Human Resource Accounting

Post on 07-Dec-2015

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HRA relates with human resources accounting

Transcript of Human Resource Accounting


Economists consider human capital as a production factor, and they explore different ways of measuring its investment in education, health, and other areas. Accountants have recognized the value of human assets for at least 70 years. Research into true human resource accounting began in the 1960s by Rensis Likert. Likert defends long-term planning by strong pressure on human resources' qualitative variables, resulting in greater benefits in the long run.

Looking at different proposals the resource theory considers human resources in a more explicit way. This theory considers that the competitive position of a firm depends on its specific and not duplicated assets. The most specific (and not duplicated) asset that an enterprise has is its personnel. It takes advantage of their interdependent knowledge. That would explain why some firms are more productive than others. With the same technology, a solid human resource team makes all the difference.

The American Accounting Association [1970] defines human resource accounting as "The human resources identification and measuring process and also its communication to the interested parties." There are two reasons for including human resources in accounting. First, people are a valuable resource to a firm so long as they perform services that can be quantified. The firm need not own a person for him to be considered a resource. Second, the value of a person as a resource depends on how he is employed. So management style will also influence the human resource value.

Human resource accounting (HRA) as an approach was originally defined as the process of identifying, measuring and communicating information about human resources in order to facilitate effective management within an organisation. It is an extension of the accounting principles of matching costs and revenues and of organizing data to communicate relevant information in financial terms.

Human resource accounting systems also assist companies to evaluate and manage staff. The ability to record

employee performance details is a valuable source of information for performance evaluation and career

progression. By establishing key performance indicators, managers can record and track employee performance

on an individual level. Best examples of HRA are BHEL, ONGC, SAIL, NTPC, MMTC, ACC, and TATA.


1. Evaluation of Human Resources.

2. Recording of Evaluation in the books of accounts.

3. Presenting the information in the financial statements for need to the interested parties.

Basic premises of HRA

People are valuable resources. They useful as manpower in an organisation is determined by the way in which it is managed. Information or investment & value of human resource is useful for decision-making enterprise.


The human resource accounting systems main objective is to supply relevant information to meet the demands of investors and managers.

HRA helps in determining the return on investment on Human Resources. The hr accounting system provides a means to centralize financial information that is related to

employee management. This assist companies to meet compliance standards, keep investors informed, meet taxation

requirements, evaluate ongoing resource requirements and assist with strategic decision-making.


o It will give us the cost of developing human resources.o Return on Investment.o Make the policies for HR (Recruitment, Selection & Training).o It can be seen whether business has made proper investments in terms of money or not.o It will help in improving the efficiency of employee.

Methods of valuing and accounting of human resources

The methods to value and account for human resources can be classified into the following categories:

1. Methods based on costs (which include costs incurred by the company to recruit, hire, train and develop human resources) or Human Resource Cost Accounting.

2. Methods based on economic value of human resources and the capitalization of company’s earnings or Human Resource Value Accounting.


HRCA is defined as the measurement & reporting of the cost incurred to accurate and develop people as original resources. It deal with according for investment made by an organisation in acquisition & developing Human Resource as well as replacement cost of people presently employed. In cost of HRA organisation deal: -

(1) Cost of Recruiting (2) Cost of Selection (3) Cost of Contracting (4) Cost of Placing (5) Cost of Training

(6) Cost of Orientation (7) Cost of Promotion (8)Cost of Improvement (9) Cost of Substitution (10) Exit Cost

(1) Historical cost method: -

Under this method, the cost of acquisition i.e. selection, hiring, training costs of employees are capitalized and written off over the expected useful life of the employees. In case, the personnel leave the company before the anticipated period of service, then the unamortised portion of costs remaining in the company’s books is written off against the profit and loss account in that year. If the period of service exceeds the anticipated time, then amortisation of costs is rescheduled.

(2) Replacement cost method:-

Under this method, the human resources are valued at their replacement cost i.e. the monetary implications of replacing existing personnel. Replacement costs could be positional i.e. replacing personnel for particular positions or personal i.e. replacing specific talent or ability of particular persons.

(3) Competitive bidding method:-

This approach suggests competitive bidding for scarce employees in an organisation i.e. opportunity cost of employees linked to scarcity. The approach proposes the capitalizing of additional earning potential of each human resource within the company.

(4) Standard cost method :-

Under this method, standard costs of recruiting, hiring, training, and developing per grade of employees are determined annually. The total standard cost for all personnel of the company is the value of human resources.


(!) Jaggi and Lau method:-

This method estimates the worth of human resources on a group-basis, as human resource groups account for productivity and performance in organisations.

(2)Economic value method:-

Under this method, the net present value of incremental cash flows attributed to human resources is taken as the asset value.


Until recently, the "value" of an enterprise as measured within traditional balance sheets, e.g. buildings, production plant, etc., was viewed as a sufficient reflection of the enterprise's assets. However, with the growing emergence of the knowledge economy, this traditional valuation has been called into question due to the recognition that human capital is an increasingly important part of an enterprise's total value. This has led to two important questions:

How to assess the value of human capital in addition to an enterprise's tangible assets and How to improve the development of human capital in enterprises. The emergence of methods for

accounting human resources aimed at measuring, developing and managing the human capital in an enterprise, can thus be said to reflect the need for improving measuring and accounting practices as well as human resource management.