Humanizing Designs: Leverage the Power of Presentations for Small Businesses

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Humanizing Designs: Leverage the Power of Presentations for Small Businesses

Humanizing Designs: Leverage the Power of Presentations for Small


Do you find data boring and exhaustive? So does your audience

However, do you get bored when someone is visually explaining you the same data?

It is easy to pay attention and understand visually

presented content, instead of plain text

People remember 80% of what they see and do

Big B’s in the market like CocaCola, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, and Apple also use visual media techniques to attract customers

So, what exactly needs to be done for making your visual content powerful?

Well, click here to learn the Visual Content Marketing Strategy for SMBs

Meanwhile, this Slideshare is focused on creating powerful presentations for small businesses, through which they can get the desired response from audience

How to do that? Never follow anyone…

There will be millions of presentations available online on the topic you are working on

Don’t cheat, but read as much as you can

Find out the aspect that is not discussed before and people are asking about it. Talk about that!

People like to read NEW stuff which is relatable.

A perfect photograph is the one that tells a tale and connects to audience at some level - Everybody connect to pictures at different levels

Do the same thing with your content - Keep the ends open for users to connect the dots

Ask questions to engage audience for a little exercise that will keep their minds focused and active

Use powerful visuals that says it all. People hate when they’re dictated something. Let them figure out on their own

Try to relate factual data with theory and, if possible, personal experiences and case studies

Your presentation should be a tutor, facilitator, and presenter on its own

Use visualization technique. That means you present content in a story form which is open to multiple interpretations. In short add an artistic touch

The most important point is incorporating emotions. There should be reflective pauses in your presentation where your clients could think, imagine, smile, laugh, fear, and feel sad

One way to do that is by talking through your color, font, and shape choices

Second way is to have a conversation with your audience, instead of just throwing numbers at them

Third way is to incorporate deep and insightful visuals

Fourth way is by making it abstract

Whereas, the fifth way is making your design humanistic

Resources or online tools that can help in creating creative visuals and presentations


If not, then simply HIRE A DESIGNER

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