Ian White, Routledge and Dr Karen Smith, University of Greenwich.

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Transcript of Ian White, Routledge and Dr Karen Smith, University of Greenwich.

Ian White, Routledge and Dr Karen Smith, University of Greenwich

We will cover: the mechanics of getting published in

journals how to choose the right journal working with other people; gaining and

using their feedback identifying the differences between writing

for journals and other forms of writing with which you may be more familiar



An interesting topic (to you and others) Something new

◦ Not been researched before◦ Not been researched before in that way (different

methods and methodology; different context)◦ Extends / builds on previous work

A thesis chapter, dissertation or conference paper that has received good feedback from others

What are your ideas?


Which higher education journals are you familiar with?


Discipline specific◦ Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education ◦ Journal of Nursing Education◦ Law Teacher

Themed◦ Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education◦ Journal of Online Learning and Teaching

General higher education◦ Teaching in Higher Education◦ Studies in Higher Education

General education◦ British Journal of Sociology of Education◦ Research Papers in Education

Routledge list6

Ask other people See where the people you read publish Read other articles in that publication Track key issues/topics, and see where they are

published◦ set up content alerts◦ use social media (twitter, linkedin)

Contact the editor Look at the journal’s aims and scope (or calls for

special editions) Think about the audience Consider the quality of the journal

Adapted from Black et al (1998, pp.86-87)7

In pairs, look at a few examples of higher education research articles. Consider the following questions:

◦ Can you identify common structures in these articles?

◦ How does these compare to the forms of writing you are more familiar with (research in other disciplines, essays, chapters)?


the shapethe shapeMost research papers look like this.

The introduction moves from a general discussion of your topic, to the more specific question or hypothesis you will investigate.

The discussion section becomes increasingly more generalised.

Introductory sections








From Swales & Feak (2007, p.222)9

Introductory sections

Provides rationale for the paper – moves from general overview of the topic to the specifics of your question.

Method Describes the methodology, materials (or subjects) and procedures.

Results The findings are described, accompanied by commentary.

Discussion Offers an increasingly generalised account of what has been found out in the study.

Adapted from Swales & Feak (2007, p.222-223)


Educational Studies offers author guidance on what it expects from submissions in terms of:◦ General advice◦ Abstract◦ Introduction / literature review◦ Measures of assessment◦ Sampling◦ Data collection◦ Interpretation of findings◦ References


It is based on a model of empirical research – but it might offer a useful checklist: www.tandfonline.com/ceds (instructions for authors)

Focussed literature review / background stating a claim for the need for the study

Clear structure to argument Concise overview of methodology Discussion of findings in relation to existing

knowledge / research Accurately referenced Bound by (often) tight word count


What is a critical friend? Why might you need one? Choosing the right one

◦ In the same field? Specialist Generalist

◦ Experienced writer◦ Proof reader


Check you’ve followed the authors’ instructions (word count, page layout, referencing, figures etc.) - www.tandfonline.com/cthe

Thank you for submitting your manuscript, "International Students’ first encounters with exams in the UK: superficially similar but deeply different," to IJTLHE. Unfortunately, the manuscript is not being considered for publication within IJTLHE. After an initial review, it was determined that your manuscript did not meet the submission guidelines described by IJTLHE at

Submission is increasingly online – be ready to register – example



Aug 2009 Notification of project funding

May 2011 Start to draft paper

Aug 2011 Submit paper to British Journal of Research into Education

Sept 2011 Reviewers’ comments (rejected)

Sept 2011 Submit paper to Studies in Higher Education

Oct 2011 Reviewers’ comments (corrections)

Nov 2011 Re-submit final draft

Nov 2011 Receive acceptance email

Feb 2012 Published on journal web site

Sept 2014 Print published16

Acceptance◦ 98% not immediately accepted/2% accepted on

receipt Rejection

◦ Reasons for Revision

◦ Reviewer’s mediated response(s) detail

◦ Major, minor amendments



1 Sent to the wrong journal, does not fit the journal’s aims and scope/fails to engage with the issues addressed by the journal.

2 Not a proper journal article (i.e. too journalistic, or clearly a thesis chapter, or a consultancy report).

3 Too long (ignoring word limits for the particular journal) or too short.

4 Poor regard to the conventions of the journal (failure to consult Notes for Contributors) or to conventions of academic writing generally.

5 Bad style, grammar, punctuation; poor English (not corrected by native speaker).



6 Fails to say anything of significance (i.e. makes no new contribution to the subject) or states the obvious at tedious length.

7 Not properly contextualised (e.g. concentrates on parochial interests and ignores the needs of an international or generally wider readership).

8 Poor theoretical framework (including references to relevant literature).

9 Scrappily presented and clearly not proofread.10 Libellous, unethical, rude.


Accept feedback with good grace

Revise as requested

If you can’t – admit it, and explain why

Turn the paper round on time

Thank the referees for their time

Adapted from Black et al (1998, pp.98-99)


Be specific

Exemplify e.g. author’s response to Reviewers’ comments

Defend your position

Re-submit within the given timeframe n.b. version control


Article Proofs (CATS) Copyright

◦ Author Rights Publication

◦ Online (iFirst)◦ Print

Promotion◦ Publisher

◦ What can you do?


Reading lists Departmental web pages or personal

website Social and academic networking

◦ Twitter, facebook, Linkedin, MyNetResearch, Academici, CiteULike

Discussion lists Blogs Library recommendations Free sample copy Email signature


We have a new Author Services website http://journalauthors.tandf.co.uk/

The site contains audio interviews with academic editors providing advice onhow to get published and how to write a research paper.

Guidance is also available on: writing an article, editing or language polishing, translating, checking

references, artwork, providing supplementary data, how to choose a journal;

systems and interfaces (ScholarOne Manuscripts, CATS, Rightslink); the review process and what to expect; the production process and checking proofs; post-publication, errata, reprints, optimising citations; article versions and institutional repositories: what authors can and can’t

do with their articles.We are particularly aware of increased demand from Chinese authors.Our Authors’ Newsletter is freely available online.



Black, D.; Brown, S.; Day, A.; & Race, P. (1998) 500 Tips for Getting Published, London: Kogan Page

Swales, J.M & Feak, C.B. (2007) Academic Writing for Graduate Students, Michigan: The University of Michigan Press