Hundred of Hoo

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Hundred of Hoo

Challenging All Learners, Hundred of Hoo

What do children need to learn?

Alfred Binet1857 - 1911

‘What (pupils) should learn first is not the subjects ordinarily taught, however important they may be;

they should be given lessons of will, of attention, of discipline; before exercises in grammar, they need to be exercised in mental orthopaedics; in a word

they must learn how to learn.’

Intelligence – nature or nurture?

Alfred Binet1857 - 1911

In 1904, the French government asked Binet to create a mechanism for identifying students in need of alternative education

Binet created a scale of 30 tasks for 6 – 14 year olds, ranging from easy to complex ones

He stated his test showed what a child had learnt to that point, and nothing else

Number of words heard by children

A child in a welfare-dependent family hears on average 616 words an hour

A child in a working-class home hears on average 1,251 words an hour

A child in a professional home hears on average 2,153 words an hour

Number of words spoken by the time children are 3




Hart & Risley, 1995

By the time they start school

Some children start school knowing 6,000 words.

Others, just 500 words.

Source: BBC 2009

What matters is what you believe about intelligence

People who believe intelligence comes mainly from nature have a ‘fixed’ mindset

Professor Carol Dweck, Stanford

People who believe intelligence comes mainly from nurture have a ‘growth’ mindset

Not everything counts

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts

Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton

What is stretch and challenge?

What do these 3 have in common?


How much challenge was there?

What is challenge?


Challenge and Learning




Current Ability

Subconscious Ability

Potential Ability

Learning Zone

Practice Zone

Too Easy

Too Hard





The Teaching Target Model (TTM)




Learning Zone

Practice Zone

Challenge with young children

If A = B then

Does B = A?

Friend Trust

Trust Friend

For example …

Wobblers (If A = B)


Recent Demo Lesson Concepts

What is a toy? (5 year olds)

Was the mouse telling lies? (7 year olds)

What happens when you die? (11 year olds)

What’s the difference between tragedy and romance? (14 year olds)

What is culture? (15 year olds)

Is zero the same as nothing? (17 year olds)

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Example question stems

What is (difference different from?)

What if (everyone was extraordinary?)

Always/never (know?)

How do we know (what love is?)

Why do we (say young people don’t know what love is?)

What is the difference (between ordinary & extraordinary?)

Is it possible (to always be happy?)

When (is happiness a bad thing?)

Who (decides what the natural way is?)

Can we (ever know for sure?)

Colliding concepts

Truth and Opinion

Biodegradable and Reusable

Hero and Villain

Happy and Content

Dreams and Daydreams

Decision and Order

Child and Youth

Lies and Make-believe

Toys and Books

Karma and Revenge

Worked examples at


James Nottingham Challenging Learning

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