Hybrid WENO-FD and RKDG Method for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws Tiegang Liu School of Mathematics...

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Hybrid WENO-FD and RKDG Method for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

Tiegang Liu

School of Mathematics and Systems Science BeiHang University

10-14 Sept, 2013


Joint work with Jian Cheng



RKDG and WENO-FD methods

Hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method

Numerical results

Conclusions and future work


Adjoint method: requiring steady viscous flow field computation for 5x102~103

intermediate shapes of aircrafts (convergence error of 10-6) 5~10hours parallel computation for a steady viscous flow field passing over a

whole aircraft by usual 2nd order high resolution methods with multigrid technique Totally 3monthes ~ half year computation for completing one round of design


Strategy◦ 1 order faster 3rd order flow solver

◦ 1 order faster optimization solver under nonlinear N-S equation constrains

Currently available 3rd order high resolution methods◦ DG: RKDG, HDG, …◦ Finite difference WENO (WENO-FD)◦ Finite volume WENO (WENO-FV)◦ Compact Schemes◦ Spectrum Methods



Bold: computational cost; * : without limiter

method Surface GPs Volume GPs Reconst Surface flux Surface Integral

Volume Integral

2D Scalar

3D Euler


FD0 0 4*2 4/2 0 0 10 75


FD0 0 4*3 4/2 0 0 14 100


FV2*4 0 8*4 4*2/2 4/2 0 38 1035


FV3*4 0 12*9 3*4/2 4/2 0 116 7440

3rd-DG 3*4 9 0 3*4/2 6*4/2 5 44 735

5th-DG 5*4 25 0 5*4/2 15*4/2 14 99 2425


• Hybrid techniques might be the way for solving 3D high Reynolds number compressible flow– Hybrid Mesh : AMR, DDM– Hybrid Methodology


• Multi-domain methods

• Hybrid methods– Hybrid finite compact-WENO scheme– Multi-domain hybrid spectral-WENO methods– Etc.

Patched grids Overlapping grids




RKDG and WENO-FD methods

Hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method

Numerical results

Conclusions and future work


RKDG methods

Two dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws:


( ) ( ) 0 in (0, )

( , ,0) ( , )

t x yu f u g u T

u x y u x y

The solution and test function space:

{ ( , ) : ( , ) | ( )}j

K kh jV v x y v x y P

DG adopts a series of local basis over target cell:

( ){ ( , ), 0,1,..., ; ( 1)( 2) / 2 1}lv x y l K K k k

The numerical solution can be written as:

( )( , , ) ( ) ( , )h ll


u x y t u t v x y

Spatial discretization:

RKDG methods

Multiply test functions and integrate over target cell:

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( , ) ( ( ), ( )) ( , )

( ( ) ( , ) ( ) ( , )) 0

j j


h l h h T l

h l h l

du v x y dxdy f u g u nv x y ds


f u v x y g u v x y dxdyx y

0, ...,l k

where ( , )x yn n n

On cell boundaries, the numerical solution is discontinuous, a numerical flux based on Riemann solution is used to replace the original flux:

,( ( ), ( )) ( , )j

h h Tnf u g u n h u u

Time discretization:

third-order Runge-Kutta method

WENO-FD(finite difference based WENO)

WENO methods

Efficient for structured mesh

Not applicable for unstructured mesh

Difficult in treatment of complex boundaries

Easy in treatment of complex boundaries

Costly and troublesome for maintaining higher order for unstructured mesh

WENO-FV has computational count 4 times (2D)/9 times (3D)larger than WENO-FD for 3rd order accuracy!

WENO-FV(finite volume based WENO)

WENO-FD schemes

Two dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws:


( ) ( ) 0 in (0, )

( , ,0) ( , )

t x yu f u g u T

u x y u x y

For a WENO-FD scheme, uniform grid is required and solve directly using a conservative approximation to the space derivative:

,1 1 1 1

, , , ,2 2 2 2

1 1ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ( ) ( ) 0i j

i j i j i j i j

duf f g g

dt x y

The numerical fluxes are obtained by one dimensional WENO-FD approximation procedure.

1 1, ,

2 2

ˆ ˆ, ,i j i jf g

Spatial discretization:

WENO-FD schemes

One dimensional WENO-FD procedure: (5th-order WENO-FD)

WENO construct polynomial q (x) on each candidate stencil S0,S1,S2 and use the convex combination of all candidate stencils to achieve high order accurate.

The numerical flux for 5th order WENO-FD:

0 0 0 0 31 1 2 2 1 3


1 1 1 1 31 1 2 2 1 3


2 2 2 2 31 1 2 2 1 3


( )

( )

( )

j j jj

j j jj

j j jj

q a f a f a f O x

q a f a f a f O x

q a f a f a f O x

0 1 21 0 1 1 1 2 1

2 2 2 2

ˆj j j j

f d q d q d q

WENO-FD schemes

Classical WENO schemes use the smooth indicator(Jiang and Shu JCP,1996) of each stencil as follows:

The nonlinear weights are given by:

One dimensional WENO-FD procedure: (5th-order WENO-FD)



12 1 2


( )( )



l kr x lk lx


q xx dx


1 2


0,1,..., 1( )

k kk kr


dw k r

The numerical flux for 5th order WENO-FD:

0 1 21 0 1 1 1 2 1

2 2 2 2

ˆj j j j

f w q w q w q



Advantage Well in handling complex geometries

Highly efficient in structured grid

WeaknessExpensive in computational

costs and storage requirements

Only in uniform mesh and hard in handling complex geometry



RKDG and WENO-FD methods

Hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method

Numerical results

Conclusions and future work


Multidomain hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method


Couple RKDG and WENO-FD based on domain decompositionCombine advantages of both RKDG and WENO-FD, 90-99%domain

in WENO-FD and 10-1%domain in RKDG



Hybrid mesh approach Cut-cell approach

RKDG+WENO-FD method on structured meshes

RKDG+WENO-FD method for one dimensional conservation laws

In RKDG domain

In WENO-FD domain

( ) ( )1 1

2 2

1 ˆ ˆ( ) 1,...,WENO WENOk

k kk

duf f k j

dt x

( ) ( )1 1

2 2

1 ˆ ˆ( ) 1,...,DG DGk

k kk

duf f k j N

dt x

Conservative coupling method:

Non-conservative coupling method:

( ) ( )1 1

2 2


j jf f

( ) ( )1 1

2 2


j jf f

5th order WENO-FD+3rd order RKDG → Non-conservative Coupling

RKDG+WENO-FD method on treatment of shock wave

1D non-conservative RKDG+WENO-FD method:

In RKDG domain

In WENO-FD domain

( ) ( )1 1

2 2

1 ˆ ˆ( ) 1,...,WENO WENOk

k kk

duf f k j

dt x

( ) ( )1 1

2 2

1 ˆ ˆ( ) 1,...,DG DGk

k kk

duf f k j N

dt x

If one of the cells j and j+1 is polluted, let( ) ( )

1 1

2 2


j jf f

RKDG+WENO-FD method: theoretical results


Conservative multi-domain hybrid method of pth-order RKDG and qth-order WENO-FD is of 1st-order accuracy.

Non-conservative multi-domain hybrid method of pth-order RKDG and qth-order WENO-FD can preserve rth-order (r=min(p,q)) accuracy in smooth region.

Conservation error:

The conservative error of non-conservative multi-domain hybrid method of pth-order RKDG and qth-order WENO-FD is of 3rd-order accuracy.

We consider a general form of the hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method which a pth-order DG method couples with a qth-order WENO-FD scheme (SISC, 2013):

1| |n nj j j j

j j

CE x u x u

RKDG+WENO-FD method on interface flux

Construct WENO-FD flux

When construct WENO-FD flux, RKDG can provide the central point values for WENO construction.

FIG. RKDG provides point values for WENO-FD construction

RKDG+WENO-FD method on hybrid meshes

Construct RKDG flux

When construct RKDG flux, we use WENO point values to construct RKDG flux, wefollow these three steps:

First, we construct a high order polynomial at target cell

( , )p x y,i jI

Second, we construct degrees of freedom of RKDG at the target cell with a local orthogonal basis



( ) ( ), ( ) 2

1( , ) ( , )

( ( , )) i ji j

i ji j

l li j Il I


u p x y v x y dxdyv x y dxdy

At last, we get Gauss quadrature point values and form the interface flux for RKDG

( )ˆ ˆ ( , )RKDG LFIf f u u

RKDG+WENO-FD method on hybrid meshes

Indicator of polluted cell:

,i jI 1,i jI eI

( )rgu

We define ( )


i j gu u u

1, ,i j i ju u u ,i j eu u u


A TVD(TVB) smooth indicator is applied at the coupling interface to indicate possible discontinuities:

(mod)( , , )u m u u u

where m(a1,a2,a3) is TVD(TVB) minmod function.



RKDG and WENO-FD methods

Hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method

Numerical results

Conclusions and future work


Numerical results: Accuracy tests

Example 1: 2D linear scalar conservation law

0 ( , ) (0,1) (0,1)

( ,0) sin(2 )sin(2 )

t x yu u u x y

u x x y

Hybrid mesh


We test the accuracy of the hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method when applied to solve a two dimensional linear scalar conservation law with exact boundary condition couple interface at x=0.5, 0<y<1.

Numerical results: Accuracy tests

Example 2: 2D scalar Burgers’ equation

We test the accuracy of the hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method when applied to solve a two dimensional Burgers’ equation with exact boundary condition couple interface at x=0, -1<y<1.

2 21 1( ) ( ) 0 ( , ) ( 1,1) ( 1,1)2 2

( , ,0) 0.5sin( ( )) 0.25

t x yu u u x y

u x y x y

0.5 /t

Numerical results: 1D Euler systems

Example 3: Sod’s Shock Tube Problem

Artificial boundary at x=-0.5 & 0.5, t=0.4

Numerical results: 1D Euler systems

(a)WENO-FD scheme (b) RKDG-WENO-FD hybrid method

Artificial boundary at x=0.25 & 0.75, t=0.038

Example 4: Two Interacting Blast Waves

Numerical results: 2D scalar conservation law

Example 5: 2D scalar Burgers’ equation

We test the accuracy of the hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method when applied to solve a two dimensional Burgers’ equation with exact boundary condition couple interface at x=0, -1<y<1.

1.5 /t

Numerical results: 2D Euler systems

Example 6: Double Mach Reflection

(a)Hybrid mesh h=1/20, interface y=0.2 (b)Hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD, h=1/120, CPU times: 39894.4s

(c) RKDG, h=1/120, CPU times: 92743.4s (d) WENO-FD, h=1/120, CPU times: 607.8s

FIG. Double mach reflection problem

This is a standard test case for high resolution schemes which a mach 10 shock initially makes a 60o angle with a reflecting wall.

Numerical results: 2D Euler systems

Example 7: Interaction of isentropic vortex and weak shock wave

(a)Interaction of isentropic vortex and weak shock wave, sample mesh, meshsize = 1/20.ℎ

(b) 3 -hybrid 𝑟𝑑RKDG+WENO-FDmethod, density 30 contours from 1.0to 1.24, mesh size h=1/100, t=0.4,CPU time: 2148.7s.

(c) 3 -RKDG 𝑟𝑑method, density 30 contoursfrom 1.0 to 1.24, mesh size h=1/100, t=0.4, CPU time: 4105.9s.

(d) 5 -WENO-𝑡ℎFD scheme, density 30contours from 1.0 to 1.24, mesh sizeh=1/100, t=0.4, CPU time: 37.88s.

This problem describes the interaction between a moving vortex and a stationary shock wave.

Numerical results: 2D Euler systems

Example 8: Flow through a channel with a smooth bump

The computational domain is bounded between x = -1.5 and x = 1.5, and between the bump and y = 0.8. The bump is defined as

We test two cases which is a subsonic flow with inflow Mach number is 0.5 with 0 angle of attack and a supersonic flow with Mach 2.0 with 0 angle of attack.

2250.0625 xy e

FIG. Flow through a channel with a smooth bump, sample mesh, mesh size = 1/20.ℎ

Numerical results: 2D Euler systems

Example 8: Flow through a channel with a smooth bump

FIG. Subsonic flow, 3 -hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method, Mach number 𝑟𝑑15 contours from 0.44 to 0.74, mesh size h=1/20.

FIG. Supersonic flow,3 -hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method, density 25 𝑟𝑑contours from 0.55 to 1.95, mesh size h=1/50.

Numerical results: 2D Euler systems

Example 9: Incident shock past a cylinder

The computational domain is a rectangle with length from = −1.5 to = 1.5 𝑥 𝑥and height for = −1.0 to = 1.0 with a cylinder at the center. The diameter of 𝑦 𝑦the cylinder is 0.25 and its center is located at (0, 0). The incident shock wave is at Mach number of 2.81 and the initial discontinuity is placed at = −1.0.𝑥

FIG. Comparison of sample Mesh. Left for RKDG; Right for hybrid RKDG+WENOFD, mesh size = 1/20.ℎ

Numerical results: 2D Euler systems

Example 9: Incident shock past a cylinder

(a) 3 - 𝑟𝑑 hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method, pressure 25 contours from 1.0 to 20.0, mesh size h=1/100, t=0.5, CPU time: 7100.6s.

(b) 3 - RKDG method, pressure 25 𝑟𝑑contours from 1.0 to 20.0, mesh size h=1/100,t=0.5, CPU time: 41266.7s.

Numerical results: 2D Euler systems

Example 10: Supsonic flow past a tri-airfoil

This is a test of supersonic flow past three airfoils(NACA0012) with Mach number 1.2 and the attack angle 0.0∘. In the sample hybrid mesh for this test case, unstructured meshes are applied in domain [−1.0, 3.0]×[−2.0, 2.0] around airfoils and structured meshes used other computational domains.

FIG. Left Sample hybrid mesh, mesh size h=1/10. Right 3 -hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method, 𝑟𝑑20 density contours from 0.7 to 1.8, mesh size h=1/20.

Numerical results: 2D Euler systems

Example 11: Subsonic flow past NACA0012 airfoil



RKDG and WENO-FD methods

Hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method

Numerical results

Conclusions and future work



A relative simple approach is presented to combine a point-value based WENO-FD scheme with an averaged-value based RKDG method to higher order accuracy.

Special strategy is applied at coupling interface to preserve high order accurate for smooth solution and avoid loss of conservation for discontinuities.

Numerical results are demonstrated the flexibility of the hybrid RKDG+WENO-FD method in handling complex geometries and the capability of saving computational cost in comparison to the traditional RKDG method.

Future work

Accelerate convergence for steady flow

Adopt local mesh refinement and cut-cell approach

Extend to two dimensional N-S equations



BeiHang University
