Human rights in germany…?!. Bundeskanzleramt Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Willy-Brandt-Straße 1...

Post on 06-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Human rights in germany…?!. Bundeskanzleramt Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Willy-Brandt-Straße 1...

Human rights in germany…?!

BundeskanzleramtBundeskanzlerinAngela MerkelWilly-Brandt-Straße 110557 Berlin

Datum 10-08-31

Does germany really care for human rights? Dear Ms Merkel, many thanks in advance for your time and attention . I‘m a former UNV serving with UNMIK in 2004. Since I resigned my volunteer job, I‘m still wire-

tapped . Further on, these data seems not to be protected, like datas should used to get handled. Until now, I wrote several petitions to the autority in charge and even the UN. But it still goes on. EU and UN are keeping their own ‚black lists‘ . So I guess I‘m on these kind of list. The methods they are using to tap me, are not suptle. Thus so, I made my inquieries about to the german intelligent service (Bundesnachrichtendienst) and the autorithy of military defence/intelligence service (MAD).

Herewith I please for to end all these. There are no justification for all that what‘s going on! Sincerely!

Mmmmhhh, odd ,isn’t it…

• Serving as a new member with United Nation and there are no secret investigations, no security checking.


Oh, wasn’t there a mail in 2006 ….

Amnesty international germany wrote…“to prove the investigation and what’s going on will be difficult”

www.usarmyrytonmicowavefx.www.controlledOffensiveBehavior.www.targetedindividuals.comThe second report of the federal ministry of

defence of germany.The ECHOLON-System

Here’s statement of the CIA

No statement was given to the case of electronic-harassment and


The ministry of the german chancellor wrote:…all investigations of the international intelligent

services in germany are with approval of the german goverment

I can’t thank enough for the ‘good job’ the german intelligence service did

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Finally I realized,

that in germany nothing really has changed since 1945 !

Some people are still caring to keep this.

And the less people are reflective, the easier it will go on…

To beware for slander – I’m the person I’m the sacrifice!!!(sometimes I ‘m still trying to enjoy my life and laugh)

E-harassment does it mean European harassement…?