I -ATU EAL · I lit. ll+PPll.llh ¯ lit II hI’l wl’~4i l,’rhhiy ili,)rllhig i%lld blillldlly...

Post on 11-Oct-2020

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Transcript of I -ATU EAL · I lit. ll+PPll.llh ¯ lit II hI’l wl’~4i l,’rhhiy ili,)rllhig i%lld blillldlly...

4...................... - -: -Z-.-. - -- ~7¯ - ¯




’ I

-Capital of Atlantic County

The Place To Spend

Your Summer Vacation

¯ Special Inducements to Mat.3ufacturers Hourly


Electric Train Service



Sites for Bungalows

For Lease or Sale

F ,,llu,h.’,l *’ t/it h(’ml ~t t~,I whir: ,m lhc I,:l~ll:’~ +d" tile (;If,it l’]~r

][:lrl,,. l,’:vc: Xl.lx - I.:uid:tl.... hi. .H’,,~u,1 z:,u:l tl,~. lit-;t lilt

l’t.’llllI.ltll,’ lq" lh’-illt’. "ht Hh)~I })t.’.lllI’i~lll lllll41 h¢.’.llLhtH id.ll¯t ,)frt_’.Sill~.,llcc ill t} ~tvti’(,tl ol .Nuxx ’,.isc~ It> um411iliccu’, .Lit l;c,..<,

have’ I)L’COmc f,n ’U’~. ’4ud 1,t’:Lutilld l.nkc I.<:mllc i.~.-< uc,:Iv h.~.s

\VL’il-klB)%VII. [lltitl, .lliL’lllS t+l Ill;llllll;it’llllLi- :llc t".:t’c])til.41.1ilW 4.,,bit

For the truck f,irlllt," .illll ]u,ll]tl\ l.]isc’r it ,. ;ill hlL,,i I,,cati(,U ;illll the

llll2CCa of tho~c s~killt ,~llllllil?l iloliies .,£t J l’c’.l~,)ll;i})ic c’osl¯

S l,]cmll, ~ ),)t ],.’v:u-,l~ hw ,’ttlL(uu(,tdvs ]t’ml b, M,lv s I.’illdill~ [l’(illl

c\t’i l)(~ltll Ill<It( iil~: the, ,lh~c[ ru;ll I il()lll Phil’ldc, lpliia ln" way

o[ Ill,~.%ll~illX\.l 1,1 lilt, 1.]~ I’I i,l,i, t.’iix I~IiilIt:x :iltl. lcadinl4 trOlll

the \Vhilc. lhli~ l’il.u. "l’l~c ()it.it ]’~:tJ4 Iliul)l,i Rivur I,oasts i)[

;Jr’live Vm lit L’Iul) ,,IwU f()i i:l. :ul,, r<hi I, ’l’hi~ Iih’ttuC~lltic , \vatcrw:lv

ilhu,l> 14,nul Imali’lil., I)’iihhll4 ;uld ti~hhu" :iiid i. a I-q,ithu+ highw:ly

\\lti~ x.tchlslUCli b) :\llalllic t’itv, tk~Oall City aiid .otht.r I-il.’~iSllor~

ltq’l I’I~

Municilm] ooliveliieilccs include c()hl, slmrklhut water. 99 l)crct~llt.

¯ l)ilrc [,o111 all arlt’~ion w,..ll, ~mlH)lh, d throu.:l~ allOW puldi¢ water

wot’k~ syM+~iii, I~i’~t-cl:iss fire, lWt)tcction with COllSU(ltlt.llt low

iiiStilailoc, tart, s, low rates of tltxath,li, tripoli’it li£hthll4, i)rosl)c.rotis

clriiit’he~. Rood public st’heels, t’tc. If )’Oil ilC\’tn visited Mav’s I~atiding,

it is thlit, to do ~o. If )’oil arc. |ookiill4 [or :l SIIllllilcr l)hit-t , of

l’c~,hic, llC~ iliis is tim hlcal p|aCc" lor yi)il. " ’l’h~ Tt)wil o[ iN’fillll’lll

Opportiulitie¢’ is "~’()llr (JlH,ortiinltv.

Twenty minutes from Atlahtic City, theGreatest Seashore Resort in the World.Qnly one hour from Philadelphia.

For Further Information Apply to

"-~-~ ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ o£aj L xadx g Tradeo



[Tile MysteriousEnglishman

And How He Was BroughtBack to His Own


They h:l(l !}ilt~ll,.tl sl]l)l,rr :it the "1’~ in~tili" rnllch, iinll thl? nl,,n w,,r,, <lttltll~Olll~hh2 tl~e I)illik hollsc, tHIj,).% i ,; lheli

l)llie~l nlid ~l~lilc, llc:t hi th., ~illi~rt

glow. rl’hl’re W(’I’O I(liU¢ h’g~lJ(l .lhik

l)r,)le. )hisoli l’d,I)l)(,r. "l’uliy (1()I1’..In,’l,lhlynioilil. Bob l lnz(.li. "tilt! ln X<l(,i¯l,)ll:Ell~ll.’-thinall." :lit(l. II Iltlh, hi lhc f,,l’t’

groulld. [ll)~l (’11 [~.% (rail liilll~(,]p"%Vho (?tlliil)~i hrr(!’~’" qq)’rh.1 .la(k

llii> nloii(l lazily.

+J’h0 other,4 folh)w(41 ih(-dh’t,..ll~n hl~ t’llrh)ll:4 i+%’t,,4 nlli] ~.:lW tl h,q’~o ;lll(]

rhl,.r Ilyhi; Ul) lhr stt’;ll;Lt trail th:lt

wti~ lihililiy vlsltde fi,r half li iid!(,

"(11i0 o[ lhe .M,711llllit~ tl,.y.4." l’t.lll:llql,)~, I ’ar’.vo, ld e;Ir.,les,d%’.

"llhh.~ re,’kh,ss--Illw Pt, f h,.*’ hi,:, rv(’(|.lh,l. Pr,)h,. " ’T:llll’t hlln. th,ut~h"

"Why n,t ?"" ’Tilln’t n .M:iiinlil~ h,l(~0/""~O Illfiro It lilli’l." llillll,.rr,I .lrlrle

[111) lnOlliI. ;ll’(illSirl~ hlIIl:lqI’ I,, t.,’;it, h

th,, Fliph]l}" flillhFotl,’!liII ~ h,ll"~.’lll:lll~lt? heir<i) Wil4 fl 1-’:llltlfll] ~’r,,:tlllyr

;I d,’op i.rc,:llll ,¯<1l<)I, wllh I)I:IH,, ;ili.] l:lflll ILirk llnv It~l i¯[,h,r ~%+,,1:4 ::i,qlll~l,,| ,,!

il hlTh 3h.+~l,’:ili -n.ldh, and XX,ll’. .... :,],~roy trlmser4 I,elt~.,l tli,)llli+I ;k ".,,fttl !.;’,.

’qlk shirt..~ c]’hns,,ll 9,’:lrf I.h.,’°.(.] ~,

lho |hr+,llt. :1 I,r,,:i,| Iwluiln(41 Krnv h.!llilt plllh4l ’.v(,II ,bi~All (iv(q" I),., hp;i,t

:lnd h:llr ,)II(’r:lilii~ lh(’ i,)(,<, lzr:~¯,

teAlillth.tH :i It,| lli+zli hl,i,h,.I $1,Url’+,,llH)tif~l ,,f’ flill!lt4I ]l~:lt]ll,I"

"Iilil,b,r .,IvliL,. ] ),,loin_"* t~ in:~rl,.,1’[’Oh V I;,dT ,lli(h,r Ill< })lT.alh.

"l.ouks tl4 I~ lit’ llliqllIt tlll4]ll, :4 jtl:l

~lr+i~ --~1~

m m

I] I "t)) -~~,Y"

Fully Equipped,e

Includes Electric Lights, Warner Auto Meter, Jiffy Curtains, Bosch Magneto,Demountable Rin7s. Extra Rim and Holder, Rear View Mirror, Windshield, etc.

Call or Write If You Contemplate Purchasing an Auto.

Now is the tlme to buy 1913 Cars¯

l-larry K’. Birch, A Eent, /~ay’s Landi~K,


~ ,, J’

1Enfer Your Subscription NowFor ~e

News from the County Towns,"

Proceedings of Civil, Criminal and Orphans’ Cour!s,

Legal and Real Estate News.



~,l )" %


Fifty-~Two Weeks For;Only


When tn Egg Harbor City

\ Stop at the

.............. : ........................................................ I ....

;ht ()ll i‘’ \\’¢’lllilmlhly. tl~t’l’l’i ¯ tlli,l Fl¯lttlly llllt| I)llt ItWily iiI)l)llr-

dl~c,i IJll .~illlll:ly Illllrllllll( dlli(t’ ~l)liii ~ IIIIl’ put

I lit. ll+PPll.llh¯ lit II hI’l wl’~4i l,’rhhiy ili,)rllhig i%lldblillldlly liiornhig. II hll~i llt.(,il lt.Mll|plt Ihdll

I~,WI~ Wt’III h) Ihl! i|l’d’h~l’r I)il !’irlllrlllLv Ilil4111,1111(I tlil’ll Wl,iil h) Iliu Wllsll-ll(llh’r Tht. drl.s~l.r+t~’ll~i Iht, ih’l)()~lh)r )- i)f tlil~ i~)l’itili ltli(I Ihi’ wiish-|)lllh’l’ ¢)r lht, ¢)llllill.l.lt"

" It lill~ lilml hl’l!ii le~illll,’ll llitdL i..’\vl~ lliOVl’tlIh¢" * I’OliKh lin I’RI~,’ whh.h (4)lllilhlt,d llrPit.lih.,[rl)lli |hit ilrl.~PU.l* I() Ihl! tlih hllll4i.+ i%1ill Wl.lilTilrlhi.P1hnli Ilnlt lit Ili,,tLrllt’llllgtill thl’ till,lit.Ill, lit Idr lilt+ filililly Ill tl’ll I‘’lt lilill’llltl. Ih’ Ioldlht’lll Io il!ll Ilit~ pl)lli!l~ lhlil Ihl+! ’ r¢)liKh (lit I’lll~I

hltd Ill’l:lt ill I|lt~ I‘’11) liolisl, ~litl!l. 1"till. whh’h~t‘"ilPI ll.Ii illilrlltl~., illll+l dill lht’m’ I’ll’eliliiMlllllhll

Electric and Gas System.

.~lt I& l~tll)lil ’- Illl’()tlll~ h.’hl Till’tartly I’Vl’llhlglil~4| hl Iho I)lmrll+ Ihlli~h |lip I ’itllililllll~: ()1 ili-

+vl-,~|h411thlil lll)t),)hil~d ill tt ri)illll.i’ Iliri.llll~ ltP41’l,i’lilhl tl~, (’l)~t i)~ Ill~tlllliithlii. i)l)l,rlllh)liIllllt i)rl)l.lhh, l’l,Vl.llll(,of It lllllllhtlplil i.tt’<’h’h’llghllnlt, lihdiil r¢’l~lrled Ihlll lhr I)h‘’lil ‘’‘’mlhl~(r41 Ill Ihi. ill,h4hl)(irh(~)ll-i)l’~l;~ll.lJ0tl llil~| Ihlll ri?+l’l’lltli., illillt4+ thi’ lll’i!~l,lll lllIPdl I1~ I)ll~llilm4.


~, ~j








t: ,

I tl

No Matter How SmallNo Matter Ho’~.’ Large

i +;l;c i l,i i )iil0li...... ., j.:.! ..... till ,.,

]̄L JL t tL(t;,, i)o’7:,li K:ve ~t carcful att’ent~cn I-I+lO

C JIlt]lltl tl., <;{r .wth c f this institutioll’m

re:;ourc~:.; i:; the be’.:t t:vidt:i]c:e bf thc

c:,nfidenco ,,f the pet, pie

~do ~lve thrc0 e:;sential:,

Complete SecurityAvailaMlity andCourteous Treatment


Z-’X. ,,:), ~’ ,L ;_

O’:,’,e:" H,a~t’ ,’a t’hi~ioJ~i;

Of peol)le don’t give sufliciel’tt attention to the

imporlatR matter of selecting an l~,xeeittor. The

Atlantic Safe "Deposit aud Trust Co. is organized

under the la W, If ally of its oi~cers die, thcy nresucc~cxled by nieti cqua, lly.as-Caliabie, q’llerefore,

when they are your Exccutbr+, there is no

of loss or mismaliagenlent through the

of the party acting in this capacity.. We. wills free whex~ appointed I(xeeutors.

~AFK IIKI’OP+IT IIoxEPt ]+’(,It ]I.ENT,’~’L|it) I11’.

Capital and Profits $525,000Deposits, $2.300

V. IB. O~fflin & Son1518 Atlantic Avenue,



T~e Atllant~c 5ale IDepesit & Trm1~I. E. Cor. Atlantic az ]New York Ave~., Atlantic CRy, N. J.

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ .....

l BANNnN~?BY /~All L

Most of our depositors who reside omslde ofthe city make their deposits by mall and so can you.Thls method Is simple, safe and convenient and wLll beexplained In detail upon receipt of Inquiry. ,~


Atllantic & Kentucky Ayes., Atll~ntic Cilty, N. &

¯ TAI l,O IP,. i TAli,O It.

Bell Telephone I 193-A

go Eo P ESS,.... Tailor & Importer,

1625 Atlantlc Avenue,





"I,,i ¯

l ecord"will be mailed to anyaddress in the UnitedStates, postage pre-paid, for

$g.2,5, ̄

per annum. In advance¯

Cut Glass at LowestPrices

\All kl ds D si ns and Patterns

Some of Newest Cuttings

For Sale at Factoryor

/~ay’s Landing WaterPowerCo. " .


,: j ~iI


’l,,, .,..






:i’, (I



;l }

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¯; ~." ~i’D

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! .4.,. ,,": ¯; ’t’ -’ ¯ L ’ ’’¯ 7¸ <.¯ ; j ¯’ ’¯. ¯ ’ "¯ ’¯.’: ¯L ’" ’ ~’ ~’ ’:. ’ ¯" " ’ ’’: 7:’’ :~:¯i’ """ ’ ’: " ~ """:" e’:.~ C’:?’ ¯ : . - , .,’ .~ ;

Y . ¯. , . ¯ , , . ., , . , , ,. , , , / ¯ , <.% , .

" V’ ’ ¯) ’ ’r "4 . "’ " ATLANTIC COUNTY RECORD--MA.’S LANDING, N, J., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16,i912, O

: , t " . ’ ’ . .

, , Capital of.Atlantic County. Special Inducements toManufacturers ’ ; HOurly EleCtric



.¯ . ,.


Tile Place Tb Spend

Your Summer Vacation


Sites for Bungalows

For Lease or Sale


F,ulud~,l .’ lh~ !l...I ~f ~l.h.-walcr ml lhc banks ~d" the (;:’l’at ]~{~R

II4, h,,I ili,.,.: Xla\’- I.amlinlt has cu.b*$&I flmn the first the

Icl.llt.lti, " .IT I,ciilK lhc nmst lwautiful, nmst hcahliful I,lacc lff

IcSilk’lltc ill tit’ ".ct.¯tlllll Ill New .terser. Its. lll:l.~llil]Ct.’llt ¢!:lk lrt..cs’

have l,rc, u,.lu t’,~:l; ,]~. aml I,c:(utiful I.:lkc I.’cn¯Hw i~ r-carccly h.ss

\vQ]] l.ll,,\x:l, llhlll.. "ut.lH~; l,, lll:lllllfllCtlll,._.l); tllt...cxCt:l.~lhH14]lv M,~¢~l].

I:,,, thO t,,,,k fa,,nc, L,Id l,,,ultrv laisur it is all hlcal ll)c;ili,,11, :llld the

IIICCC;I !~f lh¢kqu :4t.’t’killJ4 ,~lll}llllt_.r holllU.’:q lit i1 rt:iIst)llltl,l,,tcost.

Sl,h’mli,I t,,,uIcvar,ls f,r automoldcs lead to M’,V’s Landing from

every l,dnl, ilwlu,lin£ the direct rO’ld fr,,nl l’ldhulell+hia I,y \ray

,,f I)l,WnSlmtn :rod lhc I",~ lhubol- City b,)ul.uv:lrd, lc:ulin/4 from

the \Vhitc Ilorsc Pike. Tim (treat l’~gg II:u¯lmr RR-t,r l+oasts ,ff

active YachtClul~ open for meml,crship. Thjs picluresque waterway

aft’urals good film{inK, Imtlling alld. fishing, end is a l,opul’tr highway

with v;ichlsllltgi to A}.latatic £’ity, Ocean City aim ,flier "scashol-e

¯ rc.sor ts.

¯ Mu,,icipal cotn’enicnces inchlde cold, slmrkling watt,’, 99 percent.pllre flonf All artcsion well, Sill)plied tln’otlKh alicw public water

works system, lirst-cl:tss fire protection with cons~l’ucnt lmt, jiusurance rates, low rates of taxatiotl, electric lighting,-I)rospe1ou.s

churches, good public schools, etc. If you never visited May’s I,anding,

it is time to do so. If you nrc looking fur a Sutnnicr. phlcc of

residence, this is the ideal place for you.. " The Town of Natural

Olqmrtttnitics" i.q ~¥our Opportttuity./

Twenty minutes from ¯Atlantic City, theGreatest Seashore Resort in the World¯Only one hour from Philadelphia.

For Fur.ther Information Apply to

I II. \1.

5 Passenger Touring Cal, ~.!J,( ’/; "tl Fully Equipped, 7’~i)@~!/l,t/

} ,1

i L’,)J .’ 1_) ;L\’,I

;;i l. Z5

I’, I, ph,, i, I’ll,I ,~t,,I ,~I;. ll ,¯V,,


)l’|,.!. i; } ;’;: t inrbqr (hl/~I I ul lh,:


°l~f j) ill /’/’.’; ¢?


’/¯,11| [I} ii|l,~ ~’,t01i..II l.l|liCh,’,|l "|1 :,ll lv.ur:; l.lv,lry -():lr’|l,u}~t’.l \,,,lllU,Ililihlli~ ~li’{i:lii {l,’ul


T ad®o

/18,eclha~ca~ Toys ,These are wha.t the boys like; an un-

usually fine 10t, flesh Item SantaClaus factory. Prices ........... 25c to $1

For tl~e }3oysMagic Lanterns, Trumpets, Jack-knives,

Trains, Autos, Engines, Animals, Sleds,

Wagons, Pop-guns, Rubber Boots, etc.

Toys for Tiny TotsFree Lot of Dolls all kinds and sizes,

dressed¯ Prices will surpriseyou. From ................... 2Se t~, $2.25

F~r t~e @irllsFolding Do}l Coaches. Sets of Dishes,

Stoves, Toy Pionos, Beds, Furniture Sets,lqammocks and Games¯

Q ow -ut)s- ,I @j~D..8JseJ ul

Cut Qiass & DishesFine Cut Glass and Fancy Dishes, etc.

Special low prices for the holidays. An

exceptionally fine gift.

Jewelry DisplayManicuring Sets, Toilet Sets, Jewelry

Cases, Rings, Watch-chains and Fobs,

Watches, Brooches, all at low pflces.

You Can’t Co}ne Too Soon If You Want

to Get Your Pick of the Big Stock We

Have Placed on Our Counters.

FurnitureLarge and small Rocking Chairs, Rugs,

.Couches, Carpets, Mattings, Tables, Bedsand Bedding.

Full Line of Nigh=grade Pe~umes

Come Early To Avoid The Rush9

Splesdidl Stock of Fruits, Candles, Nuts, ~aisins and\

Holiday Supplies in Our Provision




D. D. Hoover, Mgr.



"/ %: ’’ .. ’. x’

).. ’ ".

,, (¯

. . i

r[’lC C(,-1jN’rY O RD.

High School Gradcs’ Afternoonarc M}i(!ntltng thl!ll- hcHil!3’lllOOn. ’l’lit~ h¢,lilp%1"1114 ht’llilllflllly ill.l.¢lrlllt.l.t Wllh I,llllnM, fl,l,iiqilllll ehry~tlillhelilllnll4 ,lllil llil, hrhh! will~ lhr

’.l’hll,lk~gl%’lnl4 h}’ IlflfTll liUli|l~.

.~lxIh linll ~l.%.l.lilh lil.iul¢.i~."A l’lll{l’hii t"It’Plii’"

l’l’lllh.lll.,.. ................. \’l.rnll \’lllllilllllill,t I,’,llth .......................... "%’1,1.1111 Altl)h’llillll,

)hll%l!lll.li¢.l. , ...............L. la’lt,,y Ihl,’rel t

I hj.-well .......................... T I )’ HlriIMiI~llRl’llu ll, ly ................. I)ll~ l,utll.!rlli

1 llllhln ......................... Itlli~ml,II l’ell+t’ht.y

" Ml’l, llllK ¢lfTlu, Mi,iilli~."Tl,luik~,Kl’Vlnl ..................... My ’1 I, %%’1111

.1111111111"}’ . ............... )t M I Ill!VilE

I~’l,bl’llll.l’}’ . .................. I I’ I I ~l’/nl~

|n Ihl’ I,,’rfiirlinllle,’ ,if t]lll.| I,lllchll O!lly, I~ nlil,I gl’illi¢l Jlll’y."


Public Meeting and Exhibition .To BeHeld at Court House.