I. Overview of Kinetics Chemical Reaction Engineering ...tang.eece.wustl.edu/Kirk/EECE 504A notes...

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Transcript of I. Overview of Kinetics Chemical Reaction Engineering ...tang.eece.wustl.edu/Kirk/EECE 504A notes...

I. Overview of Kinetics (Chemical Reaction Engineering, Levenspiel, 1999)



d N1 a m o u n t o f A d is a p p e a r in g m o lr ,

V d t (v o lu m e ) ( t im e ) m sA

or [concentration/time] (1)

-dC/dt = -rA = f (temperature, concentration) === a-E

n nR T

oA A k C = k e C (2)

concentration k [concentration]n


if n = 1, the order of the reaction = 1 with respect to A;

if n ≠1 (including zero), the order of the reaction is nth

with respect to A;

CA concentration of A (mol/m3)

NA amount of A (mol)

A. Rate constant k

Solve for dimensions of k

k [=] (concentration)1-n


Physical meaning of rate constant and activation energy

k: rate is highest at highest C, decreases with C Ea: change in rate with temperature




1ln ln




k k e

Ek k



or, using a reference temperature

1 1a




rk k e


Although Eq. (3)is found more often in the literature, I find the form of Eq. (4) more useful

and easier to work with.

B. Derivation of equations for 1st, zero, and nth-order reactions

1. First-order reaction


Used very frequently for nutrient degradation and microbial destruction.

From Eq. (2)

d Ck C

d t (5)


C t


d Ck d t

C (6)

lnC – lnC0 = -k t (7)

C/Co = e-kt


Often we are interested in the amount of loss (conversion) of C. Loss = X = 1- C/C0. For

first-order reaction,

X = 1- e-kt

. (9)

The right side of Eq. (9) does not contain C0, so loss ≠ f ( initial concentration).

One advantage of 1st-order reaction is the model experiments can be run at high

concentrations, and the % retention (C/C0) will be the same at low concentrations. Not

true for any reaction that is non-first-order (including zero order).

a. First type of experimental design (most common) to determine if the reaction is first-

order: Vary time, hold temperature and initial concentration constant.

Take samples from isothermal conditions at different times. Plot ln C vs. t from Eq.

(7). Must be straight line.


To meet the requirement of isothermal conditions, lag time must be neglected.

Therefore, data are taken after isothermal conditions have been nearly reached.

b. Second type of experimental design to determine if reaction is first-order: Vary initial

concentration, hold time and temperature constant.

Take all samples at same time and temperature. Plot lnC vs. lnC0 from Eq.(7). Must

be a straight line of slope 1.0.


2. Zero-order reaction

Often used for changes in color of a processed food.

Rate of reaction is independent of the concentration of the materials:

0d Cr k C

d t (10)


C t


d C k d t (11)

C – C0 = -k t (12)

X = 1-C/C0 = k t/C0

Therefore, X = f (initial concentration)

Most zero-order reactions are at high concentrations. As concentration is lowered, the

order rises from zero.

3. nth

-order reaction

nd Ck C

d t (13)


Many nonlinear regression routines can do this. Find Solver in Excel under ―Tools.‖ If

not there, click ―Add-ins‖ and check the ―Solver box.‖ It may ask you for the CD.



0 1


( 1)1 ( / ) 1 1



n k tX C C



Loss is also dependent on initial concentration.

C. Matlab Built-in functions for regression

Functions for Linear regression:

p = polyfit(x, y, n)


where x and y are the vectors of the independent and the dependent variables, respectively, and n

= the order of the polynomial. p(1) = slope, p(2)= intercept.

Functions for Multiple linear regression:

[b,bint,r,rint,stats] = regress(y,X)

Where b are the coefficients (b(0) is the intercept), bint are the 95% confidence intervals, and r

are the residuals. If rint does not contain zero, it may be an outlier. (We are not discussing

outliers in this class.) If bint does not contain 0, then the b parameter is significant.

residual = Yobserved – Ypredicted

dfittool will be used to show how to plot a residual histogram

plot([x1 x2] [y1 y2] 'k','Linewidth',2) will plot a black line from x1,y1 to y2, y2. We use this

to plot a horizontal line at y = zero for residuals for visual ease.

Functions for Nonlinear regression:

[beta,r,J,COVB,mse] = nlinfit(X,y,fun,beta0)

X in an n x q matrix of the independent variables; you can put extra columns

in with other data;

Y is an n-by-1 vector of observed responses.

Fun is a function handle to a function of the form:

yhat = modelfun(b,X)

beta0 is a vector containing initial values for the coefficients.


II. Numerical Integration

Integrals are usually needed when scaling up from a several-gram sample to kilogram-

sized sample, because the larger sample will have temperature, moisture, shear-rate, or

concentration gradients.

When one wishes to maximize Y (e.g. nutrient retention), one must track history of all

points in a commercial process. Often every element of the product has a different

history. In these cases, one method to calculate Y is integration of a model function.

Many of the most important models cannot be integrated analytically easily. Therefore,

numerical integration is required.

Following are three of the most common numerical integration techniques well-suited for

a spreadsheet or Matlab.

For Numerical Integration of Tabulated Data or of Functions

a. Trapezoidal Rule

Easiest to understand and quickest to use. Least accurate, yet often sufficiently accurate

for a first cut. Trapezoidal Rule uses a straight-line approximation, so polynomial

degree = 1. Advantage over Simpson’s Rule is trapez. rule can handle unevenly spaced


For evenly spaced x intervals:






n j


xI f f f


For evenly or unevenly spaced x interv





su m o f (av e rag e h e ig h ts* w id th s )2


j j

j j


f fI x x


Eq. (16) is always correct, whereas Eq. (15) carries an assumption. Eq. (16) is better

suited than Eq. (15) for spreadsheets, and can be coded within a few minutes.

b. Simpson’s Rule


More accurate than trapezoidal rule, but cannot handle unevenly spaced intervals, and

must have even number of panels.

1 2


1 2

o d d ev en

4 23

n n

n j j

j j

j j

xI f f f f


Uses parabolic approximation (degree of polynomial = 2). Exact solution for

polynomial degree = 2 or lower.

For Numerical Integration of Functions

b. Romberg integration

Evenly spaced panels, constant panel width.

More accurate than trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule because it combines these

two methods using a generalized formula.

The main steps are

a) Compute trapezoidal approximation for n panels (In) and for n/2

panels (In/2). For In, panel size = h; for In/2, panel size = 2h.

b) Because the leading error term is proportional to h2, subtracting In/2

from 4* In eliminates the leading error, and leaves an estimate for

3* the integral.

c) We divide the result by 3 to obtain a better estimate, because the

leading error term has been removed.

d) This procedure is generalized below:

1 1

( ) / 24

4 1

k k k

k n n

n k



n = number of panels (intervals) in the trapezoidal rule and is an integer = 2k,

k = the number of levels of error elimination. k = 1,2,3,…

A table can be set up showing Romberg integration results. See pdf by Peter

Young. The most accurate Romberg integration approximation is the one with

the most error extrapolations, i.e. the diagonal entry ( )




c. Gauss Quadrature—the Cadillac of numerical integration

Most accurate of the three, and can be very accurate with few panels, so reduces

computer time. Based on a normalized interval from –1 < +1.

Disadvantage compared to Trapezoidal and Simpson’s is that Gauss cannot handle

discrete data points without a continuous function.

Gauss integration should be your first choice unless a) no function, or b) time series.

1 1 2 2[ ( ) ( ) .. . ( ) ]

m mI C w f x w f x w f x (19)

where the xi are the m unequally spaced points determined by the type and degree of

function, and the wi are the weight factors that depend on m. C = (b-a)/2.

Uses approximation polynomial of degree 2m-1.

If we wish to evaluate ( )b


f x d x , must transform –1 < a < x < b. Use the


2 2

b a b ax


Example 1 (Numerical Methods, Robert Hornbeck, 1982, Prentice Hall)

Evaluate the integral / 2



co sx x d x

Exact solution = x2sin x +2xcos x – 2sin x = 0.467401

Gauss Quadrature

Choose m = 4

k wk

+ 0.3399810436 0.6521451549

+ 0.8611363116 0.3478548451

Solve for xk’s using Eq.(20)

1 1

/ 2 0 / 2 0 1 .5 7 0 7 9 6 1 .5 7 0 7 9 6( 0 .8 6 1 1 3 6 ) 0 .1 0 9 0 6 4

2 2 2 2x



1 .5 7 0 7 9 6 1 .5 7 0 7 9 6( 0 .3 3 9 9 8 1) 0 .5 1 8 3 7 8

2 2x

x3 = 1.05242

x4 = 1.46173

Corresponding values of f(x) = x2 cos x are

f(x1) = (0.109064)2 cos(0.109064) = 0.011824

f(x2) = 0.233413

f(x3) = 0.548777

f(x4) = 0.232572


Map from Gauss onto our function


Trap 4 panels

Simpson 4 panels

x f(x) av height avht*dx

x f(x) 2*f or 4*f 0 0

0 0 0 fo

0.392699 0.142474 0.0712369 0.027975

0.392699 0.142474 0.569895 4*f1

0.785398 0.436179 0.2893264 0.113618

0.785398 0.436179 0.872358 2*f2

1.178097 0.531131 0.4836552 0.189931

1.178097 0.531131 2.124525 4*f3

1.570796 1.51E-16 0.2655657 0.104287

1.570796 1.51E-16 6.05E-16 f4


(x/3)*= 0.46689

From Eq. (19),

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

/ 2 0( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


1 .5 7 0 7 9 6[(0 .3 4 7 8 5 5 )(0 .0 1 1 8 2 4 ) (0 .6 5 2 1 4 5 )(0 .2 3 3 4 1 3 )


(0 .6 5 2 1 4 5 )(0 .5 4 8 7 7 7 ) (0 .3 4 7 8 5 5 )(0 .2 3 2 5 7 2 )]

0 .4 6 7 4 0 2

I w f x w f x w f x w f x

Comparison of results for each method:

Exact value Gauss Quadrature,



integration, 4


Simpson’s Rule, 4



Rule, 4 panels

0.467401 0.467402 0.467565 0.466890 0.435811

Error = -0.000001 =


-0.000164 = -


+0.00051 =


+0.03159 =



III. Introduction to Parameter Estimation

Reference: Parameter Estimation in Engineering and Science, James V. Beck and Kenneth J. Arnold,

1977, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

“Parameter estimation is a discipline that provides tools for the efficient use of data in the estimation

of constants appearing in mathematical models and for aiding in modeling of phenomena” (Beck and

Arnold, p.1).

Mathematical models have dependent variables, independent variables, and constants (parameters).

In first classes on physics or example math problems, typically the student is asked to calculate the

dependent variable for given conditions (independent variables set and parameters given). However,

in experiments based on mathematical models, often the experimenter sets the independent

variables, measures (not calculates) the dependent variable, and uses these two sets of data to infer,

or estimate the parameter. When this is not the case, it is usually because the parameter has been

well-established (such as g = 9.81 m/s2, or an electrical wire guaranteed to have a certain resistance.)

Inverse Problem

An inverse problem is where unknown causes must be determined from known effects. Or: The

answer is known, but the question is not.

Forward problem: Given the parameters = p, and the function Y(t, ), compute Y(t) at t1, t2,…


Inverse problem: Given the responses Y(t1), Y(t2),…Y(tn), and a function Y(t, ), estimate p.

Trivial example:

Forward problem: Y = mx + b Given, m, b, compute Y(x1, x2, …xp)

Inverse problem: Y = mx + b Given Y(x1, x2, …xp), estimate m and b

Inverse Problems always require measurements and data. Forward problems can be done with no data,

e.g. simulations of pressure and velocity of air or water flow over an air foil or over a cylinder. Most

commercial simulation software (such as Comsol, Fluent) majors on the forward problem, meaning all

parameters must be input before the program is run once. An explicit solution is given. The same

software can be used to run inverse problems, as follows:

1. Let Matlab be the “brain” that feeds the initial guesses of the parameters to the software;

2. Let the software run once and give answer 1;

3. Matlab computes the sum of squares of errors (S), and chooses a new set of parameters;

4. Repeat #2 and #3 until S is minimized. The final set of parameters will be the best estimate.


Therefore, the inverse problem requires that the forward problem be run numerous times with different

parameter estimates.

From Heidi Korhonen, “Introduction to Inverse Problems”


Applications of Inverse Problems:

Estimation of thermal properties from temperature measurements

Estimation hydraulic conductivity from flow measurements in the soil

Seismology—locating groundwater, oil, gas from measurement of seismic waves

CT scans in medicine to determine shape of organs

Nondestructive evaluation (NDE)

Scattering problems, such as identifying internal defects in fruit from measured scattering


Airport security and x-rays


Physics and astronomy

Life sciences--Estimation of rate constants in chemical and biological reactions where

functions are known

Because multiple models may fit the same data, we desire prior information to eliminate some models

or give less weight to them.

“Parameter estimation can also be visualized as a study of inverse problems (Beck and Arnold, p.1).”

“When it is possible to determine governing equations(s), shapes(s) and size(s) of the domain(s),

boundary and initial conditions, material properties of the media contained in the field, and internal

sources and external forces or inputs, then the analysis determining the unknown field is considered

mathematically well-posed and solvable. If any of these elements is unknown or unavailable, then the

field problem becomes incompletely defined (ill-posed) and is of an indirect (or inverse) type.” (Inverse

Problems in Science & Engineering Journal.)


Ohm’s Law V = I R.

gravitational accelaration: Throw an object up vertically with initial velocity Vo. The distance, D,

above the earth is described by D = Vot - gt2/2.

Heat Transfer: conduction: q = -k(dT/dx)

convection q = hA(T-T) = -CpV(dT/dt)

(T- T)/ (To- T) = exp(-hA/cpV)t

Rheology: nK

A. Linear vs. nonlinear models--General Case

Consider the true model as

1 2 1 2

( , , . . . ; , , . . . , )k p

X X X (21)

where is the dependent variable, X are the independent variables, and are the true values of

the parameters.

Y are the measurements, where the ith measurement is Yi, and there are a total of n

measurements. Often, the subscript “i” represents time. Because most experimental

measurements of the dependent variable include some error i, Y can be expressed as a

combination of the true model and the unknown errors:


1 1

( , . . . , ; , . . . , ) ( , )i i ik p i i i i i

Y X X X β (22)

When we study regression, we will call the regression predicted value of the dependent value

Y (“Y hat”). This predicted value is not the same as the true model, though we hope they are

close. Therefore, note that the unknown errors Y- are not the same as the known residuals

e =Y- Y .

The sensitivity coefficient for parameter i is given by the first derivative of the dependent

variable with respect to i :




The model is linear if all the sensitivity coefficients Xi are not a functions of any parameter(s) i ,

i.e., if the model’s first derivative ( )i




, which is the same as the second derivative



i i

j j


= 0, where i = 1,..n, j=1,…p. Otherwise, the model is nonlinear.


Identify the dependent and independent variables, and the parameters. Determine if the

models are linear or nonlinear with respect to each parameter.

= mx + b

= mx2 + b

= m2x + b


log() = logA -kt


Significance of linear vs. non-linear:


There is an analytical solution to the parameter if the model is linear in that parameter.

Therefore, no initial estimate of a linear parameter is needed. On the contrary, for non-linear

parameters, an initial estimate of that parameter is needed, because there is no analytical

solution and an iterative routine is required. There are several popular routines available,

called nonlinear regression algorithms. Solver in Excel® uses the Reduced Gradient Method.

Question: How do software packages (e.g. Excel®) calculate the parameters for models that

are non-linear, such as power-law, without initial estimates?

B. Regression

1. Linear

Parameters are estimated by minimizing sum of squares of errors.

Yi is measured value; Y is predicted (regression) value; Y is mean of all Yi

sum of squares of errors: S = 2ˆ( )i i


sum of squares total: 2( )

i iSST Y Y

0 < R2 < 1.0 is a measure of how well the data fit the regression line for linear models only:.



S S T (23)

Therefore, maximizing R2 is identical to minimizing SSE.

Root mean square error (RMSE) is a measure of error in the data, and is the standard deviation

of the estimate. RMSE has the same units as the measured Y. RMSE is a preferred method for

reporting error in one’s data, rather than SSE.


R M S En p


where n is the number of data that were fit to a model, and p is the number of parameters.


Example 2 of parameter estimation for model X

S = (Yi - Xi)2

/ 2 ( )( ) 0i i i

S Y X X (25)


i i iY X X (26)


i i





The slope, , can be calculated directly from the data points (Xi,Yi)

Example 3 for two parameters

With the same method, the slope and intercept parameters can be calculated for the model

Xi +

S = (Yi - Xi - )2

Setting both first derivatives to zero

1 1 2/ 2 ( )( ) 0

i i iS Y X X (28)

2 1 2/ 2 ( )( 1) 0

i iS Y X (29)

gives two equations and two unknowns: 2

1 2

1 2

i i i i

i i


X n Y


and the solution for the world-wide most-used linear least squares model is the slope


1 2


11 1

( ) ( )

( )

i i i i i i

nn n

ii i

ii i

n Y X Y X X X Y Y

X Xn X X


and intercept

2 1Y X (32)

D. Matrix Formulation for Parameter Estimation for Linear Model Ordinary Least Squares Estimation (OLS) (Beck & Arnold, revised Chap 6, p. 5.24-5.25; p. 5.44-5.51)

Model: X ;

n is the number of measurements,

p is the number of parameters.

When nothing is known about the measurement errors, OLS is recommended.

Where the model; (n x 1)

X is the sensitivity matrix; (n x p)

is the parameter vector (p x 1)

11 1 1 2 11

2 1 2 2 2 22

1 2

, ,



n n n p pn




η X = β = (33)

n x 1 n x p p x 1

Sum of squares in matrix form is




(Y - X β ) (Y - X β ) (34)

Where Y = vector of measured dependent variables (n x 1)

From Beck & Arnold Revised Chapter 6 Eq. 5.2.7 and 5.2.10, the matrix derivative of a matrix

transpose times itself is

( )T T

A A )=2( A A (5.2.10, Beck and Arnold)

where is not a function of

Using 5.2.10, take the matrix derivative of SLS and then set it equal to zero:

2[ ( ) ][ ]T


Y X Y X (35)

Because Y and X are not functions of and (AB)T = BTAT

( )T T T T

Y X X X (36)

Therefore, setting (35) equal to zero at bLS becomes

2 ( )( ) 0T

L S X Y X b (37)

Solving for the parameter estimate vector b:


( )T T


b X X X Y (38)

Check matrix dimensions:

This estimator requires for unique estimation of all the p parameters that the p x p matrix XTX

be nonsingular or | XTX | ≠ 0. Even if this determinant approaches zero, difficulty will be

experienced in the estimation.



1. Any one column in X cannot be proportional to any other column or any linear combination of other columns in X because if such a proportionality (i.e., linear dependence exists, | XTX | = 0;

2. n, the number of measurements of Yi, be equal to or greater than the number of parameters p;

3. If the predicted curve ˆi

Y is not to pass through each observation it is further necessary that n

> p+1.

Another method to check how difficult the estimation will be is to compute the condition

number of the matrix X (Beck and Arnold, Revised Chapter 6, p. 5.8-5.10). In Matlab, use

cond(X). Estimation becomes more difficult and tends to become ill-conditioned as the

condition number becomes large, which is roughly about 1,000,000. The smallest condition

number possible condition number is 1.0. A linear estimation problem is more stable as the

condition number becomes smaller.

Example 5.4.1, p. 5.46, Beck and Arnold, Revised Chapter 6.

-How to set up the X matrix

Example 5.4.2, p. 5.47, Beck and Arnold, Revised Chapter 6.

-Showing the difference between errors and residuals.

Example 5.4.3, p. 5.49. We will use Matlab for this, as shown below:

Use OLS to find the parameters for the model:

logNu = 1+2 logRe + 3 (logRe)2 +

Also give Nu as a function of Re and compare with the data given below:


Re 0.1 1 10 102 103 104 105

Nu 0.45 0.84 1.83 5.1 15.7 56.5 245

Write the model in the familiar form

2 t +3 t2 Y =

Where is the model and Y is the measurement, and is the error, which could include

systematic error, natural variability in the substance being measure, and instrument error.

Where Y = logNu, = E(Y), and t = logRe. We are assuming that the mean of the errors = zero.

i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




Confidence intervals for Linear Regression models

Excel’s “Data” menu, “Data Analysis”, “Regression” gives a large amount of statistical


CIs for parameters in linear models

SSE, MSE, confidence intervals for the parameters (slope and intercept), and the p value for

the parameters. If the p value <=0.05 for the slope, than the slope is significantly different

from zero. Especially when there is scatter in the data, and a lower R2, you should check the p


Matlab function “regress” also gives these data.

CIs for the dependent variable in linear models

For linear models, neither Excel nor Matlab automatically compute a) the confidence interval

(CI) for the regression line, or b) the prediction interval (PI) for individual data.

The confidence limits (a,b) for the regression line at a predicted point ˆk

Y :


/ 2 , 2

( )1ˆ( , ) ( )

( )


k n p


x xa b Y t s

n x x


Where s is the standard error:


m e a n sq u a re e rro r

su m o f sq u a re o f e rro rs = ˆ( )i i


s M S E


n p


= (40)


The prediction limits (c,d) for a point ˆk

Y :

- 2

/ 2 , 2

( )1ˆ( , ) ( ) 1

( )


k n p


x xc d Y t s

n x x


The prediction limits are larger than the confidence limits due only to the “1” inside the

square root.

Sum of squares in the denominator of Eq. (39)and Eq. (41) is easier calculated using this



2 2( ) /

i i ix x x x n (42)

The value of the Student t distribution can be confusing due to notation. Assume there are 10

data. The degrees of freedom = n-p = 10-2 = 8. t0.025,8 = 2.306. Excel assumes a two-tailed

distribution, so use “=TINV(0.05,8).” In Matlab, use tinv(0.975,8).

We are 95% confident that the true regression line falls within the CI. The curved CI does not

mean that some regression lines are curved. The CI is curved like an hourglass because it is

the boundary of all possible straight lines. Because the slope and intercept both have

confidence intervals, like a fulcrum there will be more uncertainty at the extremes than at the

center. Many points, far more than 5% of all data, may lie outside the CI. If you collect many

data, you may see 50% or more of the points lying outside the CI.

See Motulsky and Christopolous, p. 51-57.


The figure below shows four possible regression lines (solid) that fall within the 95% CI (dashed).

If you collect many points, the PI can be much larger than the CI. The 95% PI is the region where

95% of the data are expected to lie. The figure below shows how much larger the PI (solid lines)

is. If you run Monte Carlo simulations, approximately 5% of the simulated data will fall outside

the PIs.



E. Matrix Formulation for Parameter Estimation for nonlinear Model


For non-linear models, there is no explicit solution for the parameters,

(e.g. = X log()) so an iterative method and an initial estimate is required.

There is no standard method to obtain initial parameter estimates, and the initial estimate

often affects whether the solution converges. Typical methods include knowing

reasonable estimates based on the physics, or making a linear transform to obtain

approximations. Although the advent of high-speed computers in the past 15 years has

made non-linear regression much more convenient and accessible, there is still some

―art‖ to non-linear regression. For engineers, one of the most important reasons to know

non-linear regression for parameter estimation is that parameters are often ―stuck‖ inside

integrals whenever there are gradients or continuous processes.

For the nonlinear model, one cannot separate the as in Eq. (36). The derivative of the

transpose will be a function of unlike Eq. (36). Therefore, the typical generic method

is to use a linear approximation to start an iterative solution procedure.

Below is from Dolan KD. 2003. Estimation of kinetic parameters for nonisothermal food

processes. J Food Sci. 68(3): 728-741.

Nonlinear parameter estimation

We use the same nomenclature as the linear model in Eq. (21) and (22). Assume that a given

true model is nonlinear in its parameters, has a total of q independent variables, and has a total

of p unknown parameters:

1 2 1 2

( , , . . . , ; , , . . . , )k p

X X X (43)

or, in matrix notation,


( ; )η = η X β (44)

The sensitivity coefficient Xi for i is





Ordinary least squares is based on minimization of the sum of squares of the errors, S (Beck and

Arnold 1977):

[ ( )] [ ( )]T

S Y η b Y η b (46)

Compare Eq. (46) (nonlinear) to Eq. (34) (linear). Notice that in the nonlinear version, we

cannot separate into X times . In matrix notation, the generalized recursive relation for

parameter estimates is a vector b (Himmelblau 1970):

( 1 ) ( ) ( ) ( )t t t t


b = b + B (47)

where h is a scaling factor that varies depending on the algorithm used.

The vector B(t)

is calculated as


( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )

t T t T t

B X w X X w F ; (48)

Eq. (48) is the nonlinear analog to Eq. (38)

the sensitivity matrix X is a n x p matrix


( )( )

1 1


( )

( )( )





n n

n p

X (49)

where F is the n x 1 error vector of n components:

( ) ( )t tF Y - ζ (50)

Initial guesses b(0)

are made of the true parameters . The collected data sets x and Y are

used to calculate the matrices X(0)

and F(0)

for the initial guesses. The vector B(0)

is calculated

and substituted into Eq. (47) to provide the new parameter estimates b(1)

. The procedure is

repeated until S is reduced below a pre-determined value, or until there is negligible change in

any component of b.

One of the more common difficulties in nonlinear estimation is the inability to find a unique

minimum S. Examination of Eq. (48) reveals that XTwX can have an inverse only if the

determinant is non-zero:


X X (51)

because the inverse of any matrix requires dividing by the determinant of the matrix (if |XTX|= 0,

the value of the weighting matrix w is irrelevant). If the determinant of XTX= 0, there is no

unique point at which a minimum S exists, and a unique combination of parameters cannot be

estimated. Another method to check if this problem exists is to compute the condition number of

X, and make sure it is < 1 million. Use cond(X) in Matlab.


Another indicator of this troublesome condition is that the sensitivity coefficients Xi are linearly

dependent (Beck and Arnold 1977), that is

D1X1 + D2X2 + … + DpXp = 0 (52)

is true for all m observations and for not all the Dp values equal to zero. Eqs. (51) and (52) are

two descriptions of the same condition. To deal with this difficulty, before beginning parameter

estimation, the determinant in Eq. (51) can be evaluated and cond(X) and the model adjusted, if

necessary. Linear dependence can also be examined graphically by plotting sensitivity

coefficients versus an independent variable.

If there are only 2 parameters, Eq. (52) collapses to




X a c o n s ta n t (53)

This means that if the ratio of the two sensitivity coefficients over all time (or whatever your

independent variable is) is a constant, then the sensitivity coefficients are linearly dependent, and

it is impossible to estimate the two parameters separately. The parameters may be able to be

estimated as a product or ratio of each other. If you wish to know the parameters separately, the

model will need to adjusted in some manner.

F. Scaled Sensitivity Coefficients

Computing sensitivity coefficients numerically

It is not uncommon that the function Y is very complicated, so the derivative may be difficult to

evaluate analytically. Especially in these cases, to avoid errors in the analytical derivative, the

sensitivity coefficient may be approximated numerically as follows.

One finite difference approximation for the ith observation, jth parameter, and lth dependent

variable is the forward difference approximation:

Numerical method to estimate sensitivity coefficient (Beck and Arnold, p. 410):


1 1( ..., , ... ) ( ..., , ... )( ) l j j p l j pl


j j

b b b b b b biX



Where bj is some small quantity, such as


b =0.001*bj (55)

If we want to plot the scaled sensitivity coefficient, let = 0.001, Eq. (54) becomes

1 1

1 1

( .. . , , . . . ) ( . . . , , . . . )( )

( . . . , , . . . ) ( . . . , , . . . )

l j j p l j pl

j l j j

j j

l j j p l j p

b b b b b b biX b


b b b b b b b


Hold all but one parameter (jth) constant. Make a small change in the jth parameter ( e.g.

bj+.001 bj), and compute (i)

will be the first term in the numerator. The second term in the numerator is the model evaluated

at the chosen, fixed values of all the parameters at each time. Then use Eq. (56) to compute the

scaled sensitivity coefficient for that parameter. Do the same for each parameter. Then plot all

the scaled sensitivity coefficients over time.

For best estimates, we desire our scaled sensitivity coefficients Xj′ to be large and

uncorrelated. The larger the Xj′, the more easily the jth

parameter can be estimated, and the

smaller the variance of the parameter estimate. Typically, X will be smaller than the maximum

change. If X1′ is 0.6 of the maximum change of the dependent variable , and X2′ is only 0.05 of

the maximum change, we expect parameter 1 to be more easily estimated, and the parameter to

be more accurate (smaller standard error). To plot Xj′, you must know 1) some reasonable value

of the parameter, and 2) some reasonable input of the independent variables.

G. Statistics for the parameters

Asymptotic Standard Error of the parameters

The standard error i of the parameters is the square root of the corresponding diagonal of the

symmetric parameter variance-covariance matrix

For OLS, covariance-variance matrix (p x p matrix) for a 3-parameter model is


1 1 2 1 3

2 2 3




2sym m e tric

b b b b b

b b b



T -1c o v (a ) = (X X ) (57)


MSE = SSE/(n-p) = mean square error (58)

bi parameter standard error;

bibj covariance for parameters bi and bj

Correlation coefficient of the parameters

The correlation coefficient for the ith

and jth

parameters is ijij/(i j), and -1.0 < < 1.0,

where higher values of indicate more difficulty in the estimation process. In Matlab, the



Will give the correlation matrix for 3 parameters:

1 2 1 3

2 3

sym m e tric

1 .0

1 .0

1 .0

b b b b

b b

R (59)

where sigma is the standard error. After estimating the parameters, check that none of the

parameter correlation coefficients are 0.99-1.0, indicating high correlation and possibly large

standard errors. Then compute the relative standard error = ii for each parameter from Eq.

(57). If this ratio is greater than ~ 0.6, it is likely that the confidence interval Eq. (60)

contains zero, and the estimate is useless, as it is statistically not different from zero.


Asymptotic confidence intervals of the parameters

Approximate confidence intervals for each parameter using the t test statistic at confidence

level 1-0.5 (Van Boekel 1996):

bi + i t(1-0.5), (60)

This asymptotic confidence interval is symmetric, and is an approximation of the true non-

symmetric CI for nonlinear parameters.