Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Health Professions Council

Transcript of HPC


Anne SermanLaboratory Manager

Tayside Haematology Laboratories


Understanding the portfolio

Organising training to meet the Standards

What is the portfolio about ?• Prepares the trainee to work safely in any

laboratory - first job, first day• could be called an extended induction• Focus on learning about

the laboratory culture and profession

aspects of governance

interpersonal skills

diagnostics working for the patient

basic laboratory investigation

The Laboratory Culture and Profession

• The laboratory infrastructure

• Lines of accountability, management, extra ordinary roles

• HPC code of practice

• Role of the BMS

• Workload management

• Service Users


Aspects of health & safety policy

hazards/risk legislationCOSHH

Aspects of quality management quality control audit incident investigation risk management SOPs


Interpersonal Skills

• Knowing personal limits

• Communication

• Team working

• Equal opportunities

Diagnostics working for the patient

what the other lab disciplines do

case histories

pre-analytical variables

the sample journey

exposure to multi-disciplinary team meetings

their role in the jigsaw from the patient’s perspective

Basic Laboratory Investigation

• competency training

• use and maintenance of automation & equip

• basic test principles

• validation of results

• evaluation of new tests, equipment, reagents

• how all the support mechanisms work to produce a reliable result



Good understanding of how to work safely in the laboratory

Capable of working in any laboratory

Organising Training to meet the Standards

The Tayside Experience

The Portfolio

We found it :

– a complex document

– a general approach - far less emphasis on scientific training in the ‘ology’

– very different orientation of training

– mixed aspects of training in some standards

– a lot of evidence required

We Thought It Needed to be Reorganised

We prefer to teach a single topic rather than by the requirements of each standard

Training can be networked to draw in experts in the field

Topics can be taught in a seminar and extended to ALL trainees cross discipline

Organising the Competencies

6 categories Health & Safety Quality Information Technology Specimen Reception Management and Professional Laboratory Investigation

Networking of Training

Cross discipline support by Safety officers IT managers Training officers Quality managers Specimen reception managers Lab managers Lab staff


Maximise efficiency of training by:

• asking the experts to teach their subject

• teaching a large portion of the portfolio to the trainees as a group i.e. single sessions

• sharing the burden

Generic Training Quality, H&S, IT, management &professional

are common topics delivered cross discipline

Multidisciplinary expert groups :

collaborate to produce lesson plans

+/-practical sessions

fulfil the HPC competencies

include discussion of related evidences

Discipline Specific Training

• Practical hands-on training

• Specimen Reception and Laboratory Investigation are more pertinent to each discipline and are taught in-house

Assessment of Evidence

• TBMS hands evidence to the relevant expert within discipline for sign off i.e. Data Protection Act to IT manager

• Training officer signs off each standard when it is complete

• each ensures that the work is appropriate and original

Bonuses during the process• Staff willingness to collaborate in a

multidisciplinary delivery of training

• Input from TBMSs +ve and -ve feedback 9 months to complete - best estimate

• portfolio training is a good basis for CPD record - a natural continuation

• cycle some modules for support grades

Some of the Challenges

• Persuading lab staff to shift focus in training from specialty to generic training

• explaining the portfolio ( again and again)

• defining, organising, cross referencing evidence

• maintaining momentum

It Gets Easier!