I own Karachi 2010

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Transcript of I own Karachi 2010

8/8/2019 I own Karachi 2010

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Muhammad Arif SamoonUE-006Department of Urban & InfrastructureEngineering.Third Year Engineering.

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1.The problems of Karach i 2.Techn iq es to solve these problems3.Sus tainab ility & energ y pol icy

y L and use ac tionsy Transpor tation ac tionsy H ous ing and bu ilding ac tionsy E conom ic developmen t actionsy O pen space and recrea tion ac tionsy I

nfras truc ture ac tionsy R esource conserva tion ac tions

2.New Urban ism3.Trans it O r iented developmen t 4.Bes t developmen t prac tices

o v ng

Karach i¶s problems

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1. The problems of Karach i E DUCATION

For a met ropolis, the lite racy rate of the c ity mu st be h igh. In stead , today , Karach i ha s y Low lite racy ratey P oor qua lity educat iony Incohe rent educat ion system s

- Gov ernment sys tem- P rivate system

Camb ridge Loca l M ad ress ah

y N o . or f ew libraries.


y Trash dum ping

y Graffit i y Enc ro achment due t o

- P oli t ica l act ivities - Econo m ic act ivit ies

y Corr up tion


P eopl e a re pr eoccupi ed wi th u rgent issue likey U t ility suppli es

- Elect ricity

- Wate r y Secu rityy Stab ility

- Econo m ic- Socia l - poli t ica l

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2. Techn iques to solve these problemsU NIFORMITY The re should be a un ifor m ity in

y Educat iony

U t ility suppli es

P ATRIOTISM The re should be cam pa igns to pop u la rise c once p ts like

y I love P akis tany I ow n Karach i y Etc.

P ILOT CITIES The techn ique s should be firs t a ppli ed in pilo t study a rea s

y O p t im ising inte rnat iona l meth ods for P akis tany Ensuring

- P eace/ stab ility/ saf ety- educat ion- ut ilities and infrastructu re

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3a. L and use ac tionsy D eve lop ment of b locks or zone s, one at a t ime , and n o t a ll at once.y O p t imum d istance bet ween workpl ace and residence

- Accessib le , saf e , and ec onom ica l pub lic tran spor t systemy Spat ia lly planned

- Educat iona l inst itut ions (one school per ne ighb ourhoo d)- N o t m or e than one ( for each ne ighb ourhoo d)

P lanned , we ll f unded , and ma inta inedy Libraryy M os que

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3b. Transpor tation ac tionsy M aking cycling and wa lking mor e f ash ionab le

y Ensuring poll ut ion free or low poll ut ion veh icles on the ro ad.

y Smoo th ro ad ways - N o ro ad d istress es - N o difficu lt cu rves - N o po th oles - N o manh oles in pavement c ross sect ion- N o banne rs, ad vert isement s distract ing commute r.

y R e liab le and chea p, but n o t nece ss arily system.

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3c. H ous ing and bu ilding ac tionsy Bann ing gas heate rs in f avo ur of bu ilt- in sol ar heate rs

y Ene rg y e fficient h ouses - Aut o-off appli ance s and ut ilit ies - Low ene rg y a lte rnat ives

y P revent ing and tax ing ene rg y wasta ge- Wate r flowi ng fro m lea king tan k - D ispl ay light s

for sale houses Shops M a lls

y P rop e rly vent ilated h ouses - D iscourage u se of a ir cond itione rs

y In-h ouse cate goris ed waste d ispos a l

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3d. E conom ic developmen t actionsy U sage of late st techn olog yy Ada p tab ility t o ne w techn ique s and techn olog yy P ro mo ting va lue add ition

y Creat ing a stab le loca l and inte rnat iona l ma rket for pro duct s gene rated.y H arne ss loca l reso urce s

- U se impor ted raw mate ria ls in the wors t ca se scena rio .y P ena lising hoarde rs y Abolis hing obsol ete techn ique s y P revent ing the grow th of monopoli es, ca rte ls and ma fias.

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3e. O pen space and recrea tion ac tionsy Compu lsor y parks for each b lock

of every tow n.y Cent ra l spor ts f ac ilit ies for each

tow n.y Compu lsor y green a rea out side

each h igh ris e bu ild ing.y Inte r-tow n spor ts co mp et it ions,

lead ing to nat iona l spor ts event s y H igh pena lty on de s truct ion of

op en sp ace s.

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1 0

3f. Infrastructure actionsy Coordination be tw ee n diff erent dep artm ent s

- Utiliti es- Road ne twork s

- S


rit y y Su staina ble infra str u ctu re

- Road s sh ou ld last for 10 to 20 year s¡ not 6 to 7mont hs.

- High q u alit y u tility ne twork .y Synchroni sed deve lopment

- Often, road s ar e du g ou t to place u tility lines.y P ref e rring local solu tion s b y con sidering gro u nd realiti es, instead of app lying ou t of

th is world, u to p ian solu tion s-


lass b u s sto ps- High s pee d train s- Etc.

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3g. R esource conserva tion ac tionsy Enfor cement and educat ion for the pr event ion

of reso urce wasta ge.y U se of ene rg y e fficient equ ipment s y

Recyc ling plant s y D um ping of org an ic waste t o create c o mpos t;

no t lett ing it ro t , and go wasted.y Cate goris ed t rash collect ion, saving t ime and

lab our.y Sub sid ised rene wab le ene rg y appli ance s

- Solar - Wind- the rma l

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5 .New Urban ismy D eve lop ment shou ld on ly pro ceed if the re is a lready

susta inab le infrastructu re in place.y P ro mo te inte ract ion bet ween ne ighb ours and

ne ighb ourhoo ds .y Create: G oing green slog an s

- S tigmat ise the u se of ine fficient techn ique s andequ ipment s

y O n ly one m os que for each ne ighb ourhoo d.- Larg e- We ll ma inta ined- Low nois e poll ut ion- P ro mo te s re ligious ha rmony

y Cent ra l library for every tow n.

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6 .Trans it O r iented developmen t y P revent the c reat ion of large , inacce ssib le zone s.y Connect c ity t ra in with bu ses y Buses shou ld be acce ssib le at wa lk-ab le d istance.

y Buses and t ra ins shou ld be synch ro n ised t o reducepass en ger wa it time.

y P ro mo te m ixed land u se ty pe- R educe t rave ls.

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7 .Bes t developmen t prac ticesy Best re ligious ha rmony pr act ice s y Best so cia l & poli t ica l ha rmony pr act ice s y Best e fficient ec o nomy pr act ice s

y Best educat ion pr act ice s - B est resea rch pr act ice s

y Best inte r-de partmenta l pr act ice s y Best plann ing pr act ice s