Hyundai Motors Ltd

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Transcript of Hyundai Motors Ltd

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Summer Training Report Project File 

Under the Guidance of: Submitted By: Er. Inderjeet Singh Karmvir

Aitant Pro!eor Enrollment "o. #$#%&#&$$%'

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Thi i to certi!( that I have completed the Project titled   Study of 

Cu!tomer Sati!faction at "#UNDAI $OTORS LTD%&  under the

guidance o! Inderjeet Singh in partial !ul!illment o! the re)uirement !or 

the a*ard o! +egree o! ,achelor o! ,uine Adminitration at

Maharaja Agraen Intitute o! Management Studie +elhi. Thi i an

original piece o! *or / I have not u0mitted it earlier ele*here.

Date: Si'nature:

()ace:*e!o+ur,Samba)-ha. Name: *arm/ir

  Enro))ment No%: #$#%&#&$$%'


Automo0ile have 0ecome an indipena0le part o! our live an extenion o! The

human 0od( that provide u !ater cheaper and more convenient mo0ilit( ever(

 paing da(. ,ehind thi 0etterment go the e!!ort o! thoe in the indutr( in the

!orm o! improvement through technological reearch. The Indian automotive

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component indutr( i dominated 0( around 1$$ pla(er *hich account !or more

than 213 o! the production. 4(undai Motor 5o. *a eta0lihed a an independent

5ompan( in #67&.Thi project on 4(undai tell u a0out the ati!action level o! 

conumer *ith The 4(undai. Firtl( Introduction a0out The Automo0ile Indutr(ha 0een explained in thi project. A a joint venture 0et*een 8roup and 4(undai

Motor 5orporation 4(undai Motor 9imited :TKM; aim to pla( a major role in

The development o! The automotive indutr( and The creation o! emplo(ment

opportunitie not onl( through it dealer net*or 0ut alo through ancillar(

indutrie. 4(undai Motor 9imited !irml( 0elieve that The ucce o! thi venture

depend on providing high )ualit( product and ervice to all valued cutomer

through The e!!ort o! it team mem0er. 4(undai Motor 9imited along *ith itdedicated dealer and upplier ha adopted The <8ro*ing Together< philooph(

o! it parent 5ompan( TM5 to create long-term 0uine gro*th. In thi *a(

4(undai Motor 9imited aim to !urther contri0ute to progre in The Indian

automotive indutr( reali=e greater emplo(ment opportunitie !or local citi=en

improve The )ualit( o! li!e o! The team mem0er and promote ro0ut economic

activit( in India. The next phae loo upon The reearch carried out !or anal(=ing

The repone to*ard 4(undai. Thi ha 0een done 0( conducting a urve(.

A!ter conducting the urve( it *a o0erved that mot o! The 4(undai o*ner

*ere ati!ied *ith their ervice and it maintenance. The deigning and interior

are mot lied 0( The cutomer 0ut !e* people alo *ant it to 0e more a!!orda0le.


Cha+ter 3 Introduction about The Indu!try

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Cha+ter 4 2indin'! and Ana)y!i!

>.# Finding !rom Primar( +ata

Cha+ter 5 Conc)u!ion

Cha+ter 6 Recommendation!


Anne7ure I ?uetionnaire

Anne7ure II Product Mix o! 4(undai



Introduction about the Indu!try

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The Indian automotive component indutr( i dominated 0( around 1$$ pla(er

*hich account !or more than 213 o! the production. The turnover o! thi indutr(

ha 0een gro*ing at a mammoth %2.$13 per annum !rom %$$%-$7 on*ard a

illutrated in Fig *hich clari!ie it emergence

a one o! India@ !atet gro*ing manu!acturing ector. +uring #66$ the auto

component maret in India ued to 0e dominated 0( upplie to the a!termaret

*ith onl( 713 export ourced 0( glo0al Tier # EM :riginal E)uipment

Manu!acturer;. The indutr( made a utained hi!t to the glo0al Tier # maret

and toda( the component manu!acturer uppl( &13 o! their export to glo0al Tier 

# EM and the remaining to the a!termaret. Thi i largel( due to the gro*ing

capa0ilit( o! The Indian component upplier in undertanding technical dra*ing

converance *ith glo0al automotive tandard economicall( attractive cot

:manu!acturing cot are %13-7$3 lo*er than it *etern counterpart; !lexi0ilit(

in mall 0atch production and gro*ing in!ormation technolog( application !or 

deign development and imulation.

,eide The 0urgeoning demand o! auto component !rom glo0al major the

dometic automo0ile indutr( ha 0een ho*ing a parling gro*th caued 0(

increaing cutomer 0ae and a!!orda0le loan. ,aed on thi the turnover o! The

Indian auto component indutr( i expected to touch BSC #2.& 0illion 0( %$$6 and

etimated to reach BSC >$ 0illion 0( %$#>.

O/er/ie8 of Indian Automobi)e Indu!try

The li0erali=ed policie o! The Indian 8overnment paved to*ard tead( evolution

o! India a a ta0le and maret driven econom( *ith the real 8ro +ometic

Product gro*th in exce o! 23 !oreign exchange reerve croing The C#1$

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 0illion mar gro*ing value o! Indian Rupee compared to BS dollar and reducing

in!lation rate. #$$3 Foreign +irect Invetment a0ence o! local content

regulation manu!acturing and import !ree !rom licening / approval in The

automo0ile ector

coupled *ith cutom tari!!orauto component reducing to #%.13 reulted in

increaed num0er o! multinational eta0lihing Their 0ae in India and *ith

export maret looing up The Indian automo0ile indutr( i poied !or a

 phenomenal gro*th. The automo0ile production in the u0-continent ha 0een

gro*ing teadil( D #2.173 per annum !rom %$$%-$7 on*ard *ith total vehicle

 production tanding at a mammoth #$$7#%6' no. in %$$1-$'.

Among The automo0ile % *heeler account !or &1.&&3 car a0out ##.$63 7

*heeler to the tune o! >.773 tractor a0out %.613 0ue / truc contitute%.#63 Multi Btilit( ehicle :MB; to The tune o! #.6'3 and 9ight

5ommercial ehicle :95; a0out #.&#3 o! The total num0er o! automo0ile

 produced in the countr(. Preentl( India i the econd larget maret a!ter 5hina

!or t*o / three *heeler.

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In tractor production India i one o! the t*o larget manu!acturer in the *orld

along *ith 5hina. The u0continent tand a the >th larget producer o! truc in

the *orld. 5oming to The paenger car egment the countr( i poitioned ##th in

car production in the *orld. The Indian paenger car

maret i !ar !rom 0eing aturated leaving ample opportunit( !or volume gro*th

ince the per capita car penetration per #$$$ i onl( & compared to 1$$ in

8erman(. The production o! car in The countr( ha 0een gro*ing at a mammoth

%&.123 per annum !rom %$$%- $7 on*ard. In general car are 0roadl( clai!ied

a Mini 5ompact Mid-Si=e Executive / Premium varietie. There ha 0een a

tead( rie in compact car production !rom 777$$$ in %$$%-$7 to &#1$$$ in

%$$1- $' mid-i=e car !rom #%%$$$ to %$>$$$ no. executive car !rom %$$$ to

%7$$$ no. and premium variet( car !rom >$$$ in %$$%-$7 to 1$$$ no. in %$$1-

$'. The mini car egment production reduced !rom #1$$$$ in %$$%-$7 to 62$$$

no. in %$$1-$'. Thee tatitic vividl( reveal the increaing capacit( o! The

Indian cutomer thu driving The paenger car demand rapidl( up The price

ladder. Anal(t peculate car production in The u0-continent to touch #1&1$$$

in %$$6 and %'1>$$$ 0( %$#>. 5ar and MB export roe !rom &%$$$ in %$$%-$7 to reach #&'$$$ no. in %$$1-$' *ith gro*th D >2.#11 per annum !rom %$$%-

$7 on*ard.

ut o! The t*o *heeler produced in India motorc(cle account !or 2#.163

cooter a0out #7.>%3 and moped to the tune o! >.663 o! the total production.

The production tatitic *hich ho* The gro*th o! %*heeler D #'.123 per 

annum !rom %$$%-$7 on*ard. ut o! thi motorc(cle have exhi0ited production

gro*th D #6.663 per annum cooter D '.&>3 per annum / moped D %.'13

 per annum !rom %$$%-$7 on*ard. T*o *heeler production unit in India

contitute o! apanee EMS :riginal E)uipment Manu!acturer; *hich include

4ero 4onda Motor 4onda Motorc(cle / cooter India :P; 9td. Gamaha Motor 

India :P; 9td. / Su=ui Motorc(cle India :P; 9td. and Indian EM coniting o! 

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,ajaj Auto 9td. T S M o t o r 5ompan( 9td. 9M9 9td. Kinetic Engineering

9td. Majetic Auto 9td. Kinetic Motor 5ompan( 9td. and Ro(al En!ield o! 

Eicher 9td.

ut o! the a!orementioned 4ero 4onda account !or 76.113 ,ajaj Auto a0out

%'.2&3 TS Motor #&.623 4onda Motor &.6>3 Gamaha Motor 7.%&3

9M9 #.>#3 and The remaining %.623 o! The total % *heeler production in The

countr(. The export o! t*o *heeler made a igni!icant gro*th !rom a level o! 

#2$$$$ in %$$%-$7 to reach 1#7$$$ no. in %$$1-$'. The latet etimate put up

 production o! % *heeler to #7.' million 0( %$$6.

The production o! Multi Btilit( ehicle :M5; ha 0een ho*ing parling

gro*th D %7.2>3 per annum 9ight 5ommercial ehicle :95; D 71.>63 and

Iu=u Motor / "ian Motor 0elonging to 4itachi 9td. ! apan *ould 0egin

manu!acturing car in India.

Tata Motor i etting up it novel mall car production !acilit( near Kolata.

4(undai plan to mae India an export 0ae !or mall car. Telecon i inveting

a0out BSC 1> million !or production o! earth moving vehicleHcomponent at

Kharagpur in India. Alo 4onda Motorc(cle / cooter have am0itiou plan !or 

maing thi u0-continent a hu0 !or t*o *heeler export. All Thee !or*ard

to*ard !urther increae in demand !or auto component.

Auto Com+onent! (roduction Ran'e In India

India i 0eto*ed *ith excellent in!ratructure !or production o! auto component.

There are variou national and multinational companie in the countr( that have

 put up tate o! art auto component manu!acturing !acilitie. The production range

o! auto component in India. For man( o! the auto component teel remain the

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dominant material due to it veratilit( providing a *ide range o! propertie

through the choice o! appropriate com0ination o! compoition and proceing.

Along *ith The a0ove long term availa0ilit( o! ra* material good rec(cling

a0ilit( a relativel( !avoura0le price and The large experience 0aed no*ledge

!avour teel a a choice !or ue in auto component manu!acturing.

The teel re)uirement in general !or engine part uch a !an pulle( piton pin /

oil !an are met 0( lo* car0on teel medium car0on teelHallo( teel 0aed on

re)uiite mechanical propertie are applied !or cranha!t connecting rod

rocer arm ha!t e t c . hile lo* car0onHlo* car0on allo( cae hardening teel

are u e d ! o r moderatel(Heverel( treed component. Tranmiion part uch

a input ha!t output ha!t !ront axle rear axle ic do*n / revere 0and

 pinion ha!t clutch dic / plate automatic tranmiion component etc. are

made *ith medium car0onHallo( teel *hile The gear are made o! lo*

car0onHlo* car0on allo( cae hardening teel. Supenion and teering part uch

a nucle 0all tud arm ector ha!t arm part pitman / idler arm trut tie

rod end 0all joint tud center lin etc. are either made o! medium car0on teel

or allo( teel depending upon The con!erred propertie pring teel !or 

upenion pring *hile lo* car0on cae hardening teel are applied !or 

component that re)uire *ear reitance. ariou lo* car0onHlo* car0on allo(

teel are ued !or rivet 0olt nut / other !atener item. Steel re)uired !or 

chai component are met *ith cold !orming / *ielda0le lo* car0onHmicro

allo(ed teel heetHplate *hile deep dra*ing / extra deep dra*ing varietie o! 

teel heet are emplo(ed !or 0od(.

  Steel are haped !ormed heat treated andHor machined into automotive

component !ul!illing The peci!ic deign criteria re)uiring critical et o! 

 propertie lie trength / toughne !atigue / !racture reitance *ear reitance

corroion reitance etc. Technolog( o! machining !a0ricating or !orming o! 

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engineering component ha undergone rapid change *ith the advent o! 


Aided Manu!acturing (tem and ro0otic. 5one)uentl( the auto component

manu!acturer re)uire the highet degree o! conitenc( in the )ualit( o! the teel

 0oth metallurgical and dimenional. Alo the change in cutomer expectation

!or lighter more po*er!ul / !uel e!!icient vehicle *ith greater degree o! 

relia0ilit( / a!et( *ill continuoul( drive The teel indutr( to*ard

development and manu!acturing o! teel *ith cloer 0and o! metallurgical

 propertie ph(ical propertie leaner allo( compoition higher trength to

*eight ratio etc. at The mot competitive price.

Toda( automo0ile ector account !or &3 o! the total teel conumed in India. The

parling gro*th o! the automotive component indutr( and the automo0ile

indutr( in India tranlate into a tremendou potential and opportunit( !or 

dometic teel producer to cater to the need o! thee indutrie *here teel i the

mot vital input.

India Emerging a 4u0 !or Auto 5omponent Indian auto component indutr( i!at emerging a an attractive EM / Tier # upplier. The auto component export

!rom India roe !rom a mere BSC $.&'$ 0illion in %$$%-$7 to BSC #.2 0illion in

%$$1-$' ho*ing gro*th D >1.'#3 per annum !rom %$$%-$7 on*ard. In %$$1-

$' a0out 7'3 o! the component export headed !or Europe %'3 !or America

#'3 !or Aia #$3 to A!rica #$3 to Middle Eat #.13 to ceania and other

account !or $.13 o! the total export.

,aed on The parling gro*th in demand !or auto component glo0al auto

major and dometic giant have 0een inveting heavil( in India 0ecaue o! India@

competitive advantage. Accordingl( the total invetment in Indian auto

component indutr( ha 0een ho*ing a tremendou gro*th D %%.#%3 per annum

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!rom %$$%-$7 on*ard. The invetment i expected to rie !urther *ith huge

tride. Among variou invetment pumping in India auto part maer Ro0ert

,och o! 8erman( *ill invetment BSC %$#.> million in it Indian u0idiarie

over t*o (ear *ith 0ul o! invetment in Motor Indutrie 5o. 9td.:MI5;.4itachi 9td. o! apan i planning to tart auto component manu!acturing in India

*ith it E M - I u = u Motor / "ian Motor to 0egin manu!acturing car in

India. 8K" +riveline a *ing o! BK 0aed auto c o m p o n e n t manu!acturer 

8K" plan to open a ne* manu!acturing !acilit( in India. +u0ai 0aed auto

ancillar( Part International 5ompan( plan to invet a0out BSC 7.' million in

India over three (ear *hich include etting up a manu!acturing !acilit( to ervice

export to 5IS / SAAR5 countrie. Fiat India ha 0een taing

variou meaure to 0ecome a glo0al ourcing hu0 !or component 0( exporting

component *orth BSC 2.7 million lat (ear to it operation in South A!rica and

 plan to ource component *orth BSC %$$ million. 4(undai alread( inveted

BSC #6& million to uppl( tranmiion (tem gear 0oxe axle propeller ha!t

and aluminium preure die cating product to glo0al operation. +elphi i

 planning to ource component uch a piton rod teering (tem drive ha!tcatal(tic converter tamping in po*er train heet metalHtamping !or chai

and electrical part lie *iring harnee / armature motor *orth BSC %1$

million 0( %$$&. 8eneral Motor *hich preentl( i ourcing component *orth

BSC ' million !rom Indian upplier intend to hip part *orth BSC # 0illion !or 

it glo0al production unit 0( %$#$ and The component include cranha!t

!orging radiator cap gear 0oxe lea! pring *iring harnee / ca0le. Ford

Motor plan to ource component lie teering column allo( *heelcranha!t exhaut part complete engine !or IK" model radiator pring

cating !orging lea! pring 0od( panel horn dah 0oard aem0l( tarter

alternator / door trim !rom The preent level o! BSC #1$ million to around BSC

'$$ million 0( %$$6 !rom India. iteon *hich had alread( inveted BSC 1'

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million i ourcing component !or exterior intrument cluter aem0l( /

 0umper A5 (tem tarter motor alternator and panel intrument aem0l(

!rom India.

  Along *ith thi over %$ EM have et up International Purchaing !!ice

:IP; in India !or component and the !igure i expected to dou0le 0( %$#$.

5onidering the a0ove Indian auto component manu!acturer are u0tantiall(

increaing invetment in production capacitie eta0lihing partnerhip in India

/ a0road and have 0een inveting in or ac)uiring companie overea. In

continuation *ith thi glo0al multi national are hi!ting automotive deign

center into India *ith India evolving a an excellent automotive R / + 0ae !or 

 protot(ping teting validating and production o! auto component caued 0(

excellent IT ill / exemplar( automotive domain no*ledge.


ith increaed role o! outourcing in an integrated glo0al econom( and India

 0eing conidered a a lo* cot automotive component producer poe a greater edge in the glo0al maret apiring to capture #$3 hare o! the glo0al maret

*hich tranlate into an export target o! BSC%$ 0illion 0( %$#1. Alo 0( the

current trend in the dometic automotive indutr( the indigenou demand !or 

auto component i etimated to reach BSC%$ 0illion in The next #$ (ear.

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hat i maretingJ

There are man( di!!erent de!inition o! mareting. 5onider ome o! The

!ollo*ing alternative de!inition

LThe all-em0racing !unction that lin The 0uine *ith cutomer need and

*ant in order to get The right product to The right place at The right time

LThe achievement o! corporate goal through meeting and exceeding cutomer need 0etter than The competition

LThe management proce that identi!ie anticipate and upplie cutomer 

re)uirement e!!icientl( and pro!ita0l(

LMareting ma( 0e de!ined a a et o! human activitie directed at !acilitating and

conummating exchange

hich de!inition i rightJ In hort The( all are. The( all tr( to em0od( The

eence o! mareting

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N Mareting i a0out meeting The need and *ant o! cutomerO

N Mareting i a 0uine-*ide !unction it i not omething that operate alone

!rom other 0uine activitieO

N Mareting i a0out undertanding cutomer and !inding *a( to provide product or ervice *hich cutomer demand

To help put thing into context (ou ma( !ind it help!ul to o!ten re!er to The

!ollo*ing diagram *hich ummarie The e( element o! mareting and Their 


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It i a !undamental idea o! mareting that organiation urvive and proper 

through meeting The need and *ant o! cutomer. Thi important perpective i

commonl( no*n a The mareting concept.

The mareting concept i a0out matching a 5ompan(@ capa0ilitie *ith cutomer 

*ant. Thi matching proce tae place in *hat i called The mareting


,uinee do not undertae mareting activitie alone. The( !ace threat !rom

competitor and change in The political economic ocial and technologicalenvironment. All Thee !actor have to 0e taen into account a a 0uine trie to

match it capa0ilitie *ith The need and *ant o! it target cutomer.

An organiation that adopt The mareting concept accept The need o! potential

cutomer a The 0ai !or it operation. Succe i dependent on ati!(ing

cutomer need.

hat are cutomer need and *antJ

A need i a 0aic re)uirement that an individual *ihe to ati!(.

People have 0aic need !or !ood helter a!!ection eteem and el!-development.

Man( o! Thee need are created !rom human 0iolog( and The nature o! ocial

relationhip. 5utomer need are There!ore ver( 0road.

5utomer need are 0road cutomer *ant are uuall( )uite narro*.

A *ant i a deire !or a peci!ic product or ervice to ati!( The underl(ing need.

5onider thi example

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5onumer need to eat *hen the( are hungr(. hat the( *ant to eat and in *hat

ind o! environment *ill var( enormoul(. For ome eating at Mc+onald

ati!ie the need to meet hunger. For other a micro*ave read(-meal meet the

need. Some conumer are never ati!ied unle Their !ood come erved *ith a 0ottle o! !ine 5hardonna(.

5onumer *ant are haped 0( ocial and cultural !orce The media and

mareting activitie o! 0uinee.

Thi lead onto another important concept - that o! cutomer demand

5onumer demand i a *ant !or a peci!ic product upported 0( an a0ilit( and*illingne to pa( !or it.

For example man( conumer around the glo0e *ant a Mercede. ,ut relativel(

!e* are a0le and *illing to 0u( one.

,uinee there!ore have not onl( to mae product that conumer *ant 0ut

The( alo have to mae Them a!!orda0le to a u!!icient num0er to create pro!ita0le


,uinee do not create cutomer need or The ocial tatu in *hich cutomer 

need are in!luenced. It i not Mc+onald that mae people hungr(. 4o*ever

 0uinee do tr( to in!luence demand 0( deigning product and ervice that are




N Are availa0le

,uinee alo tr( to communicate The relevant !eature o! Their product

through advertiing and other mareting promotion.

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Re!earch $ethodo)o'y


Re!earch  can 0e de!ined to 0e earch !or no*ledge or an( (tematic

invetigation to eta0lih !act. The primar( purpoe !or applied reearch i

dicovering interpreting and The development o! method and (tem !or The

advancement o! human no*ledge on a *ide variet( o! cienti!ic matter o! our 

*orld and The univere.

Thee clai!ication are made according to the o0jective o! the reearch. In ome

cae the reearch *ill !all into one o! thee categorie 0ut in other cae di!!erent

 phae o! the ame reearch project *ill !all into di!!erent categorie.

E7+)oratory re!earch  ha the goal o! !ormulating pro0lem more preciel(

clari!(ing concept gathering explanation gaining inight eliminating

impractical idea and !orming h(pothee. Explorator( reearch can 0e per!ormed

uing a literature earch urve(ing certain people a0out their experience !ocu

group and cae tudie. hen urve(ing people explorator( reearch tudie

*ould not tr( to ac)uire a repreentative ample 0ut rather ee to intervie*

thoe *ho are no*ledgea0le and *ho might 0e a0le to provide inight concerning

the relationhip among varia0le. 5ae tudie can include contrating ituation or  0enchmaring againt an organi=ation no*n !or it excellence. Explorator(

reearch ma( develop h(pothee 0ut it doe not ee to tet them. Explorator(

reearch i characteri=ed 0( it !lexi0ilit(.

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9 De!cri+ti/e re!earch  i more rigid than explorator( reearch and ee to

decri0e uer o! a product determine the proportion o! the population that ue a

 product or predict !uture demand !or a product. A oppoed to explorator(

reearch decriptive reearch hould de!ine )uetion people urve(ed and themethod o! anal(i prior to 0eginning data collection. In other *ord the *ho

*hat *here *hen *h( and ho* apect o! the reearch hould 0e de!ined. Such

 preparation allo* one the opportunit( to mae an( re)uired change 0e!ore the

cotl( proce o! data collection ha 0egun.

There are t*o 0aic t(pe o! decriptive reearch longitudinal tudie and cro-

ectional tudie. 9ongitudinal tudie are time erie anal(e that mae repeated

meaurement o! the ame individual thu allo*ing one to monitor 0ehavior uch

a 0rand-*itching. 4o*ever longitudinal tudie are not necearil(

repreentative ince man( people ma( re!ue to participate 0ecaue o! the

commitment re)uired. 5ro-ectional tudie ample the population to mae

meaurement at a peci!ic point in time. A pecial t(pe o! cro-ectional anal(i

i a cohort anal(i *hich trac an aggregate o! individual *ho experience the

ame event *ithin the ame time interval over time. 5ohort anal(e are ue!ul !or 

long-term !orecating o! product demand.

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2indin'! and Ana)y!i!



A'e Grou+ Re!+ondent!

Bpto %1 Gear #$

%'-71 Gear %1

7'->1 (ear 7$

>'-'$ %$

'$ and a0ove #1

Tota) 3;;

7/25/2019 Hyundai Motors Ltd 20/40


The maximum 0u(er o! 4(undai car a per the urve( ho* that the cutomer

!rom the age group o! %1-71 and 7'->1.The people !rom age group 0elo* %1 and

a0ove '$ are le 0u(er o! the vehicle



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 %%3 cutomer thought that the car !eature *arrant( and ervice chedule *a

excellentl( explained *hile 23 cutomer *ith diati!ied. 1%3 conidered them

good *hile #13 rated them a average.


7/25/2019 Hyundai Motors Ltd 22/40



5onvenient place.

5hange o! genuine pare part.

9arge pace

?ualit( ervice.

,etter a!ter ale ervice.

Attending complaint promptl(.

Maintaining cutomer relationhip.

7/25/2019 Hyundai Motors Ltd 23/40

More ale promotional activitie.


Thin mechanic !orce

ea competitive trategie.

9ac o! latet technolog(

4igh maintenance cot.

+ela( in ervice


Eta0lihed 0rand name.

Increaed purchaing po*er o! Indian 5onumer.

8ro*ing demand

9aunch o! ne* product lie i-7$ in the pipeline.


Increaed competition.

9o in maret hare.

9ac o! latet maret in!ormation.


7/25/2019 Hyundai Motors Ltd 24/40



From the !inding and anal(i it i clear that 4(undai 5ar i highl( pre!erred

*hen compared to the other 0rand o! car in the ame egment.

ith the anal(i through the urve( conducted !or a period o! % month in +elhi

on the conumer ati!action o! Mg! 4(undai 5ar +ealer the !inding and anal(i

ho* that 2$3 o! the conumer are happ( *ith the dealer and alo ale ervice

and ret %$3 o! them a( that the( are diati!ied.

Since each cutomer i lie an aet !or an organi=ation the compan( hould tr( to

improve in the area o! diati!action.

e no* that getting ne* cutomer i dou0le the cot o! retaining the old

cutomer o the compan( hould !ocu on retaining the old cutomer *hom a in

the !uture purchae the product or recommend other to purchae the product.

Thu the( help directl( or indirectl( !or the product ale.

5hange i the onl( thin to retain and attract the cutomer o the compan( hould

identi!( the need and dr( to !ul!ill them.


3. Boo-!

Kothari 5.R. Reearch Methodolog( 7 rd edition #66& ia Pu0lihing 4oue

Pvt. 9td. "e* +elhi.

7/25/2019 Hyundai Motors Ltd 25/40

Kotler Philip Mareting Management #7th  edition %$$6 +orling Kinderle(

:India; Pvt.

9td. South Aia.

arhne( / 8uptaO Mareting Management Sultan 5hand / Son %$$1.

8upta S.9. Mareting Reearch Excel ,oo %$$>.

Kotler / ArmtrongO Principle o! Mareting Management Prentice hall India


AaerO Mareting Reearch ohn ille( / Son %$$#.

4. Ne8!+a+er!

Time o! India $>H$1H$6 "e* +elhi

Time o! India $'H$'H$6 "e* +elhi

Auto (art!

et Edmonton 4(undai o!!er an extenive inventor( o! "yundai auto

+art! in Edmonton. ur experienced ta!! can help (ou locate hard to !ind4(undai car part and acceorie.

7/25/2019 Hyundai Motors Ltd 26/40

iit our part department located at #$#%$-#&2 St or !ill out ourconvenient online part order !orm. 5hec our ite o!ten !or current pecial on auto part and acceorieQ ant to peronali=e (our vehicleJ Increae it@

 per!ormanceJ Improve !uel-econom(J ur part department i the place togoQ ur pro!eional have on hand or *ill *or to !ind (our needed4(undai part.

hile (ou are here pleae tae a loo around the ret o! our Edmonton4(undai virtual dealerhip. ,e ure to 0ro*e our online inventor( o! ne*and ued 4(undai car and eep a0reat o! the latet model andimprovement.

hat "a++en! After I Order a (art?

I! (ou no* the name or inventor( num0er o! (our part pleae ue ouronline !orm to place an order. ther*ie !eel !ree to call #-2&&-272-7'##and a Part +epartment expert *ill determine exactl( *hat (ou need. Bponu0mitting (our in!ormation *e *ill

• Repond to (ou promptl( via (our pre!erred contact method.• A an( additional )uetion re)uired to identi!( (our part re)uet.• 5on!irm (our order and pricing.


A +i!ton i a component o! reciprocating engine reciprocating pump gacompreor and pneumatic c(linder among other imilar mechanim. It ithe moving component that i contained 0( a c(linder  and i made ga-tight

 0( piton ring. In an engine it purpoe i to tran!er !orce !rom expandingga in the c(linder to the cranha!t via a piton rod andHor connecting rod.In a pump the !unction i revered and !orce i tran!erred !rom thecranha!t to the piton !or the purpoe o! compreing or ejecting the !luidin the c(linder. In ome engine the piton alo act a a valve 0( coveringand uncovering port in the c(linder *all.

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Piston engines

nternal combustion engines

Internal com0ution engine piton ectioned to ho* the gudgeon pin.

The piton o! an internal com0ution engine i acted upon 0( the preure o! the expanding com0ution gae in the com0ution cham0er  pace at the topo! the c(linder. Thi !orce then act do*n*ard through the connecting rodand onto the cranha!t. The connecting rod i attached to the piton 0( a*ivelling gudgeon pin  :BS *rit pin;. Thi pin i mounted *ithin the

 piton unlie the team engine there i no piton rod or crohead.

The pin itel! i o! hardened teel and i !ixed in the piton 0ut !ree to movein the connecting rod. A !e* deign ue a @!ull( !loating@ deign that i looein 0oth component. All pin mut 0e prevented !rom moving ide*a( andthe end o! the pin digging into the c(linder *all uuall( 0( circlip.

8a ealing i achieved 0( the ue o! piton ring. Thee are a num0er o! narro* iron ring !itted looel( into groove in the piton jut 0elo* thecro*n. The ring are plit at a point in the rim allo*ing them to preagaint the c(linder *ith a light pring preure. T*o t(pe o! ring are uedthe upper ring have olid !ace and provide ga ealingO lo*er ring havenarro* edge and a B-haped pro!ile to act a oil craper. There are man(

 proprietar( and detail deign !eature aociated *ith piton ring.

Piton are cat !rom aluminium allo(. For 0etter trength and !atigue li!eome racing piton ma( 0e !orged intead. Earl( piton *ere o! cat iron

 0ut there *ere o0viou 0ene!it !or engine 0alancing i! a lighter allo( could

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 0e ued. To produce piton that could urvive engine com0utiontemperature it *a necear( to develop ne* allo( uch a G allo(  and4iduminium peci!icall( !or ue a piton.

A !e* earl( ga enginenote #  had dou0le-acting c(linder 0ut other*iee!!ectivel( all internal com0ution engine piton are ingle-acting. +uringorld ar II the BS u0marine Pompanonote % *a !itted *ith a protot(peo! the in!amoul( unrelia0le 4..R. dou0le-acting t*o-troe dieel engine.Although compact !or ue in a cramped u0marine thi deign o! engine*a not repeated.

Media related to Internal com0ution engine piton  at iimedia5ommon

(i!ton rin'

A +i!ton rin' i a plit ring that !it into a groove on the outer diameter o! a piton  in a reciprocating engine uch a an internal com0ution engine  or team engine.

The three main !unction o! piton ring in reciprocating engine are

#. Sealing the com0utionHexpanion cham0er.%. Supporting heat tran!er !rom the piton to the c(linder  *all.7. Regulating engine oil conumption.#

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The gap in the piton ring compree to a !e* thouandth o! an inch *heninide the c(linder 0ore


The plit piton ring *a invented 0( ohn Ram0ottom *ho reported the 0ene!it to the Intitution o! Mechanical Engineer in #21>. It oon replacedthe hemp pacing hitherto ued in team engine.% The ue o! piton ring atonce dramaticall( reduced the !rictional reitance the leaage o! team andthe ma o! the piton leading to igni!icant increae in po*er ande!!icienc( and longer maintenance interval.


Mot automotive piton have three ring The top t*o *hile alo controllingoil are primaril( !or compreion ealing :compreion ring;O the lo*er ringi !or controlling the uppl( o! oil to the liner *hich lu0ricate the pitonirt and the compreion ring :oil control ring;. At leat t*o piton ringare !ound on mot piton and c(linder com0ination. T(pical compreionring deign *ill have an eentiall( rectangular cro ection or a e(tone:right angled trape=oidal; cro ection. The peripher( *ill then have either a

 0arrel pro!ile :top compreion ring; or a taper napier !orm :econdcompreion ring or craper ring;. There are ome taper !aced top ringand on ome old engine imple plain !aced ring *ere ued.

il control ring t(picall( are o! three t(pe

#. ingle piece cat iron%. helical pring 0aced cat iron or teel7. multipiece teel

The pring 0aced oil ring and the cat iron oil ring have eentiall( theame range o! peripheral !orm *hich conit o! t*o craping land o! variou detailed !orm. The multipiece oil control ring uuall( conit o! t*orail or egment :thee are thin teel ring; *ith a pacer expander pring*hich eep the t*o rail apart and provide the radial load.

The piton might 0e a !airl( looe !it in the c(linder. I! it *ere a tight !it it*ould expand a it got hot and might tic tight in the c(linder. I! a pitontic :ei=e; it could caue eriou damage to the engine. n the other 

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hand i! there i too much clearance 0et*een the piton and c(linder *allmuch o! the preure !rom the 0urning gaoline vapour *ill lea pat the

 piton :a condition no*n a  0lo*-0(; and into the crancae and the puhon the piton !rom com0ution *ill 0e much le e!!ective in delivering


Wear due to ring load on the bore

Piton ring are u0ject to *ear a the( move up and do*n the c(linder 0oredue to their o*n inherent load and due to the ga load acting on the ring. Tominimi=e thi the( are made o! *ear-reitant material uch a cat ironand teel and are coated or treated to enhance the *ear reitance. T*o-troe port deign i critical to ring li!e. "e*er modern motorc(clemanu!acturer have man( ingle !unction 0ut errated port to retain the

ring. T(picall( top ring and oil control ring *ill 0e coated *ith chromium7 or "itrided> poi0l( plama pra(ed 1 or have a P+ :ph(ical vapour depoit;'  ceramic coating. For enhanced cu!! reitance and !urther improved *ear mot modern dieel engine have top ring coated *ith amodi!ied chromium coating no*n a 5KS7  or 8+57  a patent coating!rom 8oet=e *hich ha aluminium oxide or diamond particle repectivel(included in the chrome ur!ace. The lo*er oil control ring i deigned toleave a lu0ricating oil !ilm a !e* micrometre thic on the 0ore a the

 piton decend. Three piece oil ring i.e. *ith t*o rail and one pacer areued !or !our-troe gaoline engine.


The cran-!haft ometime a00reviated to crank  i the part o! an enginethat tranlate reciprocating linear   piton motion into rotation. To convert the

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reciprocating motion into rotation the cranha!t ha <cran thro*< or <cranpin< additional 0earing ur!ace *hoe axi i o!!et !rom that o! thecran to *hich the <0ig end< o! the connecting rod !rom each c(linder attach.

It t(picall( connect to a !l(*heel and to reduce the pulation characteritico! the !our-troe c(cle and ometime a torional or vi0rational damper atthe oppoite end to reduce the torional vi0ration o!ten caued along thelength o! the cranha!t 0( the c(linder !arthet !rom the output end actingon the torional elaticit( o! the metal.


A Roman iron cranha!t o! (et unno*n purpoe dating to the %nd centur(

A+ *a excavated in Auguta Raurica S*it=erland. The 2%.1 cm long pieceha !itted to one end a #1 cm long 0ron=e handle the other handle 0eing lot.%#

Roman 4ierapoli a*mill  !rom the 7rd centur( A+ the earliet no*nmachine to com0ine a cran *ith a connecting rod.7

The earliet evidence an(*here in the *orld !or a cran and connecting rodin a machine appear in the late Roman 4ierapoli a*mill  !rom the 7rdcentur( A+ and t*o Roman tone a*mill  at 8eraa Roman S(ria and

Epheu Aia Minor   :0oth 'th centur( A+;.7  n the  pediment  o! the4ierapoli mill a *ater*heel !ed 0( a mill race i ho*n tranmitting po*er through a gear train to t*o !rame a* *hich cut rectangular 0loc 0( *a(o! ome ind o! connecting rod and through mechanical neceit( cran.The accompan(ing incription i in 8ree .>

The cran and connecting rod mechanim o! the other t*o archaeologicall(atteted a*mill *ored *ithout a gear train.1' In ancient literature *e!ind a re!erence to the *oring o! *ater-po*ered mar0le  a* cloe toTrier  no* 8erman( 0( the late >th centur( poet AuoniuO7 a0out the ametime thee mill t(pe eem alo to 0e indicated 0( the 5hritian aint8regor( o! "(a  !rom Anatolia demontrating a diveri!ied ue o! *ater-

 po*er in man( part o! the Roman Empire.& The three !ind puh 0ac thedate o! the invention o! the cran and connecting rod 0ac 0( a !ullmillenniumO7 !or the !irt time all eential component o! the much later team engine *ere aem0led 0( one technological culture

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ith the cran and connecting rod (tem all element !or contructing ateam engine :invented in #&#%; 4ero@ aeolipile  :generating team

 po*er; the c(linder  and piton :in metal !orce pump; non-return valve :in*ater pump; gearing :in *ater mill and cloc; *ere no*n in Romantime

Cy)inder head

In an internal com0ution engine the cy)inder head :o!ten in!ormall(a00reviated to jut head; it a0ove the c(linder on top o! the c(linder

 0loc . It cloe in the top o! the c(linder !orming the com0ution cham0er .Thi joint i ealed 0( a head gaet. In mot engine the head alo providepace !or the paage that !eed air and !uel to the c(linder and that allo*the exhaut to ecape. The head can alo 0e a place to mount the valvepar plug and !uel injector.

In a !lathead or idevalve engine the mechanical part o! the valve train are

all contained *ithin the 0loc and the head i eentiall( a metal plate 0olted to the top o! the 0locO thi impli!ication avoid the ue o! moving part in the head and eae manu!acture and repair and account !or the!lathead engine@ earl( ucce in production automo0ile and continueducce in mall engine uch a la*nmo*er. Thi deign ho*everre)uire the incoming air to !lo* through a convoluted path *hich limit thea0ilit( o! the engine to per!orm at higher revolution per minute :rpm;

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leading to the adoption o! the overhead valve :4; head deign and theu0e)uent overhead camha!t :45; deign.


Internall( the c(linder head ha paage called port or tract !or the!uelHair mixture to travel to the inlet valve !rom the intae mani!old !orexhaut gae to travel !rom the exhaut valve to the exhaut mani!old. In a*ater-cooled engine the c(linder head alo contain integral duct and

 paage !or the engine@ coolant - uuall( a mixture o! *ater and anti!ree=e - to !acilitate the tran!er o! exce heat a*a( !rom the head and there!orethe engine in general.

In the overhead valve :4; deign the c(linder head contain the poppet

valve and the par plug along *ith tract or @port@ !or the inlet andexhaut gae. The operation o! the valve i initiated 0( the engine@camha!t *hich i ited *ithin the c(linder 0loc and it moment o!operation i tranmitted to the valve puhrod and then rocer arm mounted on a rocer ha!t - the rocer arm and ha!t alo 0eing located*ithin the c(linder head.

In the 45 deign the c(linder head contain the valve par plug andinletHexhaut tract jut lie the 4 engine 0ut the camha!t i no* alocontained *ithin the c(linder head. The camha!t ma( 0e eated centrall(

 0et*een each o!!et ro* o! inlet and exhaut valve and till alo utili=ingrocer arm :0ut *ithout an( puhrod; or the camha!t ma( 0e eateddirectl( a0ove the valve eliminating the rocer arm and utili=ing @0ucet@tapet.

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"yundai i4;

+er "yundai i4;  it ein Klein*agen der 4(undai Motor 5ompan(. Er itder "ach!olger de 4(undai 8et= und *urde im Septem0er %$$2 au! dem

Mondial de lUAutomo0ile ertmal vorgetellt.#

 Mit dem neuen "amen reihter ich exat =*ichen i#$ und i7$ ein. +ie deutche 4Vndlerpremiere !andam '. MVr= %$$6 tatt.

Seit Mai %$#$ *erden jVhrlich ca. 2$.$$$ Exemplare in der TWrei ge!ertigt.


+er i%$ *ar an!ang nur al !Wn!tWrige Steilhec erhVltlich. Im April %$$6*urde der +reitWrer einge!Whrt der &1$ X *eniger otet.

+ie AuYena0meung dieer 0eiden arianten untercheiden ich mit einer 9Vnge von 76> m und einer ,reite von #&# m nicht. +er Radtand 0etrVgtlaenW0liche %17 m *odurch der i%$ durch relativ ur=e Z0erhVnge vorn:&21 mm; und hinten :'7$ mm; au!!Vllt. +a Ko!!erraumvolumen von +rei-und FWn!tWrer 0etrVgt %61 9iter. +er Ko!!erraum lVt durch Bmlappen der '$>$ geteilten RWcit=0an au! #$'$ 9iter er*eitern.

+an guter FuYgVngericherhei

t und erienmVYigem ESP hat der i%$ im neueten Euro "5AP-5rahtet die

,et*ertung von !Wn! Sternenerreicht

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 Ausstattung für Deutschland

FWr den i%$ tehen drei Autattunglinien =ur Au*ahl Classic Comfort 

und Style

+ie 8rundautattung Classic  it dem Eintieg0en=iner vor0ehalten.Stattdeen ent!Vllt !Wr den leinten ,en=iner die Topautattung Style. er =u einem #' 9iter groYen Motor grei!en m[chte o0 nun +ieel oder ,en=iner mu die Autattungvariante Style  *Vhlen. +ie erlVrt denteil*eie 0eachtlichen Preiprung =*ichen den ein=elnen Motoren. FWr 

 jede Motoriierung ind daher nur ein oder =*ei Autattunglinien *Vhl0ar.

+er Classic =eichnet ich durch unlacierte TWrgri!!e und AuYenpiegel au.Al ein=ige Modell teht er au! #><-StahlrVdern der Rei!endimenion

#&1H&$ R#>. FWr alle anderen Modelle ind #1<-RVder :Stahl!elgen !Wr Comfort  Alu!elgen !Wr Style; au! #21H'$ R#1 groYen Rei!en Serientandardin +eutchland.

+er Style  ver!Wgt erienmVYig W0er da 5olorpaet *elche !ar0igeSit=0e=Wge :rot oder 0lau a0geet=t; und Metallic- 0=*. Minerale!!et-9acierung 0einhaltet. "ur !Wr ihn it eine Klimaautomati ver!Wg0ar.\uYerlich he0t er ich durch eine 5hromleite im KWhlergrill von denanderen arianten a0. Im Interieur *urde il0erne Alu-]ierrat an Stelle vonch*ar=em Kuntto!! ver0aut.


]u ,eginn tanden !Wr den i%$ drei Reihenvier=(linder -ttomotoren=*ichen 1& :&2 PS; und 67 :#%' PS; und ein Reihenvier=(linder-+ieelmotor  mit 21 :##' PS; =ur Au*ahl. +er #% 9iter groYe und2% g leichte @Kappa@-Motor  it eine omplette "euent*iclung und oll imi%$ 1% 9iter ver0rauchen. +ie er0rVuche der 0eiden gr[Yeren @8amma@-,en=iner  mit 5T-entilteuerung !allen mit '$ 9iter :#.>; 0=*. '# 9iter 

Super :#.'; h[her au. +er paramte i%$ it der #.' 5R+i mit >> 9iterner0rauch au! #$$ m.

7/25/2019 Hyundai Motors Ltd 36/40


Man( high per!ormance cranha!t are !ormed 0( the !orging proce in*hich a 0illet o! uita0le i=e i heated to the appropriate !orgingtemperature t(picall( in the range o! #61$ - %%1$^F and then ucceivel(

 pounded or preed into the deired hape 0( )uee=ing the 0illet 0et*een pair o! die under ver( high preure. Thee die et have the concavenegative !orm o! the deired external hape. 5omplex hape and H or extreme de!ormation o!ten re)uire more than one et o! die to accomplihthe haping.

riginall( t*o-plane 2 cran *ere !orged in a ingle plane then thenum0er t*o and !our main journal *ere reheated and t*ited 6$^ to movecranpin num0er t*o and three into a perpendicular plane. 9ater development in !orging technolog( allo*ed the !orging o! a %-plane <non-t*it< cran directl( :2i'ure 5;.

5ranha!t at the upper end o! the motorport pectrum are manu!actured!rom 0illet. ,illet cranha!t are !ull( machined !rom a round 0ar :<0illet<;o! the elected material :2i'ure 6;. Thi method o! manu!acture provide

extreme !lexi0ilit( o! deign and allo* rapid alteration to a deign inearch o! optimal per!ormance characteritic. In addition to the !ull(-machined ur!ace the 0illet proce mae it much eaier to locate thecounter*eight and journal *e0 exactl( *here the deigner *ant them to

 0e. Thi proce involve demanding machining operation epeciall( *ithregard to counter*eight haping and undercutting ri!le-drilling main androd journal and drilling lu0rication paage. The availa0ilit( o! multi-axi

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high-peed high preciion 5"5 machining e)uipment ha made the carved-!rom-0illet method )uite cot-e!!ective and together *ith exacting 7+-5A+and FEA deign methodologie ha ena0led the manu!acture o! extremel(

 precie cranha!t *hich o!ten re)uire ver( little in the *a( o! u0e)uentmaaging !or 0alance purpoe. There i an old argument that a !orgedcran i uperior to a 0illet cran 0ecaue o! the allegedl( uninterruptedgrain !lo* that can 0e o0tained in the !orging proce. That might 0e true o! ome component 0ut *ith repect to cranha!t the argument !ail

 0ecaue o! the large dilocation in the material that are necear( to movethe cranpin and counter*eight material !rom the center o! the !orging 0lan to the outer extreme o! the part. The reulting grain tructure in the t(pical2 cran !orging exhi0it imilar !ractured grain propertie to that o! amachined 0illet. More than one cranha!t manu!acturer ha told me thatthere i no *a( that a !orging !rom the commonl( ued teel allo( SAE->7>$

:AMS-'>#>; *ould urvive in one o! toda(@ 5up engine.

Some (ear ago there *a an e!!ort at 5o*orth to 0uild a Formula necranha!t 0( *elding together variou ection *hich compried the

 journal *e0 and counter*eight. The purported intent *a to 0e 0etter a0le to create exactl( the hape and ection o! the variou componentthere0( reducing MMI *hile achieving the ame or 0etter ti!!ne. hileno one *a *illing to divulge detail a0out the e!!ort it i rumored to have

 0een run once or t*ice then a0andoned due to the high cot and complexit(compared to the meaura0le 0ene!it.

In certain cae there are 0ene!it to the ue o! a 0uilt-up cranha!t.,ecaue o! the _mater-rodU mechanim necear( !or the implementation o! the radial piton engine that po*ered mot aircra!t until *ell into theecond hal! o! the %$th centur( a 0olted-together cranha!t con!iguration*a ued almot excluivel(. 2i'ure >  illutrate a t(pical t*o-ro*compoite radial cranha!t and mater-rod la(out. The looe counter*eight*ill 0e addreed later in thi article.

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The teel allo( t(picall( ued in high trength cranha!t have 0eenelected !or *hat each deigner perceive a the mot deira0le com0inationo! propertie. 2i'ure @  ho* the nominal chemitrie o! the cranha!tallo( dicued here.

Medium-car0on teel allo( are compoed o! predominantl( the elementiron and contain a mall percentage o! car0on :$.%13 to $.>13 decri0eda _%1 to >1 pointU o! car0on; along *ith com0ination o! everal allo(ingelement the mix o! *hich ha 0een care!ull( deigned in order to producepeci!ic )ualitie in the target allo( including hardena0ilit( nitrida0ilit(ur!ace and core hardne ultimate tenile trength (ield trengthendurance limit :!atigue trength; ductilit( impact reitance corroionreitance and temper-em0rittlement reitance. The allo(ing elementt(picall( ued in thee car0on teel are manganee chromium

mol(0denum nicel ilicon co0alt vanadium and ometime aluminiumand titanium. Each o! thoe element add peci!ic propertie in a givenmaterial. The car0on content i the main determinant o! the ultimate trengthand hardne to *hich uch an allo( can 0e heat treated.

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On this page we present some technical definitions that are used to describe aninternal combustion engine. The figure shows a computer animation of onecylinder of the Wright brothers' 1903 aircraft engine. A small section of the

cranshaft is shown in red! the piston and piston rod are shown in gray! and thecylinder which contains the piston is shown in blue. We ha"e cut the cylinder sothat we can note the mo"ement of the piston.

The cranshaft maes one re"olution while the piston mo"es from the top of thecylinder #lower left in the figure$ to the bottom #upper right$ and bac to the top.%ince the piston is connected to the cranshaft! we can note the mo"ement of the piston by the angle of rotation of the cranshaft.

&ero degrees occurs when the piston is at the top of the cylinder. %ince there are30 degrees in one re"olution! the piston is at the bottom when the cran! angleis 1(0 degrees. The distance tra"eled by the piston from )ero degrees to 1(0degrees is called the stro!e " S of the piston. This e*plains why the Wrightengine and modern automobile engines are called four+stroe engines. Thepiston maes four stroes and the cranshaft maes two re"olutions betweencombustion firings. The diameter of the piston! and the inside diameter of thecylinder! is called the bore " #. %o the area A of the head of the piston is pi

#3.1,1-9$ times the diameter suared di"ided by four.

 A / pi 2 4 ,

The "olume swept out during any complete stroe is the piston area times thestroe5

6 / pi % 2 4 ,

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This "olume is called the $or!ing %lui& 'olume because the wor performed bya mo"ing gas under pressure is eual to the pressure of the gas times the"olume of gas which is mo"ed. 7or their 1903 engine! the Wright brothersselected a bore of , inches and a stroe of , inches. The woring fluid "olume for one piston is then -0. cubic inches. The brothers used four pistons! so the sum

of all of the woring "olumes is 01 cubic inches. 7or any internal combustionengine! the sum of all of the woring "olumes of all the cylinders is called thetotal &is(lacement of the engine.