I graduated...now what a marketers advice jonathan_chiriboga

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Transcript of I graduated...now what a marketers advice jonathan_chiriboga

‘I Graduated…Now What?’

A Marketer’s Advice- Jonathan Chiriboga -

2Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA


I have been asked many times for tips, advice and guidance

I try to help and meet with everyone that asks

The following presentation is meant to help those embarking on their career and looking for the answer of ‘What do I do now?’

I hope you take something away from this


3Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

Top 10 Things You Need to Do


#1 Grow Your Brand

#2 Develop a Learning Mindset

#3 Find a Mentor

#4 Network

#5 Invest in Your Career

#6 Volunteer, Get Involved

#7 Read Books

#8 Learn How to Play Well in the Sandbox

#9 Don’t be in a Rush

#10 Pay it Forward, Change the World

4Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

#1: Grow Your Brand

You Are a Brand, ‘Me Inc.’o Establish short and long-term goals

Build Your Digital Store Fronto Create a website/blogo Create a Linkedin profile and Twitter account

Invest in Your Brando Time and money


5Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

#2: Develop a Learning Mindset

Never Stop Learning!!!

Education does not end after you earn your degree; it just continues…

Listen to podcasts instead of the radio on your commute

Dedicate 30 minutes of your time each day browsing good marketing/business sites


6Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

Just a few examples



The BeanCast Marketing Over Coffee

Six Pixels of Separation Marketing Smarts

Blogs:Personal Branding Blog Twist Image Blog

Jaffe Juice DIGITAL oPEN cONcept


Tech Crunch Advertising Age

Mashable Public Words

Social Media Today Strategy Online

Marketing Magazine Fast Company

7Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

The Athlete Analogy

An athlete trains and does various activities to be the best in their sport

As a marketer, you must do the same



Weight LiftingCardio




Professional Development Courses/Seminars

Read books, websites, blogs

VolunteerListen to podcasts

8Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

#3: Find a Mentor

You need Guidanceo Your career is a journey, every journey needs a

guideo Don’t think you know everything

Mentorship Sourceso Someone in your network (boss, Prof, friend, etc.)o Through School (Ryerson Tri-Mentoring Program)oMarketing Hall of Legends Mentorship Program


9Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

#4: Network

Attend industry events

Attend former school events

Keep in touch with old school mates and colleagues

Use Linkedin to find people you would be interested in speaking to and reach out


10Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

#5: Invest in Your Career

Professional development is key to your success

Education is something no one can take from you

Every year try to do something to increase your knowledge


11Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

Just a few examples


Association/Institute: Certification/Course:

Canadian Marketing Associationhttp://www.the-cma.org/education-events/certificates/certified-marketing-specialist

Certified Marketing Specialist Designation (CMS) Various marketing certificates

Project Management Institutehttp://www.pmi.org/Certification/What-are-PMI-Certifications.aspx

Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)Project Management Professional (PMP)

Institute of Communication Agencies


Communications & Advertising Accredited Professional (CAAP)

eMarketing Associationhttp://www.emarketingassociation.com/certifications.htm

Certified eMarketer (CeM)Certified eMarketing Associate (CeMA)Certified Social Marketing Associate (CSMA)

Google Certification Programhttp://www.google.com/adwords/professionals/individual.html

Google AdWords Certification

12Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

#6: Volunteer, Get Involved

Look for opportunities to get involved in other activities

Getting involved will bring some spice to the 9-5 job and help you to network and grow your brand

There are many industry related areas you can donate your time to


13Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

Just a few examples


Association: Opportunity:

The Canadian Marketing Associationhttp://www.the-cma.org/get-involved

Join a Council

Join a Committee

Become a Mentor

Ryerson Tri-Mentoring Programhttp://www.ryerson.ca/studentservices/trimentoring/

Be a mentor to a 4th year business student

American Marketing Associationhttp://www.ama-toronto.com/page/volunteer-with-ama-toronto

Become a volunteer

14Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

#7: Read Books

Reading strengthens and trains your mind, keeping you up to date on the industry

Reading allows you to learn from other’s journeys


15Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

Just a few examples


Title: Author:

Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future Dan Schawbel

Steve Jobs Walter Isaacson

Give Your Speech, Change the World: How to Move Your Audience to Action

Nick Morgan

Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul

Howard Schultz, Joanne Gordon

Yes We Did: An inside look at how social media built the Obama brand

Rahaf Hrfoush

Power Friending: Demystifying Social Media to Grow Amber Mac

Six Pixels of Separation: Everyone Is Connected. Connect Your Business to Everyone

Mitch Joel

Unmarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging. Scott Stratten

16Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

#8: Learn How to Play Well in the Sandbox

Emotional Intelligence (EI) – ‘is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups’*

Your ability to be a chameleon and adjust to different people’s working styles will help you become successful in the corporate world

As much as the workplace is about knowledge, it is also about people and how you work with them


* Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_intelligence

17Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

#9: Don’t be in a Rush

As you climb the corporate ladder, enjoy the journey

It is better to be a great Manager than to be a Manager in record time

The key is to be different, step out of your comfort zone, be the change you want to see


18Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

#10: Pay it Forward, Change the World

As you progress in your career, help those who are just starting out

Be a mentor

Share and pass on the knowledge and experiences you have attained

If you are not sharing your knowledge, you are wasting it


19Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

Quote I Live By

“Some people see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say, why not?” Robert F. Kennedy (1925-1968)


20Jonathan Chiriboga, B.Comm, MBA, PMP, CSMA

Jonathan Chiriboga

Experienced in the marketing and advertising industries working on both agency and client side

Worked on such brands as GM, Holt Renfrew, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Shoppers Drug Mart and The Home Depot

Council Member on the Canadian Marketing Association’s Branding and Strategic Planning Council

Career Mentor at Ryerson’s Tri-Mentoring Program


Thank YouYou can reach me at the following places:

Blog: DIGITAL oPEN cONceptdigitalopenconcept.com

Facebook Fan PageFacebook.com/digitalopenconcept

