HTML Tutorials 3 & 4: Working With CSS

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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CIS 1315. HTML Tutorials 3 & 4: Working With CSS. CSS Basics. Style Rules Determines Style Characteristics for an HTML Element Selector Determines Element to Which Rule is Applied Declaration Details the Exact Property Values Property Quality or Characteristic (e.g., Color) Value - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of HTML Tutorials 3 & 4: Working With CSS

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

CIS 1315

HTMLTutorials 3 & 4: Working With CSS

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

CSS Basics

Style Rules Determines Style Characteristics for an HTML Element Selector

Determines Element to Which Rule is Applied Declaration

Details the Exact Property Values Property

Quality or Characteristic (e.g., Color) Value

Specification of Property (e.g., Blue)

Style Sheet Set of Style Rules

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

CSS Basics

Style Rule Syntax

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Combining CSS & HTML

Inline Modify the Appearance of a Particular Element

Style Attribute

Embedded Applied To An Entire Document

Redefines All Occurrences of a Particular Element Uses <style>…</style> in <head>

Linked External File of Declarations Available to an Entire Site

ASCII File with an Extension of .css

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Inline Style

Defines a Style for a Single Element Generally Used to Override a Style Set at a Higher Level

Only Affects One Instance of an Element

Syntax <tag style=“property:value1; property:value2;”>

<h1 style=“color:green; font-family:sans-serif;”>

<b style=“color:yellow; background-color:green;”>

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Embedded Style

Always Contained in the <head> Generally Used to Override a Style Set at a Higher Level Only Affects the Document in Which it Resides

Syntax selector {declarations}

<style type=“text/css”> h1 {color:green; font-family:sans-serif;} b {color:yellow; background-color:green;}</style>

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Linked Style

External Style Sheet

Always Contained in the <head>

Text Document that Contains Style Rules

Allows Specification of Rules for Multiple Documents

Does Not Contain HTML Code


<link rel=“stylesheet” href=“master.css”>

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Element that Contains Another Element


Element within Another Element


CSS Rules Inherit from Parent to Child Elements

Based on Hierarchical Structure of Documents

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Basic Selection

Type Selectors

Selector Determines Element to which Declaration is Applied

Style Sheet Examples:

h2 {color: red;}

p {font-size: 10 pt;}

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Basic Selection

Grouping Selectors

Set the Same Declaration for Multiple Selectors


h1 {color: red;}

h2 {color: red;}


h1, h2 {color: red;}

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Basic Selection

Combining Declarations

Multiple Declarations May be Stated for Same Selector


p {color: blue;}

p {font-size: 12pt;}


p {color: blue; font-size: 12pt;}

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Basic Selection

Descendant Selector

AKA Contextual Selectors

Based on Hierarchical Structure of Elements in Document


b i {color: #336699; background-color: #000000;}

Does Not Apply to i b

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Advanced Selection

id Attribute Selector Applied to Only ONE Unique Element in a Document Core Attribute that can be Applied to Any HTML Element


<p id=“preface”>This is a unique paragraph that is the preface of the document</p>

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Advanced Selection

class Attribute Selector Enables Application of Rule to Selected Element(s) Core Attribute that can be Applied to Any HTML Element


<p class=“quote”>Text in red with a 30 pixel margin</p>

May be Restricted to a Specific Element Typeh1.quote {color: red; margin: 30px;}

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Advanced Selection

<div>…</div> Block Level Element Used to Contain Other HTML Elements Displayed Discretely from the Rest of the Document

Paragraph Breaks Added Before and After <div> Contents

<span>…</span> Inline Element Used to Contain Other HTML Elements Used within Text Blocks

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Advanced Selection

Pseudo-Class Selectors Select Elements Based on Characteristics Other Than Name

Link Pseudo-Classes :link

Allow Modification of Style Characteristics for Unvisited Links

:link {color: green;}

:visited Allow Modification of Style Characteristics for Visited Links

:visited {color: green;}

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Advanced Selection

Pseudo-Class Selectors Dynamic Pseudo-Classes

Apply Styles to an Element Based on User’s Actions :hover

Applies Style When User Mouses Over Element

:active Applies Style When User Activates Element

:focus Applies Style When Element is Accepting User Input

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Advanced Selection

Pseudo-Elements Selectors

Modify Aspects of Document Not Classified by Elements


Apply Style Rules to the First Letter of Any Block-level Element

Initial Capitals

Drop Capitals

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Advanced Selection

Pseudo-Element Selectors


CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Advanced Selection

Pseudo-Element Selectors :first-line

Apply Style Rules to the First Line of Any Block-level Element

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Visual Formatting Model

Three Element Display Type Categories Block (e.g., Paragraphs)

Contain Inline Boxes that Contain Element Content

Inline Contain Content within the Block-level Elements Do not Form New Blocks of Content

List-item Creates Surrounding Container and List-item Inline Boxes

display: block | inline | list-item | none

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Box Model

Describes Rectangular Boxes that Contain Content Each Block-level Element is Displayed as a Box Each Content Box can have Margins, Borders, & Padding

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Margin Properties

margin: # | % Shorthand Property Sets All Four Individual Margins

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Margin Properties

margin-left | margin-right | margin-top | margin-bottom: # | % Negative margins can be set to achieve special effects

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Padding Properties

padding: # | %

Shorthand Property Sets All Four Individual Paddings

Same Format as Margin

padding-left | padding-right | padding-top | padding-bottom: # | %

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Border Properties

border: style width color Shorthand Property Sets All Four Individual Borders

Same Format as Margin

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Border Properties

border-style: keyword Keywords

none dotted dashed solid double groove ridge inset outset

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Border Properties

border-width: thin | medium | thick | #

border-color: value

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Special Box Properties

width: # | % Sets Horizontal Width of a Containing Box

height: # | % Sets Vertical Height of a Containing Box

float: left | right | none Sets Position of an Element to Left/Right of Parent Element

clear: none | left | right | both Controls Flow of Text Around Floated Elements

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Special Box Properties

float & clear

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Background Properties


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Background Properties


CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Background Properties


CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Background Properties


CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

List Properties

list-style-type: disc | circle | square | decimal | decimal-leading-zero | lower-roman | upper-roman | lower-greek | lower alpha | lower-latin | upper-alpha | upper-latin | hebrew | armenian | georgian | cjk-ideographic | hiragana | katakana | hira-ganairoha | katakana-iroha | none Default = disc Allows Customization of the List Marker

Syntax:ul {list-style-type: circle;}

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

List Properties


CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

List Properties

list-style-image: url(filename.ext) Allows Use of Image as List Marker

Syntax:ul {list-style-image: url(paw.gif);}

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

List Properties

list-style-position: inside | outside

Default = inside

Allows Placement of the List Marker


ul {list-style-position: outside;}

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Positioning Properties

position: type position size

type = static | relative | absolute | fixed

position = top | left | bottom | right

size = height | width

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Positioning Properties

div {position:absolute; left:130px; top:100px;}

CIS 1315 – Web Development for Educators

Positioning Properties

div {position:absolute; left:130px; top:100px; width: 100px;}