[HTML5 CONVERSION] Where is the Web Headed? 5 Web Design Trends Coming Into 2015

Post on 10-Jun-2015

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The internet has come a long way. From its humble text-based beginning, it has become a multi-purpose and heavily graphical part of our everyday lives. And as time keeps turning, the worldwide web will keep on evolving in order to adapt to mankind’s ever-changing wants and needs. And here are five other web design trends that are dominating the web design industry. Read more: http://www.spi-global.com/blog/innovation-lab/html5-conversion-web-design-trends-2015/

Transcript of [HTML5 CONVERSION] Where is the Web Headed? 5 Web Design Trends Coming Into 2015

the will keep

on evolving in order to adapt to mankind’s ever-changing wants and needs.

Here are trends that are dominating the web design industry.

If a website possesses this, it can

, allowing it to adjust so that it can provide the best possible look.

Images are a lot less work to the eyes as compared to text, not to mention

With just one look, a user already gets the message.

It’s to just

keep on scrolling rather than clicking on a small link or button, especially on smartphones and tablets.

A shift of focus to a

design. It loads faster, especially on smartphones and tablets.

can now be bought at reasonable prices, allowing small and medium business owners to use them in launching viral marketing campaign and establishing company identity.

It’s all speculation at this point, but these innovations are very likely next year’s cyberspace.
