Hunger & Effects on Children by MJAC

Post on 21-May-2015

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To gain information about Dorchester Couty CarePacks please view this slideshare.

Transcript of Hunger & Effects on Children by MJAC

Miracle-Josette Creighton March 13, 2013

Poverty has a wide range of negative effects on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our nation’s children.

Poverty is linked with inadequate nutrition and

food insecurity.

Low birth weight Poor nutrition which is manifested in:

Inadequate food Lack of access to healthy foods

62% of households with children under the age of 18 reported in poverty.

207,000 children are at risk of hunger in Maryland

85% of the students enrolled at Maple Elementary school live in households where providing for basic needs is a daily challenge.

Provides a bag filled with nutritious foods for our most vulnerable students, including homeless students and other families in crisis, to take home on weekends during the school year.

We aim to provide 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2

snacks and 2 fruit items in every bag.

All items are non-perishable, easily accessible and require little to no preparation.

Students are identified by school personnel including principals, guidance counselors and other staff.

Only identified school personnel have access to protected student information. Every effort is made to protect confidentiality.

The CarePacks mission is to prevent weekend

hunger among Dorchester County’s most economically vulnerable students.

Oatmeal packets Cereal /Granola bars Single serving cereals Toaster Pastries Filled crackers Canned tuna Raisins Easy mac Applesauce cups Instant lunch noodles Fruit cups Canned pasta Peanuts (small packages) Trail mix (small packages)

Fighting Hunger Fueling Success

Thank you very much for

listening to my presentation.

