Human Resource Management MANA 3320

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Human Resource Management MANA 3320. Dr. Jeanne Michalski Mission, Vision, and Values. Mission The basic purpose of the organization as well as its scope of operations Strategic Vision - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Human Resource Management MANA 3320

Human Resource ManagementMANA 3320

Dr. Jeanne

Mission, Vision, and Values• Mission

– The basic purpose of the organization as well as its scope of operations

• Strategic Vision– A statement about where the company is going and

what it can become in the future; clarifies the long-term direction of the company and its strategic intent

• Core Values– The strong and enduring beliefs and principles that

the company uses as a foundation for its decisions

Human Resource Management

Planning and Job Design



Recruiting and Selection

Training and Development

Performance Management

Planning and Job Design


Employee Relations

Recruiting and Selection

Training and Development

Performance Evaluation Labor



Laws and Regulations


Overall Framework for Human Resources Management

Competitive Challenges and Human Resources Management

• The most pressing competitive issues facing firms:– Competing, recruiting, and staffing globally– Embracing new technology– Managing change– Managing talent, or human capital – Responding to the market – Containing costs

Challenge 1: Competing, Recruiting, and Staffing Globally

• Globalization– The trend toward opening up foreign markets to

international trade and investment

• Impact of Globalization– “Anything, anytime, anywhere” markets– Partnerships with foreign firms– Lower trade and tariff barriers

• NAFTA, EU, trade agreements• WTO

Challenge 2: Embracing New Technology

• Knowledge Workers– Workers whose responsibilities extend beyond the

physical execution of work to include planning, decision making, and problem solving.

• Knowledge-Based Training– Online instruction– “Just-in-time” learning via the Internet

on company intranets– Virtual learning

Challenge 3: Managing Change• Types of Change

– Reactive change• Change that occurs after external forces have already

affected performance

– Proactive change• Change initiated to take advantage of targeted


• Managing Change through HR– Formal change management programs help to keep

employees focused on the success of the business.

Challenge 3: Managing Change• Why Change Efforts Fail:

– Not establishing a sense of urgency.– Not creating a powerful coalition to guide the effort.– Lacking leaders who have a vision.– Lacking leaders who communicate the vision.– Not removing obstacles to the new vision.– Not systematically planning for and creating short-term

“wins.”– Declaring victory too soon.

– Not anchoring changes in the corporate culture.

Challenge 4: Managing Talent, or Human Capital

• Human Capital– The knowledge, skills, and capabilities of

individuals that have economic value to an organization.

– Valuable because capital:• is based on company-specific skills.• is gained through long-term experience.• can be expanded through development.

Challenge 5: Responding to the Market• Total Quality Management (TQM)

– A set of principles and practices whose core ideas include understanding customer needs, doing things right the first time, and striving for continuous improvement.

• Six Sigma– A process used to translate customer needs into a set of

optimal tasks that are performed in concert with one another.

• HR facilitates organizational development of Six Sigma.• HR helps balance the opposing needs for order and

control with the needs for growth and creativity.

Challenge 5: Responding to the Market (cont’d)

• Reengineering and HRM– Fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of

business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in cost, quality, service, and speed.

• Requires that managers create an environment for change.

• Depends on effective leadership and communication processes.

• Requires that administrative systems be reviewed and modified.

Challenge 6: Containing Costs

• Downsizing– The planned elimination of jobs (“head count”).– Layoffs

• Outsourcing– Contracting outside the organization to have work

done that formerly was done by internal employees.

• Offshoring (Global Sourcing)– The business practice of sending jobs to other


Challenge 6: Containing Costs (cont’d)

• Hidden Costs of a Layoff

– Severance and rehiring costs

– Accrued vacation and sick day payouts

– Pension and benefit payoffs

– Potential lawsuits from aggrieved workers

– Loss of institutional memory and trust in management

– Lack of staffers when the economy rebounds

– Survivors who are risk-averse, paranoid, and political

Discussion Questions

1. Are people always an organization’s most valuable asset? Why or why not?

2. Suppose your boss asked you to summarize the major people-related concerns related to opening an office in China. What issues would be on your list?

3. What are the pros and cons of change? Does it help or hurt the performance of organizations?

Discussion Questions

4. Do cost-containment pressures work against the effective management of people? Why or why not?

5. What are the pros and cons of having a more diverse workforce? Is the US in a better position to compete globally because of its diverse population?

Discussion Question

• List the main roles that an HR manager plays and then select the one, in your opinion, that is most important.


1. Effective HRM balances the competing needs of

a. competitive challenges and employee concerns. b. production and marketing.c. business and government.d. rare and organized talents.


The Answer Is “A”

Effective HRM balances the competing needs of competitive challenges and employee concerns.


3. One of the benefits some organizations realize after a downsizing is ________.

a. workers who aren’t afraid to innovate.

b. improved efficiency.c. a more loyal and productive

workforce.d. a recruiting edge.


The Answer Is “B”

One of the benefits of downsizing is improved efficiency. Options a, c, and d are benefits of a no-layoff policy.


4. Approximately ____ percent of mothers with school-age children are employed in some capacity.

a. 30b. 45c. 59 d. 71


The Answer Is “D”

Approximately 71 percent of mothers with school-age children are employed in some capacity.


6. For an HR professional, excellent problem-solving skills is a ____ competency.

a. HR mastery b. change masteryc. business mastery d. personal credibility


The Answer Is “B”

Change mastery implies that HR professionals are able to manage the change process Excellent problem-solving skills is a change mastery competency.

Human Resource Competency Model

SHRM Code of Ethical and Professional Standards in Human Resource Management

Society for Human Resource Management


Professional ResponsibilityCore PrincipleAs HR professionals, we are responsible for adding value to the organizations we serve and contributing to the ethical success of those organizations. We accept professional responsibility for our individual decisions and actions. We are also advocates for the profession by engaging in activities that enhance its credibility and value.

Intent• To build respect, credibility and strategic importance for the HR profession within our

organizations, the business community, and the communities in which we work.• To assist the organizations we serve in achieving their objectives and goals.• To inform and educate current and future practitioners, the organizations we serve, and the

general • public about principles and practices that help the profession.• To positively influence workplace and recruitment practices.• To encourage professional decision-making and responsibility.• To encourage social responsibility.