may be done if instead of 10 ikhlas in each, 100 is done.)

Based on the calculation by abjad, ism-i Hu, which many consider to be the ism-i a`zam, is eleven. Again according to abjad, Ta Ha, considered by most to be the most important name of Rasul Allah, is fourteen. Thus, at the end of the hundred rak`ats of salat ul-khayr, the following eleven recitations are done fourteen times each.

1. Istaghfirullah (x 14)2. Allahumma salli `ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa `ala al-i Muhammadin was-habihi wa sallim. (x 14)3. Surah Fatihah (x 14)

4. Allahu la ilaha illa Hu al-hayy ul-qayyum. La ta’khudhuhu sinnatuw-wa la nawm. Lahu ma fis-samawati wa ma fil-ard. Man dhalladhi yashfa`u `indahu illa bi idhnih. Ya`lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum wa la yuhituna bi-shay’in min `ilmihi illa bi-ma sha’. Wasi`a kursiyuhus-samawati wal-arda wa la ya`uduhu hifzuhuma, wa huwal-`ali ul-`azim. (x 14)5. La-qad ja’akum rasulun min anfusikum `azizun `alayhi ma `anittum harisun `alaykum bil-mu’minina ra’ufun rahim. Fa-in tawalaw fa-qul hasbiyy Allaha la ilaha illa Hu `alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabb ul-`arsh il-`azim. (x 14)6. Ya Sin (the words, not the surah, x 14)7. Surah Ikhlas (x 14)8. Surah Falaq (x 14)9. Surah Nas (x 14)10. Subhan Allahi wal-hamdu li-Llahi wa la ilaha illa Llahu wa Llahu akbar, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa bi-Llah il-`ali il-`azim. (x 14)11. Allahumma salli `ala sayyidina Muhammadin salatan tunjina biha min jami`il-ahwali wal-afat, wa taqdi lana biha jami`il-hajat. Wa tutahhiruna biha min jami`is-sayyi’at, wa tarfa’una biha a`lad-darajat. Wa tuballighuna biha aqsal-ghayati min jami`il-khayrati fil-hayati wa ba`dal-mamat. (x 14)

If possible, it is good to recite the mevlud. Tosun Efendi tries to fast at the beginning, middle and end, as in Rajab. The best days are the first, the 13th, 14th and 15th and the last monday.

Laylatul Qadr

The prayer for the Night of Power is 12 rakats. In each rakat after the Fatihah, Suratul Ikhlas is recited, beginning with once and increasing by one each rakat. So the first rakat has 1 Ikhlas, while the last rakat has 12.

Zikrullah may also be done.

Ramadan Arife

This is the last night of Ramadan, at which there is no teravi. On this night tesbih namaz is done.

In New York, the sakal ash sharif may be visited.

Dhul Hijjah

This prayer is done in the last third of the night. It is 4 rakats, and each rakat has after the Fatihah:

3 Suratul Falaq [113]3 Suratun Nas [114]3 Suratul Ikhlas [112]3 Ayatul Kursi [2:255]


Beginning with the morning prayer and continuing for four days, the arife and bayram,following each fard prayer recite the tekbir. The last tekbir is done with the afternoon prayer.

There is a hadith about making a nafile prayer of 4 rakats between the noon and afternoon namaz on the day of Arife. In each rakat, after the fatihah recite 50 suratul ikhlas. Following the prayer, recite the following:

3 Labbayk Allahumma labbayk,labbayk, la sharika lak labbayk.Innal-hamda wa ni`mata laka wal-mulk.La sharika lak.

100 La ilaha ilallahu wahdahu la sharika lah,lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamduyuhyi wa yumitu, biyadihil-khayri,wa huwa `ala kulli shay’in qadir.

100 La hawla wa la quwwata ila billahil-`azizil- `azim.Ashhadu an Allaha `ala kulli shay’in qadirwa an Allaha qad ahata bi kulli shay’in `ilma.

1 A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytanir-rajim.

3 Innallaha huwas-sami`ul-alim.

3 Fatihah, with bismillah and amin

100 suratul ikhlas

100 Bismillahir rahmanir rahim.Allahumma salli `ala an-nabi il-ummi wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Note 3/2000For the last 2 years, Tosun Efendi has celebrated this occasion with the prayers as done by the Hajis

on Mt. Arafat as follows:

We meet, outside weather permitting, during the afternoon prayer time. Unless this is a weekend, it must be late enough for people to get there from work, if they can, but not so late that there is danger of the evening prayer coming too close.


Someone (the shaykh or someone else he chooses) says the following aloud:The Messenger of Allah, saws, said:“See ye what month this is?”

[There is no response.]“It is the Holy Month. See ye what land this is?”

[There is no response.]“It is the Holy Land. See ye what day this is?”

[There is no response.]“It is the day of the greater pilgramage.”

The shaykh then reads the Farewell Khutba of Rasulullah, saws.

from Haykal’s The Life of Muhammad, & Martin Lings’ Muhammad

O men, listen well to my words, for I do not know whether I shall meet you again on such an occasion in the future. O Men, your lives and your property shall be inviolate until you meet your Lord. the safety of your lives and of your property shall be as inviolate as this holy day and holy month. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Thus do I warn you. Whoever of you is keeping a trust of someone else shall return that trust to its rightful owner. All interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer inequity. God has judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to `abbas ibn `Abd al Muttalib shall henceforth be waived. Every right arising out of homicide in pre-Islamic days is henceforth waived. And the first such right that I waive is that arising from the murder of Rabi`ah ibn al Harith ibn `Abd al Muttalib. O Men, the devil has lost all hope of ever being worshiped in this land of yours. Nevertheless, he still is anxious to determine the lesser of your deeds. Beware of him, therefore, for the safety of your religion. O Men, intercalation or tampering with the calendar is evidence of great unbelief and confirms the unbeliever in their misguidance. they indulge in it one year and forbid it the next in order to make permissible that which God forbade, and to forbid that which God has made permissible. The pattern according to which the time is reckoned is always the same. With God, the months are twelve in number. Four of them are holy. Three of these are successive and ones occurs singly between the months of Jumada and sha`ban. O Men, to you a right belongs with respect to your women and to your women a right with respect to you. It is your right that they not fraternize with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to commit adultery. but if they do, then God has permitted you to isolate them within their homes and to chastise them

without cruelty. but if they abide by your right, then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them, for they are your partners and committed helpers. Remember that you have taken them as your wives and enjoyed their flesh only under God’s trust and with His permission. Reason well, therefore, O Men, and ponder my words which I now convey to you. I am leaving you with the Book of God and the Sunnah of His Prophet. If you follow them, you will never go astray. O Men, harken well to my words. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to you own selves. O God, have I conveyed Your message?

Rasulullah, saws, then imparted the new revelation which he had just received:This day the disbelievers despair of prvailing against your religion, so fear them not, but fear Me! This day have I perfected your religion and fulfilled My favor unto you, and it hath been My good pleasure to choose Islam for you as your religion. (5:3)

O People, have I faithfully delivered unto you my messge?

The congragation replies:“Allahumma na`m” (Oh God, yes!)

The shaykh than repeats The Prophet’s words:“Oh God, bear witness.”

Qadiqamat for the noon prayer is recited.Noon prayers performed.Tekbirs recited.Qadiqamat for the afternoon prayer is recited.afternoonoon prayers performed.Tekbirs recited and then a salawati sharif.

Addenda to the Ritual Prayers

After the dua at the end of the morning, evening and night prayers, include the following:

morning and evening: the last 3 ayats of Suratul Hashr [59:22-24]

Huwa-llahu-lladhi la ilaha illa Hu. ‘Alimu-ghaybi wash-shahadah.Huwar-rahmanur-rahim. Huwa-llahu-lladhi la ilaha illa Hu.Al Malikul quddusus-salamul mu’minul muhayminul ‘azizul jabbarul mutakabbir.Subhana-llahi ‘amma yushrikun. Huwa-llahul khaliqul bari’ul musawwiru lahuasma’ul husna. Yusabbihu lahu ma fis-samawati wal ardwa huwal ‘azizul hakim.

then recite 10Xsubhanallahi wal hamdulillahi wa la ilaha illallahu Allahu akbarwa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil ‘aliyyul azim

night: the last 2 ayats of Suratul Bakara [2:285-286]

amanar-rasulu bima unzila ilayhi mir-rabbihi wal-mu’minun.kullun amana billahi wa mala’ikatihi wa kutubihi wa rusulih. la nufarriqu baynaahadim-mir-rusulih. wa qalu sami`na wa ata’na ghufranaka rabbana wailaykal-masirj La yukalifu-llahu nafsan illa wus’aha. laha ma kasabatwa `alayha mak-tasabat. Rabbana la tu’akhidhna in nasina aw akhta’na.Rabbana wa la tahmil `alayna ‘isran kama hammaltahu `alal-ladhina min qablina.

Rabbana wa la tuhammilna ma la taqata lana bih. Wa`fu ‘anna, waghfir lana,warhamna. Anta mawlana, fansurna `alal-qawm il-kafirun.

Between the first sunnah and the fard, five sung tevhid can be done. Five more can be done following the sura which is recited after the dua, or immediately after the dua if no sura is recited. When the final tevhid is finished the following is recited:

Illa-llah sayyidina Muhammadar rasulullahi haqqan wa sidqa.Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik `ala eshrefi asadi nuri jami`il enbiya’iwal murselin wal hamdulillahi rabbil `alamin

Teravi Namaz

The Teravi namaz, in honor of Ramadan, ia an extra 20 rak`ats added to the night prayer between the last 2 sunnah and the witr. Theses prayers are begun the night before the first day of fasting, and end the night before the last day of fasting. The special thing about these prayers as done by the tariqah is that between each set of four rak`ats ilahis are sung in different makams. Introducing the start of a cycle of prayer is a sung salawat, in a specific makam. the prayer, with tekbirs, and the ilahi following it is in the same makam. At the end of the ilahi, another salawat is sung introducing the new makam which the next cycle of prayer will follow.

The night prayer begins, and continues as usual through the 2 sunnah. When the teravi is ready to begin everyone chants:

subhanallahi wal-hamdulillahi wa la ilahe illallahu wa-llahu akbar,wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil-aliyyil-azimAllahumma salli `ala Muhammad (sung in rast makam)

The imam will then recite the first four rak`ats of teravi in rast, and the muadhdhin will likewise chant in rast. After the salams everyone will sing an ilahi, usually just one verse, in rast. After the ilahi ends everyone sings another salawat, this time in ussak.

The order of the makams is as follows:Rast: lil hamsetü, talaal bedru alayna, Ussak: ey enbiyalar, gelin Allah diyelim, allah emrin tutalımSaba: gelin ey asıklar,ismi subhan Eviç: mevlam seninAcimasiran: ah sultanım, neyleyelim tutalım

( It is possible to do the teravi namaz in cycles of 2 rather than 4. When doing this an ilahi is sung after every 4 rak`ats. In between each 2 the salawat in that makam is repeated.)

After the last ilahi is sung, one of the muadhdhins chants:

a`udhu bilallhi minash shaytanir rajimbismillahir rahmanir rahimrabbana amana bima anzalta wata ba`anar rasul

(than everyone joins in)faqtubna ma shahidin

another muadhdhin then recites a series of Amins while everyone else offers a dua.After the final Amin, everyone sings

wal hamdulillahi rabbil `alaminAllahumma salli `ala sayyidina Muhammad

Then everyone stands for the witr.

The witr during the teravi is done in congregation, with the imam chanting aloud in all 3 rak`ats.The takbir before the qunut is shouted rather than sung, to signal that the qunnut is to be done, not a movement of position. The imam does not recite the qunut out loud. After the salams everyone recites:

ya rabbi fir warham wa anta khayrur rahimin

The muadhdhin then begins the closing, which is the same as usual except that each asma is done aloud by different muadhdhins.

Allah rasulina salawat (Allahumma salli ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa `ala ali Muhammad)

subhana-llahi wal-hamdulillahi wa la ilaha illallahu Allahu akbarwa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil-`aliyyil-azim

(ayatul kursi ,usually, done silently by all)wa huwal `aliyyul `azim, dhul jalali wal kamali subhanallah

33 subhanallahsubhanal karimil hamdulillah

33 al hamdulillahRabbil `alamin ta’ala shanuhu Allahu akbar

33 Allahu akbarAllahu akbar adham kabira wahidan la ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharikalah,la huwal mulku wa la huwal hamdu wa huwa `ala kulli shay’in qadir.(by everyone) Ala inna awliya Allah, la khawfun`alayhim wa la hum yah zanun.

(private prayers: assalatu assalams & dua as usual)

Tesbih Namaz

This is 4 rakats with the following repeated a total of 300 times between the initial tekbir and the final selams.

subhanallahi wal-hamdulillahi wa la ilahe illallahu wa-llahu akbar,wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil-`aliyyil-`azim

In each of the series of repetitions, the first line is repeated while the second line is said only after the last repetition. The repetitions are inserted as follows:

15 before the Fatihah10 after the sura10 after the subhanas while staying in ruku10 between the Sami’ Allahumman hamida and Rabbina lakal hamd while standing up straight10 after the subhanas while staying in sajda10 while sitting between sajdas10 after the subhanas of the second sajda while still in sajda

This is repeated for all 4 rakats. The sitting sections of the namaz after the second and after the fourth rakats are the same as for a regular namaz.

Funeral Prayers

The funeral prayers are done after the regular namaz, while standing. If there is no coffin, the prayer is done in the mosque. If a coffin is present, the prayer is done outside, with the coffin between the worshippers and the mosque, the coffin is not brought inside. The coffin should be placed in such a manner that the face of the deceased is facing the Kaba. The prayer is performed in the following manner:

Niyat-for the soul of...,the son of...and... .Tekbir-FatihahTekbir-salawatTekbir-suraTekbir-dua

The Friday Jumma’ Prayer

The Friday Prayers are done in the following way.

An adhan and then a salatu as-selam are recited, followed immediately by 4 rakats of sunnah.

The following ayat is then recited by one of the muezzins:

A’udhu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajimBismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahiminnallaha wa mala’ikatahu yusalluna `alan-nabbiya ayyuhalladhina amanu sallu `alahi wa sallimu taslimasadaqallahul-`azimAllahumma salli `ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa `ala ali sayyidina Muhammad

A second adhan is then recited followed by the khutba.

Baba’s Dua before the Friday Khutba (taken from 11/13/93)

Al-hamdulillah, al-hamdulillah, al-hamdulillahi-lladhi la ilaha illahu. al-hamdulillahi Rabbil ‘alamin.

Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah al-`azim al-ladhi la ilaha illa Hu, al-hayyul-qayyum wa atubu ilayh, wa as’alahuttawbata wal-maghfirata wal-hidayata innahu huwattabur-rahim.Wa’fu ‘anna ya karim, wa’fu ‘anna ya karim, wa’fu ‘anna ya karim.waghfir lana bi fadlika ya rahmanu ya rahim. Ya maliku, ya quddusu, ya hafizu, yallah.Al-awwali Allah, al-akhiri Allah, az-zahiri Allah, al-batini Allah.Khayrihi wa sharrihi min Allahu ta`ala.Ashhadu an la ilaha illallahu wahduhu la sharikala, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa rasuluhu.As-salatu as-salamu `alayka Ya Rasulullah,As-salatu as-salamu `alayka Ya Habibullah,As-salatu as-salamu `alayka Ya Sayyid al-awwalina wal-akhirin, ishfalana Ya shafi al muznibin.bi rahmatika Ya arham ar-Rahimin.

The dua after the khutba ends with the salawati kabir, Allahumma salli ala sayyidinna Muhammadan makhtalafal malawan, wa taaqabel asaran...etc., or sometimes the salatun munjiya.

The qadiqamat is then recited followed by the 2 rakats of jumma namaz fard.

4 more rakats of sunnah are then done, followed by the usual closing, with the exception that Tosun Efendi has left out the final sajda with Ya Allah Hu.

The `Id (Bayram) Prayer

Bayram prayers are done in congregation only, after the morning prayers, which people do at home. After taking a total ablution and perfuming themselves, people go to the mosque and sit chanting tekbirs until the imam is ready to start the prayers. (Tosun Efendi does not been lead the prayers, but does deliver the khutba.)

The `Id prayer is a prayer of 2 rakats, with 6 extra tekbirs.

After the initial tekbir for the prayer, the intention for 2 rakats of `Id prayer and the subhanaka,3 tekbirs are done complete with the hand movements.The Fatihah and sura are then recited, and the first rakat continues as usual.After standing up for the second rakat, the Fatihah and sura are recited as lusual, but then after the sura another 3 extra tekbirs are recited with the hand movements.Then the usual tekbir preceding the position change is done and the prayer is finished as usual from the ruku to the salams,

When the prayer is over, the Shaykh delivers his khutba. After the dua he says `Id mubarak, and the prayer is over.


The Usul is an ornamentation to the Wirdi Saghir. It is done regularly on Saturday night either before or after evening prayers, depending on the schedule. The Wird’s place is after the prayer, but during summer it is done before. The Wird and Usul are also done after the morning prayers which are done in the dergah on Saturdays.

If the full Wird is recited, the Usul is recited after the Salawati Munjiyyah and the remaining duas are omitted. If the shortened version of the Wird is done, recite the Wird up to and including the Salawati Kebir, [Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadan makhtalaf al malavan...], and then skip to the Salawati Munjiyyah. The Usul is as follows, with the first number being the normal repetion and the second being a shortened form.

fa'lam annahu la ilaha illallah 101 33

illallah, Muhammadar Rasulallah Haqqan wa sidqa bi ismi Jelal

Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah 111 24 Jella Jellallahu

Ya Hafiz Ya Nasr Ya Mu’in Ya Allah 111 33Hu 101 8

Azza wa jel Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik `ala ashrefi asadi nuri jami`il enbiya’iwal murselin wal hamdulillahi rabbil `alamin

Allahumma Ya Dafi` Ya Mani` Ya Allah 111 33Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,Innallahu Hu ar-Razzakadhul Quwwatil Matin 19 19

la ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasulullah, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallimu taslimah, Haqqla ilaha illallah Muhammad Habibullah, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallimu taslimah, Haqqla ilaha illallah Muhammad Shafiyyullah, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallimu taslimah, Haqqla ilaha illallah Muhammad Nur (sung by all)

Khataman-nabi, Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik `ala ashrefi asadi nuri jami`il enbiya’iwal murselin wal hamdulillahi rabbil `alamin (recited by a senior)

Suratul Mulk [67] duaal-Fatihah

Azamat hudara tekbirsung tekbirAllah Allah, final duademi enbiya, sirri evliya, ucler, yediler, kirklar, ashki mevla nurun-nabi, kereme Imami `Ali,gulbengi Muhammedi, Pirimiz Sultan Muhammad Nureddin al-Jerrahidemi Hazreti Pir, tekabel mina, kereme mevla, bi ismi zatikeYa Allah Hu

Night PrayerAdhan

(sometimes, before he starts his prayers, Baba says Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad)4 rakats of sunnah namaz

3 sung ikhlas (by muedhdhin or other, usually not the imam.)5 sung tevhid (closing by the senior dervish present, or if no one else you could do it)

qadiqamat4 rakats fard namaz behind imam, repeated takbirs by whoever does the qamat.

after salams, 3 astaghfirullahAllahumma antas-salamu wa minkas-salamu tabarakta ya dhal jalali wal ikram. (usually by whoever does the recited takbirs)(Baba usually does an extremely short private dua before standing up.)

2 rakats sunnah namaz3 rakats witr namaz (always done individually except during tarawi prayers during ramadan)

closing by muedhdhin, but could be by someone else, begins after the Shaykh finishes his final salams:

Allah rasulina salawat (Allahumma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa`ala ali Muhammad)

subhana-llahi wal-hamdulillahi wa la ilaha illallahu Allahu akbarwa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil-’aliyyil-azim

(ayatul kursi ,usually, done silently by all)wa huwal ‘aliyyul azim, dhul jalali wal kamali subhanallah

(33 subhanallah)subhanal karimil hamdulillah

(33 al hamdulillah)Rabbil ‘alamin ta’ala shanuhu Allahu akbar

(33 Allahu akbar)Allahu akbar adham kabira wahidan la ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharikalah,la huwal mulku wa la huwal hamdu wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadir.Ala inna awliya Allah, la khawfun ‘alayhim wa la hum yah zanun.

(private prayers: assalatu assalams & dua)

Amin, wal hamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin (by the shaykh when he’s done with his dua, or if you wish by the muezzin, but still after you are done.)

ayatul amanar rasulu (by imam, usually; may be left out)

5 sung tevhids (as before)

Closing fatihah by shaykhfinal dua & sajda by shaykh

Zikrullah(in brief)

The Jerrahi zikr is done seated on a circle of sheepskins. All are white, except 3 which face the qibla, and 1 which is black and is opposite the three. The 3 which face the qibla are placed on prayer rugs and the heads face the qibla as in prayer. The middle one is blue and the other 2 are red. The black post is placed on the other sheepskins with the head facing to the left, when you are facing in. The posts in the circle are all placed with the heads overlapping the tail of the post before it and all the heads point towards the qibla.

The posts are traditionally taken from sacrificed animals, and therefore symbolize the dervishes’ desire to sacrifice themselves for Allah’s sake. The blue post is the post of Hazreti Pir Nureddin Jerrahi, which was given to him when he became a Pir and was a gift from another taraiqah. The red posts are the posts of his khalifas and the black post is the post of the meydanjibashi, who is in charge of the meydan, the order in the zikrullah, and the general order of the dervishes in the dergah.

The ceremony begins when all the dervishes are at their places, standing quietly with arms crossed and the right toe covering the left. The shaykh then enters across the black post, (the meydanji is waiting outside ready to bring in the incense) goes up to and greets the blue post then stands on his red post (facing qibla, to the left of the blue).

The shyakh then, in a posture like the dervishes, greets them with “Assalamu alykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu” the dervishes respond with “Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,” and all sit.

The shaykh begins the invocation, and all cross their arms. the dervishes chant “Hu” in honor of Hazreti Pir and the saints and shaykhs who have died whose names are mentioned. When the names of the past saints and shaykhs are done, the “Hu” stops and the dervishes listen quietly. (When the invocation starts, the meydanji brings in the insense. He hold the insense burner in his right hand, chest high, while his left arm is crossed over his chest. He walks onto the black post and bows to the blue post with his right toe over the left. then he walks to the center of the circle, stops and bows again. Then going down on his right knee, he places the insense burner on the floor, rises, bows again and backs onto the black post. He bows one more time and then sits.

When the shaykh finishes the invocation he says “Al Fatihah” and all chant the salawat and then silently recite the Fatihah.

The shaykh then begins, and all join in, singing the salawat. At the last verse when the words “Nuri Huda” are reached all kiss the knuckles of their thumbs and rub their eyes 3 times, and then wipe their face, chest, arms, body and legs.

Everyone then chants the Salawati Kabir, with arms crossed, and then the Salatun Munjiya, with hands raised with palms up. At the words “wal afat” and “jami is sayyiat”, the hands are turned so the palms face down.

Salawati Kabir

Allâhumma salli `ala sayyidinâ Muhammadin makhtalafal malawân. Wa ta`âqabal `asarân. Wa karraral jadîdân. wastaqbalal farqadân. Wa balligh rûhahu wa arwâha ahli baytihi minnat tahiyyata was salâm. Wa bârik wa sallim `alayhi kathîran kathîran kathîrâ. Wa

sallallâhu `alâ sayyidinâ Muhammadin wa `alâ jamî`il anbiyâ’i wal mursalîn. Wal awliyâ’i was sâlihîn. Wa `alâ malâ’ikatika wal muqarrabîn. Wa `alâ ahli tâ`atika ajma`îna min ahlis samâwâti wa ahlil aradîn. Wa ridwânullâhi ta`âlâ `alâ âli rasûlillâhi wa ashâbihi ajma`îna birahmatika yâ arhamar râhimîn. Âmîna wal hamdulillâhi rabbil `âlamîn.

Salatun Munjiya

Allâhumma salli `alâ sayyidinâ Muhammadin salâtan tunjînâ bihâ min jamî`il ahwâli wal âfât. Wa taqdî bihâ jamî`il hâjât. Wa tutahirunâ bihâ min jamî`is sayyi`ât. Wa tarfa`unâ bihâ a`lad darajât. Wa tuballighunâ bihâ aqsal ghâyâti min jamî`il khayrâti fil hayâti wa ba`dal mamât.

the shaykh then begins the tevhid. While the tevhid is being chanted, the perda, pitch, is raised an odd number of times, and then lowered, also an odd number of times. Each time the pitch is changed, it is sped up.

After the tevhid, a durak is sung or Qur’an recited. (At this point the Meydanji removes the insense in a similar way to when he brought it in.

the shaykh then begins the ismi Allah.the shaykh then begins the ismi Hu.

The shaykh then recites the following ayat:

Bismillahir rahmanir rahim.Alladhlina yadhqurunallaha qiyaman wa qu`udan wa `ala junubihimwa yattafaqqaruna fi khalqi samawati wal ard.Rabbana ma khalaqta hadha batila.Subhanaka wa faqina adhaban nar.

Na waytul wajd.

At this point all make a prostration, sajda, slapping the floor with their hands, stand up and form a circle. Standing in place, swaying from side to side, all sing the usulilahi.

After the ilahi the shaykh intones:Ismi pak Hazreti Muhammad Mustafa as salawat. (the dervishes chant the salawat: Allahumma salli

`ala sayyidina Muhammad, saying wa `ala ali Muhammadan wa sahbihi wa sallim silently as the shaykh continues:

Awladi pak Hazreti Muhammad Mustafa as salawat.Ruhu pak Hazreti Muhammad Mustafa as salawat. After the last slalawat all silently recite a Fatihah.The shaykh then says: Ya Allah HU, all hold hands (right hand on top, left on bottom, except for the

shaykh who has both his hands on top), begin to chant the Hu, and circle to the left, beginning with the left foot. After the 8th Hu, the zakirs, singer, begin the devranbashi. (Some time during the 2nd half of the ilahi, the Meydaji brings out the bendirs, drums. He presents each to the shaykh, who takes each one, kisses it and hands it to the drummer.) At the mention of the name of the saint who wrote the ilahi, the shaykh loudly chants an elongated Hayy, and the bendir starts playing and the dervishes begin to chant Hayy Allah Hayy. (After ismi Hayy begins, if the shaykh has been wearing his taj, turban, the Meydanji takes it from him, and gives him his white hat. Tosun Efendi never wears his taj.)

The Hayy Allah Hayy continues, speeding up as the shaykh directs, while the ilahis alternate with qasidas, sung improvizations by a single zakir or hafiz. Towards the end of the zikrullah, the shaykh stops the movement of the zikrullah, and changes the asma to Hayy Hayy Hayy Hayy. If he wants, he may call the dervishes to gather in close around him. Either he or a zakir or a hafiz then chants the salatu as salam. As the Hayy speeds up, the shaykh may change the asma to Ya Hayy, which may begins slower and then speed up again. The asma then changes to Hayy again as the salatu as salam ends. When it is over, the shaykh ends the asma.

Assalatu assalamAssalatu assalam alayk, alaykay ya rasulallah.Assalatu assalam alayk, alaykay ya habiballah.

(this continues, substituting a different name of Rasulallah each time)Assalatu assalam alayk, alaykay ya sayyid al awwalina wal akhirin.Allah, Allah, Allah Ya Mawlan. (Here the shaykh ends the asma and bendir.)

If the circle was collapse it is reformed and the dervishes turn to the right. The right hand holds the left hand of the person in front. The hands are about waist high. The right hand in front, palm down, and the left hand behind, palm up. The fingers are curled holding on the the others’ fingers.

The circle now moves to the right, while the dervishes are facing forward, instead of the side as before. The walking begins with the inside, left, foot. Hayyul Qayyum Allah is now sung by the dervishes, while the zakirs sing Yandim Yakildum. For the second verse the asma is changed to Allah Wahid Ahad Samad. The third verse asma is Antal Hadi Antal Haqq, Laysal Hadi illaHu. For the last verse, the asma is Hayy Hayy Hu. The Meydanji now goes and places the shaykhs post down in preparation for the closing, or if their is no room gets ready to do so. At the end of the ilahi the asma is changed to HU HU HU HU, and the shaykh stands on his post with his back towards the qibla and the dervishes line up facing him. The zakirs sing:

La ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasulallahsallallaha alayhi, sallallaha alayhi,wa salimu taslimah

1 zakir then sings:wa salli `ala ashrefi asadi nuri jami`il enbiya’iwal murselin wal hamdulillahi rabbil `alamin

Immediately a zakir or hafiz recites the ayat:audhu billahi minash shaytanir rajimbismillahir rahmanir rahmwa taral mala’ikataha fina min hawlil arshyusabihu nabbi hamdi rabbihimwa qudiya baynahum bil haqqwa qilal hamdulillahi rabbil alamin.sadaqallahul adhim

The shaykh then does his dua He then says al fatihah, and all sing the salawat and recite a Fatihah.

The shaykh then says:Azamat hudara tekbir, and everyone sings the tekbir:Allahu akbar, Allahu akbarLa ilaha illallahu allahu akbarAllahuakbar wa lillahilhamd (this may be done 3 times or once followed by:)

As-salatu as-salamu `alayka Ya Rasulullah,As-salatu as-salamu `alayka Ya Habibullah,As-salatu as-salamu `alayka Ya Sayyid al-awwalina wal-akhirin,wa salamun alal mursalin wal hamdulillahi rabbil alamin.

The shaykh then begins the final dua saying Allah Allah. the dervishes continue to say Allah Allahthe dua ends with the following:

demi enbiya, sirri evliya, ucler, yediler, kirklar, ashki mevla nurun-nabi, kereme Imami `Ali,gulbengi Muhammedi, Pirimiz Sultan Muhammad Nureddin al-Jerrahidemi Hazreti Pir, tekabel mina, kereme mevla, bi ismi zatikeAll then sing: Ya Allah Hu and bow.

The shaykh then either gives the salutation and receives the response (as in the beginning) and then leaves, or walks to the end of the room. turns and faces the dervshes, who have turned, keeping their lines, to face him, and then gives the salutaion.