HUMANOMICS: A Whole Systems Approach to Economics From An Energy-backed Currency to A...

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HUMANOMICS: A Whole Systems Approach to Economics

From An Energy-backed Currency to A Consciousness-backed Culture

through Redefining Profit

Jeffrey Eisen,

Split, Croatia – July 12, 2012


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

Redefining “profit” is a keyto shifting the system



Economics, culture, and ecosystem


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

How economics forms consciousness and vice versa

Gold and fossil fuels are units of scarcity

Reflecting and creating scarcity consciousness,

narrow self interest

Alternative and renewable sources of energy are units

of abundance

Reflecting and creating abundance consciousness, whole-system awareness


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

Currency backing toward abundance consciousness

Moving away from fiat currencies, the gold standard, and even fossil fuels =

Moving toward a sustainable and renewable energy-backed currency =

moving away from fear and scarcity consciousness

moving toward an abundance consciousness

Energy, like consciousness, is infinite


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”



HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”


A proposed solution to corporate irresponsibility and the degradation

of the human environment


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

Corporations have many things in common with living systems

• They operate at a profit in order to survive.

• They consume and compete for resources.

• They transform resources, thus adding value.


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

Unlike living systems, capitalism and industrialism tend to be

ecologically negative.


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

How do we fix the system?


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

How do we fix the system?

By redefining profitability


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

How do we fix the system?

By redefining profitability

…and moving from narrow self interest to

enlightened self interest


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

Profit is defined by double entry bookkeeping

Income – expense = PROFIT



HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”


• Only from the limited perspective of the economic system

• Not based in global ecological reality

• Subsidized by humanity and the commonwealth


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

How do we change the way corporations define a profit?


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

How do we change the way corporations define a profit?

• By monetizing whole-systemcontribution and whole-systemconsumption


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

How do we change the way corporations define a profit?

• By monetizing whole-systemcontribution and whole-systemconsumption

• … and moving from double to quadruple entry bookkeeping, adding a column to each side


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

REAL PROFIT tracked by

Quadruple Entry BookkeepingIncome for the humansphere(systemcontribution)

Income(for the corporation)

Expense(for the Corporation)

Expense to the humansphere(systemconsumption)


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

Taxation and rewards to influence corporate decision-making

• System negative Taxed for real costs to the system

• System neutral No adjustment

• System positive Rewarded for contributions to the system


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

Profitability redefined!

• Taking the whole humansphere and global ecology into account

HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

Redefining profit shifts corporate motivation toward the goals of Natural Capitalism in a way

that Triple Bottom Line does not

Triple Bottom Line Accounting

Introduces a conflict of interest into

corporate motivation

Quadruple Entry Bookkeeping

Aligns the interest of the corporation with the interests of the

whole system


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

With profitability redefined…

Human nature and the drive to corporate profitability are both redirectedto favor the larger global system.


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

With profitability redefined,the economic advantage shifts to…

Corporate altruism, humanitarian and ecological awareness

Re-education and redirection for the humansphere

New technologies, professions, industries to evaluate global impacts


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

A global problem requires a global solution

• A multilevel governing system

• Local and national autonomous jurisdictions

• A federation at the planetary level for global issues


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

Fiat currencies backed by fiat cultures

Fiat currencies

‘Fiat’ cultural values

Narrow self interest & survival consciousness


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

“The Nazis killed the God in themselves.”---Elie Wiesel

The present economic system kills the God in us all.


HUMANOMICS: “From an Energy-Backed Currency to a Consciousness-Backed Culture through Redefining Profit”

With profitability redefined...from consumption profit to

contribution profit

We bring out the God in ourselves.

By redefining profit, we change the system and shift consciousness at all levels


Enlightened Self Interest

…the realization that our individual survival is dependent on the survival

and stability of the planet

Jeffrey Eisen, Ph.D.PsychoNoetic Science Institute (PSI)36 R Street NW – BWashington, D.C.web: www.psychonoetics.comblog: www.drjeffeisen.come-mail:

Thank you… Questions & Answers ?

For a copy of this presentation and the paper behind it, please visit

Music: The Mother Song,