I, Edward E. Cole. swear under penalty of perjur of the la ......I, Edward E. Cole. swear under...

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Transcript of I, Edward E. Cole. swear under penalty of perjur of the la ......I, Edward E. Cole. swear under...






I, Edward E. Cole. swear under penalty of perjur of the la s of the State of Washington that the following istrue and correct:

1) I am employed by, and proprietor of, Wescom Communications located at 207 SW' 41'` Street, Renton WA9805, telephone( 425) ? 51- 6666:

2) In this employment. I maintain, repair. calibrate and certify the accuracy of electronic speed measuringdevices;

3) Wescom is retained b} the City of Renton Police Department to maintain, repair, calibrate and certifyelectronic speed measuring devices;

4) I have the following education, experience and qualifications with respect to maintaininj, repairing,

calibrating and certifying speed measuring devices:a) I hold a Federal Communications Commission license ith, a radar endorsement; dated August 1984, license

PG- 14- 1247;

b) I am a N. A. B. E. R. Certified Electronic Technician, and hold a National Association of Business andEducational Radio certificate, dated August 1984;

c) I have successfully completed a two ( 2) year course at Clover Park Vocational Technical College and hold aLand, Mobile, Marine Communications certificate, dated July 1985;

d) I have successfully completed a radar Manufacturer' s training course which encompassed the design andconstruction of radar instruments, the repair, maintenance, calibration and certifying of speed measuring

devices, and hold a Kustom Traffic Radar Safety Systems certificate, dated May 1987;e) I have accumulated over 30 years and approximately thirty thousand ( 30, 000) hours in repair,

maintenance, calibration and certification of speed measurin devices, as of the date of this affidavit;

5) Wescom is an authorized service center for speed measuring devices, and as a course of business, maintains

service manuals with schematics on these radar instruments, of which ! am personally familiar, and make these

avai( able for inspection, upon request, at the abo e office address, for any contest of a notice of infraction;

6) Through education and experience, am personally familiar with the design, construction, and operation ofthese speed measuring devices, which are designed and constructed to accurately employ the Doppler radarprincipal;

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7) Wescom maintains a qualit assurance testin. calibration, and certification program herein each speed

measuring device is routinely inspected and tested approximately every 12 months by the following means;a) Precision Signal Generntor test; a frequenc} injection test which simulates a vehicle' s speed through changing

frequencies wherein each speed measuring device must correctly measure and register those simulated speedsin order to be certified accurate;

b) Genera! Operation nnd Mriintenaitce Clteck. vherein all components of the speed measuring device arechecked for accurate operation;

c) Interna! Calibratinn Test, herein each speed measurin device' s internal calibration is verified :d) Radio Frequencj Interference CJ: eck, herein each speed measuring device' s Radio Frequency Interferencedetection circuitry is erified;e) Tunin Fork Test, wherein each speed measurin device' s measurement and reading is checked against akno n result indicated on the tuning fork;

Field Test, where in all operations of each speed measuring device are checked by testing aaainst conditions inthe field;

8) The speed measuring device/ radar instrument listed below was submitted to Wescom Communications bvthe, City of Renton Police Department to be tested and evaluated by the quality assurance program noted above,

and pursuant to that request, I Edward E. Cole, performed all of the program tests, and found that this speedmeasuring device/ radar met or exceeded esisting perfonnance standards;

9) Based upon m education, training and e perience, and my knowledge of the speed measuring device listedbelo, it is my opinion that this instrument is so designed and constructed as to accuratel and reliabl} emplo

the Doppler effect in such a manner that it ill give accurate measurements of the speed of motor ehicles, whenproperly calibrated and operated by a trained operator, to ithin plus (+) or minus(-) one( 1) mile per hour.

Kustom Talon T1323, tuning fork 13172 SSmph. Test Date 09- 25- 2018

Kustom Falcon FF 836, tuning fork 19 23 SOmph. Test Date 09- 25- 2018

Kustom Falcon FF5002, tuning fork 63 00 65mph. Test Date 09- 27- 2018

Kustom Falcon FF10398, tuning fork 56 58 35mph. Test Uate 09- 25- 2018

Kustom Falcon FF12507, tuning fork 19 29 SOmph. Test Date 09- 27- 2018

Kustom Falcon FF15364, tuning fork 19215 Omph. Test Date 09- 25- 2018

Kustom Falcon FF17570, tuning fork 19245 50mph. Test Date 09- 25- 2018

Kustom Falcon FF17678, tuning fork 168- 18 5pmph. Test Date 09- 25- 2018

Kustom Falcon FF18303, tuning fork 19171 Om h. Test Date 09- 25- 2018

State of Washington

County of King

Signature: G,s'.- LPrinted Name: Edward E. Cole

Date and Place Renton, Wa.

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I, Edward E. Cole, swear under penalty f perjury of the la s of the State of V' ashington that the following istrue and correct:

1) I am employed by, and proprietor of, ' escom Communications located at 207 SVV 41'` Street, Renton Wr

98055, telephone( 425) 251- 6666;

2) In this employment, 1 maintain. rep; iir, calibrate and cer if' the accurac} of electronic speed measuring


3) Vb' escom is retained by the City of Renton Nolice Department to maintain, repair, calibrate and certifelectronic speed measuring de ices;

4) I have the follo ing education.

zsperience and qualificati<>ns with respect to naintaining, repairincalibrating and certifying speed mea> w in de ices:

a) I hold a Federal Communications Cor: iiliission license ith. ,= radar endorsement; dated August 1984, license

PG- 14- 1247;

b) I am a N. A. B. E. R. Certitied Elcctr nic '[ echnician, and uld a National Association of Business and

Educational Radio certificate, dated Au ust 1984;

c) 1 have suceessfully completed a t vo (') year course at Clo er Park Vocational Technical College and hold aLand, Mobile, Marine Communications certificate, dated Jul 198;

d) I have successfully completed a rad« r Manufacturer' s trainin s course which encompassed the design anilconstruction of radar instruments, th_

repair. maintcnance, c. libration and certifying of speed measurinde ices, and hold a Kustom Traftic Kadar Safety S} stems certifcat. dated Ma 1987:

e) I have accumulated over 30 y ears and a proximatel tti ent five thousand ( 25, 000) hours in repair,

maintenance, calibration and certitication of spced n easurin` de ices, as of the date of this affidavit:

5) Wescom is an authorized sec- vice center for speed measuring d i.; es, and as a course of business. maintain

service manuals with schematics on these radar instruments, oF hirh I am personally fa niliar, and make these

available for inspection, upon request. at ti e above office address, t r an} contest of a notice of infraction;

6) Through education and e cperience, am personall familiar ith the desi n, construction, and operation of

these speed measuring devices, which are desiLned and con; tru ted to accurately employ the Doppler radarprincipal;

Page lof 2


7) Wescom maintains a quality assuran; e testing, calibratio,. and certification program w herein each speed

measuring device is routinely inspected ar.d tested approximatel e er 12 months by the follo« ing means;a) Precision Signal Generator test, a trequenc in_jection test hi h simulates a ehicle' s speed through changin

frequencies vherein each speed measuring de ice must corre: tiv measure and register those simulated speedsin order to be certified accurate:

b) Genera! Operation and Mniirtena rce Check, wherein al) .>> nponents of the speed measuring device arechecked for accurate operation:

c) Internal Calibration Tes1, vherein each speed measuring de i;:'; internal calibration is eritied :

d) Radio Frequency Interference Clreck, herein each speed n asuring device' s Radio Frequency Interferencedetection circuitrti is verified:

e) Tuning Fnrk Test, herein each ; pe d measurin de ice' s measurement and readin is checked against a

known result indicated on the tuning fork:Field Tes1, vhere in all operations , f each sperd measuring I.. i e are checked by testing a ainst conditions in

the tield:

8) The speed measuring device/ radar in trument li, tc; d belo r ua submitted to VVescom Communications bv

the, City of Renton Police Department to be tested and evaluat: i b the quality assurance pro ram noted above,and pursuant to that request, I Ed ard E. Cole. perfo 7ned ali << f the program tests, and found that this speed

measuring device/ radar met or e ceeded esistii g perfonnance , tandards;

9) Based upon m education, trainin` and e perience. and m : n: ledge of' the speed measuring device liste lbelo v, it is my opinion that this instriunent is so desi ned and unstructed as to accuratel and reliably emplothe Doppler effect in such a manner that it ill give accurate mea in-ements of the speed of motor ehicles, hen

properly calibrated and operated by a trained operator, to ithin E lus(+) or minus (-) one ( 1) mile per hour.

Kustom Falcon FF5002, tuning fork 63 00 6 mph.

Test Date 11- 14- 2017

State of Washington

County of King

Signature: L:rYPrinted Name: dward E. Cole

Date and Place /" 7Rent n. Wa.

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I, Edward E. Cole, swear under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that the following is

true and correct:

1) I am employed by, and proprietor ofi, Wescom Communications located at 207 SW 415` Street, Renton WA98055, telephone( 425) 251- 6666;

2) In this employment, I maintain, repair, calibrate and certify the accuracy of electronic speed measuring


3) Wescom is retained by the City of Renton Police Department to maintain, repair, calibrate and certifyelectronic speed measuring devices;

4) I have the following education, experience and qualifications with respect to maintaining, repairing,

calibrating and certifying speed measuring devices:

a) I hold a Federal Communications Commission license with, a radar endorsement; dated August 1984, licensePG- 14- 1247;

b) I am a N.A.B. E. R. Certified Electronic Technician, and hold a National Association of Business andEducational Radio certificate, dated August 1984;

c) I have successfully completed a two ( 2) year course at Clover Park Vocational Technical College and hold aLand, Mobile, Marine Communications certificate, dated July 1985;

d) I have successfully completed a radar Manufacturer' s training course which encompassed the design andconstruction of radar instruments, the repair, maintenance, calibration and certifying of speed measuring

devices, and hold a Kustom Traffic Radar Safety Systems certificate, dated May 1987;e) I have accumulated over 25 years and approximately twenty five thousand ( 25, 000) hours in repair,maintenance, calibration and certification of speed measuring devices, as of the date of this affidavit;

5) Wescom is an authorized service center for speed measuringdevices, and as a course of business, maintains

service manuals with schematics on these radar instruments, of which I am personallyfamiliar, and make these

available for inspection, upon request, at the above office address, for any contest of a notice of infraction;

6) Through education and experience, am personally familiar with the design, construction, and operation of

these speed measuring devices, which are designed and constructed to accurately employ the Doppler radarprincipal;

Page lof 2


7) Wescom maintains a quality assurance testing, calibration, and certification program wherein each speed

measuring device is routinely inspected and tested approximately every 12 months by the following means;a) Precision Signal Generator test; a frequency injection test which simulates a vehicle' s speed through changing

frequencies wherein each speed measuring device must correctly measure and register those simulated speeds

in order to be certified accurate;

b) General Operation and Maintenance Check, wherein all components of the speed measuring device are

checked for accurate operation;

c) Internal Calibration Test, wherein each speed measuring device' s internal calibration is verified :

d) Radio Frequency Interference Check, wherein each speed measuring device' s Radio Frequency Interferencedetection circuitry is verified;

e) Tuning Fork Test, wherein each speed measuring device' s measurement and reading is checked against aknown result indicated on the tuning fork;

Field Test, where in all operations of each speed measuring device are checked by testing against conditions in

the field;

8) The speed measuring device/ radar instrument listed below was submitted to Wescom Communications by

the, City of Renton Police Department to be tested and evaluated by the quality assurance program noted above,and pursuant to that request, I Edward E. Cole, performed all of the program tests, and found that this speed

measuring device/ radar met or exceeded existing performance standards;

9) Based upon my education, training and experience, and my knowledge of the speed measuring device listedbelow, it is my opinion that this instrument is so designed and constructed as to accurately and reliably employ

the Doppler effect in such a manner that it will give accurate measurements of the speed of motor vehicles, when

properly calibrated and operated by a trained operator, to within plus (+) or minus(-) one( 1) mile per hour.

Kustom Falcon FF5002, tuning fork 62733 35 mph. Test Date 10- 07- 2014.

State of Washington

County of King

Signature: C:— G

Printed Name: Edward E. Cole

Date and Place `" ' d( Renton, Wa.

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I, Edward E. Cole, swear under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington, as follows:1) I am employed by, and proprietor of, Wescom Communications located at 207 SW 415' Street, Renton WA98055, telephone ( 425) 251- 6666;

2) In this employment, I maintain, repair, calibrate and certify the accuracy of electronic speed measuring


3) Wescom is retained by the City of Renton Police Department to maintain, repair, calibrate and certify

electronic speed measuring devices;

4) I have the following education, experience and qualificatio s with respect to maintaining, repairing,

calibrating and certifying speed measuring devices:

a) I hold a Federal Communications Commission license with, a radar endorsement; dated August 1984, licensePG- 14- 1247;

b) I am a N. A.B. E. R. Certified Electronic Technician, and hold a National Association of Business and

Educational Radio certificate, dated August l 984;

c) I have successfully completed a two ( 2) year course at Clover Park Vocational Technical College and hold aLand, Mobile, Marine Communications certificate, dated July 1985;

d) I have successfully completed a radar Manufacturer' s training course which encompassed the design andconstruction of radar instruments, the repair, maintenance, calibration and certifying of speed measuring

devices, and hold a Kustom Traffic Radar Safety Systems certificate, dated May 1987;e) I have accumulated 25 years and approximately twenty thousand ( 20, 000) hours in repair, maintenance,calibration and certification of speed measuring devices, as of the date of this affidavit;

5) Wescom is an authorized service center for speed measuringdevices, and as a course of business, maintains

service manuals with schematics on these radar instruments, of which I am personallyfamiliar, and make these

available for inspection, upon request, at the above office address, for any contest of a notice of infraction;

6) Through education and experience, am personally familiar with the design, construction, and operation ofthese speed measuring devices, which are desi ned and constructed to accurately employ the Doppler radarprincipal;

Page 1 of 2

7) Wescom maintains a quality assurance testing, calibration, and certification program wherein each speed

measuring device is routinely inspected and tested approximately every 12 months by the following means;

a) Precision Signal Generator test; a frequency injection test which simulates a vehicle' s speed through changing

frequencies wherein each speed measurin device must correctly measure and register those simulated speeds

in order to be certified accurate;

b) Genera! Operation and Maintenance Cl:eck, wherei» all components of the speed measuring device are

checked for accurate operation;

c) Internal Calibration Test, whereii each speed measuring device' s internai calibratio is verified :

d) Radio Freyuency Interference Check, wherein each speed measuring device' s Radio Frequency Interference

detection circuitry is verified;

e) Tuning Fork Test, wherein each speed measuring device' s measurement and reading is checked against a

known result indicated on the tuning fork;

Field Test, where in all operations of each speed measuring device are checked by testing against conditions in

the field;

8) The speed neasuring device/ radar instrument listed below was submitted to Wescom Communications by

the, City of Renton Police Department to be tested and evaluated by the quality assurance program noted above,and pursuant to that request, I Edward E. Cole, performed all of the program tests, and found that this speed

measuring device/ radar met or exceeded existing performance standards;

9) Based upon my education, training and experience, and my knowledge of the speed measuring device listedbelow, iC is my opinion that this ii stru ent is so desi ned and constructed as to accurately and reliably employ

the Doppler effect in such a manner that it will give accurate measurements of the speed of motor vehicles. when

properly calibrated and operated by a trai led operator, to within plus (+) or mi us (-) one ( 1) mile per hour.

Kustom Falcon FF5002, tuning forks 19246 SOmph. Test Date 06- 25- 2013.

State of Washington

County of King


Printed Name: E ward E. Cole

Date and Place v aCS ' oC Renton, Wa.

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