Html ppt computer

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Its a ppt on HTML hope its helpful!!!!

Transcript of Html ppt computer

Introduction Introduction to HTMLto HTML

Made by Anmol Pant, Class 8C, Roll NO.-31


HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, and it is used to create hypertext documents for the world wide web. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes, and other items. It allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of "tags" surrounded by angle brackets within the web page content. A tag is a markup which indicates how the contents of the webpage should look like. All the HTML documents are created in a Word processing software such as Notepad and are saved with the extension of .htm or .html

Basic HTML CommandsBasic steps: using tagsHTML uses tags to communicate to the client (browser) how to display text and images. Tags are contained in < > symbols. In most cases you start with the beginning tag, put in the word or words that will be affected by this tag, and at the end of the string of word(s), you place a closing tag.

For example, to create a title for a document you would do the following:

<title>My First HTML Document</title>

The closing tag normally contains a "/" before the directive to indicate the termination of the action.

HTML tags are not case-sensitive, although URLs generally are. In most cases (with the exception of preformatted text) HTML collapses many spaces to one space and does not read blank lines. However, when you write your text you should leave several blank lines between paragraphs to make editing your HTML source document easier.

The HTML tag

Although not currently required by all clients, the <html> tag signals the point where text should start being interpreted as HTML code. It's probably a good idea to include it in all your documents now, so you don't have to go back to your files and add it later.

The <html> tag is usually placed on the first line of your document. At the end of your document you should close with the </html> tag.

The head tagJust like the header of a memo, the head of an HTML document contains special information, like its title. The head of a document is demarcated by <head> and </head> respectively.

For the purposes of this class, only the title tag, below, should be included in the document head. A typical head section might look like

<html><head><title>My First HTML Document</title></head>

Types of HTML tags

Container tags• Container tags have a

beginning and an end tag ,the end tag is similar to the beginning tag but with a “/” sign in front of it.

• Examples:-

• <b> and </b>

• <table>and</table> etc…

Empty tags• Empty tags are

standalone tags and do not have an end tag.

• Examples:-

• <br>

• <p>


• Attributes provide additional information to the tag. A tag becomes more meaningful with the help of an attribute.

• Example- a simple <p> tag will create a new paragraph but when we add the align attribute to it, we can set the alignment of the paragraph like <p align=“Left” will make the paragraph aligned to the left of the browser window.

TitlesA title tag allows you to specify a Document Title in your browser window. When people make hotlists, this title is what they see in their list after they add your document. The format is:

<title>My First HTML Document</title>

Remember, the title usually doesn't appear in the document itself, but in a title box or bar at the top of the window.

The body tagLike you might expect, the body tags <body> and </body> define the beginning and end of the bulk of your document. All your text, images, and links will be in the body of the document.

The body should start after the head. A typical page might begin like

<html><head><title>My First HTML Document</title></head><body>

HeadersThere are up to six levels of headers that can be used in your document, h1 through h6. Header 1 is the largest header and they get progressively smaller through header 6. Below are each of the six headers and how they usually appear in relation to one another.

<h1>This is a header 1 tag</h1>This is a header 1 tag

<h2>This is a header 2 tag</h2>This is a header 2 tag

<h3>This is a header 3 tag</h3>This is a header 3 tag

<h4>This is a header 4 tag</h4>This is a header 4 tag

<h5>This is a header 5 tag</h5>This is a header 5 tag

<h6>This is a header 6 tag</h6>This is a header 6 tag


In HTML, a paragraph tag <p> should be put at the end of every paragraph of "normal" text (normal being defined as not already having a tag associated with it).

<p> causes a line break and adds a trailing blank line

<br> causes a line break with no trailing blank line

As a convenience to yourself and others who might have to edit your HTML documents, it's a very good idea to put two or three blank lines between paragraphs to facilitate editing.

Boldface and Italics

You can add emphasis to text by using the boldface and italic tags or the emphasis and strong tags.

There is an underline tag as well, but most people don't use it since text that is linked is often underlined. The potential for confusion and the archaic nature of underlining in general make it a poor marker for emphasis.

When using these tags, you usually cannot (and probably should not) have text that is both boldface and italics; the last tag encountered is usually the tag that is displayed. For example, if you had a boldface tag followed immediately by an italic tag, the tagged word would appear in italics.

Physical tags This is a <b>boldface</b> tag. This is how boldfacing appears.

This is an <i>italic</i> tag. This is how italics appear.

ListsThere is an easy way in HTML to have numbered, unnumbered, and definition lists. In addition, you can nest lists within lists.

When using lists, you have no control over the amount of space between the bullet or list number, HTML automatically does this for you. Neither (as yet) do you have control over what type of bullet will be used as each browser is different.

Unnumbered lists

Unnumbered lists are started with the <ul> tag, followed by the actual list items, which are marked with the <li> tag. The list is ended with the ending tag </ul>.

For example, here is an unnumbered list with three items: <ul> <li> list item 1 <li> list item 2 <li> list item 3 </ul>

Here is how that list would display: * list item 1 * list item 2 * list item 3


Numbered lists Here is the same list using a numbered list format:

<ol> <li> list item 1 <li> list item 2 <li> list item 3 </ol>

Here is how that list would display:

1. list item 1 2. list item 2 3. list item 3

3. Definition lists Definition lists allow you to indent without necessarily having to use bullets.

<dl> <dt> This is a term <dd> This is a definition <dd> And yet another definition <dt> Another term <dd> Another definition </dl>

And here is how this would be displayed

This is a term This is a definition. And yet another definition. Another term Another definition

Horizontal Rule

To separate sections in a document, you can insert a horizontal rule tag <hr>. A horizontal rule is displayed as follows:

AddressesThe <address> tag normally appears at the end of a document and is used most frequently to mark information on contacting the author or institution that has supplied this information. Anything contained within the address tag appears in italics. The address tag is another example of a logical tag, and although it currently does nothing but make text appear in italics, this could change as HTML code advances.

Here is an example of how an address might appear:

<address>Introduction to HTML / Pat Androget /</address>

And it would appear as:

Introduction to HTML / Pat Androget /


It is possible to include comments in a source HTML document that do not appear when seen through a browser. This is most useful for giving warnings and special instructions to future editors of your document.

Comments take the form:

<!-----This comment will not appear in the browser----->

The comment can even break lines

<!----This comment won't be seen by anyone either even though it's broken between lines--->

bgcolor=" "Defines the default background colour of the screen used for the page.

Expressed as a named colour or as the hexadecimal code of a specific colour in #RRGGBB format.



bgcolor="white" bgcolor="#ffffff"bgproperties=

Used in conjunction with the background parameter in the Internet Explorer browser, this command attribute will allow a background image to float on a page like a watermark.





border=Defines the width in pixels of the border surrounding a bordered object.

Expressed as the number of pixels.

All commands using this parameter.


border=10bordercolor=" "

Defines the color applied to the border of a bordered object.Expressed as a named color or as the hexadecimal code of a specific color

in #RRGGBB format. The attribute is recognized only by the Internet Explorer browser.



bordercolor="blue" bordercolor="#0000ff"

Cell padding=Defines the standoff or amount of white space between the edges of a table cell and the table data.

Expressed as the number of pixels.




Cell spacing=Defines the amount of space or gutter to allow between table cells in a table.

Expressed as the number of pixels.




face=" "Defines a single font face or a list of font faces to be used. Only face names exactly matching those installed on the user's microcomputer can be displayed. The first matching font face presented in the font name list is accepted and displayed.

Any font face name.



face="geneva, arial, helvetica, helv, futura"frame value.


vspace=Defines the vertical standoff or amount of white space surrounding an object or element.

Expressed in pixels.All commands using this parameter.


width=Defines the width of an object or element.

Expressed either in pixels or as a percent of the space available for display.

All commands using this parameter.



Thank you